THE MICHIGAN DAILY i rtr- (ft A yk-thYa t Fifty-Sixth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: MacArthur Lax on War Crimes Dominie Says DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon.. , . . . . . . . Managing Editor Robert Goldman .............City Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore. .... .....Sports Editor Mary LuuHeath. . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz. . ....... . Women's Editor Dona Guimares . . . . ,.Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . ........Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERIIJING BY9 National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pulishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON .LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: LOIS IVERSON .0, Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily 'staff and represent the views of the writers only. Tuition Raises "S COLLEGE education in America to become the exclusive property of a privileged few" asked students at New York University last week. Raised because of a tuition increase of $1.50 per credit hour, the question may well be brought up on other campuses as well. The In- tercollegiate points out the significance of the increased tuition by citing similar raises at UCLA, Chicago, Northwestern, and Michigan. Using as their battle cry "No Black Market in Education" members of one NYU organization protested the increase with distribution of 10,- 000 leaflets, 2500 postcards sent to Chancellor Harry Chase, and a protest rally at which a committee was formed to continue the cam- paign. Although the corresponding tuition rise at this university is small in comparison to that in ef- feet at NYU, nevertheless it seems paradoxical that now that our servicemen are returning to school with promises of wider, more democratic educational opportunities still echoing in their ears, a state university should see fit to require higher fees. In this state, as in most of the other 48; a cut in its budget is usually compensated for by smaller allotments to its educational institu- tions. History has taught us, or should have taught us, that it is these same institutions which are really thee least expendable. As Intercollegiate puts it, "Our crisis is the crisis brought forth by the Chancellor Chases and the President Hopkins who would limit and restrict educational facilities by increasing fees and setting quotas. Ours is the fight to broaden and extend these facilities to the broad masses of the people in the true spirit of our newly won victory." -Annette Shenker Activities TWO years ago there wa a mighty drive on campus for the women to come out of their ivy covered towers and participate more actively in activities. There was a large dispute among those present on campus at the time that women had passed the stage of the underdog when they were granted suffrage in 1920 but the point was, were they taking advantage of their opporuni- ties? This year it is no longer a question of women taking part in activities. There is a bigger problem to be met. When the majority of men on campus were in the Army, Navy and Marines activities were largely run by women because there was no competition by men in the fields which they formely led.The year is now 1945 and there is no longer a war. Now men are flocking back to campus but just because they are returning there is no reason for women to drop out of activities. It is said that all of us work better against competition. The weaker ones fade from the scene of action and leave the best ones to com- pete for the leading offices and positions; there- for the more entrants into activities the better will be the job that is done. Which all leads up to the fact that all should get out for some ac tivity and show what can be done, Don't wait for a month or two and then say you will try your hand in something. At the end By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Joseph B. Keenan, hard-hit- ting former assistant to the Attorney Gen- eral is tops on the list to become prosecutor of Japanese war criminals. This is the counterpart of the job now being done in Germany by Su- preme Court Justice Jackson. So far Jap war-criminal trials have been con- ducted by the U. S. Army and on a very limited scale. President Truman, however, wants to fix war guilt not only on Jap militarists, but cixil- ians. There is also some feeling that the army is not probing deeply enough. MacArthur has arrested less than 100 Jap criminals, while Eisenhower has arrested 70,000 Nazis. Keenan, a former law partner of Supreme Court Justice Burton of Ohio, was appointed as-. sistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department's criminal division in 1933. Later he rose to be No. 2 man in the Justice Department. Keenan comes from a Republican background and for a time was bitterly opposed by the cld Father Coughlin crowd in Cleveland. Accord in Berlin ..-. IN AT LEAST one quarter of the world-be- tween Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and Marshal Zukhov-U. S.-Soviet relations are clicking smoothly. Congressmen who visited in Berlin re- cently report that the two have been hitting it off like two poker cronies. One reason for their cooperation is that the two military leaders don't believe in diplomatic niceties. They say what's en their minds, with no hedging. Combat pals will tell you that Eisenhower is a salty, blunt-talking individual, frequently given to purple language to get his point across; and Zukhov is built along the same lines. Recently when a dinner for Allied leaders was being planned, Zukhov informed Eisenhower that he would have to wire Moscow to get an okay. "Oh, come now, Marshal," exploded Esen- hower good-naturedly. "Do you have to get per- mission for everything you do?" "I want to keep my government advised about everything that goes on here, General," replied Zukhov sternly. "But surely not on something like this," shot back Eisenhower. "Let's cut out the foolishness." "General, I'm not acting foolishly," grinned the Soviet official. "According to American newspapers, I'd be taken out and shot if I didn't obey orders." One-Third of a Nation.. .. ALTHOUGH they're not talking about it out- Asde toeir closed circles, government econo- mists are worried over the results of a survey on savings conducted for the Federal Reserve Sys- tem by the crack survey unit of the Department of Agriculture under Dr. Rensis Likert. Government officials, businessmen and mem- bers of Congress have been confidently predicting that the biuge accumulated savings of the Ameri- can people-equal to normal national income for a whole year-will be poured into trade as soon as goods are available. But economists Dorwin Cartwright and George Katona, who did the study for the Agriculture Department, don't agree. They have found that the distribution of these sav- ings is so uneven that about one-third of all American families will not have the money to spend for anything but bare necessities. The study. made in Birmingham, Ala., and Douglas County, Ill., took place last winter-long before war employment had slackened and wide unemployment set in. In both cases it was found that low-income families held distressingly low proportions of the huge national accumlation on war bonds, postal savings and other types of savings. In Birming- Atomic Bomb W HILE President Truman was vacationing at a Tennesse fishing lodge he casually men- tioned to the world that the United States would hold the secret of the atomic bomb (hold it with our allies the British and Canadians.) In the next breath he expressed concern over the results of the London Conference and hope that better co-operation between nations would fol- low. International co-operation is wishful thinking when a country who could so easily take the lead resorts to nationalism in practice. We are still living in a world concerned with balance of power politics in a world of rival camps jockeying with one another for spheres of influence in a world which has thrown off the cloak of oneness now that the war is over and the spoils are to be di- vided. We boast we are the most powerful nation and advertize we intend to maintain that supremacy with the atomic bomb. We have no trust in col- lective security or in our allies. We are afraid of them. And we have cause for fear. We cannot hold the secret of the atomic bomb forever. It will be discovered, and we will have lost our chance. We will have lost our chance of leading the way toward world control of atomic power, our chance of proving to dubious nations that we, are sincere in our declarations of world co-op- eration. -Norma Crawford ham, for instance, 17 per cent of those inter- viewed earned under $25 weekly and held only one per cent of the liquid assets held by all the people interviewed. Thirty-four per cent earned under $35 weekly and held only 4 per cent of the assets. Fifty-nine per cent earned under $55 weekly and held only 15 per cent of the total liquid assets. In other words, people earning low incomes spend their money right away. They don't save. Midwest Income Better . . THE response in Douglas County, Ill., was somewhat more encouraging, but not suffi- ciently so to cause any real satisfaction here. Among the non-farm dwellers, 36 per cent earned under $25 weekly and held 10 per cent of the total savings, while 50 per cent earned under $35 weekly and held 16 per cent of th esavings. As in Birmingham, the proportion of savings rose sharply for those earning over $55 weekly. In Birmingham, 84 per cent of those inter- viewed earned under $87. The 19 per cent earning between $87 and $125 weekly held 31 per cent of the savings. In Douglas county the 19 epr cent earning from $55 to $87 weekly reported 38 per cent of the savings. The figures indicated that farm groups are somewhat better off than city-dwellers, while a study of the purposes to which the families in- tend to put their savings reveals that 22 per cent of the farmers intend to but them into purchase of land or farm equipment. Twenty-one per cent plan to hold on to their money to fall back on, "on a rainy day," with another 14 per cent laying it aside for old age. Only 8 per cent indicated that savings will be used for purchase of con- sumer gccds. In Birmingham and among the non-farm populations of Douglas county, 19 and 22 per cent respectively declared their intention to use their savings to buy or remodel their homes, 41 and 24 per cent respectively said they were holding their funds for hard times, and 12 and 14 per cent said they were holding their money for old age. Only 4 and 11 per cent indicated their in- tention to use their funds for consumer goods. Government economists' know that among the upper-income groups there is sufficient demand for new radios, automobiles, refrigera- tors and other major consumer goods to keep those industries rolling at top speed for over a year. What worries them is what will happen once this demand is taken care of. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) MUSIC THERE is something festive and exciting about the opening performance of any concert sea- son. Last night's initial concert of the 67th an- nual Choral Union Series in Hill Auditorium was no exception. The principal soloist was Paul Robeson, baritone, and the assisting artist was William Schatzkamer, pianist. The enthusiasm which greeted the artists by the more-than-capacity audience became con- tagious. Even the stage manager, who raised and lowered the lid of the piano, came in for his share of the applause. To me, the stage presence of Paul Robeson projects all that is noble and fine in his race. He seems best in such songs which call for gran- deur, breadth, and something of the dra- matic. "O Isis and Osiris" from Mozart's Magic Flute and the final scene from Musorg- sky's Boris Godunov show Robeson's voice to excellent advantage. Spirituals beautifully sung can be expected from Mr. Robeson. But the surprise came when Lawrence Brown, the soloist's able and some- times too enthusiastic accompanist, joined his fellow artist in a second part. I'm inclined to think Mr. Robeson and Mr. Brown enjoyed this diversion as much as the audience. Of course there were encores-many of them requested-too numerous to mention. However, those which the audience responded to most en- thusiastically were "Old Man River," "I Still Suits Me"-both from Showboat- "Water Boy," "Dragon Song" (sung in Chinese), and the clos- ing speech from Shakespeare's Othello, which play Robeson appeared in last season.i The singer's excellent diction in all the lan- guages in which he said-Italian, Russian, Ger- man, Chinese, and of course English-is an outstanding feature. Unfortunately, many of the singer s lovely pianissimo effects were lost by too loud piano accompaniment. Mr. Schatzkamer proved an able assisting ar- tist. Especially well-interpreted were the Bach "Little" Organ Fugue in G minor, the two Brahms' intermezzi, the E major of which was played for an encore, the Debussy Reflets dans l'eau, and Fille au Cheveux de Lin. I felt, how- ever, that Mr. Schatzkamer's temperament was not well suited to the Chopin Polonaise in A-flat major and the de Falla Ritual Fire Dance. The Polka from Shostakovitch's ballett the Age of Gold which was also played as an encore held the audience fascinated and delighted. Mr. Robeson expressed his sincere congratu- lations to the University of Michigan for their football victory of the afternoon. The hearty applause which greeted each of Mr. Robeson's selections was the audience's way of congratu- lating Mr. Robeson for a fine performance. -Theodore Heger ATOMIC energy released on cities has so thoroughly shocked man- kind, that morality and religion have resumed free functioning. Religion has returned to status; this time with the scientist its champion. Neutrality gone, a new sense of responsibility has captured the men who command the techniques. This should guaran- tee far reaching social renewal. Three items of significance should grip the minds of students. First:integrity is always basic. We refer to integrity of the uni- verse, the precision of cause and effect gradually being unfolded by experimenters. When we learn to associate these qualities with the God of whom the Psalmist said, "Know ye that the Lord Ile is God, it is He that hath made us and not we ourselves" then perspective will begin to prevail, OId idea ls, to take on new forms of expression, and the basis for an ordely peace in a fresh age, relatively a thousand ears ahead of 1945, will be ours. Secondly: the real conflict is be- tween truth seekers of our day and the military. Military leaders, with the statesmen temporarily at their call, wishing to monopolize the ad- vantage which an Atomic bomb can give, are interested in ancient fears. The strategist may be pardoned for having his eye upon control. In this particular the scientist has turned prophet. He is champion of human- ity as an end in itself. That theme is germane to Christianity, though fre- quently obscured by debate. Like the prophet of old he can _say, "Thus saith the Lord, " but effectively for our age; "Gentlemen, the question is not what do you and I desire in a fighting situation" but, "The laws of the Lord actually are thus and so." Thirdly: it is incumbent upon each who is in any way associated with higher education, to remind himself that, in a broad sense, all who are in a University belong to the com- pany of scientists. Whether you be- come a student of ethics and religion, political science, geography, litera- ture, law or what you will, integrity is the touchstone of your future. Your. grandparents who sat in assembly at Michigan in old University Hall were taught the converse of this truth by the motto from the Northwest Terri- tory now chiseled above the pillars; of Angell Hall saes, "Religion, Moral- ity, and Knowledge being necessary to good government and the happi- ness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged. The creator oi some strange Ter- ritory beyond these lakes far across the world, might well write for us a new enabling clause thus, "Reli- gion, Morality and Knowledge be- ing necessary to world government and the happiness of mankind, Scientists come of age and the means of social research shall forever be encouraged by billion dollar budgets. .-Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education l'' BY WILLIAM s. GOLDSTEIN DON'T let this nice pre-semester weather fool you. It was con- tracted for by the University's publi- ity department and will last only as long as it takes to sign, seal and de- liver the last freshman. It's part of an over-all scheme which includes such deviltries as photographing the Horace Rackham Building from four different angles and captioning the pictures: "These buildings typify the splendid new structures found on campus." The tip-off came when we saw the University ground keepers being as- signed to their life guard stations. Hip boots and sou'westers were issued all around, and they've already be- gun to sand-bag Haven Hall. As a matter of fact it was Noah himself who gave the Hall its name during one of the torrential floods which regularly inundate the cam- pus. The Ark came to rest in one of the lecture halls after the great flood, and Noah (picking updthe dice) shouted, "I've just made HAVEN the hard way!" TE well remember the unfortunate incident of last spring when three Lit students were lost in the great mud hole on the diagonal. They grappled for the bodies for weeks, but they only recovered a brew-stained university I. D. card with the birth date artfully altered from '25 to '24. If you've got to venture out to class, we recommend that you have with you the collapsible life-saving unit which was developed for student use but loaned to the army and navy for the duration. These are the very same outfits that brought Tommy Harmon and his parachute back Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to allnmem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Bal, by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1945 VOL. LVI, No. 4 Notices To the members of the faculty- College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The November meeting of the Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts for the academic year 1945-46 will be held Monday, Nov. 5, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall. AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of June 4, 1945, (pp. 1178 to 1179) which were distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of reports submitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Professor T. H. Hildebrandt. b. University Council - Professor Shorey Peterson. No report. c. Executive Board of the Graduate School-Professor N. E. Nelson. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs-Professor C. D. Thrope. e. Deans' Conference-Dean Hay- ward Keniston. 3. Memorial for Joseph R. Hayden (Professors R. B. Hall, H. H. Bart- lett, and E. S. Brown, Chairman). 4. Elections to Executive Committee Panel, University Council, Admin- istrative Board, and Library Com- mittee. (Ballots enclosed). 5. Report to Faculty on Budget for 1945-46. pp. 1185 to 1186. 6. Recommended Changes in Curricu- lum. pp. 1187 to 1197. 7. Problems of the Library-Profes- sor W. G. Rice. 8. New Business. 9. Announcements. Instructors on the Faculty with one or more years' standing are eligible to vote at this meeting. Urgent need for Dailies to send to boys in service. Mrs. Buchanan, Museums Special Book Sale to Faculty-For one week only, Nov. 3 to Nov. 10, the University of Michigan Press is offer- ing to the Faculty an opportunity to buy, at very low prices, certain books which have been declared excess stock. A list of titles included in this group will be placed in the hands of all department heads and may be consulted in the departmental office or copies of the lists may be obtained at the Information Desk in the Uni- versity Business Office. The books themselves may be examined and pur chased at the University Press Sale Office,' 311 Maynard Street, or may be ordered by phone, University Ex- tension 616. The offer will be with- drawn at the expiration of the desig- nated time. To all house presidents: There wil be an important meeting of Inter fraternity Council on Tuesday, Nov. 6 at 7:15 in Room 306 Michigan Union All houses are urged to have a rep. resentative present at this meeting. Attention all house heads an house presidents: Every dormitory auxiliary dormitory, sorority house and league house must have sign-ou sheet records starting the day th house opened for the fall semester. Sign-out sheets and composit sheets may be obtained from the So cial Director's Office in the Women' League. Sign-out sheets accompanied bya composite sheet must be turned i to the League Undergraduate Offic every Monday by 5:00 p. m. Al sheets must be made out in ink o indelible pencil and dated Monda through Sunday inclusive. . Fraternity presidents of group which formerly maintained houseE should apply to the Office of the Dean of Students for blanks on which t list current membership. House Directors and Social Chair men are reminded that requests fo social events must be filed in th Office of the Dean of Students no later than the Monday before th Sevent for which approval is requestec It should be accomplished by writter acceptance from two sets of approve chaperons and, in the case of frater nities and sororities, by approval fror the financial adviser. Approved cha perons may be 1) parents of activ members or pledges, 2) professors associate professors or assistant pro fessors, or 3) couples already approv ed by the Committee on Student Al Sfairs. A list of the third groupi. available at the Office of the Dea of Students. Eligibility Certificates for th Fall Term may be secured imme diately if the last report of grades i brought to the Office of the Dean o Students. Student Organizations which wis to be reapproved for the school yea 1945-46 should submit a list of thei for office in a class or other student organization. This list is not intend- ed to be exhaustive, but merely is indicative of the character and scope of the activities included. II Certificate of Eligibility. At the be- ginning of each semester and summer session every student shall be conclu- sively presumed to be ineligible for any public activity until his eligibility is affirmatively established by ob- taining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, in the Office of the Dean of Students, a Certificate of Eligibility. Participa- tion before the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any students to participate in a public activity (see definition of Participation above), the chairman or manager of such activity shall (a) require each applicant to present a certificate of eligibility, (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (e) file with the Chair- man of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligi- bility and a signed statement to ex- clude all others from participation. Blanks for the chairmen's lists may be obtained in the Office of the Dean of Students. Certificates of' Eligibility for the first semester shall be effective until March 1. III Probation and Warning. Students on probation or the warned list are forbidden to participate in any public activity. IV Eligibility, First Year. No freshman in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility. A freshman, during his second se- mester of residence, may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility provided he has completed 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 22 times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1, E-0). Any student in his first semester of residence holding rank above that of freshman may be granted a Certifi- cate of Eligibility if he was admitted to the University in good standing. V Eligibility, General. In order to re- Sceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu- dent must have earned at least 11 hours of academic credit in the pre- ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca- demic credit in the preceding sum- mer session, with an average of at least C, and have at least a C aver- age for his entire academic career. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are torbe interpreted as E until removeda in accordance with s University regulations. If in the opin- s ion of the Committee on Student Affairs the X or I cannot be removed promptly, the parenthetically report- - ed grade may be used in place of the X or I in computing the average. Students who are ineligible under 1 Rule V may participate only after - having received special permission of , the Committee on Student Affairs. Unitarian Students should make reservations by calling 3085 for the special reception to be given at the d First Unitarian Church, State and , Huron Streets, Tuesday, Nov. 6 ,at 9:45 p. m. for Rep. Helen Gahagan t Douglas. e Academic Notices e Debating: Students interested in s University debating should meet with Dr. Lomas, 4202 Angell Hall, Tues- a day, Nov. 6, at 3 p. m. e English 31, Section 2, will meet in 1 Room 2235 A. H. Monday, Nov. 5 r and thereafter. y English 147. Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 6, English 147 will meet regu- s larly in 231 Angell Hall. 's n English 297: Students for my sec- o tion will meet to arrange hours Mon- day, Nov. 5, at 3:00 in Room 3216 Angell Hall. E. A. Walter r e German 247 will meet in 204 Uni- t versity Hall Thursday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. e I. Freshman Health Lectures for Men: n It is a University requirement that d all entering freshmen are required to - take, without credit, a series of lec- n tures in personal and community - health and to pass an examination on e the content of these lectures. Trans- s, fer students with freshman standing - are also required to take the course - unless they have had a similar course E-elsewhere. s Uppereclassmen who were here as n freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this term. e These lectures are not required of ~ veterans. s The lectures will be given in Room f 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p. m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per the fol- lowing schedule. h Lecture No. Day Date r 1 Monday Nov. 5 r 2 Tuesday Nov. 6 BARNABY Ii-ay Our deer hunt has struck a serious snag, m'boy. We learned at the public library that to make a bow and arrow we need the sinews of a deer! And, no bow and arrow, no shoofum deer. .. This, indeed, is a dilemma- Imosss ie th is offer) By Crockett Johnson jane Shultz has an archery set, Mr. OMal . I'll go borrow it. 11