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January 22, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-22

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Fifty-Sixth Year

Showdown in SteelNegotiations


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
flay:Dixon .. . . .. . .. . Managing Editor
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Margaret Farmer .. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft.. . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Bill Mullendore . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz. .. ..... ..Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
.Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Mills Extradition
W E WOULD BE the last to deny that inter-
state cooperation is essential to successful
law enforcement. There are some instances,
however, where this cooperation, though it may
be expedient, is not necessarily justified. We be-
lieve that the case of Fletcher Mills is proof of
our contention.
Fletcher Mills, 18-year-old Negro, was ap-
prehended in Michigan after fleeing Alabama
to escape a lynching mob whose members ap-
parently had never become reconciled to jury
trials and "equality before the law." Mills
is accused of "assault with intent . to kill"
against white man. Whether or not Mills is
actually guilty as charged is of n6 great con-
sequence here, although there would seem to
be considerable evidence in his favor. Wat is
significant is the ineffectual protection against
mob violence given Mills by the Alabama
The revelation of these facts in the case of
Fletcher Mills and the realization that, in the
normal course of procedure, Mills would be im-
mediately sent back to Alabama produced a
spontaneous and vociferous protest against ex-
tradition from interested citizens throughout the
country. Evidently this demonstration of feeling
must have .had some effect, because extradition
was delayed. A few days ago, however, after
the public furor had died its inevitable death,
Governor Kelly quietly signed the necessary
papers allowing the extradition of Fletcher Mills.
Excited condemnation of Governor Kelly's
action certainly will not solve any problems. We
must realize that this mockery of justice and
humanity is the result of conditions in our so-
ciety over which our elected public officials alone
have no control. On the other hand we cannot
help thinking that a more courageous attitude
on the part of these officials toward the extra-
dition of Fletcher Mills would have done much
to destroy that dangerous apathy with which we
are accustomed to regard social conditions such
as those that exist in the South today.
According to recent reports the lynching
mob is still awaiting Mills' return with some
impatience. It seems certain that, regardless
of what protection he may receive from the
authorities as a result of public pressure, the
most Mills can look forward to is a biased jury
to hear his defense. Perhaps we may be con-
soled by the knowledge that relations between
the State of Alabama and the State of Mich-
igan have survived an important test without
serious damage.
-John Campbell

Island Independence
THE NOMINATION of Manuel Roxas, pres-
. ident of the Senate, for the presidency of the
Philippines last week confirmed many rumors
that forces in the Philippine Islands are willing
to put off accepting independence. Opposing
President Osmena, ex-collaborator Roxas is sup-
ported by Spanish and reactionary Philippine
groups who fear that, with independence, their
landholding and monopoly rights will be cur-
tailed under a people's government.
Recently these groups within the Islands
have indicated that they would be willing to
maintain the status quo, postponing indepen-
dence indefinitely. Some news dispatches sug-
gest that the Filipinos are not eager for self-.
government because their country is so devas-
tated and because they fear it cannot stand on

WASHINGTON-Final showdown in the steel
negotiations came after 48 hours of bizarre
White House negotiations during part of which
Phil Murray and Ben Fairless did nothing but
read the newspapers, and during which President
Truman was in the middle of a family tug-of-
war between conservative and liberal brain-
Some advisers wanted him to refrain from
taking sides, urged that he let labor and the
steel industry .battle it out. Reconversion Boss
John Snyder was in this group.
Other advisers argued that a hands-off atti-
tude meant throwing the nation into a long and
serious strike with an eventual victory for cap-
ital and a low wage for industry.. They wanted
Truman to intervene. Postmaster General Bob
Hannegan was the leader of this group.
Truman folloWed Hannegan's advice, but only
after some of the most peculiar negotiating ever
seen inside the White House. Here is a play-by-
play account of what happened.
When Phil Murray postponed the steel strike
one week at Truman's request, he had heard the
President say:
"Phil, your offer seems reasonable. I want
you to give me one week to make Fairless settle
this thing. That's why I'm asking you to post-
pone the strike."
Three days later (Jan. 16) Murray and Fair-
less arrived at the White House for their second
Truman immediately delivered a stinging de-
mand that the strike threat. be ended promptly
in the national interest. He asked no questions,
but told the U.S. Steel chief and the CIO leader
to go into the cabinet room and get started.
Reading Newspapers
SECRETARY OF LABOR Schwellenbach and
labor adviser Steelman then sat down with
the two men, Schwellenbach asking Fairless if
he had any new proposal for breaking the dead-
lock. Fairless replied that his company's position
remained the same. The offer stood at 15 cents
an hour increase, Fairless said, no more. Schwel-
lenbach put the same question to Murray, who
replied that he couldn't drop lower than 191/2
cents an hour. -Schwellenbach then left the
room, told the two men to get together. A few
minutes later Steelman also walked out.
"Well, what did you fellows decide?" Murray
asked Fairless, referring to the conference held
the day before with other leaders of the steel
Fairless replied that the industry's offer re-
mained the same. Murray started to discuss the
subject, mentioning the fact that the govern-
ment was treating the steel industry very fairly
by offering it a $4.00-ton increase in price.
"Don't argue with me, Phil," Fairless replied.
"Please don't argue. You know my offer and it
still stands. I can't go higher."
Murray did continle arguing, but to no avail.
Fairless sat silent, finally advising Murray to
save his strength.
"There's no use arguing, Phil. You might as
well take it easy," he said. "I can't go any high-
So the two men sat for almost an hour, Mur-
ray occasionally trying to break the deadlock,
but Fairless not budging. Finally a White House
aide came in and escorted both to separate
rooms. There they sat almost in solitary con-
finement for an hour and a half reading the
newspapers. Finally both men were brought
back to the cabinet room. Finally at 6:30 Steel-
man suggested the conference recess for dinner.
After dinner, the two men met again in the
cabinet room. They were advised that the Pres-
ident who was scheduled to accompany Mrs.
Truman to a concert had cancelled his plan and
would be in his office. For another hour, Fair-
less and Murray sat and chatted. Murray, the
Scottish-born coal miner who had risen to head
one of the great labor groups, tried to reopen
the negotiations. Fairless, a former Ohio school
teacher, who had climbed the ladder to head one
of the biggest corporations in America, stood

Shortly after 9 p.m., both men were brought
into Truman's office again. This time the Pres-
ident was snappish.
"I've asked you to settle this and you haven't,"
Truman said, "'Now I'm going to give you a dose
of medicine neither of you is going to like. You.
report back here tomorrow at 2 p.m., and you'll
find out what it is."
Next day Murray and Fairless were barely
seated when the President opened up:
"I've examined this whole matter very care-
fully," he said, looking angrily at Fairless, "and
it's very clear to me. I have a proposition for
Advice to UNO
WHEN YOU THINK with longing of the place
where you were born, remember that the
sun leaves it daily to go somewhere else. When
you think with love of America, think of the
impurity of its bloodlines and of how no Amer-
ican ever won a prize in a dog show.
-advice to UNO delegates, New Yorker

you. I want both of you to agree to an increase
of 18%i cents an hour for the steel workers, retro-
active to Jan. 1."
"Why, Mr. President," Fairless said, "this is
quite a shock."
Truman brushed aside Fairless' objections.
"I've examined this whole case thoroughly,"
the President replied, "and 1812 cents seems
reasonable. But I want your answer by 8 o'clock
Fairless was furious.
"But," he protested. "I can't possibly give you
my answer by 8 o'clock. I've got to talk with my
people. That takes time."
"Very well, then," replied the President, "I'll
give you until noon tomorrow and I want your
answer then."
After previous White House Conferences Fair-
less offered to drive Murray back to his office.
This time Fairless bolted out in silence. Next
day Murray accepted Truman's offer, Fairless
rejected it, and a fight-to-the-finish showdown
between capital and labor seemed to be on.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Law vS. Materialisi
N'OTHING could be more typical of Soviet
thinking than the Soviet proposal that the
World Federation of Trade Unions be given a
consultative seat on the Assembly of the United
Nations, and an actual vote on the Economic and
Social Council. This has horrified several western
delegates, who point out, a little shaken, that the
United Nations Organization is an organization
of nations, not an organization of organizations;
how can a labor federation sit down beside sov-
ereign countries, and what would be the protocol
governing communication between them?
Soviet disregard of these formal and legal dif-
ficulties is, as I say, characteristic; the Russians,
considering only what they regard as the under-
lying realities, believe it makes sense that a
world organization should include a world labor
body; and, once again, a clash between west and
east takes the by now familiar form of a clash
between the legalistic approach and the material-
istic approach.
To the typical western legal objection that,
if labor organization were admitted, a prece-
dent would be set by which bridge clubs could
get into the United Nations Organization, the
Russians give the typical Russian materialistic
answer that they do not put bridge clubs in
the same category as labor federations. The
west does not see how a world organization of
nations can include a world labor federation,
and the Russians do not see how it can leave
it out, and at this point there is a snapping
sound, as of minds parting company with each
THE SAME SORT OF ISSUE arises with the
Czecho-Slovakian proposal that the entire
armaments industry of the world be placed un-
der the control of the United Nations. This is
a proposal which could not have been made by
Britain or the United States; it does not fit into
our stringent legal conceptions; in fact, it leaves
broken bits of law strewn all over the Assembly
Who would own the arms factories? Would
they remain in private ownership, with only the
United Nations allowed to buy from them? Or
would they pass into the ownership of a United
Nations holding company, humanity's own arms
trust? To Mr. Jan Masaryk, who made the sug-
gestion, it must seem that his proposal answers
a great many questions being asked by a worried
world; but to us of the west it will seem only
as if it raises a great many.
Here, again, there is the same clash, between
that part of the world which desires only to
set up a structure of equal and impartial law,
and that other part of the world, which desires
to make substantive changes, let law and logic
suffer how they will.
And it seems to me that we of the west are
in danger of being caught in a certain narrow
trap; of losing a certain political battle, bigger
perhaps, than we know we are in. We have a

glorious contribution of law to make to the
world; law is one of the authentically great
products of our western culture. But it will be
a pity if our contribution comes to seem limited
to setting up an impartial umpire for things as
they are, while we leave it to other voices to give
expression to hopes for change and betterment.
Beyond the role of law-giver the role of
world-maker; and clearly there should be west-
ern "lines," or, at any rate, American lines,
directed toward greater ends than mere um-
piring. To take one example alone, an Ameri-
can expression of hope for the end of colonial-
ism, American support for a policy of setting
actual dates for the freeing of every colonial
people on earth, would catch the ears of men
for whose imaginations west and east are now
competing in such curiously different ways.
The Assembly of the United Nations meets in
a single room, but the world listens, and some-
times it seems to me that our own representa-
tives are too intent on victorieswithin the
room, and forget the world.
(Copyright. 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

. .. at the State
"Tres Caballeros"; a Walt Disney
THE advent of a Walt Disney pro-I
duction is always welcome, and
such the State offers us this week.
While it is not first-rate Disney,
"Three Caballeros" is an enjoyable
evening. It is part and parcel of the
State Department's decorous wooing
of the Latin-American countries, and
while some may regret Disney's delv-
ing into propaganda, it is all quite
The film is a variety shoi with
Donald Duck and other cartoon
comrades touring various South
American locales. Live actors,
headed by Aurora Miranda, are
combined with the cartoons in an
outstanding technical achievement.
Those who have omplained that it
is in bad taste to pair humans with
cartoon animals. are probably the
same people who thought the twit-
terpated scene in "Bambi" was
vulgar. The bright score is tune-
ful in the Latin manner and thej
samba, "Os Quindins de Yaya" isj
worthy to follow in the footsteps
of "Brazil" and "Tico-Tico."
.. . at the Michigan
Betty Hutton and Barry Fitzger-
ald in "The Stork Club"; a Para-
mount production, directed by Hal
IN LESSER hands, this might have
been the latest answer to what
killed vaudeville, but with Betty Hut-
ton's brassy talents constantly in the
foreground it is one of the better
musicals in a still-very-young year.
Miss Hutton and cast impart life to
all but a couple of arid stretches in
the story of a cigarette girl who res-
cues a millionaire from drowning and

finds herself in an embarrassment of
As you may havt1 hear the im
practically canonizes e Stork'
proprietor, Sherma-nBiln ey
who almost has a Lincoin-esque
dignity and gentleness about him
several times. Unlike most other
recent musicals, this one has had
the uncommon good sni not t=o
be photographed in coloatr, which'
means that Miss Hutton has es-
caped that roast turkey look and
that the audience's collective cor-
nea dodges a. beating by technicol-
or's chromatic excesses.
Feminine blood pressure is sup-
posed to be upped seveial notce s by
the presence of crooner Andy Rus-
sell. Since Mr. Russell was billd ins
the coming attractions as "iadio's
sensational thrush," I douless went
into the theatre pre-dete,ined no
to like him, but I think I can con-
scientiously say that I've beard better
voices advertising bananas. Miss
Hutton, however, is just the tin
for the male blood pressure--despite
the voluble yoyng lady behind me
who, between bouts with her popcorn
bag, remarked. "I just HATE her hair
that way.

GI Protests
G 1 1OG_.. , C Y > a vietim of creep-
recently attempted
to regain some of its former strength.
' Be effort took the form of a GI re-
volt against Army mismanagement,
unmecessary red tape and ignorance.
With the war over, they consider
Sn el itizes no longer robots
performng mecanically, and as citi-
zeus they dislike the behavior of their
Sepresentatives concerning discharge
and occupation policies. Discover-
1g that complaints through the
s ual channels" are futile, they tried
a.c ne niethod. GIs in Europe and in
the Pacific staged mass demonstra-
,ions with the cry, "We wanna go
These democratic chirpings have
caused considerable alarm and in-
'gnaton mn effal realms. Army
ofaicials de not think it cricket of
t13 boys to revolt merely on the
taci of cnlsed demobilization
plans. ('ongressmen remain in
helXs that it will ail "blow over."
Secretary of War Patterson hems
and haws ia:cfquately. Lastly, in
ehe Philpines,. GIs are being con-
ned to hr rters and threat-
cue w t ints cef court martial.
dwarned that "further ac-
tiities in behalf of demobilization
I ilnot be tolerated."
Demoracy marches backwards.
-Barbara Snell

eK 13ar i ng

YESTERDAY'S collection of more
than $770 from the sale of spe-
cial Dime Dailies sets the campus
drive for anti-polio funds off to a
good start. The light weight of col-
lection boxes and the low level of
coins in the jug in the Union show
that there is still a long way to go to
make the whole drive as successful as1
the Daily sales.
When we contribute to the March

of Dimes, we do more than aid
presQ ,'.WFviwtims of infantile para-
lysis , e helpin the development
of curative treatments, which will
e available if ever we or our chil-
dren are unfortunate victims of the
Let's help ourselves by helping
-Mal Roemer


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. mn. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, 57
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate in June and August: A list of
candidates has been posted in the of-
fice of the School of Education, Room
1431 University Elementary School.
Any prospective candidates whose
name does not appear on this list
should call at the office of the Re-
corder, 1437 Univ. Elem. School.
Seniors who wish to be eligible to
contract to teach the modern foreign
languages in the registered Secondary
Schools of New York State are noti-
fied that the required examination in
French, Spanish, German, and Ital-
ian will be given here on Feb. 15.
Those who wish to take this examina-
tion should notify Professor Parg-
ment (100 R. L.) not later than Janu-
ary 28. No other opportunity to qual-
ify will be offered until August 1946,
when Summer School attendance is
a prerequisite for admission to the
Governess: We have a call for a
governess for four year old child. Ap-
plicants should be young women with
nursery school education, and should
be willing to make this a full time
job. Excellent salary and living con-
ditions for right person. Call at the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
Supervisor of Education (Elemen-
tary Education): The Connecticut
State Department of Education an-
nounces the opening of competitive
examinations for supervisors in ele-
mentary education - Salary Range
$2,640 to $3,840. Application forms
and detailed general information will
be available at the Office of the Di-
rector of Administratien, State De-
partment of Education, State Office
Building, Hartford 15, Connecticut.
Further information available at Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information.
Directed Teaclhing, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next term are re-
quired to pass a qualifying examina-
tion in the subject in which they ex-
pect to teach. This examination will
be held on Saturday, March 2, at 8:30
a.m. Students will meet in the audi-
torium of the University High School.
The examination will consume about
By Crockett Johnson

four hours' time; promptness is
therefore essential.
Orientation Adviser: Every girl
who is interviewing for the position
of Orientation Adviser must be eligi-
ble this semester.
Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamny of
the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
will speak on 'The Riddle of the
Sphinx" 'at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Jan. 22,
in the Rackham Amphitheatre; aus-
pices of the Institute of Fine Arts.
i The public is cordially invited.
Dr. Mario Sampaio of BrazYl will
present the fifth lecture in the Socie-
dad Hispanica series. Wednesday,
Jan. 23 at 8:00 p.m., Kellogg Audito-
rium. -Dr. Sampaio will speak on the
subject, "Os povos que contribuiaram
para a formacao do Brazil." All mem-
bers and those interested are invited
to attend.
Anyone wishing a copy of the So-
ciedad Hispanica picture may leave
his name and money in Sr. Mercado 's
office, 306 Roreance Language Bldg.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Today at
4:00 p.m., Room 1564 East Medical
Building. Subject: Lymphocyte as
the Site of Formation of Antibody.
All interested are invited.
Seminar in Applied Mathematis
and Special- Functions: Tod1y at 3
p.m., 312 West Engin erin, Mr. I).
L. Falko : talks on "Fo. ac ;r,',Ther y
and Electrical Network Synvhelis.
Visitors are welcome.
history of Mathematics Seminar:
Wednesday, Jan. 23, 7-8 p.m.. 3001
Angell Hall, Mr. P. S. Jones will dis-
cuss "Some early theorems in func-
tions of a complex variable."
Seminar in physical chemistry will
meet on Thursday, Jan. 24. Room
410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m.
Mr. Norman Deno will speak on
"X-ray diffraction and ciectron den-
sity distribution in organic mole-
cules." All interested are invited,
Student Recital: Roberta Chalkm
Dresden, pianist, will be heard in a
recital at 8:30 Thursday evening, :Jan.
24. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Given in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, the pro ram will include
compositions by Ba', Mozart, Beeth-
oven, Hunter Johnson, Serge Proko-
fieff, and Introduction, Fugue and
Variations by Mrs. Dresden.
The public is cordially invited,
A .joit &'xhibitioni ol pautiiig h:
John Pappas and Sarkis Sarkis1 of
Detroit. in the Rackham Mezzanine

adi g Section will meet today in
tim Michigan Leaue. Dessert at 1:15
in the Russian Tea Room. Reading
at 2:00 in the Mary B. Henderson
Tryo ts for the French Play will be
held today and Thursday from 3 to 5
in Room 40 of the Romance Lan-
guage Building,. Any student with
1 some knowledge of the French Lan-
guage may try out.
Pharmacy Students: Prescott Club
meeting tonight at 7:15, Room 300
Chemistry1Bldg. Panei Discussion
and Refreshments.
The Seminar on Comparative Re-
Sliions will hold a meeting at 7:30 at
Lane Hall tonight.
The Camera Club will meet at 7:30
in Lane Hall tonight to discuss devel-
oping processes and skills.
Botanical Journal Club: Tonight at
7:30, Room 1139 N.S. Reports by:
Claire' Michelson--Studies in trop--
3 ical fruits. The distribution of tan-
nins within the banana, and the
changes in their condition and
amount during ripening.
Fern Reissig--Cell elongation and
t' development of root hairs in
toma;o iroots.
1 IJose Santos--Growth and differ-
('ntation in the root tip of Phleum
Anyone interested is cordially in-
vited to attend. Kindly note change
in day and hour.
igma l.io Tau, Stump Speakers'
Society. will meet at the Union,
rooms 319-325, tonight at 7:30. Pro-
fcssor F. N. Menefee, of the Engineer-
ing Mechanics Dept., will speak on
"The St. Lawrence Seaway." The
Etlk will be followed by interircle
debates and discussions. The public
is cordially invited.
Sphinx Members: There will be an
imporant meeting of all Sphinx
moembers tonight at 7:30 in the Stu-
dent Offices of the Union. Pictures
will be taken. new officers elected,
and newu members voted upon.
Mi'h gan Chapter, A.A.U.P. -
Luncheon meeting at the Michigan
U' on Thursday evening, January
24. Panel discussion of General Edu-
catin in a Free Society (The Har-
vard Report. Join cafeteria line at
i:15 and take trays to the Faculty
Club lunchroom.
American Chemical Society, (Uni-
versity of Michigan Section) will hold
a meeling Jan. 23. at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 151 of the Chemistry Build-
lug. lwr. George Rieveschl, Jr., of
"' ""c.avis & Company will speak
"n Te Chemistry and Pharmacol-
v o 1 Adi-allergic Drugs." The
Au-blic is cordially invited.


The tickets have arrived, son. We've

Don't worry about that

I I , w Ar 'IL 3r-

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I I W A e


I I Disoel all aualms, m'boy. The lost art of


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