THE MTCHIGAN DAILY D SDAY, JANUARY ?09 1949 ----- -- - ---- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30. 194(~ STATEHOOD FOR HAWAII: House Committee Studies Issue c&ePJ. to the &dgtop .eEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTING 8 National Advertising Servie, Inc. College Publisbers'Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO 0BOSTON * LOS ANGEES *SA FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTANN LARSEN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. MYDA Request LAST WEEK the Student Affairs Committee refused MYDA'S petition to collect food on campus to aid the families of GM strikers. The refusal was explained on the basis that permis- sion to conduct such a drive would give the Uni- versity an appearance of taking sides in an in- dustrial dispute. The Student Affairs Commit- tee, we are told, rarely refuses "reasonable" student organization requests. However, that it can and does do so occasionally has many rami- fications. Abotit the MYDA request: 1) The campaign to aid families of strikers is a national expression of the desire to see strikes settled on the basis of real issues in- volved, not because strikers may be forced back to work because their families are enduring physical hardships. 2) By its refusal of permission for the food collection drive, the Student Affairs Committee leaves itself open to accusations of favoring the management in the industrial dispute. (Remember: it wishes the University to ap- pear neutral.) 3) The drive would not have been an official University campaign, but just a drive by one organization on campus. No student would be in any wy forced to support the drive any more than he is forced to attend J-Hops approved by the Student Affairs Committee. About the' general Student Affairs Committee powers: 1) The only justification for maintenance of regulations on campus organizations by the committee is to see that their affairs are con- ducted in an orderly manner, withut infringe- ments on other student rights. 2) The committee has no justification for re- fusing any group the right to organize for any purpose whatsoever, as long as it is not incon- gruous with general American principles, and specified University rulings. Be they anti-vivi- sectionists, tidley-winks players, or Frank Si- natra fans, all students have the right to or- ganize. We are supposedly in school to prpare for full democratic living. Restricting democratic life on campus certainly is not consistent with this aim. 3) Once a group's organizational set-up and purposes are approved, it should have complet freedom to use its own judgment in its activ- ities. -Mal Roemer Quotas I'Q VOTAS - quotas - quotas! Quotas for bond drives, campus campaigns, immigrations,- "What's in a name?" or race, or religion? Juliet could disregard her enemy's name, colleges and universities throughout this country do not sup- port such a benevolent policy. A recent article in the New York Times con- tained full information on "quota systems" in so-called "institutions of higher learning." Point- ing out the increasingly noticeable discrimina- tion against college applicants, the article merely intensified the significance of Dartmouth Col- lege President Ernest Hopkins' notorious de- fense of the Jewish quota at his school. What can we do about this age-old system which restricts the enrollment of religious A SUBCOMMITTEE of the House Committee on Territories, meeting in Honolulu, is studying the question of statehood for the Ha- waiian Islands. This is the most recent of a series of several hearings, the last in 1937, spur- red by the continual demand by Hawaiians for statehood. In a plebiscite conducted in 1940, Hawaiians favored statehood by more than two to one. The case for statehood for Hawaii was recog- nized by the Republican and Democratic par- ties when, in their 1940 platforms, both endorsed eventual statehood for the Territory. Those who argue against it, fail to realize the great bounds made in Hawaiian education, political and social orientation toward democracy since the United States annexed that republic in 1898. Evidently, they fail to give adequate consideration to the fact that Hawaiian institutions and trade are intimately tied in with the United States. But surely they cannot ignore the devotion to this nation which prompted the cream of Hawaiian manhood-Americans, Japanese, Filipinos, Chi- nese, Koreans, Negroes, Portuguese and Puerto Ricans-to fight with distinction in the U. S. armed forces during the war. Perhaps the most important cause for Ha- waiian discontent with its present legal status as an incorporated territory arises from eco- nomic and political factors. Hawaiians pay some five million dollars annually in Federal income taxes-more than 17 separate states in 1936-and yet are excluded from certain necessary Federal appropriations for public improvements. Federal internal revenue col- lections-excluding customs - exceed those from any of some 11 to 15 states. Ninety- eight per cent of Hawaii's exports go to the United States while Hawaiian imports from the mainland comprise 92 per cent of her im- ported goods. Politically, we discriminate against Hawaii by granting the Territory but one representative- and he without a vote-'to the House. Hawaii has no representation in the Senate. Hawaii, if granted statehood, would be represented in Con- gress by two voting senators and two representa- tives. The Governor of Hawaii and other high administrative and judicial officers are appoint- ed by the President of the United States. Ha- waiians, 80 per cent of whom are United States citizens, almost all native born, cannot partici- pate in presidential elections. This, in spite of the fact that Hawaii has had a two-party gov- ernment, consisting of a bicameral Territorial Legislature and local government throughout most- of the Territory for a longer period than the states of Arizona, New Mexico and Okla- homa. Direct primaries have been in operation since 1913; female suffrage since 1920. Ha- waiians take their limited elective franchise far more seriously than do the people of any state of the Union; during the general election of 1940, 85 per cent of Hawaii's registered voters cast a ballot. An indication of the extent of Hawaii's de- votion to the education of her inhabitants may be gathered from some rather significant statistics. The Territorial Government annual- ly appropriates ten -million dollars for educa- tion; in 1940, expenditures for this compre- hensive educational system comprised almost 30 per cent of the total bdget. In the year 1939, one-fouith of the population was attend- ing school, which is compulsory for the six to 14 age group. The University of Hawaii, a co-educational institution, has an enrollment exceeding two thousand, maintains relatively high educational standards, provides extension courses and a summer session program. It also does important work in industrial and marine research. In 1939-'40, more than 300 public and private schools served the educational needs of Hawaiians. Ethhologically, Hawaii is a "melting pot" of many racial strains. The pure Hawaiian is dis- appearing. Racial relations in Hawaii are marked by complete harmony. Assimilation through in- termarriage has taken a rapid course through the equally rapid growth in population, chiefly due to immigration. The preservation of native cultures by Oriental peoples, however, is by no means inexistent, although common aspira- tions-one of them equal political status with one hundred forty million other Americans- Student Poll TODAY students will have an opporunity to participate directly in student affairs. We are provided with an opportunity to express our feelings toward student activities in a poll being conducted by Alpha Phi Omega. We should take advantage of it. Maybe you are not particularly interested in whether or not we have an ice carnival; maybe you would much rather learn if other students agree with you in wanting a revival of the course on marriage relations. The seventeenth question asks if you would like another student poll. The organization will sponsor another one if students want it, and they will ask the questions students want asked. The poll cannot succeed in revealing campus opinions if we do not participate in it. -Mary Ruth Levy, unite the Hawaiian people. About one-third of the Territory's 423,330 inhabitants are of Jap- anese extraction; 66,000 are of native American stock; little more than 50,000 are Filipinos; 40,000 part-Hawaians; 30,000 Portuguese; 28,- 000 Chinese; 21,000 Hawaiians; and 7,600 Puerto Ricans. Although everyone born in the Islands thereby gains United States citizenship, immi- grants of certain racial extraction cannot seek naturalization, by Federal law. The war, touched off in the Pacific by the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, has brought Hawaii and the mainland in ever closer mutual dependence. In peace, the importance of Ha- waii as a focal point of air transportation and commerce will bring us closer together, and bringing us closer together is the aspiration of Hawaiians in asking for statehood. --Arthur J. Kraft I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Growing Pains By SAMUEL GRAFTON COMMENTATORS huff and puff and call on the government to "deal with" the strike situation. But when it comes to telling the gov- ernment just how to "deal with" strikes, the critic's voice fades away, and he turns to some other business, like tying his shoe. The truth is that the government itself has no earthly idea of how to deal with strikes, and most of us have no clear idea of what to tell it to do. That the government has an interest in strike situations is obvious; it was calculated at the height of the meat strike, that 1,500,000 bushels of scarce corn were being wasted each day by being fed to animals which should have been on their way to slaughter; a continuation meant a feed famine later in the year, and the government certainly has an interest in pre- venting a feed famine, apart from the issues involved in the strike itself. The government's interest is clear enough; but when the government tries to express this in- terest, it stammers and yammers, and manages only to look bedraggled and helpless. THIS CAME OUT at Mr. Truman's press con- ference on strikes, at which the President managed to adopt half-a-dozen conflicting atti- tudes within six minutes. First he declared sternly that both management and the unions were too strong; here the President put on a show of the government-as-umpire, impartial, above the battle. Next he said that the workers ought to go back to work; here he staged a dem- onstration of the government as a pressure in- strument, a mobilizer of opinion. But when he was asked whether the workers ought to go back at the old wages, or at the new wages he had proposed, he conceded that they could only go back at the new wages. The President, by this time, was in difficul- ties, for he had told the workers to go back, and had also admitted that they couldn't go back; so he switched his ground, and declared the fault was Congress, which hadn't helped him by passing appropriate legislation. Here we had a demonstration of the government as a divided voice, helpless; and a press conference which had started with a strong assertion of the govern- ment's interest ended with a confession that the government didn't have a unified program. The President tried to get back to his origi- nal theme by saying limply that he liked the fact that the government was based on di- vided authority; that he was against concen- trated power anywhere. This did not help matters much, and so the President tried a bit of bluster to the effect that the govern- ment might make steel in its own plants, and the ceremonies ended. THIS is a shambles. And suddenly one is struck by the thought that the government has no such emotional tangles in its attitude toward business, nor in its attitude toward agri- culture; it is only in its attitude toward labor, the third of the three great national interests, that these complications show up. And a little nagging voice seems to say that the trouble may be due to a kind of total im- maturity; that government, or at least Congress, has not yet accepted labor as a legitimate, adult, valid interest, in the sense in which, say, it has accepted agriculture; and one remembers the "trouble" the national legislature had with far- mers before that was true. It is an odd sort of fact that though there is no identifiable anti- business bloc in Congress, and certainly no anti- farm bloc, there is a large anti-labor bloc. Perhaps we are suffering growing pains. It may seem strange to those who believe la- bor needs repressing to suggest that the road to labor peace lies in more labor representa- tion in government; yet we know that no eco- nomic interest ever makes peace with society on any terms but that of acceptance, and we know that labor is the only interest for which there was no reconversion planning. Certainly this seems a rounder truth than any other which has floated to the surface of the broken situation created by the strike wave; and to men who are frantically searching for the gimmick and the' gadget, the little voice says that perhaps what we need is nothing more complicated than to grow up. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Fine Gesture To the Editor: THERE HAS BEEN quite a contro- versy over the letter of Mr. Ed- ward Moore printed in the January 23rd issue of the Daily. We are grati- fied to know that Mr. Moore, a VET- ERAN who has seen the devastating effects of the war in war-torn Eur- ope, is highly perturbed about the idea that the J-Hop Committee is planning to spend the enormous sum of $10,000 for a single dance. It would certainly be a fine gesture, as Mr. Moore implies, to raise this amount for a charitable organization. There are a large number of vet- erans on this campus who have looked forward to their return to college life. This may indeed sound trite when we say that they may have spent some dreary nights in foxholes - thinking of their loved ones, and even "big" college dances. They too, we are sure, must have seen some of the horrifying condi- tions in Europe. We are grateful that you, Mr. Moore, represent a very small portion of the veterans en this canipus. After much debat- ing, we have conic to the conclu- sion that you are very slightly "off the beam". However, don't be offended, because we will do our utmost to dedicate you a song at the J-Ilop--"Straighten Up and Fly Right," since we are almost certain that you couldn't possibly attend the .-1lop, at ten skins a throw, and still think of the starv- ing people all over the world. In conclusion, Mr. Moore, are we correct in presuming that you are married and have a family? James R. Eatmon James S. Nishimura John L. Bunch Jr. United Student Fund . IHESI'T'ATE in writing this, lest I be accused of attempting to steal the limeliglt and to bask in the fond contemplation of one's name in print, a practice heretofore reserved -exclu- sively for the Daily staff writers. But I feel that a definitive attempt to clear up this horrible confusion should be made, now that the J-Hop plans are definite. We self-appointed critics have been accused of being professional kill- .joys, when we point out with consid- erable alarm how ghastly it is that grown students should make such a puking fuss about the 'normal' J-Hop while the world about us (forgive me) lies in near ruins. I think I speak for a good many people when I say that it was of no concern, outside of the possibility of raising the issues of student con- trol and academic freedom, wheth- (r or not the J-Hop was to be held. It was just that we could not see why there is such a vast margin be- tween the utter apathy shown to- ward drives supporting worthy causes (Galens, Polio Fund, F.E.- P.C. et al) and the intense enthusi- asm manifested toward the J-Hop. I can see why there should be this gap if I assumed that students at this university had no humanitarian or social consciences. But I do not as- sume this. Or should I? Please understand, I did not mean to impute any connection between holding the Hop and raising funds on campus. The two, I need not point out, are entirely separate issues. I do not, nor have I ever done so, argue against any social activities. I do ar- gue against the carefully cultivated indifference shown on all quarters whenever we are asked to support one or more worthy causes. True, we are plagued almost con- tinually to support many causes and drives. And this leads to re- sentment against all drives. If this is the case, then let us make an effort to decrease the annoyance of out-stretched hands. (Incidentally, when we become too annoyed at this begging, try to envision what it would be like to be on the receiving end.) I suggest (and not in 6pposition to the fatuous plan of flatulent Gold- stein) that a semi-semester drive, to be called, say, the United Student Fund, be held for the purpose of fund raising for all the causes to which we are asked to contribute. The money realized from these drives, four times during the college year, would be the only source to which properly ac- credited agencies might apply for contributions. This Fund, of course, would be administered by an elected STUDENT committee. The pro rata distribution of the Furld would be de- cided each semester by the entire student body. In this fashion, I believe that we would be relieved of the almost con- tinual solicitations made on campus and, at the same time, we could raise a good deal more money. To Mr. Scream - down - the -Field By Crockett Johnson , _ - Goldstein, a bouquet of stinkweeds for his attempt at pettifoggery and obscurantism. It is not our (the students') concern whether the University or the Athletic Corpora- tion or the profit-swollen Union and League cafeterias contribute to DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 64 Notices Caps and gowns for women gradu- ating in February should be pur- chased at Moe's Sport Shop Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so that that they can be worn for the Senior Ban- quet to be held Wednesday night. Caps and gowns for men of the Feb- ruary graduating class should be pur- chased by February 9 so that they will arrive in time for graduation Feb. 23. Choral Union Members. Members of the Choral Union whose atten- dance records are clear,, will please call for their courtesy tickets admit- ting to the Chicago Symphony Or- chestra concert, on Thursday, the day of the concert, between, 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4 o'clock. After 4 o'clock no passes will be issued. Detroit Civil Service announce- ments for the following have been re- ceived in our office: Student Techni- cal Assistant (Male), $1928-$2080, Student Technical Assistant (Male & Female), $1928-$2080 per year. Ap- proximately half time for 40 hr. week employment. For Supervisor of Hos- pital Nurses, $3913-$4071. For fur- ther information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Girl Scouts: Miss Monna Heath, representative, will be in our office, Thursday, January 31, and Friday, Feb. 1, to interview any girls graduat- ing who would be interested in their organization. Call the Bureau of Ap- pointments, University Ext. 371, for appointment. League housemothers who have not yet turned in copies of spring hou - ing contracts' to the Office of the Dean of Women are requested to do so immediately. League House residents who have not already signed new husing con- tracts for the spring semester are in- formed that they must either sign spring contracts immediately or give notice of departure to present house- mothers on or before Feb. 1. Notice to Men Students and House- holders of Approved Houses for Men: The closing date for the Spring Term will be February 23 and rent shall be computed to include this date. Householders may charge for a room between Feb. 23 and Feb. 28 providing the student keeps his pos- sessions in the room or occupies it himself. As per the terms of the con- tracts, students are expected to pay the full amount of the contract three weeks before the end of the term. Registration for the Spring Term begins Feb. 28 and classes begin Mar. 4. If either the householder or student wish to terminate their present agree- ment, notice must be given to the of- fice of the Dean of Students on or before Feb. 2, at noon. Students may secure forms for this purpose in Room 2, University Hall. Lectures University Lecture. Professor Ran- dall Stewart, of Brown University, will speak on the subject, "The Liter- ature of Early New England," today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the De- partment of English Language and Literature. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Professor Jean Gottman, of Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, will speak on the subject, "The Great Powers of the Mediterranean," at 4:15 p.m., Friday, Feb. 1, in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the Department of Geography. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Mercy Corneliua, Education; thesis: "Some Trends in Selected Aspects of Per- sonnel Service in American Higher Education with Implications for Women's Colleges in India," today in the West Council Room, Rackham Buijidino- 'nt. 1 -n n Chirn w.-, P. S. Jones will conclude the discus- sion of "Some Early Theorems in Functions of a Complex Variable." Physical Education-Women Stu- dents: All women's physical education classes will meet in Barbour Gymna- sium for physical fitness tests on Wednesdayyand Thursday, Jan. 30 and 31, regardless of activity. Recreational Swimming-Women Students: There will be recreational swim- ming for women studentsat the Un- ion Pool on Thursday evening, Jal. 31 only from 7:30 to 9:30. Any wom- en student may swim during these hours provided she has a medical per- mit. This may be obtained at the Health Service. A small fee is charged for the swim. Students are asked to present Identification Cards, Seminar in physical chemistry will meet on Thursday, Jan. 31 in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Andre Dreiding will speak on "Reactions and structure of organic proton donors." All interested are invited. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Friday, Feb. 1, at 4 p.m., in Room 319 West Medical Building. The subject, "Porphyrins-Porphyria" which was originally scheduled for discussion has been postponed to Fri- day, Feb. 8. Dr. H. B. Lewis will dis- cuss the recent Cori work relating to phosphorylation. Concerts The Chicago Symphony Orches- tra, Desire Defauw, Conductor, will give the eigthth concert in the Choral Union Series, Thursday evening, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. The pro- gram will consist of compositions by Handel, Faure, Strauss and Franck. The concert will begin on time, and doors will be closed during numbers. Faculty Recital Benjamin Owen, pianist, will present a recital at 8:30 tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter. His program will open with Par- tita No. 6 in E minor by Bach, to be followed by Sonata in A major, Op. 101 by Beethoven, Valses nobles et senitmentals, and Toccata, by Ravel, and will close with Sonata by Griffes. The public is cordially invited. Exhibtions Exhibit: "Guide fossils of the Jur- rasic used in Petroleum Exploration in Alaska," in the Rotunda, Univer- sity Museums Building, Jan. 20 to Mar. 1. A joint exhibition of paintings by John Pappas and Sarkis Sarkisian of Detroit, in the Rackham Mezzanine Galleries, under the auspices of the College of Architecture and Design. Through Jan. 31, daily except Sun- day, afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10. The public is cordially invited. Events Today All Freshmen Girls: Today has been officially proclaimed Freshman Girls' Day. All Freshman women should wear green sweaters or rib- bons as an expression of their loyalty to their class. From 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., The Frosh Fun Fest, an open house. for all Freshman women, will be held at the League Ballroom. Varsity Glee Club: Election of Of- ficers. Plans for Veterans' Party. Serenade and Spring Concerts. Every member must attend or phone Direc- tor at 2-3639 explaining absence. Flying Club: There will be a meet- ing tonight at 7:30 in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. New plans for accommodating the second flying group immediately will be dis- cussed. 'to all members who missed the last meeting: operations have started for the first group. All stu- dents and members of the faculty are invited to attend the meeting. Modern Poetry Club will meet to- night at 7:34, in 3217 Angell Hall. Members are requested to bring both their Untemeyer and Oxford anthol- ogies. Dr. Morris Greenhut will lead the discussion on "How to Read a Poem." Comin Events these humanitarian endeavors or not. It is for us, the living, to see to the needs of not only the blundering generations before us but also ours and the succeeding ones as well. In this way lies hope. -Edward H. Tumin BARNABY - - 1 i ' Our modest plan, m'boy, to win money on a quiz show, was but ONE way to secure Mr. O'Malley, I forgot I 1;,;i fi, Ac No. To find Gorgon. He's