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January 22, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-22

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Tut.,.qnAY, JANTTAIV 22, '04(l

Gymnasium Housing Satisfies
Returned Veterans at MSC
Jenison Field House Converted Temporarily
To Provide Quarters for 387 Students

Far Eastern Highlights
Art Lecturer on Campus
T T kT odty

Miner To Teach Race, Culture
Contacts Course Next Ternm

By The Associated Press
EAST LANSING, Jan. 21-Aside
from a few inconveniences such as
sleeping in a common bedroom with
387 other men and standing in long
lines for a shave, the average ex-
serviceman enrolled at Michigan
State College and calling big Jenisoi
Field House "home" is seemingly
making a go of it
Prof. Dickinson
Analyzes Price,r
Wage Conflict
(Continued from Page 1) j
fuel to the flames of current and
impending labor disputes,and I
neither industry or labor should
object very strenuously to this
mild dosage of government inter-
"The fact-finders, however, need
clearer leadIs on current national la-
bor policy than are now available, if
they are not to create unnecessary
confusion by conflicting recommen-_
dations. The government should, for
example, consider whether it really
wants to encourage the nation that'
the individual company's wage rates
should depend primarily on its own
financial position; and the govern-
ment should also make more widely
understood what sorts of voluntary
and involuntary wage increases may
lead to price ceiling changes..
"Of course, the fundamental anti-
inflation force is increase of produc-
tioh and a few words may here be
added on the outlook for production.
There is much force in the familiar
arguments that a high volume of
operations permits substantial in-
creases in wage rates without neces-
sitating increase in prices or sacri-
fices of reasonable profits. Other fa-
vorable factors include recent indi-
cations, e. g. in the Kaiser-Frazer-
UAW contract and in the Ford Motor
negotiations with the Union, that un-
ions may settle for rewards contin-
gent on increasesof output and de-
creases of wildcat strikes.
"On the less favorable side of the
picture, however, are these con-
siderations: In addition totnuier-
ous other uncertainties, the em-
ployer has to face the prospect
that spreading wage disputes will
not only interrupt his operation
but will also raise his costs, for ma-
terials, labor, and all else. (Volun-
tary wage increases also spread rip-
ples of cost advances, as do like-
wise wage advances due to govern-
ment policies, such as revision of
legal minimum wages.)
"Taking into account both favor-
able and unfavorable factors, it seems
probable that so long as price con-
trols are continued, individual ceil-
ings are likely to be raised here and
there; and such increases may not,
for a while, be offset by competitive
price declines or lowered legal ceil-
ings. Expectation that living costs
will rise further within the year is
doubtless one reason why the unions
ask for substantial wage rate in-
creases now.
"Thus, although extension of price
controls plus the further spread of
wage advances now in prospect, as in-
fluenced by fact-finding boards, can
scarcely afford guarantees against
any further inflation, they do appear
to be key items for moderating the
post-war boom, and hence for mini-
mizing this boom's reaction."
Harvard Report
To Be Discussed'
In connection with proposed
changes in the literary college cur-
riculum, the Harvard Report, "Gen-
eral Education in a Free Society,"

will be the discussion topic of the
American Association of University
Professors Thursday at the Union.
Members will meet at 6:15 p.m. for
dinner in the lunchroom of the Fac-,
ulty Club.
A panel consisting of Profs. Wil-
lard C. Olson, William Frankena,
Norman E. Nelson, Mischa Titiev,
William C. Trow, and Dean Erich A.
Walter will present and discuss the
topic. The report is the subjectof
the leading .article in the winter is-
sue of the A.A.U.P. "Bulletin."
Meat Strike Affects
Army Chow Supply
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21, (P)-The
meat strike is beginning to be noticed
in the army's chow, overseas and at
War Department officials said to-
day that in Europe, the Pacific and
at posts in the United States, mess
sergeants had started serving corned

The general consensus of men liv-
ing in the huge gymnasium-bedroom,
which is furnished with punching
bags, basketball, backboards and
trapeze bars, is that they've lived
in much worse conditions during the
past few years and don't mind too
much, as long as the arrangement is
only temporary.
Object To Study Facilities
Chief objections to living in the
fleldhouse are the lack of toilet and
study facilities. There are only 13
lavatories for shaving and washing
available for the 387 men and four
rooms for studying at night. Most of
them do their home work in their
double-deck beds.
Only one veteran out of 20 inter-
viewed actually was dissatisfied. He
was William H. Moore, discharged
A.A.F. flight officer fromh Traverse
City. Moore said the housing situa-
tion was so "confusing" that he was
returning home and would return to
M.S.C. next fall "when things are
more settled."
Conditions Similar To Army
Here are some typical comments:
Henry D. Bowen, 24, Adrian, a for-
mer A.A.F. technical sergeant: "Yes,
the conditions here are similar to
those in the Army, although the feel-
ing of being forced to live under
these conditions is gone. We don't
have to stay if we don't like it. As
for me, I'm sure the living conditions'
won't hamper my getting an educa-
Philip R. Fyvie, 23, Newberry, a
former Marine corporal (married);
"I'm a Marine who spent three years
overseas where living conditions were
rough, but expected to be. Here in
Jenison Fieldhouse, they're rough,
Gary Schmidt,. Bay City, married
and a former A.A.F. sergeant: "I
don't think the housing situation
should in any way affect our educa-
tion. Of course, it's a little uncom-
fortable, but we didn't expect maid
Kaiser Plans
Factory Colony
Homes To Be Built
Near Willow Run Plant
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Jan. 21-Plans for
the construction of a community of
homes "within walking distance" of
the huge Willow Run factory near
Ypsilanti, Mich., were revealed in an
interview today by Henry J. Kaiser,
board chairman of the newly-formed
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation.
Kaiser said approximately 400 acres
if land near the former Ford Bomber
Plant have been placed under option.
The land is west of the plant, but
Kaiser said some construction would
-e undertaken east of the factory, if
"We have no intention of ruining
the value of existing property in the
Willow Run area," Kaiser said. "But
7ou know that before you can get
the right kind of workmen in your
plants, you have to provied them with
He would not estimate the probable
-ost of the project.
Willow Run, hee said, will be hand-
led by Kaiser Community Homes, Inc.
which already has built several thous-
and dwellings in California where
Kaiser has shipbuilding and steel
No financial tieup will be made
with the Kaiser-Frazer Corporation,
Kaiser explained.
Greek Rightists
Kill Hostages
ATHENS, Jan. 21-(A)-Fourteen-

hostages have been killed by mem-
bers of an extreme right wing group
who have barricaded themselves in a
mountain village 10 miles northwest
of Kalamai (Kalamata) after reject-
ing a surrender ultimatum, the Greek
government said tonight.
The ultimatum gave the insurgents
until 4 p.m., tomorrow to surrender
or be attacked by government troops.
In Kalamai itself, order was re-
stored fully, the government said,
after the arrival of substantial rein-
forcements, but skirmishing was re-
ported on the outskirts of the city
between government forces and rebel
monarchist groups.
Minister of public order Stamktfis
Merkouris ordered troops and gen-
darmerie to rescue 150 hostages he
said were held in the barricaded
mountain position by the right wing
Food Costs Reported
Ili 3.30 Per Upm t

SRA Will Sponsor
Speech Tomorrow
Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, fel-
low in Persian, Mohammedan and In-
dian art research at the Boston Mu-
seum of Fine Arts, will speak on "The
Riddle of the Great Sphinx" at 4:15
p.m. today in the Rackham Amphi-
Sponsored by the Student Religious
Association, "The Religious Basis of1
Indian Society" will be the subject of
Dr. Coomaraswamy's speech at 8 p.m.
tomorrow. His speech today will be
under the sponsorship of the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts.
Indian students on campus and the
Hindustani Association will honor Dr.
Coomaraswamy following his lecture
tomorrow with a reception at Lane
Hall, planned in cooperation with the
Social Committee of the Student Re-
ligious Association.
Prof. James Plumer, of the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts, said of Dr. Cooma-
raswamy, "He is not interested in
novel theories. His energies are de-
voted to the re-discovery of original
truth and to restatement of first
principles upon which all cultures
Dr. Coomaraswamy's writings in-
clude "What Use Is Art Anyway?"
"The Philosophy of Mediaeval and
Oriental Art," and "The Transfor-
mation of Nature in Art."
Budapest String
Quartet To Play
Will Perform Friday,
Saturday at Rackham
Opening the Sixth Annual Cham-
ber Music Festival with selections by
Haydn, Hindemith and Beethoven at
8:30 p.m. Friday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, the Budapest String
quartet will also present two concerts
The European group, which made
its American debut at Cornell Uni-
versity 15 years ago, was heard by
concert goers last year. Before join-
ing the quartet, each of the artists:
Josef Roisman,dfirst violin; Edgar Or-
tenberg, second violin; Boris Kroyt,
viola; and Mischa Schneider, violin-
cello, had played with orchestras and
were outstanding virtuosi on their re-
spective instruments.
The Roth String Quartet has pre-
sented previous programs in this
Numerous American works in the
chamber music form, first populari-
chamberlin music form, first popu-
larized in this country around 1900
when the Flonzaley Quartet began
its now legendary career, have been
composed by Mason, Jacobi, Langs-
troth, Carpenter and Barber.
Student Exchangef
Account To Close
The board of trustees for the Stu-
dent Book Exchange plans to close
Exchange's bank account at the end
of February so that remaining funds
can be used as has been directed by
the membership.
There are several checks issued
against the Exchange's account which
have not been cashed. The board asks
that persons holding these checks
cash them immediately so that the
account can be closed.

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST: SAE pin Saturday night be-j
tween Martha Cook, Metzger's,
Swifts, and Library. Reward. Call
Dorothy Upham, Martha Cook,
WATERMAN PEN, between Chemis-
try building and State St. Thurs-
day morning. Contact Gloria Kat-
lan, phone 2-3369. Reward.
LOST: A small gold identification
bracelet engraved Gerry. Finder
please call Helen Newberry Resi-
dence, 2-2591. Reward.
LOST: Parker 51, black with gold top
on or near Diagonal Monday after-

IRA T'o Hear Stevens . A course in race and culture con- man of the sociology department, is a
tacts will be revived in the sociology landmark in the newly-developed
Albert K. Stevens, lecturer with department next semester and will be field of comparative sociology and is
the Adult Education Experimental taught by Horace Miner, newly-ap- a most important study illustrating
Program of the University Extension pointed assistant professor. how the essentially primitive and
service, will speak on some aspects of Dealing with subjects implied in modern may emerge in a single so-
the race problem at an open meeting the title, Prof. Miner plans to stress ciety.
.e r.o o particularly the Negro problem in Prof. Miner has taught at Wayne
of the Inter-Racial Association at America, with some emphasis on the University and was also a member of
7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Union. Oriental race problem in the West the Rural Research Division of the
The film "We Are All Brothers" and on the general subject of relig- Department of Agriculture. He has
will be shown by Stevens as well as ious intolerance, particularly the studied the urban aspects of the,
another film of his own choice. A Jewish problem. Similar problems in primitive city of Timbuctoo in French
general discussion period will follow other countries will be briefly touched West Africa as well as doing con-!
the film. upon in this course, for which the siderable research in Latin-Ameri-
hortbwill pre- student will receive three hours' can cities and in cities in the United
cedes the letusiness mTere hiti credit, but attention will be focused States, studying the effects of com-
cede~~~~~~~ th'etr.TrelWistt pnteUie tts munity life.
president, urges that everyone inter- prfMie'aponm tflow
ested in the principles and purposes Pro er' appoi e AollywH
of IRA attend this meeting. his recent release from the Army. Hr'{oPO IY
f served as a Lieutenant-Colonel in COMMUNIST POLICY:
the Counter-Intelligence Corps in
All-Nations Club . . . . Africa, Italy, France, and Germany Cham berlin S
and was awarded the Legion of Merithr
A nanel discussion will be pre- Iand the Bronze Star.

City Trucks To
Collect Victory
Clothing Today
Articles for the Victory Clothing
'Collection will be picked up by city
trucks today.
George Gabler, chairman of
Ann Arbor, advised donators to leave
clothing articles in cartons or bundles
on the curb. Pickups will be made on
campus also.
Clothing will be loaded on a wait-
ing box-car and sent to distribution
points before being sorted.
In an appeal for donations yester-
day, Gabler said, "War victims in the
Philippines are wearing garments
made of tree bark, and in Norway
shoes are made of skin of fish sown to
wooden soles."

ays Soviet Like

sented by the All-Nations Club at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Inter-
national Center.
Jack Gore, president of the
SOIC, Arun Chhatiapati from In-
dia, Dick Defendini from Puerto
Rico and president of the All-Na-
tions Club will speak on the panel.
Everybody is welcome. Any one
desiring to take part in future dis-
cussions is asked to contact the
All-Nations Club.
Prof. Menehee To Speak
"The St. Lawrence Seaway" will be
the topic of Prof. F. N. Menefee of
the Engineering Mechanics Depart-
ment when he addresses members of
Sigma Rho Tau, stump speakers se-
ciety, at 7:30 p.m. today in Rms. 319
to 325 in the Michigan Union.
Prof. Menefee, one of the leading
experts on the subject of the St.
Lawrence Seaway, has written a book
and spoken widely about it. Although
his talk is primarily for the infor-
mation of the members of Sigma Rho
Tau, who are discussing the subject,
visitors are cordially invited to attend
this meeting.
JGP To Meet ...
There will be a meeting of the
Junior Girls Play Central Commit-
tee at 4:45 p.m. today in the under-
graduate office of the League.
Members are requested to wear
suits and long-neck blouses as pic-
tures for the Ensian will be taken
at that time.
Dr. Hager Appointed.. .
The Board of Regents has recently
approved the temporary appointment
of Dr. William Hager as an instruc-
tor in the political science depart-
Dr. Hager, who was formerly a
major in the Army and was stationed
in the Aleutians, is filling a vacancy
resulting from the absence of Prof.
Harlow Heneman because of ill
health. Prof. Heneman is expected to
return at the beginning of the spring
SRA To Hold Seminar.. .
Dr. E. H. Redman of the Unitar-
ian Church will direct the Student
Religious Association in a Seminar
on Oriental Religions at 7:15 p.m.
today in Lane Hall. All interestedI
students are invited to attend.
Dr. Littell Will Speak . . .
Dr. Franklin Littell will discuss "In-
nocent III and His Leadership in the
Crusades" at the Seminar on the Ex-
pansion of Christianity at 4:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Lane Hall.

A graduate of the University of
Kentucky in 1933, Prof. Miner re-
ceived his Ph.D. from the University
of Chicago in 1937 as a result of his
community study of a Quebec vil-
lage. On the basis of this study, Prof.,
Miner published "St. Denis, a
French-Canadian Parish," which, ac-
cording to Prof. Robert Angell, chair-
CIO Meeting
To Settle Flint
School Dispute
By The Associated Press
FLINT, Mich., Jan. 21-Local 21 of
the CIO State, County and Municipal
Workers Union was scheduled to meet
tonight and consider a Board of Edu-
cational proposal for final settlement
of a labor dispute which last .week
closed 43 of the city's 44 schools.
The proposal was approved by the
local's Strike Committee which met
with the School Board shortly after
27,000 students returned to their
classrooms and Union maintenance
workers went back to their jobs under
an "armistice" agreement with the
The "armistice," which provided
that the strikers drop all their de-
mands except a 10-cent hourly wage
boost, was rejected by the Board
which contended it could not consider
a raise for maintenance workersj
alone when other school employes
were underpaid.
Wermuth To Seek
Senate Nomination
(/P)-Friends of Maj. Arthur W. Wer-
muth said today that the "one-man
army of Bataan" has made up his
mind to seek the Democratic. nomin-
ation for U. S. Senator from Michi-
Wermuth said only that he is "in-
terested" but would not care to be
quoted until his Army terminal leave
expires Feb. 1.
The 31-year-old Traverse City hero
and former Jap prisoner of war will
be a candidate for the office now held
by Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, who is
in London with the American delega-
tion to the United Nations Organiza-
Wermuth today received the Bronze
Star Medal at his home here for
meritorious action aboard a Jap pris-
on ship during an air attack,

Pre- W r ermain,. Lctatorship

Charging that communist parties
throughout the world "always keep
time by the Kremlin clock," William
Henry Chamberlin asserted in an in-
terview yesterday that the danger of
a clash between the United States
and Russia lies in the Soviet's use of
"methods disquietingly like those of
Possibility of a conflict springs not
so much from idealogical differences
as from Russia's "bad faith in keep-
ing agreements" and from her use ofj
"Moscow - dominated communist

groups for infiltration in other coun-
tries," Chamberlin said.
Explaining the Soviet's policy in
China, Chamberlin said that "where
we have been fairly firm, Russia is
more moderate." They are anxious
to avoid a serious clash with the
United States, he said.
"On any count, Russia is as much a
dictatorship as Germany before the
war," he stated. Our propaganda has
gone too far in praising Russia, he
charged, pointing out that the first
requirement in our foreign policy is

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if you present her with one of
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