f"AGE TOO THE MICIG7AN fDAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1949 _ :i... ..a .. .a ai sr y i i t_ ii 1 y .Ca 1 .R.l Sl i L 1 i Fifty-Sixth Year .@.0 e etterj lo ethe 6d or * . I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon .. . ...... .Managing Editor Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft. ......... Associate Editor Bill Mullendore . . ....... . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . .Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor t Business Staff EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily welcomes letters to the editor, but space limitationsrforce us to set a limit. Letters exceeding 450 words are subject to being cut at the discretion of the editorial director. White Mlan's Burden To the Editor: Rudyard Kipling seems to have returned to this Earth to repeat his Song of "White Man's Burden," but with no new ideas in defense of Dutch Imperialism in the open letter of Mr. Senstius on Dec. 17, 1945. Mr. S. condemns Javanese people as semi- primitive, ignorant, superstitious and what not? But he forgets that it is the Indonesians who have contributed so much to the World Civiliza- tion, when people in Mr. S.'s country were not even semi-primitive. Again, he paints a vivid picture of the present sorry plight of the Indo- nesians as a proof of their unfitness for selfrule. But is it not also the record of the 125 years of the Dutch-Rule? When Mr. S. cites "distrust of all innovations" as a case for continuance of Dutch Guidance, he conveniently ignores the fact that in Indonesia, it is the Dutch who control the expenditure on education. Those fortunate few, who had the means to pay for their education, and find out the real cause of their backwardness, become in the eyes of Mr. S, "Teenagers who wear shoes and carry fountain pens" because they are fighting against the Dutch. How can Mr. S, appreciate the sacrifice of all comforts by these people for the cause of Freedom because it endangers the interests of his own people? It is most sad to hear from an intelligent man like Mr. S. that the Dutch soldier is fighting to retain the rights which his forefathers have gained. Does he mean by this that Indonesia is an Estate of the Dutch? Does Mr. S. consider a rule forced upon a people, merely by the superi- ority in armaments, a privilege? If that is his opinion, then we can similarly argue that U.S. made an unnecessary sacrifice of men and mate- rial in liberating Netherlands from Nazi rule which was also a result of superiority in arma- ments. Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this hewspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiazte Press, 1945-4 6 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. CURB ON BEER-DRINKING: Urges Lowering of Age Limit to 18 CAMPUS BULL SESSION conversations inevi- tably revolve around two subjects: either students chatter gaily about the opposite sex, or glibly about how to drink beer when not old enough. The latter problem is getting more serious. The Ann Arbor Common Council is consid- ering a resolution to subject minors who are caught misrepresenting their age in order to drink the awful stuff to a $100 fine or 30 days in jail. One thing is sure. Such a law would defi- nitely put a stop to wide-spread imbibing by those under the golden age of 21. But we can't quite see it. It seems to us that 21 is a very arbitrary age. True, it is the legal age of maturity. But, by what medical criterion is it established that 21 years makes a person more able to consume a little alcoholic beverage than those over 21? There is none. It is very understandable why such a provision was put in the law in the first place. Liquor laws were drawn up after the repeal of prohibition by men who remembered the old saloon days with the brass rail and swinging doors. We have no doubt that the provision was made in an attempt to keep from exposing young people to that kind of an environment. It was thought that this would force young people to confine their drinking to the healthier atmosphere of the home. But college students do not, have a nearby residence where drinking is permitted. Not by the furthest stretches of imagination, could any of the existing places which serve col- lege students in Ann Arbor be called "saloons"- or eveb "bars" in the metropolitan sense. For the most part, they are large, airy, open-win- dowed restaurants which serve beer. The atmos- phere is more stimulating than degrading, since most of the patrons are college students. Few would deny that age misrepresentation has been a common practice in Ann Arbor ever since the repeal of prohibition. Restaurants serving beer have been about the only places students could go after a moving picture or before a dance. They have become student "meeting places" and, as such, an integral part of. University social life. We believe that the Council should consider the effect upon students if these places were closed, or if strict penalties were imposed for age misrepresentation. It would have the effect of driving students to sponsoring private parties where much more potent alcoholic beverages would be served. Extensive drink- ing in fraternities and University residences would be almost a foregone conclusion. Stu- dents would be much more tempted to leave town for the metropolitan areas close by where no such restrictions exist. There are no adequate substitutes for the beer- serving restaurants. Everything except hamburg joints close around' 10 p.m. It is not beyond the -1nrn tn -o f vnr.- o f y.o o rnlnrifahlnr We think that it is time for the State to revise its law to permit sale of beer (not whiskey) to persons of 18 years or older. New York permits this, and reports of "children" being found drunk in the gutter are not num- erous. Illinois permits sale of liquor to 18-year- old girls, but not to men until they have reached 21. The sale of liquor by the glass has wisely been prohibited in Washtenaw County. We can see no harm in permitting minors to frequent eating places where beer, usually weak, is served. If amendment of the State law is impossible, we believe that State authorities should wink at the Ann Arbor situation. No one would suffer and the consequences of complete prohibition would be avoided. Precedent for this has already been established, as the Detroit Free Press reports that almost 1,000 more liquor licenses have been permitted in the Detroit area than the law per- mits. This is a situation where the law is bound to be broken, if left the way it is worded. To subject minors to strict penalties for such an innocent pleasure as drinking beer would be extremely unfair. Something constructive should be done, and done soon. -Ray Dixon Vets' Clothing ELP for the shirtless veteran has appeared in the 'form of a request from the Govern- ment's Civilian Production Administration that retail merchants reserve their whole supply of clothing for veterans wherever necessary. The CPA has recommended that a sufficent supply of men's suits, overcoats, shirts, and un- derwear to take care of the immediate needs of returning veterans be set aside and sold only to them. Although there is nothing compulsory about the recommendation, it is excellent, and can do much to help returning veterans feel like civilians again. -Shirley Frank HosigShoita gye WE UNDERSTAND that Sen. W. Lee (Pappy) O'Daniel got the court to say he had the right to evict the last tenant from his 40-room Washington apartment house, thereby leaving plenty of space for himself, his wife, his son and two daughters. The Senator must have been spending a great deal of time lately fixing up his new House. Evidently he just hasn't had a chance to learn of the housing shortage. -Anita Franz Finally in answer to his argument justifying British intervention, I wish to quote what some British Labour M.P.'s have to say, "We are back- ing the Dutch Imperialism because we can do nothing else, if we are to maintain our own claims in Hong Kong, in the Malaya, in Burma, and Heaven knows where." (From a letter to NEW LEADER, a British socialist weekly, signed by Hon. J. H. Hudson and concurred by four other M.P.'s.) There is also another letter appearing in the same weekly, from a British soldier stationed in Singapore; quote, "Practically all the boys realize that any talk of being a 'Liberating Army' is a mere myth and that we are merely the teeth in the European Imperialist Machine that has ex- ploited the natives of this area for scores of years and wishes to continue to do so. If it were left to the boys of this regiment, all Asiatic peoples would receive their independence tomorrow." -Arun Chhatrapati *4 * * * Dutch Imperialism To The Editor: It seems futile to answer Mr. Cornelius Loes- er'stcontentions again (M.D. Jan. 4, 1946) in view of the fact that he persists in flouting Alexander Pope's wise counsel. But educators have to be patient; they have to try, and try again, to cor- rect wrong interpretations of facts. On the basis of export-figures Mr. Loeser still maintains that Java is "fabulously" rich in .....tin, gold and silver... ,implying that those metals and their ores are produced on that island. In normal times Belgium, Great Britain and the Netherlands used to export diamonds to an aggregate value of several hundred of millions of dollars. Does that mean that those countries were also producers of the raw materials? Of course not;-they received the raw materials from South Africa, the Belgian Congo, Brazil and other parts of the earth for subsequent re- exportation as finished and unfinished products. The same is true for the exports of tin, gold and silver from Java. On account of its greater development Java was the main center of trade. to which goods and products were sent from all over the Malay Archipelago and elsewhere, partly for consumption in the country, partly for re- exportation to other countries. Thus, tin came mostly from the so-called tin-islands of Banka, Billiton and Singkep (north of Java), gold and silver from near the southwest coast of Sumatra and from the northern arm of Celebes, but none of these metals was produced in Java. This fact should caution ope against the indiscriminate use of export figures. It was never denied that Java is rich in agricultural resources, but who caused this agricultural wealth? Every major export-crop had been introduced and/or developed by the Dutch. Coffee, tea, rubber, cinchona, cacao, sisal-hemp . . . . were all introduced and brought to such high levels of production by the Netherlanders. The growing of sugar-cane and tobacco was, likewise, developed to unpre- cedented heights by the patient research of Netherland and other white scientists financed by Dutch capital. And the tremendous increase in production of the native crops, making the teeming native population free from famines, was solely due to the work of the Dutch gov- ernment. The results of its efforts in raising native agricultural production, and thereby the standard of living of the natives, are unexcelled anywhere in equatorial countries, as any ex- pert in tropical agriculture can testify. So long as the Netherlands is guided by the principles of a capitalistic democracy-as are the U.S.A. and most civilized countries-there should be no objection to the earning of a rea- sonable profit from a capital investment of $1,- 400,000,000 (H. G. Callis' estimate) or 3,500,000,- 000 guilders;- while the guilder, in the internal economy of the Netherlands and of the Nether- lands East Indies, used to be of equal value to the dollar in the U.S.A. Nor should there be any reasonable objection to the protection of this in- vestment - by force of arms, if necessary - against probable confiscation without compen- sation by the rebels, aside from the protection of the lives of thousands of white men, women and children of some twenty different nationalities in the Indies. As for the destruction of the native village of Bekasi, near Batavia, that was the work of the British forces in retaliation for the unprovoked murder of some of their soldiers, after the in- habitants had been given ample warning either to hand over the murderers, who had taken ref- uge in that village, or to evacuate the village al- together. The Dutch have rightly protested against such drastic measures (Newsweek, Dec. 24, 1945). It is a great pity, however, that the Ameri- can press has not reported the countless cases of wanton murder, destruction and looting of property of the defenseless civilian white popu- lation by the lawless insurrectionists; so far, this information has become available mainly from private letters, -M. W. Senstius What Is Enough? Miss Rose Symon's Letter to the Editor which appeared in The Daily of January 8, 1946, can be criticized on several counts. On a purely hu- manitarian basis, the question is simple: Is Miss Symons proposing leaving to death of cold or starva- tion the more than a million "dis- placed persons" made homeless by the Nazis? Is she willing, by a nega- tive policy, to fall in with their at- tempts to wipe out the Jewish people in Europe? Her letter would so indi- cate. On the one hand, she favors "a definite limit to the immigrants en- tering Palestine" and on the other hand, she opposes the relaxation of U.S. immigration laws. Conditions -in Europe spell out a winter during which the deprivations attendant on a battle-scarred continent would fall most heavily on those whom Miss Symons dismisses as the "Jewish problem." But there's more to it than hu- manitarian considerations. The displaced persons are recognized to be a drag on the reconstruction of Europe. An adequate solution to their complex problem must be found before any reconstruction program can be effective. And on the question of fact: Mor- gan, "the late British UNRRA repre- sentative," has been repudiated by every responsible UNRRA official and was asked to resign by his supe- rior because of his statements. Thus, utilizing his statements as having "exposed" the "falsifying claims of persecution" on the part of "them" (the Jewish people scattered all over Europe) she can hardly be considered to be quoting a reliable source. But lastly, how dare Miss Symons ask, "Haven't we done enough for them already?" Miss Symons hasn't apparently learned the lesson that the rest of the world learned through suffering and through wide-spread loss of lives. This is one world, Miss Symons. "Benevo- lence" of one people to another is out of date. Our selfpreservation as a democratic people dictates that we do not turn our back on one of the most pressing of our post-war problems. -Annette Epstein Tea at Cliv eden To the Editor: A Detroit Sunday paper reported that John Foster Dulles and Senators Tom Connally and Arthur H. Van- denberg, American delegates to the general assembly of the United Na- tions, left London to spend a week- end at Lady Astor's country home at Cliveden. Can it be possible that our dele- gates do not know the reputation and activities of the Cliveden Set, which was widely known as a group of English promoters of fascism and Hitlerism during the past ten years? The reliable New York Times said on March 6, 1938, "Lady Astor is one of those responsible for the new policy of determined efforts to make friends with Hitler and Mussolini." The New York Post (Oct. 24, 1938) printed a United Press story listing Lord and Lady Astor among the doz- en leading pro-Nazis in England. What kind of companions are these for our delegates to an organization which is charged with preventing future wars. England's worst native fascists are hardly promoters of world cooperation. Their 300-acre estate was known as "little Berchtsgaden" and, through their connections with the British Foreign Office, the Clive- deners were responsible for the Munich deal, the Ethiopian sell-out and the support to France. Our delegates to the UNO must be more selective in accepting invita- tions. Guests of Lady Astor are not encouraged to cooperate with Russia when their hostess was one of those who tried to build up Germany and support Hilter's proposed invasion of the Ukraine. Our hope for peace fades away with every cup of tea shared by our representatives and the fascists of any country. --(Mrs. J. D.) Betty K. Schetzer Vietory Loan THE reaL value of a Victory Bond must be reckoned in terms of fi- nancial security, freedom from worry assurance in the future. That's why you must keep Victory Bonds. Time of Exercise' (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 Monday (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 Tuesday (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 E. M. 1, 2, C. E. 2, Draw. 1 Dray. 2, 3; Surv. 2 3 M. P. 2, 3, 4, French Economics 53, 54 M. E. 1, 3 Surv. 1, 2 E. E. 2a German, Spanish *This may also be used Thursday Saturday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Thursday Friday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Saturday Thursday Tuesday *Saturday *Monday *Monday *Tuesday '*Wednesday *Wednesday *Thursday *Friday February February February February February February February February February February February February February February February February February February February February February February 21 16 22 19 20 18 21 22 20 19 18 16 21 19 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS February 16 to February 22, 1946 Note: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the ex- amination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned ex- amination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Building between Feb- ruary 1 and February 7, for instruction. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course riol February 16 to February 22. No date of examination may be changed without the Classification Committee. Time of Examination as an irregular period, provided there is no conflict with the regular printed schedule above. A special examination schedule is provided for the prescribed V-12 courses./ 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 8-10 8-10 2- 4 8-10 8-10 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 2- 4 2- 4 2- 4 2- 4 8-10 8-10 10:30-12:30 2- 4 8-10 2- 4 8-10 2- 4 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 VOL. LVI, No. 47 Notices TheUniversity Senate will meet Monday, Jan. 14, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. Veterans' Books and Supplies. Vet- erans who are securing books and supplies under the Public Laws 16 or 346 must complete all purchases for the current semester by Jan. 15. This deadline is necessary to allow the University time to audit and pay the veterans' accounts at the various stores and, in turn, to submit invoic- es to the Veterans Administration for reimbursement before the end of the semester. Boyd C. Stephens, Cashier The Clements Library contem- plates arranging an exhibition of rare books owned by members of the Fac- ulty of the University. The Director of the Library would be happy to hear from colleagues who think this is a good idea and who would like to participate by lending some rarity. Entries are limited to one title per exhibitor. Women students attending the Ship's Ball or the All-Nations Ball, Jan. 11, have late permission until 1:30 a.m. Calling hours will not be extended beyond the regular time. Lectures Lecture-Symposium on the Release of Atomic Energy - Tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the main floor Auditorium of Rackham Bldg. There will be short talks by five faculty members, as fol- lows: 1) "History of Atomic Disintegra- tion up to 1932", by E. F. Barker of Physics; 2) "Intra-molecular and Intra- atomic Forces; Energy Relations within Atoms", by K. Fajans of Chemistry; 3) "Summary, 1933 to 1943, of Dis- integrations,Transmutations, and Machines for Smashing Atoms", by H. R. Crane of Physics; 4) "Atomic Mission, Uranium 235, and the Atomic Bomb", by J. M. Cork of Physics; 5) "Problems and Failures (mostly failures) in Attempts to Use Sud- den Explosives (Dynamite, Nitro- glycerine. T.N.T., and now Atom- Lecture: Professor Walter Cook, Director of the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, will lecture on ,"Spanish Paintings in the Na- tional Gallery at Washington," at 11:00 a.m. Fri., Jan. 11, in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall, auspices of the Dept. of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. Lecture: Professor Rensselaer Lee of Smith College and the Institute for Advanced Study of Princeton will speak on "Poussin and the Ancient World," at 4:15 p.m., Thur., Jan. 17, in the Rackham Amphitheater; aus- pices of the Dept. of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for B. Roger Ray, Chemistry; thesis: "Wetting Characteristics of Cellulose and Cel- lulose Derivatives," Friday, Jan. 11, 309 Chemistry Building, at 1:15 p.m. Chairman, F. E. Bartell. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may -invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Leo Katz,, Mathematics; thesis: "Char- acteristics of Frequency Functions Defined by First Order Difference Equations," Friday, Jan. 11, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, P. S. Dwyer. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present.. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet today in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Professor Wil- fred Kaplan will speak on "Calcula- tion of Potential Energy of Ionic Crystals." All interested are invited. Forestry Seminar-Professor Chase will speak on employment opportuni- ties in the Soil Conservation Service and on the same program, Professor Allen will discuss the Tennessee Val- hey Authority as a vocation. This session will be held in room 2039 in the Natural Science Building at 4:30 today. Anyone interested in these subjects will be welcomed. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Friday, Jan. 11, at 4 p.m., in 319 W. Medical Bldg. "Antagonistic Components of a Biological System - Antimetabolites and Antivitamins." All interested are invited. Events Today n4 h ,. .'slJ fi._ t m lll-A during the pe- the consent of BARNABY I By Crockett Johnson LThere's my aooearance on a quiz show I t -- - A I I I Don't fret. m'bov. Your Fairy Godfather] 1