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November 03, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-03

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;4rmi*r4igan Batty

German Occupation. Threat'

Fifty-Sixth Year




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Edited and managed by students of
Michigan under the authority of the
of Student Publications.

the University of
Board of Control

Editorial Stafff

Ray Dixon
Robert Goldman
Betty Roth .
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimares

. . . Managing Editor
. . . . City Editor
*. Editorial Director
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
.Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Atmian. . . . . . ...Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-4 6

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

,._ : ,


THE first phase of our occupation of Germany
has ended. The Germans are beginning to or-
ganize. Their organization takes the unlovely
form of physical attacks on individual American
soldiers in several communities; and General
Eistenhower, watching the signs, reports that or-
ganized resistance directed against our occupa-
tion forces as a whole is now a possibility. The
period of German servility is probably ending;
or, rather, we are entering a period of competi-
tion among several forms of German leadership
to capture control of the servile masses.
The outbreaks of violence have been sporadic
up to this point, and are blamed on German
youth, both boys and girls, still largely Nazi, and
on German soldiers who have come home from
prison camps to find their wives and sweethearts
living with Americans.
The attacks are local, directed against in-
dividuals, or town garrisons, and have not
yet coalesced into a zone-wide movement un-
der self-conscious leadership. So far they rep-
resent only occasional uprisings of the dis-
gruntled against the bored, but given enough
unemployment, cold and hunger this winter,
the movement may soon take a larger and
more deliberate form.
The obvious answer is repression; but the one
axiom established by this war is that repression
never represses. The conqueror is compelled
wearily to try it, but his every move along the
line gives the resisters an added point for their
program and for their propaganda.
The other method is a kind of bribery; to
make jobs, somehow, to bring in food and
clothes, an approach which the Germans also
tried in one or two spots. We may take this
tack, but it is hard to believe it will halt re-
sistance, or that it will seem to the people of
the place to be anything but a political victory,
won by means of threat and menace, as, in-
deed, it is. If the burden of the above seems
to be that occupation is, at best, a dismal en-
terprise, that is probably correct.
BUT the thing is further complicated by our re-
lations with Russia. Saul K. Padover has
shown, in his series of "Nation" articles, how
our Military Government officials made whole-
sale use of Nazis in the early stages of occupa-
tion, partly because of their fear of boleshevism;
they shied away from anti-fascists, because they
might be reds. (Padover quotes one Military
Government official as shouting: "I know these
anti-fascists; they are all bandits.")
Our Military Government officials do not
always show the same tendency to shy away
from anti-Russians on the ground that they
might be fascists. Anti-Russian sentiment in
our zone is becoming bolder; and some Ger-
Rah Rah Revives
THE cause for it is uncertain, but its arrival
is certainly heartily welcomed by all. We doubt
that a stray bit of atom bomb has struck the
University recently, at least no report of same
is anywhere recorded. But it must have been an
equally strong force which has knocked back
into this campus some of the old RAH RAH
spirit for which it was once famous.
Not since the pre-war days has such a brisk
surge of feeling been registered, as was evidenced
by last night's Pep Rally.
The opening and successful operation of a stu-
dent book exchange is another encouraging move
in the right direction.
It is this feeling of interest and cooperation
on the part of the student body which will
serve to foster the healthful growth of our
University even as much as its physical re-
juvenation and expansion will.
We are on the brink of the long awaited post-
war era. Just as reconversion is the national
pass-word; let it be ours. Now is the time to re-
institute those things which the war forced us to
abandon. Let's see there-birth, for example, of
that undergraduate cheering section identified
by its bright gold jackets adorned with a Wol-
verine patch. (A few are still around.) It is this
sort of thing which gives spark and color to what
otherwise might be an ardous campus life.
Perhaps it is the return of so many veterans
into the fibre of campus life which is serving

as this motivating force, for these men, most
of them former college students and a good
many former Michigan ,men, knew what it was
like before the war forced a curtailment in this
vital aspect of campus life.
But whatsoever the reason, a good beginning
has been made-the road ahead is clear-so
let's move forward.
-Marshall Wallace

mans tell our reporters candidly that they
look forward to a war between America and
Russia in the spring.
Thus there is a kind of double movement go-
ing on in our zone; while we are attacked, physi-
cally, from below, by outright fascists, we our-
selves show a certain tendency to reach out to
fascist-minded Germans from above, men who
are not very different, in essence, from those who
lead uprisings against us. That is a hard way to
run a railroad.
Thus the German problem reflects our world
problem, and that is why plans for a "better
kind" of occupation of Germany, no matter how
clever or ingenious they may be, are somehow
always felt to be vaguely unsatisfactory. There
is no possibility of a "better" occupation until
we resolve our relation with Russia. And here
we have just one more illustration of the in-
furiatingly sticky quality of the problems of
our age; they are all mashed together, in one
undigested lump; and it is our sad fate that
we have to solve them all to solve any of them.
(Copyright, 1945. N. Y. Post Syndicate)
Should Vets
Reaffili ate?
DOGAN ARTHUR, president of the Interfra-
ternity Council, has made a plea for all vet-
erans to contact their respective fraternities. At
the present time, many veterans have returned to
campus without contacting their fraternities. The
services of the Interfraternity Council have
been offered to the fraternities and veterans for
the purpose of re-establishing contact between
the two.
Yet many veterans are reluctant to re-af-
filiate because they fear that fraternities have
changed, that the fraternities are of inferior
quality, that the fraternity members are much
too young in comparison with their advanced
ages and that the fraternities will not welcome
the veteran.
No one will argue that the standard of fra-
ternities remained constant during the war. With
the shortage of male students, many fraternities
found the going very difficult. Some dropped out
but others managed to survive by one course or
another. The usual picture of the war-time fra-
ternity envisaged either a house of campus serv-
icemen or 17-year olds who would stay for one
or two semesters.
The average age of the fraternity man was
much younger and leadership of fraternities fell
on the shoulders of the younger men.
But this situation has now changed. The fra-
ternities are, at last acquiring a stable mem
bership. Leadership is returning to the hands
of older and more mature men. Selective serv-
ice calls have leveled off resulting in more se-
curity for the fraternity man and the fratern-
But the veteran still looks at the fraternity
members as a bunch of youngsters since their
ages may be from two to seven years younger.
What the veteran may Aot be considering is that
veterans like himself returning to the fraternity
will take over the leadership of that fraternity,
that these veterans have much in common, in-
cluding an interest in their fraternity, and that
wtih the veteran influence on campus, the fra-
ternities themselves will not be any less affected
than any other campus organization.
During these days of housing shortages, the
fraternity can still provide more than adequate
housing accommodations, as well as the fraternal
friendship of veteran and non-veteran alike.
That the fraternity will not welcome the vet-
eran is a fallacy. While acquiring a miore stable
position, fraternities have lost much tradition and
prestige during the war because they have lacked
the guidance of older and more experienced men.
The fraternities realize that the vet can pro-
vide needed experience, leadership, and a stabil-
izing factor. They will gladly welcome the re-
turn of their former members and will encourage
them to participate in fraternal activities.
At the same time many fraternities are re-
vamping outmoded fraternity procedures to
conform to the expected influx of veterans,
both as returning veterans and as prospective

pledges. They realize that juvenile policies will
not be tolerated by the campaign veteran.
In this light, it is obvious that the fraternities
have much to offer the veteran, that the fra-
ternities are willing to go more than halfway
to meet the veteran, and that fraternity par-
ticipation will prove of benefit to veteran; and
fraternity alike.

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-j
letifi is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,1
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day1
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-1
VOL. LVI, No. 3
To the members of the faculty-
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: The November meeting of
the Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts for the
academic year 1945-46 will be held
Monday, Nov. 5, at 4:10 p.m. in Room
1025 Angell Hall.
1. Consideration of the minutes of the
meeting of June 4, 1945, (pp. 1178
to 1179) which were distributed by
campus mail.
2. Consideration of reports submitted
with the call to this meeting.
a. Executive Committee-Professor
T. H. Hildebrandt.
b. University Council - Professor
Shorey Peterson. No report.
c. Executive Board of the Graduate
School-Professor N. E. Nelson.
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs-Professor C.
D. Thrope.
e. Deans' Conference-Dean Hay-
ward Keniston.
3. Memorial for Joseph R. Hayden
(Professors R. B. Hall, H. H. Bart-
lett, and E. S. Brown, Chairman).
4. Elections to Executive Committee
Panel, University Council, Admin-
istrative Board, and Library Com-
mittee. (Ballots enclosed).
5. Report to Faculty on Budget for
1945-46. pp. 1185 to 1186.,
6. Recommended Changes in Curricu-
lum. pp. 1187 to 1197.
7. Problems of the Library-Profes-
sor W. G. Rice.
8. New Business.
9. Announcements.
Instructors on the Faculty with one
or more years' standing are eligible to
vote at this meeting.
Football Tickets: Students who did
not receive their football ticket ad-
mission in Waterman Gym may call
for same at the ticket office at Ferry
Field. This should be done before 12
o'clock Saturday noon in order to re-
ceive admission to the Minnesota
H. 0. Crisler

for the spring semester only those
women who are now enrolled and
who have previously applied for dor-
mitories will be considered for place-
ment for the spring. Such students
may call at the Office of the Dean of
Women on and after Nov. 15, 1945, for
a limited period of time to request
reinstatement of their applications.
A $10.00 deposit should be placed on
file. Students are cautioned that only
those who have already filed the dor-
mitory application form and who do
not have assignments in dormitories
may apply for the spring semester.
The Office of the Dean of Women as-
sumes that students now at the Uni-
versity will keep their present hous-
ing assignments in dormitories and
converted fraternities for the spring
semester unless this office is other-
wise notified no later than one month
before the end of the fall semester.
Students wishing to secure living
accommodations in league houses for
the spring semester of 1946: These
students are instructed to communi-
cate first with the Office of the Dean
of Women so that they may be refer-
red to vacancies. Those who wish to
keep their present assignments in
League Houses should notify the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women to this ef-
fect as soon as possible (no later
than one month before the end of the
fall semester, to assure themselves of
the reservation. After this prelimi-
nary step, students will be instructed
how to complete the reservation by
direct contact with the League House
mother. No assignments in League
Houses will be considered final until
they have been recorded in the Office
of the Dean of Women. Students not
now on campus for whom space in
the dormitories or converted fraterni-
ties is not available will be sent upon
request a League House application
blank with specific instructions on
how to proceed. Only students tenta-
tively admitted or already enrolled in
the University may reserve housing
space of any kind.
Students wishing dormitory accom-
modations for the summer session or
fall semester, 1946: These students
may apply at the Office of the Dean
of Women. Application blanks are
available at the Office of the Dean
of Women. Completed applications
for the summer arid fall of 1946 must
be returned by mail, and in no case
will the receipt of the completed form
be listed until Nov. 15. This applies to
students now on campus as well as
those not now at the University. Only
students tentatively admitted or
already enrolled in the University
may reserve housing space of any
Academic Notices
English 31, Section 2, will meet in
Room 2235 A. H. Monday, Nov. 5
and thereafter.
English 147. Beginning Tuesday,
Nov. 6, English 147 will meet regu-
larly in 231 Angell Hall.
English 297: Students for my sec-
tion will meet to arrange hours Mon-
day, Nov. 5, at 3:00 in Room 3216
Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter

Sec. 1 W-1-
Sec. 2 W-2-
Sec. 3 Tu-1-
Sec. 4 Tu-11-
Sec. 5. W-11-
Sec. 6 Th-1-
Sec. 7 W-9-
Sec. 8 Tu-9-

Red Tape

1121 Natural Science.
2116 Natural Science.
1121 Natural Science,
1121 Natural Science.
3126 Natural Science.
1121 Natural Science.
3126 Natural Science.
-205 Mason Hall.

nars will be held in Room 3011 Angell
Hall at 4:00 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 6.
Political Science 1, Sec. 10; Politi-
cal Science 163: Hereafter, Section 10
of the Political Science 1 (Scheips)
will meet in 101. Economics; and Poli-
tical Science 163 Preuss) will meet
in 2203 Angell Hall.
Political Science 181 will meet in
room 3231 Angell Hall on Monday.
Wednesday and Friday at 10 o'clock.
Political Science 251: Students reg-
istered should call at room 2031 An-
gell Hall on Monday, Nov. 5 or Tues-
day, Nov. 6.
Political Science 381: Students reg-
istered in Seminar on Political The-
ory, should call at room 2031 Angell
Hall on Monday, Nov. 5 or Tuesday,
Nov. 6.
Psychology 31: Lecture Group A-
TuTh-1 Natural Science Auditorium
-Dr. Marquis.
Sec. 1 M- 9-1121 Natural Science.
Sec. 2 M-10-1121 Natural Science.
Sec. 3 F-10-1121 Natural Science.
Sec. 4 F-11-1121 Natural Science.
Lecture Group B-W-1 Natural
Science Auditorium-Dr. Maier.
Sec. 1 TuTh-8 3126 Natural Science.
Sec. 2 TuTh-9 3126 Natural Science.
Sec. 3 TuTh-10 3126 Natural Science.
Sec. 4 M F-9 3126 Natural Science.
Sec. 5 W S-10 3126 Natural Science,
Sec. 6 W F-9 1121 Natural Science.
(Changed from M W-9)
Sec. 7 M W 10 2054 Natural Science.
Sec. 8 TuTh-9 1121 Natural Science.
Sec. 9 TuTh-10 3056 Natural Science.
Sec. 10 TuTh-11 . . ............. .
.. 3126 Natural Science.
Sec. 11 M Fl 1121 Natural Science.
Lecture Group C-M F-1 Natural
Science Auditorium-Dr. Thornton.

THAT the returning veterans on campus are
impatient with red tape was evidenced at the
Veterans' Rally when an American Red Cross
representative said that lectures and articles on
the vet were just "so much malarkey," and mat-
ters could be handled more efficiently.
This statement was followed by loud applause
by nearly 400 veterans. attending the Rally.
Veterans' Administration authorities from Dear-
born had discussed the complicated procedure
each file and claim of veterans must go through
before checks are mailed out. These agencies
were never on the government priority list and
could not have the space, personnel, or supplies
necessary for handling all business rapidly.
Apparently the vet believes matters need not
be so complicated and do not require so much
red tape if the reaction at the Rally is any in-
The University veterans' agencies and per-
sonnel and the federal authorities have done a
remarkable job in most cases handing the vet-
erans' claims but theoveteran still sees room for
rapid improvement and he wants it in a hurry.
-Lois Iverson

Attention all house heads and
house presidents: Every dormitory,
auxiliary dormitory, sorority house,
and league house must have sign-out
sheet records starting the day the
house opened for the fall semester.
Sign-out sheets and composite
sheets may be obtained from the So-
cial Director's Office in the Women's
Sign-out sheets accompanied by a
composite sheet must be turned in
to the League Undergraduate Office
every Monday by 5:00 p. m. All
sheets must be made out in ink or
indelible pencil and dated Monday
through Sunday inclusive.
Special Book Sale to Faculty-For
one week only, Nov. 3 to Nov. 10, the
University of Michigan Press is offer-
ing to the Faculty an opportunity to
buy, at very low prices, certain books
which have been declared excess
stock. A list of titles included in
this group will be placed in the hands
of all department heads and may be
consulted in the departmental office,
or copies of the lists may be obtained
at the Information Desk in the Uni-
versity Business Office. The books
themselves may be examined and pur-
chased at the University Press Sales
Office, 311 Maynard Street, or may
be ordered by phone, University Ex-
tension 616. The offer will be with-
drawn at the expiration of the desig-
nated time.
Urgent need for Dailies to send tc
boys in service.
Mrs. Buchanan, Museums
Students on campus wishing to be
put on the waiting list for dormi-
tories for the spring semester of 1946:
These students may be placed on the
list only if they have previously filed
dormitory applications. Due to the
limited number of openings expected

Freedom in Asia

'ASIA for the Asiatics,' rallying cry of the col-
ored peoples of the Pacific, is a slogan that
has been popularized by the Japanese. But the
nationalist uprisings that are now being brutally
stamped out in Dutch-owned Java and French-
mandated Indo-China are more deeply rooted
than the use of Japanese catch-phrases would
Embittered by exploitation and never com-
p etely pacified by cultural advances intro-
duced by the white colonizer, the indigenous
peoples haye become increasingly conscious of
their subjection, and of the riches that the
western powers extract without regard to the
rights of native populations to share in the
It is perhaps sad, in a time when it is gener-
ally recognized that the safety and the prosperity
of the world lies in greater international coop-
eration, that nationalism should become so rife
that even backward peoples press for individual
statehood. But it is only through a fuller reali-
zation 'of their dignity and potentialities that
peoples can eventually learn to cooperate. Ig-
norance and backwardness breed mistrust.
The Westerner, who forged far ahead of his
colored : brother scientifically, has had a great
opportunity to impart his know-how. To a great
extent he has realized this opportunity (for Ja-
pan he realized it too well.) But he has too often
allowed greed to obscure humaneness.
It will be difficult to give up the free access to
the tremendous resources of Oceania. It would
entail a tremendous loss of prestige for the white
man to withdraw and thereby present the col-


Freshman Health Lectures for Men:
It is a University requirement that
all entering freshmen are required to
take, without credit, a series of lec-
tures in personal and community
health and to pass an examination on
the content of these lectures. Trans-
fer students with freshman standing
are also required to take the course
unless they have had a similar course
Upper classmen who were here as
freshmen and who did not fulfill the
requirements are requested to do so
this term.
These lectures are not required of
The lectures will be given in Room
25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p. m. and
repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per the fol-
lowing schedule.
Lecture No. Day Date
1 Monday Nov. 5
2 Tuesday Nov. 6
3 Wednesday Nov. 7
4 Thursday Nov. 8
5 Monday Nov. 12
6 Tuesday Nov. 13
7 Wednesday Nov. 14
8 Thursday Nov. 15
Please note that attendance is re-
quired and roll will be taken.
History 49. Beginning Tuesday,
Nov. 6, History 49 will meet regularly
in 1025 A. H.
History 11: Lecture Group II Sec-
tion 11a which meets on Monday and
Friday at 1:00 was to have met in
Room 102 Economics Bldg. and is
changed to Room ,1121 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg.
History 49: Section 5 which meets
on Friday at 10:00. was to. have met
in 103 Economics Bldg. and is chang-
ed to 2054 Natural Science Bldg.
History 49: Section 6 will meet on
Monday at 10:00 in Room 1025 An-
gell Hall.
History 49: Section 7 will meet on
Tuesday at 11:00 in Room 35 Angell

Lecture Group D W--1 Room 3056,
-Dr. Thuma (in Natural Science).
Sec. 1 TuTh-10- 3056 Natural Science.
Psychology 63, will meet Monday,
Nov. 5 and subsequently in Room 25
Angell Hall.
Psychology 109 will meet in Room
231 Angell Hall.
Class for Stutterers. The first meet-
ing of a class for students registered
in the University will be held Mon-
day, -Nov. 5, at 4:10 p. m. at the
Speech Clinic, 1007 East Huron Street.
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on
Friday, Nov. 9, from 4 to 6 p. m.
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Dictionaries may be used.
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of. Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men.
Veterans are permanently excused
from fulfilling the P.E.M. require-
ment, provided they have completed
their basic training or have served
at least six months in one of the
branches of the armed forces.
Students may be excused from tak-
ing the course by (1) The University
Health Service, (2) The Dean of the
College or by his representative, (3)
The Director of Physical Education
and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by students
in this College should be addressed by
freshmen and sophomores to Profes-
sor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of
the Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Asso-
ciate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the sec-
ond week of the Fall Term.
Paul Robeson, baritone, assisted by
William Schatzkamer, pianist; and
accompanied at the piano .by Law-
rence Brown, will give the opening
concert in the Choral Union Series
tonight, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium.
The second concert will be given by
the Cleveland Orchestra, Erich Leins-
dorf,Conductor, Sunday, Nov. 11, at
7 o'clock sharp (on account of broad-
cast); and at later dates the following
additional concerts will be provided:
Alexander Uninsky, Pianist-Nov.
Jennie Tourel, Contralto-Nov. 27.
Don Cossack Chorus, Serge Jaroff,
Conductor-Dec. 3.
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge
Koussevitzky, Conductor-Dec. 10.
Heifetz, Violinist-Jan. 18.
Chicago Symphony, Desire Defauw,
Conductor-Jan. 31.
Artur Schnabel, pianist-Feb. 13.
Detroit Symphony, Karl Krueger,
Conductor-Mar. 11.
Tickets for the Paul Robeson con-
cert have been exhausted but a limit-
ed number of tickets for several of

-Arthur Gronik


'-= C oc-K'E "

Mr. O'Mallev, how can Howard shoot JOHNSo
a deer for us. We haven't got a gun-
Nogottum gun ..Nor,
for that matter, have _y.
we a hunting license.
I have a
!Q-3F I

And Sigahstaw Indians don't use guns,
Howard will pierce the heart of a running
deer with a singing arrow from his bow-
But no Bottum bow
and arrow either-

By Crockett Johnson
Sellum old family antiques ... A curio dealer
offered rather an attractive price and so I-
I'd better tell Mom to buy
a turkey for Thanksgiving
after all, Mr. O'Malley-
CopyrigHq 1945, The Newspaper PM, Ina

Our deer hunt merely will be delayed a bit.
Until Howard fashions himself a sturdy

Me never learnum how ... Though I have
toyed, from time to time, with the idea

Tell your folks not to become impatient
a bout that venison roast, m'bov. We're 1K

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