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January 25, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-25

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= A # J : W .1946



Fifty-Sixth Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Ray Dixon .... . ..M na ngiEditor
Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Bill Mulendore . . ........ Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath.. ...... Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . ...Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff

Dorothy flint
Joy Altman

. . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
dier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pablisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are writtes by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Aid to Families

THE National Committee To Aid Families of
General Motors Strikers, whose members in-
clude Col. Evans Carlson, Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr,
Bishop G., Bromley Oxnam and Walter White, is
asking the people in this community to give their
dollars to feed the needy families of GM strikers.
Hunger and want are no basis on which to
build a post-war world," Elizabeth Janeway,
Secretary of the Committee, maintains. "Any
strike," she continues, "that is settled because
one side is forced to terms by need is not really
settled. It is only the prelude to a more ex-
plosive situation. This Committee is anxious
to see the General Motors strike ended - and
ended on a sound basis, because of a real meet-
ing of minds."
There is no other relief available to the fam-
ilies of the 200,000 GM strikers, who have not
seen a pay check for over eight weeks. The
money collected through your contributions will
be given only to hardship cases.
If you believe that hunger must not be used
as a weapon against any American grqup -
then send your contribution to Ralph McFee,
Chairman of the Michigan Citizens Committee
To Aid the Families of GM Strikers, c-o The
Washtenaw Post-Tribune, 217 k. Huron, Ann
-Arthur J. Kraft
WHEN there are presented conflicting opinions,
propaganda can become an effective instru-
ment of peace. Indeed, propaganda will be a
necessary means among others of insuring a
war-less world, Prof. Theodore Newcomb, of the
sociology department, has said.
Yet, in Germany where the Allies are at-
tempting to found a democracy through re-
education, propaganda is being sadly mis-used.
According to a New York Times correspondent,
a majority of the media of communication
presents a one-sided version of the news-one
of the aspects of Nazism causing much criti-
cism among Allies. The radio is limited by its
very nature. The German press is edited by
men who are kow-towing to the Allied occu-
pation forces, instead of to their readers, who
want broad information. The news-reel, seem-
ingly an excellent means of reeducating a
people democratically, has degenerated into an
approximation of Joseph Goebbels' machinery
for propaganda so far as many Germans are
concerned. The result of a weekly news-reel,
produced by American and British officials in
Munich "in the opinion of a number of Amer-
ican observers, is calculated to repel, not only
the Germans but also many of their erstwhile
enemies," the New York Times reports.
In many scenes presented by "The World in
Film," the Allies have evidently revised or. re-
versed their theories on militarism and the re-
generation of a fallen people.
A psychological approach to the task of re-
building a conquered nation has been forgotten,
it would seem. The newsreel shows pictures of
civilian refugees and released prisoners of war
straggling back to war; of German generals
washing their clothes in a detention camp; of
the Russians driving Germans out of Vienna;
and of similar actions which stress Germany's
cipfeat and diesntinn-nne of the roots, from

Polio Fund vs. J-Hop
To the Editor:
I NOTE with great interest the disgustingly low
total of $770.11 collected in the street sales of
Monday of the special Daily issued to commemo-
rate the thirteenth anniversary of the National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.
Where are the snows of yesteryear? Where
are those birds, those mewling adolescents who
were crying for a return to normalcy when in-
formed they couldn't have their ootsie-wootsie
old J-Hop? Where indeed are those magnifi-
cent editorial writers who deplored the depri-
vating of the possilility of sending $10,000 to
further the interests of fraternities and sorori-
ties? Where are those poor kids who were cry-
ing for a chance to throw ten to twenty dollars
down the hopper?
Of course the returns from the campus boxes
are all in. But even if another miserable $770.11
is collected this will represent a per student
capita contribution of approximately 12 cents.
Yes, I said a lousy twelve cents.
Let those long-suffering students who are
scrimping and saving a few dollars to attend the
J-Hop contribute a measly 10 per cent of the
amount they intended to spend to this unworthy
and ignoble cause - that of attempting to allevi-
ate some of the misery and pain in the world.
Never mind the Belgian kids with rickets;
disregard the undernourished pellagra-ridden
Greek children; forget the homeless European
Jews. In short, let all your humanitarian
scruples disappear, But for sake give a
little to the Foundations for Infantile Paraly-
Yours for bigger and better J-Hops.
-Edward H. Tumin
* * x n
Student Apathy
To the Editor:
STUDENT APATHY and self-centeredness has
long been condemned on this campus, but the
epitome of callous studenthood was revealed at
Victor Vaughan dormitory in the following inci-
dent. One of the girls, when asked to contribute
to W.S.S.F. for the purpose of helping finance
the University of the Philippines, said, "Okay, I'll
give fifty cents." "On second thought," she said,
taking it back, "I can get five cokes for that."
The solicitor asked if she didn't think books for
the Philippine University a good cause. "No,"
she replied, whereupon the solicitor asked, "Do
you think the five cokes a good cause?" Her
answer was yes.
Is this typical?
-Elaine Greenbaum
Norma Coppersmith
Back to Normalcy
To the Editor:
REFERRING to the distressed letter from Ed-
ward C. Moore, griping about students who
want a J-Hop this year; it should be noted that
Mr. Moore is a graduate student who has spent
the last four and a half years in service. These
facts indicate that Mr. Moore attended college
and received a degree under pre-war conditions,
when dances like J-Hop were held often and
when college life had not yet felt the pall of
wartime restrictions. In addition, Mr. Moore
would, under the circumstances be at least
twenty-five years old.
Many veterans entered the service at seven-
teen or eighteen and were fighting the war at
an age when Mr. Moore was enjoying noina
college activities, of which they have so far
been deprived. Certainly, there are a lot of
veterans who favor holding J-Hop. They are
young, the strain of being in the service has
not destroyed their capacity to enjoy a good
time, they have a lot of good times to make
up for, and Mr. Moore's unpleasant remarks
about them are uncalled for.
Other colleges, along with the rest of the coun-
try, are returning to a measure of peacetime liv-
ing. We all know that there is much suffering
in the world, and we are not insensitive to it.
But to sit around iorbidly dwelling on the fact,

will not help them; nor will calling a halt to all
our good times. It is easy to see what such a
policy has done for Mr. Moore's frame of mind.
It isn't just our fun he's picking on. He's unhappy
about everything that's going on in the country.
He seems old and embittered before his time.
Mr. Moore is appalled at the willingness of
students to pay ten dollars for a full weekend's
entertainment. I would like to ask Mr. Moore
if he has never, even in his youth, spent as much
as ten dollars in a weekend? And if so, did he
feel "nauseated" at his callousness, because there
were others in the world who could not share his
Most of the students on campus see no harm
in holding a really big dance after nearly four
years of stagnation. I'm sure most of our serv-
icemen were not fighting for the grim kind of
existence Mr. Moore would seem to advocate.
Some students have been in college three or
four years, and have never attended a really
big dance such as J-Hop would be. Others
have been looking forward to such things for
as long a time.
You had your fun, Mr. Moore. Let us have
ours. Marjie Littlefield

C-47's for Franco
To the Editor:
THE UNITED STATES PLAN to sell transport
planes and airport equipment to the Franco
government is one of the most outstanding cases
of opportunist governing.
The Franco government stands for every-
thing our men have been fighting against in
Germany, France, Norway and the Balkans.
It stands for the persecution of Jews, the hat-
red of Catholics, strict censorship of press and
radio and the complete stifling of individual
There was another time in United States his-
tory when we insisted on making an industrial
nation out of an agricultural country and ad-
vanced our own cause by selling scrap and steel
to a "friendly" nation.
How profitable this trade relationship was can
be answered by every soldier, sailor or marine
who ever set foot on Tarawa, Okinawa, Peleliu
and the Japanese home island.
' Isn't there anything in the make-up of our
State Department that forces the individual
members to benefit by past experience?
-Dorothy Langer
.., .
Dont Quixote McHigan
To the Editor:
Ambrose McHigan, have just gotten around to
reading that infamous article about me in
The Daily (Jan. 18). I was so engrossed in the
perfection of my invention that all the reading
material that finds its way into my office up
here had to be put aside.
This invention is quite revolutionary. All
one has to do is to type out a joke on special
paper and insert it into the machine. If the
joke is too bad to use in the Technic, the
machine automatically sprays the paper with
gasoline and sets fire to it. The janitor found
a copy of the Gargoyle in the furnace room
yesterday so we decided to run it through.
That's why there isn't any fluid in the fire ex-
tinguishers on the third floor of E. Engineer-
Now to get back to the subject at hand. It
was bad enough to intimate that I was imagin-
ary, but to also say that I might be a female -
that made me boil (being an engineer, I noted
the temperature. I boil at 151.67 F.) A sensible
course of action was not clear to me until I read
farther and came to that part where the ob-
viously disillusioned author made disparaging
remarks about my punctuation (such as the
wrong use of the parenthesis, a sin of which I am
never guilty).
In retaliation for this verbal abuse, I am
going to print in the Technic, in place of one
of my good jokes, a most amusing typograph-
ical error which occurred in the Daily last year.
Look for it; it'll be waiting for you. Call for
the March Michigan Technic! Call for the
March Michigan Technic!
-Mr. Ambrose McHigan
EDITOR'S NOTE: we suspect that this is just a
publicity gag, but we'll go along.-
Views with Alarm
To the Editor:
PROBABLY I am not the only one to view the
increasing strikes with alarm. More and more
groupism is showing itself in our free economy.
I am not saying whether labor or management
is right, but when individual groups such as labor
and management pit their strength one against
the other. who can say how long it will be until
all of the United States will be divided into
groups-buyer against seller, black against white,
labor against management, educated against un-
educated. There will be many.
As they become more prevalent, a third group
will have to step in and make peace. The only
third group I can see stepping in is the govern-
ment in the form of a managed economy. A
managed economy is well thought of by some
people, but I am one person who prefers to
keep what is left of the freedom we now have
in our democracy.

All of these groups have contributed to the'
unemployment compensation fund during the
war, and have helped to make it a large one. It
is true that the people on strike cannot draw
compensation, but many other industries are
affected by a strike and the workers in these
industries are entitled to draw compensation.
Strikers now are depleting the fund sufficiently
so that a severe depression following in the near
future might mean economic chaos.
As I pointed out above, many other industries
besides the one on strike are affected. The con-
struction industry is heavily dependent on steel
and lumber. Returning servicemen are begging
for houses now. Will, we have thousands of
homeless families because of our inability to find
a solution to this grave problem?
All of us should put pressure on our govern-
ment to make it settle these strikes now. Labor
and management must be brought to the best
possible terms in the shortest possible time if we
are to avoid harsh consequences.
-Elizabeth Johnson

I'd Rather Be Right:
Rugged UNO
THE world is shocked by the action
of the Soviet Union and the Uk
rainian Republic in bringing Grea
Britain up on charges before the Se
curity Council of the United Nations
That is not the way it was suppose
to go at all; it is as if the worst bo
in school had suddenly preferre
charges of misconduct against th
headmaster, and in open chapel.
For the west has set itself up as th
guardian of morality within the Unit
ed Nations, as mentor and preceptor
this has been a kind of tacit assump
tion, rarely questioned internally i
the press of either of the two great
est western nations. Whatever form
the United Nations Organization ma
have on paper, in the minds of man
of us it has been a school in whic
Russia was expected to learn man
ners after a few terms of regular an
diligent attendance. It is a sensa
tional reversal to see Russia makin
motions toward joining the faculty
and it is probably intended to be sen
For what we have here is a re
minder that we are not dealing with
recalcitrant schoolboy, but with a
proud and angry man. Russia ha
been galled by several assumption
which have been allowed to be buil
up concerning the nature and pur
pose of the United Nations. One ha
been the constantly reiterated idea
that the United Nations exists to pro
tect the small countries against th
large ones; that it is a kind of anti.
big-power police force. Since both
Britain and the United States lis
themselves as friends of the small na-
tions, and, in fact, lead large blocs
of small nations, in practice the idea
has become that the United Nations
exist to protect the small nations
against Russia.
There is therefore something es-
pecially impudent, and designedly
so, in the fact that Russia brings
charges against Great Britain for
mistreating Greece, which is a
small nation, and also Indonesia,
which is even smaller than a small
nation, being a mere colony. It is
not only that specific charges of
misusing military force are being
laid against Great Britain; it is
also that her moral position as
spokesman for the small countries
is being questioned; what big guns
you have.
WITH these charges, a remarkable
change takes place in the char-
acter of the United Nations Organi-
zation, for the UNO is still in an in-
fant stage, in which its personality
can be affected by the events of a sin-
gle day. Now that the unmentionable
has been mentioned, the United Na-
tions Organization ceases to be a
place in which men walk on little cat
feet, and talk around the thing they
pretend to talk about; it becomes
something heartier and more robust;
it ceases to be a managed show, and
becomes an arena in which anything
f can happen.
Britain's course would seem to be
clear, to let the charges be heard,
to abide by the decision of the Se-
curity Council, to be content, win
or lose, with the establishment of
a precedent which she can use in
pressing complaints of her own.
For it should be forgotten that in
making use of this tribunal, Rus-
sia endorses it, and promotes rather
than injures its vitality.
But one wonders whether all of us,
here in the west, will be able to ac-
cept with composure this new and
more rugged kind of United Nations
Organization; a society of candid and
perhaps even tactless equals, within
which, conceivably, even we Ameri-

cans could be brought up on charges.
The fact that that thought is rather
shocking shows, perhaps, that we
have entered upon the adventure of
United Nations life with certain soft
United Nations life is, or can be,
real life; life within the Organiza-
tion can be as real, say, as life in
our Congress; a setting in which he
who judges, is judged, and in which
a hard bright light plays upon all
casual assumptions of special vir-
tue. To achieve this kind of un-
sparing equality within the organi-
zation is certainly to make progress
toward world agreement; for we
must remember Geneva, where the
power of the ruling bloc of nations
was never questioned, where all
was planned, and where nothing
ever came as a surprise to the dele-
gates except the end of their world.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
FF YOU are looking for a "Blue
Chip" investment, Victory Loan
Bonds yield 2.9 per cent. If you are
skeptical ask your financial adviser
about the soundness of Series "E"
Victory Loan Bonds.
By Crockett Johnson

. Identification Cards. This equipment
d must be used by the student checking
y it out.
e Graduate Students expecting mas-
ter's degree at the end of the Fall
eTerm must have diploma applications
turned in to the Graduate School of-
flee by Monday, Jan. 28. Applications
; received after that date cannot be
- considered.j
The University War Historian
y would like to have photographs of
y war-time activities on the Campus to
h preserve with the University War
- Collection. Will those who are willing
d to contribute please note on the back
- of the pictures as much pertinent in-
g formation as possible and send them
to the Michigan Historical Collec-
- tions, 160 Rackham Buildin.
Students expecting to do directed
a teaching for the secondary-school
a certificate in the spring term, are re-
s quested to secure assignments in
s Room 2442, University Elementary
t School on Friday, Feb. 1, according
- to the following schedule:
s English, 8:00-9:00
Social Studies, 9:00-10:00
Science and Mathematic, 10:00-
e 11:00
All foreign languages, 11:00-12:00
All others, and any having conflicts
at scheduled hour, 2:00-3:00, or
by appointment.
Summer Job Placement: Students
interested in registering with the Bu-
reau of Appointments for jobs next
summer are requested to attend the
registration meeting at 4:00, Tuesday
afternoon, Jan. 29 in Room 205, Ma-
son Hall.
The Panama Canal Zone schools
have positions open for teachers from
the kindergarten to the sixth grade in
the elementary schools, and in prac-
tically' every field of instruction in
the junior and senior high schools,
including science, mathematics, so-
cial studies, English, household arts,
physical education, music, and wood
and metal shop work. They are par-
ticularly interested in receiving appli-
cations from well trained, experi-
enced teachers between twenty-four
and thirty years of age. However, ap-
plications from teachers between
thirty and forty years of age will be
given careful consideration. Men,
and veterans especially, will be given
preference for junior and senior
high school positions. Salary sched-
ules are extremely attractive. Full in-
formation concerning qualifications
and salary schedules available at the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information.
University Lecture. Mr. Stephen A.
Royce, Mining Geologist for the Pick-
ahds-Mather Company, will speak on
the subject, "The American Steel In-
dustry at a Crossroads," at 4:15 p.m.,
Monday, Jan. 28, in the Rackham
Ampthitheater; auspices of the De-
partment of Geology. The public is
cord ially invited.
University Lecture. Professor Ran-
dall Stewart, of Brown University,
will speak on the subject, "The Liter-
ature of Early New England," at 4:15
p.m., Wed., Jan. 30, in the Rackham
Amphitheater; auspices of the De-
partment of English Language and
Literature. The public is cordially in-
D epartmental Lecture: Mr. Steph-
en A. Royce, Mining Geologist for the
Pickands-Mathcrs Company, will
speak on the subject, "Iron Ore De-
posits of the Lake Superior Range,"
at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 29, and
"An Economic Geologist Looks at the
Pre-Cambrian," at 8:00 p.m., Tues-
day, Jan. 29, in room 2054 Natural
Science Building; auspices of the De-

partment of Geology.
Fine Arts Lecture. Miss Harriet D.
Adams of Cranbrook Art Academy
will speak on "Picasso's Recent Paint-
ing" at 8 o'clock, Tuesday, Jan. 29, in
the Rackham Amphitheater. The lec-
ture is sponsored by the All Nations
Club. The public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Professor Warner
F. Patterson will offer the second of
the series of French lectures spon-
sored by the Cerele Francais, on
Tuesday, Jan. 29, at 4:10 p.m. in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The
title of his lecture is "Enfin Malherbe
vint." Professor Arthur L. Dunham's
lecture which was scheduled for that
date will be given on Thursday, Feb.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, R. L. Bldg.) or at
the door at the time of the lecture for
a small sum. These lectures are open
to the general public.
AcademicI Notces


"Early Ann
Open daily
days 8-12.

Historical Collections:
Arbor." 160 Rackham.
8-12, 1:30-4:30; Satur-

A joint exhibition of paintings by
John Pappas and Sarkis Sarkisian of
Detroit, in the Rackham Mezzanine
Galleries, under the auspices of the
College of Architecture and Design.
Jan. 16 through 31, daily except Sun-
day, afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci Bldg. at
12:15 p.m. today.
Program: (1) Survey of Geological
periodicals in the English language.
(2) A. J. Eardley: "Petroleum geol-
ogy of the Aquitanian Basin, France."
All interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Mortar Board will meet today at 5
p.m. in the Undergraduate Office in
the League.
Coffee Hour will be held at Lane
Hall from 4:30 to 6:00 today. Mem-
bers of Newman Club, Hillel and In-
ter-Guild will be the guests of honor.
The "Acolytes "of the Department
of Philosophy will hold its first meet-
ing, tonight at 7:30, in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. There will be an informal debate
between. Professors Norman Nelson
and Joe Davis of the English Depart-
ment on "Aesthetics in Literature."
All those interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
conduct Sabbath Eve Services tonight
at 7:45.
The Westminster Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church will have Open
House tonight. Mr. Van Pernis' Bible
Class will begin the open house, at
8:30 p.m. Hours 8:30-12:00.
Corning Events
The Lutheran Student Association
will ineet on Saturday afternoon at
3:00 at 1304 Hill St., for an out-door
hike and winter sport activities. Sup-
per will be served at the Center at
6:00. Please call 7622 for reservations
by Saturday noon.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet on Sunday at 5:00 in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall. "The Church
Worker and His Church" will be the
topic of discussion. Supper and Fel-
lowship Hour will follow at 6:00.
Art Cinema I eague presents: "Ba-
boona" exploring the secrets of the
unknown Africa with Osa Johnson,
plus outstanding British documen-
tary "Night Train" with comment in
verse by W. H. Auden. Sunday, Jan.
27, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a hike or toboggan party (de-
pending on the weather) followed by
an Indian supper on Sunday, Jan. 27.
All interested should sign up and pay
the supper fee at the checkroom desk
in the Rackham Building before Sat-
urday noon. Members will meet at
2:30 Sunday in the Outing Club
roomt in the ,nk'hn ni1Adir TThn

(Continued from Page 3)

Saturday at 2:30 and 8:30, in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Building.
All the programs will be given by the
Budapest Quartet: Josef Roismann
and Edgar Ortenberg, violinists; Boris
Kroyt, viola; and Mischa Schneider,
violoncello. Compositions of Haydn,
Hindemith, Beethoven, Mozart, Mil-
haud, Piston and Dvorak, will be
Tickets for the series or for indi-
vidual concerts are on sale at the of-
fice of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower, and
will also be on sale in the lobby of
the Rackham Building one hour be-
fore the beginning of each concert.
Student Recital: Helen Briggs,
pianist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music
at 8:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 28, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her pro-
gram will include compositions by
Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Scria-
bine, and will be open to the general
public without charge.
Faculty Recital: Benjamin Owen,
Instructor of Piano in the School of
Music, will be heard in a program of
compositions by Bach, Beethoven,
Ravel and driffes, at 8:30 p.m., Wed-
nesday, Jan. 30, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater.
The public is cordially invited.
Exhibit: "Petroleum Exploration in
Alaska," in the Rotunda, University
Museums Building. Jan. 20 to Mar. 1.

f Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy
C Godfather. DID come,

i r i


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