THE MTCHTGAN DAILY '1flTJir r c. FiTr T 14. 1 si ,i9 ___. ._,. _ _ s ,. ., s.vw.s a++.. r.,a.. s u. ./ iF!/ a .I.M+R. 3j 1 W Z V WIDE OPEN SPACES-This is Times Square, New York City, virtually deserted, following Mayor William O'Dwyer's proclamation shutting down all places of public assembly in order to cope with a critical fuel short- age resulting from the nine-day old tug boat strike. Mayor O'Dwyer revoked the proclamation Tuesday. Maurer - -. GI's Locate (Continued from Page 1) Sie 3EEE liscussed phases of the problem vhich interested them most. Tendler By The Associated Press iimself in his capacity as veterans' NEW YORK, Feb. 13-Had Pfc. dvisor, said that he had had from Dewey Livingston been home in l0 to 15,000 contacts with veterans America instead of in England in the n the last year. Of these, fifty to jittery fall of 1942, he probably would sixty percent were interested in jobs, have done the same thing-passed shirty to forty per cent in educational along his complaint to his local news- )enefits, and only 25 individuals paper. granted to know about veterans' or- The harassed GI was wearing size ganizations. Of these 25, 24 wanted 14 overshoes because the Army had o know how to join the AVC. no shoes his size, 13 EEE for him. So One draft board member of the he wrote to "The Stars and Stripes," group claimed that the vets are not and just as it later was to help home- °ven immediately interested in jobs, sick Yanks shop for Paris perfume, 'ut simply want to rest up for a answer their questions and find their while, buddies and girl friends, the imper- The group discussed the question turbable Army newspaper published of the veteran's reinstatement to his Dewey's note. Ald job, and then turned to the prob- Livingston's outfit moved before ?em of the veterans, and others, who the shoes, a half-dozen pairs, began should be paid unemployment bene- arriving in the paper's musty little :its under the GI Bill while out on London office, but his plaintive let- strike. Tendler, a member of the ter aired in print what a million- study commission which drafted odd GI's felt but somehow never got Michigan's Unemployment Compen- a chance to say-that the Army sel- sation Act, explained that if the dom hands out the right size. 'unds paid by the employers for un- It kindled, too, the special kinship employment compensation were used which overseas soldiers felt toward for workers out on strike, the em- their own paper. On alien soil it was ployers would in effect be financing a piece of home. In the lands of strikes against themselves. One ideal- francs and shillings, it imported istic member felt that since the funds American comics and the baseball are paid to the State, the employers scores. could not protest even if the money More important, its staff mainly were used to provide benefits for were enlisted men who slanted their strikers. Istories for plain 'Joes' like them- Prof. Maurer told how he had selves. asked a veteran, "How did ypu feel Yet as a managing editor of the about the strikes when you were in paper, a sergeant, once told Gen. the Pacific?" The vet said, "I was Eisenhower: "Sir, we figure a general plenty sore then. But when I came has every as much rights in 'The back, and the war was over, and I Stars and Stripes' as a private does." saw the men striking, I thought When Dewey Livingston appealed 'Why not; that's what we were fight- for shoes, "The Stars and Stripes" ing for.' was just evolving into a daily news- A Wayne University professor re- paper after six months as a weekly. marked that the veterans' organiza- It was to see within two years edi- tion is hoping for people who can see tions published in North Africa and both sides of a question, such people on the continent and, later, in Hono- as are developed in this discussion lulu and Tokyo and Shanghai. group. "No matter how high you carry a torch," he said, "the other fellow's got one too." 'U' Graducie Chosen A new member of the group, Capt. Irving A. Warren, recently returned Chairman of 1CC from service with the Army Medical Corps, commented on the recent de- George M. Barnard, '03L, has been bates between Gen. Omar Bradley chosen chairman of the Interstate and Commander John Stelle of the Commerce Commission. American Legion concerning, among He was nominated May 31, 1944, other things, the veterans medical by the late President Roosevelt to be facilities. Bradley, he said, is "a great a member of the Interstate Commerce soldier and a great leader working Commission to complete the unex- in behalf of the veterans of this pired term of the late J. E. Eastman war." I ending Dec. 31, 1950. AROUND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG Rackham Open House Marks Fourth Year Detroit glasses Visited, Maurer Leads Goup Completion of four full years of University extension activitiy at the Rackham Educational Memorial in IDetroit was celebrated Tuesday eve- ning by an open house. Various classes were open to the public to permit Detroit residents to observe the extension work in action. Meeting in the main auditorium was Prof. Wesley Maurer's discussion group on "Books on Current Eco- nomic, Political and Social Prob- lems." The book discussed was Charles Bolte's The NewVeteran. The Detroit extension band, under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli, and the orchestra under the direction of Prof. David Mattern, presented concerts. Other classes which were open to the public included "Radio Reading and Dramntics," conducted by Prof. David Owen of the speech depart- ment, and two current courses in the program in automobile body engi- neering. Informal lectures and dis- cussions on gardening, by Ruth Mosher Place of the Detroit News and Mrs. G. I. Bouton, and on na- ture study, by Walter Nickell of the Cranbrook Ins.titute of Science, were also given. All University extension work in Detroit has centered at the Rack- ham Building since it was dedicated and occupied on Jan. 28, 1942. Unabated Riots CALCUTTA, Feb. 13- () -One thousand American Troops on leave in Calcutta were evacuated to safety today while British troops sought to quell anti-British riots that killed 22 persons and injured more than 200. Indian demonstrators spreading their activities disrupted rail service between Bengal and Assam. Large crowds blocked the tracks, refusing to let engines pass. Gunfire echoed throughout Calcutta as British mil- itary patrols brought into the city last night fired at roaming street mobs of Hindus and Moslems during the day. Huntley.. (Continued rom Page I) abolished from Japanese life is the regimented mind. The Japanese have always carried out a distinct set of social values, and society, as well as the school system, has put stress on the regimentation of minds. The school system is so organized that everywhere in the country chil- dren are studying the same lesson on the same day and all teaching man- uals and instruction emanate from Tokyo. Therefore, we should decen- tralize the system of education. Local prefectures should have more ad- ministrative responsibility in relation to schools, even if they must con- tinue to subsidize educational activ- ities with federal funds, he added. "The mass memorization by rote of ill-digested facts should also be eliminated," Dr. Huntley pointed out. "At present the Japanese child has a badly overcrowded curriculum. There is mass .spoon-feeding of knowledge and a multiplicity of sub- jects, not one of which the child can really grasp. We should reduce the cizrrictlum and put in some of the subjects which are not allowed to be discussed, such as social problems." In the situation as it existed before the war, the Japanese teacher was subject to a rigid program of in- struction arranged by the goven- ment and didn't dare vary from the prepared schedule. We should liber- ate the teachers and alloz them to speak their own minds freely. Other- wise, we defeat our own purpose, which is to liberate Japan from something rather than deprive her of something, he continued. "Upuntil the present time the Jap- anese have never had enough schools for the people that wished to attend. Perhaps this was because, as a total- itarian state, Japan did not wish to encourage the masses to go on with higher education. Everybody is compelled to go to school through the sixth grade, but beyond that point the facilities are extremely inadequate. "Therefore," Dr. .Huntley contended, "we should take the funds that were used for military purposes and rechannel them into buildings and school supplies." Finally, in the field of extra-cur- ricular activities, we should do away with the military Budo sports which deify the warrior class and institute more team sports such as baseball, which has so far been played mainly by professionals, he claimed. "Therefore, we should take our cue from the new social values and em- phasize individual growth in its ideal aspect and also the idea of working together as individuals for the good of the people," Dr. Huntley con- cluded. CongreSS GetS Troops Could Be Sent Abroad by President WASHINGTON, Feb. 13--'P)-A far-reaching government proposal, under which President Truman could send military experts to any country in the world to help it improve its armed forces, was disclosed today in documents now in the hands of Con- gress members. Without advance publicity, the State Department, working in consul- tation with the War and Navy De- partments, has drafted legislation asking Congress' to grant the Presi- dent the power to send such military and naval missions. Under existing laws, unless there is a national emergency, the President can send missions to countries of the Western Hemisphere and the Philippines. However, the war emer- gency powers act now on the books provides that during a war he can dispatch missions to any country, upon request. The proposed new leg- islation would extend this authority into peacetime. Campus Highlights Planninn !Francais at 4:15 today in Rm. D Alumni Memorial Hall.. .ThI-ec University faculty members * * x will participate in a local planning$ Squre DaCing Tonight institute conducted by the Michigan Planning Commission today in De- Scott Colburn, of the Ann Arbor troit. Cooperative, will act as caller for to- Prof. Harlow 0. Whittemore, of night's session of square dancing the landscape architecture depart- sponsored by the American Youth ment; Prof. John A. Perkins of the Hostel at Lane Hall from 7:30 to political science department; and 10:00. Refreshments wil l e served. Prof. John W. Hyde, of the architec- * * * tural planning department, will help D. rna To Attend Meetirg direct the institute bean Samuel T. Dana and Prof. Robest Craig, Jr., of the Sch6ol of Dun hum J' l I Seak "* * * Forestry and Conservation will at- Prof. Arthur L. Dunham will ' tend a meeting of the Forest Prod- speak en "The Ideas of a French nets Research Committee of the . Philo'opher on Education in the I Michigan Planning Commision United States" before e Cercle I Monday in Lansing. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEl) RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional five words.) Non- Con tract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: Faculty mem- ber desires single room within walking distance of campus. Ph. 4121 Ext. 686. WANTED TO RENT: 3 bedroom house or apartment for faculty members family. Ph. 4121 Ext. 686. WANTED TO RENT: ROOM by full- time University employee. Garage is desirable but not vital. Walter, Phone 5539. WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or house, two or three bedrooms. 'three adults, one-year-old child. W. J. Mason, 23-24-1. WANTED WANTED: Graduate student (vet- eran) and wife wish to contact party with small apartment leav- ing at end of this term. Willing to purchase furniture. Call 25-791. WANTED: Anyone interested in catching the Ambassador or Mer- cury in Detroit after 2:00 exam Friday, Feb. 22, contact Eleanor Hoffmaster for details. Phone 9823. WANTED: Student girl to earn board and room in private home close to campus. No" small chil- dren. Place available immediately. Tel. 9815. FEMALE HELP WANTED: For drug store. Full time. Apply in person during afternoons to Mr. Lombard, Witham Drug Store. WANTED: Cosmetic girl, experi- enced preferred. Apply Mr. Bargy, Marshall Drug. FOR SALE FOR SALE: 35mm camera with flash attachment, in very good condition. Ed Holodnik 222 Winchell. FOR SALE: Tails size 38. Top hat size 714g Prewar outfit perfect con- dition. Call 7796 before Saturday. FOR SALE: One way train ticket to New York City. Price $14.00. Call 6282. MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Brown leather cigarette case. Believe in "Little Shop." Please phone 2-2975. Al Krohn. Reward. LOST: Gold identification bracelet, Feb. 11. Engraved Frances Walk- er -Bob Joseph. Call Frannie Wal- ker 2-3279. LOST: Slide rule, number 963902. Return to D. R. Glass, 213 Winchell House, West Quad. LOST: Ladies' gold Whitneir wrist watch with leather strap. FInder please call GLORIA, 2-4143, Re- ward. LOST: Sterling silver identification bracelet. Engraved Harlan L. Mac- Dowell. Notify at 208 Hinsdale 24591 East Quad. Reward offered. LOST: On campus, silver gray shet- land sheep dog. Female. Similar to small collie. Partly crippled hind quarters. Answers to "Skerry." Phone 21365. Reward. LOST: Black Parker pen, small size. between South Division and cam- pus. Please return, needed for ex- ams. Call 3366. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS FOR HIRE: A-1 dance orchestra, 5-6 pieces, has dates open. Campus references. Phone Ypsilanti 1220w. COTTAGE INN now serving lunches. Also dinners Tuesday through Sunday. Open evenings Friday, Saturday and Sunday. P.S. 51's UNITE! Local No. 2 B.G.S. G., celebrates Washington's birth- day (or British Government Re- forms) at 319 Michigan Union, 7:15 Friday, February 15. t4.M. Privy Council. PERSONALS DEAR JOE B.: Disgusted, disinter- ested, or just plain dyspeptic?? Agnes M. ANNOUNCEMENT THE COLONNADE wishes to an- nounce its opening from 7-2 and. from 5-12. Our specialty. - fresh Downy Flake doughnuts - daily. Orders taken. No deliveries. Also sandwiches and dinners. TAILORING and SEWING "GOOD FUR deserves good Cold storage, remodeling, tailoring by A. Ginsburg, Liberty St. Phone 6938. care." ladies 608 E. i Continuous I.aily f romn1 1P.Mt. .u .vtssav ,rE srrvEwrer Weekdays , 0'C t© 5 P.M. STARTS TODAY THURS., FEB. 14, 1946 7:30-Sleepyhead Serenade 8:00-News. 8:15-Wake Up and Live 8:25-Outdoor Brevities 8:30-Musical Reveille 8:55-News 9:00-Music Box 9:30-Popular Music 9 :40-News 9:45-Moments of Melodies 10 :00-News 10:05--Hawaiian Moods 10:15-Quiz 10:30-Broadway Melodies 10:40-Community Calendar 10:45-Waltz Time 11:00-News 11:05-Three Suns 11:15-Lean Back & Listen 11:30-Farm & Home Hour 11:55-Hit Tunes 12:00-News 12:15-Jesse Crawford 12:20-Spike Jones 12:30-Along the Sports Sidelines 12:45-Man on the Street 1:00--News 1:05-Salon Music 1:10-Organ Music (Pop.) 1:15-Ray Bloch Presents 1:30-Tin Pan Alley Goes To Town 1:45-world of Song 2:00-News 2:05-Melody on Parade 3:00-News 3:05-Fred Feibel 3:15-University of Mich. 3:30-Latin American Music 3:40-It Actually Happened 3:45-Trade Winds Tavern 4:00-News 4:15-Dance Music 4:30-Concert In Minature 4:45-Quiz 5:00-News 5:05-Rainbow Trio 5:15-Mystery Melodies 5:30-Little Show 5:45-Spotlight on the Stars 1MICHIGAN RADIO'S HOWL NOW PLAYING SHOW JACK HALEY HELEN WALKER RUDY v/at E I 1 f