PAGE EIGHT THiE MICIGAUN DATLtY FRIDAY, FE~RTTAUY 15, 1~ PROGRAM FOR REFORM: G. I.'s Can Aid Jap Re-Education-Huntley (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third and last of a series of articles on the subject of education in Japan.) By PHYLLIS KAYE "In re-educating Japan, we will, in a sense, be re-educating America," Dr. Frank L. Huntley of the political science and English departments stated in an interview. In the final analysis, he declared, there is always the philosophical question, can I remove the moat from my neighbor's eye when I have a beam in my own? Therefore, we must cut out the beam in our own eye be- fore we can see clearly to remove the moat from the eye of our neighbor. We must remedy some of the obvious evils that exist in the American so- cial and educational system before we can successfully aid Japan to be- come a democratic country. "Another question that comes up is who or what should be our instru- ments of re-education?"' Dr. Huntley pointed out. "First of all, we must make use of the facilities near at hand., At present there are three million GIs in Japan. In this group we have one of the most natural in- struments for the informal re-educa- tLion of the Japanese.'' Gi.'s Cane Reformers It is well known, he said, thai, some of our soldiers have been misbehaving in Japan, but on the whole, they can do a great deal to further our cause. Most Americans have a healthy scorn for superstitious pomp, and there is much of that present in Japanese tra- ditional customs, such as the stu- dents rising and bowing when the professor comes into the room. Since the Japanese are very sensitive to 1 . _ __ _. . _ ol ridicule, the attitude of American sol- diers, especially in the social sphere, might have a very profound affect on them. "An extra-curricular course the Americans have been giving consists of getting on a Japanese street car and making all the men give their .ieats to women," Dr. Huntley men- tioned. "This is directly contrary to Japanese notions on the subject of the treatment of women. Three hun- dred thousand GIs are the greatest impact the Japanese culture has ever undergone and their influence can cause great social upheavel. However, if this influence isn't for the good, it will be of no use to send over an edu- cation commission. In this way we learn that the United States has placed too much emphasis on formal education." Another factor to be considered is that we must not let our revolution- izing of Japanese culture have the taste of foreign conquest and some- thing that has been forced down their thrcats. This would only cause a re- action toward the old customs as soon as-American troops left the country, he claimed. Self Re-Education Urged "We should let the Japanese handle the formal re-education of the coun- try as much as possible," Dr. Huntley continued. "Most of the liberal Jap- anese have been eliminated during the war period, but there are still a few left. We could use this group as a nucleus to educate liberal teachers in the Japanese normal school. This level and type of school is outwardly one of the most American institutions in Japan since it was copied directly from ours. It is a potential instru- ment in our favor and we should make use of it." The attitude of Japanese students before the war was a paradox of docil- ity and rebelliousness. Japan at one time had more student strikes than any other country, and a large num- ber of students were imprisoned be- cause of their radical tendencies. However, they were docile in that they believed all that their teachers taught them. Rebelliousness and docility are undesirable in their ex- treme forms, but with wise guidance froi Americans, both attitudes can be used to further our purpose, he declared. SocilI Conscience Needed "If we could arouse the rebellious- ness against the larger social issues, such as inadequate housing, agrarian inequality and dirty streets rather than petty injustices in school ad- ministration, then we would be help- ing to create a social conscience and individual thought in Japan," Dr. Huntley claimed. Another instrument to be used is the textbook. First, we could take the textbooks of the Meiji era and bring them up to date, since they embody the ideas we wish to stress. Many of them were written by Americans and by such great Japanese liberal educa- tors as Fukuzawo. Secondly, we could use the present textbooks with mar- inl notes such as "what do you think of this idea now?" This would teach the children to think for them- selves. However, before we dd any- thing of this sort, we must decide definitely what we want to delete and what we want to add, in order to have a unified program. Movies Are Effective "Finally, movies, newspapers and radio could be used for purposes of re-education. Movies are one of the most effective methods of modern times for school education, he stated. About one-third of the Japanese schools are already equipped with movie projectors. We could provide the rest and supply them with films of an educational nature." "However, none of this can be done successfully unless the Americans face the problem sincerely and not as hypocrites who advise others to achieve a perfection they themselves DAILY OFFICIAL BULIETIN (Continued from Page 5) Room Assignments For English 1 and 2:1 Final Examination on Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2-4 p.m. English 1 Avalon, G. Haven; Austin, C. Hav- en; Bertram, 2003 AH; Bromage, C. Haven; Calver, 205 MA; Chase, 225 AH; Dice, G. Haven; Engel, 215 Ec.; Fletcher, 205 MH; Fogle, 2082 NS; Fullerton, C. Haven; Gram, 215 Ec.; Greenhut, 102 Ec.; Hawkins, 2231 AH; Hayden, 205 MH; Jenks 231 AH; Kearney, 2082 NS; Merewether, 2235 AH; Needham, 2235 AH; Norton, 231 AH; O'Neill, 215 Ec.; Ogden, 3056 NS; Peterson, 4208 AH; Plumer 3017 AH; Riepe, 2054 NS; Robertson, 2029 AH; Schroder, D Haven; Schroeder, 1035 AH; Stevenson, 35 AH; Stimson, 2219 AH; Weimer, G Haven; Wells, 3056 NS; Welsch, D Haven; Wolfson, 231 AH. English 2 Abel, NS Aud.; Boys, NS Aud.; Ev- erett, NS Aud.; Huntley, NS, Aud; I McCormick, NS, Aud.; Morris, NS Aud.; Pearl, NS Aud.; Rayment, NS Aud.; Sessions, E. Haven; Smith, 2225 Angell Hall; Weaver, 2013 An- gell Hall. Room Assignments for German: Final EXaminations on Friday, Feb- ruary 22, 2-4 p.m. . German 1 Braun (both sections) and Eaton, 101 Ec.; Reichart and Willey, D Haven; Philippson (both sections) and Boersma, 2003 A.H.; Edson (both sections), 3017 A.H.; Pott (both sec- Final Examinations will be given as follows: Political Science 1-Saturday, Feb- ruary 16, 8-10 a.m., Sections Room Hager and Silva 25 A.H . Kallenbach 1035 A.H. Phillips 1025 A.H. Bromage 231 A.H. Scheips & Dorr B Haven Hall Political Science 2-Saturday, Feb- ruary 16, 8-10 a.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Political Science 51 - Saturday, Feb. 16, 8-10 Sections Room Lederle 35 A.H. Perkins 2003 A.H. Political Science 52--Saturday, Feb. 16, 8-10, Room 2225 A.H. Social Studies 93, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2-4 p.m., Room 25 Angell Hall. Political Science 107, Friday, Feb- ruary 22, 8-10, Room 1025 Angell Hall. Final Examination in Speech 31 and and 32: Rooms for final examina- tions have been assigned as follows: Battin (two sections), 2225 Angell Hall; Beaven, 3209 Angell Hall; Brandt, 4003 Angell Hall; Cairns (two sections), 1035 Angell Hall; Hargis (two sections), 3017 Angell Hall; Lomas (two sections), 35 Angell Hall; Moser, 2231 Angell Hall; Norton (two sections), 2003 Angell Hall; Palmer (two sections) 205 Mason Hall; Owen, 4203 Angell Hall. Freshmen Health Lectures For Men: It is a University requirement that all entering freshmen are required to take, without credit, a series of lec- tures in personal and community health and to pass an examination on the content of these lectures. Transfer students with freshman standing are also required to take the do not possess," Dr. Huntley cluded. con-I Gen. Knudsen Will Address State Foremen i . Wednesday, ;Mrch 13 8. Thursday, March 14 Please note that attendance is re- quired and rol will be taken. Required Hygiene Lectures For Worm- en-1946: All first and second semester fresh- man women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which are to be. given the second semester. Upper class students who were in the Uni- versity as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this term. Enroll for these lectures by turning in a class card at the time of regular classification at Waterman Gymnasium. Satisfactory completion of the course (or of P.H.P. 100; elective; 3 hrs. credit) is a graduation require- ment. LECTURE SCHEDULE I-First Lecture, Mon., March 11, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination- Final) .Mon., April 22, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced). II-First Lecture, Tuesday, March 12, 4:15-5:15, NS. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination (Final), Tues., April 23, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced). Events Today Phi Delta Kappa membership meetings will be held today and to- morrow at 4:00 in Room 3203 Univer- sity High School. Coffee Hour: Mr. DeWitt Baldwin, Director of the Lisle Fellowship will be the guest of honor at the Coffee Hour held at Lane Hall from 4:00- 6:00 today. Members of faculty of the Physical Education Department will be host- esses to the Women of the Faculty, at a meeting to be held tonight, 8 p.m., in the Women's Athletic Building. Coming Events The Ann Arbor library club will meet Monday, Feb. 18 at 7:45 in the Amphitheater of the Rackham Build- A motion picture "The Library of Congress" will be shown. Refreshments will be served by the staff of the Ann Arbor Public Library. A.T.E.E. There will be a joint meet- ing of the Michigan Section and the Michigan Student Branch on Tues- day, Feb. 19, at 7:30 p.m., in the Kel- logg Auditorium. Mr. H. E. Larson of General Electric Company, Chicago, will speak on "Amplidynes, Princi- ples and Applications." Various mov- ies will be shown. All interested are invited. Research Club. The February meet- ing of the Research Club will be held on Wednesday evening, Feb. 20, at 8:00, Professor W. H. Hobbs will pre- sent a paper on "The Newly Discov- ered Glacial Lake Leverett," and Pro- fessor R. C. Angell a paper on "The Social Integration of American Cit- ies." The Graduate Outing Club will hold its first meeting of the spring se- mester on Saturday, March 2. There will be sports, supper, and folk danc- ing. Those interested should sign up and pay the supper fee at the check- room desk in Rackham building be- fore noon March 2, and should meet in the Outing Club rooms at 3 o'clock. I T UX and F UL L D RESS RENTALS All sizes . with or without accessories. 6 days notice required KO H N'S CLOTHES SHOP 122 EAST LIBERTY An address by Lt.-Gen. William S.tions), 2225 A.H.; Reiss, G Haven; course unless they have had a similar Knudsen will highlight the program Gaiss (both sections), 35 A.H. course elsewhere. of the eighth annual Michigan Fore- German 2 Upper classmen who were here as men's Conference, to be held March Striedieck (both sections) and fresh'men and who did not fulfill the 1, at the Rackham Educational Me- Braun, 205 Mason Hall; Willey, Van requ rements are requested to do so morial in Detroit. Duren and Gaiss, 202 West Physics, this term. German 31 These lectures are not required of, Braun and Eaton, E Haven; Phil- veterans. tively announced as The Outlook for ippson, Wahr and Gaiss, 1035 A.H. The lectures will be given in Room Business." German 32 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m. and re- The conference, which will be at- Reichart, 1009 A.H. peated at 7:30 p.m. as per the follow- tended by about 1250 foremen of in- German 56 will meet in Room 16 ing schedule. dustrial and manufacturing con- Angell Hall for final examination. 1. Monday, March 4 erns in the Detroit area and south German 167 will meet in Room 306 2. Tuesday, March 5 eastern Michigan, is sponsored by University Hall for final examination. 3. Wednesday, March 6 the University Extension Service, the German 35 (Dr. Wahr's section) 4. Thursday, March 7 Foremen's Clubs of Michigan, the will meet in Room 203 University Hall 5. Monday, March 11 National Association of Foremen, the for final examination. 6. Tuesday, March 12 Engineering Society of Detroit, and -_________________ _ __ other organizations. History ii, Lecture Section 2. Final A group of 12 smaller conferences examination, Monday, Feb. 18, 8:00 on various topics of interest to the to 10:00 a.m. Discussion sections 5, 6, SPECIAL TO SENIORS foremen will be held simultaneously 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 (with Hyma, Les- Te Midd gun Alumnus at 2 p.m. and the same topics re- lie, Slosson) IS Auditorium; discus- peated at 3:30 p.m. so that every sion sections 5a, 10a, 1a, and 12a T o r foreman will be able to attend two (with Heideman, Thornbrough) in Two Dollars different group meetings. Room 1025 Angell Hall. r s F, i i RELAX c 1 Special classes in typewriting, for personal or office use. Hours arranged at your convenience. Day and evening classes. Phone 7831 or call at our office for details. No obligation. hAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE William at State Phone 7831 "SYMPHONY" B'lend your bathroom accessories - naak. them as harmonious as a sym- phony - with our matching window and shower curtains and our colorful seat and bathmat sets. Always at rea- sonable prices. r 4 c 4 DANCING TO BILLY LAYTON SATURDAY NIGHT NO DANCE TONIGHIT THE MTCHIG§IN UNION \X\\\N\\ \\ >5\ > 5 \ > > > 5 N tttg. .. .. a ......,. ... . . ..A. SMARI HOSIEi SHOPP MCHGAN THE ~Shorty p. I. 'ii E - T 4 ATRE BLDG. the '<.k Shiri f' if i , , / ,,, "SHORTY" SKIRT styled by STONELE%GH I, Perfect-fitting for short " 7 , Basctpeae alllalund bb GAGE LINEN SHOP 11 NiciELs ARCADE '>VV\\. 2N , ..