FAE~XT HE M ICIGAXN DI~LY _ _ _ FRTDAY, mEnUAlY S, 1940 THOUGHT'S THE THING: Democraey Needs Discussion Groups _ EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of interviews with Prof. Maur- er on the discussion group which he , conducts in Detroit. The writer will attend a meeting of the group Tues- day, in order to give a first-hand ac-. count of the meeting. By FRANCES PAINE In any social order less than a de- mocracy, the people are not prepared with information and understanding to deal with sudden emergencies in- telligently, according to Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the journalism depart- ment. "In a democracy, however, where the channels of information are free, the people, because they are in- formed, may prevent crises or deal effectively with them as they arise. It is here that discussion groups per- form their function," says Prof. Maurer, who has been for 15 years moderator of such a group sponsored by the University Exchange Service. Results Of Meetings "In meeting together," Prof. Maur- er says, "citizens inform each other, come to understand and appraise the varying claims, and are prepared to participate more cooperatively in meeting their common problems. Aside from the understanding and tolerance that are created through continuous group meetings, the citi- g zen acquire thereby the compe- tence to keep his institutions and their representatives in their proper place." "The customary channels of radio, newspapers and platforms as they are being conducted today are inadequate, since, in general, they are largely committed to the past and to main- taining things as they are," he con- tinues. Cofmopolitan Point Of View The chief value of such discussion groups, which Prof. Maurer admits are rather unorthodox in their edu- cational methods, is, in giving citizens opportunity to sense the whole of so- ciety. Provincial and specialized in- terests are pooled and the result tends to be a more "cosmopolitan point of view." At the discussion group in Flint, in t h formation of which Prof. Maurer has served as adviser, the question "What is the object of a discussion group?" was raised. Some said that it was to arrive at the truth, but the group soon decided that since there are various truths and even the congresses of men all over the world cannot agree on whose truth is cor- rect, the purpose of a discussion group is certainly not to convert each other. Still, changes of attitudes, if not slways in idea, do come about in free discussion groups, and it was agreed that the change is in the qual- ity of thinking. The suggestion was made that the pleasure of group association, despite individual disagreements, is a prin- ciple aim of a discussion meeting. In a democracy, the members felt, "the essential discipline was to learn how to live at peace though in disagree- ment." The participant, Prof. Maurer ex- plained, learns that cooperation among people with different views is no: so difficult as it seemed; he dis- covers that there are grounds of unity even where differences abound. Where he may formerly have disliked peo- ple with whom he disagrees, he finds that ideas, however conservative or radical, make the person. Intellectual Repressions It was also suggested at the Flint discussion that release from various repressive influences in our society is Local Discussion Group Prof. Maurer has had many re- quests for information concerning the Ann Arbor discussion group. This group meets at noon every Thursday at the First Methodist Church. Co-chairman with Prof, Maurer is Prof. Donald L. Katzs of the Department of Chemical Engineering. Any citizen in the community-- business or professional men or University male students-may attend these meetings. T h e Film T ruckers Call Truce in Wage Dispue By The Associated Press DETROIT, Feb. 7-Thirty AFL film truckers whose strike theatened to close Michigan's 600 motion pic- ture theaters tonight called a 30-day truce in their wage dispute with five Detroit trucking firms. State labor mediator Robert Lom- asney said Frank Fitzsimmons, busi- ness manager of AFL Teamsters Lo- cal 99, told him the strike was called off temporarily after two days pend- ing further mediation. The drivers, who haul all films to Detroit and out-state theaters, are demanding a 30 per cent wage in- crease. Lomasney said the compan- ies had prepared a counter-proposal, but did not disclose what action, if any, had been taken on it by the teamster members. The truce was declared as Frank Downey, branch manager of Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer, announced that 20 neighborhood theaters already had closed because films had been picked up and no new ones had been deliv- ered._ Union ~ (Continued from Page 1) tion of water polo and mass murder. Some of the JGP girls have prom- ised to interrupt the dancing not once but three times, coming on at 45-minute intervals just to make sure they don't mis anybody. They're going to present a dance of sorts, and some singing and a reading. It has something to do with a plpy they're thinking of putting on soon. Exhibits in North Lounge There will also be some nifty ex- hibits in the North Lounge concern- ing landscape design, forestry, and engineering ( presented by the re- spective departments and schools. As an added treat the Union Tower will be open for those who enjoy high living. Only the fact that there are 148 steps to the top should keep the whole crowd from making a mad rush up to view the city. Oddly enough, the Union staircase is pe- culiar in that there are 151 steps coming down. Depends on which side of the staircase one uses. During the mixer a drawing will be held to determine lucky prize- winners, the Union having donated 10 free milkshakes to the cause. There has been a vicious rumor cir- culating about campus that there would be only nine milkshakes awarded, but the Union stands firm in its position. It has offered 10 milk- shakes and, by gum, when the Union offers 10 milkshakes it means 10 milkshakes. Its generosity, integrity, and broad-mindedness remain in- violate. Campus Highlights di _ , NOW IN STOCK Y ALE GLEE CLUB ALBUM Including the W/i.fenpoof Song, tVake Freshman XVahe, Shenandoah, and other College Songs, Sirituals, Sea Chanties,, etc. at the Operated by Musicians for Music-Lovers lunches are cooperative and there are no fees of any kind attached to membership. afforded in discussion groups. There are more intellectual repressions, even today, than we realize. The home, the office, factory, and even classroom, do not give, as they should, opportunity to the individual to speak his mind: By group discussion the person's own thinking process is sharpened. One member of the De- troit group has said, "I have to get my idea out of myself so I can look at it." Numerous other benefits come to the individual through participating in the "group thinking process." He learns to understand the reasons for his own beliefs and to become more agreeable in sharing his beliefs with others. He learns to recognize the categories of current thinking; that is, how does the radical, or the con- servative, or the liberal, look on pub- lic affairs. Fact And Opinion The participant learns to examine the validity of information, to distin- guish between fact and opinion, emo- tional and reasoned considerations, inductive and deductive reasoning. He learns to be critical of fallacies in thinking. But at the same time he becomes more tolerant, that it, more confident, of the reasoning process in himself and his fellows. Brown To Leuere . . . Robert B. Brown, graduate student in Americana, will lecture on "Col- lecting Under Arms" at 8 p.m. today in the William L. Clements Library. Mr. Brown graduated from the University in 1937 and served with the Armed Forces in North Africa and Italy. His lecture will deal with his collecting experiences in those areas and will be accomnpanied by an ex- hibition of his collections. The lecture is sponsored by the Wastenaw County Historial Society and is open to the public. SKA Luncheon ... The Student Religious Association will hold their weekly Saturday luncheon-discussion at 12:15 p.m. to- morrow in Lane Hall. Dr. Samuel Moffett, Director of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis- sions and graduate of Princeton The- ological Seminary will speak on "Young People in China." Those wishing to attend the lunch- eon-discussion should call Lane Hall before 10 a.m. tomorrow. Fisher To Make Tour . . . Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of the University Extension Service, will leave tomorrow for an extended trip through the middle and far West. Dr. Fisher will visit the university extension centers of Indiana Univer- sity at Fort Wayne and Indianapolis, the University of Texas, the Univer- sity of Southern California, UCLA, and the University of California at Berkeley, as well as various other centers of extension work. Vets Will Discuss Plan1s at VO Smoker The Veterans Organization will sponsor a smoker at 7:30 p.m. today in the Labor Hall, 12 W. Liberty, for all student veterans. Plans will be discussed for the so- cial activities scheduled by the VO for the spring semesters. All veterans on campus are urged to attend. B uy Victory Bonds! Lane Hall Coffee Hour.. . The Student Religious Association will hold their usual Coffee Hour at 4:30 p.m. 'today in Lane Hall. All students are invited to attend. : ; : N ewmxua Club Social ,.. An open house will be held from 7:30 to midnight today at St. Mary's Student Chapel by the Newman Club. All Catholic students have been in- vited to attend. Hillel Discussion .,. Sabbath eve services to be followed by a fireside discussion and social hour are planned for 7:45 p.m. today at B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the so- ciology department will lead the dis- cussion on the topic "German Morale." VA LENT IN E'S DAY 2 203 East Liberty Phone 2-5616 i.. 1946, And Still Caugit Nappiing "At the beginning of this war, Ger- many had the best-equipped, best- trained army in the world," the his- tory professor was saying, "Except for one country." "And the best example of that best military force in the world is in the back of this room-sleeping," he said as he pointed to a husky Marine, caught napping. House Proposal Opposes Loan LANSING, Feb. 7-1P)-A resolu- tion submitted to the House of Rep- resentatives today by Reps. George A. Gillespie, Gaines, and A. 0. Decker, Deckerville, both Republicans, op- posed a suggested United States loan to Great Britain on the grounds Brit- ain had not repaid a World War I loan or World War II lend-lease from this nation. Buy Victory Bonds. 205 East Liberty Street Phone 3675 I * u ~ r tt r .. C R i $ . . qt : 1 f{ .. .,, ,,; e+..... , ' ri <: ° t a ,.;w l~, f 5 .t i z >$ A Y 2 M 'l f . 5 l: 1 For casual wear you'll find your beloved Classic Sweater in our collection. B3oxie Pullovers, Cardigans, Vestees and short banded Tuck-Ins in luscious colors, The Puiidvcrs are. Just the kind you love to wear with pearls, chokers or tricky belts. All sizes . . Priced $4 'J - $3 Group of Clearance ikirts and Sweaters $2Al -. $3.98 - $500 I i 3 . . . J[}.,.rj"w'y w .bk ... '.tom.:. xCs'+.- I J"" ;f k /\w C Adorable . . Belts for that very new belted waist- line . . . Girdle belts, Fob belts, Narrow Studded or Jewelled belts with matching Bracelets y Belts from $1.00 - $500 'I'his is the familiar symbol of the Bell Telephone System that provides nation-wide telephone service -the best in the world. The American Telephone and Telegraph Cnompany', through advice and assistance, coordinates all Bell System activities. The 21 Associated Companies prIovide telephone service in their respective territories. The Long Lines Department of A. 'T. & ''. Com- pany furnishes Long Distance and Overseas service. 'the Bell Telephone Laboratories, thronglh constant research, develops new and improved conmumica- tions apparatus. The Western Electric Company manufactures tele. phone equipment, purchases and distributes supplies, n inc t~anf ..mnlra~lna .i nnn rn i. a r tlF Rpfl~ll G',0e-a CA NDY CA NE .. .'Peppermint striped housecoat . ., . weet, u seasoned with plenty of lash ion epice, Of Lust erspun, a Rosaman creaso-resisant rayon poplin witA a permanent austrous Ainish. In lime and purple; SSame and gray, aqua and gray. _ ' New Skirts, in solids and window - pane plaids . . . pleated and Priced $5.00-$8.95 Sizes 12-20 Price: $14.O5