1T1 fI lT aMIC IVh 1AN DAILV . 'ltf _l~l Y" t[t~ltRSDA., r 1 ; RY 1, 1 ' --' Fifty-Sixth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: v r , i vi Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon ..........anaging Editor Robert Goldman .......... City Editor Betty Roth .......... Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore . .... . . . .. Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schuts . . . . Womenn's Editor b~ona Guimaraes.. . Associate Women's Editor Dorothy Flin Joy Altman Business Staff " . ".s."." .. . .Business Manager . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.' Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. * Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPREENTED FOR NATION6L ADVERTI.NG ?BY National Advertising Service, Inc. Collee Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CICAGO - OSTON . Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: PATRICIA CAMERON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. liseriminati;n ECLINING to accept a chapter of the Red Cross at Roosevelt College in Chicago, col- lege President Dr. Edward J. Sparling said the school cannot "lend its support in discrimina- to#n of any kind." Sparling's action confirmed lhe college student council which had voted against accepting a chapl;er earlier. Spaling whi said he had held off on this subject during the war because he did not wish tp affect blood donations, made his statement i reference to a Red Cross announcement of Jan. 21, 1942 which said "in deference to the wishes of those for whom the plasma is being provited, the blood (of negroes and whites) ' will be processed separately . . . " Sparling skid that the separately processed blood was then mixed by the army, to make one plasma. The Red Cross stand was thus hypocritical. Sparling said the decision "in no way negates my realization of the great good that the Red Cross has done for humanity, but there is a rporal obligation upon the American Red Cross ti ring its national policy into line with its deeds of mercy." ''isanctioning a Red Cross chapter on the Michigan campus, the Student Affairs Committee might be accused of acting con- trary to its policy in refusing to authorize the fund to aid the families of General Motors strikers on grounds that the Fund discrim- mated in favor of one group against another. --Milt Freudenheim Foreign Policy ALTHOUGH the State Department's indict- ment of Argentina is to be commended, the action brings home once more the deficiency of our foreign policy-lack of consistency. Less than a year has passed since the San Francisco Conference. At the conference, Ar- gentina, upon the insistence of the United States aid over the protest of Russia, was admitted to the family of peace-loving nations. Now a State Department "blue book" charges Argentina with complicity with the Nazis in war and to provide a base for the reonstruction of German aggressive power while the homeland is occupied. There can now be no doubt that the State De- partment coveted Argentina for political and economic reasons when the "Nazi base" was ad- mitted to UNO at San Francisco. Prior to the conference, Spruille Braden, then ambassador to. Argentina, had warned of fascism in the Peron government. At the conference, Foreign Commissar MYolotov cited charges of Argentine fascism by the late President Roosevelt and Cordell Hfull. The State Department wants to preserve Hemisphere Solidarity. Citizens of the United States have more wealth invested in Argentina than in any other Latin American country. Why else was fascist Argentina admitted to UNO? The State Department's "blue book" has not added much to our knowledge of Argen- tine fascism. It has only served to confirm our suspicions further. If the Department does not now see fit to read Argentina out of TT'Nt( our foreigrn nnhic~v cannot ognly lip said Secretary Ick By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Two back stage developments contributed to the resignation of Harold Ickes, the turbulent, two-fisted "curmudgeon" who has held office longer than any other mem- ber of the Roosevelt-Truman cabinets and who has been Secretary of the Interior longer than any other man in history. One factor was President Truman's statement' in a press conference that Ickes had not con- sulted him regarding the testimony he planned to give the Senate regarding Ed Pauley. Real fact was that Ickes showed Truman the telegram he had received from Senator Walsh, chairman of the Naval Affairs Committee, and told the President that he would have to tell the truth. Truman replied: "Yes, tell the truth, but be as gentle as you can with Pauley." Truman's public statement, therefore, that Ickes had not consulted him, was interpreted by the Secretary of the Interior as a public slap, making further relations between him and his chief difficult if not impossible, Rooseveltiarns Rebel BEHIND all this, however, is a growing dissatis-- faction among many Roosevelt men inside the government. Many have expressed themselves privately as fed up with recent Truman appoint- 'ments and with administration shilly-shallying regarding the wage-price-strike picture. The appointment of three White House poli- ticians-Ed Pauley, George Allen, and Comoro- dore Vardaman-to very high government posi- tions has caused more inside criticism among men of the Ickes-Wallace school than anything Truman so far has done, For many months, Ickes has been urged by outside friends to leave the government. He has had offers from radio networks and from newspaper syndicates. One of his mor e recent and most important offer came from liberal groups (including the CIO's Political Action Committee) to head up all liberal organizations as a sort of Judge Landis for liberal politics. It is now probable that this will be accepted. ChiCago Conventionr F OR many months a row has simmered behind the scenes between Ickes and his cabinet col- league Bab Hannegan, which, although quiescent of late, was hot and stormy at one time. It has now flared up again. Hannegan's friends -now claim that Ickes' feud against Pauley dates back to the Chicago Con- vention which, after a hot fight, finally nomi- nated Truman for vice president. During the early days of that convention, Ickes had come to Chicago pledged to battle for Su- preme Court Justice William O. Douglas. Hanne- gan, in turn, Azad come pledged to nominate his fellow Missourian, Harry Truman. Hannegan also had in his pocket a letter from the President of the United States mentioning both Truman and Douglas as men who would give strength to the ticket. Roosevelt did not give Truman any special preference in that let- ter, But before the convention opened, Ed Pauley counseled Hannegan not to make the letter r, public. Instead, Pauley advised Ilannegan to make an oral statement that he had a letter from Roosevelt giving his endorsement to Tru- man. Hannegon followed this advice. He made an oral statement that Roosevelt had endorsed Tru- man and he did not make public the Roosevelt letter endorsing both Truman and Douglas until the Truman boom rolled up such momentum that it could not easily be stopped. That little strategy may have tipped the scales of American history. If it had not been for Ed Pauley's advice, another man might be in the White House today. Also, it definitely tipped the scales of friend- ship between Ickes and Hannegan. Hanne- gan's and Pauley's friends will never like Ickes and it's more than mutual with him. (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Glum Challenge By SAMUEL GRAFTON PREMIER STALIN'S new speech brings us the not very remarkable news that he does not believe in capitalism. Those who thought he did have a right to be disappointed. But it is straining anxiety to be upset because a man who has been a revolutionary all his life, and who heads the communist world, professes doubts concerning the validity of capitalism. If he did not have such doubts, it would be a legitimate question to ask him what he has been doing all these years. Obviously, Mr. Stalin has been opposed to capitalism since about the time he put on his first pair of long pants; and the speech tells us only that he has not changed his mind. The question of whether Stalin likes cap- italism, then, is actually a not very important question; we can expect him to praise capital- ism when western leaders make speeches prais- hng communism. The really important ques- tion which comes out of Stalin's speech is the question of what his day-to-day attitude is going to be toward a system which, he thinks, is doomed to experience crisis, war and death. If (as Stalin believes, and as communists have always believed) capitalism is decrepit, and torn >y unsolvable problems, is it his intention to cooperate with the about-to-be deceased? Will he help it solve some of its problems, by co- operation? Or will he give it a shove, to knock the putative corpse over? What comes out of Mr. Stalin's speech, with its bleak and unfinished references to the West, is the memory of some of the bitter . communist debates of the past, including the great Trotsky controversy, on the specific question of how far communism may collab- orate with capitalism; we tend to forget that communism is torn by this question in the same way in which we are torn by the question of whether and how we can get along with communism. T HE answer probably is that the Soviet Union doesn't know the answer; that it sees ahead a future of struggle against us on one level, and cooperation with us on another level; and these are pretty much our own perspectives, too. There remains in Stalin's speech, however, the mocking and challenging note, a kind of declar- ation that we of the west will be unable to solve our problems, and that ultimately we will bog down into panic and then war In the Soviet view, if we are led finally, by our fears of the expanding communist system, into war against Russia, that will only be a fulfillment of the prophecy. There is, of course, one clear and final answer to Stalin; and that is to make our wes- tern way of life work. If we can achieve prosperity and stability, Russia must collab- orate with us, and the theorizing flies out the window. It is plain that Stalin does not ex- pect we will be able to do this; it is also plain, from a reading of his speech, that it is not our radicals whom he believes will disrupt us, but our conservatives. He expects that, in a sense, we will be defeated by some of our defenders, that western conserva- tism, unable to amend its ways, will continue its old patterns of ruthless competition between na- tions, of maldistribution of resources, of bitter fighting for work and markets. From this point of view, it is not the man who is for a full em- ployment act who threatens the future of cap- italism, but the man who is against it; it is the latter upon whom Stalin is placing his Marxist bets. Last Battle Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructivenotice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices Attention All Students: Registra- tion for the Spring Term By action of the Conference of Deans, all students are required to register for the Spring Term at, and no later than, the time announced in the Registration Schedule. Late reg- istrations will not be permitted by the administrative authorities of the sev- eral units, except in the case of vet- erans who have not been in residence for the Fall Term. Students must pre- sent their identification cards at the time of registration and must file their registration material them- selves, not by proxy. The reason for this requirement is the unprecedented demand which the enrollment for the Spring Term will make upon the educational resources and the housing facilities of the Uni- versity. Because of these conditions, it is absolutely essential that regis- tration and classification be com- pleted according to schedule. Dr. Frank E. Robbins Assistant to the President Mid-Year Graduation Exercises February 23 9:30 a.m., Assembly in Hill Audi- torium (Academic Dress) All Graduates will be seated in Sec- tions II and III, Main Floor. Seating will be under the direction of Mar- shals. Color Guard will assemble in Lobby, first floor. Ionor Guard will assemble in Lobby, first floor. Deans and Directors who take ac- tive part in the exercises will assem- ble in east dressing rooms, first floor. Regents, Secretary, Minister, Speak- er, President, .and others of Honor Section will assemble in west dressing rooms, first floor. Other Faculty Members will assem- ble in second floor dressing rooms and proceed informally to seats on the stage. The seating of the public will be under the direction of ushers. 10:00 a.m., Opening Exercises. Glenn L. Alt, Chief Marshal The General Library, be t ween terms, will be closed evenings and there will be no Sunday service. The following schedule will be maintained: Saturday, Feb. 23, Saturday, March 2, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. The Divisional Libraries will be open on short schedulesN otices will be posted on the doors. Faculty of College of Literature, Science and the Arts: College of Architecture and Design: School of Education: School of Forestry and Conservation: School of Music: and School of Public Health: Class lists for use in reporting Fall Term grades of undergraduate stu- dents enrolled in these units, and also graduate students in the schools of Forestry and Conservation, Music, and Public Health, were mailed Tues- day, Feb. 12. Anyone failing to re- ceive theirs should notify the Regis- trar's Office, Miss Cuthbert, phone 308, and duplicates will be prepared for them. Manuscripts for the Hopwood Con- test for Freshmen must be left in the Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by 4:00, Friday, Feb. 15. Members of the faculties and staff are urged to return at once the War Service Questionnaire sheets, with the information requested, to the Univer- sity War Historian, Michigan His- torical Collections, 156 Rackham Building. Anyone who has not received a copy of the questionnaire may have one by calling extension 583. Presidents of Women's Residence Houses: All signout sheets from all houses must be in the Judiciary Box in the Undergraduate Office of the Michi- gan League by Friday, Feb. 22. Overnight Permissions during the examination period and following the last examination may be arranged with the house directors. Closing hours during the examination period will be 11:00 p.m. on Monday, Tues- day, Wednesday, andThursday, and 12:30 on Friday and Saturday. Announcement of Graduate Fel- Iowships and Management Training Program at Radcliffe College: This is a ten months program for young women intending to work in person- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY VOL. LVI, No. 77 14, 1946 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN nel departments and other branches of administration. It includes seven months of class instruction and three months full time apprentice work. Radcliffe College offers a limited number of fellowships of $500 and $300 each for the year 1946-47. The training program will start July 29. Tuition is $450. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Recreational Swimming: There will be no recreational swim- ming for women at the Union Pool on Saturdays, Feb. 16, Feb. 23 and March 2. The pool will be open again to women on Saturday morning, March 9. Lectures Lecture Postponed-The Guthrie McClintic lecture originally scheduled for tomorrow night on the Oratorical Association Lecture Course has been postponed until Friday, March 15. French Lecture: Professor Arthur L. Dunham, of the Department of History, will offer the second of the series of French lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francaistoday at 4:10 p.m., in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of his lecture is: "Les ideets d'un philosophe Francais sur la pedagogie aux Etats-Unis." Food Sanitation Instruction: The second of a series of lectures for food- handlers will be given by Melbourne Murphy, Health Service Sanitarian in the Lecture Room of the University Health Service, today, Feb. 14, from 2:00-2:30 p.m. All persons concerned with food service to University stu- dents are asked to attend, unless they have attended a previous series. A certificate will be given to those whc satisfactorily complete this short course of instruction. Other interest- ed persons are cordially invited. Lecture: symposium on control of communicable diseases, Thursday Feb. 14 at 8:00 p.m. in the Audito- rium of the School o1 Public Healt on Observatory St. with the following speakers and topics: 1. The Problem Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., Professor and Chairman, Department of Epi- demiology. 2. Epidemiological Studies of poliomyelitis. Dr. Gordon C. Brown Assistant Professor of Epidemiology 3. Research in the Control of Malari by Drugs. Dr. Richard J. Porter, As- sistant Professor of Protozoology De- partment of Tropical Diseases. 4. In- vestigations in Methods for the Con- trol of Water-Borne Diseases. Dr Gerald M. Ridenour, Resident Le- turer in Public Health Engineering 5. A Study of Control of Influenza by Vaccination, Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. Academic Notices Room Assignments For ' English 1 and 2: Final Examination on Tuesday Feb. 19, 2-4 p.m. English 1 Avalon, G. Haven; Austin, C. Hav- en; Bertram, 2003 AH; Bromage, C Haven; Calver, 205 MA; Chase, 22 AH; Dice, G. Haven; Engel, 215 Ec Fletcher, 205 MH; Fogle, 2082 NS; Fullerton, C. Haven; Gram, 215 Ec. Greenhut, 102 Ec.; Hawkins, 2231 AH; Hayden, 205 MH; Jenks 231 AH; Kearney, 2082 NS; Merewether, 223 AH; Needham, 2235 AH; Norton, 231 AH; O'Neill, 215 Ec.; Ogden, 3056 NS; Peterson, 4208 AH; Plumer 3017 AH: Riepe, 2054 NS; Robertson, 2029 AH: Schroder, D Haven; Schroeder, 103 AH; Stevenson, 35 AH; Stimson, 2219 AH; Weimer, G Haven; Wells, 305( NS; Welsch, D Haven; Wolfson, 231 AH. English 2 Abel, NS Aud.; Boys, NS Aud.; Ev- erett, NS Aud.; Huntley, NS, Aud; McCormick, NS, Aud.; Morris, NS Aud.; Pearl, NS Aud.; Rayment, NS Aud.; Sessions, E. Haven; Smith 2225 Angell Hall; Weaver, 2013 An- gell Hall. Room Assignments for German: Final Examinations on Friday, Feb- ruary 22, 2-4 p.m. German 1 Braun (both sections) and Eaton. 101 Ec.; Reichart and Willey, ID Haven; Philippson (both sections) and Boersma, 2003 A.H.; Edson (both sections), 3017 A.H.; Pott (both sec- tions), 2225 A.H.; Reiss, G Haven; Gaiss (both sections),e35 A.H. German 2 Striedieck (both sections) and Braun, 205 Mason Hall; Willey, Van Duren and Gaiss, 202 West Physics. German 31 Braun and Eaton, E Haven; Phil- ippson, Wahr and Gaiss, 1035 A.H. German 32 Reichart, 1009 A.H. German 56 will meet in Room 16 Angell Hall for final examination. German 16 7 will meet in Room 306 University Hall for final examination. German 35 (Dr. Wahr's .section) will beet in Room 203 University Hall. for final examination. History II, Lecture Section 2. Final. examination, Monday, Feb. 18, 8:00 to 10:00 a m. Discussion sections 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 (with Hyma, Les- lie, Slosson) NS Auditorium; discus- sion sections 5a, 10ah11a, and 12a (with Heideman, Thornbirough) in ruary, February 16, 8-10 a.m., Natural Science Auditorium Political Science 51 - Saturday, Feb. 16, 8-10 Sections Room Lederle 35 A.H. Perkins 2003 AH. Political Science 52-Saturday, Feb. 16, 8-10, Room 2225 A.H. Social Studies 93, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2-4 p.m., Room 25 Angell Hall. Political Science 107, Friday, Feb- ruary 22, 8-10, Room 1025 Angell Hall. Freshmen Health Lectures For Men: It is a University requirement that all entering freshmen are required to take, without credit, a series of lec- tures in personal and community health and- to pass an examination on the content of these lectures. Transfers students with freshman standing are also required to take the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere. Upper classmen who were here as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this term. These lectures are not required of veterans. The lectures will be given in Room 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m. and re- peated at 7:30 p.m. as per the follow- ing schedule. 1. Monday, March 4 < 2. Tuesday, March 5 3. Wednesday, March 6 4. Thursday, March 7 5. Monday, March 11 . Tuesday, March 12 7. Wednesday, March 13 8. Thursday, March 14 Please note that attendance is re- quired and roll will be taken. Required Hygiene Lectures For Wom- en-1946: All first and second semester fresh- man women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which are to be given the second semester. Upper lass students who were in the Uni- versity as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this term. Enroll for these lectures by turning in a class card at the time of regular classification at Waterman Gymnasium. Satisfactory completion of the course (or of P.H.P. 100; elective; 3 hrs. credit) is a graduation require- ment. LECTURE SCHEDULE i-First Lecture, Mon., March 11, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination (Final), Mon., April 22, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced). I-First Lecture, Tuesday, March 12, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15; N.S. Aud. Examination (Final), Tues., April 23, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced). English 48 (Sophomore Composi- tion): Instructor for the spring se- mester will be Dr. Edwin Calver, 3216 Angell Hall. English 88--(Junior Composition) -Professor Seager's class: Students who wish to elect this course should get in touch with R. W. Cowden, 3227 Angell Hall, or Dr. Morris Greenhut, 3232 Angell Hall. English 150. Playwriting. This course will be given in the spring term by Dr. Wallace Bacon, at the time and place scheduled in the announce- ment. Geology 11-There will be no meet- ing of the lecture on Friday, though recitation sections will meet as usual. Seminar in physical chemistry will meet on Thursday, Feb. 14, in Rom 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. L. G. Schulz will speak on "Dis- fusion of Neutrons in Carbon. All in- terested are invited. Seniors who wish to be eligible to contract to teach the modern foreign languages in the registered Secondary Schools of New York State are noti- fied that the required examination in French, Spanish, German and Italian will be given on Friday, Feb. 15, at 1:15 p.m., in Room 100 Romance Language Building. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next term are required to pass a qualifying exami- nation in the subject in which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, Mar. 2, at 8:30 a.m., in the auditorium of the University High School. The exami- nation will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essen- tial. A Recreational Leadership Course is being sponsored by the Department of Physical Education for Women for the second semester. The time of meeting is Friday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Up- perclass women wishing to take this course should obtain an application blank in Room 15, Barbour Gymna- sium by February 15. Exhibitions. Michigan Historical Collections: "Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham. Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays 8-12. MUSIC UNQUESTIONABLY one of the finest pianists of our time, Artur Schnabel upheld his repu- tation in the Choral Union concert last night. Despite the bad weather and approaching finals, the audience was large and enthusiastic. The program began with the Bach Toccata in D major which opened brilliantly but bogged down considerably after the first few bars. Mr. Schnabel seemed not to produce the effortless, precise touch needed for Bach, nor did he give the effect of overall evenness and balance which is one of the most impressive qualities about the composer's work. Instead, he concentrated on pursuing melodic lines one at a time through the fugue, resulting in the dominance ,of one voice over another and the partial obliteration of the essential fugue structure.. Continuing with a somewhat Chopinesque interpretation of the Mozart Rondo in A minor, Mr. Schnabel displayed his matery of the clear, liquid tone which so well conveys the grace and delicacy of Mozart's music. At times the notes seemed like disembodied sound ex- isting almost apart from any agent-the me- chanics of the piano were apparently nonex- istent, and the sound just was, as if it had had no beginning in the striking of a key. With the. playing of the Sonata in E major, Op. 109, by Beethoven, the concert took on a brilliant tone, and from this point on it would be difficult to conceive of any quarrel with.the per- formance. The Mozart Sonata in C minor (K. 457) was magnificently done with great sympathy and precision, fulfilling any expectations which anyone could have had in regard to either ar- tist or composer. The evening's high point was reached in the Sonata in D major, Op. 53, by Schubert, which was given a performance at once stirring and technically marvellous. One the whole Mr. Schnabel's performance was superb. iHe played unaffectedly, with apparent effortlessness, great control and precision. -Paula Brower Well, it has not been proved yet that man cannot achieve prosperity under a free system, a system of laws; but that is the challenge contained in the dubious Valentine which Stalin has handed us during this great and gloomy period of the comparing of systems. It would seem that a system which can defeat fascism ought to be able to defeat insecurity, and the thousand terrors of life in the side streets. But we cannot answer Stalin merely by answering him. Not on the airwaves nor in the prints will the reply to the glum chal- lenge be found, but in our hearts, as the world looks to its relatively small cluster of demo- cracies to say whether they can equate free- dom with economic fulfillment. (copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) BARNABY It's taking him longer to type The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire than I had anticipated, m'boy. c~rL._ t.i -9 t.. t I.:. . Itt ... , .! . --...., ., .... Shall I ASK Gus, the By Crockett Johnson Er, questions make him exceedingly nervous. He] might quit. And we can't let fhat happen. Not