THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 2(J 194 ....... Aid4* au kuiIl Fifty-Sixth Year c1?IIPi to -th 6ditor I NP-. I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafft Ray Dixon ... . . . . . . . Managing Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . .ditorial1Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . City Editor Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Associate. Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore......... ...Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staffj Dorothy Flint Joy Altman . . . . . . . . . Business Mnager . ,, .... Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-2461 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: LOIS IVERSON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Cinderellas ONCE upon a time there were 5,000. coeds at- tending a large mid-western university. Oddly enough, every one of them was named Cinderella. There was an ugly rumor going around that if anyone of these lasses was not safely tucked in her trundle bed by 10:30,.a cer- tain group of fairy godmothers would trans- form her into a pumpkin! But all American coeds are not named Cin- derella. Far from it. Take Northwestern for example. There the flower of feminine youth stays out until 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights, and seniors have six 12:30 permissions a month on week nights! Imagine! At Barnard College of Columbia University in a town nearly as encouraging to wickedness as Ann Arbor, women get -10:30 hours every night. If they stay out till 1:30 ANY NIGHT, they must telephone for permission, earlier in the eve- ning. At the Universities of Chicago, Ohio State, and Illinois, coeds may play till 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. There is later permission for big dances at Illinois, and OSU coeds can stay out from one to four Wednesday or Sunday nights a month until 12 depending on whether they are freshman (1) sophomores (2) (etc.) or seniors (4). At Cornell, week nights and Sundays, sen- iors get 12 p.m., permission, juniors 11 p.m., sophomores 10:30, and freshmen 9:30. Friday, they all get until 12:30, and Saturday nights girls may be out until 1:30. Two "late nights" a week until 12:00 are allowed. (No Cinderellas these.) Of ten schools asked their hours in a Daily post card poll last week,.six are covered above. Two did not reply. Indiana has the same hours as Michigan, but freshmen must be in at 7:30 Mon- clay, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights. And Duke, in the staid Southland allows its young belles only two dates a week; hours are 10:30 all but Saturday (12:00) and Sunday (11:30 for juniors and seniors). One can't help wondering: If a young lady old enough to get married legally is not old enough to take care of her-. self. If seniors who are four years older than freshmen are not four years more mature. If weekday nights preceding classless days are not as good date nights as Fridays or Sat- urdays. If the administration of some universities do not under-rate the discretion of their femi- nine charges. ---Milt Freudenheim C-4T's for f ra o AN ITEM o seemingly little or no consequence has drifted into a few newspaper columns, well buried and underplayed. The article con- cerns Spain, and indicates that our State De- partment is at it again. The United States has sold Spain eight C47 transport planes and $300,000 worth of air- port equipment. The State Department as- sures the world that the supplies are of no military value to Franco. Of course not. What worth could a few C47 planes have? And airport equipment is obvi- ously of no military value. We might just as well, have sold Spain dog collars. The picture would look better if we had, but not much better. The ix e m. . .a t'- lit)riffh n o hen- "Sour Grapes" To the Editor: IF MR. MOORE, whose letter to the editor ap- peared in Wednesday's Daily, felt nauseated at the thought of a $10,000 J-Hop, it's wonder in- deed that he has not choked and thereby suf- focated on his own "sour grapes" ! ! ,In a swollen sea of verbal tantrum, Mr. Moore pounds ,his chest, pulls out his hair and cries havoc at the state of the nation. In psychic confusion he gets mad in turn at so- called lack of leadership, at the Steel industry, at the United States Senate, at the students, at the veterans, at the Press, and ends up by making dark prophecies about the winning of the peace. Oh yes, Mr. Moore is angry indeed that the world is pot his personal plaything. He hates everybody and everything. It goes rough with him that he can't strike out at those bigger things: the unions, the industries, the legislature, so he blends all his unhappiness and dissatis- factions into one lump of bitterness and hate and flings it at the closest thing ......displaced ag- gression they call it in psychology. It's not that we mind Mr. Moore's working out his feelings but we do object when he advo- cates that everyone is stupid except him ... that we pay the price in terms of his feelings about phenomena over which we have no control. We do object, and strenuously when he proposes that we pour ashes over our head, stop laughing, stop living, stop wanting, and start praying, just because everything is not as he would want it to be. Every student at the University of Michigan has helped according to his own abilities, in every way from Bomber Scholarships, to con- tributions to war torn universities and bodies ravaged by disease or want. Whey then should we deprive ourselves of the things we want and need? Why should we be elected to "take care" of the world in general and in particular???? Hogwash, Mr. Moore, it doesn't solve a thing to rant and rave about the errors of students' ways until you've proved they are in eiror, and such proof is far from apparent, and couldn't be be- cause it doesn't exist. As nearly as we can see the only thing that not having the kind of a J-Hop we want would accomplish, would be to placate Mr. Moore's feeling of aggression! -As a parting touehe, if Mr. Moore's idea of maturity is the letter he wrote, I'll take child- hood;.if his idea of winning the peace is the destruction of individual thought and the utili- zation of the public press to formulate opinion (a prime tool of fascist regimes), I'll take a -$10,000 J-11op! ' -Mary Horan JPlop or No 1 WAS much impressed by the article on the J-Hop in Wednesday's Daily written by Ed- ward Moore. There, I thought to myself, is a man with vision, a humanitarian! However, there is one small point which I should like to call attention to, a thing so trivial that I apolo- gize in mentioning it. Just how does Mr. Moore connect the starv- ing millions of the world, the quarrels of the un- ions and of U. S. Steel with one local J-Hop? Would a less expensive dance, or, in fact, no dance at all, feed these peoples or settle the problems of the world? If a thousand students waving ten dollar bills don't spend it at the J-Hop they will undoubtedly spend it some- where else; or does Mr. Moore want each stu- dent to divide his ten dollar bill into equal parts and send them to U. S. Steel, the unions, the O.P.A. and the Senate? It would be nice, but let's not be naive. Come, come, Edward, you can't tear down one plan unless you have a solution to put into its place, If you want to feed the destitute millions let's hear your plan, if you've got one, and if you haven't don't ball up the issue. If you want to organize a drive I guarantee al- most every student on campus will stand be- hind you-J1op or no J-op '.,........ Oh Edward, I almost forgot; what would you do with that $10.00? -Lola M. Patton To the Editor: AID to the University of the Philippines is a subject which will appeal to University of Michigan students on its own merits, and it will make a stronger appeal to thinking persons when supported by facts. Your writer in her over-en- thusiasm in Sunday's Daily stated that "The ma- jority of the Filipino soldiers on Bataan were graduates of the University of the Philippines," when probably not one per cent were graduates of that institution., In the United States, where we have had an organized widespread educational system for sev- eral hundred years, only five to six per cent of our soldiers in the present war are college or uni- versity graduates. It is also interesting to learn that "Most of the professors of the University of the Philip- pines are graduates of our University." I resist the temptation to name the percentage of the professors of the 1940-41 staff who were listed as holding University of Michigan degrees. -G. E. Carrothers EDITOR'S NOTE: We blush for our writer and our failure to catch the error. Chalk it up to youthful enthusiasm for a good cause. Popcorn Lovers \?'E DON'T mind Barrie Waters saying any- thing he likes about the movies. - But ask him to leave popcorn alone. We like it. -M. C. Morea and five others I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: The Third Act By SAMUEL GRAFTON ONE wonders whether some of the top levels of American business management have prop- erly assayed their position in the postwar world. These men are called upon to make a judgment of excruciating difficulty. They are worried about what even Mr. Winston Churchill calls the world's permanent swing to the left; they would, understandably enough, like to halt that swing; they have a kind of a feeling that they would like to continue the free enterprise system. The in- tensity of this emotion is clear beyond doubt; it is on the question of ways and means that one is entitled to ask whether a big, costly, chrom- ium-plated, front office stumble has not taken place. We start, like Euclid, with a kind of axiom: at the end of the war American business manage- ment was more fortunately placed than its op- posite numbers in any other country in the world. The English people had solemnly voted in favor of limited nationalization; the argument was virtually over, as far as they were concerned. In France, even the right-wing parties found they had to talk nationalization to keep audi- ences from drifting out of their halls. In Ger- many, industry lay at the mercy of four different species of generals. But in America, rather re- markably, there was no nationalization program on V-J Day; nor even any nationalization talk; the Socialist party was of miniature size, and the Communists had just been racked by an internal split, based on the charge that a number of them didn't believe in Communism. One wonders whether American industry counted its blessings, one by one; whether it burned a sufficient number of candles be- fore an adequate number of altars in appreci- ation of its unique place in the postwar world. THE situation, it seems obvious, called for a policy of peace, rather than a policy of war; for a program which would perpetuate this dis- tinction, rather than degrade it. American cor- poration heads uniformly hire statisticians to follow world trends for them; but one, wonders whether they follow world trends sufficiently in their own minds; for every postwar management decision should have .been kken with only one idea in mind, to maintain the superb tactical position which American industry had won for itself during the war. It had gained a profound ideological victory. The question which history will ask (and which business might ask of it- self) is whether that victory was sufficiently ap- preciated, and cherished, or whether it was casu- ally booted about, and messed. For we are now in that moody period in which long-range political opinions slowly form themselves, by an almost molecular process. Strikes which run sixty days and longer leave an emotional deposit behind which, in the end, bears little relation to the issues that started them, and cannot be scraped away by any known public relations methods. The na- tional atmosphere has changed in a six- month; the public snored last summer over the issue of corporate excess profits tax refunds, but it is a heated issue now; surely it would have been worth an epic of public relations ac- tivity to keep that from happening, but it has been made to happen. There are elements of pity and terror in the spectacle of men who have seemingly forgotten 'that though they may write the first and second acts of the play, the first and second acts write the third act; that while it is every man's priv- ilege to pamper himself by forgetting ultimate consequences, it is no man's privilege to stop the chain of events. Above all there hovers the mystery of what it was that it was hoped to win when so much had already been won; one sees packing houses taken over by government in a country which had no thought for nationalization three months ago; and one wonders about the fate which compels men to throw into flux those very questions which they most dearly*want to, and which it would be worth almost any price to, keep unasked and unanswered. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) 9rdd & BY WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN WE WERE morebthan a little amused by the banner headline that appeared on the front page of yesterday's Daily: "Disagreement on J-Hop Plans Continues." The con- troversy seems to be all on one side- the student side. It is the same sort of disagreement that obtains when the jury sentences the murderer to be hanged. He nearly always disagrees with their verdict. The "Student Affairs Committee" has flatly refused to permit the stu- dents to have a two-night 3-Hop. To back up their decision, they make a great bit of noise about their reasons. We have always felt that there are two reasons for everything: a reason-a good rea- son, and then there is the real rea- son. We can not help but feel that the "Student Affairs Committee" has given out a large number of good reasons, and have studiously refrained from disclosing the real reason. It seems to us that the students gave up a great many privileges dur- ing the war (under pressure from above) with the excuse that an air of sobriety must be maintained at all costs-this to accentuate the gravity of our global war effort. -But now that the war is over, there is no rea- son why we cannot afford to be elab- orate. That is unless something is pending in Lansing; something for which we must trot out a second set of manners so that the University can point modestly in our direction and say: "They are good children, models of asceticism. They are so nice when they are asleep." Every time the stu- dents reach out to retrieve their lost privileges, the University raps them smartly on the knuckles and admon- ishes them to behave, at least until next year. We hate to be put into the posi- tion of being monsters because we choose to spend our money on a dance instead of the University of the Philippines, the March of Dimes, the Galens, the starving people of Greece, etc. What a pow- erful argument. "What, you want to spend $10 on a dance while the people in Greece are starving? You want to dance two nights in a row while there are people who must walk on crutches? Oh, you hor- ribly nasty people." All right, if they need the money, let them have it. How? At this point let us introduce the Goldstein plan. It is quite simple; after all, what can you expect from the author. It is a compromise. Since the "Student Affairs Commit- tee" compromised with us to let us have a dance on one night, charging $10 per couple, the proceeds to go to charity, let us compromise with the "Student Affairs Committee." The Goldstein plan is this: let us have our two night dance, and let us be as ex- travagant as we choose. Then, next fall, when Army plays Michigan in the stadium, let us contribute the proceeds of the game to a single pool. At $3 per seat, we. could expect a mod- est $200,000. This pool is then to be placed at the disposal of a central governing board. All charity seek- ers will then apply to the board for funds. The board, composed of eight faculty members and five students, could then pass upon the merits of each applicant. It is nothing more or less than a gigantic community chest. Here we have eliminated all separate drives at one fell swoop. No more penny ante drives that clut- ter up our campus from one end of the year to the next. Just one fund that would be adequate to take care of all our charity plans for the year. This way we have hurt no one. The Goldstein plan then, in short, is the solution to all our problems. Let us have our dance, and we will give you the charity. All who are interested in the plan, can contact the author in the Gargoyle office nearly any after- noon. We shall be pleased to ex- plain our plan further to all fac- ulty members. The line will form on the right-don't crowd. We have a funny feeling that not much will be done with this sugges- tion. It is as good as any we have ever heard, however. We will be unique. We will be the first University in the country that has a central charity Tund, a fund administered by the "Students" and obtained without paining anyone. What's that you say? The University objects? How could they? Why it's monstrous. Here is the greatest charity scheme of the century. We'll be famous. We'll have that satisfied feeling of having done something for humanity. How paltry is the sum extracted from the students by each little individual drive. Hereuis $200,000. We give it to you for your consideration. We don't expect the Goldstein plan to become popular with the University. "This is a thought that comes to us out of nowhere." By Crockett Johnson 9@ ;' E MUSIC DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typcuvritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. in. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1946 VOL. LVI No. 61 Notices Notice to Men Students and House- holders of Apprved Houses for Men: The closing date for the Spring Term will be February 23 and rent shall be computed to include this date. Householders may charge for a room between Feb. 23 and Feb. 28 providing the student keeps his pos- sessions in the room or occupies it himself. As per the terms of the con- tracts, students are expected to pay the full amount of the contract three weeks before the end of the term. Registration for the Spring Term begins Feb. 28 and classes begin Mar. 4. If either the householder or student wish to terminate their present agree- ment, notice must be given to the of- fice of the Dean of Students on or before Feb. 2, at noon. Students may secure forms for this purpose in Room 2, University Hall. Graduate Students expecting mas- ter's degrees at the end of the Fall Term must have diploma applications turned in to the Graduate School of- fice by Monday, Jan. 28. Applications received after that date cannot be considered. The University War . Historian would like to have photographs of war-time activities on the Campus to preserve with the University War Collection. Will those who are willing to contribute please note on the back of the pictures as much pertinent in- formation as possible and send them to the Michigan Historical Collec- tions, 160 Rackham Building. Women Students taking athletic equipment from the Women's Ath- letic Building must show Student Identification Cards. Thisequipment must be used by the student checking it out. Summer Job Placement: Students interested in registering with the Bu- reau of Appointments for jobs next summer are requested to attend the registration meeting at 4:00, Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 29 in Room 205, Ma- son Hall. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next term are re- quired to pass a qualifying examina- tion in the subject in which they ex- pect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, Mar. 2, at 8:30 a.m, Students will meet in the audi- torium of the University High School. The examination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. Lectures University Lecture. Mr. Stephen A. Royce, Mining Geologist for the Pick- ands-Mather Company, will speak on the subject, "The American Steel In- dustry at a Crossroads," at 4:15 p.m., Monday, Jan. 28, in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the De- paitment of Geology. The public is cordially invited. Departmental Lecture: M'. Steph- an A. Roy'e, Mining Geologist for the will speak on the subject, "The Liter- ature of Early Neiv England," at 4:15 p.m., Wed., Jan. 30, in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the De- partment of English Language and Literature. The public is cordially in- vited. Concerts Chamber Musical Festival. The Si,Lh Annuzal Chamber Music Festival will takeeplace today at 2:30 and 8:30, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Buildings. All the programs will be given by the Budapest Quartet: Josef Roismann and Edgar Ortenberg, vio- linists; Boris Kroyt, viola; and Mischa' Schneider, violoncello. Com- positions of Haydn, Hindemith, Beethoven, Mozart, Milhaud, Piston and Dvorak, will be played. Tickets for the series or for indi- vidual concerts are on sale at the of- fice of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower, and will also be on sale in the lobby of the Rackham Building one hour be- fore the beginning of each concert. Student Recital: Helen Briggs, pianist, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 28, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her pro- gram ' will include compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Scria- bine, and will be open to the general public without charge. Faculty Recital: Benjamin Owen, Instructor of Piano in the School of Music, will be heard in a program of compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Ravel and Griffes, at 8:30 p.m., Wed- nesday, Jan. 30, in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater. The public is 'cordially invited. Exhibitions A joint exhibition of paintings by John Pappas and Sarkis Sarkisian of Detroit, in the RPackham Mezzanine Gallerics, under the auspices of the College of Krchitecture and Design. Through Jan. 31, daily except Sun- day, afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10. The public is cordially invited. LAST night in Rackham Lecture Hall the Budapest String Quartet opened the first concert of the sixth annual Chamber Music Festival with the Haydn Quartet in D minor, of- ficially billed as the Op. 76, No. 2. Its charming, eighteenth century formalism, enlivened with the folk melodies so prevalent in Haydn's work and exquisitely performed, was an intensely interesting contrast to the Hindemuth Quartet in E-flat ma- jor which followed. The latter is a new composition (1943) and one with which most of the audience was unfamiliar. It aroused a good deal of controversy regarding its aesthetic merits, most of the listeners apparently having been violently impressed one way or the other by the music itself, although the performance was of course unassailable. Person- ally, I thought it was amazingly beautiful, and one of those pieces of music which arouses one not only to delight in the composition itself but to tremendous admiration for a man who could conceive of such intricacies of form. It began with a deeply forboding fugue on a tentative, groping melody which immediately captured the atten- tion. Chamber music in general demands more intellectual exertion than other forms of music, but the highly formalistic, magnificently woven, yet modern pattern of the Hindemuth Quartet compelled at- tention which could be maintained unwaveringly and effortlessly until the close. The final work was the Beethoven Quartet in E-fiat major, Op. 74, of which little more can be said than that it was a wonderful piece of mu- sic wonderfully performed, and the anti-Hindemuth faction seemed to think it was the high ppint of the evening. As for the artists themselves, their tone, balance, and precision, which are as perfect among cham- ber groups as that of the Boston Symphony is among symphony or- chestras, make them a rare treat to listen to. -Paula -Brower .: F__ . t 0@ Michigan "Early Ann Open daily days 8-12. Jistorical Collections: Arbor." 160 Rackliam. 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Satur- to a private company in Argentina. Argentina, of course, is the outstanding fascistic country of this hemisphere. The United States doesn't need money so badly that it must sell to Spain and Argentina. It does need a saner foreign policy. Sales to Spain and Argentina remind us that something is rotten in places other than Denmark. -Eunice Mintz BARNABY Evtents Today The Lutheran Student Association will meet this afternoon at 3:00 at 1304 Hill St., for an out-door. hike and winter sport activities. Sup- per will be served at the Center at 6:00. Please call 7622 for reservations by Saturday noon. l'he Graduate Outing Club rooms in the Rac kham Building will be open tonight from 8 to 10 p.m., for mem- bers and other graduate students who wish to play bridge or other games. Couing Events The Graduate Outing Club is plan- ning a hike or toboggan party (de- pending on the weather) followed by an Indian supper on Sunday, Jan. 27. All interested should sign up and pay the supper fee at the checkroom desk in the Rackham Building before S4t- urday noon. Members will meet at 2:30 Sunday in the Outing Club rooms in the Rackham Building. Use the norl1iwest en tran11ce. Tle' Micbi-an ChrisaLi Feilnwshin Shall I ask him? He's in the sponsor's box. li Ire