FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY '.[ U SI3A Y, 'EI3RUAI ' 12, 1946 FoU1~ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY~ 12, 1948 - I Fifty-Sixth Year Ce her6 to i/ie6Iitor W ASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Firm,M'Friendly', Hand with Russia Urged , Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon .. . . . . ... .Managing Editor Robert Goldman ........ City Editor Betty Roth.... ....... . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft. ........ Associate Editor Bill Mullendore..... .. .... Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz '. . . . ......Women's Editor Dona Ouimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint... ..... Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25; REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. Coleg Pub&'ishers Representative 42O MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAGO . BOSTON . LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FARMER Editorials published in The Mchigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Homage to Lincoln WITH MALICE toward none, with. charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right. LINCOLN was not a common man; he was, rather a rare uncommon man who worked for the common man. Lincoln - in his time solved, with great suc- cess, the pressing problems of his day-preser- vation of the Union and ameliorating the con- ditions of the slaves, as did President Roosevelt solve his pressing problems-depression, the coming of the war and actual war conditions. Both men were taken from their office when the country needed them most, when people felt that there would never be another states- man who would be able to carry on their work. Time has proven the contrary in Lincoln's case; - time will prove the same now. The strength and determination of these men is part of the strength and determina- tion of the American people. It has been truly said of Lincoln by Walt Whitman: "This dust was once the man, Gentle, plain, just and resolute, under whose cautious hand, Against the foulest crime in history ever known in any land or age, Was saved the Union of these States." -Lynn Shapiro Legion Sniping J OHN STELLE, national commander of the American Legion pulled an unwarranted boner last week when he attacked Gen. Omar N. Bradley's conduct of the Veterans' Administra- tion. He charged that the Veterans' Adminis- tration was suffering from a tragic breakdown, and he placed all the blame on the shoulders. of Gen. Bradley. Stelle may have proof that the Veterans' Ad- ministration is not functioning like a clock. But what he didn't bother mentioning is that Gen. Bradley took over when the whole thing was in a state of chaos, and that chaos was the rem- nants of the administration of Gen. Hines. Gen. Hines was a strong Legionaire and never re- ceived any criticism from his brethren. Stelle said that what the Veterans' Admin- istration needed was a "seasoned business man." He suddenly discovered that the Vet- erans' Administration needed a business man after Gen. Bradley and the Veterans' Ad- ministration refused to locate a hospital in thse exact section of Decatur, Illinois, that Stelle wanted it located. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, President Tru- man, Charles G. Bolte, and some Legion com- manders have come to the defense of Gen. Brad- ley. They assert that he has done a magnifi- cent job, that whatever is bad in the Veterans' Administration is what has not been cleaned out from the administration of Cen. Hines. The Legion was the watchdog of the Veterans' Administration when Gen. Hines ran it. They proved their worth then. Gen. Bradley is doing Sa good, efficient job, and the Legion doesn't approve of him. They resent him because they can't manipulate him like a puppet. Industry Hoard ing To the Editor: ' THIS is a comment on a "letter to the editor" in Saturday's Daily, signed by Gene C. Dar- nell. In it he takes issue with an editorial by Eunice Mintz in which she outlined the hoard- ing policies of manufacturers. Her contention was that manufacturers are warehousing much- needed civilian goods in order to take advantage of the gornment tax carry-back plan, and a the same time to build up the already heavy demand for their merchandise. Mr. Darnell's unwarranted optimism and ignorance of the ruthless machinations of big business are things he would do well to dispense with. The dollar sign is big business' coat-of-arms. According to a UP dispatch on the front page of the Feb. 9 Detroit News, the Civilian Pro- duction Administration has uncovered the fol- lowing facts: The National Association of Hosiery Man- ufacturers reports that two Pennsylvania nylon manufacturers alone were holding 2,100,000 pairs of hose on Jan. 31. The same source re- ports that in New York, where nylon produc- tion jumped from 7,366 dozen pairs in De- cember, 1944, to 1,551,000 for the same month last year, 72,000,000 fewer pairs were shipped in 1945 than in 1944. And while many stores are out of shirts (as most men have found out lately) CPA reports that two (only TWO) shirt manufacturers had 870,000 shirts on hand Jan. 31. Look at the figures, Mr. Darnell, and see if you still think that stock-holders run the businesses they invest in. -Sherman Poteet Request for Discussion To the Editor: I WONDER how any intelligent man can in- dulge in such a waste of space in your Daily as Mr. Sentius does (Feb. 1) to repeat his mis- conceived and ill-founded ideas. In spite of the proof of participation by the common man in Oriental Civilizations such as Mohen-je-Daro, Mr. S continues to moan about the poor lot of the common man in those civili- zations. What a love for the common man! I wish the Dutch had shown such a love in practice in Java. Then, I am sure Mr. S would not have required such frivolous statements to defend the Dutch Rule. Mr. S states that in Java the Dutch use reve- nue only for sanitary and education purposes. Is it really true? Then after 170 years of effort Java should have been the healthiest place an her literacy percentage highest in the world. But their own statistics show quite the reverse. John Gunther describes the Dutch Rule as the Big Loot of Asia, and national income figures of Holland show that nearly 25 percent of the total income was received from Indonesia in dividends and interest, while the same year the total income of 95 percent of the Indonesians was only 12 percent of their National Income. (Amerasia Nov.) The statistics tell the real truth. The absence of logic and want of reason reach their peak when Mr. S argues that the present Indonesian leaders will waste public money for their own glorification because the medeival rulers built nonutilitarian buildings. What kind of logic is this? Does he believe that serfdom and slavery will return to Europe as in Middle Ages? Moreover, is he aware of the fact that most of these leaders had their education in Holland? What kind of education is there, that teaches to squander public funds? I quote his own countryman J. H. VanWilk (NEW LEADER, Nov. 24) who says, "We knew many of the In1onesian- leaders too well to be misled by the false rumors spread by Netherlands Govt. and the Reaction. Hatta, the vice-president of the Republic was closely associated with us as a student in Holland . . . He was a victim of, Dutch 'Democracy.' For 12 years he was in exile, banished from Freedom and from his ' homeland by the Gestapo methods of Dutch Imperialism, employed against the whole In- donesian intelligentia." In reply to Mr. S's question as to why people of Asia failed to preserve their Civilizations, I suggest that he should study history of the World Civilizations, particularly, the theory of cycles in Civilizations as propounded by Speng- ler in his book DECLINE OF THE WEST. Prof. C. E. M. Joad writes in his article "Future of Western Civilization. "Reflecting upon Spengler's theory and the archeological discoveries that seem so convinc- ingly to illustrate, one is tempted to wonder whether there may not be some fundamental flaw in human nature which, while permitting man to raise his life to a certain level, forbids him to maintain it at the level reached for more than a certain time. Why should we suppose that our own civilization is immune from its operation? What is there so particular wise, Victory L oan Be as determined to help put the Victory Loan Bond drive over the top as were the men who made victory possible. virtuous about us that we should succeed when many have failed?" He goes on to describe how the growing disparity between power and wis- dom and our sheer inability to control the power placed at our disposal have put us within a measurable distance of destroying our own selves. I think that a panel discussion on the question of Indonesian Independence will give a better opportunity to all interested, and therefore I request SOIC and any other or- ganizations on the campus with aim of pro- moting international cooperation, to arrange such a panel and invite Mr. Sentius to pre- sent his views and show why Indonesians should not get their independence. -Arun Chhatrapati I'D RA THER BE RIGHT: Hiding Our Cake By SAMUEL GR.AFTON DRIED EGGS are cherished in Britain, which alone is enough to describe the fix that country is in, and the one item in Food Min- ister Sir Ben Smith's new austerity program which has most aroused British resentment has been his stopping of dried egg imports. Sir Ben has dropped purchases of this delicacy from us because the cost comes to $140,000,000 a year, and he does not have the dollars. Check, but by one of those frantic coincidences which some- times add a fillip to the commentating life, it turns out that our own government had to start a new program of buying surplus dried and frozen eggs on our home market to prevent a price collapse on the very day on which Sir Ben made his sad announcement. At this point we go straight into Alice in Wonderland; we cut off lend-lease to Britain to save money; that stops Britain from buying our eggs; now we find we must spend money, anyway, to buy eggs we don't want, and we triumphantly finish up out-of-pocket for eggs which are to be kept in storage in a hungry world. There is a bit of the Alice in Wonderland touch about many aspects of our American food sit- uation. We start with the odd fact that we have never eaten more than this year, in a world which has never eaten less. We go on to the even odder fact that, because of President Tru- ' man's new program for saving grain, we are going to eat still more. We shall feed less grain to our livestock in order to have more to send to Europe; the immediate effect must be a large increase in slaughter and a correspond- ing increase in our meat supplies over a period of at least several months. Later there may be a shortage, but for a time there will be a great plenty; and some- how it does not make sense that our period of plethora should coincide with the darkest weeks of Europe's hunger year, the lean tag- end of winter. Obviously, we should resume meat rationing so that the coming spurt' of surplus in America may help to rescue the world, instead of being only a surplus in a closed room. 0THERWISE the surplus will happen in Amer- ica without happening in the world. There are some of us, of course, who like it that way, who want to make of America a sealed chamber, in which a story takes place that has no rela- tion to the world story. Mr. Edwin A. Hall of New York, for example, after listening to Mr. Truman's promise to ex- port wheat, has tried to block him by rushing into the House with a bill which would ban all American wheat and flour exports during any period in which there was not enough at home to keep our bread a dead white in color, of purest ray serene. Mr. hall probably has no doubts whatever that he is being innocently and patriotically selfish, and avid for the national good; yet this kind of thinking kicks back against our- selves, in the Alice in Wonderland fashion described above, and, in the end, hurts our interests rather than defends them. This is the kind of approach which, by cutting off lend-lease to Britain, and by holding up the $3,750,000,000 British credit in Congress, has forced Britain to stop buying our dried eggs, so that we must now buy them ourselves, and fill our closets. It has forced British ships to stop using the Panama Canal, whenever possible, to save a fev dollars in fees (but at the cost of burning a great deal of extra coal, which the world des- perately needs; ah, how connected everything is!) And it has now set the British to talking about banning American motion pictures to save some $67,000,000 a year, desperately needed for food, and perhaps American tobacco also, to save another $70,000,000. What price national selfishness which produces these odd and obscure offshoots? And there are no sealed chambers, and the world is round, and it is one, and all the walls are porous; and the destiny of mankind is a common destiny, and it is not worthwhile to eat a little more at the cost of convincing the world for fifty years to come that we refused to share its story; and these are matters to think about before we adopt the policy of hiding our cake and bricking ourselves in to enjoy it. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-Now that General Marshall is in China, the man President Truman leans on most for military-naval advice is White House chief of staff Adm. William Leahy. Even on some foreign affairs prob- lens, Truman is inclined to take Leahy's advice almost more than that of his Secretary of State. For that reason, what Leahy tells Truman today regarding Russia is important. The other day, Leahy went in to see his chief and said to him in substance: Mr. President, I told Franklin I:ocsevelt in 1937 that the time to prevent war was then. If he didn't stop the Jas then,.F said, we'd find ou.r. elves fighting on two fronts later, with ruch greater loss of life and a war that would drag on for a Iong time. "Mr. Roosevelt, who was a very great man, agreed with me and tried to stop Japan. But there were others around him who believed in appeasing Japan and who held him back." NOTE - Actually Admiral Leahy went much further than indicated above in trying to stop Japan. When the Japs sank the U. S. gunboat Panay and the British gunboat Lady- bird, he urged and implored Cordell Hull that then was the time to sur- round Japan with the American and British navies (the British not then being engaged in any European war) and cut cff from Japan cotton, oil, copper and scrap iron. This, Leahy estimated, would bring Japan to her knees in three months. Hull's State Department advisers, however, were frightened and he ruled against Leahy. "I am an old man," Leahy con- tinued his advice to Truman. "1 have been in this naval-diplomatic game for a long time. And I have a record that will holId up against that of anyone else. And I warn you now, Mr. President, that if we continue to appease Russia we will be up against the same situation wo faced between 1937 and 1941, with eventual war. It won't come right away, but it will come in five years. The Rus- sians can be our friends, but not if they think they can get away with everything; not if they think they can walk all over us. They are now in the aggressor's seat, and only a firm but friendly hand can stop them. "Two ardd one-half nations came out of this war as leaders-the U.S. MOVIES BARRIE WATERS .. * at the Michigan Errol F'lynn and Alexis Smith in "San Antonio"; a arner Bro- thers production, directed by David Butler. "San Antonio" is most everything a good Western should be. It's loud, fast, knows a good panorama shot when it sees one and has a villain with a genuinely superior leer. It takes its gun fights and red plush saloons seriously and in its efforts to satisfy its clientele it stops short only of having one of the characters, remark, "They went thattaway, sheriff." The Texas Chamber of Com- merce must have written Miss Smith's dialogue. At one point she interrupts one of those welcome- home-veteran ballads to deliver an oh-so-dreamy monologue on the beauties of the Texan landscape. Der touching little laudation asks the audience, among other things, if they have ever smelled sage- brush in full bloom. We must con- fess we haven't, but we're sure it's every bit as delightful as she would have us believe. . . . at the State Joan Leslie and Robert hutton in "Too Young to Know"; a War- ner Brothers production. and the U.S.S.R., with Britain a poor third. We can't play Britain's game, but we can't appease Russia. If we do we will have war." NOTE-President Truman also has been greatly worried over the Russian situation, though he is in- clined to play along with Secretary Byrnes for a while and see whether the conciliatory policy Byrnes adopted at Moscow will get results. ECRETARY of the Interior Ickes may be death on Ed Pauley, but he is also death on rats. Most people don't realize it, but he is supposed to be chief rat killer to the nation- or rather the Rodent Division of his Wild Life Bureau is. It was Ickes' men who developed the deadly new rat poison, 1080, which, however, will not be distri- buted to the public. A Polish chem- ist discovered 1080 while working on poison gas. With the invasion of Poland, he escaped to London and turned his invention over to the Allies. It is not patented. Ickes has farmed out 1080 to the Monsanto Chemical Works in St. Louis, the only company now making it. It will not be sold to the public for fear of killing cats and dogs. The poison is so strong that if a cat or dog gnaws at a rat killed by 1080, it in turn dies. Farmers who have had their grain crops seriously depleted by rat in- vasions are rather critical of Ickes' policy of withholding 1080. Grain losses from rats every year runs into several millions of dollars. And while Secretary of Agriculture Anderson is urging conservation of grain, rat poison which would save thousands of bushels of grain is being withheld from the public. (Copyright, 1946. Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- ketin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angel Hall. by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 75 Notices Attention All Students: Registra- tion for the Spring Term By action of the Conference of Deans, all students are required to register for the Spring Term at, and no later than, the time announced in the Registration Schedule. Late reg- istrations will not be permitteql by the administrative authorities of the sev- eral units, except in the case of vet-j erans who have not been in residence for the Fall Term. Students must pre- sent their identification cards at the time of registration and must file their registration material them- selves, not by proxy. The reason for this requirement ih the unprecedented demand which the enrollment for the Spring Term wile make upon the educational resource. and the housing facilities of the Uni- versity. Because of these conditions it is absolutely essential that regis- tration and classification be com- pleted according to schedule. Dr. Frank E. Robbins Assistant to the President Room Assignments For English 2 and 2: Final Examination on Tuesday; Feb. 19, 2-4 p.m. English 1 Avalon, G. Haven; Austin, C. Hav- en; Bertram, 2003 AH; Bromage, C. Haven; Calver, 205 MA; Chase, 225 AH; Dice, G. Haven; Engel, 215 Ec.; Fletch~er, 205 MH; Fogle, 2082 NS; Fullerton, C. Haven; Gram, 215 Ec.; Greenhut, 102 Ec.; Hawlkins, 2231 AH; Hayden, 205 MH; Jenks 231 AH; Kearney, 2082 NS; Merewether, 2235 AH; Needham, 2235 AH; Norton, 231 AH; O'Neill, 215 Ec.; Ogden, 3056 NS; Peterson, 4208 AR; Plumer 3017 AH; Riepe, 2054 NS; Robertson, 2029 AH; Schroder, D Haven; Schroeder, 1035 AH; Stevenson, 35 AH; Stimson, 2219 AH; Weimer, G Haven; Wells, 3056 NS; Welsch, D Haven; Wolfson, 231 AH. English 2 Abel, NS Aud.; Boys, NS Aud.; Ev- erett, NS Aud.; Huntley, NS, Aud; McCormick, NS, Aud:; Morris, NS Aud.; Pearl, NS Aud.; Rayment, NS Aud.; Sessions, NS Aud. SMembers of the faculties and staff are urged to return at once the War Service Questionnaire sheets, with the information requested, to the Univer- sity War Historian, Michigan His- torical Collections, 156 Rackham Building. Anyone who has not received a copy of the questionnaire may have one by calling extension 583. rium (enter rear doors) instead of in the usual place. "Alexander Nevsky" recordings will be played. Choral Union Members will please call for their courtesy pass tickts for the Schnabel concert on the day of the performance, Wednesday, Feb. 13, between 9:30-11:30 and 1:00- 4:00, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students are requested' to conserve the supply of College Announcements by using for the spring term the copies issued to Them last fall. The large supplemen- tary edition which was printed is al- most exhausted. Any remaining new copies must be issued only to students Who have not been in reside.nce for ,he fall term. Food Sanitation Instruction: A ,eries of two illustrated lectures for 'ood-handlers will be given by Mel- aourne Murphy, Health Service Sani- ation, in 'the Lecture Room of the Jniversity Health Service on the fol- 'owing days: Lecture I-Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2:00 p.m. (to 3:30 p.m.) Lecture II-Thursday, Feb. 14, 2:00 ).m. (to 3:30 p.m.) All persons concerned with food service to University students are isked. to attend, unless they have at- ended a previous series. A certificate mill be given to those who satisfac- orily complete this short course of :nstruction. Other interested persons are in- ited. As attendance must be limited, thone the Health Service (24531) or reservations. Lectucres French Lecture: Professor Arthur U. Dunham, of the Department of Iistory, will offer the second of the >eries ofeFrench lectures sponsored )y the Cercle Francais, on Thuzrs- lay, Feb. 14, at 4:10 p.m., in Room D, alumni Memorial Hall. The title of 'us lecture is: "Les ides d'un philos- >phe francais sur la pedagogie aux Mtats-Unis." SAcademic Notices Individual audiometric examina- ions for students will be given at the University Speech Clinic, 1007 East luron Street, Tuesday, Mar. 5. Ap- ;ointments from 8:00 to 4:30 may be nade by calling the Speech Clinic, Extension 589. Such an examination s a preliminary requisite to enroll- nent in the i niversity lip reading Mass, which will be held at the Speech 'linic at 4:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the sec- nd semester. Chemistry Colloquium will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 4:15 p.m. in am. 303 Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Mar- 3hall Cronyn will speak on 'The 'hemistry of Penicillin.' Seminar in physical chemistry will .Meet on Thursday, Feb. 14, in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. L. G. Schulz will speak on "Dis- [usion of Neutrons in Carbon. All in- terested are invited. Conceerts Choral Union Concert. Artur Schnabel, pianist, will give the ninth concert in the Choral Union Series, Wednesday evening, Feb. 13, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. His program will consist of piano compositions by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert. Exhibitions Michigan historical Collections: "Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham. Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4,:30, Saturdays 8-12. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Motion Picture Set De- i is onrn nArmy Pictoria Service films t Y , After one reel of this little number,~--- anyone in the audience over twelve Seniors who wish to be eligible to years of age will be too old to care. contract to teach the modern foreign To paraphrase Sheridan Whiteside languages in the registered Secondary only slightly, Miss Leslie should go Schools of New York State are noti- off and read the life of Sarah Bern- fled that the -required examination in hardt and discover how unfitted she French, Spanish, German and Italian' is for her chosen profession. will be given on Friday, Feb. 15, at -------- 1:15 p.m., in Foom 100 Romance d Language Building. The textbook lending library needs books." Books for all current courses in' the University. A lot of people are looking at alot of books they never want to see I again as soon as the final is over. The textbook lending library would be a fine place for them. --Marshall Wallace By Crockett Johnson Attention February Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health - students are advised not to request grades of I or X in February. When such grades are absolutely imper- ative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to re- port the make up grade not later than noon, March 1. Grades received after that time may defer the stu- dent's graduation until a later date. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next term are required to nass a qualifving exami- BARNABY - - - - - - _ U T"" T Your Fairy Godfather merely closed his eyes. To visualize the drama inherent in The Decline and Each character part must be typed out immediately. Or. . . we won't be able