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January 20, 1946 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-20

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___ ___ ___ __Tff t Y ji GAN DAILY

G.M. Production Cut in Half;
$75,000,000 Lost in Wages
By The Associated Press tion volume they scheduled for De-
DETROIT, Jan. 19-The General cember and January.
Motors strike, now in its ninth week, Ford, which started assemblies in
and work stoppages in related indus- .July and scheduled 85,000 passenger
tries have cost hourly-rated workers 1cars by December 31, has only this
in the automobile plants upward of
$75,000,000 in lost wages and have cut eek passed the 50,000 mark; Gen-
back production by at least $400,- eral Motors which scheduled 291,000
000,000 worth of motor vehicles, passenger units up to Jan. 31, has
The loss to the retailing division of turned out only 25,000; Chrysler has
the industry probably amounts to an not disclosed its output volume but
additional $80,000,000 in the unit it has been estimated at around 15,-
sales commissions. 000. Nash has assembled no cars
To date the assembly plants have since Dec. 21.
turned out slightly more than 100,000 Glass Shortage
passenger vehicles. But for the Gen- Hudson has been making about 200
eral Motors strike and stoppages in cars a day but may soon feel the
plants of supplier concerns total out- pinch of glass shortages. Studebaker
put now would aggregate around has just started its assembly line
500,000 units and a 400,000-cars-a- and Packard has reopened after a
month production level would be close parts shortage shutdown of several
at hand. kweeks.
175,000 Workers Idle Now definitely abandoned in the
The General Motors strike idled industry is any hope that 6,000,000
175,000 workers and halted approxi- cars may be made this year. That
mately 50 per cent of the car indus- was the figure projected for 1946
try's manufacturing capacity. It was when plant reconversion got under
not in itself wholly responsible, how- way last year.
ever, for the cutback in assemblies A total of 4,000,000 units this year
of 1946 model passenger cars. Strikes now is regarded as an optimistic ex-
in glass, transmission, gear, ignition pectation. To achieve it the assem-
assembly and other parts and mate- bly plants would have to get into high
rials factories had curtailed output level output in March, continue cur-
by other car manufacturers even be- rent model output through July and
fore the General Motors strike began cut down sharply the time normally
last November. required to switch over to next year's
At that time, too, C. E. Wilson, model.
General Motors president, asserted a The 1947 models already have been
shortage of glass threatened to cur- designed by most of the car builders.
tail production by many of his com- The industry will put them in produc-
pany's car divisions.,ti esbe n-
On the basis of developments since te
then it is a fair assumption that even
had the GM strike been averted Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of the
Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmo- Physical Education Program for
bile and Cadillac assembly plants Women, is away on a three-month
would have had to curtail the produc- leave of absence.

On Campus

Austrian Actors Star

. .

The Art Cinema League in cooper-
ation with the German department
will present "The Merry Wives of
Vienna," an Austrian film with Ger-
man dialogue and English subtitles,
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Starring Willie Forst and Paul
Hoerbiger, Austrian cinema actors,
the operetta featuring many Strauss
waltzes, takes place in Vienna in 1875.
Two Films To Be Shown
Two documentary films, a Baboona
travelogue of Central Africa and the
British film, "Night Mail," will be
shown by the Art Cinema League
next Sunday, Jan. 27, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Filmed by Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Johnson, the African movie shows
their experiences and travels there.
The British film is based on the
nightly journey of the postal special
from London to Glasgow, and in-
eludes a commentary in verse by W.
H. Auden.
Chamberlain To Speak..'
"Russia and the West: Conflict or
Cooperation" will be the subject of a
lecture by William Henry Chamber-
lain, well known foreign correspond-
,nt and author, at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
Kellogg Auditorium.
Chamberlain, whose lecture is be-
ing sponsored by Polonia Society, will
be introduced by Prof. Harold M.
Dorr of the Department of Political
Gillette Will Lecture . .
Commander N. C. Gillette, execu-
tive officer of the NROTC unit on
campus, will be the speaker at the
regular meeting of the Institute of
Aeronautical Sciences at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the Union.
Former commander of the famed
"Black Cat Squadron" in the South
Pacific, he will discuss his wartime
experiences with particlar emphasis
on the problem of maintenance, up-
keep, and transportation of combat
Plans for a banquet will also be dis-
cussed at the meeting.
Dr. Colby To Lecture ..-
Dr. Martha Colby, associate profes-
sor of psychology, will speak on the
subject "Folk Music of the World"
at 7:30 p.m. today at the Interna-
tional Center.
She will illustrate her talk with a
collection of recordings she made
during a world tour for the study of
folk music.
A community sing and refresh-
ments will follow the lecture.
Outing Club Plans Hike
A hike in Saline Valley has been
planned by the Graduate Outing Club
for today.
Hikers will leave at 1:30 p.m. from
the clubrooms in the Rackham Build-
ing and go to Saline by car. After the
hike, supper will be served followed
by square dancing.
MOMS To Hear Dorr,...
Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the polit-
ical science department will address
the MOMS club on "Our Obligations
as Citizens" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
the League.
Tojo's Trial Set
TOKYO, Jan. 19-(M)-The long-
awaited trials for Ex-Premier Hideki
Tojo. and other high Japanese war
leaders for "crimes against peace and
crimes against humanity" were or-

dered by General MacArthur today
in chartering an international tribu-
nal tentatively scheduled to begin op-
erations March 1.

Service Group
To Hold Student
Activities Poll
To help determine students' social
preferences, Alpha Phi Omega, na-
tional service fraternity, will conduct
a campus-wide poll on student ac-
tivities Jan. 29 and 30.
Information revealed by the poll
which is intended to aid campus or-
ganizations in preparing for campus
functions will be published in The
Dail. Morris Rochlin, president
of the fraternity, pointed out as an
example that students' answers to the
question of whether they prefer
strictly formal dances to the informal
and semi-formal type now held should
be helpful to dance committees. Sug-
gestions for the questionnaire would
be welcomed, Rochlin said, and should
be sent to Gammi Pi chapter, Alpha
Phi Omega, North Hall.
Ballots will be distributed on the
Diagonal and in dormitories, fra-
ternities and sororities and will be
collected in a box on the Diagonal.
'U' Delegation
To Enter Debate
St. Lawrence Waterway
Project Will Be Topic
A delegation from the University
chapter of Sigma Rho Tau, stump
speakers society, will go to Detroit
next Saturday, for a debate and dis-
cussion with other colleges on the
topic "Should We Now Complete the
St. Lawrence Waterway?"
These discussions and debates on
the waterway question are in prep-
aration for an intercollegiate debate
to be held early this spring. The St.
Lawrence Waterway, the completion
of which President Roosevelt urged
but Congress failed to approve dur-
ing the war, is again becoming a
leading question in Congress.
Americano To Visit 'U'
Dr. Jorge Americano, rector of the
University of Sao Paulo and out-
standing Brazilian educator, will visit
Ann Arbor Feb. 7 through Feb. 11 to
obtain information for use in connec-
tion with the construction of a new
university center:in Brazil.
A specialist in the field. of interna-
tional law, Dr. Americano is travel-
ing under . the sponsorship of the
American State Department.
Dr. F. E. Godoy Morura, professor
of orthopedic surgery and Brazilian
member of the American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons, will visit Ann
Arbor on Feb. 11.
Members of the central commit-
tee for Junior Girls Play will meet
at 4:45 p.m. Tuesday in the Under-
graduate Office of the League.
The 'Ensian picture will be taken
at this time.

(Continued from Page 4)
student officer in the Judge Advocate
General's School and just recently
come to America from the Philip-
pines will speak to us about the Uni-
versity of the Philippines and con-
ditions in the country as a whole.
This will follow a cost supper which
begins at 5:00.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples of Christ) Morning worship,
10:50 a.m. Reverend Mr. F. E. Zendt
will deliver the morning message.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet Sunday evening at 5:00 at
the Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
iples of Christ), Hill and Tappan.
Following a cost supper we will hear
a talk from Major Revero who is a
student officer in theJudge Advocate
General's School. He will tell us
about the general conditions in the
Philippines and at the University
there in conjunction with the World
Student Service Fund drive on Cam-
pus at present.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: Service Sunday at 11:00
a.m., with sermon by the Rev. Alfred
Scheips, "The Question of Alcohol
and You."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have its regular supper
meeting at the Student Center Sun-
day at 5:00 p.m.
Unity: "Faith" will be the subject
Mrs. Eve Edeen, of Detroit, will dis-
cuss at the 11 a.m. Unity service in
the Michigan League Chapel.
"Prayer" will be the subject for dis-
cussion at the student meeting at
5 p.m. at the Unity Reading Rooms,
Room 31-35, 310 S. State Street.
First Unitarian Church, Edward H.
Redman, Minister. 10:00 a.m., Uni-
tarian-Friends' Church School. 10:00
a.m.,Adult study group, "Buddhism".
10:50 a.m., Service of Worship broad-
cast, over WPAG. Rev. Edward H.
Redman preaching on: "Is Modern
Man Obsolete?" 7:30 p.m., Unitarian
Student Group, Lane Hall, Mr. Jack
Sessions leading discussion.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
109 S Division St., Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject:
"Life." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m.
A special reading room is main-
tained by this church at 706 Wolver-
ine Bldg., Washington at Fourth,
where the Bible, also the Christian
Science Textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures"
and other writings by Mary Baker
Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5
Help Win the Peace
Buy ictory Bonds!

Vets To Discuss Insurance

Veterans enrolled in the School of
Business Administration will partici-
pate in a broadcast intended to clari-
fy points in GI insurance that have
proved puzzling to veterans at 2:30
p.m. Wednesday over station WKAR.
The broadcast has been carefully
planned to cover material in GI in-
surance which is poorly understood
and which has previously received
little attention.
Ward D. Peterson, General Agent
for Indianapolis Life Insurance Com-
pany will act as moderator of the dis-
cussion. Questions will be presented
Classes Planned for
Wives of Veterans
Mrs. Agnes Stahly and Miss Pa-
tricia Walsh, members of the Univer-
sity of Michigan School of Public
Health, will meet at 3:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the West Court Community
House to discuss possible plans for
child care and home nursing classes
for the wives of student veterans,
with children now living in Willow

by Robert D. Beach and Richard W.
Miller, veterans enrolled in the veter-
an's short course in business manage-
ment in the School of Business Ada-
ministration, and by two veterans
who are taking the regular business
Rabbi Cohen
Will Lecture
A lecture dealing with Jewish life
in the middle ages will be given at
7:45 p.m. tomorrow at 3'nal B'rith
Hillel Foundation by Rabbi Jehudah
M. Cohen.
The lecture is the second in the
series Rabbi Cohen is giving on the
topic "Judiasm in Transit."
In this second lecture, Rabbi Cohen
will discuss the character of Jewish
life during the middle ages, Jewish
culture, and the problems of the Jews
as manifested in the Inquisition and
the Crusades.
A "Supper Nar" will be held at
5:30 p.m. today at the Foundation.

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