NEW CHINA See 'age 2 Y WI Ii 4aUti4 SNOW FLURRIES; COLDER VOL. LVI, No. 49 ANN ARBOR, MICUIGAN, SATUIMAY JANUARY 12, 1916 ation FacedwithImdstrialBreakd PRICE FIVE CENTS [own Phone Strike Paralyzes Long Distance System Possible Government Seizure Is Foreseen AIRBORNE DIVISION HOME -- Members of the ren owned 82nd Airborne Division display signs naming the battlefields where they fought as they arrive in New York. Ike, Nimitz To Explain 1946 Paralysis Fund Drive Will Begin Monday Congressmen To Hear Report in Joint Session By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 - The Army and Navy agreed today to send Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ad- miral Chester W. Nimitz to a Senate- House meeting Tuesday in the de- mobilization furor. The Army reacted, too, by cutting the training period for troops to re- place veterans overseas and decided to let some long-service men out of the air force regardless of the need for specially qualified personnel. The Army Times, unofficial service publication, reported that Eisenhower has issued orders to all Army com- mands against giving basic and other elemental training to combat veter- ans. The newspaper quoted him as say- ing that "a schedule prepared pri- marily to keep such men busy for the required number of hours has no place in the Army." Some veterans HONOLULU, Jan. 11 -(0)- Headquarters of Lt. Gen. Robert C. Richardson Jr., announced to- day'a change in discharge require- ments which would mean immed- iate release of more than 6,000 officers and men of his mid-Pacif- ic command. The Public Relations Office could not say immediately wheth- er this was the result of a new directive from the War Depart- ment, whose recent demobiliza- tion slowdown order touched off soldier protest demonstrations in the Pacific. have complained they are compelled to undergo basic training repeatedly as a make-work device. A member of the full military com- mittee, Senator Kilgore (D-W Va), predicted that discharge "inequalities will be adjusted in the immediate fu- ture." In an interview at Fairmont, W. Va., Kilgore'attributed demobili- zation troubles to the Army's mak- ing "many more promises than it was able to handle." Related to the demobilization situ- ation were these developments: The Army ordered the training of replacement troops cut from 17 to Yanks Petition Mrs. Roosevelt LONDON, Jan. 11 - (IP) - High point GIs, demanding speedier rede- ployment, sought today the help of the American delegation to the United Nations Organization and re- portedly drew from Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt a promise that she per- sonally would take their complaints to the United States. 13 weeks. That will make these troops available four weeks sooner for re- placing veterans overseas. Army Air Forces announced that some soldiers with long service will be released automatically without re- spect to the need for specially quali- fied men. Any AAF enisted man with 50 points and 42 months of service can get out. UNO Assembly Key Posts Go j To Big Powers LONDON, Jan. 11 -(OP)- The five key powers of the United Nations Organization - the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia- were elected today with Venezuela and South Africa to the seven vice- presidencies of the UNO General As- sembly. Thus the newly-formed Assembly temporarily accepted big-power lead- ership in forming an influential steer- ing committee and moved 'swiftly ahead with building a new peace ma- chine for the world. Candidates supported by the big powers were elected without dissent as chairmen of six committees. The committee chairmen and the vice- presidents will sit with Assembly President Paul-Henri Spaak of Bel- gium in directing UNO's work. The committee assignments went to the Ukraine, Poland, Panama, Ur- aguay, Syria and New Zealand. There was a possibility, however, that the group of 14 might be en- larged as Guy Perez Cisneros, dele- gate from Cuba, demanded that the steering be done by representatives of all 51 nations in UNO. Miss Head McCormick Will Donations Group Carrying on the tradition of the late President Roosevelt, who estab- lished the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the 1946 drive for raising funds to benefit those af- flicted with the disease will open Jan. 14 on campus in connection with the national drive. Miss Ethel A. McCormick, social director of the League will head the University group working on the campaign. Jean Gaffney with Alice Miller, Barbara Raymer, and Janet Young as her assistants is women's chairman. George Spaulding will have Andrew Poledor as his assistant on the men's committee. "Last year Washtenaw County col- lected $18,000, making it the highest county in contributions per capita of the state," Miss Virginia Schu- maker, chairman of the Washtenaw County committee, announced. "We hope," she said, "through the help of those residing in the county, to do as well again this year." Working with Miss Schumaker in Ann Arbor will be Louis Hallen, chairman of business and industry; Mrs. Carl Stuhrberg, banks; Mrs. Frederick Matthei, hospitals; Mrs. Harry Hixson, stores and dime cards; and Miss Helen Brady, publicity. Others on the Ann Arbor commit- tees are Otto Haisley, chairman of schools; Mrs. Avery Wright, special gifts; and Miss Louise Meyer, thea- tres. The University drive will end Jan. 23. The national drive will extend through the end of the month. By The Assocaited Pr'ess NEW YORK, Jan. 11-America's vast long distance telephone system was virtually paralyzed tonight and a government official said seizure of the industry might be recommended if the strike situation became more acute. Throughout most of the nation only emergency and priority long distance calls were being handled as a result of picket lines set up at dawn by 8,000 installation work- ers at key exchanges, and subse- subsequent sympathy actions in some areas, In New York City the American Telephone and Telegraph Company announced that only five per cent of the normal number of long distance calls were being handled over its na- tionwide network lines. Telephone communications were disrupted when other telephone workers obeyed the installation em- ployes' request not to cross picket lines. Long distance service was hit first, but in some places local service also was affected. Labor Secretary Schwellenbach summoned representatives of the Western Electric Company, em- ployer of the 8,000 striking' instal- aticn workers, and the union to a conference in Washington late to- day (4 p.m. EST). A labor department official, who requested that his name not be used, said government seizure might be recommended if the telephone tie-up became nationwide. The start of picketing today was a reversal of plans announced a few hours earlier. Earnest Weaver, president of the ACEW, said at 11:20 o'clock last night that picketing would be de- layed until Monday because of the meeting called by Schwellenbach. At 4:42 a.m. he said picketing would go ahead as planned because "picket lines had been established in some locations and it was im- possible to contact them." (In Washington theGovernment conciliation service failed tonight to halt a progressive tieup of the na- tion's long distance telephone service and recessed its efforts until tomor- row.) Picket Lnes Hit Michigan Bell In Three Cites DETROIT, Jan. 11 - (P) - The Michigan Bell Telephone Co. weath- ered a series of minor service inter- ruptions today as several hundred of its employes stayed away from work rather than cross picket lines thrown around exchanges in three cities in the state. Long distance calls were limited to emergency and priority telephone users during the peak periods of 10 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 3 p.m. Calls Being Limited At 5 p.m. Michigan Bell announced that "by and large" only emergency and priority long distance calls were being accepted, and a company spokesman said he expected that condition to continue throughout the night, barring developments in Washington. More than four hours later, how- ever, thecompany said it had han- dled approximately 60 per cent as many long distance calls as were put through Thursday. Michigan Bell also said that virtu- ally all emergency and priority calls were handled and that 60 per cent of all other calls went through on sched- ule. Inaccessible Points Among points listed as inaccessible except to emergency and priority users were New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Cleveland, Washington, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Toledo, Phila- delphia, Dallas, Tex., and Kalama- zoo, Mich. The Michigan Bell Telephone Co. announced tonight that because of a strike of equipment workers and re- sulting picket lines only emergency and priority ln distance calls would Truman Steps in as Steel Strike Negotiations Halt Walkout, To Begin Monday, Would Be Biggest In Nation's History, Affect Entire Industry By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Jan. 11_- President Truman stepped into the steel wage controversy tonight as negotiations broke down in efforts to avert a strike scheduled for Monday by 800,000 members of the CIO United Steelworkers. Shortly after Philip Murray, CIO and Union President, announced that the walkout would begin, as scheduled, the President invited Murray and Benjamin F. Fairless, president of the U. S. Steel Corp., to the White House tomorrow for a continuation of talks, starting at 2 p.m. EST. Both men accepted the invitation. Negotiations Collapse Following Conference Negotiations collapsed here after a three-hour conference at which the Union reduced its wage increase demands from $2 a day to $1.60. The strike, which would be the largest in the nation's history, would affect virtually the entire steel industry as well as other manufacturing plants whose workers are represented by the steel workers union. 4 Minnesota Steel Workers Told Not To Strike Bethlehem Is Struck; Walkout at ALCOA By The Associated Press DULUTH, Jan. 11 - Duluth and northern Minnesota steel and iron ore mine workers were notified today by Henry Burkhammer, Duluth, di- rector of District 33, United Steel- workers of America, not to partici- pate Monday in the scheduled na- tionwide strike of steelworkers. Burkhammer said he has been ad- vised by the union's legal counsel in Washington to comply with the state law following a statement by Gov. Edward J. Thye that the nationwide aspect of the threatened steel strike will not nullify application of the state's 30-day waiting period. In a letter to the union members, Burkhammer said: "Since Governor Thye has taken the position the strike on Jan. 14 would be a strict violation of the Minnesota state labor act, I have been advised by our legal counsel to comply with the state law. "Therefore I will have to request that allhunion members continue work. This time will expire Feb. 7. I will notify you of later and new de- velopments. "I have also set up the strike in Michigan and Wisconsin to Feb. 7, so if we are compelled to strike, we will be prepared to shut down all steel mills and mines in the Lake Superior region at the same time." Bethlehem Steel Workers Establish Picket Lines LACKAWANNA, N. Y. -(R) - Thousands of Bethlehem Steel Co. employes left their jobs tonight and swiftly established picket lines around the sprawling plant. Joseph P. Molony, district direc- tor of the United Steelworkers, said he authorized a strike after Bethle- hem officials refused what he de- scribed as a union offer to assist in making plans for maintenance serv- ice during the strike set for Monday. Aluminum Strike Staged PITTSBURGH, Jan. 11-OP)-A walkout by 4,000 workers of the Aluminum Company of the steel strike-gqt under way today while steel companies and union represen- tatives made preparations for the ex- pected shutdown Monday of a ma- jority of the nation's steel mills. Murray, speaking quietly to report- ers in a corporation office here, said the union today reduced its wage de- mands from 25 cents an hour to 20 cents, which he said "we believe to be reasonable," but he said the cor- poration offered only. 15 cents an hour increase which the union con- siders "wholly inadequate." Settlement Not in Sight The CIO chief, also president of the steelworkers, said his conferences with Fairless and "Big Steel" representa- tives were "now breaking up with no reasonable hope of settlement in the offing." First indication that the union had receded from its $2 a day demand came earlier today when the Timken Roller Bearing Co. of Canton, O., of- fered its workers a 171/2 per cent in- crease and Murray authorized union representatives to accept a 20-cent hourly increase. CIO spokesmen said a 20-cent hourly boost would approxi- mate the 171/2 per cent offered by Timken. In his news conference tonight Murray said he was "hopeful" that an agreement could be reached with the Timken Company on that basis. Increase Not Discussed Murray said that there had been no discussion of steel price increases in his conferences with Fairless. The steel industry has asked for price increases of approximately $7 a ton to cover what it said were cost in- creases, aside from any, proposed wage adjustment. Government of- ficials have indicated a boost of $4 a ton would be approved. Murray was asked if the steel work- ers would remain on their jobs if the government should take over the plants. He replied he did not know what the government would do and that in his conferences with Fairless "we did not dwell on the realms of ,.f " Y Increase Probably Delayed Government spokesmen indicated the breakdown of negotiations prob- ably would delay any announcement of an increase in steel prices. Another high official, not quotable by name, predicted there would be immediate pressure from the admini- stration upon Congress for swift pas- sage of President Truman's proposed measure to give the backing of law to fact finding boards. Those cur- rently operating have only Presi- dential authority. The fact finding bill calls for a 30- day cooling-off period during which a presidentially appointed board would investigate and report its find- ings. Theft Discovered A robbery was discovered at 1:38 a.m. today at Fishhow's Jewelry Shop at 347 S. Main St. At the time The Daily went to press the loss had not been determined. General Motors Rejects Report Of Fact Finders. Labels Theory of GM Ability-to-pay as False By The Associated Press DETROIT, Jan. 11-General Mo- tors Corporation today announced that the report of the presidential fact finding committee was not ac- ceptable to it. The announcement was signed by C. E. Wilson, GM president. The corporation announcement said the fact finders' recommenda- tions for a 192 cents an hour wage increase and the reinstatement of its contract with the CIO United Automobile Workers was unaccept- able "in whole or in part, as a basis for settling the LYAW-CIO strike of General Motors Plants." "General Motors," Wilson's state- ment declared, "has rejected the un- sound principle that a specific com- pany should be forced to pay higher than competitve wages because of its financial ability." The corporation's announcement drew from Walter Reuther, vice-pres- ident of the CIO United Auto Work- ers, the comment, "General Motors is still in defiance of its public respon- sibility and continues to refuse to meet its obligation to the men and women who work for it." The GM president said the com- pany's latest offer of a 13%/2 cents per hour or $1.08 per day, made after the strike began 51 days ago, "still stands." "The government has stated that living costs are up 33 per cent over 1941," he continued. "Our offer, when combined with other in- creases made since January, 1941, fully compensate for this accepted increase in the cost of living, and would raise the average employee's rate of pay more than 33 per cent over what it was in January, 1941." Wilson said the presidential board's recommendation of an additional six cents an hour raise "is based on cer- tain assumptions by them which in the opinion of General Motors are unsound." "The board," he said, "tried to justify this amount in part by devious take-home pay arguments. Actually, the recommendation is based on the assumed ability of General Motors to pay this excess wage. The board made its own forecast of the future operations of the business and its own estimate of profits that might result from such operations." GM's statement came as indica- tions pointed to union acceptance of the board's recommendations made public Thursday. In New York, R. J. Thomas, presi- Ses GM REJECTS, Page 4 Gym-Jamn Will Feature Games, Folk Dancing A novel evening of informal danc- ing and sports entertainment will be provided for all students on campus when the Women's Athletic Associa- tion presents "Gym-Jam" from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. today in Barbour and Waterman gyms. Highlighting the affair will be dancing, under the direction of How- ard Liebee, of the Physical Education Department for men. Mr. Leibee has collected various types of dancing, calls and folk songs during several tours of the country. At "Gym-Jam" he will teach American country dances, including equare dancing and polkas, as well as novelty couple dances. These include the Rye waltz and the Schottish. From 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., bridge will be played in the fencing room, ping-pong in the correctives room, volleyball in Barbour gym, and from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., badmin- ton will be offered in Waterman gym. Upon arrival, those wishing to play volleyball will be issued yellow or blue ribbons to designate the teams which will compete in the games. Coeds have been asked to wear sports attire and low heels. Re- freshments will be served during the evening and tickets may be pur- chased at the door. Tradition lBro ken .. . Edmonson Says Schools Must Revise Methods To Build Peace The nation's schools must revise their methods if they are to be ef- fective in efforts to build world peace, Dean James B. Edmonson, of the School of Education, declared yester- day in a speech at the Detroit Rack- ham Building. "History textbooks must be re- written, with emphasis on the com- mon desires, achievements and dreams of mankind rather than on their disagreements and quarrels," Dean Edmonson said, pointing out that "in many countries, including our own, geography and history have been taught in such a way as to de- velop a national pride and loyalty which is based in part on contempt for other nations and their peoples." "Teaching pupils to hate and dis- nations and conceals differences is not a safe program." Dean Edmonson suggested a pro- gram within the range of pupils' maturity that is "realistic and far- sighted. We must not be misled into believing that world-wide extension of educational opportunities, regard- less of the purpose and nature of the education, will insure the develop- ment of attitudes and understanding that will contribute to the elimina- tion of war." Stressing the importance of the proper attitude among the people, Dean Edmonson predicted that "if the prevailing sentiment of our own country is hostile to the sympathetic study of other countries, most of our schools will not dare go forward with the kind of instruction that would Strike Ends as Waiters Return To Positions in Lawyer's Club Regular table service in the Law- yers Club dining room was resumed yesterday as all waiters returned to their jobs following Thursday eve- ning's walkout. A spokesman for the waiters, who prefers to remain anonymous, said that representatives of the strikers had contacted the Board of Gov- ernors and received assurances that they will receive the same food as other guests in the future. Prof. Grover C. Grismore, acting secretary-treasurer of the Law School, said that up to yesterday he had not been formally contacted by from two sources: that they were not being served the same food as other guests, although they pay the same weekly board charge of $9.20; and that their wage scale of 55 cents an hour was not sufficient to pay this charge. "The waiters find themselves at a disadvantage in comparison with waiters in league houses, fraternities and sororities who operate on a work- a-meal, eat-a-meal basis," the spokesman said. Fred Seegert, '46, a waiter, said the strike had not been called because the