PAGE FOiF THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Sixth Year 1'D RATHER BE RIGHT: z Congressional Shoo*Iy IAttitude THE AGE OF JACKSON: Cites Weaknesses in Study of Period ON4 Tom DW N F P I J Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . .. Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore . . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . .Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. AEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI.3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. cHIICAGO * BOSTON " LOS ANGELES " SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTYANN LARSEN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE GI demonstrations all around the world can be blamed partly on Congress, for it is Congress which has set up the principle that reconversion is a matter of every man for him- self. Congress' shoo-fly attitude toward postwar problems has helped to establish a prevailing national mood, of which the GI demonstrations must be viewed as only a part. We had .our choice, at the end of the war, of dismantling our war effort carefully and thoughtfully, or of kick- ing it over; and it would be hard for the bi- partisan opposition bloc in Congress to deny that it chose the latter course as its program, and that it has chopped logic furiously ever since in defense of it. It is an error to view the G1 outburst in the Philippines, China, France and the United States as a thing in itself, and as a problem to be considered on its merits, in a kind of military vacuum. The problem is not one of military morale alone, but of national morale, affecting military morale. If the GI knew that our reconversion planning made sense, if he knew that jobs and homes, or reasonably ac- curate facsimiles, were being thoughtfully con- trived for him by hard-working legislators; if he felt that we had some sort of plan for the next two years, some of the edge might be taken cff his furious desire to get home and find a first glace for himself in the uncertain peace-time chow line. But we cannot set up a wild, individualistic scramble as our mood and style on the home front, aid expect one group of citizens, in uni- form, to button up their emotions and, alone, to regulate themselves by considerations of the national good. N THEIR CONFUSION, the GIs- are turning to Congress, and strafing Congressmen with cablegraims demandilg immediate demobilIh at ion. But this is right up the Congressional alley; this kind of kick-it-over dismantling of the war effort is exactly what the conservative majority wants, and it conveys to the President the de- mands of the GIs in exactly the same spirit in which it conveys to him the demand of the National Association of Manufacturers that price control be abolished within a matter of weeks or months. It is to Le doubted whether some of these cngressmen are really the best ultimate friends of the GI; for included in their number are many who fight Mr. Truman's efforts to make the reconversion make sense. Mr. Rankin of Mississippi, for example, is not perturbed by the GI demonstrations; he takes them amiably in his stride, and seems rather cheered by them, and uses them as a kind of argument against the President. BUT the plain truth is that the Rankins can- not solve the GIs' problems; even bringing the soldiers home does not solve their problems; and a Congress which has done a great deal to create the mood leading to the present demon- strations, is now using those demonstrations to intensify that mood, to send our war controls flying apart as if a fire-cracker had gone off amongst them, to whip us toward a deeper fail- use, and a vaster muddle. The GI has a case for a Congressional investi- gation of the unfairness of demobilization pro- cedures; but the GI's political problem is an ex- tremely intricate one, and he will be paying a high price for a somewhat quicker ticket home if the result is total collapse of our wartime con- trols and organizations, and an intensification of our feeling that the war is over and that we can forget all about it. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.-The Age of Jackson. New York, Little, Brown, 1945. $5.00 TIE AGE OF JACKSON by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., interpreting only some of the many politico-eco- nomic aspects of American history from 1829 to the Civil War, is con- cerned mainly with eastern radicalism of the 1830's and 40's. The author's scholarship is most clearly revealed in his treatment of the Workingman's Party and eastern Locofocoism. Here the documentation is richly adequate and the arrangement very skillful- the great bulk of the primary materi- als has eastern origins. Throughout the book the writing is forceful and* the style attractive. The basic political issue is found in the intermingled concepts of property rights vs. human rights, the rich vs. the poor, and the busi- ness community vs. the liberals. Mr. Schlesinger does not probe beneath this well-worn theme although he does assert that Marx and Lenin made no pretense to the invention cf the theory of class conflict. Building upon this issue, the author seeks to establish the rationale of Jacksonianism in particular and of American Democracy in general and endeavors to maintain in addition that ". . . the East remained the source of effective expression of Jack- sonian radicalism, and Eastern ideas rose to supremacy in Washington as Jacksonianism changed from an agi- tation into a program." After expand- ing this development in thin chapters devoted to intellectual, industrial, le- gal, religious, literary, and utopian aspects of "Jacksonian Democracy," the author traces his version of that democracy into the Free Soil move- mentand thence into the Civil War. Mr. Schlesinger attacks indis- criminately historians of the fron- tier, e.g., "The great illusion of his- torians of the frontier has been that social equality produces economic equalitarianism. In fact, the de- mand for economic equality is gen- erally born out of conditions of so- cial inequality .. . "It is only equi- table to note that many years ago a well-known historian of the fron- tier, Frederick Jackson Turner, en- couraged one of his seminar stu- dents, William Trimble, to investi- gate eastern Locofocoism. Years later in the American Histori- cal Review (April, 1919) Trimble not only suggested the influence of the East on the West as opposed to posi- tions taken by some historians of the frontier but also located in the New York of the 1830's a center " . . . where the impacts of transformation funda- mental in modern life were being deeply felt . .. Believing that history repeats it- self, Mr. Schlesinger has found many resemblances between the age of Jackson and the present, hence much of the current comment on his book. He finds, for example, the living counterpart of the leading political journalist of Locofocoism, William Leggett, to be " ... Samuel Grafton, who is, carrying on Leg- gett's tradition ... in Leggett's own paper, the New York Post." Also, speaking of history, repeti- tious or not, the author is adept with the enigma, e.g., "Had the South gone to war in 1850, the Whig party would have been saved, in spite of itself, as war has saved the Republican party today." Although inadequate even as a summary of Jacksonian democracy and hardly a comprehensive study of the age of Jackson, this book is a scholarly interpretation of east- ern radicalism of the 1830's and 40's. --William R. Leslie Department of History 110 inie Says FEPC Petitions THE NORTON BILL, H. R. 2232, to set up a permanent Fair Employment Practice Com- mission with enforcement powers was favorably reported by the House Labor Committee a year ago. Since then the Rules Committee has man- aged to stymy any further action on it by voting six to six on the question of discharge to the House floor. Rep. Mary Norton (Dem. NJ) has circulated a petition to get the bill out of committe. to date only 158 of the 218 necessary signatures have been received. The following Michigan Congressmen have not yet signed: William Blackney, Fred Crawford, George Dondero, Clare Hoffman, Bartel Jonkman, Jesse Wol- cott and Roy Woodruff. In the Senate the bill is on the Calendar and ready for floor action. Petitions to Michigan Congressmen urging their signatures will be circulated here tomor- row and Tuesday by the campus FEPC com- mittee. Also to be circulated is a petition to Sen. Vandenberg asking that he bring the Sen- ate bill to the flo&r. Waking up sleeping congressmen is the only way to get action on the bill. If the repre- sentatives don't know their constituents wish its passage, then it is up to us to tell them. The greater the number of signatures, the greater the influence of the University petition. -Anita Franz March of Dimes LW OOKS IN THE GENERAL LIBRARY Fine, Benjamin-Democratic Education. .New York, Crowell, 1945 Mr. Fine argues that a college education for all is the democratic way. This is possible only if the colleges and universities become as uni- versal as the elementary and secondary schools. He brings up the issues as to whether college education should be liberal or vocational in scope, whether the academic years should cover two, three, or four years, and whether there should be more small colleges or larger uni- versities. It is this statement of issues that makes the book valuable. Gibbings, Robert-Lovely is the Lee. . New York, Dutton, 1945. In "Lovely is the Lee" Mr. Gibbings has caught, the liesurely friendly hospitable spirit of the Irish folk who live in the valley of the Lee. The result is a charming narrative which will delight the fireside traveller. Beautifully illustrated with engravings by the author. Niggli, Josephina-Mexican Village. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1945. Mexican Village is a collection of short stories about Hidalgo. Josephina Niggli has chosen her characters from among the villagers and her themes and folklore from their daily lives. The resulting tales are thoroughly enjoyable. The illustrations by Marion Fitz-Simons add to the Mexican atmosphere of the stories. Prosser, David G.-Journey Underground. New York, Dutton, 1945. In one of the best escape stories to come out of World War II, Flight Officer Prosser tells how he bailed out over France, escaped being cap- tured by the Germans, and was returned to his air"group by the Underground. Written in a style which is as exciting as any novel. Reynolds, Quentin-Officially Dead; the story of Commander C. D. Smith. New York, Random House, 1945. This is the exciting story of one man's two spectacular escapes from the Japanese. Told in the vigorous exciting style of Mr. Reynolds' other war books. Winwar, Frances-Life of the heart; George Sand and her times. New York, Harper, 1945. "Frances Winwar has taken an almost legend- ary literary figure in a storied and peopled epoch and given us a fast-moving account in which her masterly handling of the material and the reader's joy of recognition produce a most satis- factory reading adventure."-W. S. Lynch. HE JOURNAL of Social Issues, a new voice, has undertaken to bring to us, in language of the common man, the psychology of a demo- cratic society. The service is long overdue. How shall we maintain our sense of equality before God, as dramatically stated by Jefferson and Lincoln, while we labor in zones of inequality as to man's productive ability? The office of re- ligion at this loint should be apparent. Our poets have stated the11 ese. For example, Long- fellow wrote: "Oft have I seen at some Cathedral door A laborer, pausing in dust and heat, Lay down his burden, and with reverent feet Enter, and cross himself, and on the floor Kneel to repeat his paternoster o'er; Far off the noises of the world retreat; The loud vociferations of the street Become an undistinguishable roar." If one can grant the value of symbols, and we in education are persistent users of them due to language and mathematics chiefly, then the poet has related man, his flat street and drab work to the ideal, to aspiration of the soul and to God. Whatever we learn from the psychologist, the sociologist, the pychiatrist and the group leader about the organism, about man's need of a catharsis to drain off his prejudices, about fears of persons unduly distraught, we have in the religious relation a perspective of basic merit. The poet proceeds: "So, as I enter here from day to day, And leave my burden at this minster gate, Kneeling in prayer, and not ashamed to pray The tumult of time disconsolate To inarticulate murmurs dies away, While the eternal ages watch and wait." For hundreds of years the priest has been leading the people in worship. Persons and families were beginning to use confession in a crude form to rid alert minds of fears which they could not understand before the Christian era. The millions weekly find the consecrated group with its rabbi, priest, or pastor performing the office of personal and group worship. Not only is instruction provided for the young in the art of prayer and the service of worship, but here is provided that group rapport or solidarity of understanding to which the successful psy- chiatrist turns as environment when he must say to his patient, "Now you are on your own, you are your own guide." In the worshipping' community as in the worshipping family is maintained the type of society toward which men look for normal group support if not also for social healing. Many of us believe that if we are to reach a stable democratic way of life, the community itself will have to become something like the expanded worshipping family. The visit of Prof. and Mrs. Harry Overstreet to various student centers, factory areas, large schools and general communities has demon- strated at the adult level and for the reading public how important it is for us in American life to take seriously the Fascistic type of re- action in our present culture. Says Kurt Lewin, of Massachusetts Institute, "The re-education process has to fulfill a task which is essentially equivalent to a change in culture". Now, in a former paragraph we use "wor- shipping" as a phase of family life and of com- community. The vital element which religion can contribute is that of reverence, or per- spective, a teaching of man that he is not God. To be humble but at the same time have status, feel secure, live in a friendly universe, trust values and he capable of loyalties and friendships is what we mean when we refer to the function of religion in this important work of American enrichment. We would think of that society as "advanced" in which the whole population enjoyed such grace of behavior and had the free outreach of sacred intent. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education Publication in the Daily official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m.S at- urdays). SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 50 Notices Faculty Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople this afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00. Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 16, from 4 to 6 o'clock. To the Members of the University Senate: For the meeting of the Uni- versity Senate in the Rackham Am- phitheater on Monday, Jan, 14, at 4:15 p.m. the following will consti- tute the agenda: Election of the Senate Advisory Committee (M. H. Waterman) Disposition of the Parker Fellow- ships (L. I. Bredvold) Report of the Committee on Hon- orary Degrees (F. E. Robbins) The Housing Problem (R. P. Briggs). Admissions Policy (J. P. Adams) Veterans' Books and Supplies. Vet- erans who are securing books and supplies under the Public Laws 16 or 346 must complete all purchases for the current semester by Jan. 15. This deadline is necessary to allow the University time to audit and pay the veterans' accounts at the various stores and, in turn, to submit invoic- es to the Veterans Administration for reimbursement before the end of the semester. Boyd C. Stephens, Cashier Interviews for Spring Vacancies: League housemothers are available to interview only those girls who have applied through the Office of the Dean of Women and have been re- ferred to the League Houses in this way. Women students wishing ac- commodations in League Houses must apply as above. Admission to School of Business Administration, Spring Semester: Ap- plications for admission to the School of Business Administration for the Spring Semester MUST be filed on or before Jan. 15. Information and ap- plication blanks are available in Room 108, Tappan Hall. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 1946-1947 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 8. Those wishing to renew previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Secre- tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. State of Michigan Civil Service: The Bureau of Appointments has re- deived the following Civil Service announcements: Boys' Printing Shop Trade In- structor. Salary: $160. Last filing date: Feb. 6. Reproduction Machines Supervisor A. Salary: $150. Last filing date: Feb. 6. Reproduction Machines Supervisor II. Salary: $230. Last filing date: Feb. 6. Pediatric Graduate Nurse. Salary: $180. Last filing date: Feb. 6. Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau of Appint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. City of Detroit Civil Service: The Bureau of Appointments has received the following Civil Service Announce- ments: Junior Airport Control Tower Op- erator. Salary: $2542-3009. Last filing date: Feb. 1. Senior Airport Control Tower Op- erator. Salary: $3174-3068. Last filing date: Feb. 1. Assistant Landscape Architect. Salary: $3333-3651. Last filing date: until further notice. Senior Assistant Landscape Archi- tect. Salary: $4047-4523. Last filing date: until further notice. Supervisor of Hospital Nurse Edu- cation. Last filing date: Feb. 7. General Auto Repairman. Salary: $1.41-1.51. Last filing date: until further notice. Car Body Repairman. Salary: $1.41. Last filing date: Jan. 15. Sheet Metal Worker. Salary: $1.55. Last filing date: Jan. 15. Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments2and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Connecticut State Department of Education announces openrcompet- itive examinations for critic teach- ers in the four teachers colleges. Fur- ther information may be obtained from the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Lectures Mrs. Paul Robeson, author and anthropologist,:will be presented Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. by the Ora- torical Association as a substitute speaker for Richard Wright, original- ly scheduled on the Lecture Course. Mrs. Robeson's subject will be "The Negro and the Pattern of World Af- fairs". Patrons are asked to use Richard Wright tickets for admis- sion. Tickets may be purchased Tuesdayiand Wednesday at Hill Auditorium box office. Academic Notices Lie Groups Seminar: The Seminar on Lie Group will meet on Monday at 4:30 in 3010 Angell Hall instead of Tuesday. Mathematics: There will be a special lecture on Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 4:00 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall by Professor Mahlon M. Day on "Some Characterizations of Inner Product Spaces." All interested persons are invited. Concerts Choral Union Concert. J a sc ha Heifetz, violinist, will give the sev- enth program in the Choral Union Concert Series Friday evening, Jan. 18, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The program will include composi- tions by Scarlatti, Brahms, Glazou- noff, Bach, Schubert, Mendelssohn, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Student's Approach Lutheranism". to American Coming Events Speech Assembly: Judith Waller, Director of Public Service for the National Broadcasting Company, will speak on "Careers in Radio" at the Speech Assembly sponsored by the Department of Speech at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Attendance is required of all Speech students. The program is open to the public. The U of M. Debate Squad will meet to have the Ensian picture taken on Tuesday, Jan. 15. Please meet promptly at 3:10 at the Rent- schler's Studio, 319 E. Huron St. The English Journal Club will hold its first meeting of the year Tuesday evening, Jan. 15 at 7:45 in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. After the election of offi- cers Mr. Fred Stocking and Mr. Dar- rel Abel will speak on Wallace Stev- ens and Contemporary Poetry. Re- freshments and general discussion will follow. All graduate students and members of the faculty are in- vited to attend. A.I.E.E. There will be a meeting of the student branch of A.IE.E. on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Prof. W. G. Dow of the electrical engineering fac- ulty will speak on "Jamming the German Radar." All electrical eng- ineering students and any others in- terested are invited. Flying Club: There will be a short business meeting Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in room 1042 E. Eng- ineering Building. All non-members interested, as well as members, are urged to attend. Research Club. The January meet- ing of the Research Club will be held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 16 at eight o'clock. Professor W. H. Hobbs will present a paper on "The Newly Discovered Glacial Lake Leverett" and Professor E. A. Philippson a pa- per on "New Finds and New Methods in Germanic Religion." "The Old Maid and the Thief" and the Garden Scene from Gounod's "Faust" will be presented by Play Production of, the department of speech, in conjunction with the School of Music and the University Orchestra, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8:30 and Friday matinee at 3:30, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets for the operas will be placed on sale tomorrow morning at the theatre box office. Box office hours will be from 10-1, 2-5 daily. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold the fourth of its lecture series Thurs- day, Jan. 17 at 8:00 p.m. in Kellog Auditorium. The speaker will be Dr: Santodomingo Guzman, who will talk about "Colombia-Pais Del Dorado". Dr. Guzman will illustrate his talk with a movie. All members are urged to attend. Churches First Presbyterian Church: 10:45, Morning Worship. Dr. Lemon's ser- mon topic, "The Life of God". 5:00 p.m.: Westminster Guild will meet at 5 o'clock Sunday for a panel dis- cussion on "Palestine - Much Prom- ised and Not Yet Holy Land". Rabbi J. M. Cohen and membeds of Hillel will be guests. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock. TOMORROW MARKS the opening of the 1946 drive organized for the purpose of raising funds for the National Foundation for Infan- tile Paralysis. Last year Washtenaw County collected $18,- 000 during the campaign, but this year, because of the closing of Willow Run and numerous oth- er war plants the close cooperation of Univer- sity students and faculty will be needed to even approximate the figure. Tomorrow campus committees will place dime boxes in all the fraternity, sorority, dorm and league houses on campus, and in all stores on State St. and South University. In addition to these spots, boxes will be found at all Uni- versity offices. While a quota has not been set for the drive this year, much of the money raised in this campaign will come from these boxes. It should be remembered by all those who, take the time to drop a dime in them that the money will bear interest far beyond its financial power, for when added with other contributions it will mean the difference for some child in being permanently crippled for life or in being able to walk and play again with others who have been lucky enough to have escaped the dread disease. The year 1945 marked the fourth worst polio period in the history of this country and during this period it was necessary for very large sums to be placed at the disposal of local treasurers to assure not only the medical care and nurs- ing for victims of the immediate outbreak, but to nrovide as well for the continuing care of BARNABY By Crockett Johnson The first time you closed your eyes and pointed with your fnger, Mr, C Not simultaneously, perhaps... However coin of the realm from whatever source cannot be. sneezed at. Fr ... what is youir E Doctr ! . YouC W,,cYn't mer1 I