AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY _ I$, 1946- ...... .... PRIDAY, JANUARY 18. 1946 I Fifty-Sixth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Han-nega Popular in Capital oLQtceN co cue (! o'diEop IImt*ITeL esjNDwNeftw eRlYWoI.4.... Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon..... ..... Managing Editor RobertGoldman .. . . CityEditor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore . . . . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz.......... ..Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Dorothy Funt Joy Altman Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the reglar school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: ANN KUTZ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. J-Hop Rejection THE Student Affairs Committee has flatly re- jected the proposed revival of J-Hop weekend as it existed before the war. Plans submitted by the J-Hop committee, elected last month in an all campus election in- cluded a formal dance Friday, March 1, which would feature two top-flight bands, and an in- formal dance Saturday, March 2, with one name band. Both dances would be held at the Intra- mural Building. The custom of house parties, with men moving out so that women could stay in fraternities during the weekend, was to be revived, as well as breakfasts following the formal dance. These proposals- were rejected as being too lavish, and therefore bad publicity for the Uni- versity in the eyes of the taxpayers. A second criticism was that out-of-town women coming in for the event would only aggravate he hous- ing situation. House parties were banned be- cause of the chaperoning problem, and the $10 ticket price was felt to be too high for students. Although the J-Hop committee can see some justification for these objections, it firmly be- lieves that each one is capable of solution. First, from the financial angle, J-Hop repre- sents no expense to the University. All costs are covered by the ticket price, and profits go to the University. In 1943, over $2,700 profit was dis- tributed to campus charities and activities. The budget has been shaved to the barest minimum, and the $10 ticket price is the least that will cover the entertainment offered. V-Ball tickets last year were $4.50. The dance was held one night, one band was featured, there were no decorations or favors. In the past, ticket prices for one night dances have been $10 several times and on one occasion were $12, according to re- ports on file. A dance Friday or Monday night at the In- tramural Building, with dances sponsored by the League and Union and by fraternities was the compromise suggested by the Student Af- fairs Committee. Following up the possibili- ties of this suggestion, the Hop committee drew up a budget for a one night dance. Due to the high price commanded by good bands at the present time, the minimum ticket price for one night came to between $7 and $8. The expense per student for the weekend, consid- ering the cost of Saturday's entertainment, would exceed the cost of a two night J-Hop. A maximum of 200 out-of-town women are ex- pected at the function; all others will already have residences in Ann Arbor. Enthusiastic will- ingness to cooperate in housing these extra women has been shown by fraternity and so- rority men and women; these are the only houses which may have guests. Men have agreed to double up, with the members of two fraternities- staying in one house, leaving the other for the women who are their guests. Sororities have ade- quate accommodations for the out-of-town women who will attend the function with inde- pendent men. Houses with the dormitory system can sleep almost twice as many by utilizing the couches in their rooms. Many students will re- turn home after registration, leaving vacancies in their house for the weekend. The chaperoning problem is the least serious of all those raised. An extensive list of Univer- sity approved chaperones, residing in Ann Arbor, is available in the Dean of Students Office. In addition to all of these, alumni are eligible to act as patrons if their names are submitted in ad- By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON. - A very peculiar thing has happened to Bob Hannegan, the man who more than any other single person is responsible for putting Truman where he is today. The long- er Hannegan stays in Washington, the more prestige and respect he commands - everywhere, except around the White House. A lot of people who thought Hannegan was just a hack St. Louis politician have now changed their minds. He has grown on them. They have watched him fight vigorous back- stage battles and he has always been on the right side. He is honest, fearless, and usually right. But while everyone expected Hannegan to be- come the No. 1 strong man of the Truman ad- ministration, inside fact right now is that he is having a hard time trying to retain any real voice in White House policy decisions. There are two reasons for this. 1. Hannegan made the mistake of accepting the postmaster generalship, which means long, hard hours and a mass of detailed work, which, coupled with his chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee, makes him about the busi- est man in Washington. 2. Hannegan has become Truman's No. 1 "no-man," and a "no-man" is never popular. Every president is inclined to get surrounded by "yes" men. Few people like to talk back to the President of the United States. It is much easier to agree, as Harry Hopkins once advised Ed Flynn. One of Roosevelt's few "no-men" was Joseph P. Kennedy, which was one reason hie didn't last. Boxing the No-Man SO WHILE HANNEGAN has mended political fences, a bevy of of Missouri "'yes-men" have moved into the palace and practically cut Han- negan, the big no-man, off from policy deci- sions. Whenver he does sit down at a White House conference, Hannegan raises so much cain that the palace guard, especially reconverter John Snyder, gets red in the face and hopes it will never see him again. Truman himself does not share their view. He and Hannegan remain close friends. Some peo- ple wonder, however, in view of the tough way Hannegan talks to his chief, whether this friend- ship can last indefinitely. This week he marched into Truman's office, sat down for a staff conference, got into a battle royal with John Snyder over the steel strike and warned that Truman would have to make the U.S. Steel Corporation knuckle down and pay a reasonable wage to the steel workers. War Secretary Fumbles MOST CONTROVERS)AL press conference in months was that in which Secretary of War Patterson was quoted as saying he didn't know that overseas soldiers no longer were accumu- lating points. This columnist has now received the verbatim report of that conference as record- ed by the G.I. newsmen attending it. The perti- nent part reads: Secretary Patterson: "The War Department I .'I will discard the point system when it has served its purpose. After all, I woild rather relieve a man who has had long service than one who has been in service only a short time. Under the point system, you men are getting two points a month as compared to one point given to those in the States. Isn't that fair?" G.I. reporter: "Like hell! Point accumula- tion stopped on Sept. 2, V-J Day." Patterson (surprised): "It did?" PaItterson, continuing: "You men certainly know a lot about demobilization" G.I. reporter: "Hell yes, that's all we think about." Privately the newsmen commented: "In fair- ness to Mr. Patterson we should say that he an- swered all other questions straightforwardly and apparently to the best of his ability. He was very gracious throughout the interview. "But can you imagine the morale of our readers when they learned that the Secretary of War was unaware that point compilation stopped as of V-J Day. Never did they expect that the head of the War Department believed that overseas troops are merrily piling up two points a month." (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Contradictions By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE CONVICTION is slowly dawning on the country that Congress is not going to provide an answer to the current strike wave; that per- haps it does not have an answer; perhaps it is even inherent in the nature of things that it can have no answer. For certainly every legal gadget that has been proposed has either blown up in the faces of the legislators, singeing their eye- brows, or has boomeranged, turning out to have precisely the opposite effect to that intended. There is a curious Congressional helplessness in these premises. For eight solid years, certain elements in American life have been using Congress as the bogey with which to scare labor, and for eight solid years Congress has come and gone with- out carrying out those dreadful anti-labor threats which so many of its members mingle with the opening prayers at each session. The time has come to inquire whether there is not a pattern in all this. There is. For the queerest things happen when Congress goes to work on labor. Compulsory arbitration is proposed; and, for about ten minutes, the idea is taken up by and cheered heartily in that sec- tion of our press which likes labor least: But after the first emotional display, it soon turns out that American corporations, by and large, like compulsory arbitration even less than does labor; there is an embarrassing silence; the "let's curb labor" bloc in Congress, looking around proudly for support and approval, finds that no- body likes its baby; there is nothing to do but try again. Mr. Truman then mentions fact-finding. Once more there is a glad initial outburst from conservatives; the President's plan is hailed as a "crack-down" on labor. But within a week it develops that, while labor does not care for the cooling-off period, it likes fact-finding far more, on the whole, than does industry. The President's mild plan, though denounced by the left, turns out to have few friends oun the right, and once again Congress is stymied. THERE REMAIN only schemes for outright repression, such as proposed laws blankly outlawing strikes; but the embarrassing fact is that these are invariably proposed by representa- tives from farm counties of the Middle West, or from rural constituencies of the South, i.e., from areas in which there are few industrial problems, and so the total effect is that of an uninspired and sometimes malicious kibitzing; it is part of a general Congressional pattern, in which Northern representatives try to end poll taxes in the South, while too many Southern representatives try to do the work of conserva- tive opinion in the North. At this point one becomes aware of another difficulty; and that is the deep contradiction between the desire of American business for a weak central government, which will not in- terfere with trade, and the companion desire on the part of some of its spokesman for a central government which will undertake the most sweeping control of labor. Weak and strong; hot and cold; freedom and curbs; it does not add up; and we sometimes find the same representatives incoherently agi- tating for both the most complete freedom for men engaged in trade, and also for a consum- mate regimentation for men engaged in a life of labor. The position is ideologically weak; it kicks back against free enterprise arguments, and induces cynical reactions to them. The feelings grows, then, that the solution is to be found, not in Congress, but in the mar- ket-place; in a more whole-souled approach to collective bargaining. Once we give up the idea that Congress has the answer, we may find the answer; for who will stir himself to hard work so long as he has the feeling that his job will soon be done for him by a brownie in a wiig collar, a jinni in a string neck-tie? (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) .1-Hop Snafu To the Editor: The Daily yesterday carried th news of the rejection of the J-Hop Committee's plans for the first post. war J-Hop. To us this seemed an unnecessary blow to the plans of the Committee because the Commit- tee is itself only responsible to th people that elected it, no one student or other student committee. The article gives two objections tc the plans. First is the housing situ- ation. The Student Affairs Commit- tee seems to think that Ann Arbor cannot accommodate the 1200 guests In the first place we believe that the great majority of those attending the dance will be students on campus The situation could be remedied in one of two ways. The first is to allow fraternities and sororities to hav house parties. The University of Michigan is the only school to ou knowledge which has a ruling against parties of that kind. The second methd w outldbe to dlesignate tr of four fraternities and sororities to accommodate the out of town guests Chaperons can easily be arranged for in either instance. The cost of the dance is the sec- ond ob;)etion. The rejection seems to think that $10 is too much for a weekend of that kind. Cornell's J-Hop calls for $25 per couple, Dartmouth's Winter Carnival costs at least S35. The only test. of whether or not a dance is too ex- Ipensive is to see whether or not the tickets will sell, and we think that they would sell within two hours. The difference in cost between a dance given on two nights and only one night is only a proportionately small part of the total costs. The fixed charges for programs, favors. decorations, tickets and the like would be the ,,arme whether for one dance or a dozen. The only addi- tional cost would be for the extra dance band, We the undersigned are all vet- erans who have spent from two to three years away from campus. A real J-Hop was one of the things we were looking forward to on our return. The possibility ofnot hav- ilng a J-Hop is the kind of thing that is giving us a bad opinion of what kind of university we are afraid that the University of Mich- igan is becoming. -William H. Dorrance, Albeit W. Armour, Warren Dahi, and five others. Appeal to Civilians e f e t r . e . e f r t . Fight Local Racism, To the Editor: (Q ILBERTO OLIVER's letter to the editor in Wednesday's Daily called attention to an overt act of discrimination against a Negro stu- dent. It is a travesty en our legisla- tion that such could happen under the very nose of the Diggs state law forbidding discrimination in public restaurants, etc. It is ironic that this situation exists while we are pro- claiming our democracy and trying to lead other nations to follow the glorious path" we have blazed for them. It is nothing but mockery that we continue and strengthen our outmoded discriminations and segre- gations at home. The incident at the local tavern is a violation of all that we profess' to believe. If our democratic rhe- toric and phraseology has any basis in actual credo, we can eliminate such occurrences. If 11,000 students take such an instance lying down, it gives the lie to all our mouthings. Do we believe in ourselves? Are we will- ing to show it? The tavern involved depends al- most entirely upon student clientele. Surely the student body of the Uni- versity can be aroused from its leth- argy long enough, and strongly enough to register a protest against such discrimination. Tonight, at 7 p.m., there will be a meeting in the Robert Owen Co- operative House on this specific in- stance of discrimination. Here is the event! Now is the time, the place, to do something! -Terrell Whitsitt Pres. Inter-Racial Association DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . _ ._. The Men of 42nd General Hospital APO 181 c o PM, S.F., Cal. To the Editor: rHIS is an open letter, but it cerns primarily you. It was ceived and written by people con- con- that DRAMA r i F ALL the other performers in last night's evening of opera at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre had suddenly been rendered speechless, atten- dance would nevertheless have been amply re- warded by Rose Derderian's performance of Mar- guerite in the Garden Scene from Gounod's "Faust". In combining the vocal virtues of rich- ness, clarity, control, and trueness of pitch with a good deal of acting ability, she fulfills the two prime requirements for opera singers to a re- markable degree, for her "Marguerite" was pre- sented with tremendous beauty and poise. I wvas happy, however, not to have been deprived of hearing such fine voices as Guy Baker, whose performance of Faust was excellent, Henry Aus- tin, whose Mephistophelean bass is rich and em- phatic, although not immune to the common unsteadiness of basses in the lower tones, and whose "Bob" in "The Old Maid and the Thief" was both amusing and well played. Barbara Lee Smith, as Siebel, displayed a voice that is clear and strong, if slightly immature. Doris Lawton, whose voice was greatly dimin- ished by laryngitis, nevertheless played Laetitia in "The Old Maid and the Thief" with great vi- vacity, and was well supported by the compe- tent voices of Carolyn Street and Georgia Chris- topherson, as well as the orchestra, which was excellent. After "Faust" this operatic farce, commissioned by NBC and completed by Gian-Carlo Menotti in 1939, seemed musically unsatisfying for the passages of sustained melody either in voice or orchestra are few and far between, and it dis- plays the obvious disadvantages of over-zealous attempt to transcribe realistic, choppy conver- sations into music. It was interesting to see how well an opera written for radio can be staged,. even when thirteen scenes must be provided for. -Paula Brower concern you. Your response will di- rectly concern these people. For five weary, homesick years we have seen armies moved overnight. And now "there is not shipping." We have seen technicians trained in a few months, perhaps weeks. Now "we are essential." We have seen divi- sions scraped "from the bottom of the barrel." Now we must stay hei'e for another teasing, heartsick "indef- inite period." The reason being rath- er indefinite too. The latter is why we write. For four years we have cried in- side and written synthetic cheer- ful letters home. But it was all "on the road home." So we kept on going. Now we find ourselves de- nied the privilege for which we fought and worked and waited. We have observed the shrewd, cold efficiency that won battles and pro- motions for generals. Now these same leaders are stymied by "a prob- lem in peace."I Are we and future generations to remember this as a war that won battles or a war that won a peace? The future of the minds of sev- eral million men depends upon your help. Are you with us? Signed: T/5 Morris Roth, Ind., S Sgt. Paul E. Kannon, Ill., Pic. Waldo V. Morris, Cal., S/Sgt. J. E. Austin, Col., Sgt. Charles Blaker, Mich., T 5 B. L. Dav--} idson, Mich., and 14 others. a a Victr Loan T HE glory of victory is great, but the price of victory is greater. Help those who have already paid' more than their share by continuing' to buy Vietory Bonds. Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers o the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 54 Notices' To the Members of the Faculty-Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: There will be a special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts on Jan. 21 at 4:10 p.m., in Room 1025 Angell Hall, for continued discussion of the curriculum proposals. Laige atten- dance of the faculty is desired at this meeting. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate in June and August: A list of candidates has been posted in the of- fice of the School of Education, Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any prospective candidates whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Re- corder, 1437 Univ. Elem. School. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 1946-1947 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 8. Those wishing to re- new previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so in- dicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Secre- tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. Aeronautical Engineering Juniors Seniors and Graduates: There are available in the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering four Frank P Sheehan Scholarships. The selection of candidates for these scholarship is miade very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Applications wil be received up to January 25, 1946. Students wishing to make applica- tion should address letters to Profes- sor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East Engi- neering Building, giving a brief state- ment of their qualifications and ex- perience in regai'd to both their schol- astic work and any other experience they may have had. A statement should also be made giving theii plans for further study in Aeronau- ticalsEngineering. The present draft classification or any service record should be mentioned. Scholarship Open to Senior Me- chanical, Aeronautical and Electrical Engineering Students: Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation has es- tablished an annual scholarship of $250 which is available to students who are in their Junior year in the above fields of engineering and who are highly recommended by their faculty Scholarship Committee. The student will be employed by the Com- pany the first summer after the award. Application forms for thi scholarship may be obtained in the Aeronautical Engineering Office. GraduateeFellowships: Consoli- dated Vultee Aircraft Corporation has established two annual Graduate Fellowships of $750 each, available to graduates of accredited engineer- ing, metallurgy, physics or mathe- matics schools who are highly recom- mended by their faculty Scholarship Committee, for graduate study and research in the fields included in aeronautical engineering. The stu- dents will be employed by the Com- pany the first summer after the awards. Application forms for these Fellowships may be obtained in .the} respondent, will speak on the sub- iect, "Russia and the West: Conflict or Cooperation?" 8:00 p.m., Mon- day, Jan. 21, in the Kellogg Audi- torium; auspices of the Polonia Club. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Ralph W. Gerard, Dept. of Physiology, Uni- versity of Chicago, will speak on the subject, "The Electrical Activity of the Nervous System" (illustrated), at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Jan. 21, in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the Dept. of Zoology. The public is cordially invited. Phi Sigma, honorary natural sci- ence fraternity, will sponsor a lecture by Professor Ralph W. Gerard, of the University of Chicago, who will speak on the subject, "A Biologist's View of Society," Monday, at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre. A reception will be held following the lecture for members of the zoology department and the Phi Sigma Society, and their guests. The public is invited to at- tend the lecture. Dr. Ananda K. Coomaaswamy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, will speak on "The Riddle of the Sphinx" at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Jan. 22, in the Rackham Amphitheatre; aus- pices of the Institute of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet today at 4 p.nA in 319 West :Medical Building. "The Physiologi- cal Relationship between Amino Acids and Vitamins." All interested are invited. Conceits Choral Union Concert, Jascha Heifetz, violinist, will give the sev- mnth program in the Choral Union Concert Series tonight at 8:00 o'clock n Hill Auditorium. The program will include compositions by Scarlatti, Brahms, Glazounoff, Bach, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Beethoven and Rossini. The concert will begin on time and loors will be closed during numbers. Student Recital: Mary Evans John- son, a student of piano under Profes- sor John Kollen, will present a recital .n partial fulfillment of the require- nents for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 Sunday evening, Janu- ary 20, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter. Her program will include com- oositions by Bach, Mozart, Beeth- ven, Schumann, and Griffes, and will be open to the general public. Exhibitions A joint exhibition of paintings by John Pappas and Sarkis Sarkisian of Detroit, in the Rackham Mezzanine Ualleries, under the auspices of the College of Architecture and Design. Jan. 16 through 31, daily except Sun- day, afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10. The public is cordially invited. Events Today S. R. A. Social Committee will meet tonight at Lane Hall. Romance Language Journal Club will hold its second meeting to- day at 4:15in the E. Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor Staubach will speak on "The Cultural and Educational Ac- tivities in Bogota" and Professor Talamon will speak on "Curel et Ros- tand." Coffee Hour: Members of the League and Union Council will be special guests atthe weekly Lane Hall coffee hour from 4:30 until 6. Kappa Phi meeting. All Actives re- port to the Guild Lounge for the En- sian picture at 5:00 tonight. Supper BARNABY I told Barnaby that his H/ l Y/YY FIt [.'9 /Tff By Crockett Johnson Suggesting that pixies and M My compliments to the pater, m'boy, but it is not necessary to be formally introduced 0