MALARIA CURE RESEARCH See Page 2 1Mw41 4EIaii4g FAIR, WARMER VOL. LVI 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Floor Gets Fact Finding Bill; Murray Hits Laws More Vets Given Space in Village; lackingPlants ToeSeized 1.; Measure Weakened In Labor Committee By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 - The House labor committee pulled two teeth from the President's Fact-Find- ing bill today and shoved it to the floor for early consideration. President Truman wanted action. But he also wanted the fact-finding boards empowered to examine com- pany records and unions barred from striking during the process. Features Missing These two features were missing from the bill which the committee approved. Mr. Truman has said he thinks the measure will be useless without them. There was general expectation among the congressmen, however, that efforts would be made to restore them in the form of amendments when the House takes it up. Some of the committeemen, in fact, said they voted for the measure with this ex- pectation in mind in order to get ac- tion. Plan Rejected The committee rejected the Presi- dent's plan 13 to 5. It then approved 10 to 8, a version by Rep. Landis (R-Ind) which establishes fact-find- ing boards but denies them subpoena authority and provides no "cooling- off" periods. Those who favor stricter strike leg- islation announced plans immediately to try and, write stronger language into the bill when it reaches the floor, probably next week. Tried To Stop Bill $ Rep. Hook (D-Mich), a committee member, said several atte ts were made in the committee to prevent sendinb any bill to the floor. One of his motions for a continued investiga- tion failed only by a 9 to 9 tie vote. The Landis version provides that government agencies shall furnish the fact-finding boards any .records or information desired. Among those voting for the Landis version was Rep. Hoffman (R--Mich)-. Reps. Hook (D-Mich), and Lesinski (D-Mich), opposed it. Pastors Hold Panel on China; Hall Lectures China today, geographically, hu- manistically and economically, was the subject of a panel discussion fea- tured in yesterday's session of the seventh annual Michigan Pastors' Conference. Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geog- raphy department described the geography of China in its relation to her present problems. The country, divided into the, two great natural divisions of North and South China, is."well endowed," he said, for indus- trial development. However, Man- churia must be included in post-war China, since if the population in- creases at its present rate, China will need Manchuria's surplus food sup- plies. The iron deposits in Manchuria are the most extensive and accessible, as are the forest resources. Reports of untold wealth in petroleum depos- its are as yet unfounded, he pointed out. Protestantismi Is Discussed The approximately 435 pastors as- sembled for the conference also heard Dr. Paul Tillich, professor of philoso- phical theology at Union Theologi- cal Seminary, in the second and third of a series of four lectures on the "Protestant Principle." Dr. Tillich expressed a belief that in this country there is still a possi- bility of avoiding a split between re- ligion and the socialistic movements. "Whether America will succeed I do not know," he said. If it doesn't succeed, I see no way for this country to avoid an American brand of fas- cism, which will go in the name of liberty; namely, the liberty of the few." Speaking at the afternoon session, Dr. Tillich expressed doubt as to the power of protestantism to resist the Says Steel Industry Still Makes Profits By The Associated Press PITTSBURGH, Jan. 22 - Philip Murray called on the government to- night to remedy present tax laws un- der which the CIO leader said the strike-bound steel industry could "loaf the rest of the year-remain absolutely idle" and still make $149,- 000,000 profit. Murray handed newsmen at a press conference copies of a letter written to Secretary of tehe Treasury Vinson asking him "as guardian of the U. S. Treasury to take immediate steps to terminate this outrageous condition." Before Murray spoke the impact of the great steel strike, going into its third day and involving 750,000 members of his CIO steelworkers union in 29 states, had spread to Allied fields. And in New York Benjamin F. Fairless, president of U. S. Steel, re- iterated his contention that Murray's steel wage demands would place the industry "in jeopardy." Fairless blamed the union, Murray the industry, for the crippling strike. Murray, saying he had received no word from Washington about any plans of federal seizure of the idle steel mills, told reporters he wanted to reassure everyone the steel strike will continue' until President Truman's proposed 18%2- cent an hour increase for steel- workers is granted. The CIO chief said he saw the present industry-labor situation as a fight to transfer con'trol of the gov- ernment from Washington to Wall Street. That control, he added, had rested in Wall Street prior to 1933. The strike situation itself re- mained calm. Pickets continued their vigil at gates pf some 1,300 steel, fabricating and aluminum plants and bauxite and Iron ore mines over the nation. Ten per cent excess taxes refund provision entitles the steel industry to $200,000,000 in rebates. It said "carry-back tax provisions secretly slipped through Congress" will give the industry $149,000,000 more if it fails to make any net profit in 1946. Effects of the almost complete stoppage in steel and aluminum be- gan to be felt in layoffs of railroad U. S. Action Is Expected By 'Tomorrow Seizure Assailed By CIO Committee By The Associated Press CHICAGO, Jan. 22 - Fact finding hearings in the nation-wide meat packing industry strike opened here today, shortly before government sources in Washington announced that packing plants would be seized by the government - probably to- morrow., Assistant Secretary of Labor John W. Gibson announced the seizure and White House officials indicated that the order would be sent out to- morrow. Called 'Totally Unjust' Shortly after the hearings opened, the United Packinghouse Workers of America (CIO) strategy committee, following a White House statement that the seizure had been under con- sideration, said any such action was 'totally unjust'. Officials of the CIO meat packers, headed by President Lewis Clark, spent the day in conference with La- bor Department officials. Tonight, Gibson told newsmen the union lead- ers had made "no commitments" when asked whether their members would go back to work if the gov- ernment seized the meat plants. Asked if this would delay the gov- ernment's move, Gibson replied that it woid not; the seizure would take All students who have ever worked f tote Gargoyle are requested to re- po t to the office today. place regardless. At one point he said it was his "understanding" the seiz- ure would be carried out, but in re- sponse to other qeustions he made the flat statement. Edgar L. Warren, chief of the Fed- eral Conciliation Service, told report- ers he had been assured by T. J. Lloyd, an official of the AFL meat cutters and butchers union, thatAFL workers would return to work if the government took over. Electrical Strike In the electrical strike, mediation sessions which began unexpectedly this morning were recessed. until Thursday when they will resume in New York. The mediators are Wil- liam H. Davis, former chairman of the War Labor Board, and Arthur Meyer, chairman of the New' York State Mediation Board. The participants agreed to a "no publicity" pledge. However, at a news conference, A. W. Robertson, board chairman of the Westinghouse Com- pany, told reporters that Westing- house would settle its wage disputes with the CIO United Electrical Work- ers "if any industry pattern were set." Vet Refresher Pro grain Set An expected 400 World War II vet- erans will arrive in Ann Arbor Fri- day to start a 5-week University re- fresher course designed to aid them in regaining study habits before enroll- ing here in March. Courses, to be taught by University faculty members, will be offered in chemistry, accounting, economics, physics, languages, mathematics and history. Veterans taking the courses will be given finacial aid under the G.I. Bill of Rights, although they will not receive regular credit for the courses. FPHA Allots THE NATION'S TAX BILL (In Billions of Dollars) 1945 1946 1947 I 1 i 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201 1945- Actual 1946-7-EstimatedI N WIN THE NATION'S TAX BILL - Chart indicates receip ts from direct taxes on individuals, direct taxes on cor- porations and excise taxes in 1945 and the estimated receipts in 1946 and 1947, as outlined in President Tru- man's budget report to Congress. 'U' Notifies Foreign Students To Remain At Home Till Housing Arrangements Made and river barge workmen and mines. coal UNO To Test New Strength Agency Would Smooth Crisis in Greece, Java LONDON, Jan. 22-0-P)-United Nations leaders declared optimisti- cally tonight that the newly-born peace agency could settle amicably the Russian protest against British policy in Greece and Java. They discounted talk that the sur- prise made by Soviet Russia and the Ukraine might create a crisis at the very outset of the United Nations Or- ganization. The first major test of UNO ability to smooth international friction brought the comment from .UNO President, Paul-Henri Spaak, of Bel- gium, that there were "no grounds for pessimism" and a warning from him against falling into "the terror of the League of Nations" by putting off major problems. American officials soft-pedalled talk of a crisis and said they were not alarmed. They saw the United States moving into a middle-man, pacifier role between the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. Foreign students who have been accepted by the University but who have not yet enrolled will immedi- ately be notified not to leave their countries until definite housing ar- rangements have been made for them in Ann Arbor. The new policy, announced yester- day by Assistant Dean Peter Okkel- berg of the School of Graduate Stud- ies, applies at present only to gradu- ate students, who constitute a large part of the foreign student enroll- ment. Similar mrasures, Dean Ivan C. Crawford revealed, are being con- sidered by the engineering college. "No standing admission will be{ cancelled," Dean Okkleberg said, "but! U. S. Planes, Equipment To Go to Spain WASHINGTON, Jan. 22-(A)-The United States has approved the sale to Spain of eight C47 transport planes and nearly $300,000 in airport equipment discarded by the Army, government officials disclosed today. At the same time, it was learned that the State Department has ap- proved sale of five four-engined transport planes to a private aviation company in Argentina. The planes and equipment for Spain were purchased from the State Department's office of foreign liq- uidation in Paris by a commission representing the Franco government. A State Department spokesman disclosed approval of the sale of equipment which he said would be used to improve the Madrid airport. It incl'udes bulldozers, scrapers, shovel units, dump trucks and a semi-trail- er. The State Department spokesman told his news conference that "no ap- proval has been given for the sale of surplus military supplies" to the Franco government. He explained that the department did not classify the transport planes as military sup- plies." Government officials said the transfer of the planes is related to the Civil Aviation Agreement which the U. S. signed with Spain Dec. 2, 1944. the new ruling may mean that some of those already admitted will have to wait until the housing shortage is alleviated to enter the University." More than 1,500 foreign students, Coeds To -Make Dime' Collection lit Local Movies A sheet has been posted in the Un- dergraduate office of the League for women to sign who wish to collect funds for the March of Dimes in the local movies starting Thursday and running through Jan. 31, Alice Miller announced yesterday. The campus drive will end today and the national drive will extend through the end of the month. All dime boxes distributed throughout campus should be turned in at the Social Director's office at the League by 4:30 p.m. today. Jean Gaffney, chairman of the women's group working on the cam- pus drive, pointed out that a con- tribution to the March of Dimes is similar to investment in a Victory Bond or an item of war taxation for it helps to provide the weapons for both offensive and defensive opera- tions in behalf of childhood. , During 1945, 43 persons received polio treatment in this county. The expense involved in caring for these people who were hospitalized for long periods of time was taken care of by the donations make in last year's drive. Speaker To Discuss Religion in India Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, fel- low in Oriental Research at the Bos- ton Museum of Fine Arts, will speak at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Am- phitheatre on "The Religious Basis of Indian Society." The Student Religious Association cooperating with the Hindustani As- sociation will honor Dr. Coomaras- wamy following his lecture with a re- ception at Lane Hall. I accepted before the closure of ad- mission to out-of-state students on Jan. 15, have not yet enrolled, ac- cording to Robert Klinger, assistant counselor to foreign students. More of these, however, were dents. Most of these, however, were accepted several years ago and "prob- ably no longer plan to enter the Uni- versity," he said. "The number affected," Dean Okl kelberg indicated, ."is. probably not too large." Not more than 300 for- eign students, according to Klinger, have been accepted since Jan. 1, 1945. All prospective foreign students who can possibly be contacted,'he de- clared, will be notified immedniately of the housing stipulation by air mail letter. Philippine cU' Is Tied Closely With Michigan, Kindred spirit between the Uni- versities of Michigan and the Philip- pines goes farther than the recent. pledge of reconstruction aid on the part of Michigan students. The current Philippine fund drive to raise $7,500 for immediate use to- ward rebuilding the Philippine schools is being conducted by the World Student Service Fund and the Student Organization for Interna- tnal Cooperation. Some Campus Buildings The tie between the two universi- ties, based on a program of student and faculty exchange, has been in ex- istence since the Philippine school was founded in 1907. Not only was the organization and educational sys- tem of Michigan copied, but the phys- ical aspect of the campus was mod- eled after the older institution. The first edifice to be built resembled An- gell Hall in structure and size. Philippine students reading the Daily Philippinesian saw a paper that in masthead and typography looked like The Daily, and Philip- pine medical students read the same text books as students in Ann Arbor. Faculty Educated Here All of the female faculty members were educated at Michigan, several of them recipients of Barbour schol- arships. Under the professional ex- change program many Michigan fac- ulty members travelled to the Island, among them. Prof.. Harley Bartlett, chairman of the botany department and the late Prof. Joseph Hayden of the political science department. Speech 31 Finals To Be Held Today Finals in the Speech 31 contest will be held at 4 p.m. today in Kellogg Auditorium with six contestants com- New Housing For 1,000 Request for Eight Dorms Is Refused Although rejecting the University's request to move eight dormitories to Ann Arbor, the Federal Public Hous- ing Authority yesterday allotted space for 1,000 more veterans at Wil- low Run Village, Vice-President Rob ert P. Briggs announced yesterday. The present arrangement will re- lieve the rooming shortage "consid- erably," although it will be awkward, a University official explained. Ad- ditional bus service will be provided between the campus and Willow Vil- lage to handle the larger number of students who will be living there after the Spring Term opens. 320 Married Vets The newly-acquired. accommoda- tions are in addition to the reserva- tions for 500 married veterans in the West Court and Willow Village sec- tions of the federal housing project. To date, 320 married veterans have rented apartments there. With single and double rooms, dormitories accommodate 27 students in the one-story type and 123 in the two-story structure. Centrally lo- cated toilet and shower facilities and lounge and utility rooms are avail- able. A resident manager wll be in charge of each building. These latest additions to studeit housing have never been occupied but are now being reactivated. Briggs .Made Announcement Announcement of the FPHA reply was made by Vice-President Briggs following a telephone conversation yesterday with Charles B. Lawrerice, Jr., regional housing director, Cleve- land. Success Seen For Seaway on St. Lawrence "Nothing can stop the completion of the St. Lawrence Seaway," Prof. F. N. Menefee of the Engineering Me- chanics Department said in his talk before Sigma Rho Tau yesterday. The only question is when the wat- erway, which will open the Great Lakes to ocean traffic, will be flh- ished, Prof. Menefee said. An esti- mated $250,000,000 based on pre-war price schedules will be needed to complete the St. Lawrence Seaway. Prof. Menefee predicted that engi- neers of the United States and Can- ada would not go far wrong as to the feasability and cost of the proj- ect, I would like to see such an inter- national project tried out, Prof. Men- efee commented. President Roosevelt strongly advocated the completion of the waterway during the war. The United States and Canada have keen negotiating the issue ever since 1934. Men will never get over their yearning to utilize energy going to waste, Prof. M~enefee said. Because of the uniformity of its plan, we can get more firm power from'the St. Lawrence River than from any other river in the world, he declared. The savings to industries in the seaway area justify the expenditure the project will require, Prof. Mene- fee predicted. It is anticipated that savings of five dollars a ton might be realized if freight were shipped over the seaway instead of by rail. Plane Is Bought By Flying'Club An Aeronca airplane purchased by the University Flying Club will be flown to Ann Arbor today froni the Middletown, Ohio plant by Frances Hamilton, privately licensed pilot and secretary of the club. Miss Hamilton will be accompan- ied by Warren H. Curry, president, who is now working for his license. DOMINIE NOTES RELIGIOUS PROBLEMS: Veterans Dislike Break Between Sects--Blakeman By PATRICIA CAMERON The veteran, accustomed to "the religion of the foxhole," feels that the sharp break between sects sticks out like a sore thumb, Dr. Edward Blake- man, Counselor in Religious Educa- tion, said in an interview yesterday. "The church which he left may nn 1nn-r.-.fv him.e mi.P. it in selling work. For the last 12 years he has spent much of his time ad- vising students who come to him about religious and ethical matters, When his office, one of a few such positions in American colleges, was created in 1933, the Board of Re- gents stated, "The Counselor will fact that religion as a sect may not be taught in a state-supported insti- tution of learning. "The University as a state institution has no occasion to deal with institutional or sectarian forms of religion. Neither the great tenth and eleventh centuries nor the Renaissance period of European his- it comes to religion, the most crit- ical animal in the United States is the great sprawling university." However, in 1933, a program of re- ligious educaion was drawn up. Un-1 der it, formal education consists of the following projects: (1) the degree, program in religion and ethics in the