PAixE TWO THDE -MICHIGAN DAILY S:1T tJl fi A , FEBRUT 1 RX Z, 1946 PAGFL TWO SATURL~AY FEBRUARY 2, 1946 GM Meeting To Recess for Dewey, Schwellenbach Parley Highlights On Campus DREAM FANTASY: Coed To Stage Pantomimes For Play Production Comedy By The Associated Press DETROIT, Feb. 1-General Motors Corp. and the CIO United Auto Work- ers seeking a settlement of the two and one-half months old strike in the corporation's 96 plants recessed their conferences this afternoon to permit James F. Dewey, special mediator, to return to Washington for a meeting with Secretary Schwellenbach. Issue of Wages Dewey said the negotiations will be resumed here on Monday, but did not disclose what his discussions with the Labor secretary would involve. .The big issue of-wages-in-which Board Confirms N.ine Faculty Appointments (Continued from Page 1) v of Literasture, Science, and the Arts; Assistant Prof. Robert M. Thrall, of+ the Department. of Mathematics of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, effective March 1; and Dr. George Hammond, assistant pro- fessor of surgery in the section of Orthopedic Surgery in the Medical School; William H. Stubbins, in- structor in wind instruments in the School of Music; Henry D. Brown,. assistant curator of the Michigan Historical Collections, effective March 1; Walter C. Sadler, professor of civil engineering; and Jesse Or- mondroyd, professor of engineering mechanics. Henry L. Kohler, assistant pro- fessor of mechanica 1 engineering; Franklin L. Everett, assistant pro- fessor of engineering mechanics; Alan S. Foust, assistant professor of chemical engineering; Arvon L. Da- vies, instructor in civil engineering; and William C. Truckenmiller, in- structor in metal processing, from service in the Navy. Those appointed by the Regents yesterday are the following: Dr. Robert Cooke Kimbrough, Jr. as Assistant Prof. of Internal Med- icine in the Medical School; Doug- las Anderson Hayes, as instructor in finance in the School of Business Administration, effective March 4; and Dr. James B. Griffin, curator of archaeology in the Museum of An- thropology, as director of the Mu- seum of Anthropology, for a two- year period starting Feb. 1, 1946. Dr. Griffin has been the acting director since the resignation of Dr. Carl Guthe. Dr. Benjamin Juliar as Health Service Physician, effective Feb. 1; Dr. Daniel Edwards Jenkins, instruc- tor in the Department of Internal Medicine, as acting head of the Tu- berculosis Unit of the Department of Internal Medicine through June 30, to replace Dr. John B. Barnwell, ab- sent on -leave; and Andrew B. White as assistant professor of voice in the School of Music, for the Spring Term. Dr. Edgar F. Westrum, Jr., and Dr. Ralph L. Seifert as assistant profes- sors of chemistry in the Department of Chemistry. Both have been con- nected for several years with the Metallurgical Laboratory at the Uni- versity of Chicago. Wilbur K. Pierpont as one-half time special assistant professor of accounting in the School of Business Administration. 'U' Graduate Dies Frank A. Stivers, president of the Hoover Ball & Bearing Co. died in St. Joseph's Hospital Thursday night following a lengthy illness. Stivers, who received his LLB de- gree from the University in 1897, was 78 years old. the company has offered a 13%/2 cents an. hogr increase and the union has asserted it will not accept less than 191/2 cents-was not discussed today, the mVdiator said. "The company," said Dewey, "is taking the position that other mat- ters of controversy ought to be taken up before wages." The "other mat- ters"involve a sharp difference re- garding a maintenance-of-member- ship clause in the new contract, job transfers and activities of union stew- ards. The company wants no union membership maintenance stipulation in the contract and the UAW-CIO has insisted upon its inclusion. Better Feeling Dewey reported he noted a "better feeling between the parties," at to- day's conferences. The two earlier essions reportedly had witnessed sharp exchanges between the nego- tiators, with both sides represented as presenting a "tough" attitude on the issues in dispute. Absent from today's meeting was R. J. Thomas, UAW-CIO president, at the conclusion of yesterday's session Thomas announcedhewould not re- join the conferees "until there is some indicatidh that GM wants to settle tie strike." There was no statement from Gen- eral Motors, whose president, C. E., Wilson, thus far has remained away frcm the negotiations. Cooperation Needed In Washington today Reconversion Director John W. Snyder disclosed that he had told Henry Ford II, presi- dent of the Ford Motor Co., that abandonment of price control now would retard industrial development "for years to come." Ford. in a telegram this week had suggested to Snyder that price con- trols on automobile manufacturers and their suppliers be removed. Snyder wired Ford that price ceil- ings had been established on the basis of 1941 production volume and added: "If on that basis your ceilings prove inadequate, you will be entitled to an 'dju tment of your ceiling, prices." To, avoid "the national disaster of inflation," Snyder said, the adminis- tration would need cooperation of management, labor and the public "in maintaining price controls and in making them work." Filipino Pupils To Get Books Teaghers from -the Ann Arbor grade schools, in an endeavor to alleviate the shortage of books in the Philip- pines, are seeking contributions of discarded library and school books from their pupils. The search has been prompted as a result of a speech made before a group of grade school teachers by Major Fred Castro, who attended J.A.G. school at the University and who has recently returned from the Philippines. Major Castro revealed to the teachers the general dearth of books and stated that history and story books for boys, girls and adults would be appreciated. Contributions to date include a great surplus of arithmetic books, which, while they will be used, will not be able to be- come part of the children's library that they hope to start. The books will be shipped in about a month to the Manila YW.C.A. Ann Arbor school children are urged to bring in contributions to their teach- ers. Army Families Will Be . Allowed To Go Overseas. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1-(/P)-The War Department announced tonight that dependents of all ranks of Army personnel will be permitted to join them overseas, contingent upon the necessary housing, food and medical care being available for them. Italy is a long way from home when you're th youngest member of any USO troop that has gone over- seas and when some of your shows are given within 2,000 yards of ac- tual combat. The University is also a long way from home for Rosemary Myers, 20, a former overseas USO entertainer, who is enrolled as a sophomore in the literary college. It was in Hollywood, near her California home, that she was asked to join a Mediterranean- bound USO troop. After spending three months in New York, enter- taining in New York and New Jer- sey camps, the group with Rose- -ary included, complete with reg- ulation Armyinoculations and ex- aminations, left for Africa, Sicily and Italy in the spring of 1944. After touring various places ina Africa, such as Casablanca, French Morocco. Tunisia and Bizerte, the troupe went to Sicily, and from there to Rome two days after the Germans had deserted the town. She sang at the Anzio beachhead when it was still a beachhead. Following the Fifth Army 100 miles by jeep, the girls played to members of the 12th and 15th Army Air Forces from the backs of trucks or in outdoor theatres. The troop averaged two one-hour shows a day, and the only vacation they had, she said, was a week on the Isle of Capri, and "that was heaven." "'A Bell for Adano' ", she remark- ed, 'is an excellent portrayal of the Italian people. It truthfully repre- sents their attitude and action dur- ing the war." While overseas, and even while she was touring eastern camps, the troupe was under Army protection and Army regulations, she explained. Since she has come to the Uni- versity, she said that several vet- erans here have told her they heard her sing %in Italy or Sicily. Many of them remembered her as a pin-up girl they had chosen. Her brother, Terrell, is also at the University, working for his PhD. de- gree in organic chemistry. Accord- ing to Rosemary, that is her princi- pal reason for coming all the way from Whittier, Calif. to attend school here. Lutherans Will Hear Leaders Two Lutheran student leaders will be on campus this week-end as a part of the United Lutheran Church Board of Education's Christian Ser- vice Institute program being con-1 ducted at various leading universities and colleges. Dr. Carolus P. Harry, for the past 23 years one of the secretaries of the Board, and Miss Margaret Fry, pro- fessor of sociology at Wagner Col- lege (Staten Island, N.Y.), will speak at a meeting of the Lutheran Stu- dent Association at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. They will remain in Ann Arbor until Tuesday for personal inter- views with students. Any member of the National Lutheran Council may arrange for an interview by calling Rev. Henry O. Yoder at 7622. stassen, Luce Will. Help GM Families NEW YORK, Feb. 1-(AP)-Harold E. Stassen, former Governor of Min- nesota, and Henry R. Luce, publisher of Time, Life and Fortune magazines, have joined the national committee to aid families of General Motors strikers, the committe has announc- ed. The commititee, which claims to be impartial in a the dispute between General Motors and striking mem- bers of the CIO United Automobile Workers, was, organized early this month by a group of writers, politi- cal leaders and clergymen. CHILEAN RIOT VICTIMS-Victims of a bloody dash between police and labor demonstrators lie in a street in Santiago, Chile, after the battle stopped. Six persons lost their lives in the riot. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Buenos Aires). Former Pin-Up Girl Relates Exp,'eiences in Overseas USO (.T Aiton Elected Chairman Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the his- ory department was elected chair- man of the Advisory Committee of the Latin American Society at a ommittee meeting Tuesday, Jan. 29 in the International Center. Other members of this committee include Dr. Hayward Keniston, dean of the literary college, Dr. Esson M. Gale, counselor to foreign students and director of the International Center, Prof. Frank O. Copley of the Latin department and director of admissions with advance standing and Prof. Irving Leonard of the Spanish department. Spanish Movie Today ... "Dona Barbara", Spanish film with English subtitles, will be shown for the last time at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. The film is being presented under the auspices of the Art Cinema League and La Sociedad Hispanica. Hillel Circus Mixer . . "A Night at the Circus" has been chosen as the theme for the final mixer to be held at 8:30 p.m. today at B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Dancing, refreshments, games, and entertainment will be features of the party. Lane Hall Lunchieon1 . . Cocmaraswamy's book on Hindu- ism and Buddhism will be discussed by Prof. James M. Plumer of the fine arts department at a luncheon to be held at 12:15 p.m. today at Lane Hall. All students interested are invit- ed to attend. Initiation To Be Hfeld by Sphinx Sphinx, Junior men's honorary so- ciety, will initiate 12 new members at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. Foregoing the usual "hell week" type of initiation, Sphinx will form- ulate plans for rejuvenating the or- ganization, according to Dick Fritz, president. Fritz estimated that eight or more active members, including several veterans, are now on campus. The following activities men will be initiated: Bob Callahan and Pete Elliot, foot- ball; Val Johnson, Julian Wither- spoon and Archie Parsons, track; Jack Markward, basketball; Duncan Noble, golf; Dick Cortwright, wrest- ling; Heini Kessler, swimming; Dick Roeder, Union; Hank Keiser, The Daily, and Jack Gore, SOIC. Fritz urged all Sphinx men on campus, whether active or inactive, to attend the meeting. Release of Doctors Sped by Point Cut WASHINGTON, Feb. 1--)-The War Department cut the discharge points today to permit the progres- sive release of an additional 7,000 doctors and dentists from the Army by mid-summer. Their place will be taken largely by more than 5,000 young Medical Reserve Officers who were called to active duty last month from hospital service as internes and resident phy- sicians. Secretary of War Patterson said the move was due partly to "the pub- lic necessity for the return of doctors and dentists to their communities." Jeanne Parsons of Saline, Mich. is staging the pantomime and ar- ranging the choreography for at- tendant dances in the dream fantasy, "Beggar on Horseback," to be given by Play Production of the Depart- ment of Speech Feb. 7,. , and 9. Jeanne will be remembered for her dancing and dance arrangements in "The Steadfast Tin Soldier," offered by the Children's Theatre last year. Genius Dreams The Kaufman - Connelly comedy, based on the fantastic images per- ceived by a musical genius in his dreams, has 15 scenes of pantomime, music and dancing. Neil McRae, unable to fulfill his musical ambitions because of pov- erty, decides to marry rich Gladys lady and is haunted by the prospect of his wedding. In his dreams of the wedding he sees his bride's bou- quet is of bank notes, her father wears golf knickers to the formal wedding and at the reception, when Neil tries to play for the guests, the music turns into jazz under his fin- gers. Comedy of 192's Produced on Broadway in the early twenties, the comedy has since been a favorite in stock and on the road. Performances will' be given at 8:30 p.m. each day of the showing in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre with a special matinee at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 9. A special rate for students will be offered for the Thursday evening and Saturday matinee performances. Tickets will go on gale at the theatre box office Monday. Williow Run Dorms House 58 Veterans Fifty-eight single veterans are now living at Willow Village in the dormi- tories recently allocated to the Uni- versity by the FPHA, Mrs. Esther C. Griffin, of the Dean of Students Of- fice announced yesterday. Letters and applications from. an additional 200 veterans for space in the dormitories are now on file, Mrs. Griffin said. Meanwhile, the Ann Arbor housing survey revealed that new accommo- dations for 150 are available in 101 residences. The survey was conducted to find housing for returned veterans and other students. iBuy Victory Bonds! Jeanne Parsons U' Policy " " " (.Continued from Page 1) The College's present probation policy is as follows: 1. A student whose average grade falls below 1.7 is automatically placed on probation. 2. A student on probation who earns an average grade of 2.0 or better the following semester is au- tomatically removed from proba- tion. 3. If a student on probation fails to receive at least an average of 2.0 the following semester, he is re- quired to withdraw. Dean Wells I. Bennett, of the Col- lege of Arichitecture and Design, de- clared the School was considering changes in its present probation pol- icy. The changes will be announced "early next week," Dean Bennett said Dean James B. Edmonson, of the School of Education, said that changes in the School's present pro- bation policy will be considered at the next meeting of the Administra- tive Committee. A survey of the renaining under- graduate schools and colleges of the University revealed that no other changes in probation policy are be- ing considered. t t e z" Continuous from 1 P.M. il CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MIICHIGAN Ending Today AROUND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG SAT, FEB. 2, 1946 11:05-Kiddies Party 2:05-John Kirby 7:30-Sleepyhead Serenade 11:30-Farm &_Home Hour 2:15-Melody on Parade 11:55-Hit Tunes 3:00--News 8:00.-News I.n.) V M 17i R~ WANTED STUDENT would like a ride each week Monday thru Saturday to and from West Dearborn. Phone Dear- born 0982. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: ROOM by full- time University employee. Garage is desirable but not vital. Walter, Phone 5539. WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or house, two 01 three bedrooms. Three adults, one-year-old child. W. J. Mason, 23-24-1. LOST AND FOUND WILL THE PERSON who walked off with a navy blue overcoat from the basement cloak room of the Law Library Saturday afternoon return same. Your old greenish-blue over- coat is still there. No questions asked. LOST : Of course it was picked up by accident--little round brown purse left on Greyhound bus stalled at Stadium and Packard 10:00 p.m. Sunday. Reward. Please return. Lucille Waldorf 2-2591.. LOST: Simulated pearls Tuesday eve- ning in or near State Theatre. Call 3582 days and 7292 evenings. Re- ward. DOES ANYONE want a slave for life? Just call Janet. 8377, and say you found her silver Gruen watch, lost on campus Monday. LOST: "Eng. Materials" by White, lecture notebook with return ad- dress on cover. Rewayd! LOST: Young female collie dog with collar. Reddish tan, no white. Sun- day night. Call 8079 - Buell. LOST: Brown leather wallet, ident card and $21.00. Reward. Contact Rosemarie Young, 2-4561. LOST: Red billfold on campus. Finder please return identification to Edna Lofstedt 1520 S. Univer- sity. Phone 22569. FOUND: Fountain pen on diagonal. Will be returned upon identifica- tion. Call 7438 between 10-12 p.m. FOR SALE FOR SALE: New Army officers' field jacket. Never worn. Button-in lin- ing. Size 38. Regular and other of- ficer's clothing. Phone 3524. HOUSES FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: 3-room apartment on first floor; second floor now rented at $60 per month; large lot; fine location. 10-ROOMS on Geddes Avenue; one block to campus. 6-ROOM BRICK beyond city limits; Southeast section; excellent condi- tion. For additional information call eve- nings, DeVries 3670; Heger 23702. H. J. McKERCHER 604 Wolverine Building PHONE 2-3249 S ,/ WUERTH Starting Wednesday -16K Ta BOL DY '.J 40M4 I brI E MPSE WILLARD FICK-T~ Coming, Sunday 11 I 8:15-Wake Up and Live 8:25-Outdoor Brevities 8:30-Musical Revelle 8 :55-News 9:00_1.Music Box 9:30-Popular Music 9:40-News 9:45-Moments of Melodies 10:00-News 10:05-Hawaiian Moods 10:15-Quiz 10:30-Broadway Melodies 10:40-Community Calendar 10:45-Waltz Time 12:00-News 12:15-Jesse Crawford 12:20-Spike Jomc 12:30-Along the SpOrtA Sidelines 12:45-Man on the rct 1:00-News 1:05-Salon Music 1:10-Organ Music (PQp.) 1:15-Front Page Drama 1:30-Tin Pan Alley Goes To Town 1:45--World of Song 2:00-News 11:00-News 3::)-vincent uoss j 3:15-Bob Crosby 3:30--Latin American Music 3:40--I1; Actually Happened 3:45-Trade Winds Tavern 4:00-News 4:15-Let's Dance 4:30-Eventide Echoes 4:45-Quiz 5:00,News 5:05-Music 5:15-Mystery Melodies 5:30-Little Show 5:45-Spotlight On The Stars J WORLUD NEWSs- I I JJ .W eekdays 25c 'tiL 5 p.m nNights & Sundays 30c Continuous) ailly from 1:30 P.M. TWIN BILL! STARTING SUNDAY! CUPID C1 S 0DUTS! ' ................. . University of Michigan Oratorical Association 1945-46 LECTURE COURSE p r sT itits OFWEpN LATTI OHRE' -,.^' ' ; ..gyp t 4' r ! r s '""' ' ^+ r i