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January 23, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-23

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Fifty-Sixth Year

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Inon*J( c 0.amtcaofSIIAEr~~f w4tllIrR T~raswt , n-.
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Ray Dixon . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Margaret Farmer.. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Bill Mullendore . . . . . .Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schut . . . . . . ..Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to itor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor; Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
tier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colleg Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194546
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Small Colleges
THE'"VETERAN wants higher education. In
most cases he is seeking it in the large, well-
known universities and shunning the small col-
As a result, the large universities have been
forced to refuse applications for admission, while
continuing to strain their facilities beyond ca-
The problem has only begun. The American
Council on Education reports that 125,000 vet-
erans were enrolled in colleges on Dec. 1. Esti-
mates as to the number who will be enrolling,
or attempting to enroll, next September are as
high as 600,000.
The recent conference of the Association of
American Colleges in Cleveland revealed that
about 100 top colleges receive the bulk of vet-
eran applications, and the remaining 600,
mostly small institutions, are being ignored.
A recent survey by The New York Times dis-
closed that enrollments in many small colleges
are below capacity, and housing facilities are
unused. The president of one of the colleges
polled by The Times estimated that the smaller
institutions throughout the country could absorb
250,000 veterans.
Where a degree in engineering is the goal, the
veteran is perforce compelled to turn to the large
universities, since they alone have the financial
ability to offer high-grade engineering training.
But what of the veteran who is seeking a
degree in the liberal arts? Probably he is
attracted to the large universities for reasons
of prestige - the fact that they are big, foot-
ball, social life and the galaxy of the faculty
The rank and worth of the large universities
are not in question. But the importance of the
small liberal arts colleges in terms of what they
can offer the veteran should be given more recog-
nition than has heretofore been accorded.
First, in a small college the veteran's personal
problems will receive far more attention from
professors and administrators than is possible
in a large institution.
Second, the veteran has much to gain through
the intimate contact with his teachers that a
small college affords. Small classes, frequent
conferences and social contacts are part of the
life of these institutions.
Third, the veteran will find more satisfactory

living conditions in small college communities
away from the large centers of population.
Briefly, the veteran stands to find his problems
of adjustment or readjustment to academic life
less difficult in a small college. And it is com-
mon knowledge that the quality of education
received in many of the small colleges is as high
as the renowned universities can offer.
The veteran's free choice is not subject to
criticism. But in the light of existing condi-
tions, it should not be a choice of education
in a large university or no education. It should
not be a case of regard for the large univer-
sity to the detriment of the importance of the
small college.
-Clayton L. Dickey
A .KA.-' n n 0

$10,O0O J-Hop
To the Editor:
IT IS with considerable nauseousness that I
have read of the efforts of certain members of
this University to obtain permission to spend
$10,000 for a J-Hop. If permission is granted
for this to be done I hope that those who at-
tend the dance will stop at midnight for a minute
of silent prayer for those men and women all
over the world who will at that very moment be
dying of exposure and starvation. Our uni-
versities are supposed to produce the leaders for
our nation for the coming generation. If this
be an example of the type of leadership we can
expect the future does not look rosy.
In today's issue of The Daily I see that U.S.
Steel wants a raise in the price of steel, that the
unions want more money, that building materials
are being held off the market pending a rise in
ceiling prices, that the Senate is filibustering
the FEPC Bill, and as a farcical climax to this
list of stupidities that the students at the Uni-
versity of Michigan are perturbed because they
are not allowed to spend $10,000 for a dance.
To some extent this proposal seems to have
the backing of the veterans. I suppose this is
the same type of veteran who complained dur-
ing the war about the civilian in the fur-lined
fox hole. Now thise same veteran not only
wants a fur-lined fox hole, but he wants a
$10,000 red plush lining to go with it!
The students and the veterans complain that
the administration does not treat them as grown-
ups. If they would be so treated let them stop
acting like children. Maturity is not a matter
of birthdays.
And what has happened to the great American
ideal of the leadership of the press? There is a
charming little inscription at the head of your
editorial column that indicates that the editorial
views expressed are only the views of the writers,
and do not represent the opinion of The Daily.
What I want to know is, why don't they? If the
student body is not shown the error of its ways
in its own newspaper, who else will do it? Why
not take a stand on issues such as this?
I do not deny that students may need a good
time, but they can have one for a lot less than
$10,000. If they have that much money burn-
ing a hole in their pockets there are plenty of
worthy causes both at home and abroad that
need it urgently. It is national and inter-
national incidents which are in perfect rapport
with this demand for a "peacetime J-Hop"
that are kicking American prestige downstairs
and into the cellar. We won the war, but
when will we win the peace?
To forestall cries of "outstate civilian" may I
add that I have lived in Michigan all of my life
except four years and nine months in the army.
-Edward C. Moore
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Moore asks why the edi-
torials in The Daily represent the views of the writers
only and suggests that The Daily take a stand on
the issue. The Daily as a newspaper cannot adopt
a policy' with respect to this or any other issue, in
view of the fact that The Daily staff is composed of
members with many and varied opinions.
Profits to WSSF?
To the Editor:
"SWING BACK to-peacetime activities!" "Let
us have a $10,000 J-Hop if we're willing to
pay for it!"'
The main objection offered so far by The
Student Affairs Committee is that "it just
wouldn't look right." Now isn't that a fine
attitude! Not what looks right but what is right
should concern every one of us. And what is
right in this situation?
The goal of the WSSF drive on campus is
$7,500. We've heard, over and over, the needs
of our fellow-students in the Philippines-
needs which can only be supplied by us. And
we have volunteered to help: the University
of Michigan has adopted the University of the
Philippines. Do you find it difficult to imagine
conditions in an institution struggling to exist,
to rebuild, and yet to fulfill the needs of its
students? Or does your imagination portray
more vividly the glamour of a pre-war type

No one denies the delight of the proposed
week-end. (It would be wonderful.) Yes, and
wonderful it would be to return to the gaiety of
the old carefree days: to turn our minds from
the sickening pictures of devastation and suffer-
ing abroad, to wrap our oceans around us more
tightly, to preach not only America First, but
Me First. We might be happy in a smug and
snobbish way. But something has happened;
our ears detect a false note in the old melody.
We see dimly that the corollary to "Peace on
RETORT: A delightful comment on democracy
was made by Benjamin Franklin, born 240
years ago this month. A visiting European once
remarked to him: "How unpleasant it must be
for you Americans to be governed by people
whom you'd.never think of asking to dinner."
Said Franklin: "No more unpleasant than be-
ing governed by people who wouldn't ask you
to dinner." -This Week

earth" is "Good will to men." And it is up to
us as individuals to further our ideals.
We, the undersigned, hold the firm belief
that this can best be done in the present situ-
ation by modifying the extravagant plans sug-
gested. We get almost as much pleasure from
the excellent local bands as from expensive
name bands. Why not pare costs to a mini-
mum, leaving ticket price at the proposed sum
of $10, and give the profits to WSSF?
-Evelyn Pease,
Neva Miesen,
Shirley Pope,
Tom West,
Elizabeth Ann Clarke,
Carolyn Daugherty
and 13 others
American Prestige
IT HAS BECOME a commonplace to say that
soldier demonstrations abroad . have hurt
American prestige in the eyes of the world. Have
we really started, then, to concern ourselves
about American "face"? If so, goody; and let us
go on with it, and let us realize that there are
many Americans besides common soldiers who
can damage our prestige; even, perhaps, Sena-
There is that (self-constituted) sub-committee
of the Senate Naval Affairs Committee, for in-
stance; composed of Senators Byrd, Eastland,
Tobey and Capehart, which is demanding that
we keep whatever -Japanese islands we need for
our defense, without asking for a trusteeship
setup under the United Nations Organization.
The four Senators do not wish to ask anybody
for permission to use the islands; it is a matter
of principle; they don't want the permission
even if it is freely given. But do not these four
Senators realize that our entire position in inter-
national affairs is based on the argument that
there must be no territorial changes without in-
ternational agreement, and without due process
of international law?
Don't the four Senators understand that
they are, in effect, picketing Jimmy Byrnes in
London, parading up and down outside his
window, making uncouth noises, and, in sub-
stance, telling the world to pay no attention
to him?
WHEN MR. BYRNES rises, in all his moral
panoply, to forbid any other power to at-
tempt territorial aggrandizement, the delegates
to the Assembly will hear Senator Byrd's two-
fingered whistle from outside the hall, and they
may giggle.
The thing is especially sad because, actually,
there is no issue. The United Nations Organiza-
tion does not impose trusteeship arrangements;
it waits for them to be submitted to it by the
nations concerned, and it then approves or dis-
approves. President Truman has suggested that
we be made the sole trustees of Japanese islands
needed for our defense, which would seem to be
a smart Missouri deal, combining exclusive
American control with world approval; but if the
proposal were turned down, we would then be no
worse off than before; we could still reconsider
out course, and perhaps just keep the islands.
There is no danger of our losing the islands,
and so there seems something cooked-up about
the protest of the four Senators; it is a kind of
demostration against the world, and perhaps
worse for our prestige than any meeting of
homesick GIs.
STILL ON THE SUBJECT of American "face,"
we have, also, the Pearl Harbor investigation,
and the proposal by several Republican Senators
that Mr. Winston Churchill, now vacationing in
Miami, becaptured as a witness while he is thus
conveniently in the country, and brought to
Washington and questioned to see if he knows
any dirt.
Now we Americans understand about Congres-
sional committee hearings; we know how expertly
these things are produced these days, almost like
shows, and how the impulse to catch a big
witness is almost as hard to resist as the impulse
on the part of a movie producer to catch a big
star; but the rest of the world does not under-
stand, and will be appalled, I think, by this mon-
strous proposal.

The rest of the world will miss the innocent
relish with which we play this game, and will
see only that one of the great allied powers has
put the former head of another state on the
stand, to uncover what, if anything, was nasty
about the great crusade in which the two were
so lately joined.
Wheeee! There is in the incident that special
mixture of unselfconscious simplicity and arro-
gance about which foreigners used to write books,
years ago, when they visited the United States;
after which we would hate them with lasting
The subject of American prestige is fascinat-
ing, and it is good that it has been broken open
for discussion, even if only, so far, as concerns
the GIs. It will provide subject for talk for
years, for one has the feeling that our long
isolation has left us with a very complicated
attitude toward the world, which shows up in
others than in foot soldiers, and will take years
to rub off, smooth down and generally polish
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Symington Next
War Secretary
WASHINGTON.-It isn't being ad-
vertised, but if newly appointed
Stuart Symington makes good as as-
sistant secretary of war, he is almost
certain to be upped to the No. 1 job
in the War Department, replacing
Bob Patterson as Secretary of War.
Meanwhile, G.I.'s can expect Sy-
mington to lean over backward to
give them a break. He's that kind of
guy. Probably the best of President
Truman's Missouri appointments, Sy-
mington startled businessmen several
years ago by putting a share-the-
profits plan into effect in his Emer-
son electric plant in St. Louis. It
worked wonders with labor.
In Washington, Symington has
surprised earlier critics by his
forthright handling of the extreme-
ly difficult surplus property snarl.
One of the last things he did as
surplus property administrator
was to force the Aluminum Corpor-
ation of America to turn over its
patents to the government.
On the surface, ALCOA's offer
looked like a magnanimous gesture,
but behind the scenes it took some
tough talking by Symington and as-
sistant attorney general Wendell
Berge to put it across.
Mellon's Monopoly
THE Aluminum Corporation, which
made the late Andrew Mellon one
of the three richest men in America,
had long enjoyed an airtight monop-
oly, was exposed by the Justice De-
partment for combining with the
Germans to curtail magnesium pro-
duction-essential to the airplane
industry. As a result, an anti-trusty
decision now hangs over ALCOA's
This was the weapon used by Sy-
mington and Berge to bludgeon
ALCOA into sharing its aluminum
During the war, ALCOA produced
aluminum in government - owned
plants, but, thanks to the vigilance
of the Justice Department and Secre-
tary Ickes, a policy was declared
whereby ALCOA could not increase
its monopoly by acquiring these
plants after the war.
The problem, however, was to
find another buyer to operate the
government plants - especially
since this buyer would not have
aluminum patents. Louis Reyn-
olds of the Reynolds Metals Com-
pany was willing to take over two
large plants in Arkansas, but he
could not operate without using
ALCOA's lime-sinter-soda patents.
And ALCOA was only willing to
rent these patents at prohibitive
Finally, about ten days ago, Arthur
Davis, head of ALCOA, was sum-
moned to the office of Attorney Gen-
eral Tom Clark. With him came I.
W. Wilson, also of ALCOA, and Leon
Hickman, their attorney. Sitting on
the opposite side of the council table
were Symington, Sam Husbands of
the RFC, plus Wendell Berge, Ern-
est Meyers, and Irving Lipkowitz, all
of the anti-trust division.
Two-Hour Session
THE session lasted two hours.
ALCOA's Davis and Attorney Hick-
man did most of the talking. They
proposed first that they would give
their lime-sinter-soda process to
ALCOA's competitors, provided the
government would drop its anti-trust
case. Assistant attorney general
Berge, however, said "No."

Then the ALCOA executives pro-
posed to barter their patents for the
right to build new factories of their
own. This is forbidden them under
the court ruling. Again Berge said
Symington is just as mild-man-
nered as Berge, but can be just as
tough At one point he warned
"There's nothing to prevent us
from going ahead and using your
patents anyway."
"We'd sue you," replied the
ALCOA head.
"So what," shot back Symington.
"What are patents except the
right to bring a suit?"
The meeting ended in a stalemate.
Next day, ALCOA's executives ap-
peared in Symington's office ready to
grant Reynolds their patents on pay-
ment of a graduated royalty. Sy-
minton, however, showed them the
That night they returned with a
complete surrender. As a result of
smart negotiating by Symington
and Berg, ALCOA's patents,
for years an airtight monopoly,
were turned over to the government
for the use of its competitors.
(Copyright, 1946, Bell Syrdicate, Inc.)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
School of Education Faculty: The
January meeting of the faculty will
be held on Monday, Jan. 28, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
Thefts from University - During
the past few days a microscope and
two moving picture projectors have
been stolen from the University. Will
each staff member having property in
his custody please use the greatest
possible diligence in safeguarding
University and private property
stored in the quarters under his juris-
diction. In addition to the loss in-
volved, replacements may, at this
time, be impossible.
Losses should be immediately re-
ported to Mr. Herman Greve in the
Business Office.
Herbert G. Watkins
Graduate Students expecting mas-
ter's degree at the end of the Fall
Term must have diploma applications
turned in to the Graduate School of-
fice by Monday, Jan. 28. Applications
received after that date cannot be
Seniors who wish to be eligible to
contract to teach the modern foreign
languages in the registered Secondary
Schools of New York State are noti-
fied that the required examination in
French, Spanish, German, and Ital-
ian will be given here on Feb. 15.
Those who wish to take this examina-
tion (100 R.L.) not later than Jan.
28. No other opporunity to qual-
ify will be offered until August 1946,
when Summer School attendance is
a prerequisite for admission to the
Students expecting to do directed
teaching for the secondary-school
certificate in the spring term, are re-
quested to secure assignments in
Room 2442, University Elementary
School on Friday, Feb. 1, according
to the following schedule:
English, 8:00-9:00
Social Studies, 9:00-10:00
Science and Mathematics, 10:00-
All foreign languages, 11:00-12:00
All others, and any having confiicts
at scheduled hour, 2:00-3:00, or
by appointment.
Detroit Civil Service Announce-
ments for the following have been re-
ceived in our office. Junior Typist,
$1752-$1980, Intermediate Typist,
$2169-$2321, Junior Stenographer,
$2245-$2397, Junior Clerk (Male),
$1752-$1980, Junior Accountant,
$2625-$3095, Semi-Senior Accountant,'
$3413 to $4127, and Senior Account-
ant, $4365 to $5079. For further in-
formation, call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
The Panama Canal Zone schools
have positions open for teachers from
the kindergarten to the sixth grade in
the elementary schools, and in prac-
tically every field of instruction in
the junior and senior high schools,
including science, mathematics, so-
cial studies, English, household arts,
physical education, music, and wood
and metal shop work. They are par-
ticularly interested in receiving appli-
cations from well trained, experi-
enced teachers between twenty-four
and thirty years of age. However, ap-
plications from teachers between
thirty and forty years of age will be

given careful consideration. Men,
and veterans especially, will be given
preference for junior and senior
high school positions. Salary sched-
ules are extremely attractive. Full in-
formation concerning qualifications
and salary schedules available at the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information.
The Merrill Palmer School an-
nounces two graduate student assis-
tantships for 1946-47. One is for a
man and one for a woman in the De-
partment of Older Children. They
will pay $345 and tuition for the
academic year. In return the student
assistant does twelve hours of work a
week in the department and is per-
mitted to carry eleven academic cred-
its of work during each of the three
terms. Applications should be com-
pleted before March 15. Further de-
tails available at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
Governess: We have a call for a
governess for four year old child. Ap-
plicants should be young women with
nursery school education, and should
be willing to make thisa full tivme

Language Building. Will those who
wish to buy a picture or have already
ordered one please collect theirs as
soon as possible.
Dr. Mario Sampaio of Brazil will
present the fifth lecture in the Socie-
dad Hispanica series, today at 8:00
pam., Kellogg Auditorium. Dr. Sam-
paio will speak on the subject, "Os
povos que contribuiaram para a for-
macao do Brazil." All members and
those interested are invited to attend.
Anyone wishing a copy of the So-
ciedad Hispanica picture may leave
his name and money in Sr. Mercado's
office, 306 Romance Language Bldg.
University Lecture. Mr. Stephen A.
Royce, Mining Geologist for the Pick-
ands-Mather Company, will speak on
the subject, "The American Steel Sn-
dustry at a Crossroads," at 4:15 p.m.,
Monday, Jan. 28, in the Rackham
Ampthitheater; auspices of the De-
partment of Geology. The public is
cordially invited.
Departmental Lecture: Mr. Steph-
en A. Royce, Mining Geologist for the
Pickands-Mathers Company, will
speak on the subject, "Iron Ore De-
posits of the Lake Superior Ranges,"
at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 29, and
"An Economic Geologist Looks at the
Pre-Cambrian," at 8:00 p.m., Tues-
day, Jan. 29, in room 2054 Natural
Science Building; auspices of the De-
partment of Geology.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Sister
Mary Celine Fasenmyer, Mathema-
tics; thesis: "Some Generalized Hyp-
ergeometric Polynomials," Wednes-
day, Jan. 23, East Council Room,
Rackham, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E.
D. Rainville.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this ex-
amination, and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Student Recital: Roberta Chatkin
Dresden, pianist, will be heard in a
recital at 8;30 Thursday evening, Jan.
24, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Given in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, the program will include
compositions by Bach, Mozart, Beeth-
oven, IHuhter Johnson, Serge Proko-
fieff, and Introduction, Fugue and
Variations by Mrs. Dresden.
The public is cordially invited.


"Early Ann
Open daily
days 8-12.

Historical Collections:
Arbor." 160 Rackham.
8-12, 1:30-4:30; Satur-

A joint exhibition of paintings by
John Pappas and Sarkis Sarkisian of
Detroit, in the Rackham Mezzanine
Galleries, under the auspices of the
College of Architecture and Design.
Jan. 16 through 31, daily except Sun-
day, afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The University Broadcasting serv-
ice and the School of Music present
another program in the series
"EPOCHS IN MUSIC" today at 2:00
to 2:30 over station WKAR (870),
following works will be heard: Joh.
Seb. Bach: Toccata in f-sharp minor
for Piano (Prof. Mabel Rhead);
for Flute and Piano (Miss Barbara
Litchfiel and Mrs. Mildred Minneman
Andrews); CARL STAMITZ: String-
quartet in F-major (Prof. Wassily
Besekirsky, Mr. Loren Cady, Mr. Mil-
ton Weber, Prof. Hanns Pick). Com-
mentator: Mr. Theodore Heger. The
entire program is under the direction
and supervision of Prof. Hanns Pick.
Professor A. K. Stevens will present
the film, "We Are All Brothers," to-
night at 7:30 p.m., in the Michigan
Union. The films will be followed by
a discussion period. Immediately
preceding the movies, there will be a
short business meeting of the Inter-
Racial Association, sponsors of the
Flying Club: There will be an im-
portant business meeting today at
7:30 p.m. 'in room 1042 East Engi-
neering Building. Flight scheduling
and a change in plans for the pur-
chace of a second airplane will be
discussed. All students and members
of the faculty are invited.
The All-Natiens Club will present
the student's viewpoint on World
Peace, in. a panel discussion tonight
at 7:30 at the International Center.
Jack Gore nresident of S f1 r Armn


By Crockett Johnson'
\0 0",

L a
Are you sure your Fairy Godfather is going to be a guest ~~

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