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February 09, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-09

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i i_ M cHiAN-=-L

yAi~ii ERA. ,14

Fifty-S xth Year

6Cetteri to the 6 ht0o

.Food Shortage I World-Wide


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Ray Dixon ....... . Managing Editor
Robert Goldman ....... ..CityyEditor
Betty Roth . . . . . . . . , . Editorial Director
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. raft .*. ..*.. Associate Editor
Bill Mullendore . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schuts . . . . ,......Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publiation of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
second-class mal matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Strike Cont rol?
THE SENATE will now have its chance to re-
veal whether it has profited from experi-
ence-the experience resulting from more than
half a century of labor-industry conflicts and
specifically, from such laws as the Norris-La-
Guardia Act or the Smith-Connally Act.
By a 258 to 155 vote of approval, the House
Thursday passed the strike-control bill, intro-
duced by Rep. Case, a Republican from South
Dakota. A week of consideration by the Labor
Committee and members of the House preceded
the final vote on an issue which had been de-
bated for the last six years.
The Case bill, outlawing violence in picket-
ing, contains a threat to eliminate even peace-
ful picketing and curtails the right to organ-
ize-a right which, in effect, has become an
accepted practice. A national mediation
board would be set up-but such a board al-
ready exists in various government-sponsored
mediation services. This board would have
power to settle labor disputes and forbid
strikes or lockouts for 30 days. And yet, ex-
perience with already-established similar
boards shows that such a cooling-off period
may actually invite, instead of prevent strikes.
Another provision of the Case bill would make
both parties to a labor contract liable for its
breach and permit broad use of court injunctions
in enforcing the bill. Such application of the
injunction was made illegal by the Norris-La-
Guardia Act of 1932-a fundamental law for
which labor had fought long and hard. The
proposed bill would also outlaw boycotting-
another instrument long recognized in practice.
Earlier in the week a scattered few in the
House, remembering what experience has taught
-tried to modify the bill. Rep. Landis .of In-
diana wanted to counter-act the ban on boy-
cotts. Rep. Patterson of California suggested
making the bill merely a declaration of policy.
Their modifications were ruled out, but Rep.
Hoffman of Michigan was more successful. Al-
though his amendment to strike out the section
on injunctions was defeated, his proposal to re-
duce the penalty for violation of the boycott
ban was accepted. The Michigan representa-
tive also managed to block a final vote Wednes-
day by requesting that the bill, with all amend-
ments, be read because the House was acting
too hastily, without sufficient consideration of
all issues.
The Senate might now do what the House
overlooked: stake a little additional time and

look over the history of labor in their country.
They might consider the fact that they are
limiting the effective "speaking" power of ap-
proximately 51 million people, whose only means
of carrying out its desires has been by picketing
and boycotting.
-Patricia Cameron
THE J-Hop issue was settled for good by the
Student Affairs Committee yesterday.
The ticket price decided upon ($7.50) represents
the rock-bottom price at which the dance could
be given with hope of making expenses.
The Student Affairs Committee took about the
only path that was left open to it. When the
policy was first set a few weeks ago, it was

Against Council-Forum
To the Editor:
ON WEDNESDAY criticism appeared in The
Daily against the movement to submit a
second constitution to the student body for rat-
ification. There are several places where the
writer appears to use faulty thinking and fails
to bring the main issue into the open. Allow
me to criticize.
We were previously told the constitution was
drawn up after extensive correspondence with
other schools and consultation with heads of
campus organizations. The idea for a student
Forum came from those attending a student
Town Hall meeting in December. How many
students are represented by the heads of cam-
pus organizations and those in attendance at
the Town Hall meeting?
Every college student should participate
in at least one campus group, but I believe
that a majority of students on this campus
do not belong to any of the groups whose
heads helped frame the constitution. The
groups whose leaders drew up the constitu-
tion consist of from twenty to no more than
a hundred members. Usually, only about a
quarter of the membership is present at reg-
ular meetings. Is this a total of five thousaid
students? Five hundred or less would be more
I also know that very few persons at the Town
Hall meeting came with the expressed opinions
of large numbers of students. The sad fact was
that few students were interested in a consti-
tution at the time the "convention" was held.
Six students secure 200 names on a petition
and propose that another constitution be sub-
mitted to the student body. But "anarchism"
is insinuated because the six have "an alterna-
tive thought on student government."'
Is this alternative thought something of small
importance or of great importance? Does it
mean the difference between a democratic form
of government or one capable of continuously
vesting power in a favored few? I refer to the
section in the "Forum-Council Constitution"
which reads: "Council members shall have held
positions of executive responsibility in recognized
campus organizations . . . for at least two se-
If a student does not consider a campus or-
ganization worthy of his membership, or, be-
cause of the character of some organizations he
fails to be elected to a position of executive
responsibility, he cannot become a member of
the council. Yet, he may be a capable individual
with a large following of students. Should he
set about organizing his own group, gaining
recognition by the University, and finally wait-
ing one year until he can run for office?
(Being an officer of a group is no criterion
of leadership. I know several secretaryships
and treasuryships that mostly require clerical
ability and little leadership.)
And the analogies. We are referred to the
delegates of the convention in 1787 who could
not be termed absolute representatives of the
people, but were the leaders of their communi-
ties. What leaders represented me when a
constitution was formed? The only leader
I have is my house president and he called no
meeting to have us inform him of our opin-
ions. To me the "leaders" of the campus
organizations that helped frame the constitu-
tion are representatives of groups each hav-
ing a different axe to grind. They are not my
spokesmen nor most other students'.
"Let us follow the example of the founding
fathers" and submit a constitution "to the peo-
ple for ratification,." That was over 150 years
ago. That was a nation struggling to organize.
We are students, and although we need a work-
iiig constitution we do not face chaos and dis-
integration if we pause and consider awhile.
Let us work for the adoption of a constitu-
tion, but let us first make certain we start
with the best one possible.
Ask the students on this campus if they
want a nine-man council elected from re-
stricted nominations or a council chosen by
proportional representation. Let us get the
-William V. Gamzon

Pro CongressCabinet
To the Editor:
IN THE EDITORIAL of Thursday, February
7th, we took a "look at the Student Gov-
ernment situation s it exists today,"-from
Mount Olympus. Let's now, take a look at this
situation from where our feet are on the ground,
down here with most of us.
In this discussion, let's refer to the two pro-
posed forms of Constitutions, as previously class-
ified, the "Council-Forum," and the "Congress-
Cabinet" forms. It should be remembered that
the "Council-Forum" was the first creation.
And we stress that the "Congress-Cabinet" doc-
ument was a result of direct reaction to the
"Council-Forum" after it had been printed in
the Daily. The reaction was made known to the
original framers, at a special Town-Hall meeting
on January 31st, by a heterogenous group of in-
dividuals from various parts of the campus. And
the causes of the reaction were:
1.Nine people could not possibly represent
14,OtO students.

.2. There wasn't any cieck on these nine
individuals, once they had been elected.
3. The nine council-men could virtually
dictate the names of their successors.
4. There wasn't any mention of the powers
of this government.
However, despite the bombardment of protest
at this meeting, it soon became apparent that
the original framers would not change a word.
Rather than support this seemingly meaning-
less document, the people that proposed the
changes, saw the only alternative, (if a true
Student Government were to be born and to
live)., in drawing up the counter proposal, in-
corporating these changes. This counter docu-
ment is the Congress-Cabinet Constitution.
In his misrepresentation of Hare's system
for proportional representation, trying to ex-
toll the injustice of a Congress-Cabinet elec-
tion, Ray Dixon hypothetically used 70 as a
number of candidates to fill the 35 Congress
seats. Actually this would increase student
interest. Each candidate must have secured
fifty original names on his petition. There-
fore the total number interested in the nom-
ination, alone, becomes 3,500. Think of the
stimulus for the vote in the actual election.
In the last campus-wide election, only 170
students voted. There is nothing in the
Council-Forum constitution to let us hope
for anything but the usual non-representa-
tive election.
Dixon mentioned the impossibility of cover-
ing 70 candidates' platforms in the Daily. Glib
statements in the Daily, can hardly be called
a shibboleth for good Student Government.
Each candidate has his backing of fifty signa-
tures-far more meaningful representative gov-
ernment than the, confusion of 24 different
Council-Forum platforms. Can you think of
24 different platforms?
The evil of the Council choosing its own suc-
cessors has been dismissed by Dixon with, "we
feel that the Council is the logical body to do
the job-to keep the ballot from becoming too
The right of veto has been totally ignored
by the Council-Forum Constitution. It is a
poor government indeed that would leave its
administrators unchecked in the making of
laws and disposition of funds. The Congress-
Cabinet Constitution has always a direct check
on the administrators, their acts, and their
offices. It's chimerical to say that the veto
power of the students' representatives would
hamper good administration. Veto insures
good administration. The Congress-Cabinet
is, also, more interested in faithful representa-
tion of the students, rather than the individ-
ual prestige of its components. Therefore,
rather than throw the usual popular names
up for the usual campus-wide election for
administrative offices, it relies on the known
qualities of its more competent members for
these cabinet posts. For, if there were an
election for eight councilmen, tomorrow, most
of us could accurately enough predict the out-
come, tonight.
Dixon-feared the development of parties from
both types of government. When a small group
can control an election, it is evil. The Council-
Forum, by its choice of successors, and failure
to stimulate a large vote, shows more readily
the possibility of this evil, than the numerous
groups, backing the numerous candidates for
the Congress.
When Dixon calls 35 Congressmen too un-
wieldly, he could consider the 435 people in the
national House of Representatives. He also
fails to note that the actual administration is
carried out by the Cabinet (even though there's
no glory, only the check of Congress, on them).
And this above all: if we are not going
to give supreme power in student activities
and interests, to the direct representatives of
the students, in a Student Government, let's
call the whole show off, right now. If we
should do an autopsy on the infant bodies of
former campus constitutions, we would see
that they all died from this same lack of
power. There is no voice, no life, in a Student
Government whose organs lie scattered about
the campus in uncorrelated institutions, for
the knowledge of which, most students are
confounded, and left with the cry, "We need

Student Government!"
--Theodore G. Morris
Half th * *S*o*y
To the Editor:
I AM INCLINED to think that Eunice Mintz,
in her article of Feb. 5, treated just half
the story. I am of the opinion, that had she
taken the time to have dug up the facts relative
to the dividend yield of the various stock of the
concerns listed in a normal productive schedule,
as compared with the yield that will accrue from
the government tax carry-back, that one would
have a difficult time placing any credulity in
her statements.
It doesn't make sense for the stockholders
to take a licking in the loss of dividends, while
the management who is charged with the re-
sponsibility of looking out for their interests,
voluntarily warehouses the products and stops
-Gene C. Darnell

SLOWLY the picture fills in; the
people of this earth are caught in
an unexpectedly 'serious food short-
age, of world-wide proportions. Even
the grains are scarce now; it often
used to be possible to stuff bellies with
cereals when nothing else was avail-
able; but no longer, and patient peo-
ples who dreamed hopelessly about
beef during the war are being in-
vited, now that peace has come, to
dream about bread. Britain has just
cut fat rations, and she has black-
ened her bread again with the strange
substances that went into it in war-
time. France has had to put bread
back on ration.
The good weather cycle (which for-
tunately coincided with the war)
seems to be passing; frost hurt much
of our corn last year; and our farm
animals compete with Europe's hun-
gry people for our diminishing grain
supplies. Drought in South Africa
has finally produced something ap-
proaching disaster; we are shipping
oats to that region for the first time
in two generations, to try to keep
some of the livestock alive.
And during this, the world's
peace pinch, which turns out to be
as bad as, or even worse than, the
war pinch, America's new spending
spree, and our unrationed eating
spree both continue, in" a strange
obbligato to the planet's thin cry
of need.
W E DON'T seem to understand it;
that is what hurts; the people of
the world's leading nation don't seem
to know the situation the world is in.
President Truman holds emergency
conferences on our shrinking wheat
supply, but these are hardly noticed.
We are too busy pushing each other
toward our postwar boom to pay
much attention, and we may find our-
selves slapped in the eye with a fiour-
ration -(it is not impossible) just
about the time we thought we would
be entering upon a future entirely
constructed of plexiglass and glory.
A ripple runs through the food
trade as it scents danger ahead, but
the initial suggestions made by it
are rather primitive; Chicago grain
brokers can only propose thatwe
cut our shipments of wheat to Eu-
rope; and the prune and raisin peo-
ple are urging that we cut out our
solemnly promised exports for the
coming year. The desperate effort
goes on to keep America an island
of unrestricted plenty in a hungry
world, to shutgouthall planetary re-
alties which .might interfere with
that bright dream we had of a
booming future of ease and waste,
scheduled to arrive the moment the
shooting stopped.
T IS all a commentary on the un-
realistic haste with which we
dropped our rationing and threw
away our controls, dented them and
banged them and chucked them out
the window, in a kind of small boys'
celebration of the end of the war,
and with fond faith in the small
boys' theory that a war ends at some
given moment, when a bell rings, or
a whistle blows.
We could have helped the world
and ourselves toward order, but we
longed for disorder, disorder with
gravy on it, and we have produced a
situation in which we can now read,
in adjoining newspaper columns, ac-
counts of the luxurious spending
wave into which America has plunged,
and stories of Sir Ben Smith's solemn
Mean Bites Dog
A SCHEME to organize Illinois in-
dustryinto a "management un-
ion" which would show its strength by
shutting down all plants next Tues-
day for Lincoln's Birthday is being
promoted by an elusive person named
C. W. Stevens, of Aurora, Ill.
The Chicago Sun disclosed that
three letters, outlining the scheme,

had been sent to 1000 top executives
of the State on letterheads of the
"Desarc" agency, 16 Downer Pl., Au-
rora, Ill., signed by Stevens and by
L. H. Wilson, owner of the Metropoli-
tan Letter Shop at that address.
Wilson identified himself as the
owner of the Desarc Agency, which
is not listed on his door or in the
Aurora phone book. He said the
agency's business is to prepare
employe relations and other litera-
ture for insertion in industrial pay-
roll envelopes. Stevens, he said, was
the man who writes the copy.
Wilson, a former head of the
Aurora Kiwanis Club and a former
member of the West Aurora school
board, denied that the "manage-
ment union" scheme was anti-la-
bor. He said he stood for strong
unions and strong management,
also a higher standard of living.
Wilson said he had sent out 1000
letters and had received 80 replies.,

warning to the British people of
darker days ahead, dark bread and a
dark peace.
I do not object on moral grounds,
but on the ground that it is danger- .
ous for a country, no less than for
an individual, to live in a dream,
and we are living out a dream of a
boom in a grim world setting which.
must react against us.
And, as a final unrealistic note, one
picks up the daily paper and reads of
Senator Homer E. Capehart's com-
plaint that America is deliberately
starving Germany; both he and Sen-

ator Wherry smell a plot, and they
demand that a Congressional com-
mittee leave for Europe "within the
next few hours" to investigate.-
What a rush! The rest of the
world is starving, too, but concern-
ing these cases, Homer nods; clear
the road with motorcycles, men,
and warmwup the plane engines,
for a committee to go to Germany.
Strange and dreamy are our doings,
and the world watches with wonder
and dismay; its jaws, with no bet-
ter occupation in prospect, drop-
ping yet another inch.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)


Publication in the Daily Offileial Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers'eofnthe University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in'tperiten
form to the Assistant to the PresIdent,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI No. 73
Attention All Students: Registra-
tion for the Spring Term
By action of the Conference of
Deans, all students are required to
register for the Spring Term at, and
no later than, the time announced in
the Registration Schedule. Late reg-
istrations will not be permitted by the
administrative authorities of the sev-
eral units, except in the case of vet-
erans who have not been in residence
for the Fall Term. Students nust pre-
sent their identification cards at the
time of registration and must file
their registration material them-
selves, not by proxy.
The reason for this requirement is
the unprecedented demand which the
enrollment for the Spring Term will
make upon the educational resources
and the housing facilities of the Uni-
versity. Because of these conditions,
it is absolutely 'essential that regis-
tration and classification be com-
pleted according to schedule.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
Veterans in Refresher Course. All
books and supplies for the Refresher
Course must be purchased not later
than Feb. 9. This deadline is neces-
sary to allow the University time to
audit and pay the veterans' accounts
at the various stores and, in turn, to
submit invoices to the Veterans Ad-
ministration for reimbursement be-
fore the end of the course.
Boyd C. Stephens
Veterans: All Veterans registering
for the spring term will receive a spe-
cial yellow veterans-election card
with registration materials. This card
must be carefully and completely exe-
cuted, particularly by those veterans
who desire federal benefits, and sur-
rendered when classification is com-
pleted at either the gymnasium or the
school in which registering. The Uni-
versity cannot certify to a veteran's
enrollment nor can subsistence pay-
ments be instituted until recorders
have forwarded these cards to the
certification ®ffice of the Veterans
Service Bureau.
Caps and Gowns: Today is the last
day measurements will be taken for
caps and gowns for men graduating
Feb. 23. Orders should be placed
with Moe's Sport Shop.
Students, College of Literature
Science, and the Arts: Students are
requested to 'conserve the supply o
College Announcements by using fo
the spring term the copies issued tc
them last fall. The large supplemen-
tary edition which was printed is al-
most exhausted. Any remaining new
copies must be issued only to students
who have not been in residence fo
the fall term.
Graduate Students: Registration
material for the Spring Term will be
available in the Graduate School Of-
fice beginning Feb. 13.
Application Forms For Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1946-1947 may be obtained from the
Graduate School Office. All blanks
must be returned to that Office by
Feb. 15 in order to receive considera-
School of Business Administration:

All students now on campus who are
enrolled in the School of Business
Administration, or who have been ac-
cepted for enrollment for the spring
semester, should report for classifica-
tion during the week beginning Feb.
11. Appointments for this purpose
should be made in Room 108 Tappan
Hall as soon as possible.

do directed teaching next term are
required to pass a qualifying exami-
nation in the subject in which they
expect to teach. This examination
will be held on Saturday, Mar. 2, at
8:30 a.m., in the auditorium of the
University High School. The exami-
nation will consume about four hours'
time; promptness is therefore essen-
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncement has been received in this
office for:
1) Personnel Officer I Salary range
is from $180 to $220 per month.
2) Personnel Officer IV Salary
range is from $360 to $420 per month
3) Geolgic Aide C Salary range is
from $110 to $125 per month.
4) Small Animal Caretaker B Sal-
ary range is from $125 to $145 per
Application for these positions
must be in by March 6.
Policewoman: City of Kalamazoo
Police Department has a vacancy for
a 'policewoman (Social major be-
tween the ages of 25 to 45 years). Sal-
ary is $2200 per year. Filing date is
Feb. 14.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Academic Notices
Speech Concentrates: All Speech
concentrates and teaching majors
should make appointments immedi-
ately to see the concentration adviser
for approval of next semester's elec-
tions. Appointments may be made by
calling 4121, ext. 526, or by coming
to the Speech office, 3211 Angell Hall.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design:
"Signs of the Zodiac"-An exhibi-
tion of recent designs by V. Bobri,
prominent New York advertising ar-
tist. First floor corridor. Open daily
9:00 to 5:00 except Sunday, through
Feb. 15. The public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Motion Picture Set De-
signs for Army Pictorial Service films,
by Roger Hollenbeck, Design instruc-
tor. First floor corridor, Architec-
tural Building. Open daily 9:00 to
5:00 except Sunday, through Feb. 22.
The public is invited.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackhain.
Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
Events Today
The Lttheran Student Association
avill meet at the Center, 1304 Hill
street tonight at 7:30 for a Scavenger
Ihunt. Refreshments will be served.
Westminster Guild will have a
Skating Party tonight at 8:00. Re-
°reshments will be served at the
Thurch following skating at Burns
Coming Events
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
is meeting on Sunday afternoon, in
the downstairs rooms of Lane Hall.
rhe time is 4:00 for Hymn-sing and
1:30 for the regular program. -
Association of University of Michi-
gan Scientists will meet on Mon. Feb.
11, at 7:30 p.m., in the Rackham Am-
phitheater. There will be a business
rneeting devoted to consideration of
the constitution and election of offi-
ers, followed by a talk at 8:30 by
Prof. Bradley M. Patten on "Pending
Legislation Affecting a National Re-
search Foundation," to which the
public is invited.

Board of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet TuesdayFeb. 12, at 10:00 in
the Henderson Room, Michigan
At 10:30 o'clock a Special Meeting
of the Club will be called for the pur-
pose of a first reading of a revision of
the Constitution of the Club. All

fascinating, m'boy. Nerve-tingling. These
6..,.,... ,..f.. {r r i rr rif a v.

ty)L ._.._rM ._.. _t .1

By Crockett Johnson
i Not to mention the prestige that will come
s. ._ - c : .- _ r ., . _._ ..

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