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February 13, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-13

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WEbN~jSDAV PTh~IJ~IRY 13, ~48

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Fi f ty-Sixth'Year

e/eN len tot fdil~a

J--ale M sce n'orioVaia

M u r r ...a .
Edited and managed by students of the Univeraity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Ray Dixon . . . . . . . . . . Managing.Editor
Robert Goldman ........ City Editor
Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Margaret Farmer .. ..... . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft.. ..... . . . Associate Editor
Bill Mullendore .. .. *. . Sports Editor
Mary Lu .eath . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff

Dorothy Flint
.10y Altman.

. . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ne
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it ar
otlherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
G. I.'s Muzzled.
E DITORIAL criticism of the Japanese Chris-
tian leader, Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa appears
now to have been the reason for the "exile to the
salt mines" of the managing editor and a col-
umnist of the Army newspaper "Pacific Stars
and Stripes." Banishment to Okinawa of Sgt.
Ken Pettus of Chicago, editor, and Corp. Ber-
nard Rubin of Waterford, Connecticut, column-
ist, was delayed yesterday when it became ap-
parent their dismissal concerned more than
"a negative report on a loyalty check." The
soldiers themselves said their ouster resulted
from a statement "in which we charged open
and implied pressure had been put on us to
delete, distort and play down news to preserve
the personal and professional interests of the
Army hierarchy." They referred to a ban on
stories concerning Dr. Kagawa who is known
in the United States as a social worker and
Christian leader.
Using information largely supplied by the
Federal Communications Commission and the
counter-intelligence corps, Rubin seven weeks
ago staged a one-man campaign in which he
described Kagawa as a Japanese war propa-
gandist, a glib opponent of the United States
for "waging an unjust war on the oriental race,"
and a touter of racial prejudice. He promptly
bumped heads with upstairs brass and Army
and Navy chaplains who at that time were ap-
parently upholding Kagawa as the white hope
of Christianity in Japan. The Army banned fur-
ther discussion of Kagawa by columnist Rubin.
Later the Army and Navy Chaplain's Associa-
tion voted 40-17 against lifting the ban.
Evidence from Kagawa's record before and
during the war does not at all justify the
Chaplain's protection-a speech concerning
Kagawa's junket to the States in 1941, for
instance, is as anti-semetic as any which re-
igious leaders on other occasions have con-
demned. Kagawa told the foreign affairs
committee of the Japanese Diet October 3,
1941, that many of America's chief war ad-
vocates are Jews. "This was told me by Al-
fred M. Landon (1936 presidential candidate),
he said. "Up to this time, I'd always been
as sympathetic as possible towards the Jews,
but after hearing Mr. Landon's tale I couldn't
)help entertaining the same unpleasant feel-
ing as Mr. Landon because the Jews have
certainly gone too far."
Part of Rubin's indictment quoted Kagawa's
statement in 1942 in which he described the
United States as "a white grave," and attacked
her as an imperialist. He said "I cannot believe
that Almighty God will permit success for their
inordinate ambitions for a world domination,
which forced a spirit of racial superiority, but at
the same time talks of freedom and liberty, using
these words while waging an unjust war on the
oriental race. Woe to America for so degrad-
ing the name of Christ by this butchery."
Even though he may now appear a Simon-
pure Christian, a man in our government's
confidence who has made such statements
certainly deserves investigation. Editorial
muzzling of Rubin for digging up these facts
and branding him disloyal is farcical. Rubin
may console himself that the publicity his
puster has gained will make clear the posi-
pion of Dr. Kagawa, and the reasons for Kag-
aywa's popular support will come to the sur-
-Clayton Dickey


Favors Case Bill
To the Editor:
IN YOUR EDITORIAL of Saturday February
seventh, "Strike Control?", Patricia Cam-
eron views the Case Bill as a usurper of labor's
fundamental rights.
The Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 makes
it illegal for the courts to issue injunctions
against laborers for striking, or for inciting
others to strike unless the employer can show
. that "every reasonable effort" has been made
to settle the strike or that unlawful acts have
been committed or threatened by the strikers.
The employer's hands are virtually tied by this
act. Today, the only practice he can resort
to as a protection against the threat of a
strike is the "lockout." Even in this case labor
holds the upper hand.
It is impossible for industry to keep manu-
facturing on a paying basis if plants are locked
up and machines rendered inactive. The lock-
out has proven to be of. little value to the em-
ployer. Today, the pressure of strikes is so
great that in due time the employer is usually
always forced to succumb to the demands of
his workers. In turn, the employer is obliged
to raise the price of his commodities to com-
pensate for the higher wage he has to pay. This
results in the skyrocketing of prices and sooner
or later we have the inevitable result, inflation.
I am not asking for a return to the days when
every attempt of labor to secure higher wages
was put down by an injunction. I fully support
Representative Hoffman in his plea to strike
the injunction clause from the Case Bill, but I
cannot deny the right of contract to the em-
ployer. I ask Miss Cameron if she considers a
contract, in which both parties are held liable
to its breach, as a destroyer of labor's funda-
mental rights? What guarantee does an em-
ployer have in a contract which the labor union
can break at will? How many times have we
heard the oft-repeated slogan of the "No Strike
Pledge?" To me its the same old story over
and over again.
The ,Case Bill, or some other bill embody-
ing- a binding contract clause, will serve to
smolder the flames of our labor-management
struggle. The House of Representatives has
started the ball rolling. Let us hope that the
Senate can divert enough time from its fili-
buster to put a stop to the deluge of strikes
that has swept the nation.
-Lowell B. Komie
* * ..
ToternOation al ? V
To the Editor:
'N REFERENCE to your report in Sunday's
paper concerning the changing concept of
international law, I doubt the accuracy of your
report which accredits Dr. George Americano
with saying that the Law of Nations until five
years ago was solely concerned with the rules
of war and neutrality.
No international authority would make this
statement, and in publishing this doctrine, the
Daily is propagating one of the many current
fictions that most people have concerning inter-
national law. It is more likely that Dr. Amer-
icano pointed out that war was recognized by
international law and that it was one of the
most flagrantly violated fields of its competence.
In the definition of international law, the
words "war" and "neutrality" are not even
mentioned. The Law of Nations can be defined
best as a body of principles and rules which
govern and are binding upon states in their
mutual relationships. Moreover, it can be
shown that international law in comparable
fields with civil law is equally effective.
Changes are now taking place in the con-
cept of international law which make even
the above definition inadequate in certain
respects. Although states are generally con-
sidered to be the legal persons in the laws
of Nations, other entities such as international
organizations (U.N.O., Court of International
Justice, Arbitrary Commissions, etc.), and
even in some cases, individuals. Indeed, these
international persons other than states were
the exception rather than the rule, and such
exceptions were usually provided for by treaty

or convention. In the conventions setting up
such bodies as the now defunct League of
Nations, the International Labor Organiza-
tion, the Danube Commission, and now the
U.N.O., it was distinctly provided that said
organizations shall have full international
legal status. As these individuals and organ-
izations become more than scattered excep-
tions, their full international status will be-
come an accepted principle of the Law of
Getting back to the previous question, how-
ever, there is adequate proof that the Law of
Nations apply in peace as well as war. .In fact,
international law serves in most cases as an
adequate remedy short of war. Take, for ex-
ample, the resolution of the North Atlantic
Coast Fisheries in 1941 which was concerned
with the fishing rights of Americans off the
Canadian Coast. Then, there are the various
cases arising out of our prohibition laws in which
we seized foreign vessels, ostensibly bound for
the United States, to smuggle liquor into the
country; moreover, these seizures were beyond

the traditional three mile limit, and in many
cases, the foreign governments acquiesced to
these seizures as valid under the law of nations.
It is interesting to note that the Supreme Court,
who has jurisdiction in controversies arising
among the several states within the United
States, applies by analogy principles of inter-
national law to settle these disputes. That ex-
plains why in many international controversies
over territory, the international jurist cite cases
of the U. S. Supreme Court arising between two
states. And if the Law of Nations were solely
concerned with the laws of war and neutrality,
would the Supreme Court's application of inter-
national law be a valid analogy?
Very truly yours,
-(Mr.) Sylvan M. Berman
Bloc Voting
A BREAKDOWN of the House vote on the new
Case bill, to curb labor activities, gives naked
evidence of the sectionalism which today divides
the country. It is a scary picture, and it pro-
vides the answer to those who are merchandis-
ing the view that the Case bill was passed by
impartial men, who examined the evidence, and
who let their votes be determined by the facts.
Their votes were determined largely by where
they live.
There are some notable and commendable ex-
ceptions, but, in the main, it was a vote of the
country against the city; it was a vote by the
South and the rural North against the indus-
trial centers of the nation. It was a vote to
curb labor, put through by men who do not live
with labor problems, and who do not know the
color and feel and- taste of life in industrial
communities; some few of them at least, might,
just as expertly have been voting on the social
problems of Afghanistan.
The bill was put through by the bi-partisan
bloc; that is to say, 109 Democrats joined with
149 Republicans to vote for it, as against 120
Democrats and 33 Republicans who tried to
block it. To look at the list of 109 Democrats
who voted for the bill is to be staggered; with
the exception of two Californians, and three
or four men from border States, every Demo-
cratic Representative on the list is Southern.
There is something almost undressed about
bloc voting of this type; and the immediate
effect is knock the intellectual argument for
the Case bill on the head. It is not necessary
to impugn the motives of the Southern Demo-
crats who voted for the bill, but it cannot be
maintained on their behalf that they were
moved by cool logic alone; logic knows no
neighborhoods, and beams with equal brilli-
ance upon all men, like the round moon of
THE REPUBLICAN vote for the bill is largely
from the rural districts of the Middle-Wes-
tern and Eastern States. When one finds an
up-State New York Republican against the bill,
like Mr. E. A. Hall, he turns out to be from in-
dustrial Binghamton. I am not discussing mo-
tives, now, but geography, and, though there
are some exceptions, the pattern is general; Re-
publican Representative Clare Boothe Luce, for
example, who comes from the Stamford, Con-
necticut, area, which was the scene of a brief
general strike, voted against this bill to curb
strikes; and most of the Democrats who have
tried to kill the bill come from industrial areas.
And if the Senate is, as reported, cool to
the Case measure, that is perhaps not because
the .Senate has a riper wisdom and a richer
maturity than the lower Flouse, but because
Senators are elected on a State-wide basis,
which necessarily mingles city and country,
industrial and rural voting.
Somewhere in this pattern one may find the
reason why, during the last few years, anti-labor
feeling has been strongest in the House, less
strong in the Senate, and weakest at the Presi-
dential or truly national level; and this play of
sectional and regional forces must, it seems to
me, be found frightening by anyone who would
like to see us adopt a national approach to na-
tional problems.

This angry, swirling play of sectional forces
shows us quite clearly that what we have on our
hands is not a purely intellectual problem, but
the problem of reaching an accomodation among
interests in our economy which have not yet
agreed to live together, and which have not yet
found their proper and stable levels in the whole
This is not a problem which can be solved
by writing hasty bills, mail-order catalogues
of miscellaneous prohibitions; that will merely
raise the problem to a higher level, transform
it, change it, perhaps, into a political fight;
but it will not solve it. When a democracy is
faced with the need of finding an accomoda-
tion among conflicting interests, it must, in
the end, find it; it is never allowed to beg off,
short of that point; and the best contribution
to the labor situation, at this moment, is being
made by those who are trying to set up fair
settlements, and not by those who are trying to
throw a blanket, such as the Case bill, over the
whole situation, and to sit on it.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

W ASHINGTON.-New York State
Democrats are hopping mad at
Jim Farley for "muscling in" on Car-
dinal-designate Spellman's trip to
It's no secret that Farley is run-
ning like a jackrabbit for governor
of New York. He hopes to blow Sena-
tor Jim Mead's gubernatorial candi-
dacy sky-high again this year just as
he did in 1942, despite the fact that
President Truman, Postmaster Gen-
eral Bob Hantegan, Senator Wagner,
and other top-flight Democrat poli-
ticians are supporting Mead.
Farley, however, hopes to upset the
White House machine, win the gov-
ernorship himself, and name the
Democrat candidate for president in
'48, with himself as possible nominee
for vice president.
Reascn Farley's enemies are sim-
mering is because the former Post-
master General has created the im-
lression he was invited by Spell-
man to make the trip to Rome.
The fact isthat Farley asked to at-
tend, thus putting the hierarchy on
the spot. Farley isn't even travl-
irg in the same plane with Spell-
What has made the situation even
more touchy is the fact that Mrs.
Farley is accompanying her husband
to Rome. Bess Farley, who so hated
politics and FDR during the Roose-
velt administration, will be the only
woman in the party, a fact that has
created considerable eyebrow raising
among Catholics and Democrats
NOTE-If the Democratic guber-
natorial feud between Jim Farley
and Jim Mead gets too hot, keep an
eye on FDR's old friend, Wayne
Johnson, as a compromise dark
horse. He was one of the mainstays
in electing Bill O'Dwyer as mayor
of New York.
flawatwng uStatehozod
LARCADE, Jr., of Louisiana and
other proponents of statehood for
Hawaii found President Truman an
enthusiastic ally when they called on
him the other day.
"I declared myself very definitely
for making Hawaii a state in my
message (state of the union) to
Congress," Truman told his callers,
"and I am still of that opinion."
He pointed out that the population
of Hawaii, over 502,000, is greater
than that of eight states already in
the union, adding that with the is-
land's vast resources and the inhabi-
tants' proven ability to govern them-
selves, they are more than qualified
to be admitted.
"Oklahoma and Arizona were
brought in under the territorial
status," Truman declared, "and
have since been admitted as states.
The cnly difference is that awaii
is non-contiguxous. But that argu-
ment doesn't hold water any more."
"The people of the islands are
deeply grateful to you for your atti-
tude, Mr. President," interposed GOP
delegate Joseph R. Farrington of
Hawaii, who has the privilege of the
House floor and can attend commit-
tee session but cannot vote. "It may
interest you to know that more than
85 per cent of my people are native-
born Americans-that is, they. were
born either in the United States or
Farrington recalled that in a 1940
plebiscitetthe Hawaiian people had
voted 2 to 1 in favor of statehood.
The percentage would be much great-
er if a vote were taken today, he said.
"Well, Im in favor of an increas-
irg measure of self-government for
all our territories and insular pos-
sessions," Truman replied.
N Alaskn Statehood
1JOWEVER, he sidestepped commit-
ting himself on the question of
statehood for Alaska when Represen-
tative Hugh Peterson of Georgia
maneuvered the discussion in that
direction. He indicated that Alaska

needed more "developing," but that
with proper transportation facilities
its population and resources also
could be built up to statehood stand-
Representatives George P. Miller of
California and Homer D. Angell of
Oregon,'members of the Larcade sub-
committee which recently visited
Hawaii, told Truman about the nat-
ural beuaty of the islands.
"It has a heavenly climate," said
Congressman Miller.
"That's a fine place then for an
Angell," wise-cracked the President,
looking at the Oregon Republican.
Capitol Chaff
GEORGE ALLEN suspects Tommy
Corcoran and Jesse Jones of lead-
ing the opposition to his RFC con-'
frmation. Corcoran says Allen flat-'
ters him. . . Democratic Congress-
man Antonio Fernandez of New Mex-
ico and his wife are becoming stellar
attractions at Washington parties.
Mrs. Fernandez is supposed to have a


better voice than singing Senator
Glenn Taylor of Idaho.
The Army could use more brass
hats like Brig. Gen. Frederick Hop-
kins Jr. G.I.'s serving under Ilop-
kixxs in the Pacific say he was an
outstanding commander who used
all the transportation available to
rush eligible men home, frequently
sacrificing his own comfort to lbeep
his men well-fed, well-clothed, and
State Department strategy in push-
ing the loan to Britain through Con-
gress includes assurances of recalci-
trant legislators that they will not
be asked later to okay a loan to Rus-
sia. . . . The recent strike seige has
resulted in increased cashing in of
war bonds. Ex-war workers now on
the picket line have been forced to
sell heavily. . . . During January,
$541,240,000 worth of V-bonds were
turned in. Only $640,000,000 were

Under the Dome
GENERAL MOTORS strikers relief
committee now has an impressive
list of backers, including publisher
Henry Luce, Henry Wallace, ,Col.
Robert S. Allen, and Harold Stassen.
The British occupation chiefs in
Germany, who advocate a soft
peace, are reported to have hired
one of Himmler's top aids, former
SS brigade fuehrer Walther Schel-
lenberg, to organize a "non-com-
munist front" in the English zone.
Movie actors Eddie Albert and Jack
Fletcher, who used to teach English
in the Friends' school in Washington,
made a pact during the invasion of
Tarawa that if they came out of the
war alive they would organize a non-
profit educational film outfit, dedi-
cated to the expression of the ideals
for which they were fighting. The
new firm is now in business.
(Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
Atin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL., LV No. "6
Attention All Students: Registra-
tion for the Spring Term
Bynaction of the Conference of
Deans, all students are required to
register for the Spring Term at, and
no later than, the time announced in
the Registration Schedule. Late reg-
istrations will not be permitted by the
administrative authorities of the sev-
eral units, except in the case of vet-
erans who have not been in residence
for the Fall Term. Students must pre-
sent their identification cards at the
time of registration and must file
their registration material them-
selves, not by proxy.
The reason for this requirement is
the unprecedented demand which the
enrollment for the Spring Term will
make upon the educational resources
and the housing facilities of the Uni-
versity. Because of these conditions,
it is absolutely essential that regis-
tration and classification be com-
pleted according to schedule..
Dr. Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
Room Assignments For English 1
and 2:
Final Examination on Tuesday,
Feb. 19, 2-4 p.m.
English 1
Avalon, G. Haven; Austin, C. Hav-
en; Bertram, 2003 AH; Bromage, C.
Haven; Calver, 205 MA; Chase, 225
AH; Dice, G. Haven; Engel, 215 Ec.;
Fletcher, 205 MH; Fogle, 2082 NS;
Fullerton, C. Haven; Gram, 215 Ec.;
Greenhut, 102 Ec.; Hawkins, 2231
AH; Hayden, 205 MH; Jenks 231 AH;
Kearney, 2082 NS; Merewether, 2235
AH; Needham, 2235 AH; Norton, 231
AH; O'Neill, 215 Ec.; Ogden, 3056 NS;
Peterson, 4208 AH; Plumer 3017 AH;
Riepe, 2054 NS; Robertson, 2029 AH;
Schroder, D Haven; Schroeder, 1035
AH; Stevenson, 35 AH; Stimson, 2219
AH; Weimer, G Haven; Wells, 3056
NS; Welsch, D Haven; Wolfson, 231
English 2
Abel, NS Aud.; Boys, NS Aud.; Ev-
erett, NS Aud.; Huntley, NS, Aud;
McCormick, NS, Aud.; Morris, NS
Aud.; Pearl, NS Aud.; Rayment, NS
Aud.; Sessions, NS Aud.
Members of the faculties and staff
are urged to return at once the War
Service Questionnaire sheets, with the
information requested, to the Univer-
sity War Historian, Michigan His-
torical Collections, 156 Rackham
Anyone who has not received a
copy of the questionnaire may have
one by calling extension 583.
Seniors who wish to be eligible to
contract to teach the modern foreign
languages in the registered Secondary
Schools of New York State are noti-
fied that the required examination in
French, Spanish, German and Italian
will be given on Friday, Feb. 15, at
1:15 p.m., in Room 100 Romance
Language Building.
The General Library, between
terms, will be closed evenings and
there will be no Sunday service.
The following schedule will be
Saturday, Feb. 23, Saturday, March
2 8 a:m.-6 p.m.
The Divisional Libraries will be
open on short schedules. Notices will
be posted on the doors.
Choral Union Members will place
call for their courtesy pass tickets for
the Schnabel concert today between
9:30-11:30 and 1:00-4:00, at the of-
fices of the University Musical Socie-
ty in Burton Memorial Tower.

Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, Feb. 15, at 4:00 p.m.
in Room 319 West Medical Building.
"Zinc, a Trace Element-Biological
Distribution and Activity." All inter-
ested are invited.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet-to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 303 Chemis-
try Bldg. Dr. Marshall Cronyn will
speak on "The Chemistry of Penicil-
Room Assignments for German:
Final Examinations n Friday, Feb-
ruary 22, 2-4 p.m.
German 1
Braun (both sections) and Eaton,
201 Ec; Reichart and Willey, D
Haven; Philippson (both sections)
and Boersma, 2003 A.H.; Edson (both
>ections), 3017 A.H.; Pott (both sec-
tions), 2225 A.H.; Reiss, G Haven;
Gaiss (both sections), 35 A.H.
German 2
Striedieck (both sections) and
Braun, 205 Mason Hall; Willey, Van
Duren and Gaiss, 202 West Physics.
German 31
Braun and Eaton, E Haven; Phil-
ippson, Wahr and Gaiss, 1035 A.H.
German 32
Reichart, 1009 A.H.
German 56 will meet in Room 16.
Angell Hall for final examination.
German 167 will meet in Room 306
University Hall for final examination.
German 35 (Dr. Wahr's section)
will beet in Room 203 University Hal
for final examination.
A Recreation Leadership Course is
being sponsored by the Department
f Physical Education for Women for
the second 'semester. The time of
meeting is Friday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Up-
perclass women wishing to take this
bourse should obtain an application
blank in Room 15 ( Barbour Gymna-
sium by February 15.
Final Examinations will be given
as follows:
Political Science 1-Saturday, Feb-
ruary 16,8-10 a.m.
Sections Room
Elager and Silva 25 A.H.
Eallenbach 1035 A.H.
?hillips 1025 A.H.
3romage 231 A.H.
Scheips & Dorr B Haven Hall
Political Science 2-Saturday, Feb-
:uary, February 16, 8-10 a.m., Natural
Science Auditorium
Political Science 51 - Saturday,
Feb. 16, 8-10
sections Room
Lederle 35 A.H.
?erkins 2003 A.H.
Political Science 52-Saturday, Feb.
16, 8-10, Room 2225 A.H.
Social Studies 93, Saturday, Feb.
16, 2-4 p.m., Room 25 Angell Hall.
Political Science 107, Friday, Feb-
ruary 22, 8-10, Room 1025 Angell
Required Hygiene Lectures For Wom-
All first and second semester fresh-
man women are required to take the
hygienelectures, which are to e
riven the second semester. Upper
class students who were in the Uni-
versity as freshmen and who did not
fulfill the requirements are requested
to do so this term. Enroll for these
lectures by turning in a class card at
the time of regular classification at
Waterman Gymnasium.
Satisfactory completion of the
course (or of P.H.P. 100; elective; 3
hrs. credit) is a graduation require-
I-First Lecture, Mon., March 11,
4:15-5;15, N.S. Autd.
Subsequent Lectures, Successive
Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Examination (Final), Mon., April
22, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced).
II-First Lecture, Tuesday, March 12,
4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Subsequent Lectures, Successive
Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Examination (Fina), Tues., April
23, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced) .

Be reasonable, Gus. How
long can it take you to

Dear me, O'Malley, there are seven
volumes here ... And at the modest!
rI .i Ii Is..auJrr .wmwi A A..J

By Crockett Johnson
But Gus, each actor's part must
be typed. We can't have our cast
trrrnAna r~nrirmn irfA rrs

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