PAGE TWO I~r _ cI1;N DAIL IUNDAY, FE1JriARY 10, 1941 _._. Cairo Students, Police Battle In Anti-British Demonstration (CHIINESE BURN SEIZED) WUlt Attitude on Treaty Change Causes Riot CAIRO, Feb. 9-{R')-More than 80 persons were injured today in a bat- tle between police and Egyptian stu- dents who shouted for revolt and "Down with Britain" in a demonstra- tion protesting Britain's attitude to- ward revision of the British-Egyptian treaty. At least 50 students and 30 police- Nomination of P'auley Likely To Be Blocked By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 9-Republi- can strategists tonight claimed a naval committee majority against the nomination of Edwin W. Pauley for Undersecretary of the Navy as the Senate put off until February 18 action on two other presidential appointments. A republican lieutenant who de- clined use of his name said oppon- ents of Pauley had received assur- ances that at least three Democrats, and possibly more, would join with a solid bank of seven Republicans against a favorable committee recom- mendation. Administration leaders had con- ceded previously tha a test might bring a tie vote, which also would bring an unfavorable report to the Senate. There seemed little doubt that when the senate gets around to it, it will give substantial approval to President Truman's appointment of jovial George E. Allen for a two- year-term as a Director of the Re- construction Finance Corporation. Meanwhile, Chairman Radcliffe (D-Md.) announced that a banking sub-committee will hold open hear- ings, beginning February 18, on the President's choice of Commodore Jamies K. Vardaman, Jr., his Naval aide, for a 14-year term on the Fed- eral Reserve Board. Trusteeship fr Italian Islands Ba.ckled b y US By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 9 - The United States has launched a drive for four- . power acceptance of its plan fr a 'United Nations trusteeship over It- aly's colonies and a minimum of Italian reparations, officials at the Deputy Foreign Ministers Council said today. The Americans are putting up their arguments to the Russian, French and British representatives at the Council, who so far have shown no enthusiasm for the idea. The Americans contend that their ob- ligations under the United Nations charter require a disinterested, in- ternational administration for the Italian colonies and that it offers the only prospect for a four-power agreement which must be reached before an Italian peace treaty can be signed. The American plan, first present- ed at the Foreign Ministers Council in September after Russia had ex- pressed its desire to hold a trus- teeship over Tripolitania, was out- lined officially for the first time yes- terday by Secretary of State James F. Byrnes at a press conference in Washington. ROME, Feb. 9 - Italian Colonial Office quarters said tonight the United States trusteeship proposal for Italian colonies was unaccep- table to Italy. An informed source said that the American proposal was "too com- plicated" and that an administra- tion in which so many nations par- ticipated would be "impractical" and operate to the disadvantage of the colonies. Stalin ... men were hurt, and 150 students were arrested before order was restored. Block surging Crowd A drawbridge across the Nile was raised to prevent the crowd from pushing to the heart of Cairo, and fighting broke out at the bridge with sticks and stones as weapons. The 1936 British-Egyptian treaty provided for establishment of a mili- tary alliance between the two coun- tries, and for maintenance of British troops in Egypt for 20 years. Egypt had asked for evacuation of all for- eign troops and a revision of the status of the Sudan, now under joint British-Egyptian control. Replying, Britain agreed to under- take revision of the treaty. Ambassador Called "Imperialistic",, Speakers at the mass meeting, how- ever, asserted it was impossible to ne- gotiate with British Ambassador Lord Killearn, who was accused of being "imperialistic." Speake~s also declared Egyptian foreign minister Abdel Hamid-Badawin Pasha was a "British agent." Approximately 3,000 persons were caught within police lines at the Nile bridge when the span was raised. After a few minutes the crowd broke cut, and fighting started between stu- dents and from 200 to 300 police, many of whom had clubs. The stu-- dents threw rocks, and some by- standers joined in. State CIO Calls Vet Conference LANSING, Feb. 9-(IP)-The Mich- igan CIO will assemble a "CIO Vet- erans Conference" here Sunday for the announced purpose of mapping strategy for a fight for immediate payment of a state cash bonus to veterans of World War IL. The state CIO Council, in con-t junction with the CIO's United Auto- mobile Workers Union, called the conference to draft a "CIO legisla-. tive program". for submission to the special ,legislative session. The bonus is a chief subject. All CIO unions in Michigan were7 urged by the state council to send representatives.1 In a statement of policy the con- cil has protested Governor Kelly's recommendation that the special session defer action on a bonus. The council said the legislature should make available "sufficient funds to pay an adequate bonus." A fund of $51,000,000 for a state program for veterans previously was set up in the legislature. The CIO" says Governor Kely's proposal to set aside the fund for a future datetand invest the income fails to meet "im- mediate needs" of the veteran. Mrs. Z. M. Mack Dies Mrs. Zoe M. Mack, 57, wife of E. Perry Mack, secretary-treasurer of Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co., died yesterday after a long illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at Dolph Funeral Home by Rev. Chester H. Loucks, of the First Baptist Church. Burial, will take place at Dexter. M UNO Cuni ... (Continued from Page 1) the United Nations Charter if the Council granted the Ukraine request C that a commission be sent to the East Indies because the Council would be a.,> > !concerning itself over a situation in which the. Netherlands government has jurisdiction. > Negotiate In Batavia Many delegates believed that Pres- ident Norman J. O. Makin of Aus- tralia would seek to wind up the mat- ter tomorrow with a statement that since negotiations for a settlement of their trouble are about to begin in Batavia between the Dutch and the. Indonesians, the council should move on to the next item on its agenda. Meanwhile Premier Sutan Sjahrir Sdeclaredtoday in Java that the In- donesian cabinet had given him full authority to act in the forthcoming discussions in Batavia with the Dutch and Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, special British envoy, on restoring peace to <> Java. President Soekarno, of the unrecog- nized Indonesian republic, partici- pating with the youthful Sjahrir in a news conference, affirmed confi- ,:,,'' : dence in the premier. Soekarno said he would not take part in the Batavia talks unless Sjahrir requested him to do so. CLASSIFIED ADVEIT7ISING CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional five words.) Non-ContractI $1.00 per 15-word insertion for l three or more days. n - crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request WANTED} WANTED:Graduate student (vet- eran) and wife wish to contact party with small apartment leav- ing at end of this term. Willing to purchase furniture. Call 25-7791. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: ROOM by full- time University employee. Garage is desirable but not vital. Walter, Phone 5539. WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or house, two or three bedrooms. Three adults, one-year-old child. W. J. Mason, 23-24-1. WANTED: To rent. Single room. University grad student. Call Kap- Ian 5573 12:00 to 1:00, 7:00-8:00. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Pair of triangular shaped shell iimmed glasses in brown snap Case. Rm. 4004 Stockwell. Phone 24471. LOST: Brown Schaeffer pen Wed- nesday, Call 25-553 and report at desk. Can identify. LOST: Brown billfold. initials A.E.C. Contains valuable papers. Reward. Return to Daily, box 55. Ann Qoop- er Penning. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Tails, size 38; top hat, size 7%. Pre-war outfit. Perfect condition. Call 7796 after 2 p.m. FOR SALE: Two good Schnabel con- cert tickets and pay for ad. Phone 5519. FOR RE NT FOR RENT: Have 3-room apt. to share with single college woman, graduate. $30 month, all conven- iences. Near bus. Call 2-6063 morn- iags. MISCELLANEOUS MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 32.2 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. MEALS: For girls. Splendid home cooked meals at League House, 604 E. Madison. Phone 4489. I The first of 30 piles of 954,000 pounds of opium, worth 82,000,000, is set} afire at Peiping, China, by Chinese firemen and officials. It was seized from the Japanese and the Chinese puppet government set up by Japan. CIO-PAC MEETING: Thomas Assails Pussy Foot-' Pdicie0s of T rumn Congress Food Vital, Conservation Is Nations Warned By The Associated Press4 DETROIT, Feb. 9--President R. J. Thomas of the CIO United Auto Workers today assailed "pussy foot- ers and fuddy-wuddies" in Congress and declared that President Truman was "weak."-. Thomas, national secretary of the CIO's Political Action Committee, told the Michigan PAC, "I feel more critical politically than I have for a long time. It is time we began to do a little thinking about what course to follow in the future." He continued, "It's always been felt that we were the tail of the Democratic party kite but we're in a better position today because nei-4 ther party knows definitely whether we are attached to them. "We never were out for 30 peri cent wage boosts; we were only interested in maintaining the worker's economic status," the UAW chieftain added. "OPA Administrator Bowles is for Ethat principle of maintaining the workers' position. as are Secretaries Wallace. Ickes and Schwellenbach. Why don't they stand up and say so?" he asked the 75 Michigan PAC leaders. "To my knowledge, this vital ques- tion has never come up at a cabinet meeting. When you ask why, you're told it has never been on the agen- da," Thomas continued. Describing Truman as "weak," the UAW official declared, "he went on the air to, announce his fact finding .system in the General Motors and other disputes; why doesn't ixe go on the air now and through public pressure force GM to accept the findings of the fact finders?" Commenting on the CIO's "en- tr'ance into politics," he said "we have been driven to this position and if we ever abandon it we will be crucified. The thing about which I feel resentful is that no one is willing to stand up and say publicly that they support us in these issues. An appeal to all nations to "take immediate and drastic action" for conservation of wheat and rice sup- I plies to avoid widespread famines and death was submitted to the Unit- ed Nations today by the United States, Britain, France and China. The four nations presented the ap- peal in a resolution to the General Assembly's steering committee. It is expected to be brought before a plen- ary session next week for considera- tion .- V-12, NROTC Graduates To Go on Atlantic Cruise One hundred and fifteen V-12 and NROTC trainees graduating Feb. 23 I will be assigned to a four-month in- I doctrination cruise in the Atlantic from April through July, Comdr. Norman C. Gillette announced yes- terday. The trainees will report to Newport, RI., for a pre-training course in March before embarking April 1. I , I r,, TuHE MoDnIRN L IBIIAEIY * We aercry a couapl stock of this itne iatexpenstre eries of bpookls. Jricei at 95 (cEaSs. OVERBCK Bokstor Phone 4436 1216 South University Ave. - A GUN-TOTING ill C )' I', s= AROUND THlE CLOCK WITH WPAG! .n 1' Starts Sunday with A WILD MAN ...A WI L DE R GI RL! . I WILDCAT TAMER BATT LES A TEXAS TIGRESS SUNDAY, FEB. 10, 1946 8 :00-News 8:05-Organ Music 8:15-Jack Connor Trio 8:30-Freddie Martin 9:00-Thoma-;s Peluso 9:30---Ave Maria Hour 10 :00-News 10:25--Michigan Highway Department 10:30-Henry Busse 10:45-Sportsman Guide 11:00-News 11:05-Rev. Harold Engel, Baptist Tabernacle Church Ser'vice 12 :00-News 12:05_Do You Remember 12:15--Carol Gilbert" 12:30-Concert Hall of (:he Air 12:45-Bible Hour 1:00--News 1:15-Boy Scouts of Amrica 1:30--Moments of Devotion 1:40-Leo Erdody 2:00-News 2 :05 -Symphonic Selections 3 :00--News 3:05-California Harmonies 3:15-OPA 3:30--Wake Up America " 4:00-News 4:05-Johnny Herbered and Orchestraj 4:30---Boston Blackie 5:00-News 5:15-Pat Dupont 5:30-Frankie Masters Entertains 5:45--Veterans' Counsel- ing Service WITH A CACTUS TONGUE c z, %x i , 1 i Continuous Daily from 1 P.M. .4NA'5fLR 3" E f L T T YTAFAT F WeekVdays 30c to 5 P.M. III m(1 (Continued from Page 1) , fi ,,> bility of periodic redistribution of raw materials and markets between the countries existed in accordance with their economic needs, in the way of coordinated and peaceful decisions. "But this is impossible under the present capitalistic development of world economy. Thus, as 'a result of the first crisis in the development of the capitalistic world economy, the first war arose. The second world war arose as a result of the second crisis." Stalin, recalling foreign predictions III .If4DUnI .' ~ ~"?'~'a1.m!', 4. K