THE MIiCHIGAN D.LET T# hbAY U Ar , r Fi iZ i% 4c N- _ --- _ WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Three- WayCabinet PolicyGroup u_._.. r aor em rrra u ,.. etter to the 6htor Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . .. . . . Associate Business gr. Telephone 23-241 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled -to-theouse for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. AU rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Qffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: ANN KUTZ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Building Plans THE UNIVERSITY'S post-war program of ex- pansion and improvement of facilities could well include construction of a hotel-type build- ing to house transient visitors to the University for its numerous conferences, institutes and short courses. This suggestion has been made by Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of the University Extension Service, who sees clearly in his work the need for such accommodations. At the recent Michigan Pastors' Conference only about 75 men could be accommodated at the Union. An attendance of 300 was ex- pected, and only a frantic last-minute comb- ing of Ann Arbor for rooms and an appeal to the churches found rooms for the 430 pastors who attended. Numerous conferences and institutions are held at the University throughout the year, and such gatherings are indeed an important func- tion of any institution of knowledge. While the Extension Service, by its very nature, is the chief sponsor of such conferences, they are also held by the Schools of Public Health, Medicine and Business Administration, and many other divisions. A building such as suggested could not only take care of those attending such conferences, which would be its chief function, but also the overflow of transient visitors from the Union and League. This would be especially welcome at times such as the May Festival. But it should essentially, Dr. Fisher feels, be a real center for adult education. A building of about 150 rooms, which could at top capacity accommodate 300 people, with meeting rooms for discussion and conference, was suggested. Its construction would be a self-liquidating venture. The number of con- ferences and gatherings of people from all over the state which are held even at the present time, would soon pay for the costs of building. -Frances Paine Relief from Hunger WHILE THE General Motors corporate levia- than fights it out with 200,000 workers in the longest strike in the history of the automo- bile industry, families of 40,000 strikes are faced with acute immediate want. Over 100,000 individual women, children and elderly people, dependents of 40,000 of the strik- ers have exhausted their funds; as the strike continues, and war bonds and savings of others are used up, the number of needy will increase. Social welfare experts predict that the need will continue at least three weeks after the men re- turn to work. MVany of the most acute cases of distress art among the families of the 28,000 veterans of World War II who are participating in the strike. Regardless of your sympathies in the strike, if you agree that hunger and human suffering on the part of innocent non-participants should not be a weapon in an economic strug- gle, you can best show this by sending a con- tribution of any size to the Citizens Committee to Aid Families of GM Strikers, 809 Hammond Building, Detroit 26, Mich. The Committee acts on their certain belief that "women and children deserve protection in a peaceful dispute such as the one we are now witnessing, fully as much as they do in By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-It's being kept under wraps so far, but Secretary of State Byrnes is planning a unique step in handling American foreign relations. He will soon establish a three- way cabinet committee, consisting of the Secre- tary of War, the Secretary of the Navy and him- self, to guide U. S. policy abroad. Hitherto, the Secretary of State himself, under the direction of the President, has always hand- led foreign policy. Conferences were held with other cabinet heads when necessary, and, dur- ing the year or so before Pearl Harbor, the Army and Navy, almost more than the State Department, dictated U. S. policy toward Japan. However, never before has there been an official cabinet committee to advise on foreign policy such as that now being worked out by Byrnes. One reason behind the move is the fact that American policy now hinges more and more on the location of U. S. troops abroad. The State and War departments, for instance, must work closely together regarding the occupation of Germany. Likewise in Japan. Another reason is the fact that Secretary Byrnes is personally close to Secretary of War Patterson and Secretary of the Navy Forrestal, and probably can get support for his ideas. No Ladies Man, Ike GENERAL "IKE" EISENHOWER is as fearless as they make 'em when it comes to German air and artillery attack. He is also calm and collected under fire of senatorial committees. But, warrior that he is, General Eisenhower is not so poised when the opposite sex gets on the firing line, Recently, six determined young women had the chief of staff almost wanting to retreat when they called at his office to demand the discharge of army fathers. The delegation was led by Mrs. James G. Mueller of Pitts- burgh, Pa., whose husband, the father of two children, is serving in Italy. One group of ladies had beseiged the general in the halls of Congress, which proved embar- rassing. So, later, Eisenhower graciously invited a delegation of mothers to call at the Pentagon building, at which time Mrs. Mueller set forth six points of the program of the "bring home daddy club," including the use of family allot- ments for the establishment of overseas schools for single volunteers. "The present allotments for service wives with children aren't enough to support us anyhow, General," she said. "Why not dis- charge all the fathers so you can use the allotment money for the purpose of attracting volunteers to the army?" "Just what are the family allotments for en- listed men?" inquired Eisenhower. A question like this coming from the chief of staff of the army caused his callers to stare at each other. Mrs. Mueller hastened to ex- plain that the wife of an enlisted man with one child receives $80, $100 if she has two children. Ike didn't bother to alibi his slip, though he looked a bit flustered. The feminine delegation next went after the general on hardship cases. Red Cross Criticized AND AGAIN Eisenhower let himself in for some fireworks by declaring that the Red Cross was doing a satisfactory job of handling service hardships. "Would you consider a woman with tubercu- losis a hardship case?" shot back Mrs. Mueller Without waiting for an answer, she reported several other cases wherein retention of fathers in the service constituted a hardship, some of them supported by sworn affidavits. "I'm not trying to criticize the Red Cross," she explained, "but hardships aren't being handled properly." Eisenhower paced the floor for several minutes, promised a thorough investigation and a report to the ladies. Regarding dis- charges, he told them the army plans to dis- charge about 500,000 enlisted fathers by July 1st. Others, lie said, will have to remain until replacements are trained. (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Lone Operator By SAMUEL GRAFTON DON'T LOOK NOW, but Mr. Chester Bowles is becoming a kind of lone operator in his desperate fight to keep prices down. It is not only that people with goods ito sell are against him; that we must expect, like snow in winter; what is worse is that sections of his own admin- istration are turning against him. Civilian Pro- duction Administrator John Small has called for "realistic and flexible" price controls, which is the way these things are invariably put; no one ever asks outright for higher prices, it is always a request for more "realistic" prices, more beau- tiful prices, prices which will be more svelte and thrilling. But it always means higher prices. With this kind of pressure against hin mounting from within the administration, Mr. Bowles is beginning to look like a man who got into government by parachute, and is trying to defend a small clearing surrounded by the enemy. The story is being spread around that higher, beg pardon, more realistic prices will encourage production. But if there is one thing we know about inflation, it is that inflation promotes the hoarding of goods, and not their sale. Inflation is the only economic device which permits a man to make a profit by staying in bed, and waiting, instead of having to beat his brains out making and selling. A vista of constantly rising prices may stimulate business for a brief moment, but in the end the effect is to paralyze trade. The question of what really stimulates business is an extremely intricate one, but the classical American view has been that business is stimulated by the need to cut costs and beat the competitor, by the need to get goods to the masses of the people at prices they can afford to pay. There are several ways of achieving stimulation; one is through benze- drine, and another is through good, healthful exercise; the benzedrine approach is winning in Washington today. THIS IS REVEALED by the growing tendency to solve every problem by means of a price rise; in other words, to charge it to Chester. Mr. Bowles' office becomes the last stop on the line; problems are passed along from hand to hand, until they are piled up in front of his door. Fagged government joins with fagged business in accepting the price rise as the auto- matic way out; and a considerable part of the administration's top officialdom begins to feel that to fight Mr. Bowles is enough of a program for anybody; Chester is everybody's problem and everybody's solution. Only Chester is we, and we are Chester; and the war against him is a war against our- selves. While we can ease some of our prob- lems temporarily by administering defeats to Mr. Bowles, we dare not take the risk of beat- ing him altogether. for then we beat ourselves altogether. Yet this is just the risk we are taking; and in the mounting pressures being exerted against Mr. Bowles as an individual, we see a kind of blueprint of the hideously expanding forces that make for inflation. The first great point, noted above, is that part of government has joined with business in the war against Mr. Bowles. The second point is that whereas Mr. Bowles used to be attacked only for being too harsh in specific price cases, he is now being attacked in general terms, his entire price philosophy is baldly called wrong, as by Mr. Small. The third point is a point about cumulative effect; we hit Mr. Bowles for a steel price rise, then we find we must hit him for a motors price rise because steel 'is up; every punch becomes a one-two, or a one-two-three- and-four.:, The question is whether there is such a thing as defeating Mr. Bowles just a little bit; it is typical of the administration that it seems to want both to beat him and keep him. But as the heat mounts, the possibility grows that his defeat will be total in the end; and then we shall be in the unhappy position of still having problems to solve without being able to solve them by attacking Mr. Bowles; we shall still have to find solutions at a time when solutions, like everything else, may cost double. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) oriental Culture To the Editor: This is a combined answer to Messrs. James M. Plumer, Robert J. Miller (M,.D. Jan. 19, 1946) and Arun Chhatrapati (M.D. Jan. 24, 1946). In reply to Mr. Plumer's objec- tion that "comparative anatomy is a term, unknown in the East, previ- ous to recent introduction," one can only remark that words have a way of neaning different things accord- ing to their context. In my state- ment about the "Water Castle," built by a Javanese prince in me- diaeval times to give pleasure to the ladies of his court and to advance his own interest in the study of the comparative anatomy of the beau- tiful sex, I had meant to refer subt- ly to the "study" of feminine shapes and curves which is as old as the history of man, and certainly much older than the science of comparative anatomy founded by Cuvier toward the end of the eighteenth century. But the main point is that the building of such non-utilitarian though possibly noteworthy struc- tures is likely to be indulged in by the leaders of the present revolt in Java and their cohorts for their own glorification and pleasure at the ex- pense of the common people, if and when they were to become the mas- ters of the' unsophisticated masses. The recent revelations of similar at- tempts at self-glorification by the Nazis and their underlings offer elo- quent examples of this tendency. Partly as a result of their innate fru- gality, partly owing to their high conception of their responsibility as administrators of the people's prop- erty, the Dutch officials in Indonesia have never indulged in such "ex- travaganzas." In order to advance the welfare of the masses the Dutch have considered it more important to improve the sanitary conditions, and to build schools and libraries without frills. Mr. P. accuses me of a "sweeping condemnation of Oriental culture." Would I have spoken of the Hindu temples in Java as "magnificent" and having "grandeur," if his ac- cusation were valid? In order to make it quite clear again, super- fluous though it seems, let me as- sure Mr. P. that I have a great deal of admiration for the former cul- tures of the Orient. But I still claim that the vast majority of the population never were directly re- sponsible for, nor active partici- pants in those civilizations; neither are they today. Mr. Robert J. Miller, likewise, mis- represents the facts as he writes "if the Dutch had not spent so much time in Java 'waiting patiently' to re- store the grandeur of Borobudur ...' It was not the Dutch who have waited patiently to restore it, but it was the native who was the patient waiter. He would still be waiting patiently for its restoration without doing any- thing, if the Dutch had not taken the initiative to repair and preserve it for posterity. The present-day Javanese - and also the Malay, for that matter-has a thin veneer of Mohameddanism over a thinner veneer of Hinduism over a thick core of animism. The' last makes him superstitious to a de- gree, besides suspicious of all innova- tions. Accordingly the Borobudur (and similar Hindu temples) inspirej him with awe, but not at all "as aj place of love and worship." Mr. M.$ has every right to criticize, but he must first understand; he has no right to project his own reactions upon the Javanese and think them religious on account of emotions which he feels but they do not. Still scoffing at the white man's burden in the Orient Mr. Chha- trapati informs us tha "recent ex- cavations in India of the Mohinje- Daro civilization of about 3004 B.C. have shown the existence of beau- tiful cities with wide and well built roads, excellent sewage system and houses of bricks and concrete-like- materials." The question arises why succeeding g-eneratlons have not maintained this high standard, and benefitted from it in the build- ing of other cities to the present? One also wonders who took the ini- tiative for these excavations, a white man or a native British-In- dian? If the latter, why were not the excavations made much ear- lier? The presumption is that it was the white man who taught the natives to take an interest in the value and appreciation of their for- mer cultures, either in the natives' own country or intOccidental schools. Is not this another example of the burden which the white man carries in the Orient, though it is probably the lightest of his other burdens? Such, at any rate, is the case in Indonesia. Is there any reason to believe that the case is different in British India? -M. W. Senstius Tiradition THE great American tradition was developed as part of a revolution- iry quest for the good life. It now serves mainly the function of con- 3olation against the fearful realities of life a sedative against the fretful and sleepless night of the modern world. For the possessing classes, and for those linked psychologically with their fears, tradition has become not a sword with which to hew out a world, but a panoply behind which "o hide from the world. ---Max Werner in Saturday Review of Literature 1'i I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Con work relating to phosphoryla- MUSIC THE Chicago Symphony Orchestra certainly has been improving lately, as was indicated by last night's Choral Union Concert. It wasn't particularly evident during the opening number, Concerto Grosso, No. 10, in D minor by Handel, which was rather unfortunate all around. The interpretation was superficial and lagging to be- gin with, and what was worse, the orchestra fol- lowed the conductor only at very infrequent in- tervals. The attacks were sloppy to the point of painfulness, none of the string sections seemed to be playing together, especially the basses, who usually came in a good beat or two behind the rest, and there was general lack of coordination. Once the Handel was out of the way the per- formance improved steadily. The Faure Suite from "Pelleas et Melisande," Op. 80 was excel- lently done, except for several places where the brasses, playing for the first time in the eve- ning, came in badly off pitch. Richard Strauss's tone poem, "Thus Spake Zarathustra," was given a magnificent perform- ance. Although an extremely difficult work, from the point of view of both artist and listener, it was interpreted with great strength and beauty, and apparently with quite a high degree of accuracy, as far as can be determined in Strauss's complicated orchestrations. Anyone who had been doubtful before the intermission was completely converted by the playing of the familiar Franck Symphony in D minor, which Mr. Defauw conducted with remarkable distinction, achieving a powerful, yet restrained interpretation which coupled with the orchestra's fervent cooperation aroused a more enthusiastic response from the audience than has been heard in Hill Audito- rium for some time, and completely made up for any lapses earlier in the program. -Paula Brower Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Btilletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. M. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1946 VOL. LVI, 66 Notices Attention All Students: Registra- tion for the Spring Term. By action of the Conference of Deans, all students are required to register for the Spring Term at, and no later than, the time announced in the Registration Schedule. Late reg- istrations will not be permitted by the administrative authorities of the sev- eral units, except in the case of vet- erans who have not been in residence for the Fall Term. Students must pre- sent their identification cards at the time of registration and must file their registration material them- selves, not by proxy. The reason for this-requirement is the unprecedented demand which the enrollment for the Spring Term will make upon the educational resources and the housing facilities of the Uni- versity. Because of these conditions, it is absolutely essential that regis- tration and classification be com- pleted according to schedule. Dr. Frank E. Robbins Assistant to the President REGISTRATION MATERIAL COLLEGE OF L. S. AND A. SCHOOLS OF EDUCATION AND MUSIC. Students should call for Spring Term registration material at Room 4, University Hall beginningl Feb. 1. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures be- fore examinations begin. Edward C. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar College of Architecture and Design. Students should call for Spring Term1 material at Room 4, University Hall beginning Feb. 1. The College of Architecture and Design will post an announcement in the near future giving time of conference with your adviser. Please wait for this notice before seeing your adviser. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar j Caps and gowns for women gradu- ating in February should be. pur- chased at Moe's Sport Shop Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so that they can be worn for the Senior Banquet to be held Wednesday night. Caps and gowns for men of the February graduating class should be purchased by February 9 so that they will arrive in time for graduation Feb. 23. A charge of $5.00 will be made, both for men and women, for the rental of the caps and gowns. Three dollars of this amount will be refunded if the caps and gowns are returned to Moe's by Feb. 27. Notice to Men Students and House- holders of Approved Houses for Men: The closing date for the Spring Term will be February 23 and rent shall be computed to include this date. Householders may charge for a room between Feb. 23 and Feb. 28 providing the student keeps his pos- sessions in the room or occupies it himself. As per the terms of the con- tracts, students are expected to pay the full amount of the contract three weeks before the end of the term. Registration for the Spring Term begins Feb. 28 and classes begin Mar. 4. If either the householder or student wish to terminate their present agree- ment, notice must be given to the of- fice of the Dean of Students on or before Feb. 2, at noon. Students may secure forms for this purpose in Room 2, University Hall. League housemothers who have not yet turned in copies of spring hous- ing contracts to the Office of the Dean of Women are requested to dc so immediately. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Award: The Detroit Armenian Wom- en's Club is making available, for 1946-47, two $100 scholarships for young men and women of Armeniar parentage from the metropolitan dis- trict 'of Detroit. For further details consult Dr. Frank E. Robbins at 1021 Angell Hall. Detroit Civil Service. Announce- ments have been received by the Bu- reau of Appointments for the posi- tions of Junior Recreation Instructor Filing Period: Jan. 21 to Feb. 15, and for the position of Playleader (sum- mer only), Filing Period: Jan. 21 to Feb. 15. Further information may bE obtained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall.- Summer camp has opening for twc cooks. Will consider two single per- sons or a married couple. Those in- terested may apply at the Bureau o Appointments and Occupational In- formation, 201 ,Mason Hall. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Jear Gottman, of Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, will speak on the subject, "Th Great Powers of the Mediterranean," at 4:15 p.m., Friday, Feb. 1, in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the Department of Geography. ThE public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Cori work relating to phosphoryla- tion. Exhibitions Exhibit: "Guide fossils of the Jur- rasic used in Petroleum Exploration in Alaska," in the Rotunda, Univer- sity Museums Building through Feb. 29. Exhibition', College of Architecture and Design: "Signs of the Zodiac"-An exhibi- tion of recent designs by V. Bobri, prominent New York advertising ar- tist. First floor corridor. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00 except Sunday, through Feb. 15. The public is invited. Events Today Orientation Advisors: There will be interviewing for Orientation Advisors today from 1:15-5:00 p.m. for all those girls who were unable to sign up for an interview at an earlier date. All Nations Club will hold a 'tea dance today from 4-6 p.m., in the recreation room of the International Center. Members of the club and all .oreign and American students that are interested are uged to attend. Coffee Hour: The weekly coffee 'lour will be held at Lane Hall from 1:30 until 6 today. All students are :ordially invited. Married students who belong to the NTational Lutheran Council are in- cited to an informal party at the Lutheran Student Association Center, 1304 Hill Street, tonight at 8:00. The Westminster Guild will have open house at the Presbyterian :hurch beginning at 8:30 tonight with a Bible Class led 'by Mr. Van ?ernis on "Letters of Paul." There will be entertainment and refresh- nents following. The Graduate Outing Club rooms n the Rackham Building will be open 'onight, from 8 to. 10 p.m., to gradu- ate students who wish to play bridge r other games. Wesleyan Guild: Truth and Con- 3equences party in the Social Hall to- aight from 8:30. to 12. Refreshments mill be served in the Pine Room. Cming Events Pi Lambda Theta tea Saturday, 4eb. 2, from 3:00-5:00. A short busi- less meeting for active members will 0f1low the tea, in the West Confer- 'nce Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Le Cercle Francais will meet Mon- Lay, Feb. 4, at 8:00 p.m., at the League. Mr. Rostislav Galuzevski, President of the Graduate Council, vill tell us about "Alexandre Poush- BARNABY 'm Mrs. Pezaro You see, I won a osaw your ad in the the quiz show, D dog just like Gorgon on etect and Collect. ONE l? By Crockett Johnson f And then.. . reading your ad I had the strangest feeling. Somehow or other, I