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February 07, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-07

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_______________ -.--.-.--. U ~

Dr. Stuart Expresses Hope for China

Recently returned to the United
Stateseafter four years as a prisone
of the Japanese, Dr. J. Leighton Stu-
art, president of Yenching Universit3
in Peiping, said:
"I have never been more hopeful
for China, more optimistic concern-
ing its future, than at the presenit
time. I never felt that the so-called
Civil War in China was of any real
practical importance, and now even
that is cleared away.
The one real danger would have
been, Dr. Stuart explained, pos-
sibility of the United States and
Soviet Taussia supporting opposing
parties in China. It is now evident
that that is not and will not be
the case, he said.
"Revolutionary activities," Dr.
Stuart pointed out, "were confined
to a relatively small group in
North China and did not encom-
pass the masses of the Chinese peo-
"It centered about a group who
called themselves Communists, but
whose real objectives were a revo-
lution of the most radical nature.'
This element wished to take up where'
Food Boxes Will
Be Sent Abroad
slogan of a newly formed committee
to promote the collection and ship-
ment of food stuffs to countries not
now covered by UNRRA's services.
Sponsored by a state wide organ-
ization, the International League for
Peace and Freedom, the group will;
place boxes in all Ann Arbor grocery'
stores for the next month to. en-'
courage shoppers to drop in a can
of food while making their other
purchases. It will then be collected
and sent to Detroit where the Good-
will Industries will prepare it for
shipment overseas.

he revolution of 1918, which estabt
ished the Nationalists in power, left
Although their ambitions were
noble; that is, to root out all the
corrupt practices remaining from
China's Imperial system, the meth-
od they chose for achieving this
were unfortunate, Dr. Stuart said.
"They are trying to do the right
thing in the wrong way."
The scheduled convention in
May, he contends, will see the for-
mation of a two party government
which will serve to place China
once more on a unified national
A prisoner of the Japanese
throughout the war, Dr. Stuart and
two other Americans were held in the
;trictest confinement for nearly four
"Further evidence that the Japa-
nese attack on Pearl Harbor was a
pre-arranged, premeditated opera-
tion, if that is needed," Dr. Stuart
related. "was our arrest the very
morning of Dec. 7, even before we had
learned of the action."
Restricted to the limits of one
building in Peiping, they were never
allowed out on the streets, he said.
In this country to make arrange-
ments for the probable re-opening
this fall of Yenching University
Wenrich To Address
Vocational Meeting
Ralph C. Wenrich, newly appointed
lecturer in Vocational Education in
the School of Education, will speak
before the annual Iota Lambda Sig-
ma banquet Feb. 8 in Buffalo, N.Y.
The topic of Mr. Wenrich's dis-
cussion will be "The Implications of
the Army's Training for Civilian
Practices." The Iota Lambda Sigma
banquet is being held in connection
with the American Vocational As-
sociation Convention.

which was thoroughly stripped by
the Japanese, Dr. Stuart observed
that "there has never been a more
friendly feeling here towards China
than now. The institution, char-
tered by New York state, and
maintained by American support,
was established in 1919, with Dr.
Stuart as president. -
"Our university normally handled
an average enrollment of 1200 stu-
dents before the war," he related.
"Classes were conducted on a bilin-
gual system, since a speaking knowl-
edge of both Chinese and English
were required.
Heartened by four months of "free-
dom, friendliness and food" in his
native land, Dr. Stuart will return to
China and his work in April.
"Dr. Stuart will be a guest of the
English Language Institute at a tea
and dinner today.
(Continued from Page 1)
dependence for India, Great Britain
will undoubtedly give her autonomy
as fast as the mother country thinks
she can assimilate it, he said. Allow-
ing for a few obvious exceptions, this
is consistent with British imperial
policy in the last half century, Prof.
Willcox noted.
Britain has been most concerned
during that period, with getting
out of countries rather than getting
in, and any future large-scale col-
onial expansion on the part of
England is out of the question. She
has neither the strength nor the in-
clination to maintain an empire
along the lines of the 19th century
British empire, he claimed.
"England wishes merely to retain
her spheres of influence outside her
borders and maintain contact with
former colonies and other parts of
the empire," Prof. Willcox concluded.

Edw inPaudey
May Withdraw
H IIis Nomination
Denocrats Divided on
Hearing Resumption
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 -- (/P) - A
top-flight democratic leader in Con-k
gress hinted today that the appoint-
ment of Edwin W. Pauley to be un-
dersecretary of the navy might be
withdrawn to escape rejection.
But Democrats on the Senate Naval
Committee split over whether the
nomination should be cancelled or
fought through to a showdown
against heavy Republican opposition.
The party leader, who declined use
of his name, told a reporter that con-
firmation might be impossible as a
result of testimony of Secretary of
the Interior Ickes before the naval
Furthercommittee hearings on the
nomination were put off at least un-
til next week. In the interval, the sit-
uation as to its withdrawal may jell.
The break in hearings opened the
way for the Senate Banking Commit-
tee to inquire into the disputed nomi-
nation of George E. Allen, unofficial
adviser to the President, to the board
of directors of the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corporation.
Some administration men at the
capitol said they considered an im-
mediate decision on possible with-
drawal of Pauley's nomination to be
unlikely, especially since the White
House indicated recently that the ap-
pointment would not be recalled.
Pauley told the naval committee at
one point that he wanted a yes or no
decision on nomination.
Service Letters
To Be C ompiled
Aunt Ruth To Stage
-Reunion of Writers
Letters from 2200 servicemen that
were sent to "Aunt Ruth" Buchanan
of the University Museum during the
war are now being compiled into a
two-volume book that will be pub-
lished early in the fall.
The letters bearing postmarks
from all over the world have been
kept on file throughout the war in
the Rackham Building. Once the book
is pubished, originals will become
the property of the Universityr Ac-
cording to Aunt Ruth, these letters
will become a good source of infor-
mation for future historians who wish
to record the impressions of those
who took part in World War Two.
Aunt Ruth hopes that the books
will be ready for distribution by next
October, when a reunion of all those
who corresponded with her will be
held. These included 1200 graduates
of the University. As one of her cor-
respondents wrote, the reunion will
be "a tribute to a person who has
sincerely made the many servicemen
with whom she was in contact feel
that what they did or tried to do was
,Junzior' Girls Play
Committee To Meet
the central committee of Junior
Girls Play will meet at 5 p.m. today
in the Game Room of the League.
All members should be prepared to
report on what the committee has
Dramatic cast members will re-
hearse the first act at 3 p.m. today
at the League. The room will be
posted on the board in the League

The eeting of the costume con-
mnittee has been postponed to .5 p.m.
tomorrow at the League. All inem=
bers must attend.
Members of the make-up com=
mittee will meet at 5:30 p.m. to-
morrow at the League. The room
number will be posted.


La Sociedad His panica ..
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold
another conversation meeting at 4
p.m. today at the League.
The room number will be posted
on the bulletin board above the main
desk. All students of Spanish, grad-
uates, and foreign students are in-
Newcomb To Speak.. .
Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the
sociology department will lead a
fireside discussion on the topic
"German Morale" tomorrow at
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
Sabbath eve services will begin
at 7:45 p.m. Following the talk
there will be a discussion and an in-
formal social hour.
Youth Hostel Meeting . . .
European folk-dancing will be
taught by Miss Lola De Grille, folk
arts specialist from the International
Center in Detroit, at the American
Youth Hostel's weekly folk and
square dance session from 7:30 p.m.
to 10 p.m. tonight at Lane Hall. Re-
freshments will be served.
Fisheries Conference .
Profs. Karl F. Lagler and Reeve
M. Bailey of the zoology depart-
ment and John Van Oosten of the
U. S. Field and Wildlife Service will
attend the Tri-State Fisheries Con-
ference at the Higgehs Lake Train-
ing School on Feb. 14 and 15.
Approximately sixty state fisher-
ies' representatives and other fish
experts from Michigan, Minnesota
and Wisconsin are expected to at-
tend the meeting.
Speech Study lub ..,.,

Henry Austin, Babette Blum, Mary
Hope Humphrey, Clark Marlor,
Blanche Sanders and Ruth Schnoor,
graduate speech students will partici-
pate in the program.
The staff of the Speech Clinic will
present a program, "Demonstrations
in Speech Rehabilitation," at the
speech assembly at 4 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Avukah Final Meeting .'
Avukah, student Zionist organi-
zation, will hold its final meeting
of the semester at 7:45 p.m. today
in B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
A discussion of Avukah policy
will be held, and new officers will.
be .elected.
Student Prayer Day . ..
The World Student Day of Prayer
will be held at 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb.
17th in the Congregational Church.
Dr. DeWitt Baldwin, director of the
Lisle Fellowship, and Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history depart-
ment will discuss "The Christian
Student in the World Picture" fol-
lowed by a program including Rose
Derdarian, soloist, accompanied by
Marilyn Mason at the organ.
Christian Fellowship . . .
A Valentine party sponsored by
the Michigan Christian Fellowship
will be held 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
at Lane Hall. There will be games,
music, a special program, and re-
freshments. Everyone is cordially
Archery Club Meeting...
The Archery club will hold a
meeting today at 4:20 p.m. at the
W.A.B. All members must attend
as shooting will start for the Inter-
collegiate Telegraphic Meet.

SR A Banquet
Will Be Revived
Religious Cooperation
Reports To Be Given
Revival of the Student Religious
Association's Brotherhood Banquet,
a pre-war tradition, was announced
yesterday by Mr. Franklin H. Littell,
director of SRA.
The banquet will be held at 6:30
p.m. Feb. 12 in the Michigan League,
with President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven as honored guests. The pro-
gram will accent the major groupings
in the Judaeo-Christian tradition,
with reports from the presidents of
Hillel Foundation, Inter-Guild and
Newman Club.
"The high level of cooperative re-
ligious effort attained in the Student
Religious Association and in the
Campus Religious Council, symbol-
ized by this occasion, has been at-
tained," Littel s.ys, "without intellec-
tual confusion or belittling the faith
of any individual or group."
The F IRST of the
University Rings ...
have arrived on the campus!
Dozens of then are being de-
livered to stutents every day.
Better get your order In soon.

802 S. State

Phone 9533


(Continued from Page 2)

Berlin will speak on "The concepts of
binding and- bonding in diatomic
molecules." All interested are in-
Exhibition, College of Afchitecture
and Design:
"Signs of the Zodiac"-An exhibi-
tion of recent designs by V. Bobri,
prominent New York advertising ar-
tist. First floor corridor. Open daily
9:00 to 5:00 except Sunday,dthrough
Feb. 15. The, public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Motion Picture Set De-
signs for Army Pictorial Service films,
by Roger Hollenbeck, Design instruc-
tor. First floor corridor, Architec-
tural Building. Open daily 9:00 to
5:00 except Sunday, through Feb. 22.
The public is invited.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham,
Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
Events Today
Tea at the International Center:
The weekly informal teas at the In-

ternational Center on Thursdays,
From 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to
all foreign students and their Ameri-
can friends.
Brazilian Coffee Hour, honoring
Dr. Jorge Americano. International
Center. 5:00-6:00 p.m., today.
A. I. E. E. The annual banquet for
local members and faculty will be
held at 6:30 p.m. today at the Smith
Catering Service. Tickets may be ob-
tained from A. I. E. E. officers and
other representatives.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham
Building at 7:45. The program will
consist of the Symphony No. 4 in A
Major by Mendelssohn; Piano Con-
certo in A Minor by Grieg; Two Songs
for Alto by Brahms; and Concerto in
D Major for Violin and Orchestra by
Brahms. All Graduate Students are
cordially invited to attend.
Coming Events
Geological Journal Club meets in

Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at 12:15
p.m., Friday, Feb. 8. Program: L. W.
Kellum, "Jurassic stratigraphy of
southwest Alaska." All interested are
cordially invited to attend.
Russian play tryouts will be held at
4:30 p.m., Feb. 8, in 2215 Angell Hall.
Please note change of time. All in-
terested are invited.
The Acolytes of the Department of
Philosophy will meet in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building at 7:30 p.m., Friday, Feb.
8. Professors DeWitt Parker. Roy
Sellars of the Philosophy Department
and Walter Colby of the Physics De-
partment will discuss "A Philosophi-
cal Criticism of Physical Relativity
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a skating party for Sunday, Feb.
10. Those interested should sign up
and pay the supper fee at the check-
room desk in the Rackham Building
before Saturday noon. Skaters will
meet- in the Outing Club rooms in the
Rackham Building at 2:30 Sunday.
Use northwest entrance.

Various aspects of practical thea-
ter will be discussed at the monthly
meeting of the Graduate Study Club
of the Department of Speech at 4
p.m. tomorrow in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building.
The program will be under the di-
rection of Prof. Valentine B. Windt.
~U' Glee Club
Solois ts Toa Give+
Concert Sun.day
The University Women's Glee Club
and three soloists will participate in
a musical program at 7:30 p.m. Sun-
day at the International Center.
Rose Derderian, soprano, Beverly
Solorow, pianist, and Ernest Larson,
baritone, will present solo numbers,
and Miss Margaret Hood, associate
professor of music, will direct the
glee club.
The following program will be pre-
Wind in the Palm Trees.......McDonald
Cowslips for her Covering.........Wood
I Wonder as I Wander
.......Appalachian Carol arr. by Niles
Holiday Song..............,W. Schuman
The University Women's Glee Club
DIGHTERLIEBE ...............Schuman
Im Wunderschonen Monat Mai
Die Rose, Die Lilie, Die Taube, Die Sonne
Emn Jungling liebt ein Madchen
Pilgrim's Song ............ Tschaikowsky
None but the Lonely Heart-Tschaikowsky
Ernest Larson
Fantasy in F Minor.....s........Chopin
Beverly Solorow
J'ai pleura en reve................ ..,Hue
La Danza .......................Rossini
Lover. Come Back to Me
Th" "Nh" s".....Hammerstein-Romberg
Rose Derderian
The Night is Young
.............Fred Waring Arrangement
Without a Song......vincent Youmans
Erie Canal......Fred Waring Arrangement
Siboney ..........................Lecuona
The University Women's Glee Club
The program is open to the public.

,y .

If you
Carrot call abouti
come to the

Rates are only $8.00 per hour dual and $5.00 per hour solo.
Transportation will be provided to the airport at your convenience.


Your Eye Q. (quality),
when you t ry
4therinvisible eyeglass"
P hone 6019
410 Wolverine Building




THURS., FEB. 7, 1946
7:30-Sleepyhead Serenade
8:15--Wake Up and Live
8:25-Outdoor Brevities
8:30-Musical Reveille
9:00-Music Box
9:30-Popular Music
x:45-Moments of Melodies
10:05-Hawaiian Moods
10:30-Broadway Melodies
10:40-Community Calendar

10:45-Waltz Time
11:05-Carmen Cavallero
11:15-Lean Back & Listen
11:30-Farm & Iomne Hour
11:55-Hit Tunes
12:15-Jesse Crawford
12:20-Spike Jones
12:30-Along the Sports
12:45-Man on the Street
1:05-Salon Music
1:10-Organ Music (Pop.)
1:15-Ray Bloch Presents
1:30-Tin Pan Alley Goes
To Town
1:45-World of Song

2 :00---News
2:05-Bo Halsey
2:15-Melody on Parade
3 :00---News
3:05-Fred F'cihl
3:15-University of Mich.
3:30--Latin American Music
3:40-It Actually Happened
3:45-Trade Winds Tavern
4:15-Dance Music
4:30-Eventide Echoes
5:05-Music (Pop.)
5:15-Mystery Melodies
5:30--Little Show
5:45-Spotlight on the







.' }°' .

MUSBE is a friend of mine,
He will be there every time
With a smile or a rhyme;
Come on MUSBE,

A well made raiyon
sport shir"lt in monotone

I i _




_.:: ,Y

3 I



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