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February 03, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-03

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_. _....

Starving A broad
Ma st Be Relieved
Acheson Says U. S. Must Sacrifice To
Alleviate Europe's Hunger Problem

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 - Un-
dersecretary of State Dean Acheson
said today that the people of this'
country must increase their sacrifices
to relieve starvation in Europe "even
if it means a return to wartime con-
ditions in some sectors of our econ-
"We've won the war," he said in
an' NBC network broadcast spon-
Bcalte.. .
(Continued from Page 1)
their members asking them why they
had not foreseen the-tremendous bur-
den of work that would be placed on
the VA and why they had not in-
sisted long ago that adequate provi-
sion be made. The plain fact is that
for the past 20 years of Gen. Frank T.
Hines' administration there was no
responsible criticism from the Legion
of inefficiency and backwardness of
the VA. When the situation ap-
proached the proportions of a na-
tional scandal and was exposed as
such last winter by newspaper re-
porters and by the AVC, forcing Gen.
Hines' resignation, the Legion imme-
diately issued strong criticism of the
VA, and hailed the appointment of
Gen. Bradley.
"Gen. Bradley inherited an enor-
mous headache cramped quarters,
insufficient personnel, woefully in-
adequate hospital facilities, and a
tremendous backlog of work that had
to be done quickly in order to pro-
vide an efficient service for veterans.
He has moved with determination
and vigor towards the solutions of
many of the problems which beset
him, but not even the most 'seasoned
business man' in America could have
eliminated the antiquated and inef-
ficient methods which had grown up
in the 20 years during which the Le-
gion was apparently quite satisfied
with the conduct of the VA's affairs.
"Again it is necessary to state the
plain fact that the standards of
medical care in the VA have ad-
vanced farther in the past six
months under Gen. Bradley and
Gen. Hawley then they advanced in
20 years under the watchful eye of
the American Legion. Doctors
throughout the country have for
the first time been able to feel some
confidence that the medical prac-
tices of the VA were improving;
and I should like to state cata-
forically that if the Legion succeeds
through its high pressure tactics in
forcing Gen. Bradley to resign,
Gen. Paul Hawley will go out the
windIow with him, and so will the
best hope of the American veterans
for adequate and modern medical
"On behalf of the AVC, I call on
the Congress to reject this petty and
partisan attempt to smear a great
soldier who is doing a great job for
the veterans of the war. If Congress
wants to investigate, let it investigate
the causes for the piling up of inade-
quacies and confusion over the past
20 years which landed the VA in the
sorry state from which Gen. Bradley
is now trying to rescue it."

sored by the State Department.
"We can't afford to let hunger and
starvation defeat us now." But he
acknowledged that there will be
some starvation in Europe this win-
ter despite all our efforts to prevent
Acheson's appeal was made as the
White House arranged for a full-scale
review of the food situation at next
Tuesday's cabinet meeting and after
Secretary of Agriculture Anderson
called upon farmers, in a radio talk,
to cut down on the feeding of grain to
cattle, hogs and poultry.
The short supply of grains raised
the possibility of drastic changes
in food allotments and even of a
return to rationing of meat. A poor
growing season next spring and
summer would force a sharp liqui-
dation in livestock numbers and a
reduced supply of meats.
John B. Huston, Undersecretary of
Agriculture, who participated in the
discussion with Acheson, said that
unless we can greatly increase our
foreign shipments of wheat, we may
have to choose between these alterna-
Jves; "Trying to limit the starvation
to Germany, thereby running the
danger of imperiling our whole occu-
pation program or spreading the sup-
ly thinly everywhere, with the result
that there will be starvation on a
:smaller scale throughout Europe,
even in the countries of our allies."
Acheson said the short supply
countries between now and July 1
will need 17,000,000 tons of wheat
from outside.
"The situation is so bad in some
countries," he said, "that there is only
M-nough wheat and flour for a two
weeks supply of bread."
He added:
"Skillful diplomacy is an empty
phrase when you are dealing with a
eople who face starvation. If the
people of Europe are hungry and dis-
llusioned, democracy will suffer."
Food Probe.. .
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2- (P) - A
congressional investigation of short-
ages of butter and other dairy pro-
ducts will be started Feb. 1.
Chairman Pace (D-Ga.) of a spe-
.ial House committee to investigate
food shortages announced today his
group will make the inquiry.
Pace added that other hearings
will be held later regarding short-
ages of wheat, other grains and

(Continued from Page 1)
To alleviate the situation, the
Board of Regents has asked the State
Legislature to provide $15,300,000 for
a five year building program. It is
planned that $6,550,000 of this sum
would be earmarked for emergency
needs for special services to veterans.
U' Aid Endors...
Official endorsement of the Uni-
versity's request for funds to provide
extensive additions to classroom
space has been given by Governor
Harry S. Kelly.
Calling a special session of the,
State Legislature to meet tomorrow,
Governor Kelly has asked the Legis-
lature to deal with emergency prob-
lems affecting veterans, education,
mental hospitals, and lesser require-
ments of state agencies.
The Governor has also endorsed
the demands of Wayne University for
additional funds for expansion, but
he did not indicate a decision on the
plan that the State acquire Wayne
University from the Detroit Board of
Earlier Governor Kelly announced
that he would ask the lawmakers to
establish a $51,000,000 trust fund to
insure war veterans against need at
any time in the future.
Tomorrow's session will be the
fourth special session called by the
Governor in his two terms in office, a
total believed by legisiative officials
to be a record.
Illinois Makes Appeal .. .
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2--(M-Pleas
for relief of the housing shortage at
the University of Illinois will be car-
ried tonSecretary of War Patterson
and Gen. Omar N. Bradley, head of
the Veterans Administration, early
next week.
With admissions to the Univer-
sity already restricted because of a
shortage of accommodations, offi-
cials want the War Department eith-
er to remove Air Force personnel
from the Champaign-Urbana area to
nearby Chanute Field, or to let stu-
dents use barracks at the field.
Hard-Working' Vet
May Go To Bradley
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Feb. 2-
(J)-Charles M. Samalot, 39-year-old
war veteran who charged he lost his
job at a local brewery because he
"worked too hard," said today he
would carry his case direct to vet-
erans Administrator Omar N. Brad-
ley in Washington if necessary to
get back his job.
Samalot said he would hitch-hike
to the nation's capital Monday un-
less Clarence Case, Director of the
Kent County Veterans' Counseling
Center, decides in his favor by that

Conspiracy To
.blot Out War
Tip-off Charged,
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2-Capt. L. F."
Safford told Pearl Harbor investiga-
tors today that 'there is the appear-
ance" of a War and Navy Depart-
mnent conspiracy to blot out receipt'
of a tip-off on war with Japan.
The Naval officer, in charge of in-
telligence in Naval communications
in 1941, based his assertion on what
he described as the disappearance of
records on messages intercepted by
east coast radio monitoring stations
for the month of December, 1941. The
Japanese hit the Pacific base Dec. 7.
In disagreement with numerous
earlier witnesses, Safford insisted he
had seen an intercepted and decoded
Japanese message, three days before
the attack, which included the words
"East wind, rain." Those words, un-
der a Japanese code known here,
would have advised Tokyo's agents
abroad of a break with the United
Safford asserted that such a mes-
sage was picked up by the Chelten-
ham, Md., station on Dec. 4, and "at
least 20" officers knew about it.
'Committee counsel Seth Richard-
son said flatly he didn't believe there
was any such message.

By The Associated Press
MINDEN, Germany, Feb. 2-Two
of Germany's leading atomic scien-
tists said today that Germany knew
the secret of harnessing atomic
energy in 1941, but was industrially
and financially powerless to apply
the discovery in producing bombs.'
Prof. Otto Hahn, director of the
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Chem-
istry in Berlin, and Dr. Werner Heis-
enberg, director of the Kaiser Wil-
helm Institute of Physics, told in an
interview of Germany's atomic ex-
periments during the war. They said,
that Hitler, as early as 1939, had
urgecd research aimed at atomic bomb
Hahn and Heisenberg, both No-
bel prize winners, are living with
six colleagues in a steam-heated
billet provided by the British with-
in 15 miles of British headquarters.
Hahn, 66, who with his co-workers
recently returned to Germany from
England where they were taken soon
after the war's end, received the
Nobel prize for chemistry, last De-
cember. The award-which he won
in 1944 but could not accept because
of the war-was presented to him
for discovery of a method of break-
ing the heavy atom nucleus. He said

the work was done in 1939, with the
results published at that time and
thus made available to other scien-
Heisenberg, 44, won the 1932 Nobel
prize for physics. He was head of
the German scientific research work
on nuclear energy during the war.
He told this story:
"When the war started, Hahn
and myself along with other scien-
tists were called in by German
military officials and asked what
we thought the possibility was of
producing an atomic bomb.
"They were extremely concerned
that America or England would make
the bomb first, and use it against
Germany for, with the publication
of Hahn's discoveries, the secret was

German Scientists Knew Atom Secret in'41

out. We said we must first do re-
search to see if atomic energy could
be captured under the fission pro-
cess of Hahn's.
"In 1940 we came to the con-
clusion that it was possible to
harness power for driving ma-
chines, but that under the pre-
vailing conditions in Germany it
was impossible to turn this power
into bombs.
"By the end of 1941, we completed
an atomic energy machine at Leip-
zig and further experiments proved
conclusively that we could win atomic
power from ordinaryuuranium.
"Thus we had the secret of har-
nessing atomic energy but were un-
able to apply it because of shortages
of manpower and material."



WANTED: Student help. Dinners
only. League House, 1108 Hill.
Please call 4450 or see Suzanne
time University employee. Garage
is desirable but not vital. Walter,
Phone 5539.
WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or
house, two or three bedrooms.
Three adults, one-year-old child.
W. J. Mason, 23-24-1.
DOES ANYONE want a slave for
life? Just call Janet, 8377, and say
you found her silver Gruen watch,
lost on campus Monday.
LOST: "Eng. Materials" by White,
lecture notebook with return ad-
dressron cover. Rewardn!
LOST: Brown leather wallet, ident
card and $21.00. Reward. Contact
Rosemarie Young, 2-4561.
LOST: Red billfold on campus.j
Finder please return identification,
to Edna Lofstedt 1520 S. Univer-
sity. Phone 22569.
LOST: Book entitled "Trees and
Toadstools" by M. C. Rayner, Fri-
day Jan. 25 on South State Street
between Wahr's bookstore and the
Rexall drug store. Finder please
return to University General Li-

LOST: Green wallet, including iden-
tification. Leave at League desk
or phone 2-5180. Kate Lloyd.
LOST: Brown leather wallet, miss-
ing from coat on 5th floor of Bur-
ton Tower, Friday afternoon. Con-
tained important identification.
Notify Ann Lawrence, 443 Mosher,
or phone 2-4561.

ALL Errs on detailed work
. very feminine, very
flattering with accents on
detailed work are these
little numbers . . . wear
them, they're the keynotes
of date success


FOR SALE: New Army officers' field
jacket. Never worn. Button-in lin-
ing. Size 38. Regular and other of-
ficer's clothing. Phone 3524.
FOR SALE: Practically new long,
black evening wrap. Bunny fur
hood. Size 14. Call 4693.
apartment on first floor; second
floor now rented at $60 per month;
large lot; fine location.
10-ROOMS on Geddes Avenue; one
block to campus.
6-ROOM BRICK beyond city limits;
Southeast section; excellent condi-
For additional information call eve-
nings, DeVries 3670; Heger 23702.
604 Wolverine Building
PHONE 2-3249
HAVE YOUR typewriters, adding
machines, calculators repaired.
Work guaranteed. Office Equip-
ment Service, 1111 S. 4th Avenue.
Phone 2-1213.



Sketched: Charming de-
sign with emphasis on
pocket and neck detail
accented with a brightly
colored belt. 25.00





SUNDAY, FEB. 3, 1946
8:05-Organ Music
8:15-Jack Connor Trio
8:30-Freddie Martin
9:00-Thomas Peluso
9:30-Ave Maria Hour
10:15-Michigan Highway
10:30-Henry Busse
10:45-Sportsman Guide

11:05-Rev. C. A. Braver
St. Paul's Lutheran
Church Service
12:05-Do You Remember
12:15-Carol Gilbert
12:30-Concert Hall of the
12:45-Bible Hour
1;15-Boy Scouts of
\ America
1:30-Moments of Devotion
1:40-Leo Erdody

2:05-Symphonic Selections
3:05-California Harmonies
3:30-wake Up America
4:05-Johnny Herbered and
4:30-Boston Blackie
5:15-Carlos Molina
5:30-Frankie Masters
5:45-Veterans' Counsel-
ing Service




Shows Today
1:00 -3:30-56:15 -8:50


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