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February 06, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-06

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T-H--E- MI-Clti.(,J'r.AN DAHN

W N MY, FT- U Y. S. 1946

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Fifyixatt ai

Oil Twins To Get Control

Quotas Prove Bartier to Education

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
bt"Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
1400fDixon . . . . .. ... . Managing Editor
RbertGoldman . . . . . . . . .yEditor
botty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
b1il Mullendore . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
AnSchutz . . .. .. . .. .Women's Editor
bona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Vorothy Flnt . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Tele phone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
' Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Edtorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Situdent Government
THE MOVEMENT to establish a new, more
democratic student government seems to
grow more complex the nearer it comes to
achieving its goal.
Ever since its inception, following the last
all-campus student election, on Dec. 7, a group
of students has been working energetically and
conscientiously to perfect a suitable constitu-
tion about which a new student government
could be established.
The members of this group, the framers
of the "Forum-Council Constitution" are
the heads of the several student organizations
they represent. This framing body repre-
sents a cross section of student opinion, and
in their own right, by virtue of the positions
they hold in student activities, are student
At the outset of their undertaking, they se-
cured the promise of the Student Affairs Com-
mittee that if they could compromise on an
organic act for the creation of a Student Gov-
ernment, it would be submitted for popular
student adoption or rejection.
The work of this group was the constitution
first printed in the Daily Jan. 24. It was the
result of much research, discussion, and com-
promise. , Whether it also was an expression of
popular student thought was to be determined
by a vote of the campus at large.
But now the complication: A group of
six students, totally independent of any stu-
dent activity affiliation and seemingly at
odds with the work of the original framing
body, have drawn up and proposed a new
This independent group has requested the
Student Affairs Committee to submit both con-
stitutions tothe student body. The request is
supported by a petition signed by 200 students.
Certainly in our effort to decide upon a truly
democratic form of student government we
should follow democratic procedures. If there
is another sizeable element of the student body
which has an alternative plan to offer, it should
be heard. If this alternative plan is representa-
tive of a large element of the student body, it
should most certainly be submitted for campus
But there is no well-founded indication that
it is.
If each group of six individuals who had
an alternative thought on student govern-
nient was to have its plan submitted to pop-
ular approval, the whole project would soon
approach an anarchist degree of confusion.
The men who sat in Philadelphia in 1787

could not be termed the absolute delegates of
the people they were supposed to represent, but
they were the leaders of their communities.
There were those who were dissatisfied with
their work, yet only one document was sub-
mitted to the people for ratification. After
its acceptance, the necessary changes were
made to render it more suitable to the need of
the majority.
Let us follow the example of the found-
ing fathers. We have a constitution proposef
by a group who are the recognized leaders in
campus activities. Let all who are interested
in furthering the project of student govern-
ment work first for its adoption, then for the
changes they feel are vital to make it more
compatible with their likes and dislikes.
-Marshall Wallace

WASHINGTON.-Many Senators believe that
the confirmation row over charming Ed
Pauley as under secretary of the Navy has
taken on new significance now that Secretary
Harold Ickes has offered Ralph Davies the job
of under secretary of the interior.
It happens that Davies and Ed Pauley are
bosom friends. Both are oil men. Both have
followed the policy of "Scratch-my-back-I'll
scratch-yours." This is important.
Recently, Secretary Ickes, who has a crusad-
ing record for guarding the nation's resources,
recommended to President Truman that naval
oil reserves be transferred from the Navy to the
interior department. It was just such a trans-
fer by Albert K. Fall in the Harding administra-
tion that resulted in the-Teapot Dome oil scan-
No motive is attributed to the Ickes proposal
except that of safeguarding oil.
But what senators consider important is
that, with Pauley's friend Ralph Davies offered
the job of under seertary of the interior, the
Navy's oil lands, no matter where they are
located-in interior or navy-will be partially
under Pauley or a friend of his.
Mexican Oil Deal
R ELATIONSHIP between Davies and Pauley
has been extremely close. Davies was execu-
tive vice president of Sandard Oil of California.
Pauley sold him his own independent oil com-
pany. Later, Pauley brought Davies to Wash-
ington, introduced him to Ickes, following which
Davies became Ickes' deputy oil administrator.
He did a good job.
However, State Department officials say he
continued to look out for Ed Pauley.
When Pauley was trying to lobby his high-
octane Mexican gasoline plant through the
government, it had to pass the hurdle of
Secretary Ickes' petroleum administration.
Davies okayed it-not only okayed it, but
pushed it vigorously. At first Ickes also gave
it his blessing. The State Department, how-
ever, was vigorously opposed.
Showdown came in a secret session between
Ickes, Davies, a Davies aide, and the assistant
secretary of state Dean Acheson. The full story
of this session was never really told at the
senate hearing. Acheson opened by giving Ickes
a very careful diagnosis of why the Mexican
high-octane gasoline plant should not be built
by Pauley. He took up point after point, his
main argument being that the Mexican govern-
ment would have to pay such a high price to
Pauley that it would sour U.S.-Mexican rela-
After Acheson had finished, Ickes turned to
Pauley's friend, Ralph Davies, and asked:
"Why didn't you tell me these things?"
"I didn't know them either," replied the red-
faced Davies. Then, turning to his aide, he
alibied: "Why didn't you tell me these things?"
Ickes immediately reversed himself, threw
his weight against Pauley. That is the real
inside of how the Pauley octane plant for
Mexico was stopped. Davies, of course, is an
able, intelligent operator, too intelligent not
to have known the main points of the Pauley
plan. Pauley is equally able. He would be a
good executive almost anywhere. But some
senators want to think twice before putting
these oil twins near the head of two depart-
ments controlling the oil reserves of the
T1ax Gravy
SENATOR GEORGE of Georgia, who has more
to say about setting U. S. taxes than any
other man except tax lobbyist Ellsworth Al-
vord, whose advice he follows, has called a
unique tax hearing for today.
He wants the internal revenue bureau to ex-
plain why it hasn't paid more money back to
corporations under the carry-back provisions
of the tax law.
Some people have a less kindly way of
DJ a Ray Dixon

STUDENTS UNDER 21 are placed on the pro-
verbial spot by the Ann Arbor Council's
adoption of an ordinance making minors crim-
inally liable for purchasing or attempting to
purchase alcoholic beverages.
The Council's action rightly takes the
pressure off of local tavern owners. But it
does little to remedy the basic difficulty in-
volving lack of student meeting places after
the movie, concert or dance.
One veteran recently characterized the Ann
Arbor situation as definitely "conducive" to
promiscuous activity. In spite of the existence
of every conceivable type of regulation protect-
ing student morals, there is virtually no. con-
structive program in existence which promotes
healthy social relationships.
Until such a program is adopted in cooper-
ation with students, the University and towns-
people, we feel that the ordinance will have
almost no effect. Specifically we would sug-
gest that a non-profit, cooperative meeting
place be established which would furnish
dancing, atmosphere and the only available
substitute for alcoholic beverages-soft drinks.J

expressing it; namely, that Senator George
will ascertain why internal revenue hasn't
done a better job of financing the present
,strikes. For it is an unquestioned fact that
the tax law written by Senator George's com-
mittee is a gold mine which puts many cor-
porations in a position where they don't care
too much whether they are strike-bound.
The internal revenue bureau asserts that some
of the claims made by corporations for tax re-
funds are fantastic. So it has held them up
for closer study. Senator George, however,
doesn't seem to think they are being paid fast
enough. He has called a joint committee meet-
ing to investigate.
Already business has submitted claims for
a cool $3,000,000,000 and a total of $8,000,000,-
000 may be drained out of the federal treasury
through this neat clause lobbied through con-
gress when nobody was looking.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
le Fugue
W HEN THE WAR ended last summer, a full-
blown conservative program came into be-
ing almost overnight. It seemed to spring from
our trees and our rocks and our hills, and it
went like this: We would keep the atomic
bomb a secret and thus provide for national
security. We would extend no aid to foreign
nations, but would use our competitive advant-
ages to the full, and thus provide for our mar-
kets. We would avoid wage rises somehow, or
any planned reconversion for labor, and thus
keep our costs down.
It was a program of wheels within wheels,
and while it may not have been consciously
dreamed up as a whole by any one person,
it grew on many persons; and the present
proof of its consistency is that if you scratch
a curb-labor Congressman, you will almost
surely find that he is opposed to extending
a credit to Britain, and has decided views
against letting any foreigner see our collec-
tion of split atoms.
The drama of our time is the gradual dis-
integration of this program; and the way you
can watch its disintegration is to see how Presi-
dent Truman moves. When the war ended,
he cut our pipe-line of supplies to Britain, as
if with an axe, and he hit so hard that he re-
mained hunched over in a kind of anti-British
attitude for some weeks.
He was airy about the atom, too, and used
to startle reporters by disposing of the problem
with curt side remarks during fishing trips
and visits to carnivals. He had a formal pro-
labor position, but he moved with great slow-
ness and without much sense of urgency on the
issue; he did not call his labor-management
conference until the strike threat was well de-
veloped, and attitudes were well-hardened.
It is obvious that our President shared that
strange burst of confidence which came over
us last September, the feeling that a combina-
tion of scientific monopoly, wealth and not
worrying could carry us through a rather gay
little convalescence called reconversion. ....
BUT IF YOU GLANCE over toward the Presi-
dent now, you will see that he has given
up this triple fugue, this three-way flight from
reality. There is a look in his eye which indi-
cates that he has left dreams and disorder be-
hind, and is working now, however haltingly,
for order and method. He is pressing hard for
the $3,750,000,000 credit to Britain; he has
joined Henry Wallace in favoring civilian con-
trol of atomic knowledge, rather than the
stringent and secretive military control pro-
vided in the peremotory Johnson Bill; he is try-
ing to curb the anti-labor Democrats.
He does not seem too certain yet of what
he wants, but it is as if he had caught a
glimpse. of the internal and external chaos
toward which our triple fantasy of last Sep-
tember was leading us, and were shuddering,
and thinking fast.
But there are others who still cling to the
three dreams, and who fight him. It is a sign
of a certain kind of internal conflict that it
leads to a sort of paralyzed condition, and that

is the state we are in now. The atom monopoly
dream dies hard and as a result there has been
no Congressional action on the atom at all;
the issue hangs, there is no agreement on a
basic approach. A filibuster is actually threat-
ened against the British credit. The strategy
of refusing any postwar plan to labor has failed
to promote reconversion, but the anti-labor
legislators are now trying stubbornly to rewrite
their original mistake as a statue, in the hope
that this time it will stick.
- nd suddenly one knows that we are deal-
ing with what is only a new form of an old
question, that of, whether we can live a more
orderly and cooperative life, both at home and
abroad. We thought we had torn the old
spectre of reaction and isolation limb from
limb during the war, but he has reassembled
himself, and when we turn abruptly, there we
can see him, grinning down at us. He looks
a little distorted, as is only natural, consider-
ing what he has been through; but he is the
same, and perhaps we are much the same.
The conditions and the names of bills and
things are new, but we have been here before.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

REMARKS are often made on cam-
pus to the effect that there is
really no discrimination concerning
student admissions to colleges and
universities and discounting all such
stories as rumors spread by hyper-
sensitive individuals.
A report published recently in New
York City by the Mayor's Committee
on Unity, a commission established
by former- Mayor Fiorello H. La-
Guardia two years ago to investigate
the problem of discrimination in in-
stitutions of higher learning, proves
that the quota system is not a myth
but a very definite and sad reality.
The report declares that a quota
system against Catholic, Negro,
and Jewish students has been es-
tablished and charges that it is
particularly bad in the field of
medicine, although liberal arts in-
stitutions are not exempt.
The report goes on to state that
although all the New York City
schools publicly deny that any dis-
crimination against minority groups
exists, deans and faculty members
of many of these schools have ad-

mitted privately that such quotas do
The chairman of the admissions,
committee of one of the most famous
liberal arts colleges in New York, ac-
cording to the report, denied the ex-
istence of a quota. Yet when ques-
tioned in an off the record conversa-
tion concerning the percentage of
Jewish and Catholic students, he
said that there is a very definite and
official limitation on the number of
students with these religious back-
The report states that in the last
decade the percentage of Jewish stu-
dents in the total student body ad-
mitted to undergraduate colleges fell
50 per cent.
Discrimination in the medical
colleges is serious and rapidly
growing worse, according to the re-
port. The average number of Jew-
ish students in grade A schools de-
creased from 12.16 per cent of the
student body in 1933 to 6.29 per
cent in 1938. "It is in this area that
the cancer of prejudice in Ameri-

can education practice first grew.
It has, since spread into almost
every branch of higher education.
The investigating committee was
informed by a prominent professor at
one of the city's principal law schools
that shortly before the beginning of
the war, a geographical quota sys-
tem had been introduced in order to
transfer the school into a national in-
stitution and to limit the number of
Jewish students.
Discrimination is practiced not only
against Jews but against Italians,
Catholics and most drastically
against Negroes, who are virtually
excluded, the report emphasized.
It cannot be argued that educa-
tional practices in New York City
differ from those prevailing
throughout the rest of the nation.
The quota system is fast becoming
a "good old American institution"
like hot dogs and soda pop and the
Fourth of July. The incongruency
doesn't strike us as being particu-
larly funny.
-Annette Shenker


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 70
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Attention All Students: Registra-
tion for the Spring Term
By action of the Conference of
Deans, all students are required to
register for the Spring Term at, and
no later than, the time announced in
the Registration Schedule. Late reg-
istrations will not be permitted by the
administrative authorities of the sev-
eral units, except in the case of vet-
erans who have not been in residence
for the Fall Term. Students must pre-
sent their identification cards at the
time of registration and must, file
their registration material them-
selves, not by proxy.
The reason for this requirement is
the unprecedented demand which the
enrollment for the Spring Term will
make upon the educational resources
and the housing facilities of the Uni-
versity. Because of these conditions,
it is absolutely essential that regis-
tration and classification be com-
pleted according to schedule.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
Attention Faculty Members:
Faculty Bibliography. The blanks
that were distributed for the Faculty
Bibliography are overdue. Those who
have not returned the blanks must do
so at once if their names and publi-
cations are to appear in the next is-
Veterans in Refresher Course. All
books and supplies for the Refresher
Course must be purchased not later
than Feb. 9. This deadline is neces-
sary to allow the University time to
audit and pay the veterans' accounts
at the various stores and, in turn, to
submit invoices to the Veterans Ad-
ministration for reimbursement be-
fore the end of the course.
Boyd C. Stephens
Applications in Support of Revsea rch
To give Research Committees and
the Executive Board adequate time to
study all proposals, it is requested
that faculty members having projects
needing support for 1946-1947 file
their proposals in the Office of the
Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 8.
Those wishing to renew previous re-
quests whether now receiving support
or not should so indicate. Application
forms will be mailed or can be ob-
tained at Secretary's Office, Room
1006 Rackham Building, Telephone
February 23 Graduates: Today is
the last day that women may order
caps and gowns for graduation Feb.
23. Men must have their measure-
ments taken for caps and gowns by
Saturday in order to have them ar-
rive in time for graduation. Orders
will be taken at Moe's Sport Shop.
Attention: February Graduates
who ordered graduation announce-
ments: Please call for your announce-
ments on Feb. 7 or 8 from 10 to 12
or 1 to 3. They will be distributed
outside of Room 4 in University Hall.

You must bring your receipt in order
to obtain your order.
School of Business Administration:
All students- now on campus who are
enrolled in the School of Business
Administration, or who have been ac-
cepted for enrollment for the spring
semester, should report for classifica--
tion during the week beginning Feb.
11. Appointments for this purpose
should be made in Room 108 Tappan
Hall as soon as possible.
Women students whose residence
arrangements for the spring term re-
quire special permission are instruct-
ed to call at the Office of the Dean of
Women prior to registration.
Women students who do not expect
to be able to register without a Uni-
versity loan should apply immediately
at the Office of the Dean of Women.
It is not possible to grant regular
loans without advanced application,
Sturents, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students are
requested to conserve the supply of
College Announcements by using for
the spring term the copies issued to
them last fall. The large supplemen-
tary edition which was printed is al-
most exhausted. Any remaining new
copies must be issued only to students
who have not been in residence for
the fall term.
The annual Charles Lathrop Pack
Essay contest for students enrolled in
the School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion is announced. A first prize of
$25 and a second prize of $15 is of-
fered.Inquiries regarding the rules of
contest may be made at the office of
the School.
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncement for Student Technical
Assistant (Male) has been received
in this office. Specialties in engineer-
ing and business administration. Also
for a Student Technical Assistant
(Male & Female) with specialties in
general science, physical education,
and social science. Salary is from
1,928 to $2,000 per year.
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncement has also been received
for a Junior Stenographer. Salary is
from $2,245 to $2,397.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
University Lecture:Dr. Jorge
Americano, Rector of the University
of Sao Paulo, Brazil, will speak on
the subject, "Education as a Bulwark
for International Law," at 4:00 p.m.,
Thursday, Feb. 7, in Room 120 Hutch-
ins Hall; auspices of the Law School.
The public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Concentration in English. Students
from A through K should arrange
for appointments with Dr. Morris
Greenhut in 3232 A.H.; students from
L through Z with Prof. J. L. Davis in
3228 A.H.
History of Mathematics Seminar:
Tonight from 7-8 p.m.; 3001 A. H.
Mr. Ernest Williams will discuss "Im-
aginary elements in Relativity
Exhibit. "Guide fossils of the Jur-
rasic used in Petroleum Exploration
ilk Alaska," in the Rotunda, Univer-
sity Museums Building through Feb.
Events Today
The University Broadcasting serv-
ice and the School of Music present

the hair" (Miss Rose Derderian);
Concerto for Trumpet and Piano (Mr.
Nathan Anderson and Mrs. Minne-
man Andrews). The complete pro-
gram is under the direction and su-
pervision of Prof. Hanns Pick.
Seminar on Expansion of Chris-
tianitl: A discussion about Samuel J.
Mills, founder of the American Board
of Commissioners fr Foreign Mis-
sions will be held at 4:30 today at
Lane Hall.
Varsity Glee Club: Full rehearsal
for Hill Auditorium concert 7:15 p.m.
Modern Poetry Club meets tonight
at 7:30 in Room 3217 Angell Hall.
Prof. Arthos will discuss some of T.
S. Elliot's poetry.
The Inter-Racial Association will
hold its-first meeting of the semes-
ter tonight at 7:30, in the Michigan
Union. It is of the utmost importance
and the attendance of all members
and interested parties is requested.
-Alpha Phi Omega will hold a busi-
ness meeting tonight at 7:30 in the
Union. All members are urged to at-
tend. Bring paper and pencils for
tabulating poll results. Any former
Boy Scout who is interested in a pro-
gram of fun, fellowship, and service
is cordially invited to attend. This
will be the last meeting of the semes-
A.S.M.E. There will be a meeting of
Michigan University Branch of the
American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers tonight at 7:30, in Room 319
of the Union. Mr. Fred Miller, per-
sonnel executive of the Ford Motor
Co., will discuss the engineer hiring
and training program of the Ford
Motor Co. All interested are invited
to attend.
The ICC Education Committee will
present a talk by Professor Throop
of the History Department: The His-
torical Difficulties of Social Reform,
at the Muriel Lester Cooperative,
1102 Oakland tonight at 7:30. Every-
one is cordially invited. There will
be a bull session and refreshments
Flying Club: There will be an im-
portant business meeting tonight at
7:30 in Room 1042 East Engineering
Building. All students and members
of the faculty are invited to attend.
Coming Events
Tea at the International Center:
The weekly informal teas at the In-
ternational Center on Thursdays,
from 4:00 to 5:30ep.m are open to
all foreign students and their Ameri-
-an friends.
Brazilian Coffee Hour, honoring
Dr. Jorge Americano. International
Center. 5:00-6:00 p.m., Thursday,
Feb. 7.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham
Building at 7:45. The program will
consist of the Symphony No. 4 in A
Major by Mendelssohn; Piano Con-
certo in A Minor by Grieg; Two Songs
for Alto by Brahms; and Concerto in
D Major for Violin and Orchestra by
Brahms. All Graduate Students are
cordially invited to attend.
The Music Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet Thursday
evening, Feb. 7, at 8:00, at the home
of Mrs. N. E. Konold, 1908 Austin
Avenue. Members may invite guests,
and those who do so are asked to call
La Sociedad Hispanica. The next
lecture in the Spanish series will be
held on Thursday, Feb. 7, at 8 p.m.,
in Kellogg Auditorium. Sta. Eva
Martinez will speak on "Arte Colon-
ial en Mexico." The lecture will be
ilmlstrated with slides.


By Crockett Johnson

i I

I'll be glad to be in HIS movie,
Barnaby ... But I didn't say a

Exactly. The heroine of the Hawthorne
classic. But wait- A most monstrous


[ There's the House Committee on Un-A merican2
Activities. The mere mention of a scarlet




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