PAGE TWO THE MIIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 194G - ------ - ------------------- Fifty-Sixth Year eCettePJ Gt (l , ieGO WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Ham Fish Invited to'White House Tea -=-c I i -1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications- Editorial Staff Ray Dbion . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor Betty R~oth .. .. .. . .. . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . CityEditor Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore ..... . . . . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . .Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . .......Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Dorothylint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . 5. Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-4-1 Member of The Associated Press T1% Associated Press is exclusilvely entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a second-class mail,matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. PAV.FRCEkENT.O FOR NAIVNAW AOVERTII'NG Y National Advertising Service, Inc. 4 Collee Publishers Repr.ese.ttive 420 M At~sON AvE. *41M YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * STON * L5 ARGELEs * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194546 NIGHT EDITORS: KNAPP, KUTZ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Red Menace? THE OBSERVATION of Mr. William Henry Chamberlin in a recent interview with a Daily reporter that communist parties throughout the world "keep time by the Kremlin clock" can scarcely be denied by even the most obtuse polit- ieal observer. American communists of our acquaintance, however, vigorously deny that they follow a line dictated by Moscow. Communists in this country were among our, staunchest non - interventionists during the course of the Russo-German peace pact of the early years of the war. Then, they urged Amer- ica to stay out of this "imperialistic war." When Germany and Rumania attacked Russia on June 22, 1941, American communists sounded a new alarm and promptly harangued for our immedi- ate entrance into a war to save democracy. American communists, willing to admit that their attitude toward war in Europe took an abrupt change with the German invasion of Russia, refuse to admit that this change came as a result of a directive from Moscow. We would not be so naive as to agree, but after all, is it of world-shaking importance that some Americans hold the same views on international issues as does the Soviet Government? Mr. Chamberlin evidently feels that a mutual feeling on international issues between some Americans and the Soviet Government - even granting that they are dictated by the latter- bodes ill for this nation. His spirit is not aroused by the fact that many Americans hold the same views regarding imperialism that motivate the Governments of Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal. In Amer- ica, there are Russophiles, Anglophiles, Franco- philes and kindreds spirits to the aspirations of almost every nation on earth. Lumping them together you get internationalism, a concept which should not disquiet such a sincere advo- cate of friendship among nations as Mr. Cham- berlin. And yet another point: from what we now observe in the Far East and in the Near East, would it be unfair to maintain that perhaps, both of the American communist "lines" have some measure of truth. In a larger sense, we fought a war to preserve democracy and free- dom. We have also fought a war, whose effect has been to preserve the status quo in nations who before the war were controlled by imperi- alistic powers. What is disquieting today is a report - as yet unconfirmed by other correspondents - printed by the usually reliable Christian Science Moni- tor a few months ago. (Chamberlin for many years was associated with this paper). According to a Monitor correspondent, left-wing newspapers throughout the Balkans and northern Italy were carrying strangely uniform and biased reports of activities in Washington. One such story, ac- cording to the Monitor correspondent, had it that American advocates of compul- sory peacetime conscription have imperialistic designs against the Soviet Union. If for no other reason than to clear up an alleged misunder- standing that impedes frank and friendly rela- tions between this nation and the source of the opinionated articles on activities in this nation, ours Government ought to take strong steps at securing freedom in gathering and disseminating news throughout the world. We must be quite a ..~n,.;-1, -1 ' ~i+ °Snorm~n. n nc.inf Dying Imperialism To the Editor: MR. SENSTIUS states (Jan. 17, M. D.) that the Oriental civilizations were a few men's af- fairs by taking illustrations of Taj Mahal etc., but can you judge American progress from Boul- der Dam or Lincoln Memorial? He would not have given such a mistaken opinion if he had read about the life and the literature of these civilizations. The recent excavations in India of he Mohin- je-Daro civilization of about 3000 B.C. have shown the existence of beautiful cities with wide and well built roads, excellent sewage system, and houses of bricks and concrete-like materials. I believe that in such a civilization the common man must have participated as much as he does today. Even if we accept Mr. S's estimates of one-tenth of one per cent as active participants, I am sure the proportion of Newtons, Watts, Ein- steins, Luthers, etc., will not be greated than that compared to the present population of 2 billion people. Mr. S. seems to hint at the inferiority of the Asiatic people by his remarks of their failure to preserve their civilization and its monuments. But what happened to the Greek and Roman civilizations? Even the eclipse of the present civilization can be predicted as not far off if (October) "London Conferences are repeated in spite of the atom bomb." Mr.. S. reminds of the recent white man's sac- rifices in the Orient. But were they not for pro- tecting "the privileges" about which he wrote in his first letter? Was the last war not a re- placement cost on the Dutch and British invest- ments for profits? It is indeed sad that to notice that in spite of warnings by men like Willkie, Pearl Buck, Louis Fischer and many other writers, tremendous slaughtering of the two wars and the atomic threat -to the very existence of our civilization, people like Mr. S. can still believe in racial su- periority like the Nazis. Mr. S. has failed to understand that the peo- pIe of Asia today are not the same as of 2 years ago. The white man's superiority has sunk with "Prince of Wales" and "Repulse" at Singapore, and his prestige has melted away in the heat of their retreat from Hongkong to Burma. The people of Asia had great hopes in the At- lantic Charter. But the continued firings in Indo-China and Indonesia have shattered all their hopes. Today the awakened millions are in no mood to tolerate breech of promises any more. They are pn the march, the march of freedom and democracy. Recently Nehru has given the same warning. "It is certain as anything can be certain in this uncertain world that the countries of Asia will not submit willingly to any Empire or domination and will revolt against it. It will be a continuing revolt of the millions with a passion behind it, which even the atom bomb will not surpress. And from that revolt will develop that terrible thing, the Third World War." -Arun Chhatrapati Bonus Bogus JT"IS Election Day in January. All we need do do is listen in on the chaff being whirled about in the various State legislative halls and in the Capitol itself and this fact is corroborrated. The campaign waxes hot and furious. The big issue -a bonus for veterans. The fall guy-the vet- eran. Every legislator seems to fall all over himself and his colleagues trying to get a plug in for a bonus bill before the next one. The performance is continuous, but not very original. The salient feature of this unprincipled legisla- tive racket is the fact that the truly vital, sub- stantive piece of legislation, namely full employ- ment, has been kicked downstairs. Politicians seem to go hog-wild at the mere ghost of a sug- gestion of votes. Full employment considerations are not too appealing to the average voter. They are too wrapped up in economic theory which be- ing academic, are totally lacking in glamor. But the bonus is something else again. The plain fact is that the vet is getting the old run-around. The bonus is an ersatz full employment measure. It places coins that jingle-jangle in his pocket, and their sound is as alluring as the song of the sirens. But they are not the stuff which gives security and dig- nity to men in search of the necessities of life for themselves and their families. Their dis- sipation, and it will be fast in view of the high cost of living, will find them in exactly the same position that they find themselves now -in search of employment at a decent wage. Let no one delude himself into thinking that a bonus bill will be born out of sheer altruism. It is the most fraudulent bid for votes that has confronted us in a long while. It is not a solution for diminished purchasing power. If anything at all, it is an escape from that solution. It is not a true sign of gratitude to the veter- an. It is a true sign of refusal or inability to grant him the only sensible bonus that this writer can see-opporunity for a permanent job at an increased minimum wage. Increased purchasing power may lead us back to prosperity, but it must be a continuous flow of increased, purchasing power, a flow that can only come from extended job oppor- tunities at increased wages. Investment capi- tal must be encouraged to funnel into industry to increase production and cut down unit costs. And wherever private enterprise fails or is incapable of providing jobs for those in search of employment, the government must be permitted to step in and create the needed employment. This to my mind is the essence of full employ- ment proposals. They are the real bonus bills of today, the real evidences of gratitude to the re- turned soldier. -Jack Weiss I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Showdown Spree By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE spirit of compromise is gone from among us; and we are on a showdown spree, of which the strike wave is only one of the signs. The President pleads for order, but he sounds plain- tively like a flower girl in one of those old vaude- ville routines, trying to peddle bedraggled posies to passersby who are in too much of a hurry to stop. Nobody will buy his flowers, and he speaks his 30,000 reasonable words to a Congress, one house of which is bogged down in an ab- surd filibuster against a fair employment prac- tices commission; a filibuster by means of which a number of Senators have shown that they, too, have given up the life of reason and ma- jority rule, and have taken to the barricades. The old bedsprings and the sandbags are going up everywhere, in street and in Congress and in executive offices. What we are passing through is much more than a strike wave, or a production deadlock, or a legislative tangle; we are passing through a crisis of confidence in democratic process, as men of all conditions turn to older and more direct methods for get- ting what they believe they must have. The showdown which Mr. Roosevelt postponed for twelve years, with superb skill, is upon us; and it is a self-powering movement, for when once the showdown spirit goes far enough, there is no recourse left but to fight, and that is our mood of the moment. To have it out, once and for all, is the great national theme of 1946; and in this atmosphere, high, hasty and impetuous, Mr. Truman's effort to see both sides of out- standing questions comes to sound like the drip- ping of water into a pan. No one listens to him, really; no one wants to make the first break and plead for a spirit of accommodation. It is proclaimed wheezily on every side, instead, that important ulti- mates are at stake, and the country breaks into groups, each prepared to wait it out until hell freezes over; you cannot make a quick turn in the Capitol these days without knocking over somebody who has taken a fixed position in one spot, to do or die. T IS a dark story, of many chapters. One large group in Congress fights sullenly for inflation; it has somehow got it into its head that the right to high prices is sacred and goes back to Magna Charta. All the hatred of government which has accumulated among conservatives during the last thirteen years has come to the fore in this fight; 'this group is beyond arguing rights and wrongs; it has adopted the simple, sit-down expedient of refusing to take up measures which might curb inflation. It holds its place stubbornly, arms folded, and seems willing to wait until govern- ment itself cracks, if necessary, to reach its goal of higher prices. It speaks of human liberty, but carries a banner with a strange device, dollar eggs. But almost every group which has gone into the business of waiting until hell freezes over speaks of human liberty. One section of the motors industry protests that it is a socialist violation of liberty for the union to want to look at its books, to see what wages it can pay. At the moment, steel protests, with equal bitterness, that it is a violation of liberty for the union to refuse to look at its books to see what wages it can afford. The high voices rise, though sometimes there is a lull, when many of the disputants, including the inflationists, join in a united call to labor to be reasonable; though to ask that one party to a dispute take the path of reason, all by itself, is in itself unreasonable, and helps to inflame that fringe of labor which is also willing to wait for hell to congeal. It is showdown time; we are dropping those conventions by which we have agreed up to now to do business by matching notes and com- paring arguments with each other; some- thing raw and naked and bloody is taking over. That is what Mr. Truman tried to say in his Message; he tried to say he was for both sides, but it is a measure of the urgency of the mo- ment that neither side wants him on those terms, and each consigns him to the other. The country is splitting, and a little desperate man tries to hold it together; and those who- value America will help him now, or be sorry later. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-It was just a lit- tle over a year ago that the late Franklin Roosevelt waged a cam- paign to defeat Representative Ham Fish, rip-snorting isolationist con- gressman from FDR's district along the Hudson. Roosevelt had tried to 'defeat Fish time after time. So had Gov- ernor Tom Dewey, plus various other important figures in New York State, both Republicans and Democrats. They felt that Fish's tie-ups, with certain German- Americans, and the renting of his home in New York to the Nazi con- sulate, was too much. So responsi- ble leaders of both parties went after him. Finally, in the November 1944 elec- tions, FDR's long campaign achieved its goal. Ham Fish was defeated for re-election. But, believe it or not, the other day, Mrs. Truman, whose husband ran on the same ticket with FDR, invited ex-Congressman Ham Fish to the White House for tea. Nobody knows why she did this, and the White House won't explain. Mrs. Helm, social secretary to Mrs. Truman, admits that Fish was pres- ent, but flatly refuses to give the rea- son why. However, Ham Fish's friends in New York state are rubbing their hands in glee. They figure that this is the first step in staging Fish's DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell hal, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). *3 THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1946 VOL. LVI 59 Notices Orientation Period: The dates for the Orientation Period in February have been changed as follows: Transfer men will report at 81 o'clock Monday morning, Feb. 25. Transfer women will report at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon. Feb. 25. Freshman men and women will re- port at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 26. The places -of meeting will be an- nounced later. Women Students: Beginning Jan. 23, women students taking athletic equipment from the Women's Ath- letic Building must show Student Identification Cards. This equipment must be used by the student checking it out. Graduate Students expecting mas- ter's degree at the end of the Fall Term must have diploma applications turned in to the Graduate School of- fice by Monday, Jan. 28. Applications received after that date cannot be considered. Students expecting to do directed teaching for the secondary-school certificate in the spring term, are re- quested to secure assignments in Room 2442, University Elementary. School on Friday, Feb. 1, according to the following schedule: English, 8:00-9:00 Social Studies, 9:00-10:00 Science and Mathematics, 10:00- 11:00 All foreign languages, 11:00-12:00 All others, and any having conflicts, at scheduled hour, 2:00-3:00, or by appointment. next summer are urged to attend the registration meeting on Monday, Jan. 28, in Room 305, Mason Hall. Detroit Civil Service Announce- ments for the following have been re- ceived in our office. Junior Typist, $1752-$1980, Intermediate Typist, $2169-$2321, Junior Stenographer, $2245-$2397, Junior Clerk (Male), $1752-$1980, Junior Accountant, $2625-$3095, Semi-Senior Accountant, $3413 to $4127, and Senior Account- ant, $4365 to $5079. For further in- formation, call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. the Merrill Palmer School an- nounces two graduate student assis- tantships for 1946-47. One is for a man and one for a woman in the De- partment of Older Children. They will pay $345 and tuition for the academic year. In return the student assistant does twelve hours of work a week in the department and is per- mitted to carry eleven academic cred- its of work during each of the three ttrms. Applications should be com- pleted before March 15. Further de- tails available at the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation. The Panama Canal Zone schools have positions open for teachers from the kindergarten to the sixth grade in the elementary schools, and in prac- tically every field of instruction in the junior and senior high schools, including science, mathematics, so- cial studies, English, household arts, physical education, music, and wood and metal shop work. They are par- ticularly interested in receiving appli- cations from well trained, experi- enced teachers between twenty-four and thirty years of age. However, ap- plications from teachers between thirty and forty years of age will be given careful consideration. Men, and veterans especially, will be given preference for junior and senior high school positions. Salary sched- ules are extremely attractive. Full in- formation concerning qualifications and salary schedules available at the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- uled for that date will be given on Thursday, Feb. 14. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Lan- guages (Room 112, R. L. Bldg.) or at the door at the time of the lecture for a small sum. These lectures are open to the general public. Academic Notices Mathematics Orientation Seminar today at 3 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Rabson will speak on the ques- tion: Is every integer the sum of four squares? Tea at 4:00. Seminar in physical chesmistry will meet today in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Norman Deno will speak on "X-ray diffraction and electron density distribution in organic molecules." All interested are invited. Forestry Seminar-Professor Chase will make a survey of the employment situation in the Fish and Wildlife Service and Professor Graham will discuss the field of Entomology from the same point of view this afternoon. The meeting will be held in Room 2039 Natural Science Building at 4:30. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Friday, Jan. 25, at 4 p.m. in 319 West Medical Building. "Phos-. phorylation and Polysaccharides- Phosphorylase." All interested are in- vited. Con certs Chamber Musical Festival. The Sixth Annual Chamber Music Festival will take place Friday at 8:30 and Saturday at 2:30 and 8:30, in the Lec- ture Hall of the Rackham Building. All the programs will be given by the Budapest Quartet: Josef Roismann and Edgar Ortenberg, violinists; Boris Kroyt, viola; and Mischa Schneider, violoncello.. Compositions of Haydn, Hindemith, Beethoven, Mozart, Mil- haud, Piston and Dvorak, will be played. Tickets for the series or for indi- vidual concerts are on sale at the of- fice of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower, and will also be on sale in the lobby of the Rackham Building one hour be- fore the beginning of each concert. Student Recital: Roberta Chatkin Dresden, pianist, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 tonight in Lydia Men- delssohn Theater. Given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, the program will include compositions by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Hunter Johnson, Serge Prokofieff, and Intro- duction, Fugue and Variations by Mrs. Dresden. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions carefully planned comeback to Congress. They are planning to play up the White House tea for all it's worth. British Buffer State T ISN'T being advertised, but Mar- shall Khukov, Soviet commander in Germany, has sent a blistering let- ter to Field Marshal Montgomery, commander of the British zone in Germany. He charges that several hundred thousand German soldiers are being kept in the British zone, or- ganized in companies and regiments, all ready to fight a war all over again. Khukov informed Field Marshal Montgomery that, according to his information, part of these Nazi troops were being drilled regularly by their own officers. He also claimed about 100,000 Germans had been allowed to retain their small arms, that heavy ordnance, including tanks and artillery, was. being kept close at hand, available for use. Zhukov notified Field Marshal Montgomery that he considered this hostile to Russia and in violation of the Potsdam agreement. Marshal Montgomery's reply to Zhukov was equally blistering. He admitted thousands of Germans were stild armed, but claimed the number was less than Zhukov al- leged. In general, however, the tone of Montgomery's letter was "so what?" Behind this exchange of letters is a dangerous situation which began with the armistice and has been get- ting worse ever since. It is the British balance-of-power policy of playing off Germany against Russia. The same thing happened after the last war, when the British played off Ger- many against France. British money poured into German industry, Ger- man banks and even German muni- tions plants. When the French pro- posed stopping Hitler's invasion of the Rhineland on March 7, 1936, it was the British who discouraged the French. Today Britain is still following the balance-of-power policy-with a dif- ferent twist. Instead of playing France off against Germany, she is trying to patch up relations between these two, and play both off against Russia. Today Britain is trying to con- solidate a strong western bloc- -Belgium, France, Holland and Ger- many. That is the real factor be- hind the policy of saving certain German factories; also behind the keeping of German troops in their original regimental formations. Aside from colonial troops, Brit- ain has kept one of the smallest armies in the world. So German troops are now serving as a virtual backstop in the balance-of-power game against Russia. (Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex.. pational Information. amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next term are re- Lectur quired to pass a qualifying examina- tion in the subject in which they ex- University Lecture. 1 pect to teach. This examination will Royce, Mining Geologis be held on Saturday, March 2, at 8:30 ands-Mather Company a.m. Students will meet in the audi- the subject, "The Amer torium of the University High School. dustry at a Crossroads, The examination will consume about Monday, Jan. 28, in four hours' time; promptness is Ampthitheater; auspic therefore essential. partment of Geology. cordially invited. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- ---- tificate in June and August: A list of Departmental Lectur candidates has been posted in the of- en A. Royce, Mining G fice of the School of Education, Room Pickands-Mathers C( 1431 University Elementary School. speak on the subject, Any prospective candidates whose posits of the Lake Sup name does not appear on this list at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, should call at the office of the Re- "An Economic Geologis corder, 1437 Univ. Elem. School. Pre-Cambrian," at 8:0 day, Jan. 29, in room Summer Job placement: All stu- Science Building; auspi dents interested in registering with partment of Geology. the Bureau of Appointments for a job -- es Mr. Stephen A. t for the Pick- , will speak on rican Steel In- at 4:15 p.m., the Rackham es of the De- The public is re: Mr. Steph- eologist for the ompany, will "Iron Ore De- )erior Ranges," Jan. 29, and t Looks at the 00 p.m., Tues- 2054 Natural ices of the De- Michigan "Early Ann Open daily Historical Collections: Arbor." 160 Rackham. 8-12, 1:30-4:30; Satur- BARNABY By Crockett Johnson /7TJ1 Fine Arts Lectuire. Miss Harriet D.I iays 8-12. Adams of Cranbrook Art .Academy . will speak on "Picaso's Recent Paint- A joint exhibition of paintings by ing" at 8 o'clock, Tuesday, Jan. 29 in John Pappas and Sarkis Sarkisian of the Rackha m Amnihithpa.trn .- Detroit, in the Rackham Mezzanine r T." krnnrlrr cf cfnrfc in iivo mintafac_ Gosh, I'm worried about Mr. O'Malley,