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January 17, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-17

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IaH aa.a .4,aa.tA-f A N'~ a. DA ILYtt U~

T R SDAY. JA AnY 17. 1949

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Scholastic Average on Campus
Shows Slight Improvement

On Campus
SRA Coffee Hour.. .

IDean Stevenson Cites

Most outstanding gain among
groups was made by men's dormi-
tories where more than 50 per,cent of
the residents were freshmen. There
the point score rose to 2.62 in 1944-
45 from 2.49 in the preceding year.
Second greatest gain was made by
independent men, who raised their
average from 2.49 to 2.59.
The all-men average gained .02
over last year's 2.50, and women
changed their average from 2.60 to
2.61. General sororities improved
their average to 2.54 from 2.60.
"The exclusion of grades earned by
graduate students in dormitories un-
doubtedly accounts for the slightly
lower averages shown for indepen-
dent women (2.59 from 2.60) and up-
perclasswomen's dormitories (2.69
from 2.70)," Registrar Smith stated.
The scholarship chart of all groups
on campus is as follows: upperclass
women's dormitories (2.69), general
sororities (2.64), freshman men's
dormitories (2.62), all women (2.61),
cooperative houses (2.60), and inde-
pendent women (2.59).
Below the all-campus average come
the following: upperclass men's
dormitories (2.55", independent men
(2.54), all men (2.52), general fra-
ternities (2,46), women's supplemen-
tary housing units (2.46), freshman
women's dormitories (2.45), fresh-
man men (2.44), all freshmen (2.41),
and freshman women (2.41).
Women To Help
In Orientation'
Petitioning for spring and 1946 fall
orientation advisors for women will
continue until noon Saturday, ac-
cording to Ruthann Bales, chairman
of Women's Judiciary Council.
Petitioning for freshman and
transfer orientation advisers .is open
to all eligible junior, sophomore and
second semester freshmen. Petitions'
may be obtained i the Social Di-
rector's Office of the League. They
are to be placed in the Judiciary box
in the Undergraduate Office by the
Saturday deadline.
This petition is to be made out in
full, and should include the candi-
date's ideas and plans for the advisor
position. Any constructive criticisms
that the petitioner might have of
past orientation periods should also
be included.

The Student Religious Association
will hold their regular weekly Coffee An excellent opportunity to have
Hour at 4:30 tomorrow in Lane Hall. the outstanding business school in the
Special guests invited are members United States is hindered by physical
of the League and Union Councils. limitations due to the completely in-
Lillian Phillips and Allene Golinkin
will be hostesses. adequate facilities of Tappan Hall,
Dean Russell A. Stevenson of the
Hillel ProgrIm School of Business Administration
said yesterday.

A program in celebration of Jew-
ish Arbor Day will be presented at
Q rki drl 1i Li B'Wr iniWith H iII

Richmond, Ind., secretary of Local 388, talks with Dr. Joseph E. Maddy
(right), director of the national music camp at Interlochen, Mich., after
a closed session of the American Federation of Musicians executive
board in Chicago.
Scientists in Heredity vClinic
Investigate. Speech Defects
-1 *

j).m. today in narx n ie
Foundation by Avukah, student
ZiMonist organization.
Readings, songs, and refresh-
ments will be featured on the pro-
Guzman To Lecture .
Dr. Santodomingo Guzman of
the National University at Bogata,
Colombia will address the Spanish
Club at 8 p.m. today in Kellogg
Auditorium on the topic "Colombia,
Country of the Guild Man."
The lecture will be illustrated
with a motion picture.
Assembly Personnel ..
There will be a meeting of all mem-
bers of the personnel committee of
Assembly at 3 p.m. today in the As-
sembly Office on the second floor of
the league, Jacqueline Gatet, per-
sonnel administrator, announced yes-
International Tea ...
Mrs. Edward L. Adams, wife of
Professor Adams of the romance
language department, will be host-
ess at an International Center tea
honoring students from Argentina,
Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uru-
guay from 4 to 5:30 p.m. today.
Teas honoring other national
groups will be held each succeed-
Thursday at the International Cen-'

The discovery of the mode of he-
redity of speech defects and of
harelip and cleft palate is among the
studies now being conducted in the
Heredity Clinic of the University.
The only clinic of its kind in the
country, it serves two purposes: re-
search in human heredity, and pub-
lic service in furnishing advice about
heredity to families, physicans and
others concerned with public welfare.
Research grants from the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
have supported the Clinic since it was
opened five years ago by a group of
University scientists interested in the
factors concerning human heredity.
At the present time, the heredity
of several types of speech defects is
under investigation by Dr. Mary
Jane Lagler, with the cooperation
of the University Speech Clinic. Dr.
Harold F. Falls, who is in charge of
the Clinic, and Dr. Avery R. Test
are studying the heredity of hare-
lip and cleft palate. Dr. Falls is
also. studying various types of in-

herited defects of the eye. His in-
vestigation of one type of anemia
showed that some women have
symptoms of the disease but do not
have anemia themselves, although
they transmit it to about half their
Members of the Clinic hope to con-
tinue their preliminary study of men-
tal deficiency from the coordinated
standpoint of psychology, physiology
and biochemistry, health, heredity
and home and social environment, in
order to further the understanding of
the causes of such a deficiency.
According to Dr. Lee R. Dice,
Director of the Laboratory of Ver-
tebrate Biology of which the Clinic
is a part, the Clinic was greatly
handicapped by the war, and even
now only a part-time staff is doing
the work of the former staff of two
scientists, one doctor and clerical
help. Dr. Dice said that the only
schools giving training in the study
of human heredity are the Univer-
sity of Michigan, Ohio State Uni-
versity and the University of Mine-
In a report published by the Uni-
versity, Dr. Dice and Dr. Falls state,
"There is an urgent need in every
community for advice on human he-
redity, a need that the Clinic is able
to satisfy only in small part and
only for those families able to come
to Ann Arbor. A series of heredity
clinics distributed throughout the
state and provided with properly
trained staffs would be of great serv-
ice to the people. The supplying of
advice to the public on matters af-
fecting human heredity is of vital
concern to the state. In its position
of leadership in the state in matters
affecting human welfare the Univer-
sity should give serious consideration
to possible ways by which advice on
their pcr onal heredity may be made
available to all citizens of Michigan."

Situated as it is in the industrial
heart of the nation, with a well-
equipped staff and valuable collec-
tions of business materials, the school
has a great potentiality, Dean Stev-
enson said.
Senior members of the student
administrative committee, Marion
Swarthout and Ralph Neely, which
heads the school organization, vol-
unteered to give student opinion on
the much discussed subject of the
lack of school facilities.
Both agreed that the greatest dif-
ficulty is lack of classroom and li-
brary space, for, Neely stated, there
are four classrooms in the building
besides the one used only for veter-
ans. Of these, one in the basement
is unfit for use and another will prob-
ably have to be converted into offices.
Classes are already being held in
eight different buildings on campus.
"Furthemore," Miss Swarthout
stated, "163 applications for ad-
mission in the spring term have
been received, mostly from veter-
ans. This will bring the total num-
ber of students to mere than 50,
while the previous peak enrollment
was 233. There seems to be a great
demand for instruction in the field
of business administration, and it
is inappropriate that Michigan stu-
dents should have to go elsewhere
for lack of facilities in their state
"But getting back to the building
itself," Neely continued, "the library
holds about a third as many students
as it should. Many irreplaceable col-
lections, including complete registra-
tion materials for the Securities Ex-
change Commission, corporation rec-
ords and accounting data of the prin-
ciple corporations which cannot be
duplicated, and a set of union-man-
agement contracts, are stored in the
basement for lack of library space,
and are thus difficult for the stu-
dent to secure for use."
The computing rooms have a ca-

pacity of about 20, and the one stu-
dent gathering place, a smoking
room which holds about ten stu-
dents comfortably, must be con-
verted for much needed office
space. Miss Swarthout added that
there was no assembly room in
Tappan Hall, which was built in
"The building," they concluded,
"is inadequate for competent in-
struction and study."
(Continued from Page 1)
of the best dances ever held on cam-
2. At the maximum, only 200 girls
(one-sixth of attendance) would at-
tend the dance who are from out of
town and these could be taken care of
if sororities would open their doors
to independent women for the two
3. The $10 ticket price, while high,
is necessary to obtain any of the tops
flight dance bands. It was pointed
out that reverting to a one-night hop
would not help the situation since ap-
proximately seven or eight dollars
would have to be charged. (Only the
price of a third band could be elimi-
nated from the rigid budget, the Com-
mittee stated.)
3. Permission to hold house parties
would 'help, not hinder the rooming
situation since many out of town
guests would be permitted to stay
over-night at chaperoned fraternity
Menbers of the J-Hop Committee
are planning to circulate petitions
today and tomorrow in order to indi-
cate how strong student support is
for their proposals.
Help Win the Peace,
are blended, shaped to your fa-
cial features. TRY ONE!
The Dascola Barbers
Between State & Mich. Theatres


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request

DAIL OFF CIAL WANTED: Boy or man to shovel
snow and care for lawn near
Church and Hill Streets. Phone
(Continued from Page 2) WANTED
WANTED TO RENT: Nice apart-
Bnai B'rith Hillel Foundation will ment for myself and wife; no
onduct Sabbath Eve Services Fri- dogs, 'no children. Am entering
Lay evening at 7:15 p.m. instead of U. of M. Law School in March.
he usual hour. The change in time Willing to long term lease. Can
ias been scheduled for the conven- move in anytime after Feb. 1st.
ence of those who are planning to Address Lt. John E. Grasboll
ttend the Heifetz concert later in NROTC Unit, U. of W., Madison,
he evening. Wisconsin. Can come to Ann Ar-
bor anytime to see apartment.
Veterans' Wives: A meeting of the-
J O's Wives Club will be held Mon- DRIVING to Columbus, O., week-
lay night at 7:30 in the Michigan ends. Desire passenger for com-
league. All wives of Veterans on the pany or to share expenses. Phone
ampus are invited to attend. 8028 evenings.

FOUND: Outside U. Drug. Yellow
leather change purse. Owner call M.
Rich. 2-5268. Identify contents.
LOST: Heavy brown leather wallet;
initials P.G.B. Important papers.
Contained no money. Call 2-4561,
Rm. 331.
LOST: pair glasses in case between
Hill Street and campus. If found
call Dorothy Harvey 2-2543.
LOST: silver watch, black band. Re-
ward. Call Kay Lynch, 22591.
LOST: Pair of glasses in case be-
tween Hill and S. University on
Church. Call Pat Heustis, 2561 .
LOST: At Intramural swimming pool
-a large silver ring with fraternity
crest. Reward. Owens, 401 Chicago,
W. Quadrangle.
LOST-Sunday. Vicinity of campus
and E. University. Brown leather
billfold. Money and important
identification belonging to Mary
Ruth Harrigan. Call Mary C. Pet
ers, 6710.
LOST: Shaeffer pen between 212 S.
Thayer and Chemistry building Fri-
day. Contact Dana Johnson at 5750
after 6 p.m.
LOST: Black leather knitting bag
containing unfinished blue gloves
on E. Liberty, Thursday, Dec. 27.
Call 5750 after 6:00 p.m.
LOST: Between Church and Washte-
naw, small brown purse. Urgently
needed. Contains money and im-
portant papers. Call 22547.
WILL GIRL who got brown boots in-
stead of black in ladies lounge of
League Friday, Jan. 4, call Lucy
Ruddell, 2-5618.
PLEEZE! Anyone having information
about a six-foot, blue cushioned to-
boggan lost in the Arb. Sat.
night, call Harris 2-2591.

Engineers' Meeting
Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the De-
partment of Highway Engineering
and Transport is leaving for New
York today to attend the annual
meeting of the American Society of
Civil Engineers.
Alpha Lambda Delta ...'
The first meeting of Alpha Lambda
Delta will be held at 4:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the League.
All those who were initiated last
spring are asked to attend. Business
for the meeting includes ratification
of the slate of national officers and
the distribution of membership cer-
Lobanov To Speak ...
Prof. A. A. 'Lobanov-Rostovsky
of the history department will
speak on the "Causes of the Rus-
sian Revolution" at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow at Stevens Cooperative
Reuse, 816 Forest, under the aus-
pices of the Education Committee
of the Inter-Cooperative council.
Following Prof. Lobanov's speech,
a discussion period will be held and
refreshments will be served. The
public is invited to attend.

KICHIGAN Starting Today

IExai i f I

All m Ra(i

LANSiNG, Jan. I ( EGxtradi-
tion of Fliecier Mills. 13-year-old
Negro, to Alabama to face charges

of ass,.ult with intent to kill a white____
fellow-worker was allowed today by Vitory onas.
Governor Harry F. Kelly. I f y j1~
- --

from 1 P.M.






Sheer bare leg hose in lovely
tone shade. Grand to wear


mar, etc.,- tutored by native. $1.25
hour. Special rates for groups. Call
Joshua Jean Grauer, 6669.

sport or dress clothes.
Sizes 8% to 10%.
_ l100%oW0ol


FOR SALE: 2 good seats for Heifetz
Concert. Call 2-1486.



I I ~~ I 1~'~1 JACK CtARSOIN^ -''1sF s

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