SUPERSONIC WIND TUNNEL Lwp 4bp :43 a t tis CLOUDY, WARM VOL. LVI, No. 48 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS aftersinLawClubDning Room Stage akout <-I Chinese Civil Strife Ends + In Settlement Political Parties Proclaimed Equalt By The Associated Press1 CHINGKING, Jan. 10-A truce in civil strife and a new era of politicalt freedom for Communists and all other parties in China "were an-1 nounced today after two dramatic, eleventh-hour conferences arranged by Gen. George C. Marshall, Ameri- can mediater. The former U. S. Army Chief. of Staff-dispatched to China by Presi- dent Truman as a special envoy-J went into action when truce negotia- tions appeared to be breaking down last night. Swift Developments Before noon there were these swift developments: Both sides ordered an immediate cessation of hostilities and a halt to all troop movements, except for transport of government forces in Manchuria and south of the Yangtze River. Chou En-Lai, negotiator and head of the Communist delegation,praised Marshall's assistance and Chiang's determination for peace and said the "cease-fire" orders were going out today. New Session Opens Chiang Kai-Shek, opening China's unity session of the political consul- tation conference, announced that1 the government had decided to grant1 the people freedom of person, con- science, speech, publication and as-' sociation and safeguard them against illegal arrest. Chiang announced that all politi- cal parties-including the long-out-1 lawed Communist Party-would be; equal before the law and could oper- ate openly. Popular Elections Chiang promised that local self- government would be promoted throughout China and popular elec- tions would be held. The truce came suddenly and un- expectedly after the government bogged down negotiations with a de- mand that its troops be permitted to occupy certain strategic areas of the northern provinces of Jehol and Chahar. Chou described as something un- precedented the relations between the Kuomintang and Communists as a result of today's truce, reached after 18 years of almost continual conflict. Jap Admiral Did Not Make Boast -- Nimitz MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 10-(M)-Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz tonight exploded as a propaganda hoax, per- petrated by Japan's militaristic hier- archy, the reported boast by Admiral Yamamoto that he would dictate peace terms in the White House. Speaking before some 300 members of the Associated Press Managing Editors Association, the new chief of N. S. Naval Operations called upon the United States to maintain a mighty sea power "whose purpose transcends self-defense and self-pro- tection and aims at fostering interna- tional security. ." "Adm. Yamamoto was reputed to have bragged he would dictate peace in the White House," Adm. Nimitz told the newspaper executives. "We believed he made that boast; more importantly, the Japanese people be- lieved he made that boast. "But since the end of the war, we have learned from Japanese sources that Yamamoto never said anything of the kind; in fact, he had such a healthy respect for the United States that he said quite the opposite." Nimitz said the militaristic Japan- ese government lifted a single sen- tence from the context of a state- ment by the Jap naval chief Phone Strike Postponed; UA W To Hear Proposal By The Associated Press The labor-management front appears brighter today-at least in two sectors. THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT WORK- ERS has postponed plans for picketing telephone exchanges in 44 states today, Ernest Weaver, president of the union, announced last night follow- ing a last minute request by Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach that the picket plan be abandoned. Negotiations between the Western Electric company and the installa- tions workers broke down completely last night, but a nationwide phone tie- up apparently will be averted at least for the present. Pickets had been or- dered for six Michigan cities-Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Kalamazoo, Jackson and Port Huron; Barney Hawkins, vice-president of Detroit Local 38, stated that Michigan switchboard operators and other workers had agreed not to cross the picket line if it should be set up. WALTER P. REUTHER, UAW- Statement Of Protest Not Made Wage, Food Issues Canvass for Vet Housing To Begin Here Thursday A door-to-door survey in an attempt to find approximately 1,000 units of dwelling space for veterans in Ann Arbor will get underway next Thursday. The investigators will seek rooms not being rented at present in a move to alleviate the present critical housing shortage for veterans. Final plans for the canvass, which is sponsored by the University and the City Common Council, were announced after a steering committee meeting last night. Meeting Thursday Mayor William Brown and University Vice-President Robert Briggs will launch the campaign at a meeting Thursday night at the Union. At that time, information forms, credentials and final instructions will be given out. About 150 more volunteers are urgently needed for the survey, which now his 98 registrants. "It is fairly evident that rooms usually rented are all occupied," a mem- ber of the survey steering committee said last night. "We hope," he con- tinued, "that rooms never rented before will be revealed by the canvass." Completed by Feb. 1 4 _ l . I x v Involved in Dispute Pressing FEPC Problems Told At Town Hall E. M. Swan Discusses Displaced Workers FEPC's most pressing problem is that of funneling the displaced group of workers into the pre-war indus- trial market in which they have never been absorbed, according to Edward M. Swan, regional FEPC director for Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky. Speaking before campus FEPC committee members at a Town Hall meeting last night, Swan outlined the problems faced by FEPC and gave a brief history of its development. In- cluded on the panel were Rev. Ed- ward Redman of the Unitarian Church and Terrill Whitsit, president of IRA. The meeting was held in connec- tion with the campus drive, Monday and Tuesday, for signatures on peti- tions to be sent to congressmen. The petitions will ask for the immediate presentation to the House floor of the FEPC bill, now in the Rules Com- mittee, and for the introduction of an FEPC bill to the Senate. Swan explained that the job of the FEPC has been to get workers in minority groups trained in technical industrial skills, provide them with jobs in industry and see that they ac- quire jobs which fit their training. Terrill Whitsit, in indicating ave- nues of student action, recom- mended original letters and wires to congressmen, investigating and pub- licizing discriminatory tactics in Ann Arbor, and contacting campuses throughout the country to stimulate student feeling on the FEPC. Rev. Redman explained the con- tents of FEPC bills now pending in congress and declared that, to be successful, the new permanent com- mittee must have more power than the old. NIip . Government Mayv Quit Today Report Premier Will Continue Is Denied TOKYO, Friday, Jan. 11()-Pre- mier Kijuro Shidehara's cabinet met in regular session today, and a sourse at the Premier's official residence- usually well informed-predicted it would resign en bloc. This source said he expected the resignation would be announced to- day or tomorrow. He denied a Kyodo News Agency story that Shidehara had decided to remain in office while dropping only a few ministers from his cabinet to comply with General MacArthur's political purge degrees. Kyodo said the general elections, scheduled tentatively for this month, would be delayed, possibly for two more months. Liquor Law Change Favored by Mayor Speaking as the father of four Uni- versity students, Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., said yesterday that he f a- vors the lowering of the state liquoi law age requirement to legalize the sale of beer to persons 20 years of age. Mayor Brown characterized the nronosed amendment to the Ann Ar- CIO VICE-PRESIDENT, last night stated he would suggest to the Gen- eral Motors Corporation that the 19% V cent hourly wage increase proposed yesterday by the President's fact- findingboard to be used as a base rate for 1941 production levels and that provisions be negotiated whereby this base rate be increased as higher levels of production are reached. The fact-finders recommendation, which they asserted could be complied with without raising the price of cars, will be submitted to a national confer- ence of GM workers in Detroit Sun- day. OFFICIALS OF THE U. S. STEEL corp. and the CIO United Steelwork- ers will resume negotiations at 2 p.m. today in an attempt to ward off the proposed walk-out of 700,000 steel- workers Monday. The delegations, headed by Benjamin F. Fairless, cor- poration president, and Phillip Mur- ray, president of the CIO and the steel union, adjourned yesterday without announcing what progress had been made. The steelworkers are asking a $2 a day wage boost. A GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL to pay 50 cents a hundred pounds more for all the meat it buys was rejected yesterday by Armour and Company and Swift and Company, and the possibility of a nationwide meat in- dustry strike was termed very serious by U. S. Conciliation Chief Edgar L. Warren. The two meat packers turned down the proposal on the re- spective grounds that it was "wholly inadequate" tQ meet union demands and that "it must be regarded as im- practical because it would cover only the first three months of 1946 and carries no assurance as to volume., MYDA Food Plans Await Approval. MYDA's plans for a campaign to collect food for families of GM strik- ers await approval by the Student Affairs Committee, according to Har- riet Ratner, president of the organi- zation. Committees to make the plans were chosen at yesterday's meeting, but final action must be approved by the deans. Also awaiting approval by the Student Affairs Committee are plans to affiliate MYDA with American Youth for Democracy. The background of the strike situ- ation and its significance in relation to the entire domestic scene was ex- plained at the meeting by Neal Loeser. This review began a program of news reports on the strike situation to be given at each future meeting of MYDA. Also discussed at the meeting were plans for the petition campaign to support state legislation on veter- ans' housing. Three hundred civilian and Army JAG students served themselves cafe- teria style in the usually well-attend- ed Lawyers Club dining room last night. All but six of the 45 regularly em- ployed waiters walked out in spon- taneous protest prior to the dinner hour. Issue was taken by the waiters when they were served roast beef for dinner while the remaining guests were given steaks. No Formal Statement While no formal statement of griev- ances had yet been made, as far as could be learned last night, the pro- test also involves a wage issue. The waiters, who pay prices for their meals equal to those paid by Lawyers Club residents, supplementing wages with cash payments, protest partic- ularly that they are served less choice foods or left-overs. The basic wage rate of the waiters is 55 cents per hour, the standard wage in all University dining rooms. Meeting Last Night The head waiter and a few of the regular men met last night with Prof. Grover C. Grismore, secretary-treas- urer of the law school and Miss M. A. Bailie, assistant director of the club. Following the meeting Prof. Gris- more asserted that he had not been See WALKOUT, Page 2 International Ball Features Edwards' Band One of the most colorful social events of the University year, the all-campus semi-formal Interna- tional Ball will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the Union Ball- room with Jerry Edwards' orches- tra providing the music. Coat-of-arms Decorations Decorations for the ball, prepared by Rackham Fellowship artist Ed- ward Salgado, will take the form of a series of shields representing the coat-of-arms of fifteen foreign coun- tries, upon which is inscribed the word "welcome" in each nation's lan- guage. Also on display will be a silk scroll presented this week to the Interna- tional Center by Dr. Alexandro S. Garreton, Chilean heart specialist now studying procedure and organi- zational methods at University hos- pital, on behalf of the Rotary Clubs of Santiago de Chile as a token of friendship. Native Dress To Be Worn Many foreign students will wear native dress to the ball, which, said publicity chairman Robert Klinger, "may be covered pictorially and edi- torially by a national magazine." A floor show featuring bagpipe music, and Scotch, Spanish and Filipino dances will be presented at intermis- sion. Late permission until 1:30 a.m. has been granted to all women students and army personnel attending the dance. Tickets are still available, Klinger said, at the Union, the League, the International Center and from members of the executive coun- cil of the All-Nations Club, sponsor- ing organization. Committee members hope to have the survey completed by Feb. 1. In- formation collected will be made a- vailable to University and local vet- erans. The canvass will be similar to the one conducted in 1942, which revealed 900 unoccupied rooms and apart- ments. The investigation is being broken down into block units, each of which will be supervised by a mem- ber of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce. Local civic organizations are being asked to canvass their own members. Rent Ceilings The OPA has been asked to supply information on determining rent ceil- ings on rooms which are discovered. Arrangements will also be made to provide house owners with suitable tenants if they want any work done on the premises as part of the rental charges. Miss Edith Bader of the Volunteer Organization of Ann Arbor is chair- man of the survey steering committee. The survey bureau is at her office in the armory. Guldberg Heads Block Leaders Carl Guldberg of the Junior'Cham- ber of Commerce is in charge of the block supervisers. Mrs. Fred Spar- row, of the Michigan Alumnae As- sociation, is preparing information booklets for the survey. Other members of the steering committee are Dougal Duncanson, of the local real estate board and Amer- ican Legion chapter; J. Wayne Mead- ows, of the Ann Arbor Bank; Mrs. William Cooch, commander of the local American Legion Auxiliary; Robert Audette and Herbert Lossing of AVC; Russell Wilson and Clinton Haas of VO; Harold Robinson, a lo- cal veteran; Mrs. W. J. Armstrong, of the Women's Club; and Bernard Shaw, of the U. S. Employment Ser- vice. Trust Fund Is Sought by Kelly* Insuring Vets from Want Is Plan's Aim LANSING, Mich., Jan. 10-(R)- Governor Kelly agreed tonight to ask the special session of the Legislature to establish Michigan's $51,000,000 veterans reserve fund as a "perma- nent trust fund," the income from which would be used to insure veter- ans and their dependents against want. The Governor made his announce- ment after a conference with the State Veterans Advisory Council, representing veterans of World War I and II and the Spanish American War. The announcement came a few hours after Kelly had disclosed he would postpone the start of the ses- sion from Jan. 28 to Feb. 4. Men To Occupy Victor Vaughan Victor Vaughan House, one of the women's dormitories in the Univer- sity residence hall system this semes- ter, will be returned to medical stu- dents and three fraternity houses will be returned to their members at the end of this term. This means that there are approxi- mately 260 more women for whom the Office of the Dean of Women will have to provide residences be- fore the beginning of the spring term. Dean Alice M. Lloyd personally made the announcement to the 182 residents of Vaughan House yester- day. Although it was originally un- derstood that the dormitory would continue as a women's residence un- til next year, the great increase in male students makes it necessary to house medical students and possibly veterans in Victor Vaughan. The fraternity houses, now being occupied by women, to be returned to their owners are: Geddes House to Delta Tau Delta; Hill House to Phi Gamma Delta; and Chi Psi Lodge to Chi Psi. Dean Lloyd said that the Univer- sity would do everything in its power to place the girls in other dormitories or possibly League Houses as quickly as possible in spite of increasing housing problems in Ann Arbor. Availl ouses to Vets Naval personnel will occupy only four of the eight houses in the West Quadrangle next semester, it was announced yesterday by Capt. Wood- son Michaux, commandant of the University Naval unit. The other four houses will be a- vailable to veterans who will arrive here for a refresher course beginning Jan. 21, he said, and Navy men will be moved into four houses instead of the six they occupy at present. Two houses already are being used by civilian men. UAW Requests FCC Hearing Radio Station Policy Is Inquiry Subject DETROIT, Jan. 10 -(?)- The United Automobile Workers (CIO) said today it had asked the Federal Communications Commission for an immediate hearing to determine the "policy of freedom of speech" of ra- dio station WKRC at Cincinnati, O. The Union petition, signed by Pres- ident R. J. Thomas and Region 2-A Director Paul E. Miley, stated that WKRC had agreed to broadcast a "series of programs presented by the Catholic Church on many questions engaging public attention." "Three broadcasts on the program were carried," it continued, "but the station said it could not be the vehicle for the expression of the views of the Catholic Church on the rights of la- bor." Property Damage From Flood Mounts BARBOURVILLE, Ky., Jan. 10- ()-Flood waters which caused 23 deaths in five southern states con- tinued to recede yesterday, but prop- erty damage mounted and hundreds of persons were still hmeless. UNO Elects Spaak Head Of Assembly Attlee Is Keynoter At Initial Meeting By The Associated Press LONDON, Jan. 10-A new world's peace organization was founded to- day in bomb-scarred London with Great Britain's Prime Minister Attlee challenging all peoples to choose be- tween "life or death" and outlaw war. ' Moving swiftly, the United Nations Assembly elected as its first president Belgian Foreign Minister Paul Henri Spaak, then adjourned until tomor- row. Dr. Angel Opens Session The new chapter in man's age-long struggle for peace began when Dr. Eduardo Zuleta Angel, of Colombia, temporary president, called the first General Assembly into session at Central Hall on Parliament Square, one of the few large assembly places untouched by Britain's six years of war. Delegates of 51 nations, acting for 90 per cent of people of the world, listened intently as the British Prime Minister outlined two main tasks for them-the'creation of a special com- mission to work out atomic energy controls and organization of an eleven nation Security Council to act, by force if necessary, to prevent or suppress wars. Attlee's Plea Attlee made this somber plea for international harmony: "The coming of the atomic bomb was only the last of a series of warn- ings to mankind that unless the powers of destruction could be con- quered, immense ruin and almost annihilation would be the lot of the most highly civilized portions of mankind." Some 2,000 statesmen and women sat at the rows of shiny, natulral fin- ish oak tables set in a semi-circle in the white-walled hall, the main meeting place of England's Meth- odists. A golden map of the world from a North Polar projection, which has become the unofficial symbol of the United Nations, hung behind the speaker's platform. Senate Group To Probe Army Demobilization By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-A Senate military subcommittee was assigned today to look into a demobilization situation which chairman Edwin C. Johnson (D-Colo) said had brought "near mutiny" in the Army. Several top Army staff officers at European theater headquarters de- clared that "we have commitments in Europe and cannot walk off and leave them." Fill Theatre in Korea Thousands of soldiers who more than filled a theatre at Seoul, Korea, asked today for a Congressional in- vestigation of demobilization. Thous- ands more demonstrated last night in Honolulu. Along with demonstrations in Ha- waii and Korea, there i rte scono in two nights at European thater headquarters at Frankfurt, Germany. Before the Frankfurt meeting, 100 men picked from all army units in Europe spent two and a half hours at a question and answer conference called by Maj. Gen. Harold P. Bull, acting for Gen. Joseph T. McNarney, who is attending a four-power meet- ing in Berlin. Paper Muzzled In Honolulu, the mid-Pacific edi- tion of the Stars and Stripes, Army newspaper, was ordered to make no discourteous references to the Presi- dent, secretary of war, chief of staff or other Army authorities. The order came from Lt.. Gen. Robert C. Rich- ardson, Jr., commander of mid-Pa- cific Army forces. Eberbach Company PavCFineto PAg A-BOMB NO SECRET! Dresden Discusses Atomic Energy "The atomic bomb is a weapon of saturation and the word secret can- not be applied to atomic energy in any sense." Max Dresden declared at the American Veterans' Commit- tee meeting last night, The two main points brought out by Mr. Dresden werebthat world se- crecy of the atomic bomb should be abolished and the atomic energy should be made safe for human use and not destruction. "Physics is a science that is read, and taught the world over," he said. "The chances of survival when the atomic bomb strikes are practically nil, and complete defense against any bomb or weapon has not yet been discovered. During the last war 90 per cent of the V-1 bombs were shot down. At this rate one out of ten bombs would reach its destination. This would be enough to destroy the city of Bristol." "Any person who makes the statement that the United States can keep the atomic energy a secret forever is an example of un- adulterated stupidity of the highest Immediately after the speech and an open discussion, the Ann Arbor chapter of the AVC unanimously voted to endorse the following reso- lutions . . . (a) the immediate dis- continuance of production of atomic bombs in the United States. (b) full regulation of atomic power utilities by UNO. (c) full control of produc- tion and stock of atomic weapons by UNO. (d) Full investibation by UNO of facilities for atomic energy pro- duction and research in all countries CAMPUS EVENTS TODAY - Ship's Ball will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in Water- man Gymnasium. TODAY - International Ball will