~J~TOftTJAZ ~T~J'A~t 9~ 1~4? TIW MIcflI~4AiN TiATLV I": t l T 'L : ____________ .__ _ ._____________ PAGE FIVF USO Will Hold Formal Dance,d Fa~rewell T'ea Campus Veterans, Servicemen Invited to Final Party Today; Burmeister's Band Will Play The Ann Arbor USO will wind up its activities with a Valentine dance to be held today from 8:30 p.m. to midnight and a farewell tea and open house from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow at Harris Hall. Traditional red and white decora- tions will carry out a Valentine theme for the dance, which vlli be formial. Howard Burmeister's Orchestra will provide music for the dancers, and a floor show will be presented during intermission. Refreshments will be served. All Veterans Will Be Honored The party will honor all veterans on campus, and each may bring his wife or a guest. All present and for- mer hostesses, as well as all service- men on campus, are cordially in- vited to attend. The final open house will begin at 3 p.m. Sunday with an invocation de- livered by the Rev. Dr. Leonard- A. Parr, followed by greetings from Mayor William Brown, Col. Reginald R. Miller and Capt. Woodson V. Michaux, heads of the Army and Navy units on campus, and Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, president of te community fund drive. Provost Adams Will Speak Provost James P. Adams will be the main speaker, and certificates of recognition for distinguished service by junior and senior volunteers will be presented by Chester Stone. The .Navy band will play for the occasion, and the Navy choir will sing. Osias Zwerdling, president of the Apan Arbor USO Council, will preside and the p rogram will close with a benediction by Monseigneur Warren Peek. "In sincere appreciation to more than 2,000 volunteer citizens who wel- comed thousands of servicemen and made the Ann Arbor USO a home away from home, the USO Council extends a cordial invitation to all Ann Arbor to the farewell tea and open house," Zwerdling announced. . V - rI .s Veterans Ball Set for March Following a meeting of the cen- tral committee of the Veteran's Ball, announcement has been made that the dance will be held the latter part of March in the Intramural Building. Open to all University students, the affair will be the first large, all- campus dance of its ,kind to be spon- sored by the Veteran's Organization. Bill Short, general chairman, re- vealed that an outside dance band will be featured and an unusual theme will be carried out in the dec- orations. Nine Coeds Initiated By Mu Phi £psi"Ion Mu Phi Epsilon, national profes- sional music sorority, initiated nine new pledges at the home of Mrs. Paul R. Kempf. * The pledges are Doris Gale, Joyce Lawrence, Marjorie Lundin, Evelyn Olsen, Phyllis Stevenson, Marion Stone, Barbara Lee Smith, Lorraine Zeeuw, and Carolyn Street. Doris Gale and Joyce Lawrence, pianists, and Barbara Lee Smith and Carolyn Street, contraltos, will per- form for a formal initiation musicale to be held at 8 p.m. Monday, at the home of Mrs. Wassily Besekirsky. EVOLUTION OF A MICHIGAN COED: First Women to Attend UniversityBraved Unique Hardships By DOROTHY STMON For approximately thre--quartersd of a century the doors of the Uni- versity of Michigan have been wide+ open to women, but before 1866 no feminine metatarsals ever t r o d: across the diagonal or wended their weary way to an 8:00 class. In the fall of 1806 the first woman to attend classes at Michigan liter- ally sneaked in the back door and sat trembling in her first class recita- tion, waiting for the advent of her1 dreaded classmates. Would they hiss and howl? Surprisingly enough theyE only murmured and then were silent. (They probably were speechless from the shock). This first b~rave sozal was Alice Boise Wood, who, upon graduating from high school in Ann Arbor, beg- ged her father, a professor at the University, to allow her to continue the study ofl her favorite subject, (reek, at the University. The son of Dr. Haven, then presi- dent of Michigan, graduated from high school the same time as Alice. At the close of the last public Greek examination in June 1866, Alice, her father, and Dr. Haven and his son were standing with the teacher. Alice's father then laid one hand on the shoutlder~ of yoaung Haven and one on .Alice's .shoulder and said; gazing earnestly at Haven, "and your son can go on, but my daugh- ter cannot!" But she did! Soon she was admitted to other classes where she far outshone her fellow classmates. Someone once aptly called her "The Entering Wedge for Women", and it was then that she realized she was represent- ing her whole sex and was not study- ing for herself alone. She knew she mustn't fail and applied herself tire- lessly. About two years later, heated dis- cussions about admission of women into the University broke out into the open and soon the State Legis- lature took up thle proposition.:So it was in the fall of 1869 that thej first woman was legally admitted in- to the University of Michigan. She came from Kalamazoo, her name was Louisa Stockwell. (Yes, Stockwell dorm is named after her). Dignified, cultured, and of fine mind, she at once commanded respect. She had many interesting experi- ences in her lonely college life, but one in particular stands out sym- bolically. "As she was leaving the campus early in her college career, a group of young men formed in lines on either side of the diagonal walk leading to State Street hoping to stare Miss Stockwell out of count- enance as she ran the gauntlet of young gentlemen who thought the male mind alone worthy of higher education. But as one of the young men afterwards said, 'Miss Stock- well seemed wholly unconscious that 1ll this demonstration could be in ever, "made dizzy by the height of her honor, and she walked serenely their pedestals," often expressed down the aisle of crest-fallen men, open disapproval. The female as- who turned away shame-faced.'" pirants of education were usually Instead of the nonchalance of to- never called on in class. One girl day, early Michigan coeds huddled did her assignment for her trigo- together on campus like frightened nometry class faithfully every day,- sheep trying to get to classes before but was never called upon to recite. the change of hour, when the feet At the end of the term the professor of scores cf young men could have apologized saying that he knew she trampled them _ as they swvarmeunderstood the work and the boys through the halls. The girls all felt needed the drill. There were many the antagonism, both from students professors, on the other hand, who and professors, but were willing to 'esigned themselves and tried gen- submit to every trial, not sure but -rously to make life easier for them. they deserved all the censure they Thus from the first bands of ostra- received. cized women, who dared enter Mich- igan as coeds, approximately 1,000 The relation between professors each year now receive degrees on an and college women was unusually equal plane and with equal honor pleasant and dignified. Some, how- as men. ATTENTION: TRADING SIGNATURES-Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nirnitz and tiny film star Margaret O'riexi swaip autographs while attending a Roose- velt birthday dinner at a hotel in Washington. I t M I, Panhel Solves ,*_ Any coed planning to rush during the next semester may ask questions concerning the campus sororities at the Panhellenic Office of the League. "It has been the custom in former years for the coeds wishing sorority information to go to the Office of the Dean of 'Women; however this year all questions of this sort will be handled by the Panhellenic itself, said Nancy Jefford, Rushing Secre- tary of the organization. The panhellenic office will be open from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. every day ex- cept Sunday until the end of the semester for the coeds who wish to take advantage of this opportunity. Registration for rushing will take place the first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ofathe next semester said Miss Jefford, and no woman can sign up unless she brings her report card. Only a report card will be accepted for registration, and women plan- ning to participate in rushing are urged to have their report cards with them. JGP Announces Social Dance Class Contest Winners The winners of the elimination contest held by Junior Girls Project social dancing classes were announc- ed recently by Ann Lippincott, JGP chairman. The finalists in the Wednesday night classes held for Chinese stu- dents were Gordon Berry and Elea- nor Ramsay, first; Sammy Yu and Joan Schlee, second; and S. V. Sun and Marty Dieffenbacher, third. Prizes were also awarded to Hua- Tung Lee and Dorothy Watson, T. K. Woo and Janie Houston, and Sungsberi Mo and Elizabeth Makiel- ski. This class is being given at the special request of a group of Chinese students. Junior women act as hos- tesses. House Et'ents Fraternities hold the spotlight in house events this week-end. Theta Delta Chi will honor its pledges at a dinner and formal dance from 7:30 p.m. until midnight today. Sigma Chi fraternity is giving an informal dance for its new initiates from 9 p.m. until midnight today. On Saturday's schedule are dances to be given by Alpha Tau Omega andI Sigma Phi Epsilon from 9 p.m. until' midnight. A formal dinner-dance honoring February graduates will be given by members of Beta Theta Pi fratern- ity from 9 p.m. until midnight. MUSBEis alost here!. HINT: KEEP YOUR EYES ALERT, WATCH TOMORROW'S PAPER iiI - i _ _ _ -- .- F __ _ ______ A AII I-- -~ ___ _ _____ -*-*__--_.-- - __ __ _ G LOVES and P URSES PEAR LS, BRAC E LETS, PINS and EARI NGS 305 South State Street ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector The Rev. A. Shrady Hill, Curate 8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion. 9:45 A.M.: 8th-10th grade class, Page Hall. 11:00 A.M.: Junior Church. 11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by Mr. Hill. 6:00 P.M.: H-Square Club. 6:00 p.m. Cantebury Club Supper and Meeting. The Rev. Mr. Hill will show colored slides of the service .ofHoly Communion. 8:00 p~m. Eveniing :Prayer. 8:30 p.m. Adult Confirmation Class, Tatlock Hall During the Week Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Altar for Peace. Wednesday, 7:15 a.m. Holy Communion (fol- lowed by breakfast at Student Center. Reser- vations, 5790). Friday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Open House, Student Cent r. MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (D"sciples ofChrist) Hill and Tappan (24-24-5) F. E. Zendt, Minister Mrs. Howard B. Farrar, Director of Music Congregational=Disciples Guild House 438 Maynard Street (5838) H. L. Pickerill, Director of Student Work Patricia Kelly, Associate Director, 9:45 A.M.: Church School. Guild Bible Study Seminar. 10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship. Nursery for children ages 2-8 years 5:00 P.M.: Guild Sunday Evening Hour. The Congregational and Disciples Guild will hold its su.pper and meeting in the Social Hall of the Congregational Church, corner of State and Williams. A report on "Urbana 1945" the national Methodist student conference will be given by Gale Potee, a graduate from the Uni- versity and from this Guild last year, and "Buff" Wright, a member of the Wesleyan Guild. This will be followed by an installation and dedication service for new officers. 7:30 P.M.: Christian Youth Fellowship. A pro- gram of worship, study,srecreation and singing for high school students. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw. W. P. Lemon and James Van Pernis, Ministers. Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music and Organist. 9:30 A.M.: Church School Intermediate, Senior 10:20 A.M.: Junior Department. 10:45 A.M.: Nursery, Beginner and Primary De- partments. 10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr. Lemon, "Youth Speaks Up." 5:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild speaker will be a Presbyterian Missionary from Korea, Rev. Samuel H. Moffett. Supper will be served at 6:00 pj . 7:00 P.M.: Tuxis Society devotions and discus- sion in the Vance Parlor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject: "Spirit." 11:45 A. M.: Sunday School. 8:00 P. M.: Wednesday evening testimonial meeting. This church maintains a free Reading Room at 706 Wolverine Building, Washington at 4th, which is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature including all of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy's works may be read, borrowed or purchased. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. Director of Student Work, Rev. H. L. Pickerill Ass't. Director of Student Work, Miss Patricia Kelly Director of Music, Howard B. Farrar Organist, Howard R. Chase 9:15 A.M.: Bible Study class in church parlor for High School Students. 9:30 A.M.: Junior and Intermediate Depart- ment of the Church School. 9:45 A.M.: Primary and Kindergarten. 10:45 A.M.: Service of Public Worship, Dr. Parr will speak on the subject "Life's Boom- erangs." 5:00 P.M.: The Congregational-Disciles Stu- dent Guild will meet at the Church for a cost supper (25c) followed by a report on "Urbana 1945" the national Methodist Stu- dent conference given by Gale Potee and "Buff" Wright. The evening will close with an installation and dedication service for new officers. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION For National Lutheran Council Students 1304 Hill Street Henry O. Yoder, Pastor Zion Lutheran Church- E. Washington and S. Fifth Ave. The Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor 10:30 A.M.: Worship Service 7:30 P.M.: Holy Communion Service Trinity Lutheran Church- E. William St. and S. Fifth Ave. The Rev. Walter Brandt, Pastor 10:30 A.M.: Worship Service - Lutheran Student Association-- Zion Parish Hall 9:15 A.M.: Bible Study at Association Center, 1304 Hill St. 5:00 P.M.: Zion Parish Hall-"Study and Ap- preciation of Hlmns." 6:00 P.M.: Supper and fellowship hour. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 120 South State Ministers-James Brett Kenna and Robert H. Jongeward. Music-Hardin A. Van Deursen, director. Mary McCall Stubbins, Organist. Student Director-Kathleen M. Davis. 9:30 A.M.: Sunday Morning Seminar. Dr. Ken- neth L. Jones, leader. Pine Room. 10:40 A.M.: Worship Service. 10:40 A.M.: Church School for children through 1the sixth grade. : 00P.M.: Wesleyan Guild. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets Rev. Edward H. Redman, Minister Mr. Ernest Larson, Choir Director Mrs. Claude Winder, Church School Supt. 10:00 A.M.: Unitarian-Friends' Church School. 10:00 A.M.: Adult Study Group. Prof. Mischa Titiex continuing his discussion of "Indian Cultures and Faiths." 11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship. Rev. Edward H. Redman preaching on "Spirit of the Times," first in a series of sermons interpret- ing the teachings of Dr. Paul Tillich. 7:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group Party, Games, Dancing, etc. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 512 East Huron ' Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister Mrs. Ruth Copps, Student Counselor Roger Williams Guild House 502 East Huron Street 10:00 A.M.: Bible Class - College age young people meet in the Guild House to study the Gospel of John. 11:00 A.M.: Worship Service - "For God and * Country," the Pastor. . 1- - -_ - - _ -- ----- III -1 FFBIUARY GRADS! Tie a String around your finger Order The '46 'Ensia [" S WIFT'S DRUG STORE I Now! UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL Aeur' ctaUUItr r ,tti-a HI' I ii