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January 31, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-31

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Fifty-Sixth Year

Phil Murray Refutes Himself

Student Government Functions


Edited and managed by students of
Michigan under the authority of the
of student Publications.
Editorial Staff

the 'University of
Board of Control

Ray Dixon . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . EditorialfDirector
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . Associate Editor
BiliMullendore . . . . , . . . Sports Edtor
Mary Lu Heath . . . . Associate Sports Md r
Ann Schutz .. . . . . . . ...Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Busin s Ugr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Assocate Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of an other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
WE CRIED when Paris fell. We listened with
horror to the stories of Nazi-dominated
Europe. We rejoiced in the liberation of the
peoples who had suffered under the ruthless
German occupation. How strange, then, that
Europeans should accuse our occupation of be-
ing as bad as the Germans'. How strange that
they should be so nearly right.
We are not, of course, deliberately tortur-
ing and massacring. The reports that come
from Europe are not stories of systemized
cruelty, of unmerciful conquerors. The fault
that causes the growing resentment and con-
tempt, the fault that keeps Europe in war-
provoking chaos, is our disinterestedness.
We are disinterested, it would seem, about
everything but getting out. In Germany we
have been following only a negative policy,
reparations and disarmament. Little is being
done to change the attitude of the German
from "Wait till the next war" to a sense of war
guilt. We have no coherent plan for a future
Europe; each little sector is governed by its par-
ticular commander. Evidences of bitterness and
resistance are becoming common.
It is obviousthat our occupying troops do not
care. It is only natural that they should want
to go home and that the people at home should
demand their return. But while we are con-
cerned mainly with releasing as many men as
possible, there are other forces at work in Eur-
ope-Russia, strengthening her control in the
East and carrying off equipment for her own
use; England, building up trade;, far-from-
crushed Nazis, entrenching themselves; France,
advocating internationalization of the Rhur. We
have thus far opposed France's plan, which
would, in effect, split Europe into a Russian-
dominated Eastern bloc and a French-dominated
Western bloc. The beguiling prospect of the
few American troops it would require may yet,
however, win us over.
We can hardly deny that being conquerors
entails upon us a certain responsibility. We
now lack both the plan and the men to fulfill
that responsibility.
It is difficult to see how we can get the men
until a well-formulated plan, providing for Eur-
ope as an economic whole, has been devised. The
prospect of a real job to be done, of proper
training in the language, psychology and prob-
lems of the peoples with which we must deal,
would be a far greater impetus to building up
a rehabilitating force than the desperate mea-
sures the army is trying now.
Maybe, as Prof. White said, nations can-
not be "horrified into world peace". Reflec-
tion on how skillful we have become at war-
fare, should, however, provide a powerful rea-
son why we must accept our responsibility.
-Mary Ruth Levy
Strikers' Aid

A RECENT PM ARTICLE describing the help.
being given the 15,000 General Electric and
Westinghouse strikers by the people of Bloom-
field, N. J., ends with some simple but rather
discouraging statements:
"The Chamber of Commerce, headed by
Frank Fischer, met yesterday, but didn't even
mention the strike. Fischer, who says the next
thing you know he won't be able to make a
telephone call or get any meat, doesn't like
strikes. But if the strike still is on when the
next monthly meeting of the Chamber is held,
Fischer says he won't care what action is
taken because:
" Tll be in Florida then-first time since '41.'"

WASHINGTON--Phil Murray is his own best
witness against Phil Murray's opposition to
a cooling-off period before calling strikes.
Real fact is that Murray voluntarily staged a
protracted cooling-off period of his own before
he called the steel strike, with the result that
the public understands the issues and he has
reaped a harvest of favorable public opinion.
Murray began official negotiations 'for a
wage increase late last summer, and followed
this by what amounted to a cooling-off period
of four months before he finally called a
Since then, some unexpected reactions have
taken place in the steel areas. At Clairton, Pa.,
just outside of Pittsburgh, the city council voted
$50,000 to help support strikers' families-des-
pite the fact that two-thirds of the property in
Clairton is owned by Carnegie Steel.
Merchants all through the Pennsylvania, Ohio,
West Virginia steel areas seem to be overwhelm-
ingly sympathetic to labor. They realize that
after Judge Elbert Gary broke the last steel
strike and kept wages down, purchasing power in
these communities sagged-though the steel
companies reaped tremendous profits. Then,
with the union drive of 1936-37, wages went up
and buying power soared. Merchants want that
buying power to continue soaring.
Meanwhile, President Truman tells friends
that labor has no need to fear a cooling-off
period if it has a just cause. Such a cool-off
would only help to consolidate opinion behind
labor. On the other hand, it would discour-
age unfair, quickie strikes.
NOTE: Government statisticians have com-
piled some interesting figures on the steel
strike. They estimate that the proposed wage
increase of 18/2 cents an hour will cost the
steel industry $160,000,000. On the other
hand, the steel industry wil receive from the
increased price tentatively granted it by OPA
an extra $252,000,000-more than enough to
take care of the wage boost. In addition, the
industry can come back to the U. S. Treasury
and get $149,000,000 in carry-back taxes if
they only break even for the year.
Friend .f I's
One man deserving the brass ring for handling
demobilization is Brig. Gen. Charles M. Milliken
of Camp Crowder, Mo. He operated almost as
if each G. L under him were his son.
When he was running a separation center,
Milliken visited it each day, once sending his
personal aide to St. Louis for x-ray film to keep
the center operating. Last December, he re-
quested permission of higher headquarters to
declare all men surplus who would be eligible
for discharge on January 1, so they could be
discharged ahead of time and get home for
Christmas. When higher-ups didn't give him an
immediate answer, he followed the matter ag-
gressively and won his point.
Any enlisted man can go to Camp Crowder
headquarters to discuss his discharge situa-
tion with the post Inspector General. Fre-
quently he ends up by being ushered in to
General Milliken himself. At present, Mill-
iken has arranged a schedule so that every
man knows approximately when he will be
discharged up until April 30.
Admiral Stages Wedding
SEVERAL WEEKS AGO, the daughter of Adm.
Royal Ingersoll, Commander of the Western
Sea Frontier, was married at Treasure Island,
San Francisco. The bride was very lovely. Her
army husband was very handsome. It was a
most attractive affair.
However, what burned up navy men and
junior officers was the fact that Admiral Inger-
soll sent his personal plane, a four-engined
Douglas with luxurious appointments, all the way
to Washington to bring Rear Adm. William N.
Thomas, Chief Chaplain of the Navy, to San
Francisco to perform the ceremony.
Admiral Thomas is a fine chaplain, rating
high with everyone. But there was a pool of
35 chaplains at the Treasure Island naval base
at the time, though none of them, apparently,
with sufficient rank to erform the Ingersoll
After the wedding, Admiral Thomas took an-
other 3,000-mile flight back across the continent
to Washington, using several hundred gallons of

Meanwhile, during the wedding, 16 Marines
were detailed to handle traffic and park cars in
front of the chapel.
What irks Marines is why they must be used
on such "essential" jobs as parking cars for Ad-
mirals' weddings when they would like to get
back to civilian life; also, why an Admiral can
use Government gasoline and a Government
plane for his personal affairs, especially when
traffic is tight arouind an Francisco and an
extra plane would help relieve air congestion.
NOTE-An army 451, No. 44-87297,
piloted by two air corps captains, left Wash-
ington. I), C., Christmas day for New York
and thence to West Point, where an armload
of Christmas presents was unloaded for Cadet
)avid Arnold, son of Gen. Hap Arnold, coin-
mander of the air forces. The wives and
mothers of G. L's did their Christmas shop-
ping early.
The House Labor Commit tee staged a stormy
session before finally voting to report out a
badly-battered version of President Truman's

fact-finding bill. The bill was actually defeated
early in the meeting and the committee was
ready to adjourn when Acting Chairman Jen-
nings Randolph of West Virginia pleaded for
some move to get a full House vote because of
the president's strong support for the bill. After
several quick votes defeating additions to the
bill and knocking off parts of it-including the
30-day cooling-off period-Representative Wil-
liam Green of Pennsylvania proposed: "Gentle-
men, may I call for a cooling-off period for this
committee" . . . The army decided last month
on a drastic move to discourage excessive use of
Berlin taxis for non-official business. It chang-
ed the telephone number of the central taxi
office, and repeated that maneuver three times
before finally giving up ... Representative Clare
Boothe Luce of Connecticut has turned down a
Hollywood offer to make a film there this sum-
mer on the life of a congresswoman.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Atomic Energy
'HAT SECRET PART of our minds, in which
the snark may at any moment become a
boojum, is stirred by the stories of how our
armed services intend to drop some atomic
bombs on some ships at Bikini Atoll. It is scary
stuff, and the press carries stories of how a heat
of 100,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit may develop,
and a wind of 1000 miles per hour, and several
repulsive varieties of radiation, and waves 100
feet high, and a ball of fire. It says here that
there will positively not be a chain reaction en-
veloping the whole earth; but in spite of that
reassurance, the proposed experiment is fright-
ening, and it is fascinating to see how the hu-
man mind reacts in the presence of these atomic
One man, Mr. Virgil Jordan, of the National
Industrial Conference Board, has just issued a
small volume pretentiously entitled "Manifesto
for the Atomic Age," and in it he gives an ac-
count of the butterflies which have been set
vibrating in his own interior by the new dis-
covery. Mr. Jordan believes atomic energy
means the end of freedom as we have known
it; he believes that the state will control this
new force, and that the state will become all-
powerful, reducing men to faceless serfs; fat
serfs, well-fed serfs, round, plump and secure
serfs, but mindless and thoughtless, to a man;
we shall be volitionless blobs, every one of us.
Mr. Jordan does not see how we can preserve
human freedom in an age when it Ais possible
to make cheap gold out of grass or old ash-
trays, instead of having to scratch the earth
for it. He feels it is not really good for us to
have too cheap and abundant a source of fine
things; he believes that life in the older, indus-
trial age was better for us; that it was some-
thing like life in a gymnasium, bracing and
combative and competitive.
But through these lamentations, Mr. Jor-
dan ignores the fact that atomic energy was
inevitably produced by the very same indus-
trial civilization which he cherishes; this is its
progress. He praises the industrial age be-
cause it was always on the go; well, this is
where it went. Would he have had it stop?
The volume is not a manifesto for the next
age at all, but a lament for the last age; it
is little more than a graphic description of
what it feels like to be pushed out of bed.
WJELL, THE ECONOMIST hasn't helped us
much, and now we turn to a professor, E. L.
'Woodward, of Oxford, who has just published a
pamphlet entitled "Some Political Consequences
of the Atomic Bomb." Here, again, is a promis-
ing title; aha, now we shall find out. Only we
don't; for the impartial, reasonable, professor-
ial approach to the atom turns out to be a kind
of lofty, gentle singsong: We must control the
bomb, but control is difficult; there must be
world inspection, but it is so easy to fool in-
spectors; we could let one nation have a monop-
oly, only nobody would stand for that; we might
try world government, except that nationalism
has been revived by the war; we could agree to
punish those who use bombs, but we have made
such agreements before . . . and one closes the
little book.
And one has a thought. These little books,
and the hundreds of statements like them which

have been made recently, are not guides to the
atomic age. They are products of the smashup
of the preceding age. They do not, and cannot
end our troubles; they are merely testaments
of desperation, telling us what trouble we are
in. In their bleakness, they are part of the
debris left by the bomb. These are first wailings
of a necessary period of despair through which
we must go, before we can even begin to learn
to think atomically.
One wonders by what sign we shall know
the new atomic man when he appears; and
the thought that conies up is that we will know
him by his very joy. Atomic energy will not
make him cry; it will not occur to him that it
is a problem; he will say, look, and look, again,
and see what we can do with it, and millions
of people, shifting toward him, will leave lone-
somely behind them the sages of the last age,
clinging determinedly to their sorrows. We
shall know him because the little books will
shrivel in the heat of his words, less though it
be than a hundred million degrees.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y: Post Syndicate)

1HE interest displayed by the stu-
dent body in.securing a form of
Student Government is commend-
able. The structure of this govern-
ment, as it was outlined in a previous
issue of The Daily seems good. How-
ever, I feel that the most important
points have been overlooked. What
will the functions of this government
be? What will be its powers, and over
what activities will it have jurisdic-
tion? Will student rule in any case
supplant faculty control?
These questions are most pertinent
in the light of the recent controversy
over the proposed J-Hop. Whatever
the pros and cons of this controversy
may have been, it seems obvious that
the students did not secure the type
of J-Hop they desired. Did they fail
because there was no student govern-
ment? Or would this issue have been
outside the jurisdiction of a govern-
ment such as the one proposed? Cer-
tainly the J-Hop problem is not the
most crucial issue that the student
body will be confronted with. But if
this problem and its subsequent
method of solution is any indication
of future events, then I believe that
the establishment of a Student Gov-
ernment, especially without some
clear definition as to its purpose and
powers, will be a waste of time.
All the Student Governments I
have had and contact with have been
rubber stamps, performing no duties
and possessing no initiative. Those
' established here previously have
failed. I would certainly like to see
one that really worked. But rather
than have one set up on this campus
that was non-functional and farcical,
I would rather see none at all.
-Larry Talbot
EDITOR'S NOTE: Those who framed
the Constitution decided to leave formu-
lation of specific functions and powers
up to the first elected council. They

felt that it was only right that elected
representatives, not those who just hap-
pened to be interested, should determine
definite policy. The provision in the
constitution that the Council will serve
as "spokesman" for the student body
makes it safe to assume that the Council
would have taken a definite interest in
the J-Hop controversy, had the Council
been in existence.
Defends University
To the Editor:
MUCH student criticism has
been levelled at the University sys-
tem of late, and someone should take
the defense.
It is entirely logical that the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee should con-
sist of six faculty members and five
students. How else could the fac-
ulty maintain a majority? And it
is entirely logical for that body to
conclude that $10 for a one-night
J-Hop is more economical than $10
for a two-night J-Hop. Further-
more, $10,000 for a J-Hop is too
much, so soon after the war, but
$200,000 for a football game is all
right, because in the case of the
football game, the proceeds go to
the University.
Now, the discussion about women's
hours is just nonsense. Of course the
University knows best, because in-
discretion cannot possibly exist be-
fore 10:30 on week-nights and 12:30
on week-ends; if girls are home by
those hours, they are certain to re-
tire at once and get their rest for the
next day's classes.
Driving for veterans is, of course,
impossible and impractical, because
Ann Arbor streetswouldbe too con-
gested, and the taxpayers, who re-
ceive absolutely no benefits from the
University's presence here, would ob-
ject strongly. Anyway, walking will
keep the boys in condition. We don't
want to make it too easy for them.

Because of all these serious prob-
lems facing the University right
now, such problems as inadequate
housing, overcrowded classes, out-
moded buildings and equipment,
and not-so-good food at about
$1.35 a day per student in the
dormitory system( and more, much
more, outside the system, in Ann'
Arbor restaurants) cannot possibly
be adjusted, right now.
Unfortunately, the University has
made one serious blunder. After all
these excellent restrictions for the
benefit of students, the system fails to
check the greatest vice and time-
waster of them all-the bull session.
This is a serious slip, and it is pre-
sumed that the University will correct
it soon.
It is entirely right and fair, of
course, that the Michigan Daily
should print only those student let-
ters which it may cautiously choose,
and having chosen them, censor or
edit them to fit University require-
ments. This letter is submitted with
the journalistic principle in mind.
-James Land
EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily editing of re-
cent Letters to the Editor has been on the
basis of 1) language used that was in
bad taste or 2) the provision in The Daily
Code of Ethics that "there shall be no
editorial discussion of the state appro-
priation to the University without prev-
ious editorial consultation with members
of the Board in Control of Student Pub..
lications." The sense of any of the re-
cent letters has not been changed in any
way and all received have been printed.
Any emphasis on one side or another
that occurs in the Letters to the Editor
column is accidental and does" not neces-
sarily reflect opinions of The Daily staff.
The Daily repeats its invitation to memi-
bers of the student body to express them
selves in this column, whether it be to
compliment or damn any phase of Uni-
versity activity.


. Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-

VOL. LVI, 65

31, 1946

Attention All Students. Registra-
tion for the Spring Term
By action of the Conference of
Deans, all students are required to
register for the Spring Term at, and
no later than, the time announced in
the Registration Schedule. Late reg-
istrations will not be permitted by the
administrative authorities of the sev-
eral units, except in the case of vet-
erans who have not been in residence
for the Fall Term. Students must pre-
sent their identification cards at the
time of registration and must file
their registration material them-
selves, not by proxy.
The reason for this requirement is
the unprecedented demand which the
enrollment for the Spring Term will
make upon the educational resources
and the housing facilities of the Uni-
versity. Because of these conditions,
it is absolutely essential that regis-
tration and classification be com-
pleted according to schedule.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
MUSIC. Students should call for
Spring Term registration material at
Room 4, University Hall beginning
Feb. 1. Please see your adviser and
secure all. necessary signatures be-
fore examinations begin.
Edward C. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
College of Architecture and Design.
Students should call for Spring Term
material at Room 4, University Hall
beginning Feb. 1. The College of
Architecture and Design will post an
announcement in the near future
giving time of conference with your
adviser. Please wait for this notice
before seeing your adviser.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Caps and gowns for women gradu-
ating in February should be pur-
chased at Moe's Sport Shop Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday so that they
can be worn for the Senior Banquet
to be held Wednesday night. Caps
and gowns for men of the February
graduating class should be purchased
by February 9 so that they will arrive
in time for graduation Feb. 23. A
charge of $5.00 will be made, both for
men and women, for the rental of the

caps and gowns. Three dollars of this
amount will be refunded if the caps
and gowns are returned to Moe's by
Feb. 27.
Choral Union Members. Members
of the Choral Union whose atten-
dance records are clear, will please
call for their courtesy tickets admit-
ting to the Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra concert today between 9:30
and 11:30 and 1 and 4 o'clock. After
4 o'clock no passes will be issued.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination : All students expecting to
do directed teaching next term are
required to pass a qualifying exami-
nation in the subject in which they
expect to teach. This examination
will be held on Saturday, Mar. 2, at
8:30 a.m. Students will meet in the
auditorium of the University. High
School. The examination will con-
sume about four hours' time;
promptness is therefore essential.
Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Award: The Detroit Armenian Wom-
en's Club is making available, for
1946-47, two $100 scholarships for
young men and women of Armenian
parentage from the metropolitan dis-
trict of Detroit. For further details
consult Dr. Frank E..Robbins at 1021
Angell Hall.
League housemothers who have not
yet turned in copies of spring hous-
ing contracts to the Office of the
Dean of Women are requested to do
so immediately.
Summer camp has opening for two
cooks. Will consider two single per-
sons or a married couple. Those in-
terested may apply at the Bureau of
ppointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall.
Detroit Civil Service. Announce-
ments have been received by the Bu-
reau of Appointments for the posi-
tions of Junior Recreation Instructor,
Filing Period: Jan. 21 to Feb. 15, and
for the position of Playleader (sum-
mer only), Filing Period: Jan. 21 to
Feb. 15. Further information may be
obtained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Inforim tion.
201 Mason Hall.
Detroit Civil Service announce-
ments for the following have been re-
ceived in our office: Student Techni-
cal Assistant (Male), $1928-$2080,
Student Technical Assistant (Male &
Female), $1928-$2080 per year. Ap-
proximately half time for 40 hr. week
employment. For Supervisor of Hos-
pital Nurses, $3913-$4071. For fur-
ther information, call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Girl Scouts: Miss Monna Heath,
representative, will be in our office,
Thursday, January 31, and Friday,
Feb. 1, to interview any girls graduat-
ing who would be imterested in their
organization. Call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments. University Ext. 371. for

Academic Notices
Seminar in physical chemistry will
meet today in Room 410 Chemistry
Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Andre
Dreiding will speak on "Reactions
and structure of organic proton don-
ors." All interested are invited.
Mathematics Orientation Seminar.
Today at 3 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall, Mr.
Gale will speak on: "Is Pi a root of
an equation?"
Tea at 4:00.
Physical Education-Women Stu-
All women's physical education
classes will meet in Barbour Gymna-
sium for physical fitness tests today,
regardless of activity.
Recreational Swimming-Women
There will be recreational swim-
ming for women students at the Un-
ion Pool tonight from 7:30 to 9:30.
Any woman student may swim during
these hours provided she has a medi-
cal permit. This may be obtained at
the Health Service. A small fee is
charged for the swim. Students are
asked to present Identification Cards.
The Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra, Desire Defauw, Conductor, will
give the eigthth concert in the Cho'ral
Union Series tonight at 8:30, in Hill
Auditorium. The program will con-
sist of compositions by Handel, Faure,
Strauss and Franck.
The concert will begin on time, and
doors will be closed during numbers.
A joint exhibition of paintings by
John Pappas and Sarkis Sarkisian of
Detroit, in the Rackham Mezzanine
Galleries, under the auspices of the
College of Architecture and Design.
Throught Jan. 31, afternoon 2-5,
evening 7-10. The public is cordially

"Early Ann
Open daily
days 8-l2.

Historical Collections:
Arbor." 160 Rackham.
8-12, 1:30-4:30, Satur-

Events Today
All Chemical Engineers: There will
be luncheon meeting aof the A.I.Ch.E.
today. All students and faculty mem-
bers are cordially invited to attend.
The luncheon will be held in Room
3201 East Engineering from 12:00-
1:00 p.m.
Library Science:
Mrs. Frances Clarke Sayers, Su-
perintendent of Work with Children,
New York Public Library, will address
students in Library Science at 1:15
today, Room 110, Library.
Tea at the International Center:
The weekly informal teas at the In-
ternational Center on Thursdays,
from 4:00 to 5:30 pm. are open to
.11 {rrrr r z lr r..- - - . -.r Elr.. A----w


An adver.isement in the public prints is,
without question, the way to locate the

By Crockett Johnson
Oh yes. T hat's our dog. T he
description fits perfectly.

o p . _

Hush, Barnaby. Go on, Mrs.
Pezaro. You did see my



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