UNO BEHAVIOR See Fagg, It uAuu t*1 FAIR CONTINUED COOL VOL. LVI, No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Faculty Shortage Faces U.S. Colleges Conference Advocates Greater Use Of Small Liberal Arts Schools-Keniston. By CLAYTON DICKEY The University and other educational institutions throughout the coun- try are faced with the critical and difficult problem of acquiring adequate teaching staffs to keep pace with increased enrollments, Dean Hayward Keniston, of the literary college, declared yesterday. Dean Keniston, who represented the University at the conference of the Association of American Colleges in Cleveland, summed up the faculty prob- lem as follows: Because of wartime depletion of graduate schools, there is no back- log of graduate students who would be eligible as instructors; Briggs Gives Plan To Fight Housing- Need Building Boom Will Not Solve Problem Answering Mayor William E. Brown Jr.'s question, "How long is temporary?" concerning the Univer- sity's new temporary housing units, Vice-president Robert P. Briggs said yesterday that present plans call for demolishing the structures in the summer of 1948. sriggs and Brown appeared in a broadcast with Mrs. George Ross of the Veterans Counseling Service, speaking on "sousing in Ann Arbor" at 1:15 p.m. yesterday over WAG. Brown said that the city alone needs 2,000 housing units, to make up for the low rate of, building during the 1930's while the city population increased almost 100%, to 37,000 today. Only 87 houses were built in the past four years. He predicted a building boom during next summer, but said it would not be big enough to fill the need. Briggs set the Uni- versity enrollment next iall at 15,000, half of which would be veterans. Students and wives of faculty members were encouraged to take part in the volunteer survey of extra housing space in the city. The sur- vey now has 100 volunteers, needs 150 more. Those interested should contact Miss Bader 223 E. Ann St., phone 26551, at the CDVO office. City residents who are in doubt as to the legality of converting extra space into apartment were encour- aged to contact the city engineers' office, which will inspect their homes and give them required information. FEPC Petitions Sent Congress Letters, Postals Total 1,310 in Campaign A total of 650 letters to representa- tives and senators in Congress and petitions with 2,815 student signa- tures will be sent to Washington, D. C., as a result of the two-day campus FEPC campaign which closed yes- terday. Sponsored by the FEPC sub-com- mittee of the Committee for Liberal Action's national and international affairs group, in cooperation with seven campus organizations, the cam- paign was designed to put pressure on Congress which reconvened Monday. Telegrams urging the immediate pas- sage of the Fair Employment Prac- tices Commission legislation were sent to 'Senator Alben Barkley by these groups last month. Approxiilately 225 individually written letters, commending Mr. Tru- man on his support of FEPC legis- lation in his address to the nation, were sent to the President, while 435 post cards were mailed to Rep. Joseph E. Martin and Sen. Alben Barkley, House and Senate leaders, respective- ly. Of the form letters sent to mem- bers of Congress, 420 were addressed to representatives from Illinois, In- diana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma and Tennessee, who have not signed the discharge peti- tion to release the House bill from the Rules Committee. Letters to sen- ators from Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, in addition to the above states, totaled 230. New Strike Affects 200,000 Workers Jan. 15-(A)-A strike by 200,000 electrical workers-the largest single walkout of the reconversion period- +nda toor the limelighta nnn the Present graduate students who are Teaching Fellows cannot carry a heavy teaching load because of the great amount of time required for regular studies. Dean Keniston said he agreed with the Cleveland conference's view that greater use should be made of small liberal arts colleges. The conference reported that vet- erans are crowding into about 100 large, well-known universities and are shunning the small colleges-. Dean Keniston said he believes that many veterans will attend ol- lege for only two years. Therefore, junior colleges can help meet the demand for veteran education. The conference recommended that a central clearing house be set up to advise veterans of existing vacan- cies in educational institutions throughout the country. Dean Keniston pointed out that the small colleges have an even greater problem in increasing their faculties, because they have no graduate schools for training. "But the fact remains," he said, "that the large universities cannot handle all the veterans." The government must provide more housing and classroom space, he declared, because "it is useless to offer free education to the vet- eran unless colleges and universi- ties are given adequate facilities." Dean Keniston noted the tendency of many veterans who formerly at- tended small colleges to seek admis- sion to larger, more expensive insti- tutions. He reported that many pri- vately endowed universities are not accepting transfer students, thus throwing a greater burden on the state universities which have more liberal admission policies. Expressing the hope that the University will not attempt to. ac- commodate too large an enroll- ment, Dean Keniston said, "we must meet the present emergency with emergency measures, but we must not lose sight of long-range academic standards.". On the general problems of higher eduation, Dean Keniston said that education must be used to promote international understanding. On the continuing problems of teachers, he said that "unless fi- nancial returns for teachers are in- creased, qualified students will go into industry or other fields." On the problems of curricula, Dean Keniston noted at the Cleveland conference "a universal tendency to- ward a more rigorously defined un- dergraduate curriculum." He also noted two approaches to general edu- cation: (1) through a common body of knowledge and (2) through com- mon intellectual experience, or com- mon discipline, in the sciences and humanities. Birds of a Feather It happened in an economics class. The professor asked one student a question. The reply was "I don't know." The professor asked another stu- dent. "I agree with him," was the re- tort. The professor became curious. "Do you two study together," he inquired? MenottiOpera To Be Given Tonmrrow 'Fau stV Scene Will Also Be Presented Gian-Carlos Menotti's "Old Maid and the Thief," to be presented to- morrow, Friday and Saturday in the Lydia Mendellsohn Theatre, is the first successful American opera to be written for radio. First commissioned and performed by the National Broadcasting Co. in 1939, it has had subsequent perform- ances both by radio and theatre. It has been produced recently by the Philadelphia Opera Co., and by many leading universities throughout the country. 'Faust' Garden Scene The opera, in addition to a per- formance of the garden scene from Gounod's "Faust," will be presented by Play Production of the Department of Speech, the School of Music and the University Orchestra. The "Faust" garden scene compris- es the thirmd act of the grand opera founded on Goethe's tragedy. It in- cludes the famous "Jewel Song" of Marguerite and the quartette of Mar- guerite, Faust; Mephistopheles and Martha. The cast for "The Old Maid and the Thief" will include Carolyn Street as Miss Todd, Georgia Christophsen as Miss Pinkerton, Doris Lawton as Laetitia and Henry Austin as Bob. Rose Derderian will be Marguerite in "Faust." Barbara Lee Smith will be Siebel, Guey Baker, Faust, Henry Austin, Mephistopheles and Charlotte Boehm, Martha. Production Director Prof. Valentine Windt. will direct the production, assisted2 by Prof. William Revelli, Dr. Earl V. Moore and Prof. Arthur Hackett as musical directors. Performances will be given at 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Saturday and 3:30 Friday. Tickets may be purchased at the theatre box office which will be open every day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 to 5 p.m.# Meeting For Coed Advisers An activities meeting will be held at 4 p.m. today in the ballroom of the League for all women who are inter- ested in petitioning for spring and fall orientation adviser positions. The duties of the adviser and the entire orientation schedule will be explained at the meeting by Betty Vaughn, chairman of freshman or- ientation, and Natalie Maguire, chair- man of transfer orientation. A mem- ber of Judiciary Council will explain the procedure of petitioning and in- terviewing. Petitioning for the positions of freshmanand transfer advisers is now open to all juniors, sophomores, and second semester freshmen. The petitions will be due at noon Satur- day in the Judiciary box in the Un- dergraduate Office of the League. Pe- titions may be obtained in the Social Director's Office of the League. The petition is to be made out in full and is to contain the candidate's ideas and plans for the orientation period. Constructive criticisms of past orientation periods should be included in the petition. Interviews will be held from 1:15E p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, Jan. 22, 23, 25, and at the same hours Tuesday, Jan. 29. Candidates are asked to sign on the interviewing sheets which are posted in the Undergraduate Office. Those coeds who were orientation advisers for the 1945 fall term and whose services will again be needed will be notified by postcard and need not petition or be interviewed by Ju- diciary Council. From Music Union by Petrillo; VO To Sponsor Rally xc e o MarciDi Stuent To Will Help Polio Vic BDiscussedFour Hundred BoxesMoney Used Need for student exchange and Placed on Campus Wherever Ne aims of the VO International Student Exchange Committee will be dis- More than 400 dime boxes have "The community gi' cussed by four speakers at an all- been distributed throughout the for use among polio v campus rally at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow dorms, fraternity and sorority houses, see to it that it is used in the International Center. and local merchants' stores in the needed regardless of Enrique Rogers of Chile, Eric S. W. University drive to secure funds for status of the patient," Cheo of China, Rostislov A. Galuzev- the nation-wide polio drive, it was Ketcham, chairman fo ski of Russia, foreign exchange stu- announced yesterday by Jean Gaff- naw County March of dents on campus, and Dr. James ney, head of the women's committee. paign said in an interv Brett Kenna of the First Methodist All asked to give Pointing out the su Church in Ann Arbor will be the Although no quota has been set required for care of speakers. for University students and faculty Miss Ketcham said to meet, it is hoped, said George s945 echi f t The VO International. Student Spaulding, chairman of the men's ' exclusive o tI Exchange Committee sent letters committee, that all will give to make December, $11,535 w to student groups at other univer- this one of the greatest drives possible care of the 43 cases sities in efforts to create interest in in memory of the late President Hospital. "It has be legislation providing for the mass Roosevelt. that the average cost exchange of undergraduate stu- Half the dimes collected throughout patient is somewhere dents. They support Senator Wil- the county will be retained to defray 500 but with additio liam Fulbright's proposal to expe- the expenses of fighting polio in in- tures for nurses andc dite the inauguration and opera- dividual cases. The remaining amount erations, it usually r tion of a' system of foreign stu- will be sent to the National Founda- she said. dent exchanges. Senator Ful- tion for Infantile Paralysis where the "Last year, our exp bright's measure would give the money will be used in the broad na- ceeded by $4,000 th State Department use of govern- tional battlefront. The funds will fi- money we received ment funds to dispatch and main- nance investigations in an effort to March of Dimes Can tain American students at foreign devise new treatments, preventives or Ketcham added. She universities. cures for infantile paralysis. overdraft expenditure w Rostislov A. Galuzevski was born in Larger grants than have ever been ing residual funds f Russia and graduated from a French receivedhfor investigation have been years. University and Roberts American given the University. The research "In addition to th Engineering College in Istanbul, Tur- carried on by this money has made new cases in any on key. He has traveled extensively in possible the best treatment known to are also cases that car Europ e asitr Far East. His topic man in caring for 43 persons in Wash- previous epidemic yea will be "Student Exchange in Rela- tenaw County who were afflicted in be treated," Miss Ket( wilb~SuetExhnei ea 1945 with the disease, out. "There is a long tion to Russia." Galuzevski is presi- Great movement examination and ova dent of the Graduate Council here In speaking of the current drive, said, "Patients return on campus. Miss Virginia Schumacher, chairman for periodic checkup Enrique Rogers, a native of of the Washtenaw County campaign, must have shoes presc Chile, is here as an exchange stu- said, "This intensive fight against in- tered for the individu dent after serving 9 years with the fantile paralysis is undoubtedly the Not all patients have Chilean navy. His subject will be greatest voluntary d humanitariantNotal. "Otensf the "Betterment of Inter-American movement in the recorded history of the hospital. "One of Relations Through Student Ex- mankind. It has enlisted the personal Warm Springs Four change." Eric S. W. Cheo from interest and contributions of a ma-Wg China will discuss the work done by jority of Amnerica's adult population. year, Miss Ketcham s organized groups of Chinese stu- It exists only and through your con- number have gone to r dents during the war and the need tinluing support. saidntha Cotgrs ave for more exchange scholarships to aid that others have r promote better understanding be- ment in Farmington, N tween nations ir corS y Funds raised by t Dimes Drive in Wash' Dr. James Brett Kenna will express dswill be divided equally his ideas on how the exchange of stu-URadiO eelsNational Foundationa dents can be a medium for interna- community. Patients f tional goodwill and understanding in tikl e Grad s Chelsea, Dexter and ot his speech at the Rally. ing cities are treated a __Occasionally patients "Radio needs more and more col- tending the University SIIA.W iflEdit lege people", declared Judith Waller, are cared for at the h director of public service for the Na- - .Mtional Broadcasting Co., in a lecture New Ma az me yesterday before an assembly of 'U' rs.Robe speech students. ,Speaking on "Career In Radio", " Insight' Designed To Miss Waller said that the student in- G ive 4 Stimulate 'U' Students terested in radio should secure a good cultural background in such subjects Will Discuss Those red poster signs with "In- as English, history, languages and sight" staring at you in that race psychology before attempting special- Of Negro in across campus to a late 8 o'clock is ization. "We feel that the colleges and noannosampustobatprfes orloruniversities should teach the funda- Mrs. Paul Robeson, not an innovation by a professor or mentals of broadcasting, while we and anthropologist, wil the University at large lut the title specialize in advanced work at our Negro and the Pattern of a new magazine edited by the Stu- institutes developed for that purpose", fairs" at 8:30 p.m. tod dent Religious Association. Miss Waller said. ditorium, under the s The magazine's purpose is to stim- "Radio is a man's business, whether the Oratorical Associat ulate and awaken interest in student we like it or not", Miss Waller said. The wife of Paul F participation in campus affairs, as However, she pointed out that there brated baritone, Mrs.F well as better understanding of vital are good opportunities for women in a B.S. degree in chemi problems in society as a whole. writing, advertising, sales promotion lumbia University and The first issue will go on sale and more recently in control room gree in anthropology. January 25. It will discuss the value techniques. "Undoubtedly there will She is the authorc of student government and the stu- be more opportunities for them when "Paul Robeson, Negro" dents' role in shaping the curriculum. frequency modulation becomes com- Journey" in which sh The staff is headed by Joyce Sie- mon", she added. Miss Waller said oppressive yoke under gan, editor of the magazine, with that the field with the best chances of black men live. Du Jean Kilpatrick, assistant editor, and for success is writing. "We need peo- Mrs. Robeson was an Keitha Harmon, manager of the busi- ple that have ideas and who can ex- with the Motor Corps c ness staff. press them", she emphasized. Red Cross. L ,e ves ict w th M r t fD ie ims pol tl e as at en pe a na oth un en e< th np sa was roi en e y rry rs cha pe lua s E rib al e r 0 to nd ta t a .ec die her ten 7b an ro he t t wh w sp s1 S( a P W no Sdi of ay ;por lo Ro Ro str la of 'a ie wh iri ac div Tomorrow v Board Hears rms Director of 4ocilyMuscCamp, Jocall HSic 1 ded By The Associated Press CHICAGO, Jan. 15 - Dr. Joseph us money E. Maddy, founder and director of ims and we the National Music Camp at Inter- herever it is lochen, Mich., emerged from a closed ie financial session of the AmericanFederation iss Dorothy of Musicians executive board today he Washte- and said he believed he would be )imes Cam- "thrown out" of the union, of which w yesterday. he has been a member for 37 years. of money He had been summoned to the io victims hearing by James C. Petrillo; AFL at during union president, to show cause why month f he should not be expelled on charges sn or of teaching music at Interlochen and Uniesty thereby engaging in acts detrimen- Unversity tal to the union. estimated .r year per Testifies at Closed Session round $2,- After testifying at the session, , expendi- Maddy told reporters he believed er consid- there would be no announcement for s higher," two or three days. Asked if he had any idea of the probable outcome, however, he said: ditures ex "Oh yes, I'll be thrown out." amount of Maddy declared the issue was "un- irough the questionably a personal feud because aign," Miss Petrillo just doesn't like me and he id that the doesn't like music education." He met by us- said the board wouldn't permit him m previous to discuss the union's ruling that the camp was unfair. The camp was number of placed on the AFM unfair list in Jan- year, there uary, 1945. over from 'Violated' By-Laws that must Charles Agley of Los Angeles, AFM m pointed vice-president, asserted, however, xiod of re- that the controversy "never has been tion," she one between Petrillo and Maddy - the clinic it is between the federation and and often Maddy on the question of violation ed and a- of its laws." case. "The specific charge against Mr. emained at Maddy is that after the executive ur patients board had placed Interlochen Camp go to the on the unfair list, Maddy, a member ation, last of the AFM, violated the constitu- ted, "and a tion and the by-laws by playing and he Oakland rendering services for and at such time." She camp," Bagley declared in a state- eived treat- ment. h. Will Continue To Fight March of "If I am dismissed from the union," aw County Maddy said in an interview, "I will etween the continue to fight for the freedom of d the local musical education in this country. n Ypsilanti, I do not need to be a member of the x neighbor- union to earn alivelihood, but I be- he hospital. lieve in the objectives of the union o were at- and know the union to be necessary." hen striken Maddy, who is professor of radio ital. music instruction at the University of Michigan, declared the union "has no jurisdiction over the teaching of on music" and that Petrillo was "throt- tling" the future of his union by his action against the camp. k - "I intend to continue teaching mu- sic and to fight any and all restric- tive bans or edicts that would inter- fere with the rights of educators to orld teach and children to study music," he added in a written statement. ted lecturer liscuss "The T World Af- ive in Hill Au- nnsorship of of . of PhLippines beson, cele- beson holds egins Today y from Co- Ph.D. de- With a goal of $7,500 the drive for the University of Philippines fund two books, will begin today and extend through nd "African Jan. 26. depicts the The money raised will be used to ich millions aid in rehabilitation of the Philip- ng the war, pine school. At a recent all-campus tive worker election, that institution was chosen 'ision of the to be recipient of Michigan endeav- ors to help a war-ravaged university. As a general rule the money col- lected in local drives is pooled in the national WSSF fund from which it is allocated into the most needy channels. However, since the Uni- versity of Michigan has elected to aid one specific foreign university, the Philippines, the campus WSSF drive this year will be held in co- ers. Russia operation with the Student Organi- e such an zation for International Cooperation explaining and will be for the University of the ment feels Philippines only. evolved by disadvan- Gohdes To Lecture 'serves in- esent eco- A AtRackham Today Maddy Expects To Be Dismissed SOLUTION FOR INT ERNA T IONA L DISPUTES: Prof. Preuss Urges Compulsory Arbitration By MARY BRUSH "If the United States now takes a stand approving compulsory arbi- tration of international disputes, it is probably safe to say that all other countries, with the exception of the Soviet Union, will follow suit," Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of the political science department, would mean that in case a dispute arose between the United States and any other nation also accept- ing the obligation, either party could cause the matter to be brought before the Court, without any further agreement. The Court's decision in such a case would be ui mliii emplified by Coughlin's claim that membership involved a surrender of sovereignty, Prof. Preuss said. "There is no surrender of sover- eignty in this proposal. We are merely exercising our sovereignty in agreeing to a reciprocal obliga- tion." Pointinn-it tht +he-+ +ho TTnr+da Cia "I think it will. The only danger is that since we have already joined the court, it will be hard to arouse interest in making its jurisdiction compulsory." There is strong bi-partisan support for the measure. It has even received the support of such an isolationist as pn_ Rnhpnt rTsft _Prnf . pcusqo aa ceptable to all the powe is not at all likely to acce obligation," he said, that the Russian govern that the form of lawe western states would be tageous if applied to d volving it under the pr nomin gvctarm