MAURER INTERVIEWED See page 6 ilw ~uii4 RAIN AND S;NOW, COLDER VOL. LVI, No. 70 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ruthven Affirms Governor'sActon President Says Entire Emergency Building Program of '' Is Endorsed Although Gov. Kelly, in his message to the legislature Monday, recom- mended that only $3,300,000 be appropriated for new University buildings this year, he endorsed the University's emergency building program, Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven said yesterday. President Ruthven said the Governor recommended to the legislature that the remainder of the University's emergency program be commended to the 1947 legislature for completion. i t t r 1 i Mexican Strike Affects More Than a Million Nationwide Stoppage Paralyzes Industry By The Associated Press MEXICO CITY, Feb. 5-A nation- wide work stoppage involving 1,250,- 000 members of the Mexican Labor paralyzed the nation's industrial strength today. A few traffic disorders; in which workers forced taxis to curbs and throttled street car service, were the only semblance of violence reported. Observe Constitution Day The idle period, lasting four hours in states and one hour in Mexico City, was featured by mass demonstrations which flaunted "anti-fascist" ban- ners and shouted support for the na- tion's constitution, adopted 29 years ago today. Today was officially observed as Constitution Day, and the sitdown was planned as an adjunct of the program, which included placing a floral offering on the grave of Gen. Venustiano Carranza, promulgator of the document. Parade Banners The union workers also paraded banners requesting: 1. Respect for the constitution. 2. Dissolution of the National Si- narquista Union, a "rightist" organi- zation. 3. Steps against "subversive acts of the reaction." Nash TO Speak At Graduation Commencement for 556 Seniors Planned Dr. Philip C. Nash, president of the University of the City of Toledo, will present the commencement ad- dress when an estimated 556 stu- dents are graduated at 10 a.m., Sat- urday, Feb. 23, in Hill Auditorium. Executive director of the League of Nations Association from 1929 until 1933, Dr. Nash will speak on Today is the last day on which February women graduates may or- der their caps and gowns at Moe's Sports Shop. Men who will be graduating in February will continue to be measured and fitted through Feb. 9. "The Way Forward in International Relations." He also served on the American Commission in Geneva. Father Frank J. McPhilips, di- rector of St. Mary's student chapel, will deliver the invocation and bene- diction for the services. No special tickets will be issued for the exercises, because Hill Audir torium is large enough to accommo- date all guests desired, Dr. Frank K. Robbins, assistant to President A. G. Ruthven, pointed out in announc- ing the program yesterday. Diplomas will not be handed to the students at the time of gradu7 ation. A total of 115 graduates of naval courses will be commissioned as ensigns at the graduation cere- mony. Atten tion Seniors! February graduates who ordered announcements may obtain them from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 3 p.m. tomorrow outside Rm. 2, Uni- versity Hall. SR A To Present Debussy Program. The music of France will highlight a program sponsored by the music In his message, Gov. Kelly mader these recommendations for the Uni- versity:v 1. That the legislatiure approve ai building program of $8,000,000 for the University to provide a Gen-Y eral Service Building, a School of Business Administration building,r an engineering building addition, aI chemistry building addition, a ma- ternity hospital and necessary serv- ice connections to these buildings., 2. That to carry this endorsed pro-r gram forward, the legislature appro-1 priate to the Board of Regents thet sum of $3,300,000. 3. That the $1,500,000 appropria-t tion provided by the 1945 legislaturet for the General Service Building be1 added to the $3,300,000 appropriation at this session of the legislaturet thereby creating a total sum of $4,- 800,000 with which to initiate the $8,- 000,000 program. 4. That this legislature commendt to the favorable consideration oft the 1947 legislature such furthert appropriation as may be necessaryt to complete this eight million dol- lar building program at the earliest possible moment. te The Governor omitted any refer- ence to the balance of the $15,300,000 buildingprogram requested by the1 University. The University ear- marked $6,500,000 for "emergency" building and the rest for "urgently needed" buildings. University Vice-president Mar-, vin L.,Niehuss said that the "ur- gently needed" building program was not necessarily imperiled by not being referred to the present legis- lative session. In its request to the Governor, the University pointed out that this part of the building progra ncould beprovided for2by annual appropriations of $2,200,- 000 each from 1947 to 1951, Niehuss said. President Ruthven said he did not know what buildings the University would construct first if the legislature1 follows the Governor's recommenda- tion that it appropriate only $3,300,- 000 this year. VO Speaker Will Discuss' GI Benefits Educational benefits for veterans under the revised G. I. Bill will be explained by Henry H. Fisher, of- ficial representative of the Veter- ans Administration, in a meeting of the Veterans Organization at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 316 of the Union. Mr. Fisher will attempt to clarify the confusing technical language of the bill as well as answering all ques- tions concerning the extent and type of educational benefits to which vet- erans are entitled. Many students, uncertain about the terms and pro- visions of the bill, have requested this discussion. Revision of the VO constitution, deemed inadequate for the large number of veterans expected to en- roll next semester, will also be dis- cussed. Plans for a smoker, to be held Friday, will be completed and com- mittees will be selected to handle publicity, programs, patrons, deco- rations, tickets and favors for the all campus dance to be given next month. Eicitement Gargoyle Is Here Again 'M' Humor Magazine Goes on Sale Today Shouting "It'sahere, it's here!", three professors and an unidentified custodian were late for work this morning, pausing in their mad dash to Angell Hall to get their copies of the second issue of . the Gargoyle, which appeared on campus today. No Connection O'Rourke Two of the professors were re- vealed as members of the Engineer- ing English department. The third, affectionately called "Professor" by his admiring asociates, was Fingers O'Rourke, known for his nimble manipulation of the daily numbers. He has no legal connection with the University. Predicting an early-morning sell- out, Bill Goldstein, genial general manager of the Club Gargoyle (no loitering on Saturday nights), yes- terday laid away the first 200 copies of the Garg for his personal scrap- book. "There's no accounting for tastes, you know," he pointed out. Replaces Catalog A report from the senior staff of the Daily indicates that the Gar- goyle will hereafter replace the Sears, Roebuck literature in the Publica- tions Building men's lounge. "Gotta be nice to our paying customers," they declared. "A nickel here, a nickel there-it gives us a nice surplus at the end of the year." Billed as the "Garg Tries Again" issue, the humor magazine has culled the cream of campus wit, such as it is, for its second appearance. Dis- played prominently on page 6 is Garg's new coat-of-arms, featuring Garg himself, his top hat, and the nailed fist, symbol of conquest. TEMPERANCE! Anti-Strike Bill Passes TrialVotes Modifying Proposals Are Shouted Down By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 5- Suppor- ters of a broad new strike control bill won a series of test votes today in the House. They shouted down by overwhel- ming majorities assorted attempts to modify the measure oflered by Rep. Case (R-SD). One vote was on an amendment by Rep. Patterson (D-Calif) to strike from the Case bill all except a declar- ation of policy. Another was on a proposal by Rep. Bell (D-Mo) to substitute temporary fact-finding boards for the permanent federal mediation agency sought by Case. Still another vote was on a move by Rep. Landis (R-Ind) to elimi- nate a proposed ban on boycotts. All these proposals failed, along with one by Rep. Hoffman (R-Mich), to strike from the Case bill a section giving courts the power of injunc- tion to prevent violence on picketing line. The Landis amendment would have deleted a section making illegal any concerted refusal to handle goods in order to make an employer come to terms. But the Case bill proponents said the boycott prohibition is needed to halt jurisdictional disputes. They said many unions use the boycott to force management to deal with them, instead of some other union. The Case backers accepted an amendment by Rep. Hoffman (R-Mich), however, which reduced the penalty for violation of the boycott ban. The amendment pro- vides only that violators lose their bargaining rights. Originally, the Case measure specified also that courts could enjoin violators, thus laying them open to fines or jail terms if they ignored injunctions. Case's bill would set up a national mediation board with power to step into labor disputes involving either labor or management; outlaw vio- lence in picketing and step into ma- jor 'labor disputes and forbid strikes or lockouts for 30 days. It also would permit wider use of court injuctions against either labor or management. Comedy Will Be Presented Tomorrow "Beggar on Horseback," the Kauf- man-Conally comic dream fantasy, will be presented at 8:30 p.m. tomor- row, Friday and Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by Play Production of the Department of Speech. With a cast and production staff of approximately 70 students, the play is under the direction of Prof. Valen- tine Windt of the Department of Speech. Students in play production have complete charge of scenery and costumes. There will be a matinee perform- ance at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets may be purchased at the theatre box office. Jim Bob Stephenson will take the part of Neil McRae, a young musician, and Mary Firestone, Cynthia Mason, his girl. Other members of the cast include George Hale, Janine Robin- son, Shirley Armstrong, Harp Mc- Guire and James Land. The illusions of Neil McRae come to life in 15 dream sequences of danc- ing, music and pantomime. Neil's im- aginary marriage to Gladys Cady, the girl who can help him out with his musical career, is ridiculed in the dreams. But Neil wakes up to find that Cynthia will marry him after all. UNO Interim Committee Approves Stamford Site For World Peace Agency CONFER ON POSSIBLE LOSS OF ESTATES.. Manfred Ehrich (left) talks with Gene Tunney, former heavyweight ,boxing champion, at Ehrich's home, Stamford, Conn., during a gathering of Stamford area residents "to protest appropriation of their homes" for permanent site for UNO headquarters. Tunney said he thought selection of the Con- necticut-New York border area "is a great mistake." Ex-Army Nurses Relate Overseas Experinces Protests Come From Australia, Local Residents By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 5 - The Stam- ford-Greenwich-Westchester area of Connecticut and New York was ap- proved today by the 13-member in- terim committee of the United Na- tions for the permanent home of the world peace agency despite the protests of Australia and some local residents. The full general assembly is the final authority on choosing the site. The recommendation will be con- sidered tomorrow by the 51-member committee on headquarters. Immediately after the closed session of the interim committee, which acted on the report of a site inspection committee, Col. W. R. Hodgson, delegate from Aus- tralia, said he would fight for San Francisco and would attempt to have the recommendation reject- ed by the larger committee. Dr. Stoyan Gavrilovic of Yugosla- via, head of the site inspection com- mittee, said at a news conference in which he announced the interim committee's action that committee members felt concern over the pro- tests of residents in the New York- Connecticut border area and added. "This was to be expected. It would'have happened anywhere. There is no area which we visited from which I did not get similar letters of protest. But on Stam- ford I got many assurances that the United Nations would be wel- come." Gavrilovic said the committee rec- ommended that as many as pos- sible of the residents in the zone affected by the peace agency be al- lowed to remain in their homes With long leases from the United Nations. He explained that there would be a central zone within the inter- national area where the assembly, secretariat and other United Na- tionsuagencies would be housed. Around that area, he continued, there will be a "buffer zone" under the United Nations to prevent en- croachment by the growth of neigh- boring cities. The committeerec- ommended that the residents of the "buffer zone" be allowed to remain there. The proposed site of the zone is 40 to 50 square miles. UNO Meeting Is Adjourned Liquor-Buying Min ors Subject To Fines, Prison Violations of the new city ordin- ance making it a misdemeanor for minors to purchase or attempt to purchase intoxicating liquors in lo- cal taverns will be punishable by a $100 fine and up to 90 days in prison, acording to City Attorney William M. Laird. Police Chief Sherman Mortenson said yesterday that he has not yet studied the new law and therefore has not been able to plan any pro- gram of enforcement. When asked if plainclothesmen will be sent into taverns to seek violators he said: "We'll have to think it over." Under state law, sellers of liquors to minors are held completely re- sponsible for the purchases. County The new liquor restriction in Ann Arbor "amounts to a repeal of the law against selling liquor to minors," according to Prof. John B. Waite of the Lew School. "It will make the law virtually unenforceable," he commented. "Since no man can be compelled to incriminate himself, authdri- ties will be unable to get testimony from either the seller or the pur- chaser," he pointed out. Prosecuting Attorney John Rae said that local investigations of such sales will also aid state law enforcement. Local police will be able to file complaints against the sellers as well as against the minors involved in il- legal liquor sales. Sellers are also punishable by a $100 fine or up to 90 days in prison, or possibly by liquor license suspension. By PATRICIA CAMERON 1 "The Italians accepted us Army1 nurses as necessary evils," two wo- men veterans, now students here,; agreed in interviews yesterday. "They weren't any too nappy about the setup though," Virginia N. Bug- bee added. Miss Bugbee, a student in the School of Public Health, served overseas as a first lieutenant with the Twelfth General Hospital for 27 months -a record overseas stay among the seven women veterans who served across the oceans and are now enrolled here. Fascism Dominant In North "We found that the farther South we went the dirtier the towns were and the more unfriendly the people became," Miss Bugbee said. "The higher class of people live in Chinmese _Uni1ty Plan Proposed Lecturer Says U.S. Compromise Needed Drawing ananalogy between the revolutionary histories of China and the United States, Owen Lattimore said in a lecture yesterday that com- promises of the type used in drafting the American constitution are needed in China today. We should substitute "agreement" for the "newspaper word unity," he said. In that way only can China eventually achieve unity. Declaring that China is the main problem of the world, Lattimore pointed out that Americans and armed Japanese are working in the same areas to hold open communica- tions. "We should give notice that we will start withdrawing our troops at a definite date," he added. the North and there the towns are better kept, of course. But that is where Fascism was more prevalent and we really had to be careful whenr we went out. We always half expected a knife in our back. "We were especially careful there to wear full uniform. It was much easier to convince the people that we were American citizens when we had our uniforms on than when we didn't and had to drag out our set of credentials," she added., Italians Talkative Mary L. Bedell, who was overseas' 25 and a half months as a first lieu- tenant, was impressed by the talk- ativeness of the Italians she met. "Several of them waited table for us and they chattered all the time. Some Germans whom we had taken were much more quiet and clean. They were quicker and willing to wait on tables too," Miss Bedell com- mented. "We acquired the Germans when [we took over a Nazi mobile hospital unit complete with doctors, nurses ind equipment," Miss Bedell ex- plained. Miss Bugbee encountered Germans when her hospital unit, the first to enter Rome after its fall, took over 350 enemy soldiers as patients. "American artillery must be pretty good judging from the condition of See WOMEN VETS, Page 6 LIBERALS VS. CONSERVATIVES Kalleubach Discusses Republican Party ]] -g ] n e <) - e Spot News Of The Nationa WASHINGTON, Feb. 5- (P) - A' proposed new wage-price policy, lift- ing the price line slightly to pay forj reconversion wage increases, report-, edly reached the White House today. The next move, as one high offi- cial put it, is "up to President Tru- man." Others predicted that a gen- eral policy statement, without final details, may be issued tomorrow. DETtIT-®(/.A'-The Right Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Hlickey, chancel- lor of the Catholic Archiocese of Detroit, has joined the Michigan- Citizens Committee to aid families of General Motors Corporation strikers, according to an announce- ment by Ralph McPhee, state chairman. "It is a simple matter of Chris- tian charity to do whatever we can to assist the families of those who are bearing the brunt of this eco- nomic struggle," Msgr. Hickey said. Russo-British Dispute Over Greece Unsettled LONDON, Feb. 5-P)-The United Nations Security Council adjourned suddenly tonight after failing to set- tle the dispute between Russia and Britain over Greece, but French For- eign Minister Georges Bidault said later "We are very close" to a solu- tion. The 11-member council adjourned until 9 p.m. (4 p.m. EST) tomorrow after representatives of the United States, France, Nussia, Britain and China, in a two-hour secret session, were unable to resolve in a manner agreeable to both Britain and Rus- sia a Soviet charge that British troops in Greece were menacing world peace. N. J. O. Makin of Australia, Coun- cil President, who sat in on the Big Five conference, proposed the ad- journment. He gave no explanation for the move which was approved without objection. Zygmunt Modezelewski, Polish See UNO, Page 2 IRA Will Meet Today To Plan for Next Term The final meeting of the Inter-Ra- cial Association for this semester will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. This meeting concludes the group's activities for the term. The agenda will include formation of plans for next semester's work, Terrell Whitsitt, president, announced. By PHYLLIS KAYE "If the Republican party can free itself from the taint of old guardism and isolationism, they have a good chance to get back in control of the House of Representatives in 1946 and of the presidency and Congress in 1948," Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach of the political science department stated yesterday. As the situation now stands, he said, the Republican party is composed of two divergent elements, which may; be styled the liberals and the con- Earl Warren of California and Gov. servatives. Leaders of both factions Thomas E. Dewey of New York. are aware of the tug-of-war that "However," he continued "in Gov. possibilities for the nomination are John Bricker, Sen. Robert Taft and Gov. Dwight Green of Illinois. The conflict between these two ele- ments may throw the candidacy to a middle-of-the-roader such as Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, whose recent contributions in leading the party toward a new view of the place of the United States in world affairs have been noteworthy, he claimed. with certain modifications," Prof. Kallenbach explained, "but the con- servatives have been more likely to make a frontal attack upon it." If the party nominates a liberal or middle-of-the-road candidate, he reiterated, they have a good chance of winning the presidential election; but if a conservative re- ceives the nomination, defeat is a more likely outcome. "In addition to nominating a lib-