THlE fMdTCIAN 1DAILY TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1940 AA A" lwl, A A A .,. *e. ...w.v.w. ! +w M. e.. a a v .. v R WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Truman Firm on Steel Decision porothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Lnger Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Busineas Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. 41 rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as segond-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MILT FREUDENHEIM Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Case for U. E. MORE THAN 10 MONTHS before V-J Day the Westinghouse Corporation issued a state- ment saying "Even now we are returning to civilian production." A few days after V-J day the General Electric Company told the world that their assembly lines had started to rolL But today there is a tremendous scarcity of electrical appliances. The reason is that these gigantic corporations, and others, are staging a "hold up." As the United Electrical Workers of the CIO have pointed out, producers of electrical appli- ances have been deliberately storing their pro- ducts to keep them from public sale. They have been doing this because it is more lucrative not to sell them than to sell them. The tax laws of the nation give rebates to industry for not producing. Industry is hold- ing things back in the hope that the OPA will be abolished and price controls rendered ob- solete. And Industry, Industry with a capital I, hopes to mitigate the power of organized labor by blaming the strikes for shortages and thus incurring the wrath of the public against the workers. Now the members of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America have gone on strike. The issue, like the issue in the General Motors strike, is not just a wage issue. The electrical workers are fighting fpr some- thing bigger than that, something of vital im- portance to the entire nation. They are fight- ing against inflation; they are fighting to keep prices down. The United Electrical workers are striking for higher wages. And with good reason. The ordinary laborer in the appliance Industry earns about $36.00 a week. A family can hardly live on that. But the United Electrical -workers are asking for higher wages while insisting that prices of their products remain the same. Labor's contention is that big business can easily afford a pay increase without raising the price of pro- ducts. Labor cites as its proof: 1) billions of dollars of profits are sitting in the treasuries of big companies which, if not put to use, will lead to depression; 2) the productivity of labor has gone up 25 per cent during the war; 3) the nation as a whole will benefit if the standard of living of the workers is raised. Organized labor is trying to fight infla- tion. It is simultaneously trying to raise the living standard of the workers of America. Big business is trying to shoot prices up, ruin organized labor and eliminate governmental controls so it can have mastery over the eco- nomic state of the nation. If labor wins out, we can look to the future with a ray of hope. If Industry wins out, we can expect a repeti- tion of the 1920-1932 era. -Eunice Mintz New Ageciy RESIDENT TRUMAN last week created a new Washington agency, the National In- telligence Authority, which will have the job of collecting, evaluating and coordinating all in- formation about foreign powers. Mr. Truman didn't mention it, but this move means that the United States will be actively engaged in international espionage, although most of the agency's work will be with facts of population, resources, and so on. The agency will operate under the joint sup- ervision of the State, War and Navy Depart- ments; it is to consist of the secretaries of the three departments plus the president's chief of By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON. - Last week President Tru- man held an important conference with the members of the steel fact-finding panel. Here's what happened: The president asked the panel what their fig- ures showed regarding the need of a wage in- crease. Panel Chairman Nate Feinsinger re- plied: "Mr. President, you are very much on the conservative side. The government figures and the figures provided by the steel industry completely support your 18-cent proposal." "I'm glad that your facts confirm my de- cision," replied Truman. "I'm not going to change it." Truman then asked about the need for a steel price increase. The panel suggested that other government agencies which have explored the question in greater detail should stand up and be counted. Truman agreed, but said he thought the fig- uring was fairly simple. "It looks to me like I can do a little horse- back arithmetic on that count myself." He then began calculating on a pad of paper to the effect that if the industry produces 60,- 000,000 tons with a four-dollar-a-ton increase, they will have an extra $24,000,000. Against this, they estimate that an 182-cent increase would cost about $165,000,000. Balance in their favor, $75,000,000. WE's New Executive A KEY FIGURE at the recent Anglo-American tele-communications conference in Ber- muda was Rear Adm. Joseph R. Redman, chief of naval communications during the war. He was chairman of a special committee named to consider the entire question of competition or monopoly in Atlantic cables. Redman's committee recommended t h a t Western Union be continued in its present dominating position as owner of three cables and lessee of five more-with 99-year leases. The Western Union operation was given high praise. Once during' the war, Admiral Redman had another occasion to discuss the question of Western Union operation. As a member of the Board of War Communications, he received from the Federal Communications Commission a detailed report on Western Union operation. The FCC was critical, lambasted Western Union as'slow and inefficient. But the criticism was carefully hushed up- with the Admiral doing most of the hushing. On his insistence, it was first classified as "se- cret," then changed to "confidential." It still has not been released. On Monday, Feb. 4, Admiral Redman took Current Movies By BARRIE WATERS . . . at the Michigan Robert Montgomery and John Wayne in "They Were Expendable"; an MGM produc- tion, directed by John Ford. The name of director John Ford among a film's credits is assurance that you're in for some above-average entertainment. His genius has in the past turned out such superior pro- ducts as "The Informer," "The Grapes of Wrath" and "The Long Voyage Home". As a cinema artist who completely understands the medium he is working in, Ford ranks among a very small handful that contains at a hasty listing, Capra, Brackett and Wilder, Lubitsch, and Hitchcock. In "They Were Expendable," Ford turns to the war with a dramatization of W. L. White's story of the P. T. boats in the early days of the war. As great screen literature, it may not rank with the very top ol Ford's previous out- put, but as a vivid picturing of the Philippine war it is unbeatable. * , ( the State Charles Boyer and Lauren Bacall in "Con- fidential Agent"; a Warner Brothers pro- duction, directed by herman Shumlin. Novelist Graham Greene has been seriously compared to both Somerset Maugham and Dostoevsky, but his books have always proved a cinematic cul de sac. No matter what goes into these films they always come out as second- rate Hitchcock, missing the sociological and psychological overtones of their source. This was the case with "This Gun for Hire" and "The Ministry of Fear" and it most certainly is the case with "Confidential Agent". That a lot has gone into "Confidential Agent" is not to be dcnicd. Jn addition to its distin- giushed plot-sourc, the film has been directed by Herman Shunmlin, who did the stage and screen versions of "Watch On The Rhine". Its cast includes such estimable acting talents as Charles Boyer and Katina Paxinou, with the added attraction of Lauren Bacall's intriguing personality. The result of all this talent is negligible. The story of a Spanish Republican agent on a mission to pre-war England is not an adequate anti-fascist preachment and, on a lesser level, it isn't even suspenseful melodrama. BARNA BY If he ever makes amovie, Barnaby, I hope it's all over his niew job. He is now vice president of Western Union. Presidential Humor PRESIDENT TRUMAN has been taking re- cent criticism in excellent humor, The other day he was talking with a group of friends and said: "Apparently, no matter what I do I'm al- ways in the middle. I say something about Palestine, and the Jews and the Arabs holler. Labor and capital get in a fight, and I am in the middle. The Russians and the British have an argument, and I am in the middle." Suddenly the President paused, walked over to the door of his office, which connects with that of his secretary, Matthew Connelly, and called out: "Hey, Matt, where can I buy a copy of Dale Carnegie's 'How To Win Friends and In- fluence People'?" (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Parties, Factions By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE BIG QUESTION is whether the Republi- cans are going to win a majority in the House this fall; and to win the Republicans must find a way to acquire some labor votes, or liberal votes, or Negro votes, or some similar leavening for the conservative loaf. So far the Republicans base their hopes on the general feeling that Mr. Truman is not doing too well, and on the ridiculous Southern Democratic filibuster against a permanent fair employment practices bill, which they believe will send mil- lions of outraged Negroes streaming back to the party of Abraham Lincoln and Thomas E. Dewey. The argument against Mr. Truman is some- what involved; the Republicans say he is in- effective; but if he is ineffective it is because the Republicans have joined with the Southern Democrats to make him so. The banana peel on the sidewalk claims the man has a poor bal- ance. Mr. Truman can't get along with Con- gress, therefore, runs the argument, let us give him a Congress he can't get along with. But the argument cuts two ways; Mr. Truman might ask for a Congress he can get along with. The more successful the Republicans are against Mr. Truman, the more closely they limit themselves to their old customers; yet carried forward by the lust of battle, they can- not resist winning victories about which they will hardly boast in the election campaign. THERE REMAIN the Negroes; here the Re- publicans are on sounder ground, for they are opposing the Senate filibuster, and they deserve credit for it. But here, too, there are complications and contradictions which are ex- traordinarily revelatory of the intricate rela- tions between the major parties today. It happens that the Southern wing of the Democratic party, upon whose filibuster the G.O.P.'s favorite wing within the Democratic party, the wing with which it joins to form the bi-partisan and anti-Truman bloc. The Republicans live with this wing, and work with it; they feel that the Southern Democrats are wrong to oppose a fair employment practices act, but the quarrel between them is a lovers' quarrel. In a sense, many Republicans are not angry with the Southerners because of their filibuster; they rather welcome it as a useful mistake, and they have continued to hold hands with the Southerners all during the seeming quarrel. While the filibuster was raging, for example, 167 House Republicans (out of 169 present) joined with 86 Democrats, mostly of the South, to force a break-up of the United States Em- ployment Service, and the return of its shattered fragments to the States. Again, during the Senate filibuster, 152 House Republicans (out of 168 present) joined with 106 Democrats, mostly Southern, to force consideration of the Case anti-strike bill. The Republicans have a peculiar political problem on their hands, that of trying to pro- fit by Negro resentment against the Southern bloc, while working with that bloc; they can- not resist the temptation to stand with the group which they hope a sizeable portion of the Northern electorate will recoil in anger. QNE OF THE chief weaknesses of cdnserva- tive thinking shows up thereby, and that is its constant search for "breaks," for accidental or astrological approaches to victory. Even while the G.O.P. hails the new hopes bred by the Southern filibuster, conservative editors in the North write solemn pieces pointing out that we ought to have a new conservative party made up, of course, of Northern Republicans and Southern Democrats. The liberal Northern voter, who opposes the Southern Democrats has his choice of paradoxes this year; he can vote for the nom- inal opposition, which works with the Sou- thern Democrats most of the time, or he can vote for the Northern wing of the Souther- nors' own party, which works against it al- most all the time. It seems to me that, though increasingly perplexed and irritated, he may again prefer to support one faction in a real political civil war, to one faction in a tiff. (Copyright, 1946, NY. Post Syndicate) New Constitution To the Editor: THE CONSTITUTION which ap- pears in today's Daily was drawn up by a group of students who feel that the Forum-Council Constitution previously published does not answer the need for student self-rule on this campus. That Constitution provided for a small Council elected by the students but authorized to draw up the list of candidates for its own successors. The minimum require- ments for candidacy guarantee that the Council would consist of people .who are already active in established campus organizations. The Forum would be composed entirely of heads or representatives of other organiza- tions; it would be one more super- structure on the bewildering pyra- mid of interlocking organizations which already exists at Michigan. We believe that the fight to achieve some degree of democracy on this campus will be a hard one, but that it can be won only by going directly to the students and enabling them to choose their own representatives freely from among themselves. Stu- dents cannot be expected to take much interest in a Council to which only a handful of specially qualified juniors and seniors can be elected, or in a Forum which is preoccupied with the business of other organiza- tions. Some think that the disputes which have arisen over the form of government are unfortunate be- cause they tend to weaken the cause of student government as a whole. On the contrary, we feel that the intense interest which has developed in this controversy is an indication that the campus is not entirely asleep and that students are beginning to act with initiative and imagination. Stu- dent government is not something which is to'be slipped over on the campus with as little friction as possible; if no' one is concerned, there can be no democracy. Robert Taylor, Charlotte Bo- brecker, Vivian Sessions, Rona Eskin, Maxine Spencer, Ted Morris. Black Man's Burden THE "Third World War" is on-and right here in your esteemed col- umns. Here, on Feb. 1st, Jan. 24th, Jan. 19th, Jan. 17th, and previous is- sues, have clashed East with West, Sacred with Profane, Black with' White. Perhaps therefore you and your readers have imagined the ex- istence of a clear issue between a Sacred Black East and a Profane White West. Yet it should be obvious (for World War I and II are repeat- ing themselves) that thedwarriors are hopelessly confused and have used each other's weapons to destroy their own high aims. Thus all four warriors -and I among them-who rushed so carelessly into the fray, lie bleeding on the field. Grimly, automatically, by remote control the armaments keep fighting and the war goes on. The World lines up to cheer or jeer as a newly exca- vated sewer from Mohenjo-Daro (clogged these five thousand years) confounds the civilizing bulldozer (five thousand dollars, F.O.B. Detroit) headed for the Indies via Rotterdam. This is a war of Worst versus Worst. Peering down from above, Christ and Krishna smiles! Curiously, tl e stake, which is the White Man's Burden, lies intact. At any rate we can already prophe- sy that the White Man's Burden of yesterday will be the Black Man's Burden of tomorrow. "Black" and "white," Mr. Editor, refer not to the color of men's skims but to the color of their hearts. -James Marshall Plumer Note to Veterans Publication in the Daily Official Bul-- ietin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 69 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday, February 6, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Attention All Students: Registra- tion for the Spring Term By action of the Conference of Deans, all students are required to register for the Spring Term at, and no later than, the time announced in the Registration Schedule. Late reg- istrations will not be permitted by the administrative authorities of the sev- eral units, except in the case of vet- erans who have not been in residence for the Fall Term. Students must pre- sent their identification cards at the time of registration and musthfile their registration material them- selves, not by proxy. The reason for this requirement is the unprecedented demand which the enrollment for the Spring Term will make upon the educational resources and the housing facilities of the Uni- versity. Because of these conditions, it is abslutely essential that regis- tration and classification be com- pleted accordingto schedule. Dr. Frank E. Robbins Assistant to the President Attention Faculty Members: Faculty Bibliography. The blanks that were distributed for the Faculty Bibliography are overdue. Those who have not returned the blanks must do so at once if their names and publi- cations are to appear in the next is- sue. e Veterans in Refresher Course. All books and supplies for the Refresher Course must be purchased not later than Feb. 9. This deadline is neces- sary to allow the University time to audit and pay the veterans' accounts at the various stores and, in turn, to submit invoices to the Veterans Ad- ministration for reimbursement be- fore the end of the course. Boyd C. Stephens Cashier Women students who do not expect to be able to register without a Uni- versity loan should apply immediately at the Office of the Dean of Women. It is not possible to grant regular loans without advanced application. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next term are required to pass a qualifying exami- nation in the subject in which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, Mar. 2, at 8:30 a.m. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The examination will con- sume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Award: The Detroit Armenian Wom- en's Club is making available, for 1946-47, two $100 scholarships for young men and women of Armenian parentage from the metropolitan dis- trict' of Detroit. For further details consult Dr. Frank E. Robbins at 1021 Angell Hall. Girl Scout camp on Lake Huron needs counselors -- nature workers, unit leaders, etc. for summer of 1946. Also needs dietitian. Camp accom- modates about sixty girls-age ten and over. A good chance to earn some money and have a pleasant vacation at the same time. Full information at Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information. The annual Charles Lathrop Pack Essay contest for students enrolled in the School of Forestry and Conserva- tion is announced. A first prize of $25 and a second prize of $15 is of- fered. Inquiries regarding the rules of contest may be made, at- the office of the School.- JLectuIres Owen Lattimore, author and au~- thority on the Far East, will speak at 8:30 tonight in Hill Auditorium asa the seventh number on the current Lecture Course. Mr. Lattimore is serving on the .Japanese Reparations Committee and recently returned from Tokyo. His subject will be "So- lution in Asia." Tickets are on sale at the auditorium box office today from 10-1, 2-8:30. Academic Notices English i153 will nt m et Loday. A. L. Bader Seminar in Applied Mathematics and Special Functions: Today at 3:00,f Seminar in physical chemistry will meet on Thursday, Feb. 7 in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Theodore Berlin will speak on "The concepts of binding and bonding in diatomic molecules." All interested are invited, Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: "Signs of the Zodiac"-An exhibi- tion of recent designs by V. Bobri, prominent New York advertising ar- tist. First floor corridor. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00 except Sunday, through Feb. 15. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Motion Picture Set De- signs for Army Pictorial Service films, by Roger Hollenbeck, Design instruc- tor. First floor corridor, Architec- tural Building. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00 except Sunday, through Feb. 22. The public is invited. Michigan Historical Collections: "Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham. Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays 8-12. Events Today University Camera Club: All students interested in learning the principles of photography, or in participating in an active photo- graphic group are invited to attend the meetings of the University Cam- era Club. The club meets every Tues- day evening at 7:30 in the Upper Room at Lane Hall. Discussions on photographic processes are featured, and work is done in the club dark- room during the latter part of each meeting. Students are invited to bring their negatives for constructive criticism or for printing in the dark- room. Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speakers' Society, will meet at the Union to- night at 7:30 p.m. There will be a general discussion of the problem of "Housing," followed by the second formal intercircle debate on' "The St. Lawrence Seaway." This will be the last meeting of the term, and all members are urged to attend. Science Research Club Members will meet tonight in:the Rackham Amphitheatre at 7:30. Prgram: CommonePathogenic Fungi, Sture Johnson, Department of Dermatology, Ultra-High-Frequency Radar Jam- ming, William G. Dow, Department of Electrical Engineering. Psychology Club: Richard Ander- son, will present "A Critique of Mark- ing Systems in High School and Col- lege" at the next meeting of the Psy- chology Club, tonight, at 8:00, in the West Conference Room in the Rack- ham building. The meeting will be open to all stu- dents interested in the topic. Club members are especially urged to at- tend. The Christian Science Organiza- tion will hold its regular Tuesday eve- ning service at 8:15 in the Chapel of the League. Coming Events The ICC Education Committee will present a talk by Professor Throop of the History Department: The His- torical Difficulties of Social Reform, at the Muriel. Lester Cooperative, 1102 Oakland, on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m. Everyone is cordially in- vited. There will be a bull session and refreshments afterwards. Flying Club: There will be an n- portant business meeting Wednesday, Feb. 6, in Room 1042 East Engineer- ing Building at 7:30 p.m. All stu- dents and members of the faculty are invited to attend. A.S.M.E. There will be a meeting of Michigan University Branch of the American Society of Mechanical En- gineers3on Wednesday, Feb. 6, in Room 319 of the Union. Mr. Fred Miller, personnel executive of the Ford Motor Co., will discuss the en- gineer hiring and training program of the Ford Motor Co. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. All interested are invited to attend. "Beggar Oi Horseback," comedy by Se(o rge Kxaufman and Marc Connelly, will be presented by Play Production of the department of speech Thursday through Saturday evening in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Students will be given a special rate on tickets for Thursday night and Saturday matinee. The theatre box office is open daily from 10-1, 2-5, phone 6300. A. I. E. E. The annual banquet for local members and faculty will be held Thursday, Feb. 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the Smith Catering Service. Tickets may be obtained from A. I. E. E. offi- cers and other representatives. Lit Sociedad isnc. The next lecture in the Spanish series will be held on Thursday, Feb. 7, at 8 p.m., in Kellogg Auditorium. Sta. Eva DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN :f TAKE hope, you veterans attending school under the GI Bill of Rights -those subsistence checks are on the way and, the Veterans Administra- tion promises, you'll get them regu- larly and on time from here out. A three-month backlog of checks has finally been cleaned up, the VA says, as the result of an order from Gen- eral Omar Bradley, Veterans Admin- istrator, putting all available people on that job. -PM Victory Loan, Victory Bond money will buy arti- ficial limbs for the legless and arm- less. Get your money into this worthy cause. hy Crockett Johnsort The ScarletLetter? By N O'Malley Hawthorne? Excellent. An inspired suggestion. We will go That is... your Fairy Godfather will start the cameras grinding as soon as