TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1949 TWO SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1946 dwmmpm Fifty-Sixth Year cLettCPto Ehe 6tlorp WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Stilwell Calls Nationalist China Fascist t ; I h-nu mm e J A UT n fseh~1 N a ....,.-. .. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon . Robert Goldman Betty Roth . . Margaret Farmer Arthur J. Kraft Bill Mullendore Mary Lu Heath Ann Schut . Dona Guimaraes . . . . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . . . Associate Editor .. * Associate Editor Sports Editor . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor . . ....... Women's Editor . . ,. . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint Joy Altman . . . . .. .Business Manager .' .. . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Pst Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- re , .50, by mail, $5.25. NEPREENTEO FOR NATIONAL AOV.RT3I'NG OY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISoN AVE. NEW Y9RK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON . LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCiSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: ANNETTE SHENKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. March of Dimes THIS YEAR marks the thirteenth anniversary of the March of Dimes campaign. Shortly after entering the White House, the late President Roosevelt set aside his birthday for a nation-wide appeal to support an organ- ized campaign against infantile paralysis. He was one of the victims of this disease and none knew better than he the devastating effects of it. He was not content with fighting polio valiantly himself. He wished to carry on the fight throughout the rest of his life-for others. He did not live to see ultimate victory in the war which he inaugurated against infantile paralysis in America and unified'by founding the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Be- cause he did not live, however, is no reason for not carrying on the fight against the disease which strikes both old and young, rich and poor, of every race, creed, and color. More than 13,000 new cases of polio were r.e- ported .in the past year in this country. The war must be continued until this dread disease is finally wiped out. Now is your opportunity to give, and to give to a worthwhile cause. You: will know when you drop a dime in one of the boxes placed throughout the campus, that it will be one more step in the final battle. -Liz Knapp Cherry Orchard 'N CONTRAST to Mrs. Robeson's speech assert- ing that the Negro is penetrating into Ameri- can life, emerging as a human being, that he will continue to rise to equality and that when he reaches it he will maintain it, a conversation overheard on the steps of Hill Auditorium seemed a most pathetic anachronism. "1 didn't like her attitude," the voice said. "She didn't seem to realize that she was a Negro speaking to a group of whites. True, she's a brilliant woman, very well educated, but then, she's part white, you know," the voice went on glibly reveling in the thought that perhaps this made things not so bad as they would seem. The voice resented the assumption of equality on the part of Mrs. Robeson as it might resent the presence of the corner grocer at a diplomat's reception. This is an admission of fear -fear that if all are equal in the abstract then all will have to be equalized in the material - that may- be the cake of one will be mixed with the bread of another to make sweet rolls for everybody. Such fear blocks the realization that it is just this laziness of mind and inequality of spirit that prevents everyone from having cake. It is these old reiterated thoughts, spoken with the mechanism and familiarity of a math- ematics table, that form the basis of the block to that "new world a-comin'." We have a feeling of pity for the sadness that is to come to those people who refuse to think, refuse to break ith a habit, because we feel that some- day these worn-out old voices will be over- powered by the new. And it will produce a tremendous shock -kind of like the day they chopped down the "cherry orchard." -Anita Franz For Peacetime J-Hop To the Editor: "Now, just be good children and wait until the war is over, then we'll swing back to peacetime activities. That's what the University officials have been telling all the students since 1941. Well, the war is over, and they're still giving us the same line, slightly disguised as "out-state criticism". I entered the University in June, 1942, and enrolled in a nine-term program which I com- pleted, by acceleration, in October, 1945. Dur- ing this period, I patiently waited until the "war would be over". I bought my war bonds, I worked at the hospital on Soph Project, I sold war stamps for JGP. And I enjoyed it, didn't gripe, but just "waited"! My husband is a Navy veteran; he returned to school last spring; he had left Ann Arbor in 1941. While in service, he anticipated his return to school; he looked forward to house parties at his fraternity house, football games and big dances. We feel that most students want what we want: peacetime activities as soon as possible. Sure, J-Hop as a two-night affair would be a $10,000 dance. But, if the stu nts want it - well, they're paying for it, so let them have it! Oh, yes, another little item ... what did you say the ratio of faculty members to students is at the University of Michigan? Oh, I see, eight profs to every five students! -Mrs. David H. Van Tuyl Our Public To the Editor.: WE SHOULD LIKE to thank Barrie Waters for his always clever movie reviews, which brighten the pages of the Daily and our lives considerably. We liked especially his review of Mildred Pierce, which said everything which could be said about the movie and its advertis- ing, with a few comments on contemporary hap- penings in Ann Arbor, all in three paragraphs, and we still remember his classic description of Paul Henried as "a swashbuckling hero who per- haps buckles more than he swashes." Some of the Daily's own peculiar brand of readers seem to resent the fact that Mr. Waters does not treat each movie as though it were the first he had ever seen, but it is hardly to be wondered at that he is unable to rise to the required heights of hysterical admiration over every fresh offering of the local theatres, or palpitate with adoration over everyone's fav- orite star. Although we may not always agree with his evaluations, we always enjoy reading his enter- taining and ironic remarks. -Naomi Ann Bueller, Jean L. Davidson, Gerry Smith Elaine Andrews, Eleanor Gordon, Mary Haggerstrom Jeanne Mueller Oriental Culture To the Editor: WE CANNOT allow Professor Senstius' sweep- ing condemnation of Oriental culture to go unnoticed. Despite undermining by modern in- dustrialism the guild system is still in operation throughout the East in such a way as to make it possible for almost every individual to per- form some special skill as a contribtion to a well integrated culture. "Comparative Anatomy" is a term unknown in the East, previous to recent introduction from the outside. Comparisons, if made were on a symbolic level of reference, the standard always being a Heavenly and not an anthro- pological or (God forbid!) aesthetic type. Bathing in ancient Java as always in India (it may be noted) was a sacred as well. as a cleansing rite . . . and not until the introduction of the enamelled tub did Orientals bathe for purely sanitary reasons. It must be admitted that the essentials of Oriental culture are often of the intangible and invisible sort, but they are capable of being understood. Associate Professor in Far Eastern Art -James M. Plumer People's A rt To the Editor: THE DISTINCTION drawn by Mr. Senstius in in his letter of Jan. 17, between semi-skilled and unskilled workers in the construction of the edifices of the Orient is purely a distinction of the West, and in the East is only to be considered a Western importation. Any comparison of the work of the oonstructors of Borobudur and Sanchi, Amaravati and Ellora, to the work of the steam shovel and bull-dozers (symbols, by the way, of the ruthlessness and "driving" aspect of Western "civilization") is a comparison made by one who has not realized the essential unity of Indian and Indonesian communities. Not until the influence of Western civiliz- ation was felt,.in the Far East could temples, monuments, or other places of worship have been built without the full participation and complete appreciation and understanding of the whole community. The "priesthood took the initiative to build temples for the glorifi- cation of their god(s); princes and other mag- nates had palages built for the glorification of themselves, or for other motives". Ah! but the people knew and understood those gods ... the people saw in that glorification of the "princes and magnates" the glorification of their worship! The fact that there are but few "artists" known to us from the necessarily long list of them that there must have been in the history of Far Eastern Art, argues that there must have been wide spread knowledge of the techniques of that art. Had there been a few people who "erected the structures or produced and ap- preciated the literature and the works of art", is it not logical to assume that the names of these few would have come down to us as have the names of Greek artists? Lastly, even the "iiiitiative of the Dutch" can never restore to the temples "their former grandeur". It is only archeologists who would assume (and not all archeologists) t h a t because the appearance of the edifice is restored, the thing which made it real and important to the "native" is restored. If the Dutch had not spent so much time in Java "waiting patiently" to restore the grandeur of Borobudur, possibly the less civilized natives would have continued to give it that grandeur by using it as it was meant to be used . . . as place of love and worship. -Robert J. Miller ID RATHER BE RIGHT: Congress' Quandary By SAMUEL GRAFTON SOME of the financial papers are printing a dull little story about the flour millers; flour millers being, as I understand it, gentlemen who devote their lives, for some reason, to grinding wheat. It is a deary tale, lacking in sex interest and sustained dramatic construction, and yet perhaps it is worth kicking around here for a minute or two; you'll see why. The story tells us that flour millers are rather in trouble. They are used to selling their product four months in advance of delivery, which means (according to the Wall Street Journal) that they have to know what the price of flour is going to be four months ahead of time. It is at this point that many a flour miller begins to resemble a trapped animal, with hot eyes darting this way and that. For the millers have been receiving a govern- ment subsidy of 80 cents a sack, to keep the price of bread down; but Congress has failed to renew subsidies, and these expire on June 30. Who pays the 80 cents? Will the millers be allowed to raise prices to make up the difference? They don't know. It is true that price control also expires on June 30. But it may be renewed. Or it may not be. At any rate, the key fact is that while waiting to find out, the millers will not be able to sign contracts for the sale of flour. They may spend four months loking out of their windows, and wondering why they hadn't be- come dentists, or something. THE STORY, though not thrilling, is important, because it is that famous dark patch in the sky, no bigger than a man's hand. It is the first of many such stories of business disorder which will pile up as we come nearer the date when controls are scheduled to expire, without Con- gressional action. We had a record wheat crop last year; but it is already almost impossible to 'buy wheat; farmers are holding it, waiting for higher prices when the ceilings crack. Builders are deferring their new construction, waiting to see what happens to rent control. As June 30 approaches, more and more businesses, including many which have no desire to speculate, will be caught up in this dilemma, finding themselves increasingly unable to buy, and increasingly re- luctant to sell. If we ever reach the stage at which only a few weeks of controls remain, the effect may be either that of a general paralysis, or of a kind of explosion, as prices blow through the ceilings, of their own force. The very fact that Congress leaves the issue open exerts an up- ward magnetic pull on prices, and a downward drag on production; it is as if the national legislature had tipped the country a collective wink. Meanwhile we see Congress in a passion about strikes; it is furious about the economic disorder of January, even while it prepares a much more disorderly show of its own for May and June. If ceilings blow their tops in late spring, the strike settlements now being negotiated so pain- fully may have to be re-opened. Congress' only answer is to propose repres- sion, which amounts to sitting on the safety valves; if Congress were genuinely interested in economic order, it would, within the next fortnight, renew price control, and reinstitute subsidies, and give us a perspective of about eighteen months of production and stability. Failing that, Congress is in the position of one who runs frantically about breaking the win- dows and smashing the furniture, while shout- ing "Order!" at the very top of his voice. (Copyright, 1945, N.Y. Post Syndicate) By DREW PEARSONJ WASHINGTON.-General "Vinegari Joe" Stilwell probably will not, write his memoirs, which is unfortu-i nate. But some day he may decide to get out of the Army and start tell-, ing what he knows about the Chinese; situation. If so, it will be much more illuminating than what Gen. Pat Hurley had to say late last year. Stillwell's ideas are especially in- teresting in view of the truce just patched up in China by General Mar- shall. Vinegar Joe is afraid it won't last long. Last week, before leaving for San Francisco and a new assignment, Stilwell did talk a little to a friend. On the subject of Pat Hurley, Stil- well remarked: "When Iurley firstecame I felt prettygood about it. He told me of his plans to be tough. 'First we'l tell the Generalissimo what to do, and then we'll explain to him what the United States will do,' Hurle said. Two days later, after a couple of those banquets the 'Gimo' knows how to arrange so well,H Iurley was eating out of the hands of the Gimo and T. V. Soong (Chiang's brother-in-law)." Before he went to China, Stilwell had insisted on being supreme mili- tary commander. Once in China, how- ever, he found himself balked at every turn. Of 243 divisions in Chiang's armies, he was given only two ragged, unequipped divisions. The rest of Chiang's army either leafed around in China or was up north fighting the Communists. "In 1943, the Gimo decided that China would let the allies win the war," Stilwell said, "and that's"just about what happened." He added that it wasn't all di- restly the fault of Chiang Kai- Shek. Chiang would send a mes- sage to some local chief, asking for two divisions, and the local chief would reply that he could havethe hen but not the supplies. Then, after sending the men, he would send a message to the Japs that the lines were pretty weak at the spot from which the men had just pulled out. STILWELL could not get enthusias- tic about the recent truce an- nounced between Chiang and the Chinese Communists. "The Gimo has been making and breaking promises for 25 years." he said. "The United States is the only reason he's in power today, and if the United States should say to China, 'we don't like the kind of government you have here because it's too much like the Hitler gov- ernment-and we won't help you until you change that form of gov- ernment,' why that guy Chiang wouldn't be able to get two blocks from his house. "It's naziism all over again-a dic- tatorship at the top by the Gimo with the same sort of economic base we fought in Japan. "As for the question of permit- ting the Communists to retain their army, why there's no difference be- tween it and the Gimo's army. His Army isn't a national army-it's strictly any army of the National- ist Party, just as much political as the Communist army." Stilwell said he had never gone to North China to see the areas under Communist control; not because he didn't want to, but "because I would have been thrown out of China that much sooner." To illustrate his point that the Chinese don't like Chiang and de- serve something better, he recalled that in a village not far from Chung- ON SECOND: xY HO U Ur - -. By Rcy Dixont A NEW wrinkle in the muddled J-Hop squabble was given by two girls who were overheard muttering: "The tougher they make it for out-of- town girls to come to the dance, the better we'll like it. They should re- strict college dances to college stu- dents," they added wistfully. Which reminds ustof the girl who came fluttering up to us the other day with a pleading look in her con eye. She thought the Daily should conduct a big campaign' urging married veterans to wear wedding rings. It seems the gals have to watch whom they vamp these days. Getting back to the big dance which is coming up? We're tempted to refer to the J-Hopping Mad Com- mittee. But they aren't really mad, just wondering how to put on a good dance in spite of all obstacles. THERE is really not much to be said about last night's concert except that it could hardly have been bet- tered, and that only rarely does one hear a. performance of any kind which is as flawless as that of Jascha Hei- fetz on the violin.I Ifis program opened with the ex- 3 quisite Allegro, Minuetto, and Non presto of Scarlatti, which are deli- cate, graceful, and possessed of great f ormalistic charm. Their finely turned phrases combine the virtues of providing highly interesting lis- tening as well as excellent means for displaying . Mr. Heiietz' masterful technique and tonal excellence. The Brahms Sonata in A major was played with incredible smooth- ness and fluidity, and the high tones . were beautiful. In this work Eman- uel Bay, Mr. Hleifetz' accompanist, especially distinguished himself by providing an excellent background for the violin, but at the same time playing with sufficiently sensitive dynamics to make the piano a rich and satisfying voice in itself - working on the theory that the so- nata was written for violin AND piano, not for violin alone. At this point in the program ap- parent carelessness in following the program resulted in a mass exit on the part of a good third of the audi- ence while Mr. Heifetz, Mr. Bay and the page turner retired backstage. The artists didn't remain quite long enough for one cigarette, with the result that the opening of the Gla- zounoff Concerto in A minor were forced to penetrate vociferous chat- tering from the lobbies as well as the hissing of a mysterious mechanism in the first balcony. Musically it suf- fered for want of the full orchestra with which it was intended to be played, and for which a lone piano was a rather inadequate substitute. The second half of the program began with Bach's Adagio and Fuga in G minor for solo violin, an obvious showpiece, but nonetheless interest- ing, and executed with the clarity and precision demanded by Bach. The concluding numbers were the Schu- bert Impromptu, the Mendelssohn Scherzo (from Trio), a Beethoven Folk Dance, and Figaro from Ross- ini's "The Barber of Seville," arranged for violin by Castelnuovo-Tedesco. The latter, a clever parody on the famous aria, was highly amusing, if unfortunate from Figaro's point of view because of its satirical emphasis. To apply a few adjectives to the performance as a whole, Mr. Hei- fetz was technically perfect, tonally superb, and in his interpretations managed to cleave to the middle road between undue sentimentality and emotional coldness, resulting in a restrained, yet sensitive per- formance which was highly reward- ing. -Paula Brower *S king, a rumor spread in 1943 that Chungking had fallen to the Japs. At once, signs reading "Down with, Chiang Kai-Shek" appeared through- out the village, When asked if that might not have been inspired by Jap agents, Stilwell snorted. "Not at all," lie replied. "Those poor people simply don't like to have to pay the tax on their land 75 years ahead-and they don't like to have to pay an annual tax on their land four-times a year." Note-Maury Maverick recently re- ported to President Truman that the Chinese had signed a secret agreement with the Russians, giving them far more trade rights than Americans-despite the ships, the airplanes and the munitions we have turned over to Chiang Kail-Shek. (Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 55 Notices To the Members of the Faculty-Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: There will be a special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts on Jan. 21 at 4:10 p.m., in Room 1025 Angell Hall, for continued discussion of the curriculum proposals. Large atten- dance of the faculty is desired at this meeting. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give .Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 1946-1947 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 8. Those wishing to re- new previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so in- dicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Secre- tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackharn Building, Telephone 372. Aeronautical Engineering Juniors, Seniors and Graduates: There are available in the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering four Frank P. Sheehan Scholarships. The selection of candidates for these scholarships is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Applications will be received up to January 25. Students wishing to make applica- tion should address letters to Profes- sor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East Engi- neering Building, giving a brief state- mnent of their qualifications and ex- perience in regard to both their schol- astic work and any other experience they may have had. A statement should also be made giving their plans for further study in Aeronau- tical Engineering. The present draft classification or any service record should be mentioned. All Women Students attending "The Hasty Heart," "onday, Jan. 21, will be granted late permission until one-half hour after the end of the performance. Scholarship Open to Senior Me- scholarship may be obtained in the Aeronautical Engineering Office. Graduate Fellowships: Consoli- dated- Vultee Aircraft Corporation has established two annual Graduate Fellowships of $750 each, available to graduates of accredited engineer- ing, metallurgy, physics or mathe- matics schools who are highly recom- mended by their faculty Scholarship Committee, for graduate study and research in the fields included in aeronautical engineering. The stu- dents will be employed by the Com- pany the first summer after the awards. Application forms for these Fellowships may be obtained in the Aeronautical Engineering Office. Lecture. William Henry Chamberlin, who lived and worked in many European countries and Japan as a foreign cor- respondent, will speak on the sub- ject, "Russia and the West: Conflict or Cooperation?" 8:00 p.m., Mon., January 21, in the Kellogg Audi- torium; auspices of the Polonia Club. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Ralph W. Gerard, Dept. of Physiology, Uni- versity of Chicago, will speak on the subject, "The Electrical Activity of the Nervous System" (illustrated), at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Jan. 21, in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the Dept. of Zoology. The public is cordially invited. Phi Sigma, honorary natural sci- ence fraternity, will sponsor a lecture by Professor Ralph W. Gerard, of the University of Chicago, who will speak on the subject, "A Biologist's View of Society," Monday, at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre. A reception will be held following the lecture for members of the zoology department and the Phi Sigma Society, and their guests. The public is invited to at- tend the lecture. Dr. Anada K. Coomaraswam y of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, will speak on "The Riddle of the Sphinx" at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Jan. 22, in the Rackham Amphitheatre; aus- pices of the Institute of Fine Arts, The public is cordially invited. Concerts Student Recital: Mary Evans John- son, a student of piano under Profes- sor John Kollen, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 Sunday evening, Jan. 20, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. We note that the head of steel company is a man by name of Benjamin Fairless. comment. the the No BARNABY F told Barnaby that his in-ninnr Fairv Goldfnther 11 Suggesting that pixies and IB CrockeUt Johnson My compliments to the pater, m'boy, but it is not necessary to be formally introduced fn~~= ,r r.rli ,Xr n r CA ii hic n in 4,, I