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January 10, 1946 - Image 1

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CLA Stands By
Rev. Redman, Swan, Whitsit Will
Discuss FEPC at Town Hall Meeting

Gen. Eisenhower Orders Surplus
Soiers Home as Unrest Grows;
Redeployment Will Be Reviewed


Approving President Truman's
seven major points in his recent ad-
dress to the nation, the Committee
for Liberal Action voted to send let-
ters endorsing these proposals to
Senator Arthur Vandenberg, d ele-
gate to the UNO conference, and to
all Michigan representatives in the
House, including Rep. Earl Michener
from this district.
Telegrams approving the Presi-
dent's requests and immediate action
then will be sent to President Tru-
man and to Senator Homer Ferguson
(R-Mich.),' before Congress recon-
venes on Jan. 14.
The local Fair Employment
Practice Committee group, repre-
senting all campus organizations,
petitioned the Committee for ac-
ceptance as a sub-committee of the
CLA and was admitted by a ma-
jority vote. Organized this year,
the campus FEPC group, as a sub-
sidiary of the CLA, will become
members of and act in cooperation
with the larger organization in fu-
ture campaigns.
Several other campus and local or-
ganizations, including the Ann Arbor
League of Women Voters and AVC,
have expressed their desire to coop-
erate with the Committee.
A group, composed of representa-
tives from CLA and other campus
groups, will. cokfer with Rep.
Michener tomorrow.
Robert L. Taylor was elected as
vice-president of CLA for the re-
mainder of the fall term, and public-
ity, program, state and local, national
and international and a special stu-
dent government committees were
set up.
A constitution, drafted by or-
ganization heads and committees
representing Student Town Hall,
coops and smaller groups, the
Committee for Liberal Action, was
presented to the membership.
Discussed by representatives of
.eight colleges .of the UnJyersity,
fourteen campus organizations and
several veterans at pregous meet
yesterday, this constitution, with
some revisions, will be published in
The Daily for approval by the stu-
dent lody next week. CLA voted to
table the question until further
discussion was possible at its next
As a result of President Truman's
declaration, "The time has come for
every citizen to make his voice
heard......,, the Committee voted
to write and wire its approval, with
some specifications of the following
legislation: 1) Increase of mini-
mum wage to 65c per hour )2 Es-
tablishment of a permanent FEPC
with adequate appropriations 3)
Extension of the Second War Pow-
ers Act to one year (instead of the
present six-month duration ) 4 Ex
pansioni of unemployment-insur-
ance legislation 5) Senate version
of Full Employment Bill 6) Exten-
sion of the Price Control Act (also
to one year 7) Fact finding legisla-
tion, including power of subpoena
of company books.
Ball Plarnned
For Tomorrow
Late permission until 1:30 a m has
beentgranted to all women students
and to army personnel on campus for
the fourth annual semi-formal Inter-
national Ball, which will be held from
9 p.m. to.1 a.m. tomorrow in the Un-
ion Ballroom.
Jerry Edward's orchestra will play
for the all-campus dance, which is
being sponsored by the All-Nations
Club-to raise money for the Interna-
tional Center Emergency Fund. A
floor show featuring bagpipe music
and Scotch, Spanish and Filipino

dances will be presented at intermis-
Patrons for the dance include Pres-
ident and Mrs. Alexander 0. Ruth-
ven, Regent Vera Bates, Regent Ar-
thur Cannoble, Provost and Mrs.
James P. Adams, Vice-President and
Mrs. Marvin Niehuss, Dean and Mrs.
J. B. Edmonson, Dean and Mrs. Peter
Okkelberg, Dean and Mrs. A. C. Fur-
stenberg, Prof. and Mrs. L. L. Wat-
kins, Prof. and Mrs. A. Franklin

Opening the discussion of a per-
manent FEPC to be climaxed by a
campus-wide campaign next Mon-
day and Tuesday, Edward M. Swan,
of Detroit, the Reverend Edward
Redman and Terrell Whitsit, will
speak at the Student Town Hall
meeting at '7:30 p.m. today in Lane
Chairman of the FEPC committee
of Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan, Mr.
Swan will explain the meaning and
purposes of the Fair Employment
Practices Committee, while Rev.
Redman of the Unitarian church will
discuss congressional FEPC bills. A
student's point of view will be pre-
sented by Terrel Whitsit, president
of IRA.
The campus FEPC group, a sub-
committee of the Committee for1
Liberal Action, will initiate a two-
day campus drive next Monday to
aid in the passage of a permanent
FEPC with adequate appropria-
tions. Tables with form letters,
and petitions, as well as a model
letter to, individual congressmen,
will be set up in University build-
ings and at several posts on cam-
These petitions and letters urging
representatives to sign the House pe-
tition to get the FEPC bill out of the
rules committee will be sent to Michi-
gan Congressmen. The letters will
also be sent to Sen. Arthur Vanden-
berg (R.-Mich.), requesting him to
get another FEPC bill, prepared by
a Senate committee, on the floor of
the Senate, and to President Truman.
Mr. Swan, who received his B.S. in
political science at Michigan State
Normal, has been confidential mes-
senger to Gov. Kelly and NYA re-
gional director for Michigan, Ohio
and Kentucky. All students are urged
to attend this discussion meeting.
ip's Ball T
Be Most Rococo
Of Navy Affairs
Couples at the final and most ex-
travagantly decorated Ship's Ball ever
to be presented by Navy and Marine
personnel on campus will dance to
the music of Bobby Sherwood and his
orchestra .from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to-
morrow at Waterman Gym.
An all-out effort has been made to
make the last of the annual Ship's
Balls the most memorable of all, ac-
cording to Bin Randolph, chairman
of the dance.
Tickets On Sale
Tickets for the colorful affair may
still be purchased from battalion com-
manders and at the main desk of the
Union by all Navy and Marine per-
sonnel, regardless of where they are
stationed. A limited number of tick-
ets will be sold at the door, and men
who plan to attend are urged to pur-
chase their tickets before the dance
by Farnum Kerr, co-chairman of tick-
et sales. Women who plan to attend
the dance with out-of-town Navy men
may purchase their tickets at the
Union desk.
Decorations for the gala affair will
be dominated by two machine guns
in the center of the floor. Streamers
from the guns will arch over the
room, simulating the trail left by
tracer bullets. A huge anchor will
highlight the wall decorations, and
a multi-colored false ceiling will com-
plete the effect.
Couples To Log In
Each couple will "log in as they
come on deck," according to Ran-
dolph, and will add their names to
the many have attended the four pre-
vious Ship's Balls. Unusual programs
have been designed by Lou Platt, a
member of the local Navy unit, and
will be distributed as favors at the
affair. No corsages are to be worn.



in Europe Launch,

New Formula

Massed Demonstration
4,000 Assemble Before Gen. McNarney's
Headquarters as Armed M.P.'s Stand By
By The Associated Press
FRANKFURT, Germany, Jan. 9-Thousands of irate G.V's and WACS,
protesting the redeployment slow down, marched on Gen. Joseph T. McNar-
ney's headquarters tonight, challenging the European theater commander
to meet them and loudly criticizing "politicians" for delaying their return
The soldiers threatened to demonstrate every night until their protests
have been satisfied.
Military Police, armed with rifles and tear gas and riding in radio cars
mounted with submachineguns!--

For Disebarge

watched over the first organized mass
soldier protest in occupied Germany,
during which leaders shouted criti-
cisms of McNarney and the U. S.
War Department and denounced
what they called the lack of faith of
friends back home.
Before the march on headquarters,
speakers announced from a lamppost
platform that a cable of protest had
been sent to President Truman, Chief
of Staff Dwight D. Eisenhower, the
House Military Affairs Committee
and others.
Blasting repeatedly at "politicians
at home," G.I.'s climbed the lamppost
to yell such questions as:
"Isn't a close-out force of 316,000
men merely an excuse for holding
men in the theater?"
"Isn't the recent redeployment pol-
icy merely a squeeze play to force
favorable action on the pending
peacetime draft by Congress?"
The crowd, estimated at about
4,000, milled about in bitter cold
weather, yelling "we want to go
home" and shouting down speakers
who proposed that a committee see
An apparently organized distribu-
tion of mimeographed notices at mess
halls, post exchanges, Red Cross
clubs and company bulletin boards
had announced plans for the demon-
Forces Warned
In Yokohama
Hall Hints of Harmful
Occupational Trends
YOKOHAMA, Jan. 9 -(1P)- Amer-
ican GI's planning a mass demon-
stration against the demobilization
slowdownweresharply reminded to-
day that the vanquished Japanese are
watching them and that "subversive
forces will take their cue" from any
evidence of dissension and "general
breakdown of morale" among Ameri-
can occupationtroops.y
Through the Army newspaper
Stars and Stripes Lt. Gen. Charles P.
Hall, acting commander of the Eighth
Army, made this known to his men
as soldiers in this area called for a
mass demonstration in front of the
Eighth Army 'Headquarters tomor-
Col. Charles A. Mahoney, Provost
Marshal of the U. S. Army Service
Command here, disclosed that he had
broken up what he termed a "hot-
head" demonstration of soldiers on
the arrival here yesterday of Secre-
tary of War Patterson, telling them
"You are insulting a man who was
a soldier before you were born."
Mahoney said he had severely rep-
rimanded Eighth Army men who
greeted Patterson with cries of "We
want to go home."

Selly Refuses
Western, Union,
Wagre Award
Strike May Paralyze
Telephone System
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Jan. 9- Joseph P.
Selly, president of the American
Communications Association (CIO),
said today Western Union could "wait
until hell 'freezes over" before 7,000
striking members of his union would
accept a War Labor Board wage
award which led to the walkout.
Selly made the statement at a news
conference where he was told Ralph
H. Kimball, Western Union vice-
president in charger of labor rela-
tions, had said the company was
waiting for the union to accept the
award and that the company did not
contemplate any immediate meeting
with union leaders.
* *
NEW YORK, Jan. 9 - A nation-
wide strike by 8,000 Western Electric
telephone installation workers began
today and threatened to paralyze by
Friday the country's vast telephone
Western Electric said 775 telephone
installation jobs in 44 states were
Nineteen telephone companies,
American Telephone and Telegraph
subsidiaries, serve the area surveyed
by the company.
There was no immediate effect on
the public, but that may come to-
morrow and Friday if the union goes
through with its announced plan of
throwing picket lines around tele-
phone exchanges.
Meanwhile, negotiations were re-
sumed under direction of Jacob R-
Mandelbaum, U. S. conciliator.
Writing Contest
Will Be Held
The annual Avery and Jule Hop-
wood contest.for freshmen offering
awards of $50.00, $30.00 and $20.00
in the fields of essay, prose fiction
and poetry has been announced by
the English department.
All manuscripts will be due by 4
p.m. Friday, Feb. 15. Winners will be
announced early in the spring term.
Freshmen interested in entering
the contest who wish additional in-
formation should contact the mem-
bers of the Hopwood Committee,
Prof. Morris Greenhut, Margery Ava-
Ian, or Darrel Abel, all of the English

Will Issue Details
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-The War
Department announced today it wasi
reviewing its entire demobilization
program yesterday as soldiers over-
seas kept on growling about delay in
getting home.
Acting Secretary Kenneth C. Roy-
all said in a statement in Washing-
ton that "the detailed future pro-
gram of the War Department will be
forthcoming shortly."
From Germany to Japan and at
points between, G.L's chafed at the
slowing of discharges and a Provost
Marshal in Yokohama broke up what
he called a "near mutiny."
The War Department indicated,
however, that demonstrating, pro-
testing troops would not be punished
unless there were violence or disor-
In Washington, Senators Rever-
comb (R-W.Va.) and Edwin C. John-
son (D-Colo.) called for an A to Z
congressional investigation of de-
mobilization. A third senator, Chair-
man Elbert D. Thomas (D-Utah) of
the military committee, said he saw
no need for an inquiry.
President Truman has said that
demobilization is moving along as
fast as possible and that the Army
had to slow it down because of a
critical need for occupation forces
Regents Oka y
New Four Year
Engine Course
The new four-year curriculum in
mechanical and industrial engineer-
ing, approved last week by the Uni-
versity Board of Regents, represents
an endeavor to comply with the
growing demand among engineering
students and industry for this type
of course, Dean Ivan C. Crawford of
the College of Engineering said yes-
The new curriculum, which will
replace the present five year program
this spring, leads to the degree of
Bachelor of Science in industrial-
mechanical engineering. Students
had considerable difficulty in sched-
uling courses that were required un-
der the five-year program. It was
based on the requirement of 140
hours of under-graduate work for
the degree of Bachelor of Science in
mechanical engineering anr 24 hours
of graduate work for the degree of
Master of Science in industrial engi-
Youth Hostel Plans
Sq are Iance Part
A program of American country
style square dancing under the direc-
tion of Scott Coburn of the Ann Arbor
Cooperative is planned for the Amer-
ican Youth Hostel's folk dancing
meeting from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
today at Lane Hall.

Overseas Commanders
ToIgnore- Point Values
Until New Program Is Formulated, 'Military
Need' Is Only Limitation on Demobilization
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON', Jan. 9 - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower today author-
ized overseas commanders to send home all men they do not need, regard-
less of their point scores.
"Reports indicate that in some theaters there are men who might oth-
erwise be returned to the U. S. for discharge except for War Department
restrictions on score," the Chief of Staff's message said.
He added that a new program "will be forthcoming shortly," but that
meantime the theater commanders are authorized "to return to the U. S.
without delay any men for whom
there is no military need." D r.
The directive specified that D .'°
highest scores and the longest serv-
ice. Praises
Acting Secretary of War Kenneth
C R~ ll whno annninrcedrl Elisen-

. noyal ,wi1 liuluuL3
hower's order, said in a statement
that the Department "is reviewing
the entire demobilization situation."
That was one way in which the De-
partment apparently took recognition1
Ships Rerouted
FRANKFURT, Germany, Jan. 9E
- (P) - Redeployment authorities
said today five ships en route to'
Antwerp were being diverted to
Marseille to, speed shipment home
of the 100th infantry division.
The ships are scheduled to arrive
in Marseille Jan. 18 and all the di-
vision is expected to sail for the
United States by Jan. 20.
of demonstrations and protests by
G.I.'s overseas against the Army's.
slowdown in discharges.
President Truman has said the.
slowdown was due to a critical need
for troops in occupation forces.
On Jan. 4, the War Department
had said it planned to cut the troops
in the Pacific to 375,000 men by July
1 and have 335,000 in Europe and
87,000 in other territody outside the
United States.
Meeting To Aid
Needy Workers
MYDA Starts Program
Of Labor Education
An educational program on the
strike situation and a collection of
food to send to families of GM strik-
ers will be planned at a meeting of
MYDA at 4 p.m. today in the Union.
All interested persons are urged
to attend the meeting, at which time
Neal Loeser will review the strike
situation. Explaining the background
of union demands and the tactics of
both company and union, Loeser will
relate the significance of the strike
situation as a whole to the entire
domestic scene.
This review will initiate a program
to be followed at the beginning of
each successive meeting of present-
ing a news report on the strike sit-
uation up to date.
Any new ideas for collecting food
on campus and publicizing the cam-
paign will be welcome, Harriet Rat-
ner, MYDA president said. A pub-
licity committee and a delegation to
deliver the supplies to the union will
be appointed at the meeting.
Job Opportunities
To Be Discussed
A lecture on the topic "Jewish Stu-
dents' Job Opportunities: the FEPC"
will be given at 7:45 p.m. today at
Hillel Foundation.
The speech will be made by Samuel
Kellman, regional counselor of the
Michigan vocational guidance com-
mittee of the B'nai B'rith.
Kellman will discuss the opportun-
ities for graduates in professional and
vocational fields, and the role of the
FEPC in increasing opportunities for
eollege-e aduates.

Of U' Hospital
"Electro-cardiagraph research now
being conducted at University Hospi-
tal by Dr. Frank N. Wilson is the out-
standing work of its kind in a medi-
cal world deeply concerned with dis-
eases of the heart."
That's the opinion of Dr. Alexandro
S. Garreton, professor of internal
medicine at the University of Chile,
Santiago, who is visiting the United
States to study American medical
methods, practice and teaching.
Praises 'U' Hospital
Sent by his government to learn
what he termed, "superior medical
practice" in this country, Dr. Garre-
ton praised University Hospital for
"its great organization, fine research
program, and amazing staff."
He indicated that many 'U' Hospi-
tal methods would be used in an all-
encompassing Chilean hospital con-
struction program now in progress.
United States Leads
Dr. Garreton said that until 1930,
superiority of German methods in
medicine was generally, accepted.
Since that time, there has been a
marked change which has seen the
United States emerge on top.
Observing the work of Drs. Wilson
and Cyrus C. Sturgis, the Chilean
physician said, have revealed prac-
tices that will prove invaluable to his
staff at the University and to his na-
In addition, one of his prime ob-
jectives is to study the American col-
lege medical curriculum. He pointed
out that both his nation and the
United States now are considering
curriculum changes.
Remain Until Monday
Dr. Garreton will remain on cam-
pus at least until Monday when he
will leave for the Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minn. There, he will pre-
sent the Chilean Order of Merit to
Drs. Donald D. Balfour and Charles
Mayo for "rendering outstanding
service to the Chilean nation."
His itinerary also includes visits
to Syracuse University, Harvard and
Columbia University.
Prof. Dow Dies
After Illness
Prof. Earle W. Dow, professor-em-
eritus of history holding the longest
teaching record in the department,
died in St. Joseph's Hospital Tues-
day after a two-week ilhess.
Born April 28, 1868, in Bellefon-
taine, Ohio, Prof. Dow graduated
from the University in 1891 and be-
came an instructor in the history de-
partment a year later. He continued
his studies in Paris and Leipzig from
1894 to 1898, returning here as as-
sistant professor in 1899. Appointed
a full professor in 1902, he taught at
the University until his retirement in
Distinguished for his work in the
training of graduate students, Prof.
Dow was author of several history
textbooks, including "An Atlas of
European History."
Surviving him are his wife, Mrs.


Michener Favors OPA Extension, Revised FEPC

Non-committal on all but four of
the Presidgnt's 13-point post-war
program, Congressman Earl C. Mich-
ener came to Ann Arbor yesterday to
learn what his constituents "think
generally of current political issues."
Mr. Miehener went on record as

"I voted against the Full Employ-
ment Bill which came before the
House because of its poor content," he
"However, I do not believe it is
the function of the federal gov-
ernment to guarantee every man a
:nh x11 f fh tims luthn cnm

turn the United States Employment
Service to control by the states,
Mr. Michener said that he support-
ed the measure.
Mrs. Mary Benson, chairman of the
international relations division of the
Ann Arbor League of Women Voters
. , , llt

particularly interested in effective full
employment legislation.
"AVC feels that veterans are
first citizens and the# veterans,
therefore our organization is inter-
ested in jobs at decent wages, thor-
ough social and economic security
and freedom from the threat of an-

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