See Page 4
University Coed To Continue in Role
Of Campus 'Cinderella,
Health, Crowded Living Conditions
Necessitate Present Hours for Women
Health and crowded housing conditions will not permit any alter-
ation in the present hours for women, Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women,
declared yesterday.
In a written reply to a Daily editorial which described Michigan
women as "Cinderellas," Dean Lloyd said that the high percentage of
women reporting to the Health Service for reasons of fatigue is "al-
ready a matter of concern."
Later hours for women would
Lloyd said.
Hockey Teamt
Easily Defeats
Visting Sextet
McMaster on Short
End of 13-6 Decision
In a wild-scoring hockey game that
established a new total goals record
for the Coliseum ice, Michigan easily
defeated McMaster University's un-
dermanned sextet last night, 13-6, for
the Wolverine's 12th win of the sea-
Coach Vic Heyliger's squad obvi-
ously was not going all out for last
'night's game as it warmed up for this
week's big two game series with Min-
nesota, and the contest failed to pro-
duce the brand of hockey seen in the
past few games. However, after a
listless first period the game turned
out to be a crowd pleaser, with plenty
of goals and rough play.
Grant, McMillan Score Three
Wally Grant and Gord McMillan
each turned the hat-trick again for
the Wolverines, but high-scoring
honors went to the visitor's center
Gerald Wagar, who tallied four goals.
Chet Kuznier and Wally Gacek each
added two markers to the Michigan
After a slow opening five minutes
Heyliger's squad finally scored with
Bill Jacobson shooting the puck past
McMaster's goalie, Bob Chittick. Bob
Marshall got his first of three assists
on the play.
Wagar Tied Count
Wagar tied the count for Cana-
dians, but Wally Grant again put the
Wolverines in the lead a moment
later, after stick-handling his way
from his own blue-line.
Kuznier pushed the puck into the
nets after almost muffing his chance
for Michigan's third goal. Jack
Birthelmer got this one back for Mc-
Master's however, as the period
Connie Hill knocked in a rebound
at 3:07 of the second frame, and
Gord McMillan fllicked the puck past
Chittick half a minute later. Wagar.
assisted by Larry Folliott, banged in
two more goals to cut the Michigan
lead to one goal. T:Chen Michigan's
Student Opinion
Ballots Will Be
Collected 1 nlay
Ballots for the Alpha Phi Omega
poll of student opinion will be col
lected today on the diagonal, in the
Union, the League, and at the engi-
neering arch.
They will be provided at the places
of collection for those students who
were not contacted through the dis-
tribution yesterday and Monday.
William DeGrace, who is in charge
of the project, has announced th t
the filled-out forms will be collected
from dormitories, fraternities and so-
rorities tomorrow.
By asking the student body about
certain phases of proposed and ex-
isting activities, the service fraternity
hopes to obtain information which
will be useful to campus organiza-
DeGrace pointed out that favor-
able response to such proposed ac-
tivities as mixed swimming parties
and a swing concert featuring a top-
name band would probably prompt
these organizations to sponsor them.
Provision is made on the ballot,
DeGrace said, for students to indi-
cate whether or not they would like
to have more polls. Students may
submit questions for future polls.
Campus ftitudes as revealed by
the poll will be published in the
Piano instriicto
'To Present Recital
not alleviate this condition, Dean
Noting the problems faced by her
office in finding rooms for increas-
ing numbers of women students,
Dean Lloyd said "some of the
League houses would not continue
to take college girls if women's
hours were extended."
Dean Lloyd said The Daily editor-
ial's comparison of Michigan and
other colleges was "not valid unless
the critic is in a position to say that
social conditions, academic achieve-
ments and student morale are better
on the campuses where he feels more
liberal hours prevail."
The text of , Dean Lloyd's state-
ment follows:
"The Michigan Daily has asked
me to comment on the editorial
which appeared in Saturday's Daily
on the general subject of women's
hours. The author of the article
had obviously not read carefully
the house rules for women at the
University of Michigan and has not
presented the situation clearly.
Each university or college has the
responsibility and obligation to de-
termine what seems best in the opin-
ion of the authorities to insure the
health and welfare of its students
and to protect the purpose for which
the institution was founded. The Of-
fice of the Dean of Women is charg-
ed by the Regents with the respon-
sibility of fixing the regulations for
the women students. The women's
hours have always been established
in close cooperation with the women's
student government.
There are several reasons why
the present hours for women are
desirable at this time and should
not be changed. The housing con-
ditions for women are crowded
this term and are going to be much
more so for some time to come. It
is going to be necessary to safe-
guard more carefully than ever the
need for proper study and for ade-
quate sleep.
Later hours for women would not
do this. It is already a matter of con-
cern to this office and to the Health
Service that far too high a percent-
age of the students who report to the
Health Service are there because of
excessive fatigue. Even with our
present hours, the fatigue is especial-1
ly noticeable on Mondays when the
dormitory nurses report more meals
served upstairs than on any other
day in the week.
At the present time there is an
added problem to face, a problem
in which women's hours are involv-
ed. Because of the increase in en-
rollment of women (an increase of
1 in the past three years) it
has been necessary to find new
housing for them.
We have found reluctance on the
part of house owners to take women
because of the late hours involved
in supervising the house. Some of the
league houses which we now have
would not continue to take college
girls if the women's hours were ex-
tended. This at a time when we are
turning girls away in large numbers
See DEAN LLOYD, Page 4
I iialit' To CGo
111 Sale) Sunda
"The Student: Guinea Pig or Can-
pus Citizen?" This question is asked
in the new magazine "Insight," edited
by the Student Religious Association
to be on sale Sunday.
Articles in the magazine will dis-
cuss "University in the Modern
World," "Student Government a Con-
tinuing Experiment, The Nuclei of the
Student Body, and The Campus a
Laboratory for Democracy."
"Insight" is under the editorship
of Joyce Siegan, president of Lane
Hall, Jean Kilpatrick is assistant edi-
tor, Keitha Harman, business man-
ager. Publicity is being handled by
Beverly Ketcik and Barbara White.
Says Dean
'Hubba, Hubba'...
Conversation overheard in
Haven Hall between a history
professor and a Latin-Ameri-
can student:
Student: I have much diffi-
culty with the English language.
Can you help me?
Professor: Why don't you get
a dictionary?
Student: I have one, but it
does not help. The students say,
"Hubba, hubba, but I no can
find in dictionary."
JAG Classes
Will Review
Todaty in Quad
The traditional graduation parade
for 78 members of the 27th Officer
Class and 21 members of the 15th
Officer Candidate Class of the Judge
Advocate General's School will be
at 4 p.m. today in the Law Quad-
Guests To Review Parade
Maj. Gen. Thomas H. Green, Judge
Advocate General of the Army, and
Maj. Gen. Henry S. Aurand, com-
manding general of the Sixth Ser-
vice Command, will be the special
guests reviewing the parade with Col.
Reginald Miller, commandant of the
Army forces on campus.
Following the parade a banquet
will be held for members of the
classes and several guests. Included
will be Col. William McCarty, assist-
ant Chief of Staff for Michigan Af-
fairs of the Sixth Service Command;
the honorable O. Z. Ide, judgetof the
Common Pleas Court, Detroit; Or-
ville Foster, president of the Detroit
Bar Association; George M. Burke,
Ann Arbor attorney, Prof. F. L. Hunt-
ley, of the political science and Eng-
lish departments; Burke Shartel, pro-
fessor of law, and Dean Blythe Sta-
son of the University Law School.
Graduation Tomorrow
Graduation exercises will be held
at 10 a.m. tomorrow in Hutchins
Hall. Gen Green will give the main
address and present certificates to
the men of the Officer Class and
to the newly-commissioned second
lieutenants of the Officer ,Candi-
date Class.
A bronze plaque will be given the
Law School by Gen. Green on behalf
of members of the Judge Advocate
General's Department. It will be
mounted near the east entry of the
Law and Lawyers Club.
Club To Give
Party with All
Nations The me
The Faculty Women's Club will
present an all-nations program at 3
pnm.'today in the TRackham Asscm-
bly Ilall.
Included on the program will be
Korean songs sung by Charles Kim,
songs by a group from Mrs. Lila
Pargment's Russian class, tinder the
direction of Wilma Miron, an Indian
dance by Bhaniu Parikh, songs by Gib
berto Oliver of Puerto Rico, accom-
panied by Mrs. Estelle Titiev, and a
Philippine dance presented by Lucille
Martelina and Lourdes Segunda.
Tea will follow the program, and
Mrs. E. Blythe Stason, Mrs. Esson
Gale, Mrs. Howard B. Lewis, and Mrs.
R. A. Stevenson will pour. Mrs. Ches-
er Sctoepfle and Mrs. Donald Mat-
thews are to be the assistant host-
All women studets frOM foreign
countries are invited, and a special
invitation is extended to those from
Russia, India, Korea, Puerto Rico,
and the Philippines.
Prof. Rundull Stewurt Will
SPuik at RqCINxw', Toda y
Speaking under the ,uspices of the
English department, Prof. Randall
Stewart of Brown University will lec-
ture at 4.15 p.m. today in Rackham
Amphitheatre on the subject "The
Literature of Early New England,"
The lecture is open to the public.
v ghhCoa
City Planners
Submit Maps
Of Community
1I'ernanent Facilities
Will Be Established
Active participation iy the Kaiser-
Frazier Corporation in plans to con-
vert Willow Village into a model town
was taken yesterday when a repre-
sentative of the corporation became
a formal member of the directors of
the Washtenaw Area Planning Com-
The Kaiser representative replaces
a resigning representative of the Ford
Motor C.
A progress report on a section of
Willow Run town site was given by
Saarinsen and Swanson of Bir-
mingham, Mich., internationally
famous town planners who are
drafting plans for the Commission.
Experimental plotting by the firm
was submitted to the Commission
for comments and suggestions, in
the form of detailed maps and
Faced with the problem of provid-
ing permanent living facilities on a
site where there are almost no exist-
ing permanent improvements to be
considered, the Planning Commission
is preparing an ideal community.
Provisions for roads, homes, a busi-
ness district, schools and green belts
or parks are being made.
The completed plans will event-
ually be submitted to the people in
an educational program and then
voted on by city, township and
county electorates in the form of
zoning ordinances and other con-
trols molding private construction
in the town to fit a pattern. Since
the present buildings are predomi-
nantly temporary, it is possible to
plan on a grand scale that would
be impossible in a place such as
Detroit, Dr. Otto K. Engelke, a
member of the commission said.
Plans for buildings which were
given a public hearing about six
weeks ago include all sizes of single
and multiple dwellings to fit different
economic levels, but without marked
differentiation between levels. Dr.
Engelke described them as "in ac-
cordance with common sense."
Plans for the town would utilize
existing permanent facilities such
as water and gas lines, sewage dis-
posal facilities and, in some cases,
roads. Existing temporary build-
ings such as the dormtories now in
use by University students will be
demolished completely, to be re-
placed by permanent buildings ac-
cerding to the Commission's pat-
Iatt e To
Discuss Asia
Was Political Advsor
i'o Chiang Ka-Sick
Owent Lattimrore, leading author-
ity on Asiatic problems, will speak o
the topic "Solution in Asia" at 8:30
pin. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium, uni-
der the sponsorsfp of the Oratorical
Director of the School of Inter-
national Relations at Johns Hopkins
University, he has spent most of his
life working and studying in the East.
During the war he was called upon
to act as political advisor to Chiang-
Kai-Shek and was director of Pa-
cific Operations for the OWI. In 1944
he accompanied Vice-President Wal-
lace on his tour through Siberia and
He is known for his contributions
to the "Atlantic Monthly," "National
Geographic," "Asia" and other peri-
odicals and for his latest book "Solu-
tion in Asia."
Eighth Choral
Union Concert
To Be Given
Wilson, Thomas To Attend First
In Series of New Discussions
By I'lie Associated Press
DETROIT, Jan. 29-General Motors Corp. and the CIO United Automo-
bile Workers will renew negotiations-probably tomorrow afternoon-in the
wage dispute that has kept 175,000 production workers idle since last Nov. 21.
This was announced late today by James F. Dewey, specially assigned
federal labor conciliator, after a series of conferences with GM President
Charles E. Wilson and top officials of the UAW-CIO.
Dewey, who helped end the 42-day GM sit-down strike in 1937, met
first with Wilson, then with R. J. Thomas and Walter P. Reuther,
president and vice-president of the union, and again with both parties
before disclosing he had succeeded in arranging a resumption of the
negotiations. "
Both Wilson and Thomas will at-
tend the first session, Dewey said. v B i
His objective, Dewey said, was to
get the two parties together "and ForAi *p rt5'
keep them together." o u r o~ i
After the meeting with Dewey,
Reuther said "the union is agreeable Well Received
to meet again with GM."
There was no statement from
General Motors following the Wil- Briggs Tells of SPA
son-Dewey meeting, but Dewey said
his talk with the GM president was Conference in Capitol
"very satisfactory."
General Motors CIO Auto Union
Will Resume Wage Negotiations;
Defauw Will Direct
Orchestra Tomorrow
Opening their program with Han-
del's "Concerto Grosso, No, 10, in D
minor," the Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra under the direction of Desire
Defauw, will present the eighth'
Choral Union concert at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
The Suite from Faure's "Pelleas et
Melisande," the Strauss tone poem,
"Thus Spake Zarathustra" and Cesar
Franck's popular "Symphony in D
minor," will complete the program.
Music for the "Pelleas et Melisande"
suite was adapted from the Belgian-
French symbolist, Maurice Maeter-
linck's realistic play.
Now in its fifty-fifth season, the
orchestra devotes most of its time to
home city concerts, engagements in
Milwaukee and nearby cities. The
owner of its own Orchestra Hall in
Chicago, the symphony also operates
a School of Music Civic Orchestra
for the purpose of training perform-
ers for symphony orchestras.
Popular concerts for industrial
plant workers and social settlement
houses, as well as Young People's
Concerts are an annual function of
the orchestra.
Picasso's Work
Interpreted byl
Former Stuadent
"You can understand Picasso best
by thinking of him as a Spaniard; it
is the key to his work and his per-
sonality," Miss Harriet Adams said
last night at a lecture sponsored by
the All Nations Club in the Rackham
Art Curator, Instructor
Miss Adams received her bachelor's
degree at this university and worked
at the Museum of Modern Art, New
York City, before taking over her
present posit on at the Museum at
the Cranbrook Academy of Art.
"In 1934 Picasso stopped painting
almost entirely due to the emotional
upset from the breakup of his mar-
riage", she said. And- it is very evi-
dent since 1937 that there has been
a "levelling off of intensity and scope,
for that year can be regarded as a
climax", she added.
Lecture Illustrated
Slides were shown to emphasize
the main points of her lecture. Not-
able among these were: "The Bull-
fight", which exemplifies the ex-
pressionistic qualities of Picasso's
work-"his harsh and virulent treat-
ment",--Miss Adams called it; "The
Dreams and Lives of Franco", which
is a series of etchings she compared
to Goya's "Disaster of War"; "Guer-
nica", a symbolic black and white
painting that summed up Picasso's
expressions of deep emotion about
the Spanish revolution which started
A2 1937,
"He has not reached a final syn-
thesis," she said. "Picasso has not
found a means to express himself so
that the man in the street can under-
stand him. But man is his sole center
of interest and we can always depend
on this artist to be a storm center,
The corporation has said on several
occasions that it was ready to meet
with the union "at any time on any
pertinent issues."
The fact Dewey went directly to
Wilson in beginning his mediation
efforts led to speculation that the
General Motors president might take
part in the renewed negotiating ses-
sions for the first time since the dis-
cussions began. GM's negotiating
group has been headed by Harry W.
Anderson, vice president in charge of
industrial relations, while Reuther
has led the union negotiators.
Taylor Elected
CLA President;
Panel Planned
Robert Taylor, '47, was elected
president of the Committee for Lib-
eral Action for the spring term at a
meeting last night.
Formerly vice-president of the or-
ganization, he will be succeeded _in
that office by Wayne Saari. Judy
Jacobs was re-elected recording sec-
retary. Other officers include Char-
lotte Bobrecker, corresponding sec-
retary, and Rona Eskin, treasurer.
A panal discussion by two faculty
members of the economics and politi-
cal science departments on the topic
of Big Three Control and Sovereignty
vs. Cooperation in the United Nations
Organization will be sponsored by
CLA early next week, Bob Taylor an-
nounced. A student moderator will
also participate in the panel which is
planned to rally organized campus
opinion on these and related aspects
of the current UNO meetings in
The Committee voted to support a
one-term student council (if it is
elected this spring) during the stu-
dent government constitution cam-
paign scheduled for next term. A de-
bate on international control of
atomic energy and subsequent drive
for a series of lectures on this sub-
ject will be conducted by CLA at the
beginning of the spring term.
Replies from Michigan representa=
tives Albert Engel, Bartel Jonkman
(Committee on Foreign Affairs),
George D. O'Brien, and Earl C.
Michener (Judiciary, Rules commit-
tees) and from a faculty member,
supporting CLA's recent FEPC cam-
paign and progressive national pol-
icy, were received by the group.
Spanish FiII
To Be Slhown1
"Dona Barbara." a Spanish film
with English subtitles, will be shown
at 8:30 pim. tomorrow, Friday, and
Saturday in Lydia Mendelssohn
Starring Maria Felix and Julian
Soler, the film is being presented un-
der the auspices of the Art Cinema
League and La Sociedad Hispanica.
Tickets go on sale today at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mem-
bers of La Sociedad will be admitted
upon payment of the federal tax.
Wm- - in.nrn.farl .,nia r ,n 0+ in
The University's request for Willow
Run Airport has been "favorably" re-
ceived by officials of the Surplus
Property Administration, University
Vice-president Robert P. Briggs said
yesterday following his return from
But "a lot of work" remains to be
done before transfer of the huge air
base can be accomplished, Briggs
The SPA will survey the airport be-
fore acting on the University's re-
quest, he said.
The SPA is believed to be willing to
hand over Willow Run to the Uni-
versity if Detroit and Wayne County
agree to the proposal.
Under the plan submitted by the
University, revenue for operating the
airport wouldbe gainedfrom lease
of operating rights to 11 commercial
lines now serving Detroit.
The University would acquire the
airport without cost and with the sin-
gle stipulation that facilities for tem-
porary military use - be provided in
case of another national emergency.
The Reconstruction Finance Corp.,
after receiving the University's re-
quest, announced that it would give
the University priority for the 1,450
acre field.
Finral Draft of
constitution ZTo.
Be Discussed
The final corrected constitution for
reformed student government will be
read and discussed at the Town Hall
meeting at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Lane Hall.
Th1iis final draft, which will be read
by Sanford Perlis, president of the
Union, includes changes recom-
mended by the Committee on Student
Affairs. The meeting will start at
7:15 in order 'to allow persons who
wish to attend tle concert a chance
to hear the new constitution and con-
tribute to the first hour of discussion.
Wayne Saari, chairman of the Pub-
lic Affairs Committee of SRA, who
will assist in explaining various pas-
sages of the proposal, urges everyone
to attend this meeting. "Especially
those people who have expressed in-
terest in the new constitution in let-
ters to The Daily should come,"
Saari said.
The constitution is expected to be
submitted to the student body for
ratification in the next all-campus
election. It has already been ap-
proved by the Committee on Student
National News
At*a Glance.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29-()-This
government may let foreign observers
watch the forthcoming atomic bomb
naval tests, but ma~y bar them from
learning any technicalfacts obtained.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29,-(A_
Secretary of State Rvrnae isaid .t
GargoyleT o Appear Febiuary
Aa there, Joe Walker: I see you,"
Bill Goldstein, general manager of
the Gargoyle, called merrily, trying
sea for me. Back to tolling waves
again. If only I knew someone who
could take my place here,"
Walker polished his fingernails on
mg a accusing finger at Goldstein's
name. "There is no place for that
sort of thing in the Daily."
"But Bob," I began, when his