See Page 4
Lw 43 l
* i
No S.L.O.
For Vets
Housing Shortage
Is Eased by State
"Sorr, no room" and S.R.O. no-
tices to applying veterans need be
in vogue no longer here after ap-
proval by the State of appropriations
for the University.
Many qualified veterans who
earlier were refused admission be-
cause of lack of housing accomoda-
tions can now be admitted if they
renew their applicatioiis, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
"Availability of additional apart-
ments for married veterans and dor-
mitories for single men at nearby
Willow Run, will enable the Uni-
versity to admit several hundred
more veterans for the Spring Term,
opening March 4," President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven said.
Favorable action by the State Leg-
islature and the Governor on the
University's proposed building pro-
gram gives assurance, Dr. Ruthven
said, that badly needed classroom
and laboratory facilities will be avail-
able within 18 months.
Meantime, he said, the University
will extend its class schedules and
use temporary facilities in order to
serve the next term's increased num-
ber of veterans, estimated at 5,000
or more.
Six hundred married student vet-
erans now live at Willow Run in
Federal Public Housing Authority
apartments. These apartments-two
and three rooms in size-are equip-
ped with necessary furniture, a re-
frigerator, and coal heating and
cooking stoves.
One dormitory for single men is
now occupied by students at Willow
See No S.R.O., page 3
Receive Award
From Hershey'
Dr. Taymond W. Waggoner, chair-
man of the Department of Psychia-
try and director of the Neuro-
psychiatric Institute, will receive a'
citation from Selective Service Di-
rector Gen. Lewis B. Hershey at 11:30
a.m. today at the School of Public
As advisor in psychiatry to the
director of Selective Service, Dr.
Waggoner served under Gen. Her-
shey during the war. He spent sev-
eral months in Washington during
the summer of 1943 and has made
regular trips to the capital in ful-
fillment of his position.
Dr. Waggoner said last night that
he did not know which award he
will receive. He has been informed,
however, that it will be the same
citation Gen. Hershey awarded
President Truman for his services
to Selective Service while he was a
Besides carrying on his regular
duties at the University, Dr. Wag-
goner retains his post in Selective
A.rmy T o Relax
Draft Standards
4-Fs Face Induction
Under New Ruling
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14-(IP)-The
Army today lowered its physical
standards for draftees and asked for
125,000 in April.
The regular monthly draft call has
been 50,000, but that rate has not
been met since V-J Day.
The War Department said it hopes
by this means to get the full 250,000
men the Army needs from Selective
Service in the first five months of
this year. This number is required
in addition to enlistments to provide
replacements for men discharged.
The Army asked draft boards to
induct immediately those 4Fs-men
previously disqualified for physical
reasons-who can meet the lowered
About 35,000 men are being ac-
cepted each month under present
physical standards. This is 15,000
short of requirements.
Marine, Navy Point
Scores Lowered
WASHTNGTON, Feb. 14-tAP)-The
Higher Wage-Price Policy Set by
* * *
4- * *
A: * *
* * *
cFreed; Sigler Faces Fund Probe
State Senate
To Investigate
Committee Will Seek
Accourrting o Cots
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Feb. 14-Coming on the
heels of the acquittal of Frank D.
McKay, the Senate today ordered an
investigation of the Ingham County
grand jury's expenditures from a
$442,000 state grant for what proved
to be a sensational inquiry into
charges of official corruption.
Adopting a resolution by Senator
Frank Heath, Bay City Republican
the Senate created an investigating
committee composed of Senator Ivan
A. Johnson (Rep.) of Mt. Clemens of
Mt. Clemens, chairman Senator Har-
old D. Tripp (Rep.) of Allegan, and
Robert J. McDonald (Dem.) of Flint.
'No Accounting' Says Heath
"We've appropriated something
like $400,000 and I think it's up to
the legislature to find out where the
money has gone. There has been no
accounting at all," Heath said.
Kim Sigler, the grand jury's spe-
cial prosecutor, when he heard of
the proposal, said, "We've been expe-
riencing that kind of opposition ever'
since the investigation started. When
we're through we'll make a full and
complete accounting." .
In Jackson, Judge John Simpson
ordered the acquittal of McKay and
four associates on liquor graft
charges, declaring that "In the en-
tire evidence presented in the case
there was no testimony that the de-
fendants did one single criminal act
as we know that term."
Sigler Refuses Comment On Ruling
Special Prosecutor Kim Sigler said
he had "no comment" on the Judge's
ruling. He had contended in the
course of the trial that the defendants
"by threats and intimidations" had
conmpired to control purchase and
distribution of liquor by the State
Liquor Control Commission to favor
"certain distillers in which they were
Sigler, who suffered his first major
defeat since he has been special pros-
ecutor of the Ingham County one-
man grand jury investigating state
government, said: "The one-man
grand jury investigating illegal acts
in recent state administrations is not
through by any means."
"It is significant that there are no
records in this case to show any dis-
crimination; nor are there and rec-
ords to show that distribution was
not properly made," the Judge de-
Infa11le Drive
aises $1,938
Student Contributions,
Daily Sales Anmounced
A total of $1,938.21 was -collected
in the University division of the
thirteenth annual March of Dimes
drive, Jean Gaffney, head of the
women's committee on campus, an-
nounced yesterday.
Coeds contributed $208.76 in dor-
mitories, cooperatives, and auxiliary
dormitories; $130.20 in sororities and
annexes; and $238.66 in League
houses, it was announced by Janet
Young who was in charge of dis-
tributing dime boxes to the resi-
dences. Barbara Raymer collected
$152.86 from University offices.
The men's committee, headed by
George Spaulding, collected $437.62
from fraternity houses, the Union,
the Wishing Well, and from local
Funds raised from the special dime
Daily amounted to $770.11.
Bowles Is Stabilizer,
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14-President Truman tonight gave the nation a
new, higher wage-price policy and named hold-the-liner Chester Bowles to
run it as stabilization administrator.
Government approval will be required for any wage increase which
might lead to higher prices, the White House announced, and industries
granting permitted pay raises may seek price adjustments at once. At pres-
ent they must wait six months to establish a record of need.
In the shakeup of his economic high command, Mr. Truman named
OPA Administrator Bowles to succeed John C. Collet in 'the economic sta-
bilization post.
'THEY SHALL NOT PASS'-A picket line of 200 CIO- United Steel Workers thwarted an attempt of 30 em-
ployes to reopen the Crawford Steel foundry plant, in Bucyrus, O., closed three weeks by the strike. Pickets
encircled the group and they didn't get through the line.
Board Policies
For West uad
Protests of 'Inequities'
Answered by Shiel
Students now living in West Quad
and working outside the house for
meals will be offered similar work in
the Quad dining rooms or room as-
sgnments in Fletchei; Hall. .wiere no.
meals will be served, for the spring
term, Francis C. Shiel, acting direc-
tor of University residence halls, an-
nounced yesterday.
Trhe announcement was made in
answer to student protests that the
Board of Regents' ruling requiring
residents of University houses to
board in the house was working un-
due hardships on students now work-
ing for meals outside the Quad.
Reluctant To Leave Jobs
As no meals have been served this
term to civilians living in the Quad,
many students work for their board.
Some of the jobs, particularly those
in fraternities and sororities, pay
higher wages or have more conven-
ient hours and better working condi-
tions and jobs in the University din-
ing rooms, and students having such
jobs are reluctant to leave them.
The new arrangements, designed
to eliminate any hardships students
might suffer by being forced to give
up either their present board jobs or
rooms, c1o not apply to students who
are not living in University resident
halls at the present time but who ex-
pect to live there next semester even
if they would prefer to earn their
board outside the hall.
Application May Be Made
Students now living in West Quad
who are interested in room assign-
ments in Fletcher Hall or jobs in the
West Quad dining room should apply
for them at once in Rm. 201, West
Students with outside board ;jobs
who do not wish to live in Fletcher
hall or work in University halls will
be released from their room con-
Today's Daily is the last issue
to be published during the Fall
Semester. Publication will be re-
sumed at the beginning of the
Spring Term, Tuesday, March 5.
Site, Urges
Action To Avert Famine
J 1
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 14-The first as-
sembly of the United Nations com-
pleted the business of its historic
first session tonight by approving
unanimously the Westchester-Fair-
field area of New York and Connect-
icut as the neow permanent world
peace capital d calling upon all
nations to take swift actionagainst
global famine.
By acclamation, the assembly in
the closing minutes of its meeting
in Central Hall also voted for New
York City as the temporary head-
quarters of the world's peace agency.
The assembly adopted an Ameri-
can resolution admitting the World
Federation of Trade Unions, Inter-
national Cooperative Alliance and
the American Federation of Labor
to consultative status within the
United Nations Organization.
Representing a victory for U. S.
Senator Tom Connally (D-Tex.), the
American proposal was accepted by
a vote of 32 to 6, with 11 abstentions
and two absences. It will let all non-
governmental organizations, who so
desire, to take part in the work of
the United Nations' Economic and
Social Council.
Call for Action on Food
One of the final actions of the
delegates was to call upon member
nations of the organization for "im-
mediate and drastic" action to head
off starvation in the world. The as-
sembly asked the nations to con-
serve food supplies and grow all the
grain possible.
The action on the sites cleared
the agenda except for formal cere-
monies closing the first assembly.
The action on the consultative
bodies climaxed vigorous debate in
February G rads
Receive Dirctiiois
Febr uary graduates will assemble
at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 23 in Hill Audi-
torium for commencement exercises,
Glenn L. Alt, chief marshal, an-
nounced yesterday.
Graduates will be seated in sec-
tions 11 and 111 on the main floor,
and exercises will open at 10 a.m.
For further instructions, see the
Daily Official Bulletin, page 4.
the Political and Security Commit-
tee, where Connally led a long fight
to give the American Federation of
Labor equal status with the World
Federation of Trade Unions and the
International Cooperative Alliance
as United Nations consultants. The
United States had argued that the
.AFL should have equal status.wvitl
the Congress of Industrial Organiza-
tions, which is a subsidiary of the
The University ban onbstudent
automobile driving will be lifted
from 12 noon, Feb. 22, to 8 a.m.,
March 4, the beginning of the
new term. The ruling applies to
all students except those in the
School of Medicine. Freshman
and sophomores in that school will
not be permitted to drive; juniors
may drive from 12 noon, Feb. 16,
to 8 a.m., Feb. 25.
Fran ensteen
Will uit His
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Feb. 14-Richard T.
Frankensteen, international vice-
president of the CIO United Auto
Workers, announced today he would
not seek re-election at the UAW na-
-ticnal convention in Atlantic City
next month.
Frankensteen said he had conveyed
this information to other UAW of-
ficials shortly after the first of the
year, but that he had delayed public
announcement pending partial settle-
ment of the UAW's wage demands
on the auto industry.
The 39-year-old labor leader said
CIO President Philip Murray had of-
fered him the post of representative
of that organization at the World
Trade Union Congress, but added
that he still was undecided as to
"what my future work will be." UAW-
CIO President R. J. Thomas said he
had been informed of Murray's offer.
"The labor movement has been very
good to me and I am deeply apprecia-
tive of the many honors bestowed
upon me," he said in a prepared
Paul A. Porter, chairman of the
Federal Communications Commis-
sion and a supporter of Bowles' firm
hold-the-line convictions, was ap-
pointed the new OPA chief.
Increased Production Sought
Mr. Truman in a statement de-
clared it imperative that "production
in great volume be accomplished" but
asserted that under the old stabiliza-
tion formula "collective bargaining
has broken down in many important
"I am now modifying our wage-
price policy to permit wage increases
within certain lines and to permit any
industry placed in a hardship posi-
tion by an approved increase to seek
price adjustments without waiting
until the end of a six months' test
period, as previously required."
Steel Settlement Expected
High administration officials said
they expected a steel strike settlement
shortly. A Presidential secretary said
U. S. Steel Corp. and CIO steelwork-
ers' leaders were negotiating.
But by the time the White House
announcement came, CIO President
Philip Murray had retired and efforts
to reach Corporation officials were
.Colet, r'eporedly jplannting to re-
turn to his federal judgeship in Mis-
souri, plans to sign an order increas-
ing steel prices tomorrow, an asso-
ciate said. The increase-reportedly
around $5 a ton-is designed to pave
the way for a strike settlement.
Previous Boosts To Be Pattern
Wage increases, he stated, must
be approved by the National Wage
Stabilization Board, which shall use
as its yardstick "the general pattern"
of wage boosts made in the industry
or the area since last August 18.
Bowles will exempt from this ap-
proval requirement any increases
which clearly will not *boost prices
The immediate price relief growing
out of wage boosts "must be conserva-
tively appraised," Mr. Truman
warned, but must "be sufficient to
assure profitable operation in the test
period" to any industry producing in
good volume.
"If the expected improvement in
earnings should fail to materialize in
any industry, OPA will move prompt-
ly to review its action. Appropriate
relief may be accorded."
Cominmittee OK's
WASIfINGTON, Feb. 14-(')-A
bill estimated to raise the pay of 4,-
000,000 to 6,000,000 persons was ap-
proved today by the Senate Labor
It would raise the minimum wage
required by law from 40 to 65 cents
an hour, and it would extend the
minimum wage act to many busi-
nesses not covered by it now.
Senator Ellender (D-La.) of the
committee, promising vigorous op-
position when the bill reached the
floor, told reporters it "would cover
all business and industry in the
country like a blanket." He said that
"about the.only thing exempted was
the small corner grocer.
[L1. Gen. Smirlii
Na med Envoy.
T o U. S. S. R.
Harriman's Successor
May Keep Army Rank
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 - Presi-
lent Truman announced tonight that
me had accepted the resignation of
Averell Harriman as ambassador to
Russia and named Lt. Gen. Walter
Bedell Smith as his successor.
Press secretary Charles G. Ross,
who made public the President's an-
mouncement, said, that legislation
would be asked tomorrow to permit
Smith to take the post without af-
ecting his military status. The nom-
ination .will be formally submitted
Smith served as chief. of staff for
uen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in Eu-
Legislation similar to that pro-
osed for Smith's army status was
Damed veterans administrator.
The White House made public a
letter to Harriman in which President
Truman expressed his' "great reluc-
ance" to accept the resignation. Mr.
Truman said he was agreeing to it
oecause of the "understanding you
had with President Roosevelt that
with the end of the war you should
be permitted to resign."
The letter disclosed that Harriman
first submitted his resignation in
April of last year, but was persuaded
y Mr. Truman "to remain for a while
The announcement came from the
White House less than 12 hours after
Iarriman arrived here by plane with
George Atcheson, Jr., state depart-
ment adviser to Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur in Tokyo.
R utiven Refers
SR A Petition
The Student Religious Associa-
ion's petition for a representative
>n the Student Affairs Committee has
been referred by President Alexander
G. Ruthven to the Committee itself
;or discussion and recommendation,
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the
president, announced yesterday.
Joseph E. Burnley, dean of students
and chairman of the Committee, said
the petition would be taken up at the
first meeting of the Committee
"early next term." Inasmuch as mem-
bership of the Committee is estab-
fished by Board of Regents' by-laws,
however, the Regents must take final
action on the matter.
If the request is granted, the num-
ber of students on the Committee
will be increased from five to six, with
the number of faculty members re-
maining at eight.
SRA represents 17 student organi-
zations including Inter-Guild, New-
man Club, Hillel Foundation and
World Student Service Fund, with
over 2,500 active members. And by
the terms of the organization's con-
stitution, approved by the Regents
in 1937, every students is automat-
cally a member of SRA, as well as of
the Union r the League, which -ae
represented on Committee.
Entries Due For
Llopwood Today
Bartell Perfects Means of Waterproofing All Fabrics
Maybe in the future women won't
be satisfied with plain, ordinary
nylon hose.
Maybe they will insist on water-
proofed, cold-resisting nylons.
ing waterproof and temperature-
resistant. The substance used is
called Aerobond because it is light-
weight and floats.
Unlike rubber, it "breathes;" it
Garments made with Aerobond
will be on the market in a few
months, probably available as a
quality item.
Dr. Bartell pointed out that special
Dr. Bartell first revealed the sub-
stance to Army and Navy officials
in Washington Sept. 30, 1944. He
was given an Office of Scientific
Research Development contract to
ming pool, and limited supplies
of boots, raincoats, lifebelts and
some other clothing were tested
under actual battle conditions
shortly before the war ended.