FILIPINO MAJOR ,e ,Page I Y L4 ,w 43UU iuii4 CLOUDY COLDER VOL. LVI, No. 59 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1946 Student overnmnt Outline Is Prop PRICE FIVE CENTS osed National trike Roundup By The Assoiated Press Executive Parley NEW YORK, Jan. 23-Benjamin F. Fairless, president of the U. S. Steel Corp., tonight asked President Tru- man to call an all-management con- ference of experienced. executives from strike-bound companies to con- sider "what kind of a wage increase the economy of this country can en- dure." "These men could discuss frankly with the President, and give him the benefit of their advice on what kind of a wage increase the economy of this country can endure without in- curring the danger of an inflationary spiral with a constant race between mounting wages and mounting prices," Fairless said. Intervention Plea... PITTSBURGH, Jan. 23 - The striking CIO steelworkers asked. President Truman today to take immediate action for government operation of $1,000,000,000 worth of federally-owned steel plants or turn them over to "individuals such as" Henry J. Kaiser, the West Coast steelmaker. The committee also said the jus- tice department should investigate a "conspiracy" among represeinta- tives of the large corporations meeting ih New York durijug the first week of January to provide "wholesale cancellation of irletive bargaining agreements as their first step to provoke strikes." Railroad Strike .,.. CLEVELAND, Jan. 23-Threat of a strike-possibly within three and one-half weeks-which would par- alyze the' entire, country's railroad transportation system, was raised to- day by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. A. F. Whitney, president of the trainmen, said strike ballots were be- ing printed for a poll of the 215,000 members. If no offer is forthcoming from the railroads within about three weeks, which he estimated as the time to complete the balloting, Whitney said a strike could follow "within three days." Meat Stalemate . . WASHINGTON, Jan 23 - The question of when the nation's din- ner tables will get a normal supply of meat remained unanswered to- night despite President Truman's decision to seize strike-bound pack- ing plants Saturday. Hours after the White House an- nounced 'the Agriculture Depart- ment would become the country's boss butcher this weekend, the government laked any pledge that 193,000 CIO strikers would return to work. Query Ordered... WASHING TON, Jan. 23 - immediate congressional inquiry was ordered today in a statement that Army truck drivers in three eastern states have been ordered not to cross meat strike picket lines without un- ion approval. The statement was made in the House by Rep. Howard Smith (D-Va), who read a telegram from Maj. Gen. Manton S. Eddy, commanding gen- eral of the third service command is- suing the order. Weikel, Whitsitt Tie in Contest Charles Weikel and Terrel Whitsitt were chosen the winners of the Speech 31 contest held yesterday af- ternoon at Kellogg Auditorium. The two, who spoke respectively on "Citizens First" and "Danger in America's Racial Situation" tied for first place. Philip K. Kaut was awarded third place honors for his delivery on "The American Problem." Competitors in the finals were se- I arrl nd- n nraliifVr v,nnrnc4tzf nn- How Campus Government Would Work Orga Calils for Council, I STUDENT BODY (All classes in all scho~ols) Forum of Group Leaders FORUM (Heads of all recognized cam- pus organizations.) STUDENT COUNCIL (Nine members elected from campus at-large.) ADMINISTRATION (Regents, President's Office, Dean of Students, Dean of Wo- men and Deans of all schools.) COMMITTEES (To be headed by members of the Council and made up of students. These do the work with help of groups represented in the Forum.) 'Martha Cook' Pledge Boosts Philippine Fund-Raising Drive D [RQ MR - ~ s[R11'41 Race Problem Discussed by A. K. Stevens w Letter from Filipino Student Tells of Need The Philippine fund drive received a considerable boost yesterday when the girls of Martha Cook pledged a minimum contribution of one dollar apiece. The current drive for $7,500 to help replace books and equipment of the war-devastated University of the Philippines will end Saturday. Bar- bara Stauer, campaign chairman, has Tillich Predicts Fall in Power OC Protestants "The Protestant Principle and the Transformation of the Churches" was discussed yesterday by Prof. Paul Til- lich, of Union Theological Seminary, one of the world's leading Protestant authorities.- The end of the era when the Pro- testant church has been a decisive world historical force, an era lasting from about 1500 to the present, was foreseen by Dr. Tillich. A new type of religion may arise, he said, created by the trends toward collectivism and conformism in the western world to- day. "If the Protestant principle de- mands the reduction in power and meaning of the Protestant churches, we will want to adhere to the Protes- tant principle and can only hope for the survival of the Protestant churches," Dr. Tillich stated. He pointed out that there is a great new field of endeavor opening for the Protestant church in psycho-therapy and urged the church to undertake this work without fear of the mis- takes that will be made at the begin- ning. In carrying out this new work, he contended, ministers must pro- ceed by indirection rather than by direction and, above all, be prepared to be listeners rather than talkers. Dr. Tillich's talk was the last of a series of four lectures featured at the seventh annual Michigan Pastors' Conference. The conference closed yesterday with a devotional address by the Rev. Jonathan Dames, pastor of the Bethel A.M.E. Church in De- troit. urged that all dormitories, league houses, sorority and fraternity houses and other University residences ap- point someone to take charge of the collection for their house. The money may be turned in between 2 and 4 p.m. daily to Frances Goodfellow at Lane Hall. "Classes are being held in the hospital wards," a letter from the Islands states. The letter, received by Lueila Martelino, University student from the Philippines, con- tinues, "it is necessary for teachers to carry small blackboards about three feet by four feet to class, holding the board in one hand while writing with the other." "The real destruction of the uni- versity came when the Americans at- tempted to occupy Manila," Miss Martelino said in a recent interview. "The Japanese used the university grounds as a stronghold for their last stand. The campus buildings were Coeds who would be interested in securing passes to local theatres Saturday through Jan. 31 by pass- ing collection boxes to aid in the thirteenth annual March of Dimes should sign up in the Undergrad- uate Office of the League, Alice Miller announced. in direct line of fire, and no building was left in a usable condition. The majority are in such ruins that they must be entirely reconstructed." Previous to that, Miss Martelino explained, classes had been held in three unoccupied buildings. Al- though the Japanese sanctioned class meetings, the use of the Eng- lish language was prohibited, she continued. "The Japanese used our library books, chairs and laboratory tables as fuel, and the entire agricultural college was turned into a concentra- tion camp," Miss Martelino revealed. "Before the war there were ap- proximately 7,500 students enrolled in the University of the Philip- pines," she said. "But during the war many of the male students joined guerrilla forces, some of them evacuating to small towns. Those who remained in Manila, at- tempting to continue school, were often picked off the streets for forced labor." The solution of eceonomic prob- lems and the elimination of race prejudice must be arrived at simul- taneously in order for either to be permanent, according to A. K. Stev- ens, lecturer with the Adult Educa- tion Experimental Program of the University Extension Service, who spoke before members of the Inter- Racial Association at a meeting yes- terday in the Union. The main portion of Steven's ad- dress consisted of an illustrated lec- ture, "We Are All Brothers," as well as another film, "Toward Unity" both of which he has shown to vari- ous labor groups in his capacity of la- bor educator. Emphasizing the fact that "our beliefs have nothing to do with our race and nationality," the film showed the necessity of treating people as human beings and stressed the fact that an individual's eco- nomic position is not endangered by equality of economic opportunity. "Awareness of current prejudices," Stevens stated, is inescapable as such feelings are deeply imbedded in our cultural history." Nevertheless, he continued, the attitudes of labor un- ions and other groups with which he has worked have definitely progressed since the educational program was undertaken. Not only must groups be educated, he concluded, but individ- uals must also act in accordance with professed beliefs of equality as no as- similative process can be accom- plished through mere theorizing. AYC To Treat ParleyPlans The Ann Arbor chapter of the American Veterans Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. today at the Union to discuss plans for sending an Ann Arbor delegate to the national AVC convention to be held in DesMoines late in March. The group will also conduct a dis- cussion and review of all bills pending and now before Congress on veteran housing. John Johnson, publicity chairman of the group, announced that all members and veterans who would be interested in joining the chapter are urged to attend the meeting. The Constitution PREAMBLE We the students of the University of Michigan, in order to better fit ourselves for life in a democracy and to further our legitimate interest in securing the best education possible, do ordain and establish this Consti- tution of the University of Michigan Student Government.a ARTICLE I - COUNCILv Section 1 The Central Committee of the University of Michigan Studenti Government shall be the Council, which has both administrative andr policy-making powers. The Council shall serve as spokesman for the Student Body, acting upon all student ideas and requests which may be referred to it. Section 2 The Student Council shall choose its own officers except the president. It is empowered to draw upon the general student body to serve on committees and projects. The Council shall supervise all elections. The Council shall be responsible for financing the Student Government. Section 3 The Council shall consist of eight members and a student president chosen in an all-campus election. Section 4 The Student President shall be the presiding officer of the Council as well as the official head of the Student Government. He shall be chosen on a separate ballot in the same all-campus election.f Section 5 The members of the Council shall be elected for a term of one school year. Section 6 Council members shall have held positions of executive re- sponsibility in recognized campus organizations or the University of Mich- igan Student Government for at least two semesters. Section 7 Candidates for the Council must satisfy University eligibility requirements. They must expect to be enrolled in the University until the expiration of their terms of office. Section 8 The council shall draw up a ballot containing no more thai five candidates for president and twenty-four for the positions of memberst of council. The Council shall interview all those who petition for office. The ballot shall be announced at least two weeks before the election. Section 9 One of the first acts of each new council shall be to convene the Forum. The Vice-President of the Council shall be the presiding officer1 of the Forum. Section 10 A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Student Council. Meetings shall be held regularly as a specified place and shall be public, provided that by a two-thirds vote the Student Council may go into execu- tive session. The Student President and Secretary shall have the power to issue official statements regarding Council policy to the public. The agenda of the meeting shall be published in the Michigan Daily. Any student may present constructive proposals or complaints to the Council providing he notify, in writing, the Council beforehand. ARTICLE II - FORUM Section I The Forum shall consist of heads of recognized organizations or their representatives. Each representative shall have one vote. Section 2 The Vice-President of the Council shall be the presiding of- ficer of the Forum. Section 3 The Forum shall be the means by which the opinion of or- ganized groups may be expressed. The Forum may set up committees from its own membership and may make recommendations to the Council. The Forum is expected to implement Council action and to inform its con- stituency of any action taken by the Council. ARTICLE III - ADVISOR The Council shall call in, as advisor, that member of the Administration most intimately connected with student activities. He shall serve in ex officio capacity at all Council meetings. ARTICLE IV - AMENDMENTS Amendement to this constitution may be proposed upon a two-thirds vote of the Council or by a petition signed by ten per cent (10%) of the students enrolled at the University. These proposals must be ratified by the Committee on Student Affairs and a majority of those voting in the next all-campus election. ARTICLE V - RATIFICATION This constitution shall go into effect immediately upon being approved by the mapority participating in an all-campus election. AlI-Capus Ratification To Be Sought Proposal of a new constitution for an all-campus student government was unanimously approved by repre- sentatives from major campus organ- izations last night and now awaits ratification by the stdent body and the Student Affairs Committee. Calling for a nine-member Stu- dent Council to "serve as spokes- man for the student body" and a Forum made up of heads of major organizations to act in conjunc- tion with the Council, the propos- al represents an entirely new ap- proach to student representation in campus government. It is expected that this student government proposal, if adopted, would automatically absorb the Men's Judiciary Council, including the function of running campus elections. Providing approval by the Stu- dent Affairs Committee is obtained this semester, it is hoped that elec- tion of 'a Council can take place in March. When the election is held students will have the oppor- tunity of either ratifying the Con- stitution as proposed and electing the first Council or rejecting the proposed Constitution and electing a nine-member committee to draw up a more acceptable document. Most specific functions of the Council have been left for the first Council to incorporate in the by-laws. Among additionalfunctions which it is thought likely that the Council will adopt are to coordinate campus activities, acting as a clearing house and formulating a campus calendar, to handle letters and correspondence from other schools in regard to stu- dent activities, to take an active part in alleviating campus cheating, to publish each year a handbook ex- plaining University rules and regula- tions and the campus government set-up and to initiate student enter- tainment and benefits. This Constitution was drawn up over a two-month period after ex- tensive correspondence with other schools, consultation with Univer- sity officials interested in student activities, and student heads of ex- isting campus organizations, as well as other interested groups. The idea for a student Forum made up of heads of rganizations came from those attending a student' Town Hall meeting in December. The proposal has been under con- sideration for a two-month period. The Constitution and a diagram of how the student government is ex- pected to work may be found in ad- joining columns. Festival Will Feature Quartet Violinists Will Play Hindenmuth Selection Highlighting their program at 8;30 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall with the Hindemith "Quar- tet in E-flat major," te Budapest String Quartet will oped the Cham- ber Music Festival for the second suc- cessive year. The Quartet, which first became prominent in America about 15 years ago, is composed of violinists Josef Roismann and Edgar Ortenberg, viol- ist Boris Kroyt, and Mischa Schneid- er, violincello. They will complete the concerts with quartets by Hadyn and Beethoven. Representing an old and eminent organization, the present Budapest Quartet was a tradition in the an- nals of European musical life. The present group made their debut at Cornell in December, 1930. Committee To Act on JmiopPlans Th3A -ttdnt ,+Affairs, Cmmittp is / WAR CA USES PEACE-TIME PROBLEMS: Enrollment, Housing To Be Affected by State Action on Building Fund By CLAYTON DICKEY Add to the numerous problems now confronting the Uni- versity the possibility that the state legislature will not ap- propriate funds for an emergency building program. Demands of $61,000,000 have already been made on the state's $27,000,000 reserve fund by municipalities, mental hospitals, public schools and educational institutions-in- cluding the University, Michigan State College and Wayne University. Only proposed University building for which state funds have been appropriated is the General Service Building, which will house administrative offices. The special legislative session opening Feb. 4 will con- rollments with facilities designed to accommodate approx- imately 11,000 students. Moreover, with a greater percentage of students seeking education in the sciences, engineering and business admin- istration, certain departments and colleges will be particu- larly hard pressed. University officials, in attempting to frame policies, are beset with a multitude of imponderables. A decision on one problem automatically creates others. First and foremost is the University's obligation to vet- erans. The obligation has been accepted, but the University also recognizes an obligation to the State of Michigan. Many universities throughout the country have already rinos +w teir driR t+onaegrInt. far the+ no extCmPee~r The veterans. But the problem of accommodating married vet- erans remains critical. Housing is one of the first consid- erations in determining how high the enrollment figure can climb.' If the new buildings cannot be erected, "night and noon" classes will have to be resorted to on a large scale. Enroll- ments in departments where laboratory facilities are re- quired will have to be curtailed. An increase in the number and size of classes is accomp- anied by the problem of faculties. With no backlog of grad- uate students eligible ,as instructors and return of former members from the service uncertain, over-burdening of present faculty members is uncertain. This raisest he robAm o f racadmicistanris.If cl rass-