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February 05, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-05

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Student Officers;
Chosen by Union,
Sphinx, League


Asks '

ppropriations Cut;

Students Propose New Constitution

Group To Return
To Pre-war BasisI
Bob Callihan was elected secretary
of Sphinx, junior men's honorary
society, and Dick Roeder was elected
treasurer at the first formal meet-
ing of the year Sunday.
In line with the society's plans
to become active on a pre-war scale,
President Dick Fritz appointed a
social committee consisting of Hank
Keiser, Jack Gore and Julian With-
erspoon, and named Duncan Noble
and Archie Parsons to the historical
commiftee, which compiles and cod-
ifies the Sphinx records.
Plans to hold a dance at the be-
ginning of next semester, possibly in
conjunction with one of the engi-
neering honoraries, were formulated
at the meeting and arrangements for
bringing in faculty guest speakers
were discussed.
Recently initiated medibers, who
attended their first meeting, are:
Pete Elliott, football; Jack Mark-
ward, baseball; Duncan Noble, golf;
Bill Cortright, wrestling; Heini Kess-
ler, swimming; Dick Roeder, the
Union; Jack Gore, SOIC; Hank
Keiser, The Daily; Val Johnson,
Julian Witherspoon and Archie Par-
sons, track, and Bob Callihan, foot-
New Post Is Filed
Appointment of Nancy Tressel,
Alpha Gamma Delta, to the newly
created senior position of League
Council personnel chairman, was
announced yesterday by the Council.
Heading the spring orientation
program for freshman will be Mar-
gery Harrington, Betsy Barbour. Lois
Iverson, Alpha Delta Pi, was ap-
pointed chairman of transfer orien-
Junior personnel assistants ap-
pointed were Nancy Loud, Martha
kook, and Patricia Williams, Delta
Senior Society
Selects Members
Martha Bradshaw and Marilyn
Mason, both of Martha Cook Build-
ing, were tapped for membership by
Senior Society yesterday.
Miss Bradshaw is president of
Martha Cook and of the Russian
Club. Last year she was a member
of Martha Cook Council and played
a leading role in Junior Girls' Play.
Miss Mason is a member of the
SRA executive council, is sergeant-
at-arms of Sigma Alpha Iota, music
honorary, and choir director of the
Presbyterian Guild. She was vice-
president of the guild last semester.
Union To Open
Sacred Portals
At openH ouse
Michigan coeds will have thei
once-a-year chance to break campu
tradition at the annual Union Oper
House from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday.
Barred by custom and George
Johnson, the Union doorman, coes
are usually prevented from using the
Union front door, and even with es-
corts are directed to enter and leave
the building by the north entrance
Both barriers, however, will be re-
laxed Saturday.
Featuring the affair will be a gen-
eral campus mixer in the Union ball-
room throughout the afternoon. Me
and women dancers may attend the
party with or without dates.
Primarily a men's club, the Union

will throw all its facilities open tc
coeds, who will be allowed to roan
the building at will, investigating thi
billiard room, the bowling alleys, th(
Pendleton Library, the Tap Roon
and even the kitchens if they so de-
Lattimore Will
Speak on Asia
Owen Lattimore, author of the re

Roeder To Heada
iMichigan Union
Richard G. Roeder, NROTC, and
Harold L. Walters, '47E, have been
chosen president and recording sec-
rectary, respectively, of the Michigan
Union for the spring term, it was
announced yesterday by the Union
Executive Council.
The new officers, who succeed
Sanford Perlis and Wayne Bartlett,
both of whom are being graduated
at the end of this term, will assume
office immediately. Their new posi-
tions will be officially recognized at
the Union Administration Staff Ban-
quet Saturday in the Anderson
Joined Staff In 1943
Roeder, whose home is in Snyder,
N.Y., joined the Union staff in 1943
and, except for one year with a
Naval Training program away from

Union president..*.
Sphinix treasurer

200 Petition
For Revised
A' student-elected congress and a
abinet comprising stipulated offi-
ers of that congress are the main
features of a constitution which a
group of students has submitted to
he Student Affairs Committee as a
counter-proposal to the one drawn
p by representatives of campus or-
yanizations and publshed in The
Daily last week.
Two hundred students have indi-
cated in a petition addressed to the
ommittee that they wish both docu-
ments to appear on the ballot which
will be voted upon by the student
body early next summer.
Proposes Direct Representation
Expressing the belief, in a letter
which appears on Page 2 of today's
Daily, that "the Forum-Council Con-
titution previously published does
not answer the need for student self-
rule on this campus," the group has
proposed that a congress consisting
of one representative for every 400
students be the main student govern-
ing body.
This proposal differs from the pre-
viously published constitution, which
provided for an eight-member coun-
cil, elected by the student body, rep-
resenting each of the campus organi-
Criticizing this arrangement, the
letter asserts that "the minimum re-
quirements for candidacy guarantee
that the Council would consist of
people who are already active in es-
tablished campus organizations. The
Forum would be composed entirely of
heads or representatives of other or-
ganizations; it would be one more su-
perstructure on the bewildering pyra-
mid of interlocking organizations
which already exists at Michigan."
Petitions For Nominees
According to the last proposed con-
stitution, any academically eligible
student presenting a petition bearing
50 names might run for the congress,
the principal functions of which
would be to "express student opinion,
coordinate student activities and
delegate representatives to all joint
student-faculty bodies."
The congress would also formulate
a campus calendar, publish a hand-
book explaining University rules and
the campus form of student govern-
ment, handle correspondence with
other schools concerning student ac-
tivities, and initiate student enter-
tainment and benefits.
Judiciary Council Out
In each of the plans the Men's Ju-
diciary Council functions, including
-supervision of campus elections,
would be taken over by one of the
proposed bodies.
A diagram of the organization just
proposed appears in adjoining col-
umns, while the text of the consti-
tution appears on Page 4.
House Forges
Anti-Labor Bill
Refuses To Scrap
Labor Legislation
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4-()--The
House overwhelmingly repulsed today
a move to scrap all pending labor leg-
islation and forged ahead with con-
sideration of sweeping strike-control
A 130 to 42 standing vote defeated
a surprise parliamentary move by
Rep. Celler (D-NY) to kill the pend-
ing bills by striking out all their pro-
visions except the introductory "en-
acting clause." Cellar said his aim
was to forestall "hasty" and "bad"

The vote was the first chance foes
of far-reaching strike curbs had to
test their strength and it indicated
they would not get far when a final
vote comes, probably Wednesday.
One of the bills on which the House
will be called upon to express its sen-
timent was introduced by Rep. Case
(R-SD), with the backing of a strong
group of Republicans and Democrats
It would set up a national media-
tion board with power to stepkintc
major disputes and forbid strikes of
lockouts for thirty days. The board
could obtain injunctions against labor


« .

(Seven members elect ed from membership of
the Congress to act as the executive body)

(Members elected by proportional representation from
the entire student body)
fin l
(All classes in all colleges)




Purchase of Liquor by Minors
In Local Taverns Outlawed

In accordance with an ordinance
passed by the Ann Arbor Common
Council last night, it will be a crimi-
nal offense for minors to purchase or
attempt to purchase intoxicating liq-
uors in local taverns starting next
The council also waved any claims
it may have to rights at the Willow
Run Airport, which the University is
seeking to acquire, at the meeting.
Effective In Ten Days
The liquor law is designed to place
responsibility for illegal liquor sales
on minors as well as tavern owners,
who have borne complete responsi-
bility up to this time. It will become
effective ten days after its legal pub-
lication this week.
Prof. John B. Waite of the Law
School spoke against the ordinance
from the floor of the Council Cham-
ber audience section. He claimed that
the law would indirectly make it eas-
ier for minors to buy liquor and that
it would have harmful consequence
because minors convicted under it
would have criminal records there-
The law also makes illegal misrep-
resentation of age to any law enforce-
ment officer investigating liquor sales
or to any seller of liquor in order to
obtain alcoholic beverages.
The alderman who voiced the only
dissenting vote on the waiver resolu-
tion protested the University's action
to acquire Willow Run without having
mentioned it to the University-Coun-
cil joint committee on the City Air-
port. "I don't think, at the very least,
that it's courteous," he said.
The council was informed by Al-
Garg Ou Tomorrow
Dressed in an arresting bright
blue cover, the second issue of the
new Gargoyle will appear through-
out -the campus tomorrow morning.
Broad-minded students ,have con-
tributed reams of copy which says the
staff, will make the new Garg, the
funniest thing seen here in years.

derman Shirley Smith, that Vice-
President Robert Briggs has said that
the University is now ready to turn
Eber White Woods over to the city
without any strings attached. It had
formerly sought 24 acres at the City
Approval was given by the council
to a proposal that an officer, to work
with the police department, be ap-
pointed to try to lessen local juvenile
Gov. SamnFord
Orders Return
Of Mrs, Ward
Commenting on the extradition of
Mrs. Julia May Ward by Gov. Sam.
Ford of Montana after a three month
verbal skirmish on the case, Prose-
cutor John Rae said yesterday that
as far as he is concerned "right
has triumphed -in the first step of
l this case".
In reference to Ford's statement
that he had refused two earlier re-
quests for Mrs. Ward's return be-
cause he was "convinced the com-
plaint was insufficient in law," Rae
said that the original extradition re-
quest was approved as to form by
attorneys-general of both Michigan
and Montana.
HELENA, Mont., Feb. 4-(P) -
Gov. Sam Ford today ordered the
extradition to Washtenaw County,
Mich., of Mrs. Julia May Ward, to
face perjury charges in her divorce
action against Pvt. Nobel W. Ward.
The governor said he had refused
two earlier requests for Mrs. Ward's
return to Michigan because he was
"convinced the complaint was in-
sufficient in law." He said Michigan
authorities had "failed in an attempt
to bring pressure to bear on me to
grant the extradition" and now had
filed a new complaint "which in my
opinion is sufficient."

Pointing out in their statement to
the legislature that "teaching stand-
ards in many departments andthe
educational position of the Univer-
sity are imperiled by obsolescence
and crowded conditions," the Board
of Regents had requested money for
the construction of the following
An engineering building addi-
tion, $1,750,000; a new business
administration building, $1,800,000;
a chemistry building addition,
$1,250,000; and a maternity hos-
pital, $900,000.
The Regents also requested $400,-
000 to meet increased construction
costs for the general service build-
ing, approved last spring, and $450,-
000 for extension of service connec-
tions to the proposed new buildings.
Educational facilities, which Uni-
versity administrators represent-
ing the construction needs to the
legislature said had been overtaxed
since before 1929, will be even, more
inadequate when the enrollment
jumps to an estimated 14,000 for
the spring semester.
The effect of insufficient facilities
on veteran education was described
by President Alexander G. Ruthven
in a letter which accompanied the
Regents' statement to the legislature
Dec. 4:
"Lack of classroom space and in-
adequate laboratory facilities is seri-
ously handicapping the University in
its effort to give the returning vet-
eran the educational opportunity he
has a right to expect."
Kelly's program also called for a
$2,700,000 appropriation to Michi-
gan State College and to Waynr
Gov. Kelly's proposal would spend
all of the state's estimated $27,600,000
surplus for the current biennium. He
recommended creation of a $50,000,-
000 veterans trust fund to insure all
ex-servicemen in Michigan against
future need and asked appropriation
of $21,738,000 for educational and
health programs throughout the state.
Kelly's proposals were met with
mixed reactions as administration
supporters hailed his address as
"comprehensive" and "basic," while
many in both Republican and
Democratic ranks expressed dis-
satisfaction. They called the pro-
gram "fonusing" or "expensive,"
and claimed it included items bet-
ter left to a regular session.
The proposed veterans trust fund
would be administered by a board
consisting of two persons nominated
by each of the American Legion, the
Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the
Disabled American Veterans. He
added that if other veteran's organi-
zations grow, they can later be added
to the board.

Deadline Today
For All JHop
Tickets Can Be Bought
At Union Travel Desk
Ticket applications for J-Hop may
be filed from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
today at the Travel Desk of the Un-
ion, according to George Spaulding,
ticket chairman.
This will be the final day for appli-
cations. Tommy Dorsey, his orches-
tra, Stuart Foster on the vocals, and
the Sentimentalists, will be featured
at the Hop, scheduled from 10 p.m.
to 2 a.m. Friday, March 8, at the In-
tramural Building.
Proceeds For Charity
Proceeds from the dance will be
donated to the University of the Phil-
ippines and the American Red Cross.
This will be the first J-Hop in the
history of the University to be spon-
sored solely for charity purposes.
Identification cards and a self-ad-
dressed envelope should be presented
at the time of ticket application. Only
one blank may be filled out per per-
son. In the event that applications
exceed the number of tickets avail-
able, tickets will be allotted first to
juniors, seniors and underclassmen in
that order.
Reply cards will be mailed to all ap-
plicants within one week, and all
students receiving acceptance cards
may present them to purchase J-Hop
tickets. Tickets will be paid for when
Novel Decoration And Programs
Although extravagant plans for the
Hop were curtailed to allow more
funds for charity, decorations will
follow an unusual theme, and pro-
grams and the J-Hop Extra of The
Daily will replace favors.
Dances at the League, Union and
fraternity houses will be approved for
Saturday, March 9, according to Jos-
eph A. Bursley, Dean of Students. No
private parties will be approved for
Friday night.
Reds Threaten
To Invoke Veto
In UNO Council
LONDON, Feb. 4-P)-Russia to-
night injected the right of veto for
the first time into the debate in the
United Nations Security Council on
the issue of British troops in Greece.
But the Council-adjourned until to-
morrowwithout reaching a decision.
The council session became stalled
over an Egyptian resolution which
would have stated that the British
forces in Greece did not menace
Andrei Vishinsky, Chief Russian
delegate and Vice.Commissar of For-
3ign Affairs, sought to invoke a pro-
vision of the United Nations Charter
under which the Big Five would have
to vote unanimously on the Egyptian
move to settle the case. Thus he ap-
parently attempted to prevent adop-
,ion of the Egyptian proposal or any
ther resolution which would meet
the British demand for a "clean bill"
for British forces in Greece.
After long debate, Russia suddenly
withdrew the demand that the coun-
cil compel Britain to order her troops
from troubled Greece-and asked in-
stead only assurance that they would
leave "as soon as possible."
Bowles Seeks

Govenor ouldSlash,
Request b $12,000,000
Approval by Legislature Would Mean
Reduction of Emergency Building Plan
Plans for an extensive five-year expansion program and even for an
emergency building program were jolted yesterday when the University's
request for a $15,000,000 share of the State's $27,600,000 surplus fund met a
sharp rebuff at the hands of Gov. Harry Kelly.
Recommending appropriations of but $3;300,000 to the University for
buildings, Gov. Kelly automatically outlawed the present outline for imme-
diate construction of classrooms and laboratories would cost an esti-
mated $6,500,000.-1_

Union secretary ...
the University, he has served with
the staff ever since. Now a junior,
his major is in actuarial mathe-
ma tics.
Transferred back to Michigan last
summer, Roeder was appointed
chairman of the Union Social Com-
mittee. In this capacity he has di-
rected special Union dances and the
last campus Christmas party.
Engineering Major
Walters, a native of Canton, 0.,
is majoring in mechanical en-
gineering and joined the adminis-
trative staff in 1944. He has served
as chairman of the House Commit-
tee and, during this semester, as
chairman of the Campus Affairs
Play To Have
Three Day Run
Firestone, Stephenson
To Star in Comedy
Mary Firestone and Jim Bob Steph-
enson have the leading roles in Play
Production's presentation this week
of the Kaufman-Connelly comic hit,
"Beggar on Horseback."
The play, a dream fantasy, will be
presented at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Fri-



Vets Will Want New Curricula

By FRANCES PAINE be too popular. The use of audio-vis-
With fifty thousand veterans re- ual materials will increase."
turning to Michigan every month, the Many vets on campus will drop out
communities of the state and its Manse of the pressure of the aca-
state University are facing one of the bdemic life from which they have been
biggest tasks that ever confronted away for short or long periods. A sort
.them. Mike Church, coordinator of aa o hr rln eid.Asr
the.MkeCuhcrdntrf of separation center from the Univer-
the Detroit area for the state Office f sould be o erated for the pur-
of Veterans' Affairs and the Univer- sity could be opeatheeducational
cent Etension Service, said in a re- work which they will want to pick up
Church describes his work as "to in their home communities, he sug-
alert Detroit as to what the federal, gested.
staterand local resources for the In the realm of extension work,
veterans are." many VFW and American Legion
- ~ nnst co"mnped ntirely of World

tion to the factors which are making
more difficult the veterans' return to
normal positions in the communities.
The mefi have supposedly been guar-
anteed their old jobs by the Selective
Service Act. However, they lose this
right if the position was temporary,
if they are not still qualified to per-
form the duties, if they do not make
application for reemployment within
90 days after discharge, or if the em-
ployer's circumstances haiv so
changed as to make it impossible or
unreasonable to reinstate the veter-

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