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February 13, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-13

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WE l1VN. D;rAY, tFEERVARV 13is194G

TROLLEY TIEIP-This is part of the equipment of the Philadelphia Transportation Company which was
stored in 30 depots as 9,655 transit workers went on strike, cutting off service for appiroximately 3,000,000
people, including 800,000 workers.

UAW Rejects G! Offer
Of 18 Cent Wage Rise'!.

declared he would continue his ef-
forts to obtain an agreement between
the parties. Three weeks ago Dewey
was assigned by labor secretary Lewis
B. Schwellenbachl to get GM and un-
ion representatives together after a
previous breakup.
Two Proposals
GM proposed that its 18/-cent of-
fer become-effective as of the date the
strike would end to one year from
'.hat date. If this was not acceptable
to the union, along with the "interim
agreement," GM in an "alternative
proposal" suggested that negotiations
continue "until a contract satisfac-
tory to both parties is completed and
"The new contract, among other
things," GM said, "shall include prop-
er provisions to assure General Mo-
tors of uninterrupted and efficient
Agrees To Dues
In this connection GM said it would
agree to deduction of union dues "for
the convenience of the union and its
members" but it would not require
General Motors to discipline or dis-
charge an employe at the request of
the union because of any difficulties
he may have with the union."

(Continued from Page 1)
Emperor Meiji initiated a system
of freedom through education in the
five principles of his Charter Oath.,
This code, he explained, declares
that "learning is the key to success
in life and no man can afford to
neglect it." It was promulgated by
Americans like Dr. Guido Verbeck
and Dr. David Murray, the first sup-
erintendent of Japanese schools, and
by Japanese liberals like Yukichi
Fukuzawa. This principle is widely
different from the concept of edu-
cation for the state which is the
thesis of the reactionary Imperial
Rescript passed in 1890, Dr. Huntley
"The trend that caused the res-
cript to be passed," he contended,,
"was a reaction against foreign in-
fluence on the Japanese educational
system. Many western countries, the
United States in particular, had
played a part in molding that sys-
tem. However, America as a whole
was too occupied with her own in-
terests at the time to enter com-
pletely in the forming of the Jap-
anese philosophy of education and,
as a result, the influence of Ger-
many under Bismarck predominated
to the point where it appeared to fit
better with Japanese nationalism
and rigid regimentation as outlined
in the Imperial Rescript."

lekes Ouster
Capital Hears
Result of Different
Views on Pauley
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12-Secretary
of Interior Ickes today called a "spe-
cial press conference" for 11:30 a.m.
This development followed a pub-
lished report that Ickes' departure
from the cabinet is imminent as a re-
sult of the differing views held by
Ickes and President Truman in the
Pauley case. But if Ickes is resigning,
it would be highly unusual for the an-
nouncement to come from him ahead
of the White House.
Ickes did nct indicate tle reason
for :the conference. Members of his
press staff told reporters they believed
it was called "special" because the
secretary usually holds his weekly
news conference on Thursday instead
of Wednesday. They said they did not
know whether Ickes had anything
special to anirhnunce.
Earxlier in thxe day Ickes had "no
comlment" on a r'eprt published by
the Detroit Nes that "sources close
to the President" are predicting his
removal in a few days.
Ickes testified that Edwin W.
Pauley, the President's nominee for
undersecretary of the navy, made him
the "rawest proposition" he ever
heard-that $300,000 in Democratic
campaign contributions could be ob-
tained from California oil men if a
government suit on tideland oil were
dropped. Pauley denied the statement.
Mr. Truman told his news confer-
ence that Pauley is an honest man
and Ickes could be mistaken.
' e Qf7adh,
Prize Contr, ests
WillBe Held
Contests for the Kothe-Hildner and
the Bronson-Thomas awards will
take place March 22, Prof. Henry W.
Nordmeyer, chairman of the German
department, announced yesterday.
All students of German 31, 32, 35
and 36 are eligible to compete for the
two stipends of $30 and $20 carried
by the Kothe-Hildner fund. The con-
test, lasting two hours, will consist of
translation from German to English
and English to German.
The Bronson-Thomas prize of $27
is awarded to the junior or senior
student of German, but of American
training, who, in a three hour com-
petition, writes the best essay on
some phase of German literature from
1750 to 1900.
Students who wish to compete for
either prize are urged by Prof. Nord-
meyer to register as soon as possible
at the departmental office, Rm. 204
University Hall, where more infor-
mation will be available.
Winners of the 1945 contest were
Evelyn Hufnagle, '47, and Lois Alli-
son, '47, first and second places re-
spectively in the Kothe-Hildner con-
test, and Mrs. Roberta C. Dresden,
'46$M, received the Bronson-Thomas

TRAFFIC JAM FO01LOWS TRAN1'SIT WORIiKE RS WA LKOUT-View of downtown traffic tieup near City
Hll, Philadelphia, as Philadelphians rode to work in private automobiles when Philadelphia Transporta-
tion Company workers walked off jobs. The strike tie d up .all bus, trolley and subway service for approxi-
mately 3,000,000 persons.


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of lOc for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
WANTED TO RENT: Faculty mem-
ber desires single room within
walking distance of campus. Ph.
4121 Ext. 686.
WANTED TO RENT: 3 bedroom
house or apartment for faculty
members family. Ph. 4121 Ext. 686.
time University employee. Garage
is desirable but not vital. Walter,
Phone 5539.
WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or
house, two or three bedrooms.
Three adults, one-year-old child.
W. J. Mason, 23-24-1.
WANTED: Graduate student (vet-
eran) and wife wish to contact
party with small apartment leav-
ing at end of this term. Willing to
purchase furniture. Call 25-7791.
WANTED: Ride to vicinity of Pitts-
burgh Pa daround February 16.
Willing to share expenses and
driving. K. Benjamin, phone
WANTED: Anyone interested in
catching the Ambassador or Mer-
cury in Detroit after 2:00 exam
Friday, Feb. 22, contact Eleanor
Hoffmaster for details. Phone

FOR SALE: 35mm camera with flash
attachment, in very good condition.
Ed Holodnik 222 Winchell.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes'
for sale. Your bike can hae expertly
repaired also.'
FOR SALE: Shotgun. New Savage'
Automatic 12 gauge. $70 or trade
for binoculars. Call 3961 after 9

Ne w Faculty
Members Have
War Records
Prof. Herbert F. Taggart, Prof. Wil-
bur K. Pierpont and Douglas A.
Hayes, recently added to the staff of
the School of Business Administra-
tion, served in the armed forces and
emergency organization during the
A former faculty member, Prof.
Taggart has been absent from the
University for five and a half years.
For three of these he served in Wash-
ington as director of the accounting
division of the Office of Price Ad-
Served With ASF
For two and a half years Prof. Tag-
gart served with the Office of the Fis-
cal Director, Army Service Forces, in
connection with contract termination
of fixed price contracts and in general
all contract auditing problems. In
the course of this work lie organized
a course in contract termination ac-
counting at the Army Finance School
which went on to train about 3,000
men in this field. Also, he helped
start a similar course at the JAG
School here in the spring of 1944.
Pierpont In Navy
Prof. Pierpont, a lieutenant in the
Navy, served as assistant to the Fis-
cal Director of the Bureau of Ord-
nance in Washington for one and a
half years, working on financial and
accounting problems of Navy stations.
Formerly, he was chief price analyst
for the Artillery Division of the Ord-
nance Department of the War De-
Mr. Hayes, instructor in finance,
served in the Navy for nearly three
years, first as Navy Supply Officer at
the Naval Training School, Cleveland,
Ohio. Early in 1945 he left for Hawaii
to participate in the planning of
naval establishments on Iwo Jima
and served as supply officer of the
naval base established there after
the islands' capture.
To My Love . ..
By The Associated Press
It's time to hunt a Valentine with
colors bright and gay, to brighten up
that wife of mine and smooth her
dreary way.
A box of candy I should seek
(which maybe I can share) or nylon
stockings, nice and sleek (I'd love
to find a pair).
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Last Day

18 U. S. Soldiers Injured
In New IndianUprising

By The Associated Press
CALCUTTA, Feb. 12-The British
imposed martial law in Calcutta to-
night, moving tanks and troops into
the city to quell rioting in which
14 persons have been killed and 170
injured, including 18 U.S. soldiers and
20 policemen, in the last two days.
Announcing martial law, British
Governor R. G. Casey declared in a
"If the troops are impeded in their
efforts to restore order and to open
up roads to normal traffic, they will
use their weapons."
The riots began yesterday when In-
dians, mostly Moslems, protested the
seven-year sentence of a Moslem of-
ficer of the Japanese-sponsored "In-
dian National Army." Today the dis-
orders spread to Bombay and New
Delhi from Calcutta, second largest
city in the British Empire.
Casey called the disorders "at-
tempts at mob rule," and charged
unruly elements with looting shops
and setting fire to buildings and ve-
Maulana Abulkalan Azad, president
Kellum To Lecture
On A laskan Trips
the University's Museum of Paleon-
tology, will speak on Alaska at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Amphi-
The lecture, accompanied by col-
cred slides and movies, will cover Dr.
Kellum's trips to the Alaskan Penin-
sula to search for possible oil sources,
as a part of the government war pro-
Sponsored by the Phi Sigma So-
ciety, the lecture is open to the pub-
lic. All members of the society are
requested to attend a closed business
meeting preceding the talk, at 7:30
Help Win the Peace,
BeuyVictory Bonds!

of the All-India Congress Party, said
in a statement: "It is the duty of
every congress worker of the city to
stand up for preservation of law and
Several times today police shot into
crowds which fired vehicles, block-
aded streets, and aided European-
owned stores. For the first time in
months, many of the demonstrators
were Moslems, and some observers
said this reflected Moslem bitterness
against foreign domination of India.
The Americans-five officers and
13 enlisted men-were hurt by flying
missiles, but none seriously.
The first serious outbreak came
early today in south Calcutta when
police fired on a crowd which threw
up a barricade, set fire to military ve-
hicles, and stoned the police, At least
three persons were killed.
The demonstrations in Bombay and
Calcutta were only part of the evi-
dence of Indian discontent on several
scores. There have been numetous
complaints against the British ad-
ministration and charges of govern-
ment mal-administration of food con-
trols, as well as doubt concerning
Britain's intentions to grant indepen-
dence to India.
j. ...for...
V 203 . Liberty 2-5616(1
. 5 , - e-. o - o o

FOR SALE: Two good Schnabel con- -Cross
cert tickets. Phone 5519. R tSoa1

LOST: Brown leather cigarette case.
Believe in "Little Shop." Please
phone 2-2975. Al Krohn. Reward.
LOST: Gold identification bracelet,
Feb. 11. Engraved Frances Walk-
er-Bob Joseph. Call Frannie Wal-
ker 2-3279.
LOST: Slides rule, number 963902.
Return to D. R. Glass, 213 Winchell
House, West Quad.
MEALS: For girls. Splendid home
cooked meals at League House, 604
E. Madison. Phone 4489.
WANTED TO SWAP: Want to swap
two airplane tickets to New York,
leaving Detroit Feb. 21 at 2:00 p.m.
for two same day at 4:00 p.m. Call
FOR HIRE: A-1 dance orchestra, 5-6
pieces, has dates open. Campus
references. Phone Ypsilanti 1220w.
HAVE YOUR typewriters, adding
machines, calculators repaired.
Office equipment Service, 111 S.
4th Ave. Phone 2-1213.

Setat 76i,8601
Washtenaw County's quota for this
year's Red Cross drive for funds has
been set at $76,860, H.O. (Fritz) Cris-
ler, chairman of the county campaign,
.which begins March 1, announced to-
Ann Arbor's goal in the drive will
be $48,460 with Willow Run included
in a township quota of $6,000.
"The 1946 goal of $76,860 repre-
sents the county's share of the na-
tional organization budget needs, as
well as funds for operating the local
Red Cross chapter for the coming
year," Crisler said.
"While the need is not as great
overseas as it was last year, it has
increased at home, and it is a worthy
need," he said.
Veterans who desire part-time
work as bus drivers are being in-
terviewed in Rm. 209 University
Hall this week b}y the personnel



Starts Thursday --


RAINED stenographers, secretaries, book-
keepers, accountants, and office machine
operators are needed in business offices. Our
Placement Department is receiving many
more calls than we can fill. Starting salaries
are very attractive.
Such positions are usually permanent. The
employee who is trained for this specialized
work becomes more and more valuable to the
employer. Promotions are often made rapidly.




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