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November 09, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-09

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'U' Offers Educational


Littell To Review Stroup's Thesis
At Saturday Luncheon Discussion

Courses for Adults

Newman Club Party .

. .

From the sod-mulch method of or-
chard management to merchants'
problems-that covers the wide range
of the adult education program in
Interested citizens of the state may
"elect" evening clinics on almost any
subject desired, twelve-week courses
or even a five-year demonstration
program on the above-mentioned or-
chard management.
Courses Popular
Schools, women's clubs, industrial
and labor groups-even one small
Recognition Night
The publicity committee for
Recognition Night will meet at 5
p. metoday in the Undergraduate
office of the League. All com-
mittee members must bring their
eligibility cards.
Attaturk's Death
To Be Honored
Ceremony To Highlight
Turkish Open House
Movies and a ceremony commemo-
rating the seventh anniversary of
the death of Kemal Attaturk, foun-
der of the Turkish Republic, will
highlight the open house to be held
by Turkish students all day tomor-
row at the International Center.
The ceremony honoring the mem-
ory of Attaturk, the "George Wash-
ington of Turkey," will begin at 9:05
a. m. Movies depicting his life will
be shown at 9:30 a.m., 2 p.m., and
4 p.m.

city have participated, in the service
The city mentioned did some
"extra-curricular" learning in order
to increase its tourist trade, accord-
ing to Harold Titus, magazine writer.
Visit( s to the city had been encoun-
tering difficulty in finding hotel and
recreational facilities. Clerks, wait-
resses and others who contact tourists
took a winter course in servicing vis-
Union Aided
the benefits to a union-member
are also cited in,Titus booklet, which
will be distributed by the State Board
of Control for Vocational Education,
Michigan State College, and the Uni-
versity. Through a public-speaking
course, he said, he was enabled to
help his union toward a better-in-
formed membership.
After taking several years of eve-
ning courses, an engineer testified in
the booklet to the enjoyment he had
gained through his understanding of
Extensive as the program is, lead-
ers in adult education feel that it
could be increased.
Expainsion Advocated
"As far as we have gone in adult
education in Michigan and as fast
as we have gone, we still lag when
need and demand are considered,"
Titus writes.
The committee in charge of the
publication was under the direction of
Dr. Charles Fisher of the University
Extension Service. Other members
were Lee Thurston, deputy superin-
tendent of public instruction; Lloyd
Geil of Michigan State College; and
George Fern of the State Board of
Control for Vocational Education.
Eighteen Coeds
Are Enrolled
In Law School
Eighteen women are enrolled in
the University Law School this se-
mester, according to figures tabulated
by the Registrar's Office Monday.
Of the total 259 students enrolled,
160 are returned veterans, one of
these a woman. Prewar enrollment in
law school almost doubled the present
Approximately 50 of the enrolled
veterans have previously studied law
and have returned to complete their
training, according to E. Blythe Sta-
son, dean of the school.
Four South American students
have returned for graduate study
and research in Inter-American busi-
ness law, Dean Stason reported. Two
of these men are from Brazil, the
others from Argentina and Mexico.
Journalism Classes
Show Size Increase
A substantial enrollment increase
in sophomore journalism classes
which he termed "indicative of greatly
increased interest in journalism" was
reported by Donal Haines, associate
professor in that department.
Whereas, the department antici-
pated but forty students in these;
classes, Prof. Haines stated, eighty-
four are now enrolled.
Great Victory Loan
Let's Finish the Job-Buy
Victory Bonds

The Newman Club will sponsor a
party from 7:30 to 12 p.m. today in
the St. Mary's Student Chapel club
Catholic students and their friends,
as well as Newman Club members,
are invited to attend. Dancing and
refreshments are on the program.
*~ *~ *
Center Tea Dance
The All Nations club is sponsor
of a tea dance at the International
Center from 4 to 6 p.m. today.
Foreign and American students are
* * *
Kappa Phi Tea .

O'DWYER'S VICTORY SMILE--William O'Dwyer, whose election as
New York's mayor was conceded, waves a victory greeting at campaign
headquarters in New York. (AP wirephoto)
Interfraternity Alumni Parley
To Formulate Post-W.ar Plans

Responsibilities and Duties of Fraternities
To Be Met in New Policy Education Forum


Spanish Club
Elects Troyas
As President

Galo Troyas was elected president
of La Sociedad Hispanica at the first
meeting of the semester.
Other officers elected include Lorna
Fleming, vice-president; Bernice
Brettscheider, secretary; and Hiran
Lopez, treasurer.
According to the club's sponsor,
Prof. Ermelindo Mercado of the Span-
ish department, only 120 of the 1500
Spanish students are members of the
club. Prospective members are in-
vited to interview him in his office,
306 Romance Language building.
Kane Elected Head
By Phi Sigma Delta
Edward P. Kane was named master
frater of Phi Sigma Delta fraternity
in an election held yesterday.
Other officers elected were Robert
Schwartz, vice-master frater; Robert
Epstein, treasurer, and Phillip R.
Carli, secretary.

The University of Michigan Inter-
fraternity Alumni Conference, com-
posed of alumni committees of cam-
pus fraternity, Interfraternity Coun-
cil officers, faculty representatives
and undergraduate fraternity presi-
dents will meet at 2 p. m. tomorrow
in the Michigan Union to discuss post
war plans for the fraternities.
The purpose of the Conference is
to serve as an education forum on the
duties and responsibilities of frater-
nities. A set of recommendations en-
titled "Post War Plans For Fraterni-
ties" was adopted by the Committee
on Student Affairs and will serve as
IFC Petitions.
With elections for president and
secretary of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil set for November 15, all prospect-
ive candidates for these offices are
urged by Dogan Arthur, IFC presi-
dent, to submit their petitions to the
IFC office before the deadline,
Candidates for the offices should
state their qualifications and aims in
the petition. The petition need be
signed only by the candidate.
Presidents to Decide
From the list of petitions, the IFC
executive committee will nominate
three students to run for the two
positions. Fraternity presidents will
make the final selection of officers.
The elected officers' will preside for
two terms.
Fraternities enter their third day
of rushing today with approximately
250 students being rushed. An ad-
ditional rushing list will be issued at
the beginning of next week. Students
on the first rushing list may not be
pledged until November 14.
Clarifies Grade Rule
Arthur clarified the IFC rule on
initiation by stating that no man who
was not pledged before November 1
can be initiated during the current
semester. Initiation will be depend-
ent upon final grade reports at the
conclusion of this semester. This rule
applies to all students including

the keystone of fraternity regulation
and policy in the future.
Participants in the Conference will
discuss these regulations and recom-
mendations and make provision for
their enforcement.
One of the recommendations of
the subcommittee on alumni relations
was that "each chapter alumni as-
sociation appoint a regular committee
of alumni to work with the active
chapter." These alumni committees
will be the alumni representatives at
the conference.
President of the Conference is P.
R. Kempf and H. Seger Slifer is the

Kappa Phi will give a rushing tea
for University women from 2 30to
4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the green room
of the Methodist Church.
Pourers will be Mrs. J. J. Logan
and Mrs. W. H. Stockard, patron-
esses, Mrs. Donald Douglas, alumnus
and Mrs. JB. E. Jacobs.
Russian Club To Meet
* Russky-Kruzhok, Russian Circle,
will hold its initial meeting of the
semester at 8 p.m. Monday in the
International Center.
An election of officers will be
held and activities for the coming
year planned.
* * *
Dance for Vets . .
"Welcome" will be the theme of a
dance for veterans from 9 p. m. to
midnight tonight at Couzens' Hall.
The dance is being given by the
junior nursing class. Jerry Edward's
orchestra will play.
Buy Victory Bonds!

Dr. Frank Littell, director of the
Student Religious Association, will re-
view "The Jehovah Witnesses," a
doctor's thesis by Herbert Stroup, at
the Saturday Luncheon Discussion at
12:15 p. m. in Lane Hall.
On Sunday Dr. Littell will be guest
speaker at the weekend Inter-Guild
Council meeting at Pine Brook.farm.
The council, led by Chairman Pris-
cilla Hodges, will discuss program
plans for the year and organize their
Reservations for the Lane Hall
luncheon should be telephoned to Pat
Senate Passes
Revised GI Bill
By Voice Vote
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8-(4P)--A re-
vised "G.I. Bill of Rights," easing the
way for veterans to get government-
backed schooling or loans, received
Senate approval today after a pro-
posal to extend its benefits to widows
of veterans was shouted down.
Here are chief changes the legisla-
tion would make In the existing G.I.
Increase from $50 to $65 the
monthly living allowance for student-
veterans without dependents and
from $75 to $90 the allowance for
those with dependents.
Bring under the program short
technical training courses and cor-
respondence courses if the cost does
not exceed $500 a year.
Authorize the Veterans Adminis-
trator to make agreements with state
institutions for payments in lieu of
Permit government guarantee up to
one-half, or not more than $2,000,
of loans to veterans to buy homes,
businesses or farms.
Beacon. 0
(Continued fronm Pag'e 1)
placement service, he said, but will
"rece.mmend men with good rec-
Haien has applied to Dr. Eugene B.
Elliott, State Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction, for licensing as a
state training institute. Elliott said
Tuesday in Lansing that the project
would be approved so that veterans
enrolling could receive federal aid
under the G.I. Bill.
Pack described the plan as "one of
the most inspiring and generous
things ever to come to us. These men
are giving their own time and money
because they want to help veterans
better themselves."



cord PREMIERE Grat Show

Kelly. University extension 2148, be-
fore 10 a. m. of that day. The dis-
cussion groups will be a regular Sat-
urday feature of SRA activities dur-
ing the year.
S* *
Churches, Hillel
To Hold Mixer,
L~amcn's Day
Diverse forms of entertainment are
scheduled by Ann Arbor churches for
the week-end.
Students attending an open house
from 8 to 12 p. m. tomorrow at the
Congregational Disciples Guild may
take part in an informal bull session
planned for the evening. The Con-
gregational Church will observe An-
nual Laymen's Day in a lay-conducted
service at 10:45 a. m. Sunday, with
University Provost James P. Adams,
Professors D. C. Long and Louis M.
Aiche participating in the services.
The "Dear old Golden Rule Days"
will be feted at a mixer in honor of
freshman, transfer students and re-
turning veterans at 9 p. m. tomorrow
at Hlillel Foundation. Beryl Walters
is chairman, and Ethel Isenberg and
Rita Hyman are in charge of enter-
tainment. The "Joe College" trio will
perform and refreshments will be
* * *
Levees Leads
ireside Debate
Prof: A. Kr. Stevens, local assistant
coordinator of, the workers' educa-
tional program connected with the
University Extension Service, will lead
a fireside discussion entitled "Minori-
ties, Labor, and Public Opinion" at
Hillel Foundation tonight.
Prof. Stevens has been active in
organizing classes dealing with par-
liamentary proceedings, group dis-
cussions, and collective bargaining for
labor groups throughout the state.
Athletic Club Elects
Goldmian 'President
Edward R. Goldman, '22E and
Charles F. Boos, '18, have been re-
elected president and vice-president,
respectively, of the Michigan Athletic
Managers' club.
The announcement was made yes-
terday by T. Hawley Tapping, '16L,
secretary of the organization.

Wed., Nov. 28th - 9 P.M.
at the State Theatre


WANTED-Magazine publisher is
seeking experienced stenographer.
Campus area. Permanent. Call 7205
for interview.
WANTED: Girls for breakfast. 7:30-
9:30. 1513 S. University. Tel. 4701.
WANTED-Students who wish to
work for their BOARD. Contact
F. J. Ruck at Sigma Phi Epsilon,
733 S. State St. 6764.
WANTED: Male reader for blind stu-
dent. 60c hour up to 20 hrs. week.
Jerry Dunham 1111 S.University.
Rear apt.
"Saginaw News" campus corre-
spondent desires news and social
items. Contact Gwen Sperlich, 581
Jordan, 2-4561.
WANTED-Couple with baby will ex-
change 3 room apartment near
campus, no children, for apartment,
flat, or house in Detroit. Call
WANTED: One concert series tickets,
preferably 1st balcony seat. Call
Madelyn Heeney, 26112, after seven
p. M.
WANTED: Boy to wash dishes. Mar-
tha Cook Bldg. Apply any morn-
ED ROOM with adjoining private
bath for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone
Ypsilanti 990-W. 1200 Whittier Rd.,
LOST: Blue lady's wallet containing
identification and snapshots. Finder
may keep money. Bring to Box 1,
Michigan Daily office or phone
Helen Balowin. 2-3279.
LOST: Heavy silver identification
bracelet engraved, Ellen R. Gold-
berg. Please return to 300 Victor
Vaughn House or Telephone 2-5553.
LOST-Blue wardrobe trunk picked
up mistakenly at NYC station Oc-
tober 25. (Check No. D14-53-83)
Call 8568.
WILL THE PERSON who took by
mistake my tan covert top coat with
two keys in pocket and a Wagner
label inside please call Bill Laytonj
at 9009. I have yours! It happened
at the League! ---
FOUND-pair of shell rimmed glas-
ses outside Student Publications'
Building Nov. 7. Inquire at desk.


Tuesday afternoon. Natural Science
building. $10 reward. Phone 8703.
LOST: Silver and gray Parker 51 pen'
Wednesday morning vicinity Mason
Hall. Please call Ellen Johnson
LOST: Small black and gold Shaef-
fer fountain pen and red pencil
behind Haven Hall. Call Caroline
Gooley, 2-5553.
LOST: Brown-gold Parker fountain
pen. Name engraved Elba Molina.
Great sentimental value. Call 5508.
ALTERATIONS on ladies garments.
New address, 410 Observatory. Vi-
cinity of Stockwell Hall. Phone
2-2678. Alta Graves.
TALENTED? Entertainer? Why not
join up with Hillel Foundation
dramatic and music group? Call
ALL MEMBERS of Kappa Kappa
Gamma who have not contacted
house please do so at once. 25618.

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Now Showing

Bonds Purchased at
theatre receive



Continuous from 1 P.M.
Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M.


Great Lakes Greyhound
Continues as su a!
For the information of bus trav-
elers, there has been no interrup-
tion in service along the routes
of Great Lakes Greyhound Lines,
with connections to many other
points in the nation.
Call the local Greyhound AgCint
for compltee information about
departure times and fares.

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Specialty in Technicolor
Canine Capers
Paramount News

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During the war years, when so little new telephone
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ment made many years ago by Western Electric has
served you faithfully and has been a national asset in
time of war. Quality shows best when the going is tough.



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* *

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