PAGE I 4UR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FlIURSDAY, NO VEM.M,"R, 8, 194 -A----OUR----- ----. .NOVEMBER....1945 Fifty-Sixth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Stalin Heart Attack Reported - I .-t NJ w - - I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon .. ..........Managing Editor Robert Goldman. . . . . . . . . ..City Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore . . . . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimares . . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Officee at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 V NIGHT EDITOR: ANNETTE SHENKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Palestine Debate THE Ann Arbor League of Women Voters scores another bulls-eye in bringing before this community one of the most ticklish and impor- tant problents of today-"Should the United States favor unrestricted Jewish immigration into Palestine." This is the subject to be de- bated at 4:10 p.m. today at the Rackham Amphi- theatre by Prof. Preston Slosson, taking the af- firmative, and Prof. Clark Hopkins, speaking for the negative. Interest in today's topic is no longer the pri- vate monopoly of Jew and Arab. President Tru- man, in requesting Great Britain to lift the re- striction upon the immediate resettlement of homeless European Jews in Palestine, has already spoken officially for this nation. Throughout the country mass rallies, addressed by leading states- men, artists and educators, Christian and Jew, are being held to mobilize American public opinion behind our President, in the hope of breaking down the British Government's resis- tance to appeals to open Palestine to unrestricted Jewish immigration. At present, a mere trickle of 2,400 European exiles a month is permitted to enter Palestine. In the meantime, the Arab League is threat- ening revolt (some strife has already broken out in Cairo) if the British mandate is opened to further Jewish immigration. The Labour Gov- ernment of Great Britain, espousing unrestricted Jewish immigration into Palestine during the summer's campaign which saw it swept into con- trol, is hesitating, fearful of alienating the Arabs by granting the President's request. But every day a rising tide of public opinion is clamoring for action by Great Britain. Americans of all creeds are taking sides on the issue to be de- bated today. Following upon their very keen debate of last month, in which'the League of Women Voters brought Richard 'Frankensteen, John Lovett of the Michigan Association of Manu- facturers, Joseph Koski of the Detroit O.P.A., and Ralph McPhee, Washtenaw Post-Tribune publisher, to Ann Arbor to discuss reconver- sion, the League is performing another nec- essary service to the University and town community in bringing both sides of today's critical issue to public attention. -Arthur J. Kraft Science and Atoms THE general concensus of opinion among the politicians, as well as lay people, of this coun- try is that the atom bomb secret should be kept a secret, not even admitting our ally Russia to the inner sanctum of atomic know-how. Not so the scientists, who have participated in this research. According to Time Magazine, some. firmly convinced that nationalization of atomic research is fatal, have even talked of violating the security regulations to force a showdown. These scientists realize the fact that human curiosity cannot be fettered by rules and regu- lations. They know that research in atomic physics was progressing before the war in al- most all the European nations as well as in America. They iknow that the manufacturing process is the only real secret and that the work is very apt to continue in almost any country. And they are flooding Congress with a flood of protests against Britain's and Amer- ica's wielding of the big stick. Their protests have had a little effect. The By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-A high army officer just re- turned from Europe reports that Stalin suf- fered a severe heart attack and will have to take things easy from now on. The same general re- ports there is dissension in the Red army over Stalin's successor . . . . George Allen, so-called "Mississippi carpet-bagger" and one of the men closest to Harry Truman, is retiring from the White House. Although drawing no salary and still vice-president of the Home Insurance Com- pany, as well as having his finger in many other pies, Allen held down a desk at the White House. War Department appeasers are causing trouble for Secretary Byrnes's plan to democ- ratize Japan. Last week the Army didn't even want to attend to General MacArthur Byrnes' order to remove all Jap businessmen guilty of supplying munitions to the war lords. Meanwhile, war crimes prosecution in Japan moves at a snail's pace. Eisenhower has ar- rested 70,000 Nazis, MacArthur only a couple of hundred Japs. Idle Ships-Fretful Troops CONGRATULATIONS to Secretary of the Navy Forrestal for finally getting around to ascer- taining how many troops can be returned on bat- tleships. He waited a long time (until after Navy Day), but now several battleships are being measured to see how many troops they can carry . . . . By scaling battleships' crews from about 2,500 to 700, they can carry about 3,000 returning G.I.'s . . . . Use of battleships ought not to be necessary, however, if the nation's tremendous surplus of shipping were utilized. This now approaches scandal . . . . While SeaBees, sailors, Marines, soldiers wait on is- land hell-holes or in European ports, 55 victory ships have been removed from military service and switched to commercial trade. These were the fastest ships built during the war, all at government expense. However, peacetime commerce now comes before peacetime repara- tion of men who fought for their country. Tragic waste of shipping today approaches a Pearl Harbor scandal. While enlisted men eat their hearts out in Europe and the Pacific, wait- ing to come home, 93 vessels have been laid up in Suisun Bay, Calif., since the end of the war .... In addition, a total of 226 ships are now in the port of San Francisco. According to a careful survey by the maritime unions, 75 docked prior to Sept. 30 and 55 docked the first two weeks of October . . . . They are not moving. All are in good condition. Smothering Small Business IT LOOKS like small business, which both Roosevelt and Truman talked so much about protecting, is going to get the small end of the deal . . . . During the war, big business got 2icaeatn BY WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN NOBODY recites: "I Stood on the Bridge at Midnight" anymore,-it's too old-fashioned for this campus. The bridge is where a boy used to stand at midnight, but now midnight is when he finds out where he stands at bridge. The popularity of bridge as a campus game deserves some mention, and we are devoting this column to an analytic description of a typical match. Four players seat themselves around a table, and behind each player is a kibitzer, who has a view of two hands, two councilmen, and five nodders (see glossary), all of whom have free ac- cess to the four hands. The dealer will deal the hands; each kibitzer will then pick up one hand, give it a cursory once-over;tand return it to the player to sort. The dealer then says "one Van- derbilt Club," indicating only that a buffet car will be run from Detroit to Chicago. Now comes the interregnum. This a routine whereby the kibitzers and councillors loudly discuss all hands and finally decide, let us say, that South will bid seven spades. This deci- sion is passed on to South who bids seven clubs and is promptly labeled "a hacker." The game presently enters the "cold" or "laydown" hand period. The hands are thrown down on the table, and the bid is declared cold. AT THIS point we choose to introduce a few, carefully selected rules: 1. As soon as ten cards have been dealt, pick up your hand and look for an ace. If there is none, turn up one card and call a misdeal. Bridge is a game where a great deal depends on a great deal. 2. Never count trumps. One of your opponents is sure to count them under his breath loud enough for you to hear him. 3. Always trump your partner's aces. This will gain you two new friends for the loss of one. GLOSSARY Partner: a guy with the thirteenth card. Nodder: stands behind players and knowingly wags head at whatever the players says, giving the impression that he is a champ. Odd trick: Turning a car into- a tree. Dummy: the guy you're playing with. Master Kibitzer: a kibitzer who sorts his player's cards before playing them for him. When he makes a mistake, his tears run down his play- er's face. most of the prime contracts. More than 50 per cent of all war orders went to just six compan- panies. Now, by a sleight-of-hand operation Smaller War Plants, chief protector of little business, is being gutted .. . . Funny part of it is that the gutting of smaller war plants is probably uncon- stitutional, since what is created by Congress can't be transferred without a new act of Con- gress. Despite this, the main functions of smaller war plants are being transferred to the RFC- namely loans to small business-while the left- over dregs are going to Henry Wallace's Com- merce Department. This is taking place just after Congress got through voting Smaller War Plants the money to hire 800 extra men to sell surplus war goods to veterans... . Senator Taft has said he was against passing Truman's reorganization bill because Smaller War Plants might be transferred; but he is going to wake up and find it transferred even before the reorganization bill is passed . . . Maury Mav- erick, fighting head of Smaller War Plants, has given up in disgust and is leaving for China- the Siberia of exiled Amercan statemen . . . . Prediction: Treasury watchdog Lindsay Warren will not okay expenditure of funds for the gutted Smaller War Plants. He will rule that when con- gress appropriates money for one thing, it has to be spent as. congress decreees, not some other way. (Copyright, 1945 by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Strike Agitation By SAMUEL GRAFTON CONGRESS is tremendously agitated about the strike problem, as it has every right to be; but one sometimes wonders whether it isn't staring at the strike problem to the exclusion of almost everything else. Intense concentration on this one issue is, I think, building up a public feeling that strikes are the only barrier standing be- tween ourselves and prosperity abounding, and one is compelled to doubt that this is quite true. Congressional heat on this one point is re- vealed by the manner in which Representative Hebert, of Louisiana, has rushed into the lower chamber with a bill to outlaw strikes altogether as actions "in restraint of trade." That happens to be the legal theory on which judges used to outlaw strikes more than a century ago, when labor organization first cropped up in America; but it is a theory which has been eroded away by generations of legal decisions and stat- utes; it has been quite dead since well before Mr. Hebert was born. To see him now go skittering back into time, racing, woosh, a hundred years at a clip, is an alarming spectacle, and it is like a taking of the Congressional temperature on this issue to see it happen. It is perhaps in order to murmur modestly that Mr. Hebert is being too hot, unless he is equally willing to set the clock back a hundred years in a few other departments of our na- tional life, so as not to make this one move too conspicuous. IF CONGRESS had set up a full-scale recon- version plan, which was being held up by strikes, one could understond the present mood of discombooberation shown by so many of its members; or if, even, it had paid reconversion the respect of a special joint committee to help us find our way, again, one could sympathize with its disappointment. But it has done neither of these things; it has done almost nothing for reconversion, beyond providing a bit of tax re- lief of ambiguous impact. From this there stems a thin feeling that the strike issue, important as it is, is nonetheless being made a scapegoat; that the hot angers it calls forth are, in part, of that special kind which well up in the man who be- lieves he has found a way out of hard and painful thought. There are problems before us that are not even getting a whisper. The farmer, for example, is discovering that his market has probably reached its peak and is on its way down. The govern- ment is buying potatoes and giving them away, free, in carload lots, as cattle-feed; and the Wall Street Journal reports that butchers are meeting "sales resistance" in disposing of their current supplies of meat, which will soon run 30 pounds per capita per year above our pre-war produc- tion. Reconversion Director Snyder reports that there will be 8,000,000 unemployed by spring, a forecast which gives the farmer more of those butterfly feelings. Farm organizations begin to murmur that we ought to send food abroad to- Europe'shungry; but the Congress is doing next to nothing about either unemployment or about Europe's hungry.i One could go on like this indefinitely, check- ing off danger points in the reconversion com- plex. (What are we going to do about our ex- port trade, for example? If we want to keep it, we must begin selling immediately, appor- tioning goods to it out of a scanty supply in a system something like rationing. What ma- chinery exists for doing this?) It is from this larger point of view that our emphasis on strikes as our only hit problem begins to seem just a touch too primitive and simple, rather like a lucky out for ill-equipped debaters. It is too easy. The rounded man will certainly talk of strikes, but not every hour; or, to make a proverb of it, it is perhaps wrong to put all one's kicks in one basket. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) ON SECOND PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE DO YOU want a good job when you get out of scliiool? Just learn how to swear, call names, misrepresent, belie, pre- varicate, decry, slander, scold and disparage. Then memorize the words comun- ist, unionist, radical, partisan, un- representative, thief, misleading, am- biguous, unpatriotic, un-American, rabble-rouser, sabotage and strike leader. Never mind the definitions of these words. Just learn how to use them in speeches and- You'll end up as mayor of a large city. Hall of Fame BOOKER T. WASHINGTON was elected to the Hall of Fame at New York University on November 1. It was the first time a Negro had been awarded such a position by the Bronx school. Booker Washington, born a slave, died in 1915, climaxing a career as a writer and an untiring worker for the advancement of his people. This distinction which N.Y.U. be- stowed upon him is one of the few bright aspects in a "democratic" society which must enact laws to forbid "discrimination." -Betty Ann Larsen Oj)PPOSITION to all international agreements for peace and econo- mic stability, enactment of laws to crush labor unions, abolition of the Federal Reserve system, severence of all relations with Stalin-these and several other destructive pronounce- ments are supported by a well-or- ganized and extremely anti-demo- cratic party, the Nationalists. Lead by former Sen. Robert E. Reynolds and Gerald L. K. Smith, this bold or. ganization, which seeks to clothe its fascist aimswin patriotic utterances, will make a bid for the 1946 con- gressional elections. The Nationalist movement has been studied and exposed by Eu- gene Segal, staff writer for the Scripps-Howard papers. He has found the party influence already firmly established in seemingly in- nocent American institutions. He reports that they have taken over a Midwest farmers' organization, that they have penetrated labor unions, that they have formed two veterans' organizations. They claim to have started a youth movement in seven Midwestern states and have won the affiliation of certain church groups. In Detroit the party has made use of the "Women's White House," a meeting place for the foreign-born who are entertained and aroused against the menace of Russian infiu- ence by the mothers' organizations, according to Mr. Segal. The plan of organization for the party is explained in Mr. Reynold's booklet, "How to Become a Political Leader in Your District." In every community of the United States, units, consisting of ten members, will be formed. The meetings are to be held in the homes of members. The party also has a National Confedera- tion, in which all groups can unite, a Nationalists Party for Political Ac- tion and an educational body, the Nationalists Committee. The Nationalists are anti-Negro, anti - Catholic and anti - foreigner. Their purposes and their methods should be detected easily for what they are. For their purposes resemble those of the Ku Klux Klan of the 20's and their techniques are strik- ingly similar to those employed by the Nazi party in Germany. The organization can spread, with the support of a few men, only if, at first, it is kept secret. For the American people would never ap- prove its existence if they were aware of its fascist program. The best way to stamp out an organiza- tion of this kind is to recognize its existence, publicize it, let the Amer-. ican people condemn it and watch it falter. -Carol Zack WATCHWORD IS HATE: Gerald L. K. Smith's Party Making New Bid for Power DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1945 VOL. LVI, No. 7 Notices Special Book Sale to Faculty-For' one week only, Nov. 3 to Nov. 10, the University of Michigan Press is offer- ing to the Faculty an opportunity to buy, at very low prices, certain books which have been declared excessi stock. A list of titles included in1 this group will be placed in the hands; of all department heads and may be' consulted in the departmental office,1 or copies of the lists may be obtained at the Information Desk in the Uni- versity Business Office. The books themselves may be examined and pur- chased at the University Press Sales Office, 311 Maynard Street, or may be ordered by phone, University Ex- tension 616. The offer will be with- drawn at the expiration of the desig- nated time. To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Other Responsible for Pay- rolls: Payrolls for the Fall Term are ready for your approval. Please call at Room 9, University Hall, begin- ning Nov. 8 and not later than Nov. 13. Choral Union Ushers: Please re- port at Hill Auditorium by 6:15 p.m. for the concert Sunday, Nov. 11, 1945. To all members of the Michigan- ensian staff: Submit eligibility cards to the Managing Editor or the Busi- ness Manager before 5 p. m., Friday, Nov. 9, 1945. This includes those holding junior and senior positions, try-outs, and photographers. All students registered with the Student Employment Bureau, are re- quested to bring their records up to date by adding their Fall Term sched- ules, and also any changes of ad- dress. This is important. Russky Kruzhok (Russian Circle) will hold its first meeting of the semester on Monday evening, Nov. 12, at 8:00 p.m. at the International Center. All who are interested ae cordially invited. Choral Union Members. Members Big Deal T USED to be a big day for the Sinwa Bank in Sasebo, Japan when the mining concerns nearby withdrew the huge sum, to them, of 500,000 yen. The Marines are teaching the bank that such an item was really smalldpotatoes. Allsorts of bank records were broken when the Fifth Marine Division pay officer withdrew some money. He withdrew 6,500,000 yen, the equivalent of about $450,000. -USMC in good standing will please call for their courtesy passes for admission to the Cleveland Orchestra concert, Friday, Nov. 9 between the hours of 9:30 to 11:30 and 1:00 to4:00. After 4:00 no courtesy passes will be issued. Graduate Student Assembly origi- nally scheduled for tonight under the auspices of the Graduate Student Council, has been postponed until Thursday, Nov. 15, 8:00 p.m., Rack- ham Lecture Hall. All graduate stu- dents who are interested in gradu- ate activities are invited to attend. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second week of the term. Wed- nesday, November 14, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. Hillel Foundation's dramati and music groups are organizing campus talent for the coming school year. If interested call 26585. Lectures University Lecture: Maximo M. Kalaw, Secretary of Instruction and Information of the Philippine Com- monwealth, will lecture on the sub- ject, "The Philippines Under Japa- nese Rule," at 4:15 p. m., Thursday, Nov. 15, in Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the Department of Political Science. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Engineering Freshmen: The Pre- Engineering Inventory, an all-day test, developed by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, will be given on Thursday, Nov. 8, beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Rackham Building, to all engineer- ing freshmen (including veterans) who were regularly admitted through the Registrar's Office. Such fresh- men are excused from classes on that day. Students who were admit- ted with advance credit through the Assistant Dean's Office, even though they may have freshman year status, are not to take the test. There will be no make-up opportunity. Required Field Trip in Geology 12, Saturday morning, Nov. 10, leaves Natural Science Building promptly at eight o'clock, returning at one. Fee of $1.65 to be paid at Geology Office, 2051 N.S. Bldg. German 247 will meet in 204 Uni- versity Hall today, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Friday, Nov. 9, from 4 to 6 p. m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dictionaries may be used. The following seminars have been arranged in the Department of Mathemates: Topology, Steenrod Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4:30 p. in.,3201 Angell Hall. Theory of Games and Economic Be- havior, Kaplan, Friday, Nov. 9, 4:30 p. m., 3201 Angell Hall. Applied Mathernatics and Special Functions, Churchill, Tuesday, Nov Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4:30 p. in., 3010 Angell Hall. Metal Processing 105, Welding. This course is scheduled for Saturday mornings; Recitation at 8:00, Labora- tory 9-12 a. m. First meeting Sat., Nov. 10 at 8:00 a. m. Room 4307 East Engineering Bldg. Scandinavian 51 will meet in the future in room 4003 Angell Hall in- stead of 204 South Wing. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. Veterans are permanently excused from fulfilling the P.E.M. require- ment, provided they have completed their basic training or have served at least six months in one of the branches of the armed forces. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by students in this College should be addressed by freshmen and sophomores to Profes- sor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Asso- ciate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the sec- ond week of the Fall Term. Exhibitions Rackham Building Galleries: Ex- hibit of Architecture in the U.S.S.R., Nov. 6-18. Events ioday Fellowship of Song: This afternoon at 4:30, all students are invited to at- tend a community sing at Lane Hall. This will be a well directed program and should provide pleasant relaxa- tion. Foresters! The first meeting of the Forestry Club will take place in the Natural Science building this evening at 7:15. Those students .enrolled in the school of Forestry or who plan to enroll are eligible for membership and will be welcomed tonight. Re- fieshments will be served after busi- ness is completed. There will be a meeting of Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Frater- nity, tonight at 7:30, at the Michigan Union. All members on campus ur- gently requested to come. The first of a series of Graduate Record Concerts will be held today in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building. The program will consist of Mozart's Concertante for Violin, Viola, and orchestra; Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony, and Mozart's Violin Concerto in M major. Coming Events The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Library will hold its first committee meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 4:00 o'clock. Anyone wishing to become a member of this committee is urged to attend the first meeting. Those who are interested but unable to at- BARNABY By Crockett Johnson t How, to find a deer! ... I have a theory -I. ,-- --, CP~cC