PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 194C Fifty-Sixth Year r'y h {{ r Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: U.S. Aid to lap War Machine Ray Dixon , Robert Goldman Betty Roth Margaret Farmer Arthur J. Kraft Bill Mullendore Mary Lu Heath Ann Schutz Dona Guimaraes Editorial Staff . . . . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . ,.Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor .Sports Editor .Associate Sports Editor .Women's Editor . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Oorothy Flint.. . . . . . .... Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatdhes credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of rp- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 W I" NIGHT EDITOR: LIZ KNAPP Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staf and represent the views of the writers only. Strikes, Congress THAT THIS COUNTRY is faced today with a situation the likes of which it has never before experienced is evidenced by the fact that workers in at least five major industries have already or are threatening to strike. The danger from such widespread strikes is not to be minimized. The whole economy on which our nation functions is threatened; it is endangered not just superficially, but right down to its very roots. Continuation and extension of this present strike trend can only bring total economic ruin to every citizen; business and professional man, as well as to labor and management. The cause for this situation lies both with labor and management, and probably equally as much with one as with the other. Labor has been dogmatic in its demands, and only up until a few days ago, uncompromising. Man- agement has been equally as zealous of its posi- tion as 'labor's boss', in attempting to mini- mize possible wage increases. The impasse has been reached, and regardless of whether the blame can be rightfully fixed on either party for the present calamity, the fact remains that something must be done to breal the deadlock and get reconversion and peacetime production rolling again. Since labor will not take industry's offered wage increase, and industry refuses to meet la- bor's demands, it appears obvious that the stage has been reached when some stronger force must be brought to bear to breach the gap. President Truman offers just such an instru- ment in the form of his fact finding board. The idea is sound, but, because of its lack of authority to force acceptance of its decisions and to remove obstacles in the way of its in- vestigations, we have seen this body fail to. bring a settlement to the GM-UAW strike. Congressional action is needed to put teeth into these fact finding boards. The President calls only for legislation legalizing the right to "inspect management's books," but perhaps a step further in this matter of governmental strike-busting is needed. An entirely, new forniula for settling labor- management grievances without resorting to par- alyzing strikes certainly is to be desired. The President's proposals call for a 30-day cooling off period before strikes, during which time a fact finding board would investigate claims and make suggestions as to settlement. By modifying this procedure to the extent of giving the fact finding board the authority to impose its decisions both upon labor and man- agement, with both parties then having re- course to appeal to either the Supreme Court or some special court of appeal, such a formula may be arrived at. This would eliminate the need for strikes, with- out actually outlawing them, and also do away with such deadlocks as now arise in most labor- management arbitration. Such a scheme would leave much to be de- sired, but at least it would keep our nation's economy from tottering over the brink of disaster, the condition in which it now finds itself. -Marshall Wallace Recruitm TH EXTREMES to which Army recruiting officers are driven to get replacements for diharged vetrn n to maintain fnre at a By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-The Pearl Harbor investigat- ing committee has now spent nearly three months digging into military-naval-political rea- sons why we were caught asleep on Dec. 7, 1941. While this is important, all the facts show that Japan would have attacked anyway; if not at Pearl Harbor, at some other place, and if not on Dec. 7, at some other time. Meanwhile, we have seized various documents from the Japs, showing that this war was care- fully built up over a period of years and that certain American munitions makers were either unsuspecting or deliberate Jap co-partners. If we are to prevent war in the future-and that presunably is one motive of the Pearl Har- bor committee - the manner in which American business aided the Japs to prepare for Pearl Harbor is important. We must build up machin- ery so this doesn't happen again. When the Japs dive-bombed on unsuspecting battleships on the morning of Dec. 7, word went round that they had evolved a new and pow- erful fighter plane the Zero. All during the early months of the war, the Jap Zero was a match, sometimes more than a match, for U.S. fighters. Zero Mystery Clarified THE MYSTERY of how the Japs developed their famous Zero is now in Government files, seized from the Japanese, and proves to be no great mystery. The Japs bought the original Zero from an American company, Chance Vought, a division of United Aircraft. They modified it a lot, and the Chance Vought people now piously claim it is not their plane; but aviation experts say that unquestionably it gave the Japs a big lift toward developing their Zero. At the date of purchase, there was no embargo, moral or otherwise, against selling planes to Japan, and Chance Vought violated no law, though Secretary Hull invoked his moral embar- go shortly thereafter. However, it is important to remember that Japan was then at war with China, that Baron Tanaka and other Jap leaders were bragging about plans to conquer all Asia, and that Henry L. Stimson, as early as 1931, had tried to rally the League of Nations to prevent Japan's conquest of Manchuria. The official policy of this government was to refuse recognition of Japanese conquest in China. We had also signed the Kellogg pact outlawing war. Finally, we had signed the nine-power pact guaranteeing China from out- side invasion. Nevertheless, our munitions makers not only sold important war goods to a nation which violated all of the above - but they did so with the okay of our Army and Navy. Thus the U.S. Army and Navy not only put themselves in opposition to the foreign policy of the United States but they built up more death and destruction for themselves - and the rest of the nation -when the Japs finally struck at Pearl Harbor. If the Pearl Harbor committee is sincere about getting at those responsible for this war, and preventing war in the future, this is something they might well investigate. All the Jap files, now seized, show that the Japs were interested not in commercial, but military planes. The files also show that Ameri- can munitions makers were eager to get this business, actually sent experts to help the Japs manufacture our planes, and curried favor with the Japs in every possible way. For instance, in the Jap report quoted below, the manager of United Aircraft talks about a price reduction to the Japs if they-finally decided to buy what later became the Zero. Japs' Secret Report THE REPORT, translated from the Japanese text, was written by Jap agents in New York to Tokyo and is captioned: "Re negotiations Chance Vought V-143 pursuit aircraft by Navy Captain Wata." Dated May 4, 1938, the report says: "1. The recent development of the European airplane is remarkable but American make is best. "2. The main reason for the Japanese navy spending from 2 to 3 million dollars in Amer- ica yearly is to promote the continuous tech- nical cooperation between American manufac- turers and Japanese companies. "3. About Wright Aeronautical Corp. which has continually extended good will toward Japan. He thinks Japan can make about 100 Cyclone engines yearly at least and she can pay its royalty to the company. ". If any American private company gets re- lease for a new machine, he wants us to recom- mend it to the Japanese navy promptly." In the meantime, attracting Captain Wata's interest is Chance Vought V-143 single seat fight- er. The reasons are as follows: "A. When, in Europe, the captain met the arms broken, Mr. Gasda, who highly recommended this machine to him - it is the most superior single- seat fighter in the world especially if both wings are furnished with Aerlikan wing cannon. There is plenty of space for its equipment. "B. In his judgment, even this machine can't win in the army's competition, but it is not in- ferior to the winner. "C. It is necessary for the (Japanese) navy to import fighter planes sooner or later despite . the fact, that we bought all kinds of big and small bombers and amphibian flying boats for research from them, but the fighter was neg- lected." "5. Following up Captain Wata's reuest, we asked Chance Vought Co. for 'a demonstration of V-143 machine when Captain Wata's party came out to Hartford on April 26th. That com- pany had Mr. Allen, a first-class American pilot, demonstrate the machine for us, and our party contacted the company's president, Mr. Wilson (Eugene E. Wilson, an Annapolis graduate and ex-commander U.S. Navy) and the engineering director. Mr. McCarthy. We heard their explana- tion as follows: "'This plane should be furnished with Aerli- kan wing cannon. It will be a simple matter for Aerlikan Co. to mount the cannon because they are very skillful and the intensity of the wings will not change because of this work. If Japan wants to import Aerlikan, Chance Vought Co. will supply it'.. . "United Aircraft export manager, Mr. Ham- ilton, would like to arrange for us a price re- duction if Japan actually wants to buy the machine. We told him that we will confer with Captain Wata for his suggestion." (Copyright 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ON SECOND By Ray Dixon A FELLOW by the naine of JAP (initials, we're told) Leiter writes in to tell us how they handle the beer situation at the University of Wisconsin. He claims that: "For several years it has been legal to serve beer to eighteen-year olds in Madison, Wisconsin. This action is obviously condoned by the uni- versity as beer is served in the student union. This, in my opinion, is a credit to the fore- sightedness of the school and certainly has been more of a benefit than a detriment. Having at- tended both schools myself the difference in spirit and morale is most apparent. The spirit of camaraderie and friendship there is something anyone who has experienced it will never forget. A student there does not feel left out as so many do here because there are always several taverns near the campus where he can nearly always find a congenial group. "Drinking is a friendly custom and a social grace that must be learned. Drunks are fewer in a place where a glass of beer is a friendly custom. Society itself censures those who can- not control themselves. Here (in Ann Arbor) the practice of sneaking into some dark corner for a straight shot of some bootleg rotgut, which isn't hard to get, reminds me of a ten- year-old stealing cookies. Liquor can be man's friend or his enemy. In Ann Arbor it is his enemy. "Still the main argument for your case, Mr. Dixon, lies in the pleasure it can offer. tI-have few friends here . . . because I invariably leave town on the weekends. In Madison I seldom left because the town offered everything I wanted.. .. I am going back to Wisconsin as soon as circum- stances will permit." Mr. Leiter ignites a good argument. We, for one, will be sorry to see him go. His points are especially pertinent now in view of the following developments: 1. The State Liquor Commission has just in- creased the penalties for serving alcoholic bev- erages to minors. This, in our opinion, is a step in the wrong direction if we ever saw one. Stiff penalties have been imposed on proprietors for o these many years without any visible good re- sults. In most cases, proprietors make an honest attempt to keep minors out of their places, but the pesky little devils slip by in spite of every- thing. It seems foolish to take a man's business away from him because he is not a good police- man. 2. The second development may be expected next week. The Ann Arbor Common Council is scheduled to vote on whether to impose fines of $100 or 30 days in jail on minors caught mis- representing their age. This will take a big load off the proprietor's shoulders, but (again in our opinion) will only succeed in driving the drinking back into Mr. Leiter's "dark corner for some bootleg rotgut." What is needed is a constructive program for permitting regulated beer drinking in a clean un-saloon-like atmosphere by those eighteen years old and up. Only then will the unhealthy situation of minors getting pleasure out of breaking the law and proprietors taking the rap for a condition that is not of their making be alleviated. If this is not possible (and, frankly, it is probably not possible with the older generation feeling as most of its does about the evils of alcohol) the least that could be done is to provide good student meeting places near cam- pus as substitutes for the traditional beer-' serving places downtown. THIN JDIVE: Cities , ( Figh It 11A O9 By FEI X B. WOLD Xssocited P'e s Staff Writer DETROIT-One of Detroits post- war pains is represented by a thin dime. The Motor City, with its adoption of a ten-cent trolley car fare, not alone ran ino a chalenge from the OPA but also is now forced to pacify two neighbor cities. From the added revenue in the four-cent fare inease Derit's two "island cities," Highland Park and Hamtramck, demadd a share ---on pain of hrring the streets of at least one to the trolley cars. Experts in municipal government pont to the problem as typical among the nation's communities in that it reflects a need for more be- cause of rising costs of operation. Cities of about 50.000 population each, Highland Park and Hamtramck both lie completely within the con- fines of their big siter city. Detroit -t-opulation 1,600,000 -mushroomed around the other two in the 1910-20 growth of the auto industry. You can enter Highland Park or Hamramek from Detroit at any point and, taking any direction, come out again into Detroit. The situation givs the two smaller cities a power- ful talking point, for the trolleys de- pend on the areas beond Han-1 tramek and highland Park for a good part of their passenger revenu. Highland Park's threat is frank and plain. Either, says Commnis- sion Richard V. Nahabedian, the Detroit street railways will pay for the use of highland Parks streets or it can't use them.I The city council served an ultima- tum on the street railways system that it pay a "reasonable fee," to beI determined in negotiation. In neither Highland Park nor Hamtramck has Detroit's munici- pally-owned system had to pay for street use heretofoe. It does pay a mileage tax for the privilege of run- ning its buses through the island cities. Nahabedan, who is Hihland Pak's commissioner in charge of public utilities, said his city must find sorees of new revenue because of greater postwar coss. Ie' ad- mitted the increase in the trolley fare precipitated the "street tax" demand. It had been contemplated previously, however, he said. Mayor Edward J. Jeffries and the, OPA have tangled over the fare in-] crease, a boost of 66 2/3 per cent and described by its sponsors as neces- sary to meet risig costs. The mayor told the OPA to "mind its own business" insisting the gov- ernment agency had no authority to , "stick its nose" into a municipality's affairs. OPA took a stand it possessed such authority in view of the esti- mated millions of dollars involvede and the effect on economic stabili- zation.( Commissioner Nahabedian bases' Highland Park's fight for a street taxt on "every principle of law and equity." Even the popcorn wagon has to pay for a license to operate on1 Highland Park's streets, he said. Asked why Highland Park hadn't1 insisted on this long ago, he said, "Don't ask me to excuse the faults] of my predecessors. We're not ask-1 ing for something we don't deerve." So goes the battle. The OPA has intervened in a circuit court suit by the CIO's United Auto Workers, who demand a restraining order against the fare increase, and the' "DSR" will sit down to talk things over with highland Park and ham- tramek. T HAT the National Foundation for Infantile Paral yis has advanced nearly $1,000,000 this year to Chap- ters in epidemic areas for treatment of polio victims without regard to age, race, creed or color? That local Chapters have disbursed close to $5,000,000 this year to cope with widespread epidemics which have claimed nearly 13,000 victims? That 1945 was the fourth worst polio period in the history of this country? That wherever local outbreaks de-.' plete the treasury of any Chapter, National Headquarters stands ready to make the needed advances with which to meet the crisis? Vitory Loan1 W HILE physical combat is over for most of the armed forces, they too can help in the battle for peace. Victory Bonds are a safe and sound investment for accumulated and1 mustering-out pay. DIVIDE AND RULE: Labour Government Follows Imnperialist Line of Tories T HE LABOUR government of Atlee has been continuing the old im- perialist policy, "divide and rule," of the Conservatives. But what is sur- pising is that it tries to justify that illthe name of democracy, freedom. peace, and progress. What is happening in Indonesia? Britami intervened to 'disarm the Jap soldicrs'. have the Japanese been disarmed? No. On the con- trary, the British are fighting the Javanese with the help of the Japa- nese soldiers. Atlee is fighting the people of Java because these "ris- ings are inspired by pro-Fascists." But in so doing, they forget that these people were fighting Fascism when the British rulers were sup- plying arms to Japan and appeasing htler. And still, the British try to justify their intervention in Java under the title of "liberating the world from Fascism." India presents another side of the "divide and rule" policy. Everyone knows that Britain had to retreat from her August, 1942, position, when she imprisoned the entire leadership of the Indian National Congress, even though the help to fight the Japs was most needed. They called the sudden upsurge which resulted from the imprisonment of the leaders a pro-Fascist movement and tried in vain to suppress it. Now, after re- leasing the laders, Britain talks of national government, independence, self-rule, without doing anything about the viceroy's dictatorial powers, without extending the franchise to the entire population, and without abolishing the commercial basis of election. Their only argument is that the Indians are not united; therefore, the British do not give independence to the Indians lest they fight among themselves. Certainly we have our political differences as the British have among their Labourites, Con- servatives, and Liberals. And these differences are not religious as has been demonstrated to the people here. The fTct of our differences is not the real reason for denying our country to us. The reason lies elsewhere. Look at Burma, vhaere all the' political parties are united, but there is still no freedom for the Burmese people. They will remain under the autocratic rule of the Governor for at least three years. There, the imperialists try to justi- fy their rule by saying that the people are not "sufficiently ad- vanced" and that it is the mission of the British to "lead them to self- government" in 'due' course of time -in other words: under any pre- text, preserve 'what is our own'. And that is the British Imperialist line. If the national movement is weak, as in Java, call it pro-Fascist and -Fascist-inspired. If that doesn't fit into the picture, as in India, say that the people are not united. And if that doesn't work, as in Burma, try to offer some kind of constitutional technically while keeping intact the dictatorial powers of Governors and on the other hand, proclaim aloud that the people of the colony are backward and it is the "white man's burden" to drive them towards self- government. And if even that doesn't fit - then confuse the real issue and directly or indirectly fight the pro- gressives in the name of Communists and Socialists. (This is for China and the Philippines.) And it is here that Lord Haw Haw and John Amery, though hanged, shake hands with these imperialists. But let them know that these very people, who fought the Japs when their 'protectors' had turned their tails, are going to fight their enslavers once more. Let them know that the sleeper awakes. -S. D. Mehta Slap at DAR SENIORS of the Crosby High School ' atWaterbury, Conn., have voted to reject the annual Good Citizenship Pilgrimage Award of the Daughters of the American Revolution . . . The reason given by the spokesman of the Waterbury students for their rejec- tion of the scholarship is that they "just didn't think it was feasible to name a candidate for a good citizen- ship award sponsored by an organiza- tion that refused Negro musicians permission to use Constitution Hall for concerts." The point is honorably taken... The ladies of the D. A. R. are re- sponsible for many good works. In this case, catering to an unworthy and unpatriotic prejudice, they have made a mistake which will haunt them until it is corrected. -New York Times, Jan. 16 [yin Attention, Dime Daily Salesmen: Here are your instructions for the sale of the special March of Dimes Daily today. March of Dime Dailies will be sold from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those coeds who have signed to sell from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. should report to the Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard, before 7:45 a.m. to pick up their supply of March of Dime Dailies and buckets for coins. All other salesmen should report directly to their assigned posts promptly at their scheduled times. No salesman is to leave her post until someone comes to take her place. Materials are to be turned over to each succeeding salesman. The last salesman leaving the post at 4 p.m. should bring his remaining papers and receipts to the Student Publications Bldg. Periodic collections of receipts will be made by the March of Dimes com- mittee. Paper stocks will also be replenished at that time. Any questions or difficulties should be reported immediately to the Dime Daily desk at The Daily, phone 2-3241. March of Dimes posts will be staffed by the following groups: Center of Diagonal: Kappa Kappa Gamma Engineering Arch: Chi Omega Behind Main Library: Collegiate Sorosis Romance Language: Kappa Delta Alumni Hall: Gamma Phi Beta Union Steps: Newberry Residence Arcade on State St.: Delta Gamma North Entrance to Angell Hall: Geddes House Corner of N. University and State: Alpha Phi Corner of South and East University: Stockwell Hall BARNABY Pop wrote to the radio station I for tickets to the Quiz Show. By Crockett Johnson; As I see it, not only will the prize money be mine to lavish on my movieH It's common knowledge that we have progressed beyond Emerson's quaint dictum about man and t !y i I i I II