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Telephone 23-241 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTYANN LARSEN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of. The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Atomic Energy rJhe in'itial impact of the release of the facts concerning atomic energy found the Ameri- can people completely bewildered. Hysteria ran a brief course and vanished. In its place came proposed solutions to the question of control of this mighty force, solutions often based on inade- quate knowledge of its potentialities. As a result, relatively few people today have any conception of the nature, use or significance of atomic ener- gy. Most people seem quite content in their ig- norance. The very fact that the daily press concentrates its attention upon the activities of sundry per- verts and in manufacturing crime waves. is-di- cative that the American people want to forget the atom bomb. "Oh, let's not talk about that," is sufficient to check a bull-session or talk be- tween friends on atomic energy. The same desire to escape from thinking upon the problem of control is reflected by those who blithely dismiss it by refusing to recognize a problem. They make all sorts of unrealistic com- parisons of atomic bombs to machine guns and submarines and solemnly quote Thomas Gray's lines: "When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." In the case of the atomic bomb, however, ignorance is BLAST. On this campus, it seems that the only people who know anything of the significance of atomic energy are the science faculties and those students and other faculty members who have concerned themselves with the prob- lem. Others, by not concerning themselves, refuse to face the fact that the atomic bomb concerns them. Everyone, from the urban dweller to the loneliest anchorite, is intimately affected by the course we take or fail to take in controlling the use of atomic energy. In order to satisfy the very evident need for enlightenment on this campus, we suggest that the following program be undertaken by the Uni- versity administration: 1. That the Association of University of Michigan Scientists, in conjunction with mem- bers of the political science department, pre- pare a program of lectures to be delivered to the student body; 2. that these lectures deal with the nature and the use of atomic energy, the problems arising from the knowledge of atomic energy and solutions to these problems; 3. that these lectures be presented at Hill Auditorium on a weekday night within a few months; 4. that all classes and events scheduled for that evening be suspended; and 5. that attendance at the lecture program of the entire undergraduate student body be com- pulsory. -Arthur J. Kraft Reconversion FOLLOWING are excerpts from an Associated Press story which probably did not hit print in many newspapers throughout the country. "Reconversion speeds have exceeded expecta- tions and present employment is higher than an- ticipated, Paul C. Hoffman, president of the Stu- debaker Corp., said today." "Employment of the men still to be demobi- lized from the Army will require several million -...... ---.-- ...5 T fF . :u, ir7 tT,.4. ni i- n it By DREW PEARSON Washington --When Phil Murray and U. S. Steel president Ben Fairless sit down at the White House today in another effort to head off a steel strike, they'll at least have one thing in common-a very poor opinion of Harry Tru- man's three "S" men-Snyder, Schwellenbach and Steelman. When Fairless *and Murray left the White House after their long wage battle last Saturday, the steel executive invited the labor chief to get into his limousine. Then the two men rode around the block a couple of times chuckling over the way Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach seemed jealous of John Steelman, Truman's personal labor adviser, and how both joggled elbows with John Snyder, the St. Louis banker who is sup- posed to be the war reconverter. At that particular moment, the two men who had been at the opposite ends of the argu- ment for weeks seemed closer together person- ally than the three Truman negotiators- though actually the day's dickering had not budged them by many fractions of an inch. .Pl.b-ly A ccount Here is the play-by-play account of what hap- pened. When Fairless and Murray were first invited to the White House, they expected to see the President himself. However, Saturday morning, both received orders to report to John Snyder's office. When they arrived, they found Snyder, Steelman and Schwellenbach waiting for them. Snyder informed them that the President would not see them at one, but would be available if he were needed. A short time later, the entire conference moved from Snyder's wing of the White House to the cabinet room. Snyder began by asking the two men if either had changed his position since their conference broke up the day before in New York. Both Murray and Fairless said there was no change. Fairless said U. S. Steel had gone as high as it could go by offering an increase of 15 cents an hour. Murray pointed out that he had cut his de- mand from 25 cents an hour to 19 1/2 cents. He also pointed out that the steel workers were still engaged before the war labor board in a year-long argument over a five cent an hour increase still undecided, but certain to go to the union. He urged Fairless to throw that increase into the current negotiations to stave off the strike. Murray said he was willing to yield two cents of the five due to the union in the War Labor Board litigation if Fairless were willing to yield on his present proposal of a 15-cent increase. Fairless, however, did not yield. He replied that his company had a rough time getting the other steel companies to go along with a 15-cent in- crease and that several had done so under con- siderable pressure. Both Bethlehem Steel and Tom Girdler's Republic Steel are among those who bucked U. S. Steel hardest on this. See President Truman Finally, after more than two hours of argu- ment, the three "S" men trooped out of the cabinet room and into Truman's office. Ten min- utes later, they came back and escorted Fairless in to see the President. Truman then gave Fairless a straight-from the-shoulder lecture. He pointed out that the national interest was at stake, that the admin- istration was being generous to the steel cor- porations by offering a four-dollar-a-ton price increase, and that the country couldn't afford to let the strike start. Fairless pleaded that he had no authorization from the industry to go any higher than 15 cents an hour. This, incidentally, is what Murray had warned Fairless would say. Shaken by Truman's tough attitude, Fairless asked for time to talk the situation over further with his colleagues in New York. He said he needed until Wednesday to get this done. While Fairless had been talking to Truman alone, Steelman and Schwellenbach both talked to Murray separately, trying to convince him that they were supporting his case. Then the three Truman aides escorted Mur- ray in to the President. Truman asked Mur- ray if there was a chance of settlement. Mur- ray told him that the only chance rested in the Steel Company's making a decent offer which would restore some of the lost take- home pay to the 700,000 members of the union. Murray had informed the White House before the meeting that if the steel strike was settled, then all CIO unions would delay their planned walk-outs until there could be further negotia- tions. Murray told the President that the steel corporation was the piper that played the tune for all big business; that if "Big Steel" made a reasonable agreement, the electrical appliance producers, the meat packers, glass makers, the auto manufacturers would follow suit. Patience Worn Thin ruman repeated his plea that the National interest was at stake, and said he couldn't let the strike start. Murray replied that he too was anxious to avoid a strike but that after five months of fruitless negotiations, the patience of his members was worn thin. The President then said that Fairless wanted a little more time to work out a deal, so it was proposed that there be a delay of one week. Mur- ray said he would delay the strike a week as a gesture of good faith to show that the union wants to exhaust every possible avenue before taking drastic action. (copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: UNO Behavior By SAMUEL GRAFTON IT IS FASCINATING to watch the manner in which the political characteristics of the dele- gations to the United Nations Organization in London express themselves. The Russians behav- ed in an illuminatingly Russian way during the business of picking the President of the Assem- bly. The proceedings had hardly started when Andrei Gromykp, for the Soviet Union, rose and put the name of Trygve Lie, Norway's foreign minister, in nomination. This caused rapid shud- ders to run through the British and American delegations, since the Assembly's rules call for a secret ballot, and the Anglo-American dele- gates, with their strict, precise sense of law, did not see how any delegation's vote could be con- sidered secret, once it had made a public nomi- nation. But Mr. Gromyko had a promise of American support for Mr. Lie; at the end of his speech, he waited, apparently, for the American dele- gation to second the nomination. The Ameri- ans sat silent; they had been supporting Mr. Lie, truly enough, by rounding up votes for him; they had been campaigning, in the characteristic American political convention fashion, but they were not going to break their own interpretation of the Assembly's rules. The nomination was therefore seconded by Poland, the Soviet Uk- raine and Denmark; after which the Russian delegation, seeing a chance to turn the meeting into a demonstration, in a manner familiar to it, proposed that Mr. Lie be elected by acclama- tion on the ground that there had been only one nomination, and also because Norway had been one of the first victims of German aggression. Low moaning went on among the British delegates at this, for the British had been campaigning quietly for months for the elec- tion of Foreign Minister Spaak of Belgium; they had, in a way possibly also characteris- tic, been lining up a large vote for him, with- out nominations, speeches or demonstrations. This, to the Russians, smelled like a "western bloc;" but Mr. Spaak, whose name had not once been mentioned from the floor, was elect- ed; the Americans voting secretly forMr.Lie, then revealing afterward how'they had voted, thus seeking to satisfy both the rules and the Russians. O ne can say what one likes of the incident; that it shows the Russians have a high-handed, materialist disdain of formal procedure; that the British are secretive and manipulative; that the Americans are nervous, and try to please every- body. But it is more important to understand than to object, for these early manifestations give us a measure on the size of our problem. -The same kind of thing has turned up, amusingly, on the United Nations delegation which is now touring the eastern. part of the United States, selecting a permanent site for the organization. A reporter with the dele- gates swears that, regarding every site, the Russian asks only one question: "ow far is it from New York?", while the French delegate wants to know whether the place is hot, or, perhaps cold, and the chairman, Dr. Gavilevic, from mountainous Yugoslav has his own single query: "Is it hilly or is it flat?" The United Nations Organization is trying to bring together a number of peoples of whom some like it cold and some like it hilly. We must not forget that we Americans are also putting on a characteristic show of our political traits and training at London; for ours is the only delega- tion which quarrels among itself, and splits in public, and has to be pulled together and soothed by Mr. Byrnes, while mystified foreign reporters, unaccustomed to this kind of cocky individual- ism, watch and wonder. There the thing stands, and it is wrong to take severe moral positions regarding these wide political and national differences; for it is part of the spectacle that here, at last, have been brought together in one place the single- minded Bolshevik materialism of the Russians, and our own much more formal, legal, seeming- ly softer yet quite stubborn western approach; and the object is not to suppress this clash, but to see whether it can produce a third thing, new and useful to the world. A novelist would perhaps make the best reporter of what is now going on; one who can note differences in behavior without being frightened by them; one who understands that it is these differences which make this story great, and are, in fact, the best of the story and of its wonder. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Our Public To the Editor: WANT TO TAKE this opportunity to congratulate your paper on the fine editorial that appeared as of Wednesday, January 9th, headed "Emergency". The sensible thinking in this article certainly commends your editorial policy. The fact that you emphasized "temporary" as much as you did is extremely important. We all are aware of how serious the housing problem is and we are making every effort in the world to solve it. However, we do not want to create in solving it a problem that is much worse. Again offering you my congratu- lations, I remain Mayor William E. Brown, Jr. Local Discrimination To the Editor: LAST SATURDAY, I witnessed a very unpleasant incident, and as I found it against all the ideas I had about the democratic way of living of the American people, I couldn't do anything else than make some com- ments about it. A friend of mine had a visitor from Detroit; a girl who is a grad- uate from another University and was very interested in knowing something about this University of Michigan and the town where its students spend some years of their lives. On Saturday afternoon, they passed, a prominent student gathering place in downtown Ann Arbor and decided to go in and have something to eat or drink. They ordered a couple of beers and sandwiches, and while they were wait- ing for them, my friend saw a colored boy who lives in his same house and who is also a student in this Uni- versity. He went out and asked him to join them. This colored boy is a f or- eign student who studies in the Post- graduate school and is a man of whom any. college should be proud to have as a student. The place was empty, with the exception of one table which was occupied. After ten minutes of wait- 'ing for the order, they still had not received any service. Their guest wanted something else, so my friend went tothe counter and asked for it. The answer was; "We don't have it here, but even if we did have it, we wouldn't serve it to you as long as that Negro is at your table. We don't want colored people here". My friend went to his table, and in order to avoid an embarrassing sit- uation, asked his companion to go to some other restaurant because meals were not being served in that place. Not knowing all of the situation and thinking he would be served a little faster, the colored boy went to the counter and asked for the beer. The bartender served him, perhaps be- cause he thought that the customer was looking for trouble. After that, they cancelled the order and left the place. I come from Puerto Rico, a small island which is today a possession of the U.S. I know that we latins, being descendants from the Spanish, and considered conservative in some ideas. But, in my country colored people are free to go to any restaurant, and there they have the same rights as any white person. Americans are very practical in many aspects of life, and I don't see why they shouldn't be practical in this racial discrimination towards colored people. Ann Arbor has near- ly 400 foreign students; most of them have come here to learn about the democratic way of living of this country. Is that the way to show us democracy? Do people vis- iting places like that have a very definite idea of the meaning of that beautiful concept, about which so much has been said in the last years? --Gilberto Oliver GM3 Etiquette GENERAL MOTORS officials have respectfully declined to open their books to show the President's fact- finding board how prosperous the company is. Their mothers probably told them never to make a vulgar display of their wealth. * * * Manufacturers complain that they are unable to get the labor they need at the present peacetime wage rates. They would appreciate it if the worker would stop trying to balance his personal budget in this annoying way. -Howard Brubaker, New Yorker, Jan. 12 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 52 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. To the Members of the Faculty-Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: There will be a special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts on Jan. 21 at 4:10 p.m., in Room 1025 Angell Hall, for continued discussion of the curriculum proposals. Large atten- danceof the faculty is desired at this meeting. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 19.46-1947 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 8. Those wishing to re- new previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so in- dicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Secre- tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. The Clements Library contem- plates arranging an exhibition of rare books owned by members of the Fac- ulty of the University. The Director of the Library would be happy to hear from colleagues who think this is a good idea and who would like to participate by lending some rarity. Entries are limited to one title per exhibitor. Choral Union Members. Courtesy passes for the Heifetz concert will be issued to all members of the Chorus whose attendance records are clear, on the day of the concert, Friday, Jan. 18, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4. After 4 o'clock no passes will be issued. TWA Airlines: Miss Rotenhagen, and Miss Davis willtbe in our office Thursday, Jan. 17, to interview any senior girls who are interesting in being a hostess, stewardess, ticket agent, or reservationist. Call the Bu- reau of Appointments, University ext. 371, for appointment. Senior Mechanical, Aeronautical) and Industrial Engineering Students: Mr. F. W. Powers of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, E. Hartford, Conn., will in- terview for positions in that organi- zation, Wednesday, Jan. 16, in Room 218 W. Engineering Bldg. Students may sign the Interview Schedule at Rm. 221 W. Eng. Bldg. and fill out application blank in ad- vance. :Lectures Mrs. Paul Robeson, author and an- thropolgist, will speak tonight at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium on the subject "The Negro and the Pattern of World Affairs." Mrs. Robeson will be pre- sented by the Oratorical Association as a substitute for Richard Wright on the Lecture Course. Tickets will be on sale today from 10-1, 2-5, 7-8:30 at the auditorium box office. Patrons holding Richard Wright tick- ets are asked to use them for admis- sion. Professor Rensselaer Lee of Smith College and the Institute for Ad- vanced Study of Princeton will speak on "Poussin and the Ancient world," at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 17, in the Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Dept. of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. Dr. F. A. Vening Meinresz of the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, recent recipient of the Penrose Medal of the Geological Society of America, and well known for his measurements of gravity anomalies at sea in con- nection with areas of active move- ment in the earth's crust, will give a lecture on the topic, "Shearing of the Earth's Crust and Shift of the Poles" Thursday evening, Jan. 17, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 2082, Natural Science Bldg. Academic Notices History of Mathematics Seminar: Tonight at 7-8 p.m., Angell Hall. Professor Anning will speak on Or- thegonal Determinants.; Concerts Choral Union Concert. J a s c h a Heifetz, violinist, will give the sev- epth program in the Choral Union Detroit, in the Rackham Mezzanine Galleries, under the auspices of the College of Architecture and Design. Jan. 16 through 31, daily except Sun- day, afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The Broadcasting Service and the School of Music present another pro- gram in the "Epochs in Music" today at 2:00-2:30 p.m. over Station WKAR (870) featuring Music in England in the XVII Century with an all Henry Purcell Program. The following works will be heard: Overture "The Rival Sisters" for Piano (Miss Roberta Booth) and String-ensemble (Misses Joan Bullen, Arline Burt, Sarah Cos- sum, Peggy Kay, Ruth Lindecker, Dorothea Markus, Mary Jane Ward- well, Virginia Yokum, Betty Yost; Messrs Russel Howland, Milton Weber, Perry Yaw); "Golden Son- ata" for two violins .(Prof. Wassily Besekirsky and Mr. Milton Weber) and Piano (Assoc. Prof. Maud Okkel- berg); Three Arias for Soprano (Miss Shirley Marcellus) ; "Pavanne" for String-ensemble; "Trumpet Volun- tary" for Organ (Mr. Francis Hop- per), Trumpets (Messrs. Nathan An- derson, Robert Carson, William Penn), Trombones (Messrs. Allen Chase, Felix Mackerman, Miss Alice Wisonesky) Drums (Messrs. Warren Benson, Edward Riley). Commenta- tor: Mrs. Max Crossman. The entire program is under the direction and supervision of Prof. Hanns Pick. Ba i B'rith Hillel Foundation So- cial Committee will meet Thursday 4:00 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation. The attendance of all Social Commit- tee members is requested. All inter- ested in working on the Social Com- mittee are invited to attend. a Seminar on Expansion of Chris- tianity: 4:30 today at Lane Hall Mr. Littell will continue his discussions on the expansion of Christianity. Unity: Mrs. Eve Edeen will speak on "The Secret Place of the Most High" at the Wednesday evening meeting of Unity at the Michigan League Chapel, at 7:15 p.m. A. I. E. E. There will be a meeting of the Michigan Student Branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers today at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Prof. W. G. Dow of the electrical engineering faculty will speak on "Jamming the German Radar." Plans will be made for a trip to the Rouge Plant Feb. 1 and also for the annual A. I. E. E. ban- quet. And member desiring a copy of the group picture should sign up on the E. E. bulletin board. All stu- dents of electrical engineering and any others interested are invited to attend this meeting. Flying Club: There will be a short business meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in room 1042 E. Engineering Building. All non-members interested, as well as members, are urged to attend. The Modern Poetry Club will meet this evening in room 2331 Angell l~all at 7:30. A general discussion will be held and several poems written by some of the members will be read. Research Club: The January meet- ing of the Research Club will be held tonight at eight o'clock. Because of the illness of Professor Hobbs there has been a change in the program. Professor D. B. McLaughlin will pre- sent a paper on "Michigan Studies of Novae," and Professor E. A. Phil- ippson a paper on "New Finds and New Methods in Germanic Religion." Coning Events Tea at the International Center: The weekly informal teas at the In- ternational Center on Thursdays, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to all foreign students and thefr Ameri- can friends. Phi Delta Kappa. There will be a coffee hour on Thursday, Jan. 17, at 4 o'clock in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. President Ruthven will speak on "Some Problems Regarding Admis- sions to the University of Michigan." Members of all chapters are cordially invited. Mortar Board will meet Thursday evening, Jan. 17 at 7 o'clock in the Undergraduate Office in the League. The I.C.C. Educational Committee will present a talk by Professor Lob- anov-Rostovsky: "Causes of the Rus- sian Revolution," Thursday evening, Jan. 17, at 7:30 p.m. at Stevens Co-op, 816 Forrest. All are invited to attend and participate in the bull session afterwards. Refreshments will be served. La Sociedad Ilispanica will hold the fourth of its lecture series Thurs- day, Jan. 17 at 8:00 p.m. in Kellog DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN BARNABY Having selected Defect and Collect as the Quiz Show your Fairy Godfather Will you ao to the studio By Crockett Johnson Your ignorance, m'boy, is touching. J. Darryl O'Malley, who is about to produce a mighty I