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February 14, 1946 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-14

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Sepage 4


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New York Harbor Strike Called Off


Marry Her Now!


G !

Ban Repeal '
Cheers Students
Compromise Removes
Threat to City Health
New life was breathed into stu-
dents' plans for a brief vacation in-
terlude in New York City yesterday,
when Mayor William O'Dwyer an-
nounced the end of the harbor
strike whii had paralyzed the me-
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Feb. 13-New York's
tugboat strike, which at one time
shut off virtually all business, threat-
ened the health of the city's mil-
lions and prompted government seiz-
ure, was called off tonight pending
The 10-day-old walkout will end
officially at 8 a.m. (EST) tomorrow
when the 3,500 workers go back to
thei jobs.
Mayor William O'Dwyer, negotia-
tor in the extended settlement con-
ferences, announced the end of the
strike and said differences would be
arbitrated by a three-man board
headed by Edward F. McGrady, for-
mner Assistant Secretary of Labor.
The :ayor emerged from his of-
fice" at 7:15 rp.m. and saidt to report-
ers, "Gentlemen, the strike is over.-
Settlement came as the city still
was recovering from the effects of a
drastic proclamation which for 18
hours paralyzed the city's business.
The mayor's edict - issued at 11:59
p.m.. Monday - had closed down all
business not essential to health and
general welfare, including the multi-
million-dollar entertainment indus-
try, i.a desperate effort to conserve
a.dwindling supply of fuel. Most of
the city's coal and fuel oil is brought
in by boat.
The Bard of Trade today said
the shutdown had cost "an incal-
culable number of millions" of dol-
The mayor's proclamation, which
augmented earlier orders for strict
rationing of fuel, was lifted last night
as Army and Navy tugs were able
to ferry more fuel across from New
Jersey terminals.
Truman Fears
Strike in Coal
Possible April Strike
Referred to by Ickes
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 - (A') -
President Truman was represented by
Secretary of the Interior Ickes today
as fearing a coal strike after April 1.
That is the tentative expiration
date of the present contract between
the United Mine Workers and the Bi-
tuminous Operators.
Ickes reminded Mr. Truman in his
letter of resignation that the Presi-
dent had requested him to continue
the Solid Fuels Administration to
May 1 so that he might deal with any
coal strike called by John L. Lewis.
Ickes operated the strike-bound mines
in 1943 and 1945 when the govern-
ment seized them.
Ickes quit without clarifying the
status 61 the SFA. Present plans un-
der Acting Deputy Administrator
Daniel Wheeler call foi its virtual liq-
uidation at the end of the fuel year,
April 1. However, certain functions,
such as those involving the export
program, are to continue through
The United Mine Workers' con-
tract with the Bituminous Operators
can be reopened on wage at any time
now by reason of a special clause cov-
ering changes in national wage policy.
The agreement also carries a tenta-

tive expiration date of April 1 so that
it could be reopened in its entirety
then if either side chooses to do so.
Kuhiman, Huset'
To Give Recital
The active and alumnae chapters
of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music
sorority, will present Betty Jean
Huser and Ruby Joan Kuhlman in a
recital of music for two pianos at 8
p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn

DARK BREAD-Secretary of Agri-
culture Clinton P. Anderson, a
Michigan graduate, samples speci-
mens of the new dark bread the na-
tion soon will be eating when the
country shares wheat supply with
the hungry abroad.
Food Supplies
Will Equal '46
U.S . Appetites
ny The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13-The Ag-
riculture Department predicted today
that the 1946 food supplies will equal
American appetites, but not Ameri-
can buying power.
In a periodical report, the De-
partment said supplies of some foods
will be hardly sufficient to satisfy
total domestic demands. Listed in
this category wore sugar, butter, fats,
meat, canned fish, rice and canned
A favorable outlook for this coun-
try was described as being in "sharp
contrast" to the situation elsewhere.
Foods expected to be available in
"favorable quantities" include fresh
and frozen fish, poultry and dairy
products, except butter, citrus fruits,
canned fruit iuices, fresh and pro-
cessed vegetables and potatoes.
The nutritive value of 1946 food
supplies is expected to be about the
same as in 1945.
The Department said civilian sup-
plies of meat for the year are in-
dicated at about 150 pounds per
capita compared with about 132 last
year. More pork and beef than last

State Senate
Baks Maddy
"It's news to me," Dr. Joseph E.
Maddy said yesterday when he heard
of the State Senate's resolution peti-
tioning the executive board of the
American Federation of Musicians to
reconsider their decision ousting him.
Maddy said he had not requested
the Senate move, but he expressed
appreciation of it as an expression of
good will.
The Republican dominated Senate
divided 21 to 6 on party lines, heed-
ing the pleas of Sen.Heath of Bay
City (Rep.) who told it "Show Dr.
Maddy we are behind him for his
greit work with children." Sen. Stan-
ley Nowak (Dem., Detroit) objected
that the Senate had no prerogative
to judge the expulsion of an individ-
ual from the labor unions or any oth-
er organization.
Maddy was dropped by the AFM on
a charge accusing him of violating
union rules by broadcasting and
teaching at the National Music Camp
at Interlochen, where he is director.
New Pricipals
Of Anr Arbor
Schools Named
Schreiber, Dykeina
Appomited to Positins
Appointment of Nicholas Schreiber
as principal of Ann Arbor High
School and Henry Dykema as prin-
cipal of Tappan Junior High School
was announced last night by the
board of education.
In addition, Donald "Dobbie"
Drake, member of the Ann Arbor
High physical education staff, was
named football coach succeeding La-
Verne "Kip" Taylor, recently ap-
pointed a member of the Syracuse
University coaching staff.
To Take Office July 1
Schreiber's appointmen t becomes
effective July 1.
Assistant principal of Ann Arbor
High since 1943, Schreiber received
his masters' degree from the Univer-
sity. He taught in the Cleveland
public school system before coming
to Ann Arbor in 1936.
Dykema, a member of this city's
school system since 1937, enlisted in
the Coast Guard in 1942 and received
his honorable discharge last month.
He attended the Coast Guard Acad-
emy in New London, Conn. and Com-
missioned Ensign in November, 1942.
Dykema Working on PhD.
A veteran with duty on four seas,
Dykema is now working on his Ph.D.
degree at the University. He also re-
ceived his masters' degree from the
Drake, holder of a life certificate
from Michigan State Normal College
in Ypsilanti, has been a member of
the Ann Arbor teaching staff since
1926. He is also coach of Ann Arbor
swimming team.

Ickes Leaves
Cabinet Over
Pauley Incident
Urges Investigation
Of Truman Nominee
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13-Harold
L. Ickes, veteran New Dealer, bolted
the Truman Cabinet today and, in a
parting shot, urged the Justice De-
partmenit to scr:utinize testimony by
the President's nominee for Under-
secretary of the Navy.
Ickes told a radio audience tonight
that the nominee, Edwin W. Pauley,
oil man, was "not speaking the truth"
when he denied under oath that he
lobbied against a government suit to
establish Federal title to submerged
offshore oil lands.
Truman Accepts Resignation
President Truman earlier in the
evening accepted the resignation of
the Secretary of the Interior in a
terse note devoid of any of the usual
expressions of praise. The President
made plain that Ickes' resignation
from the cabinet post meant also
that he>Was out of the many other
government jobs he held.
Whereupon Ickes snapped back
with a sarcastic letter referring to the
President's "generosity and gracious-
ness" and a bitter rejoinder that he
desired to hold no post under the
President's jurisdiction:
It all added up to a first class po-
litical explosion with incalculable po-
tentialities for:.the 1948 national cam-
Results From Pauley Incident'
The resignation of Ickes, original
member of the Roosevelt cabinet, re-
sulted from the now famous "Pauley
Ickes testified' against Pauley be-
fore the Senate .Naval Affairs Com-
mittee because, he told newsmen to-
day, he could not "commit perjury
for the sake of a party."
Ickes had told the committee that
Pauley made him the "rawest propo-
sition" he ever received-an offer to
raise $300,000 in campaign contribu-
tions from oil men if the government
would drop a suit for title to sub-
merged offshore oil lands. Pauley de-
nied the charge and President Tru-
man said Ickes could have been mis-
Free Press'
Story Refuted
Mrs. Ward Denies
Statement on Trial

You can marry the girl!
All members of the V-12 and
NROTC program who will be com-
missioned in February can get mar-
ried immediately-that is, if they are
so inclined.
Previous to a bulletin released to
Capt. Woodson Michaux yesterday,
all newly-commissioned ensigns who
had trained in colleges and univer-
sities throughout the country, had
to wait two years before taking the
fatal step.
Only the Annapolis men still have
to observe the old rule of waiting,
But this isn't Annapolis.
Means for U'
T'ax Inc rease
Sought by City
Acting on the recommendation of
Mayor William E. Brown Jr., a City
Council committee is investigating
means by which the University
would assume a more equitable share
of the city tax burden.
At present, the University uses
approximately 40 percent of Ann
Arbor's water and sewer facilities
while paying only 25 percent of the
city income for these services. Under
the city ordinance of regressively
lower rates for higher consumption
of water (sewer rates are in all cases
one half of water rates), the Uni-
versity pays less than its share.
There are approximately 90 Uni-
versity water meters as against from
three to four thousand meters in the
city. This increases the University's
benefits from'high consumption.
In answer to the traditional Uni-
versity stand that it would be glad
to cooperate with thecity, but is'
powerless to do so, the Council com-
mittee is investigating State Public
Act No. 441, Section 1: " the
board of regents of the state urii-
versity . . . are hereby authorized
and empowered to contract for the
furnishing to such state institution
or institutions sewageand garbage
disposal facilities, lights, water, fire
protection and other public improve-
ments." Other agencies also so auth-

funds to each institution in the hands
of the State Administrative Board.
Clinging to its proposal to leave
that power in a special board includ-
ing administrative board members
and leigislators, the House headed the
bills for a conference committee to
iron out the differences.
A joint resolution asking that the
question of a World War II veterans'
bonus be decided by the people in the
November election was introduced in
the House by Rep. Tracy M. Doll, De-
troit Democrat and CIO Spokesman.
Asks Vote On Amendment
Doll's resolution asked for a vote
on a constitutional amendment which
would permit a bond issue to pay
every veteran $15 for each month of
service with a $500 maximum, the
same bonus paid in 1920 to veterans
of the first World War. Doll esti-
mated the bond issue at $200,000,000
to $250,000,000. His resolution bore
36 House signatures and requires 67
House and 24 Senate votes for pas-
The building bills provide $3,300,-
000 for the University of Michigan,
$3,000,000 for Michigan State Col-
lege and $5,700,000 for the mental
Argentin.e Staff
Discusses U.S.
Nazism Charge
BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 13-(V)-
The Argentine cabinet was reported
to have met today with President
Edelmiro Farrell to discuss a United
States' charge that Argentine govern-
ment members had dealt with the
Informed sources said the military
government was preparing a reply
to the United States blue book, which
linked Col. Juan D. Peron, presiden-
tial candidate, and other prominent
Argentines with the Axis cause.
Some observers said they expected
the government would point out that
all but a few of those mentioned in
the Blue Book were no longer in the
government. The government, they
said, would have an opportunity for
comment tomorrow when Foreign
Minister Juan I. Cooke is scheduled to
make his twice-postponed radio ad-
dress on Argentine foreign policy.
Columnists Needed
Students interested in writing
columns or reviews for The Daily
editorial page during the spring
term should submit three or more
sample columns to the editorial
director by March 1.

orized are deleted

House Ins Isis on Special
Board To Allocate Funds
$12,000,000 Voted for State Building;
City Aid Bloc Opposition Evaporates
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Feb. 13-Opposition to the administration's financial pro-
gram from the so-called city aid bloc evaporated in the Senate today as that
chamber passed unanimously $12,000,000 worth of building appropriations
for the University of Michigan, Michigan State College and the state mental
Planned as a test of opposition in the Senate, the bills evaded even ad-
verse debate.
House Balks One Decision
However, the House, which had passed the measures previously in a
similar move to get a head start of the city-aid lobby, balked at a Senate
decision to leave the allocation of they

from the above

year are forecast, but less
mutton and veal.
Temporary UNO
Site Is New York


LONDON, Feb. 13-(/l)-The Unit-
ed Nations Headquarters Committee
by a 29 to 13 vote approved today set-
ting up temporary headquarters for
the world peace agency in New York
City. The vote later was made unani-
The committee defeated by a 21 to
19 vote the proposal advanced by Bo-
livia and Australia to put the tem-
porary headquarters in San Francisco.

Lust IDily Tomorrow


The Daily will cease publication
for the fall semester with tomor-
row's issue. Publication will be
resumed Tuesday, March 5.
Daily subscribers are reminded
to notify the circulation depart-
ment of any change in address.

Flatly denying a statement in yes-
terday's Detroit Free Press attribut-
ing to her the charge that "she
wouldn't get a fair trial in Washte-
naw County . .", Julia May Ward said
yesterday that she had made no
statement whatsoever for the Free
Deputy Sheriff Erwin Klager, who
was present at the interview, con-
firmed Mrs. Ward's denial. Arraigned
yesterday before Municipal Judge Jay
Payne, Mrs. Ward pleaded not guilty
to a perjury charge. She will be ex-
amined Feb. 21.
The Free Press story, run under
the headline "Mother says Extradi-
tion Prevents a Fair Trial" said Mrs.
Ward doubted Washtenaw County
justice because of the trouble offi-
cials had gaining her extradition
from Montana.
Mrs: Ward was extradited to Ann
Arbor last week, after Montana's Gov.
Sam Ford had previously denied ex-
tradition and had accused Washte-
naw County Prosecutor John Rae of
bringing "pressure to bear on me so
I'll change my decision."
Ford was petitioned by VFW and
American Legion groups in Montana
and Michigan protesting his original
decision refusing extradition to Mrs.
Ward who received a divorce from
her serviceman husband on her testi-
mony that her husband was not in
the service.
McClintic Lecture
Will Be March 15
Guthrie McClintic, director and
producer on the American stage, who
was scheduled to lecture here Fri-
day, will be unable to apnear until

Students Urged
To S ign Up for
Volunteers to help with collecting,
handling, and selling books through
MUSBE-Michigan Union Studeilt
Book Exchange-are urged to sign
up this week in the Student Affices of
the Union.
The campaign to collect books
will begin Saturday, with volunteer
workers contacting all organized
houses on campus for textbooks no
longer needed by the students. Only
approved student exchange, MUSBE
is designed to help students realize
more for the sale of their books than
they might through other channels.
The exchange, open for sales be-
tween Feb. 28 and Mar. 7, will be set
up between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on. the
third floor of the Union. Students
may set their own price for the books
they intend to sell. Operated on a
non-profit basis, some 10 per cent of
the selling price plus five cents will
be deducted from the amount re-
turned to the seller, to provide a
working capital for the exchange.

J-Iop Ticket
Sales at Union
To End Today
Application Deadline
Set; 100 Tickets Left
Only 100 J-Hop tickets will be
available from noon to 4:30 p.m. to-
day at the Travel Desk of the Union.
Because of the few tickets yet to be
applied for, the Hop committee has
decided to sell out the dance and no
tickets will be available later with-
out applications. Today will be the
absolute deadline for ticket applica-
First Since 1941
Tommy Dorsey, his trombone, and
his orchestra, will hold the spotlight
on the bandstand at the stupendous
Hop, scheduled from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Friday, March 8, at the Intramural
Building. Dorsey's engagement marks
the first appearance of a top-flight
name band at Michigan since 1941.
The Sentimentalists, Dorsey's sen-
sational sister-foursome, Stuart Fos-
ter, handsome and personable young
vocalist, and Charlie Shavers, mas-
ter of trumpetry, will share honors
with Dorsey at the Hop.
Huge, glistening flowers, played up
with unusual lighting effects will be
placed against a black velvet droplbe-
hind the bandstand and will set the
spring garden theme of decorations.
Colorful Decorations
White, Grecian pillars will replace
the steel girders of the I.M. Building
at the Hop, with swags of vivid char-
treuse, fushia, and yellow hanging
from the pillars, bearing house and
fraternity crests. The garden motif
will be carried out throughout the
ballroom, with enormous flowers and
spring colors.
Approximately 15 decorated booths,
sponsored by organized houses, will
surround the ballroom and complete
the theme of decorations. Letters will
be sent to all fraternities and resi-
dence halls informing them of the
plan. There is no charge for booths
and the house must supply furniture
and floor lamps for the booths.
At least 35 men should combine to
sponsor a booth, according to Collee
See J-HOP, Page 5
Investigation of
Dismissal Asked
Soldiers Ousted from
Stars and Stripes Staff
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 - (P) --
Three House members asked the War
Department today for a full investi-
gation of the removal of Sgt. Ken-
neth Pettus and Corp. Bernard Rubin
from the staff of the Tokyo edition
9f Stars and Stripes.
Representatives Sabath (Dem.-Iil),
Coffee (Dem.-Wash); and DeLacey,
(Dem.-Wash), in a letter to Secre-
tary of War Patterson, quoted Pettus
and Rubin as saying that they were
ousted after protesting open and im-
plied pressure to "delete, distort and
play down news to serve personal and
the professional interests of the Army
Pettus, resident f Chicago, was
managing editor of the newspaper
and Rubin, of Waterbury, Conn., was
a featured columnist.
The lawmakers declared that the
action was "open to the implication
that because Sergeant Pettus, as
managing editor, fought efforts to en-
croach upon press freedom in the
armed services he is now to be pun-
Prof. N. F. Maier

Maurer' s iscussion Group
Ae11ves n Am of Frietidlilless

Huntley Says We M ist Start
Indjvidualist Thoughlt in Japan

EDITO's NOTE: This is the second
of three articles on education in Japan.
"We must establish an individual-
ist philosophy in Japan to counter-
act the state and family group phi-
losophy outlined in the Imperial Res-
cript on Education of 1880," Dr.
Frank L. Huntley of the political
science and English departments said
in an interview.
We must not only eliminate the
uih ptinnable featiires of the .TaD-

which is tantamount; to deification
of the state, he declared. However,
we must cut this out of the schools
only after it has been cut out of
social and private life. It is part of
our job in re-educating Japan to see
that the Japanese get over their feel-
ing of national superiority rising
from the imperial line. General Mac-
Arthur has made a definite step in
this direction by separating Shinto
from the state.

To observe the Detroit discussion
group conducted by Prof. Wesley
Maurer of the journalism depart-
nent in action is to observe the
democratic process in its most inti-
Inate phase.
After attending a meeting of tle
group, this reporter felt that the
group's aim of "friendliness not
through agreement but through un-
derstanding" was actually being
achieved. Officially entitled ".Books
on Current Economic, Political and
Social Problems," the discussion
covers all phases of the problems
discussed in the particular book be-
ing considered.
The book being discussed was

ing to others the things that most
GI's can only say to themselves.
The book discusses the problems
which the new veteran will have to
mieet, the way in which he is being
aided in meeting them, his hopes and
ideals for the post-war world, the
history of the AVC and the reasons
for the veterans' desire for an organ-
ization of their own.
One anecdote especially appreciat-
ed by the group concerned Bolte's
visit to Detroit. He spent two full
days being conducted by a repre-
sentative of the Ford Motor Com-
pany around the River Rouge plant.
Highly impressed by the plant's

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