$LEAGUE HOUSES$ See Page 4. a PIC 41P 41P tvitr ,4 41 7:1attiq CLOUDY WITH SHOWERS N VOL. LVI, No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Jeffries ins I etrVoit Mayoralty Race German Con tro la ySlitAllies Eary Edge By Frankei Is Lost isteen AVC To Hold First Campus Meet at Union City Chapter Mapped By Veteran Group An organizational meeting for the American Veterans' Committee will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 305 in the Union to make plans for establishing an Ann Arbor chapter under the direction of a committee of World War II veterans, faculty mem- bersand students. Prof. Robert Angell, of the sociol- ogy department and a veteran of World War II, will preside at this first meeting and Jack Weiss will be the main speaker. All veterans of World War II are urged to attend this meeting. Three Point Program The AVC is based on a three point program, "peace, freedom, and se-1 curity," according to Weiss, and hasI its national headquarters in New York City, with Charles G. Bolt, military analysist for "The Nation"' as its national chairman.I "The American Veterans' Commit-1 tee is the only World War II organi- zatoin with a progressive orientation, an out-and-out liberal program, the only World War II veterans' groupI that. was represented in a consulta-I tive capacity at the San Francisco' Conference, and the only World War ILveterans group given a 'clean bill1 of health' by the F.B.I.," Weiss stated. Distinctive Fascist Tendencies "Most other veteran groups from World War II have been proven time and again to have distinctive fascist tendencies and demagogic leader- ship," Weiss clhimed. "The AVC was formed primarily in order to effect a more prosperous and more democratic America in the post- war world," Weiss said. The meeting will consist of in- formal talks about the purpose of the committee and plans for establishing a chapter on campus. This organi- zation will be open to any veteran,' faculty member, student or towns-E man of World War II and all are1 urged to attend. Drive T Be Launched for' World Unity A campaign to form college stu- dents into an effective pressure group in support of a World Federation above national sovereignty has been launched by a committee of the Wel- lesley College student organization,1 according to a letter received here' by University officials. The committee, which has con- tacted 100 other schools, stated its purpose to be, "to help arouse publict opinion to the point where people realize that national sovereignty in an atomic age is obsolete and thus will demand a World Federation. Rather than to propose the mechan- ism ourselves, our purpose is to make people psychologically ready for a World Federation." Asked To Write Congressmen Interested students at WellesleyI were asked to write their congress- men and families. A petition signed by students is to be sent to President Truman. The letter urged that a smilar pe- tition be circulated on this and every other campus in order that they may "affect the outcome" of President Truman's conference with Prime Minister Atlee, on Nov. 11. The con- ference has been scheduled for a dis- cussion of the problems created by the discovery of atomic energy. Necessity for World Federation "Since the invention of the atomic bomb, the necessity of a World Fed- eration has become immediate, since other nations will be able to produce atomic bombs, no effective defense is, possible in atomic warfare and safety cannot be obtained through superior- ity in atomic armament," the letter said,., An intercollegiate convention to further the purposes outlined in the I Absence of Mutual Cooperation Is Responsible, Heneman Says By CLAYTON DICKEY German occupation problems, un- less solved,may make it difficult for the United Nations organization to succeed, Prof. Harlow Heneman, of the political science department, de- clared yesterday. "If the great powers can't agree on occupation questions in Germany and Japan, the United Nations organiza- tion can hardly be expected to func- tion successfully," he said. On Ambassador's Staff Prof. Heneman based his opinion on his observations of allied attempts at cooperation during four months in Germany on the staff of Ambassador Robert Murphy, U. S. political adviser on German affairs. He returned to the campus last week after a three and one-half year leave of absence in government service. The Allied Control Council at Ber- lin, which must unanimously approve policies that are to apply to Germany as a whole, was described as the "arena for the clash of larger foreign policy" of the four occupying powers. Prof. Heneman attributed the grave problems confronting the allies to "lack of a uniform policy for Ger- many." In Berlin and the rest of Ger- many as a whole four different ap- proaches in handling German ques- tions are frequently encountered. The very nature of the set up pro- duces complications." National Interests Conflicted He said the United States and Hyma To Talk On Dutch East .lndies Today Art On Work, Books Are Exhibit at Museum Great Britain had tried to get four- power agreement on economic mat- ters and reparations, but that many of these attempts had failed be- cause of "conflicts in national inter- ests." "France has raised questions that have prevented the allies from treat- ing Germany as an economic unit," and where inland waterways are con- cerned "the Russian policy differs from ours. As a result, questions of waterways and transports, as well as other economic matters, are being handled by agreements between zonal commanders, with dissenting com- manders being left out." "Little has been done toward re- habilitation of housing and industry, not even to a minimum level to pre- vent disease and possible unrest. It is not a question of making Germany strong; but if the available German economic resources are not ade- quately used, the United States will probably ship large amounts of sup- plies to Germany for relief." The Army, he believes, wants to give up responsibility for the ad- ministration of Germany "by the end of this fiscal year," and leave a police force at the disposal of a civilian agency. Plans of the Brit- ish and French armies are un- known,, the former political adviser said, but "up to now Russian activi- ties appear to indicate that they are interested only in a short oc- cuaption." The most pressing problems of the German people, he said, are those "related to keeping alive--food, hous- ipg and heating." He found "little spontaneous political activity in any of the zones" because "even German politicians are more concerned with living, through the winter than with political questions." Yank Zone Elections Elections on the local level will be held, in the United States zone only, beginning this January, he said, and observed that the Germans "don't understand our political slogans." Pessimistic as to the likelihood of fos- tering democracy among the Ger- mans Prof. Heneman added "our economic policy is inconsistent with out political policy." He reported a "good harvest" of grains and truck garden vegetables this year but that transportation dif- ficulties prevented good distribution. "T h e German city-dweller," he pointed out, "is going to have an ex- ceedingly hard winter. The Germans have been told there will be no coal available for space heating this win- ter, and they will have to rely on what wood they can forage." Ru-1shi gBegins Today for 250 Twenty-two campus fraternities today opened rushing competition for 250 registrants with pledging for the first rushes scheduled to take place in two weeks. A second rushing list will be pre- pared shortly by the Inter-fraternity Council with the names of additional registrants. Fraternities may rush students only if they have registered with the IFC. Registration is contin- uous throughout the semester. The twenty-two fraternities start- ing rushing today include Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Chi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Pi Lambda Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, Delta Upsilon, Chi Phi, Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Tau Omega, all of' which have fraternity houses. Lewis Wins Representation For .Miners Conference Votes To Enlarge Committee WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 -- (P) - Bushy-browed, ponderous John L. Lewis kicked up a storm in the La- bor-Management conference today with a bid to get representation for his United Mine Workers on the im- portant executive committee-and he won his battle. While management delegates looked on in silence, labor's top lead- ers wrangled heatedly for more than an hour over the composition of the committee which will sift all confer- ence business and have the power to include new subject matter in the agenda. Eight Members Originally As originally planned, the commit- tee was to have eight members equally divided between labor and management. Labor's half was to be divided between the AFL and CIO. But Lewis wasn't satisfied with this setup and as a result of his objections the conference finally voted unani- mously to increase the committee membership to sixteen to make room for Lewis' United Mine Workers and the Railway Brotherhoods. Under the new division, management will have eight seats, the AFL and CIO will have three each and the mine work- ers and brotherhoods one each. Significant Victory Lewis' victory gives him a voice in shaping the course of the conference. For the committee, as outlined in the agenda, will "coordinate the work of the conference; be responsible for the integration of reports of all other committees (except that on rules); if requested it will also consider and may report to the conference on any subject on the agenda not otherwise assigned; it may also deal with such other matters of a general nature as may come before it," There were no objections from management delegates to the change in the committee composition as long as the votes remained equal. Pickets Were Ready To Stay Shortly before the Kaiser-Frazier Corp. signed a contract granting sen- iority to employees of Graham-Page Corp. yesterday, strikers at the Wil- low Run Bomber Plant told Daily re- porters they were prepared to picket the plant indefinitely. Only a few pickets were ringed around the mile-long plant yesterday afternoon, s t o p p i n g non-strikers from entering. They said only Army Air Force officers on official business were being admitted to the plant. The pickets had been maintining a 24- hour vigil. Pickets said there had been no question of a jurisdictional dispute, that the only issue was seniority for "the individual, based on length of service regardless of local union af- filiation." According to one striker, Kaiser- Frazer wanted to run the plant with- out a union or hoped to delay the formation of a new one. Pickets of Local 142, representing production workers, said they wanted to incor- porate Bomber Local 50 into their un- ion. Reds To Have Atom Energy, Molotov Says Allied Control of Japan Called For MOSCOW, Nov. 6 -, (P) - Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotov, asserting the atomic bomb cannot be kept se- cret, promised Russians tonight that the Soviet Union will have "atomic energy and many other things." A signal bell had to be rung to quiet the tumult that welled through the hall of St. Andrew in the Kremlin when Molotov made this statement in his speech on the eve of the 28th anniversary of the Red Revolution. London Conference Called Failure Molotov said the use of atomic en- ergy must not be employed in a po- litical play for strength. 4 He called for Allied control of Japan, and while he described the London foreign ministers conference ast a failure, he said "only the joint efforts of the three great powers" could "secure the victories of the democratic countries over fascism." The United Nations, he asserted. must not "become the tool of any one great power."' Desires Atomic Energy On atomic energy, the Foreign Commissar said: "We desire that our nation shall bloom, and that there will be atomic energy and many other things. "It is not possible at the present time for a technical secret of any great size to remain the exclusive possession of some one country or some narrow circle of countries. Molotov declared the victorious Allies should be guided in their treatment of the defeated Axis na- tions "not by our feelings but only by the necessity to prevent new ag- gression." Windsor Strike May End Soon Labor Minister Hopes For Fast Settlement WINDSOR, Ont., Nov. 6 -(iP)-- Humphrey Mitchell, Canada's Min- ister of Labor, declared tonight he was "hopeful" for a settlement "with- in 24 hours" of the eight-week-old strike at the Ford Motor Co. of Can- ada plants here, which has made some 20,000 workers idle. Following a meeting of high gov- ernment officials and leaders of the striking union, Mitchell said he would attempt to arrange a meeting for to- morrow afternoon between the union and Ford officials. He said he would meet tomorrow with Ford representatives and give them "the proposal worked out this afternoon." He declined to disclose details of the proposal. George Burt, regional director of the CIO United Auto Workers, stated after the conference that a union pol- icy committee would discuss removal of a mile-long automobile barricade set up by pickets at the Ford plant. Burt also said the union was will- ing to cooperate with Ford toward a settlement. He further stated that he under- stood the company is willing to listen to "any reasonable proposal from the union." On the outcome hinged a possible verdict from Ontario's Attorney Gen- eral Leslie Blackwell whether to send soldiers and police into action to set down what he called an "insurrec- tion" in the city of some 150,000 pop- ulation across the river from Detroit. f * * * "The Historical Background of the Independence Movement in the Neth- erland East Indies" will be discussed by Prof. Albert Hyma of the history department at 7:30 p.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium in con- nection with an exhibition of Nether- land Indies lore at the Museums building. Pro. Hyma, who was knighted by Queen Whilhelmina eight years ago for his research work and for books on the historical background of the Netherlands, recently completed a book entitled "The Dutch in the Far East." Prof. Maurice W. Senstius, of the geology department, a native of Java, will speak on "The Fruits of the Netherlands East Indies" and Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of the botany de- partment will discuss "The Natives of Sumatra" on the same program, The exhibition, opening at a social meeting at the Museum following the talks, features art work, textiles, tap- estries, religious objects and books. The exhibition was arranged and paid Re-elected Mayor . . Strike fTies Up Transportation In Washington WASHINGTON, Nov. 6- (R)-- A taxi drivers' holiday intensifying Washington's all-day public trans- portation tieup was talked of tonight. Street car ana bus service is throt- tled by an operators' strike. Thousands of government em- ployes could not .get to work today and the city's 5,000 taxis were busier than ever. But the executive board of the AFL taxicab operators local has called a special meeting for 8 a.m. Wednes- day. Vice President Charles Garrett said it has power to call a work stop- page. "We've been talking with members of the (AFL) transit workers union and have decided we must take some stand," Garrett stated., Another group, the United Taxicab operators, announced no plans but President John R. Peters said mem- bers had been talking among them- selves about possible strike action. Less than half the city's cabmen are unionized, it is estimated. Union officials gave no figures. Both sides in the bus and trolley strike agreed to attend conciliation parleys. At a tumultuous "continuous meet- ing" which began before dawn, driv- ers voted tonight to send a three-man committee to sit in with government conciliators tomorrow. Officials of the Capital transit company indi- cated they would be present also. Tryouts Will Meet There will be a meeting at 4 p. m. today in the second floor con- ference room of the Student Pub- lications building, 420 Maynard, for all those who wish to try out for the editorial staff of The Daily and were unable to attend Mon- day's meeting. Tryouts already signed up for the freshman staff training pro- gram are requested to stop by the newsroom this week to initial the list informing them of their class section assignments. Strength in Labor Districts Fails To Win 'for UAW-Vice President DETROIT, Nov. 7 -AP- Mayor Edward J. Jeffries was reelected for a fourth term Tuesday, piling up a lead of more than 32,000 votes over unionist Richard T. Frankensteen, who had active support from the CIO's Political Action Committee. Frankensteen zoomed into an early lead as returns trickled in from the city's 1,136 precincts, but Jeffries soon took command to assure him- self of another two-year term as chief executive of this industrial center. i a Frankensteen, vice president of the United Auto Workers (CIO), drew a heavy vote from areas populated by UAW members, but this faded out as other regions were tabulated. In a radio speech conceding de- feat, Frankensteen declared, "I am more concerned with the racial and class fears that have been aroused in this campaign than I am with my defeat."' City election officials had said the very bitterness of the campaign might bring out a record half million votes. The campaign, through platform and radio addresses, by mail and handbill distribution, newspaper advertise- ments and doorbell solicitation, reached virtually every person of vot- ing age in the city. The voting, on a non-partisan ba- sis, did not indicate any political trends. Its outcome, however, will be interpreted in many quarters as in- dicative of the political strength of the UAW-CIO in this big industrial center. The Union claims upwards of 200,000 members in Detroit. Mayor Jeffries turned back aUAW- CIO challenge for the mayoralty in 1943, when he defeated Frank Fit- gerald by 32,560 votes. Seeking his fourth term, the mayor asserted in this campaign that his success d- pended upon the "great unorganized majority of voters." * * * New York Won B O'Dwer In Hot Contest Democrats Sweep Nation's Major Cities By The Associated Press Democrat William O'Dwyer swamped two major opponents and won election as mayor of New York City yesterday. His vote far exceeded the aggrega- tion of his opposition. It prompted Democratic leaders to see good things ahead for the party in the state and nationally. They saw in it a decline in the political fortunes of Gov. Tho- mas E. Dewey. Republicans withheld comment for the time being. Jeffries Wins In the second municipal scrap that captured more than local attention in yesterday's first postwar voting, Mayor Edward J. Jeffries was elected to a fourth term in Detroit's hot non- partisan mayoralty race against Rich- ard T. Frankensteen, CIO union leader. Frankensteen had the backing of the CIO's Political Action Commit- tee. Democrats elected these mayors elsewhere: David L. Lawrence, na- tional committeeman for Pennsylvan- ia, in Pittsburgh; incumbent Thomas A. Burke at Cleveland, and Rep. James M. Curley for a fourth term, not consecutive, at Boston. The Cur- ley victory was in a non-partisan race involving six registered Demo- crats. Republicans Lead In the only Congressional contests of the day-the 4th New Jersey- Republicans apparently were retain- ing control of the seat vacated by Rep. D. Lane Powers. °Frank A. Ma- thews, Jr., organization GOP candi- date, was running well ahead in a three-man race. A Mathews victory in New Jersey would make the House line-up: Dem- ocrats 241, Republicans 191, Ameri- can Labor 1, Progressive 1, vacancy (in New Mexico) 1. Tuck Elected in Virginia In the only gubernatorial contest, Lieut. Gov. William M~. Tuck was elected governor of Virginia by bet- ter than two to one over two oppon- ents. He carried his ticket with him, including Lewis Preston Collins for for by The to the the Dutch government. lectures and display are public. open Senate Seeks TO Help G. I WASHINGTON, Nov. 6-P)--The Senate Finance Committee approved amendments to the G.T. Bill of Rights today designed to smooth the way for veterans to go to school or borrow money. The legislation would sweep away ,age restrictions on government-paid schooling, provide more money for student living expenses, and liberalize loan provisions so veterans will have better chances in their own busi- nesses. The Senate bill would permit vet- erans to borrow working capital as well as money for real estate, and would give them 10 years instead of the present five after the official end of the war to apply for loans. The maximum term of loans to buy homes would be increased from 20 years to 25, farm loans to 40 years. The bill would increase school liv- CONFIDENCE IS A MUST FOR PEACE: Helen Douglas Urges World Control of A-Bomb "It isn't tihe atomic bomb that is dangerous, it is our policy toward it," Helen Gahagan Douglas, Congresswoman from California, stated last night in an address advocating world control for our devastating "secret" weapon. Opening the Oratorical Association lecture series with an optimistic speech on "The Price of World Peace," Mrs. Douglas urged confidence and most incredible piece of legislation that was ever written," Mrs. Douglas cautioned against glibly dismissing problems we have not thought through, basing our decision on prejudice. "Let us know what our choice is," she reminded. On the problem of getting along with Russians. Mrs. Douglas urged that I