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November 02, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-02

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See BARNABY, Page 4



Band To Lead
Torch Victory
Pep Rally To Open
Upon Union Seps
With "M" Club members carrying
torches in a traditional parade to
South Ferry Field, University stu-
dents will participate in the bizarre
"Beat Minnesota" pep rally, begin-
ning at 7:15 p.m. today on the Union
Marching by torchlight, the band
will lead the gala parade from the
steps of the Union to South Ferry
Field. Adding to the enthusiasm,
giant "Beat Minnesota" banners,
made by the girls of Newberry House,
will wave in the evening air
Tom Harmon, all-American Michi-
gan football great, will be the guest
speaker at the rally.
A set of new cheers will be intro-
duced to the assemblage for the first
time by the cheerleading staff. The
cheerleaders are expected to whip the
crowd into a rabid "Beat Minnesota"
frenzy before the opening of the big
Saturday football battle.
Students, servicemen, alumniand
townspeople will sing and cheer
around a huge bonfire at South Ferry
Field in Michigan's first pep rally of
the fall term.
Following the parade down State
Street and the bonfire rally, the in-
evitable snake dance back to campus
is expected.
In case of rain, the pep rally will
be in Hill Auditorium.
* * *
Bierman, Team
Arrive Tonight
For 'Jug' Tilt
Daily Sports Editor
Minnesota and Bernie Bierman, al-
ways a combination to be feared in
Western Conference football circles,
will arrive in Ann Arbor tonight
ready to do battle with Michigan's
up-and-coming young eleven tomor-
row afternoon at the Michigan Sta-
Labeled as the top offensive aggre-
gation in the Mid-West, the Golden
Gophers will present a typical rough,
tough, heavy squad to the 85,000 fans
expected to form the largest crowd of
the. current home season.
Averages 190 Pounds
A line averaging well over 190
pounds and a backfield of more than
185 assure Minnesota a definite
weight advantage over the Wolver-
ines. Bierman's squad has speed as
well, along with maneuverability and
The result has been that in two
Big Ten games the Gophers have av-
eraged more than 371 yards total of-
fense, far more than their nearest
rival. Passing, usually a very minor
weapon with Bierman, has accounted
for a surprising 115 yards of that
Hanzlik Guard
The Minnesota line is spearheaded
by big Bob Hanzlik, 195-pound guard
who was a starting tackle on the 1943
Michigan eleven. O t h e r forward
standouts include center and line
backer Dick Van Dusen, guard Bob
Graiziger, and ends Johnny Lundin
and Bob Carley, whose glue fingers
have been largely responsible for the
success of the Gopher aerial offensive.

But it is in the backfield that this
See FOOTBALL, Page 3
Address Changes
Asked By Ensian
Students now on campus who left
summer mailing addresses at the En-
sian office are requested by Jean
Pines, Michiganensian editor, to turn
in their names at the office before 4
p. m. Monday. After this time, the
former addresses will be used.
Most promising date for the ap-
pearance of the Ensian is on or about
November 15. Although the printing
of the books will be completed to-
day, Ensians must wait their turn at
the binders until the textbooks are
Today-The "Beat Minnesota" pep
rally is to begin at 7:15
p. m. on the Union steps.
Unmi m 'I "'rnw n JimO-r, n a +,f frn

British WarplanesAttack
Java Extremist Troops;
Balkan Dispute Clearing

THREE ACES REUNITED-America's three aces of the air war in Europe were reunited in the flight test
section of the air technical service command at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. They are (left to right), with
the enemy planes to their credit: Capt. Den S. Gentile, Piqua, Ohio, 30, Capt. John T. Godfrey, of Riverside,
R. 1., 27 and Lt. Col. Francis S. Gabreski, of Oil City, P a., 31. It was a occasion for Godfrey to pay back some
English pounds he borrowed from Gentile two years ago.

Dr. Ruthven
Addresses VU
Press Club
Denounces Military
Training Proposals
"Universal military training will
never assist in creating international
good will and will certainly seriously
handicap the preparation of our
youth for service to society," Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven told 250
editors and publishers of Michigan
newspapers gathered here for the an-
nual convention of the University
PressClub yesterday.
The hope for an enduring peace, he
declared, lies in our ability to develop
a balanced program of co-operation
among our own citizens and between
nations and racial groups.
Invest in Education
"It is my conclusion that, if we
would make available a small frac-
tion of the amount of the cost of the
last war for the education to equip
the individual with the knowledge of
the nature of the world and men,
the dangers of wars of aggression
could be greatly minimized through
mutual understanding," President
Ruthven concluded.
Dr. Harry A. Overstreet, lecturer in
adult education for the Extension
Service of the University, told the edi-
tors and publishers that an agency as
powerfultas the American newspaper
dares not evade the moral responsi-
bilities that its power carries.
Dr. Cork Lectures
In a discussion of "Atomic Energy
in War and Peace," Dr. James M.
Cork, professor of physics at the
University, pointed to the futility of
trying to keep the bomb secret by re-
ferring to captured German equip-
Afternoon sessions at the Rackham
Amphitheatre t o d a y include ad-
dresses by Kim Sigler, Special State
Prosecutor in current grand jury
uases, and Dr. Garrett Heyns, direc-
or of the State Department of Cor-
"Psychological Warfare in t h e
MediterraneanArea" will be dis-
cussed by Russell Barnes, former
head of OW psychological warfare
in that theater, at the evening ses-
sion to be held at the League.
IFC Seeks
Vet Affiliates
Men Urged to Contact
Their Fraternities
A plea has been issued to all re-
turning veterans urging them to con-
tact their respective fraternities, ac-
cording to'Dogan Arthur, president
of the Interfraternity Council.
Veterans To Benefit
Arthur explained that the veterans
themselves will benefit by renewing
affiliation with their fraternity broth-
ers, while at the same time the fra-
ternities will welcome the maturity
and leadership that the veterans can
offer. He encouraged the veterans to
contact their fraternities through the
IFC and offered the facilities of his
office to the veterans.
Registration for rushing will con-
tinue today in the student offices of
the Union, but beginning next week,
registration will take place in the
Interfraternity Council office on the
third floor of the Union, 3 to 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
Hundred Register
Annroximately 100 bov have regis-

'U', Federal Authoritie s Relate
Problems of Veterans at Rally
More than 350 veterans, their wives and friends attended the Veterans
Rally last night in the Union where University and federal authorities dis-
cussed problems of the returning vet and probably solutions.
Following introductions by Bob Andrews, retiring president of the
Campus Veterans' Organization, who said that "V. O. history is just begin-
ning," and Bill Akers, recently elected president of V. O., John Allison,
t of the Ann Arbor Public School Sys-,

Rook Exchange,
Sales Hit 400
In Four Days
About 400 books, involving receipts
of more than 600 dollars, have been
sold in the first four days of sales at
the Student Book Exchange which
opened Monday at the League.
Most books turned in to the Ex-
change have already been sold, which
means that if the store is to remain
open next week more used texts
must be turned in. John Houston,
store manager, points out that the
demand for freshman course books is
especially great.
Books are sold at the Exchange, a
non-profit student service organiza-
tion, at prices set by those who turn
them in. To cover Exchange expenses
a ten per cent service charge is de-
ducted from this amount when the
bcgks are sold.
The Exchange store at the Game
Room of the League is open for re-
ceiving and selling books from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. today and will be open to-
morrow morning. Houston empha-
sizes that books turned in immedi-
ately have the best chance to be sold.
Store hours for next week will be
adjusted to student convenience and
will be announced tomorrow.
Robeson Will
Open Series
Famous Baritone to
Sing Here Tomorrow
Paul Robeson, versatile American
baritone, accompanieti by Lawrence
Brown and assisted by William
Schatzkamer, pianis , will open the
67th annual Choral Union concert
eries at 8::30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
The program for the first concert
is as follows:
o Isis and Osiris...............Mozart
When Dull Care ..Arr. by Lane Wilson
Lasciatemi MorireL........ Monteverdde
Thr ee Poor Mariners..Arr. by Roger Quilter
Mr. Robeson
Organu'Fugue in G minor (The Little
Fugue).......................... Bach
Intermezzo in E-flat minor....... Brahms
Polonaise in A-flat major ........ Chopin
Mr. Schatzkamer
Silent Room ..,...............Moussorgsky
Excerpt from "Boris Godounoff".......
Two Shakespeare Songs:
Take, O Take Those Lips Away ......
............Roger Quilter
It Was a Lover and His Lass.........
............ ............ Roger Quiiter
Mr. Robeson
Four Russian Folk Songs ...Liadoff-Siloti
Reflets Dans L'Eau .............. Debussy
Ritual Fire Dance...............DeFalla
Mr. Schatzkamer
John Henry.........Arr. by Hall Johnson
Hammer Song .. Arr. by Lawrence Brown
Deep River ........ Arr. by H. T. Burleigh
Great Gittin' Up Mornin'............
..................Arr. by Lawrence Brown
Mr. Robeson

tem, welcomed the veterans back to
The acute housing problem facing
the University' which is this term
handling its second largest enrollment
was discussed by Robert Briggs, vice-
president of the University. This
problem is highly intensified due to
the number of married veterans who
seek rooms or apartments, he said.
The University was granted funds to
take over veteran housing units in
Ypsilanti, Pittsfield Village, and to
establish Veterans' Village, he ex-
The cashier's office will be open.
this evening to take book and sup-
ply orders from veterans."
In addition to the regular hours
from 8 a. m. to noon and 1 p. m. to
5 p. m., the office at 25 Angell Hall
will remain open from 7 p. m. to 9
p. m.
plained. The moving of 76 housingI
units to Veterans' Village is a tem-
porary solution, but the University
has plans for 176 permanent units.
Completion of these units is expected
by next fall, Briggs stated.
Jobs Available
Briggs also informed veterans that
part-time jobs are still available for
the vet and his wife and information
can be obtained at the Dean of Stu-
dents Office.
The Veterans' Administration in
Dearborn was represented by Frank
Campbell and C. H. Rogers, Chief of
Registration Division for the G. I.
Question Period
Following the speeches Bill Akers
lead a question period where specific
and pertinent problems were discussed
by Dean of Students Joseph Bursley,
Assistant Dean E. A. Walters, Rabbi
Jehudah Cohen, and others.
&Grads Show
Gain in Ranks
The Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies announces an en-
rollment of 1,388 graduate students,
a gain of 300 over last year.
At present, the figures are 673 men
and 715 women. The number of
men enrolled constitutes a 61 per
cent increase over last year against
a 6 per cent increase in the number
of women.
A larger percentage of students
than in previous years are attending
classes full time. Also evident is the
fact that a larger number of students
are on the doctorial level. Chinese
students constitute the largest single
foreign group. Many veterans are
continuing their studies, also.

Agreement On
Jdap Control
Also Expected
Stalin Expresses Wish
For Quick Settlement
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-Progress
toward settlement of Soviet-Ameri-
can disputes over Balkan issues as
well as control of Japan was reported
by diplomatic authorities today as a
result of intense negotiations between
Washington and Moscow.
Here are the top developments:
Stalin Desires Settlement
1. It is understood that Generalis-
simo Stalin has indicated to the
United StatesGovernment his desire
for an early settlement of outstand-
ing Balkan issues as a part of the
same pattern of negatiations involv-
ing Japan.
2. The State Department ain-
nounced that the Japanese problem
posed by Russia's demand for an
Allied Control Agency at Tokyo is
being decided by the big powers alone
-that is, the United States, Russia,
Britain and China, and not by all ten
members of the newly created Far
Eastern Advisory Commission.
Pauley to Leave For Japan
3. President Truman announced
that Ambassador Edwin Pauley will
leave for Japan early this month to
develop a reparations program de-
signed to deprive the defeated enemy
of resources for making war again.
4. The Soviet News Agency Tass
was quoted in reports from Moscow
as saying that Russia favors a con-
trol council for Japan made up of
Big Four representatives "under the
chairmanship of the United States
representative" who would presum-
ably be General MacArthur.
Officers Fill
Campus Naval
Unit Vacancies
Six officers have filled vacant posi-
tibns in the staff of the Naval unit
on campus and Maj. H. Calutt,
U.S.M.C., has replaced Capt. Harry
Bergtholdt as commanding officer
of the Marine detachment.
Lieut. Commander P. J. Good, who
announced this news yesterday, will
leave his public relations post next
week, and Lieut. (j.g.) Phillip S.
Boone, will be a temporary replace-
ment in that capacity.
The x)maining five personnel addi-
tions are Lieut. (j.g.) Russell A.
Bowman, instructor in geo-naviga-
tion; Lieut. (j.g.) Russell A. Bow-
man, instructor in geo-navigation;
Iieut. (j.g.) Loyd D. McMillan, naval
ordnance; Lieut. George . Hale,
seamanship; Lieut. (j.g.) George T.
West, damage control and engineer-
ing; Lieut. (j.g.) Theodore R. Schoon-
beck, navigation, and Lieut. Boone
will teach seamanship.
Those who left last week were Lieut.
Commander E. G. Van Pielt, instruct-
or in gunnery; Lieut. Commander T.
F. Grefe, gunnery, and Lieut. L. L.
Ferree, Jr. seamanship and damage
Yamashita Trial Witness
Calls Nip Soldiers Sadists
MANILA, Friday, Nov. 2-(P)-
Shouting that Japanese soldiers were
"sadists and beasts," a witness at the
War Crimes Trial of Lt. Gen. Tomo-
yuki Yamashita described today the
killing and burning of at least 1,500
civilians Feb. 10 in the battle for

Truck Smacks
Stadium Fence
The Stadium walls almost came
down at 5:25 a.m. yesterday, but the
threat was more real than the usual
football excitement when 15 tons of
iron castings and truck driven by
Steve A. Trujillo, 35, of Jackson, hit
a car at Stadium Blvd. and Main St.
The truck damaged a fender of the?
car, went on to hit a tree and street
sign, and went through the Stadium'
fence before it turned over three
hundred pound Trujillo escaped with
a slight scratch although the cab of
the vehicle was crushed. The car,
driven by Chauncey L. Dettling, 1425'
Stadium Blvd., had pulled out to'
make a left turn and the truck was
unable to stop.
B-29s Complete
Non-Stop Flight
From Japan
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 - Four
B-29s, carrying 43 tired, happy men
home from the war, completed tonight
the first non-stop flight from Japan
to Washington in 27 hours, 29 min-
Brig. Gen. Frank A. Armstrong, Jr.,
deputy commander of the 20th air-
force, led the flight home, landing at
Washington national airport at 7:38
p. m., Eastern Standard Time. The
distance was figured at 6,544 miles.
Second Attempt
It was the Army's second attempt
to make the trip non-stop. The first
attempt on September 18-19 fell short
of the goal because of constant ad-
verse winds and the three-plane flight
led by Lt. Gen. Barney M. Giles sat
down at Chicago to refuel before com-
ing on to Washington.
Both flights followed roughly the
same route, 'the great circle course
across the Pacific by way of Agattu
and Kodiake, in the Aleutians, Sitka,
Alaska, Fort St. John, Winnipeg, De-
troit and thence eastward across the
United States.
Report Bad Weather
General Armstrong smiling through
grime and two days' growth of beard,
said the weather was 'terrible' on
this flight also, and that they did not
know until they reached Kodiak, Ala-
ska, whether they would make it. As
it turned out, his plane landed with
800 gallons of fuel, enough for about
three hours.
General Armstrong said the planes
took off from the field near Sapparo,
capital of Hokkaido, northernmost of
the major Japanese islands, during a
Truman Hears
Labor, N A Me
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-(P)-Both
labor and employer representatives
said after talks with President Tru-
man today that they pledged coop-
eration in the labor-management
peace conference.
CIO President Philip Murray and
Ira Mosher, president of the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers,
told newsmen they informed Mr.
Truman they were entering the con-
ference, beginning next Monday, with
open minds.
Twenty-four Union and manage-
ment delegates and alternates to the
conference were called in today by
the President.
Included in the group was John L.
Lewis, president of the United Mine
Workers, who had not set foot in the
White House in four years.

By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, Java, Nov. 1-British
planes struck at Indonesian extrem-
ists stepping up their attacks tonight
against British forces in central and
western Java despite orders from
their own "president" Soekarno to
lay down arms.
With fighter-plane aid, the thin-
spread Indian troops recaptured most
of Magelang, 260 miles southwest of
Squadron of Tanks
A British spokesman described the
situation as "close to war." A squad-
ron of tanks arrived at still-tense
Soerabaja, naval base where Brig.
A, W. F. Mallaby was slain Tuesday
Soekarno head of the "Indoneis-
ian Republic," met with Dutch lead-
ers last night, and flew today into the
interior in a yet unsuccessful mis-
sion to make his followers halt the
Cooperation Urgel
Soekarno conferred last night with
Acting Lt.-Gov. Hubertus Van Mook.
The Dutch Information Service here
said Van Mook urged cooperation as
serving the best interests of all con-
cerned, and that Soekarno presented
arguments for recognition of a de
facto government headed by himself.
Immediately after Soekarno broad-
cast his orders toIndonesians last
night, the Indonesian-held Soerabaja.
radio station replied defiantly that
"real revolutionaries will not by any
means accept Soekarno's peace talk."
Army Arrests
21 Nazi Bankers
For Conspiracy
By The Associated Press
FRANKFURT, Germany,No. 1-
Twenty-one directors of Germany's
six greatest banks have been arrested
on charges that they worked hand-n-
glove with the Nazi party "in a con-
spiracy to dominate the world,"
financing Hitler's armies and helping
exploit conquered nations, U. S. Army
authorities announced today.
Twenty other tycoons of the pow-
erful banks are sought.
War Criminals
"It seems pretty sure that we will
recommend trial of these men as war
criminals," declared R. A. Nixon, Dep-
uty Director of the Military Govern-
ment Division Investigating Cartels.
Nixon said the directors of the "Big
Six" banks began pouring money into
German rearmament as early as
1935, and during the war "served as
virtual spies in the economic and poli-
tical fields."
Banking Industry Interlocked
He declared German banking and
German industry were so interlocked
that it was impossible to separate
them, and that the concentration of
economic power by the "Big Six" was
"of a scope and dominance far beyond
anything that has ever existed in the
United States."
He listed the six banks as the Deut-
sche Bank, the Dresdener Bank, the
Commerzbank, the Bank Der Deut-
schen-Arbeit, the Reichs Kredit-Ges-
ellschaft and the Berliner Handels
Ruthven To Preside
At SRA Coffee Hour
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will welcome new students at the first
Student Religious Association Coffee
Hour from 4:30 to 6 p.m. today at
Lane Hall.
A regular function of the Associa-
tion, the Coffee Hours are held every
Friday and feature various person-
ages as guests. This week, in addi-
tion to President Ruthven, the Asso-
ciation's Board of Governors has been
invited to meet students.
MacArthur Reveals
1 n A n1-

Forces Told
By Soekarno
To Cease Fire
Situation Described
As 'Close To War'

Cap Night Was Big Freshman Celebration


Freshman 'pots' would be worn at
this time of the year-if this were any
year prior to 1934.
Before the Executive Committee of
the Undergraduate Council abolished
the wearing of cans in 1934. fresh-

gear, because in 1870 the acting presi-
dent and some professors wore, an
Oxford style cap, blue with a square
top and movable visor.
By 1881 the classes had adopted
sncial style cans of their own. The

their graduation from the ranks of
first year men. Speeches and songs
made up a full program.
M's Awarded
The custom of Cap Night grew, and
in 1906 the first Saturday in June was

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