HOUSING AT M SC Y Itp O a ii4p PARTLY CLOUDY, COLD VOL. LVI 57 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Panel Discusses Industrial Stri fe Romney, Reuther, Heath, Haber Speak At Pastors'Conference Here Yesterday Highlight of the annual Pastors' Conference which opened here yester- day was a symposium on industrial conflicts which turned into a spirited argument between George Romney, secretary of the American Automobile Manufacturers Association, and Walter Reuther, UAW-CIO vice-president. - Contending that labor-management cooperation is the key to U. S. in- dustrial prosperity, Romney declared "labor has blocked increased produc- tivity," a factor upon which the auto industry's well-being depends. "Our nation has an outdated labor policy," he asserted. "The Ameri- can people should become alarmed at labor unions, exempt from the law, causing labor and managerial centralization." 4 "Today, there is an imperative President Asks Unchanged Taxes, Lower Prices, Higher Pay in Message to Congress; Industry Out To Cut Unions, Murray Says Shafer Reports Christianity Still Alive in Japan "As though by a miracle the Christ- ian church in Japan has survived persecution, bombings and physical depletion with retained confidence, faith and hope," Dr. Lumen J. Shafer, one of the four who formed the Fed-' eral Council's delegation to the Jap- anese Christians, reported to the pas- tors assembled for the Seventh An- nual Michigan Pastors' Conference. Dr. Shafer told of the trip made to Japan in October and November of last year, with the approval of General MacArthur and President Truman. The allied military govern- ment, he said, was extremely ap- preciative of what they were trying to do and of the importance of re- ligion in the kind of Japan which is being sought. The Japanese Christians, the del- egates found, are glad that they have been defeated. Otherwise the military would have been left in power for years. The people are only sorry that they did not get rid of the militar- ists years ago, he said. The Allied army, they feel, is an army of libera- tion, not of occupation. Our job in Japan, Dr. Shafer said, is to leave with the Japanese the idea of freedom. No free people ever chooses war-it is their leaders who do. If we can get rid of the militarist leaders we can have peace in the ar East for the next 1,000 years, he as- serted. Nothing can happen in Japan in the way of reconstruction unless the Japanese themselves want it, he said. Mayor Brown Approves Study Of Water Rates The Ann Arbor Common Council last night approved a recommendation by Mayor William Brown that a study be made of the possibility of raising the water rates of large consumers. After the meeting Mayor Brown explained that he made this pro- posal because he believed that the de- clining rate for large consumers made it possible for them to get water from the city for less than the real cost of the service. Some Consumers Should Pay More Mayor Brown also said that he thinks some rate structure should be arranged so that tax-exempt consum- ers would pay more for water than regular taxpayers. At present, consum- ers outside the city limits pay double the regular rates but the in-city tax- exempt consumers pay according to the regular water rate scale. The University, which is tax-ex- empt, uses far more than 25 per cent of the water consumed ,in the city, Mayor Brown said. Since local taxes cover part of water service costs, Mayor Brown said that it would seem proper for the University to make up for the costs it avoids because of tax exemption. Disposal Rates Might Increase If water rates for large consumers increase, sewage disposal rates would also go up, since they are determined in. proportion to water charges. In- creased sewage disposal facilities, which are being considered because of city and University expansion, will be paid for by charges for their serv- ices, the city engineer said. After discussions with the state aeronautics committee and Univer- sity representatives, the Mayor also recommended that the Council ap- point a special board to administer the Ann Arbor City Airport instead of the park commission. The Mayor said he expects the City Airport to cnnn r~h~pNplnt'Y inftn ar C +I )'rLp 0 11 need for legislation to counteract the terrible strike situation,"' he said, ''We need to re-write the labor laws." Romney listed three points in a statutory revision plan: class labor legislation must be discarded; the Wagner Act must be re-written for the good of the consuming public; and union exemption from anti-trust and other federal legislation should not be allowed. Union executive Walter Reuther called for a federal home-construc- tion program for veterans. "We spent billions in federal funds during the war to destroy homes, but we are reluctant to spend billions to build homes in the peace-time world," he pointed out. Reviewing the General Motors- UAW dispute, Reuther said, "GM, not wanting to do the honest, just thing, dragged a principle from the moth balls to hide behind." "We have the tools of abundance which can aid us in developing our spiritual and cultural life," he said, "The question is-do we have the courage to bring our war-time ideals down to cope with real situations?" Rev. Paul Heath, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Kalamazoo discussed concerns of the Church in the midst of industrial tension and listed the following points: (1) The Church is vitally con- cerned with every aspect of human life, educational, political, eco- ncmic, and cultural. (2) The Church is deeply con- cerned with the development of great corporations and growing impersonal labor-management relations. (3) The Church desires maximum employment. (4) The Church is concerned with industrial democracy-that is, labor should take part in a larger share of industrial processes. (5) The Church cannot sanction racial and religious discrimination in labor and industry. (6) The Church knows that we must have economic world order be- fore we can secure the peace. Prof. William Haber of the Depart- ment of Economics, fourth speaker on the panel, said that labor-manage- ment disputes are inevitable. Meat Packing Works May Be Taken Over WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 - -(P) - Seizure orders by which the Govern- ment could take over the strike bound meat packing industry were reported in preparation tonight. However, sources close to the meat industry said they believed, the take over was not imminent, and passibly may have been averted by a last min- ute change in the government's meat price increase proposal. Steelworkers Continue Strike For Wage Raise Special Tax Rebates, High Profits Assailed By The Associated Press PITTSBURGH, Jan. 21 - Philip Murray, directing his CIO to a finish fight in the shut-down steel industry, tonight called the whole rash of post- war strikes an industry plot to break the unions. Murray said the 750,000 steelwork- ers, who walked out early today in more than 1,200 plants from coast to coast, will remain idle until the steel industry accepts the 18% cents an hour wage increase recommended by President Truman. 'Important to Every American' "The struggle is now one which runs far beyond the steelworkers and the steel corporations," Murray said in an address prepared for broadcast (10:30 p.m., EST). "It is' of the ut- most importance to every American that this fact be clearly understood. "American industry, fattened with war profits, guaranteed a high level of profits through special tax rebates under lawsrwritten at their behest, have deliberately set out to destroy labor unions, to provoke strikes and economic chaos and mulct the Ameri- can people through uncontrolled pro- fits and inflation." Production at Lowest Point As Murray spoke, the steel industry, by the estimate of the Iron and Steel Institute, saw production dwindle to the lowest in the history of the metals in this country. Pickets circled closed mills and ore plants in 29 states. Murraypresident of both the Steel- workers' Union and its parent CIO organization, said wage increases gen- erally are needed to combat rising living costs and make up for loss of overtime paid during the war. In Washington, President Truman had recommended higher wages and few- er working hours in his message to Congress during the day. GM To Ignore UAW Proposal By The Associated Press DETROIT, Jan. 21-General Mo- tors Corp. indicated today that it would ignore a CIO-United Auto Workers ultimatum that it settle the two-month old strike for a govern- ment-proposed 19% cent hourly wage increase. Company officials said they do not anticipate any comment before mid- night when a UAW-CIO deadline expires. At that time, the union has said its wage demands will revert from 171/ to 30 per cent. Meanwhile, the Chrysler Corp. an- nounced today that 3,600 more em- ployes are being laid off at two local plants "because of the glass shortage created before the glass strike was settled." 5ME N.D. MASS 37 MON T. 2 /MNN. 6oRki 7 ORE.S.O.16 iCH"pp" 'CNN 12 " WYO. OW 010 23 DE 78 E4. .25 - . 0 11 NES..I CAL, NV UTAH COLO.g51 q KKAS. Ki #EN7 OKL .1A RV.-G TEXAS SHADED AREAS are those which will be affected by nation-wide steel strike. Figures are number of plants in each state which Cto United Steelworkers of America say will be struck. Steel producing Minnesota will not be affected immediately because of a 30-day waiting period enforced by state law. 1 1 1 7 1 I' ATOMIC BOMB CONTROL: Chamberlin Advocates World Disarmament, Demobilization For Daily interview with Cham- berlin, see page 4. Labelling "an incredibly fatuous thing" the idea of negotiating any agreement with Russia about control of the atomic bomb without first set- tling other political differences and inaugurating a program of world dis- armament, William Henry Chamber- lin, noted author and foreign cor- respondent, last night advocated in a lecture at Kellbgg Auditorium world- wide abolition of military conscrip- tion and outlawing of the manufac- ture of the bomb. "In an age which encompasses the atomic bomb," Chamberlin as- serted, "an unlimited armaments race would be disastrous. I don't know if Russia would agree, but it is up to the United States to take a bold lead. The policing of Ger- many and Japan can easily be:ac- complished by a relatively small in- ternational force." The two main obstacles to install- ing Russia as a fully cooperating member of the new United Nations organization, Chamberlin stated, are the Soviet government's "habitual disregard" of its own pledged word and the fact that Russia generates distrust abroad through the operation of Communist party organizations, the most powerful and far flung fifth column in history. "It is the great moral tragedy of this war," Chamberlin said, "that Philippines U' Drive Continues Approximately $100 of the $7,500 goal has already been collected in the Philippine fund drive which began last Wednesday and will continue un- til Saturday. Sponsored by the World Student Service Fund and the Student Or- ganization for International Cooper- ation, the drive is being conducted through representatives in league houses, dormitories, sorority and fra- ternity houses and other campus resi- dences. The University of the Philippines was the institution chosen in the campus election last month to re- ceive Michigan students' support in rehabilitation. According to WSSF investigations, students in the Far East are suffering from tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases. This, added to the fact that most of the books, equipment and buildings have been destroyed, renders return to educational activity very difficult, and outside help almost imperative. Russia has ignored the pledge to foster free elections and democratic institutions in Poland and the lib- erated Balkan countries." Key posts in the Polish regime, he pointed out, are held by indoctri- nated Communists while essentially the same conditions prevail in Bul- garia, Yugoslavia and Roumania. "Russia," Chamberlin pointed out, "is the strongest land power in Eu- rope and we need to understand her. Free and uninhibited reporting in Soviet dominated areas is a prime requisite, as is speedy withdrawal of foreign troops from occupied areas. "Fundamentally," he asserted, Russia is as interested in preserving peace as we are." Seniors Asked To give--Opinion On Class .Party Tomorrow is the last day for Feb- ruary graduates from all schools to indicate whether or not they would go for a special class party on Fri- day, Feb. 1. A blank is printed below on which prospective graduates may indicate their opinions. According to Pat Bar- rett, president of the L. S. & A. sen- ior class, and Howard Yerges, presi- dent of the engineering senior class, this party would be a way for Feb- ruary graduates to get acquainted with each other. If a sufficient num- ber of blanks are received at the Dean of Students Office by tomorrow, the party will be arranged. To: Pat Barrett and Howard Yerges Rm. 2, University Hall Ann Arbor, Mich. Sure, I'd go for a big class party Friday night, February 1. I would [, would not [~ like to bring a date. (name) Dune Daily Street Sales Raise $770.11 Coeds, Boxes, Union Dance Aid Polio Fight Approximately $770.11 was collected in street sales yesterday of the special Dime Daily issued to commemorate the thirteenth anniversary of the Na- tional Foundation for Infantile Paral- ysis. Alice Miller, who was in charge of assigning selling posts, stated yester- day that she wanted to thank all co- eds who did such a fine job in filling their posts in the cold weather. Dime boxes which have been dis- tributed throughout the campus in dormitories, league and sorority houses should be turned in today at the League, at the presidents' meetings and Fan-hel meeting. All boxes in the stores of local mer- chants will be collected tomorrow under the direction of George Spaulding, chairman of the men's committee working on the drive. At the Union dance held Saturday night, the junior class was the largest contributor in the $17.50 collected to augment the University donation to the Washtenaw drive. Half of the money collected will remain in the county to fight poHo on the home front, the other half will be sent to the National Foun- dation where it will be used for re- search and for distribution to lo- cal chapters in case of emergency. Miss Virginia Schumacher, head of the Washtenaw county drive, said, "The Washtenaw County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis is arming now, against the possibility of an outbreak in the sum- mer ahead. They must have the nec- essary funds to help our health of- ficials, physicians and hospitals pro- vide the finest available care and treatment for infantile paralysis vic- tims. When a polio outbreak occurs, no one knows how much special e- quipment and appliances, or how many physical therapists and nurses, may be needed. National Debt Cut Forecast In New Budget Just Peace, Welfare of People Is U. S. Goal By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 - Presi- dent Truman submitted to Congress today a program calling for higher pay, lower prices and unchanged taxes, backed by a budget forecasting the first cut in the national debt since 1930. The President informed Congress in a message that within the next 18 months $7,000,000,000 will be sliced from the $278,000,000,000 debt, even though the budget won't be balanced. Business Outlook Good The outlook for business is good, he said. But he warned of "pitfalls" ahead. He asked Congress to help sidestep them, to avert "national disaster" by continuing price controls. Mr. Truman voiced "concern" over inflationary pressures, and over major strikes which he said might apply a "heavy brake" to reconversion. Warns Against Disunity He cautioned that deaf ears must be turned toward "voices of disun- ity," stilled in wartime, but now "be- ginning to cry aloud again." "They seek only to do us mischief," he said. "They must not prevail." For his administration, Mr. Tru- man set two fundamental goals. At Home: "Our basic objective - toward which all others lead-is to improve USES To Stay Under Federal Control A Year WASHINGTON, Jan. 21-(')- President Truman won a round to- day in his first veto skirmish with Congress. By a 13 to 3 vote, the House La- bor Committee approved a bill em- bracing the President's proposal that transfer of the United States Employment Service from federal to state control be held up until July 1, 1947. the welfare of the American people." In foreign affairs: "The great and dominant objective of United States foreign policy is to build and preserve a just peace." It will be this country's continuing policy, the President declared, to place all its influence behind the United Nations Organization in pre- venting international war. Longest Presidential Message "If peace is to endure," he said, "it must rest upon justice no less than upon power." The Chief Executive listed his ob- jectives in the longest Presidential message ever sent to Congress-25,- 000 words. For the first time, it com- bined a report on "the state of the union" with a budget of government expenses. Russia Asks Greek Probe Committee To Devise Atomic Energy Plan LONDON, Jan. 21 - (JP) - Russia asked the United Nations Security Council tonight to consider the troub- led situation in Greece, and the Soviet Ukraine requested that the In- donesian situation also be placed be- fore the council. Thus two fresh international dis- putes, in addition to the complaint lodged earlier by Iran against Russia, confronted the Security Council-set up only last week as the United Na- tions organ empowered to keep the world's peace by force, if necessary. Earlier, the Political and Security Committee of the United Nations As- sembly approved establishment of a special commission to devise controls 'URGENT PROBLEM': Prof. Dickinson Gives Analysis Of Price, Wmage Controversy In response to a request by The Daily for an analysis of the current price and wage controversy, Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson of the economics de- partment has stated his view of the situation. The text of Prof. Dickin- son's statement follows: "Among the more urgent prob- lems now before Congress and the Administration, inflation and labor affairs are surely of outstanding gravity. These are interlocking puz- zles, since labor suffers from infla- tion along with nearly everyone else and since labor disputes and uncer- tainities as to labor costs are contrib- uting toward inflation. "Various bills directly relevant to these matters are being urged by has well said, 'As we approach the date set for expiration of price con- trol, compliance will be more difficult to obtain and inventory scrambles, competitive bidding and withholding of goods will increase' - further symptoms of the inflation disease, for which conditions are now more favorable than they were at the close of World War I. "With a firm expectation of con- tinuation of price controls through 1946, moreover, there is a better basis of appeal to labor for modera- tion in strikes for wage increases, and of establishing legal minimum wages that will offer real protec- tion to employers and employees in low-wage industries. "IX7 - ,-"I"n inhm, n nr nlii SIX FINALISTS: Winners of Speech Preliminary Contest To Compete Tomorrow Of the 13 contestants competing in the Speech 31 preliminary contest, six have been selected for the finals to be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in on "Union for Peace"; Adam Mc- Cully, '47BAd., "Infantile Paralysis"; Tpomas D. Powers, '47BAd., "Where Tn a~pp ru mp Prnm?" n snl-